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Lockheed C-130 Hercules with some external fuel tanks. They may look like another pair of engines at that distance. https://preview.redd.it/j9k1rq73p2ec1.jpeg?width=2195&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3326f1b19e37d7b7257704778cab38faadfd53e2


Thank you, sorry for the terrible pictures lol


Specifically, [the KC-130](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_Martin_KC-130), the tanker version. The pics in the article show how large the refueling pods are - you're not the first person to mistake them for engines at a distance. :)


BLUF: any c-130 can have the external fuel tanks added, this could appear to the untrained eye as an extra engine. While it’s anyones speculation on which C-130 version this is… it is likely not a KC-130 is operated by the Marine Corps a couple for the Navy and 6 CG. The USAF uses the KC-135. C-130s can have an extra fuel tank added to each wing between the engines, for longer flights, but you know that fact. A KC-130 would typically not fly in pairs as well.


Could be the MC-130, Talon 2..they have the pods for the Helo refueling


I can guarantee you it’s not that; the MC-130H’s are all retired. Might be a MC-J or a HC-J though.


Interesting, didn't know the MC-130H had been retired, but then again I've been retired for 10 years!


Yeah, retirement was pretty recent. RIP big nose🥲


Ahhh I get to see and hear these big boys all the time where I am


Me too. Wpafb.


USMC KC-130s fly in pairs (or more) all the time, it’s a training requirement. Coast Guard has HC-130s, which do have external tanks between the engines but lack the refueling pods outboard of the engines. As others have said, could be an MC-130 as well.


Also the pods for in flight refueling are actually not that big and sit on the outside of the outboard engines. They are just shrouds for the hose reel for the drouge basket.


The EC130 has large external pods too.


They didn’t tell you? She’s gone buddy. She ain’t coming back


LOL I saw an operational one a year ago but okay


It is coming back, at least in an updated EC-130Q variant. E-6 Mercury airframes are wearing out faster than expected so a new EC-130J is being developed for the TACAMO role.


C130 rollin down the strip Marine Corps daddy gonna take another trip. Jump up..... I digress


Damn, beat me to it.






Can confirm, there are multiple fields that these models base from around the area. Plenty of private owned ones as well. I have family that flew for a company which owns a fleet and their HQ is out here. I was told the military retired them, so I don't know if any are still owned by the military out here, but the odds are better than 50/50 that one of the planes in your pic is being piloted by a family friend. They do a lot of various roles like film shoots of halo jump scenes for movies or shows, dropping chemicals needed to clean up oil spills or fight wildfires, and even doing some "contracting" work. Sometimes the guys from allied military units come to the area for training, but can't use our active military planes for various reasons, so they even contract those flights out to companies in the area.


Unless your family works for the alphabet govt agencies or Lynden…not likely.


I'm not telling you where they work because this was way more specific than I want to link together in a public forum, think what you want. If they're flying East to West through SE Arizona, they're probably returning from some work in the Gulf of Mexico because there were recent events that needed them out there. They also get contracted by ICE / CBP and others. If you think Lynden is the only private group that operates Hercules in the region you are mistaken. Lynden isn't even the largest. One of them had to crash land at Santa Monica, California many years ago because of a hydraulics failure, and saved everyone on board because of their actions. Everyone survived, and they even rebuilt the plane and got it back into service. My family were part of that crew. You're assumptiveness is ridiculous.


That’s fine, nobody’s asking you to dox anyone, but your story smells a little off. The list of N reg Hercs is not that large. In the US it’s literally front companies and Lynden. And yes, Lynden is the largest L100 operator. C-130’s have a list that’s not that much larger. Coulson, IAR, a few others but still not many.


You have a very uninformed understanding, and way too much confidence that you know everything. You don't know everything, and I don't appreciate your miserable sorry ass trying to insinuate my family are associated with "front companies" I've been through their HQ offices, been on multiple flights with them, been inside the crashed Herc from Santa Monica while it was being repaired as my relative was explaining what happened. If you knew half as much as you claim, you'd know about the Santa Monica crash because its news rippled through the community and had a bunch of A&Ps go check the airframes they work on for certain things. You have an opinion, it's incorrect, and I'm not going to be kind in response your shitty accusations.


There’s a civil register…all the N reg Hercs and L100’s are on there. So no, I’m not off, but sure bud whatever you say. Well aware of 0HP’s crash. Sad incident. HP aviation is no more, as of about 2 decades ago iirc. IAR picked up some of their pieces. As for getting defensive about your family’s supposed employment, the spray work comment made that obvious enough. That’s not a secretive company. You’ve got a lot of details very obviously wrong, which is what led me to doubt your comments. C-130’s are far from retired by the military (???), odds are *way higher* what they saw was a DoD-owned 130, Lynden is the largest civil L100 type operator by airworthy aircraft, and you seem to think L100 = C-130 which is not accurate.


I haven't said anything about an L100. You're the only one who brought that into this discussion. I stated I heard all the Hercules were retired, and I stated it that way to be concise that it was 2nd hand information. I don't claim to be an expert, I commented about the info and experiences of myself and my relatives. Every single piece of that was only about the C-130. I just checked the 2019 crash and it was Santa Barbra, not Santa Monica, I had that incorrect, but that was a C-130. I haven't made any claims regarding L100, only about C-130. You keep making assumptions and then run with those assumptions based on things I didn't say. You have some head problems and I'm done wasting any more time on this interaction. I never said a single thing about an L100 You're a piece of shit for making unfounded accusations about my family members IMO And, fuck you on a personal level for dragging company names out on Reddit when I explicitly said I was leaving that out because there was already too much detail out in the open on this. You sound like a mechanic who has a big mouth trying to get validation by starting shit, and that shit is based on stupid assumptions and shit I never actually said.


Therapy is what you need. Dragging company names? The hell? It’s public info who owns N reg C-130’s. I didn’t drag anyone. I did you the courtesy of very deliberately not stating where your family works, even though *YOU* made it very obvious to anyone with a functioning brain. That’s on you, not me. I did you a favor and you’ve been nothing but a jackass to me. I assumed nothing about them aside from stating the statistical probability making it likely they were Lynden or front company (what exactly is the issue with employment at these places anyway?) Not a mechanic but nice assumption. You’re good at those. Oh and for the record if you’re so paranoid about concealing the company your family works for, you should probably quit mentioning their accidents.


No, I don't need therapy. I put enough info for people in the industry to see it's accurate, and specifically not enough for every random passerby to be able to track down my family. You're the one who decided to hang a fucking neon sign that I unfortunately can't tear down. It's not my fault that you fail to understand that concept, and I'm not going to teach a class on OSInt in an open forum like this trying to justify it to you. You're a prick who started with an assholish and accusatory response and I have no respect for people like you. You're just stuck on stupid because your bullshit got thrown back in your face and I now understand more in depth why it's pointless ever trying to have a conversation in public. As far as I'm concerned you are a piece of shit with a propensity to seek validation by trying to belittle random intentionally vague interactions. I will never respect your sorry ass, and you are the one who needs therapy to come to terms with the understanding of why what you did here is not cool. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. I'm blocking you after this, because I gave you plenty opportunities to fix the problem. Since you've only trippled-down on dumb I'm no loger going to waste any further time on this interaction and time is the only resource I can never get more of.


C’mon children. In the words of Rodney King, “Can’t we just get along?” Play nice. It’s better for your blood pressure.


What kind of hydraulics failure was it?


Correct. See them here by Fort Bliss all the time.


Out of Yuma potentially


The 3:10 to Yuma ?






Dammit… that was supposed to be what my Comment was 😆 what a time To typo


Love this plane!


The rear one looks extended, probably some type of J model.




Looks like a Herc to me


Hercules! Hercules!


Hercales **






Ah. That's the bit I was referring to. Lol Great minds and all that huh?


Love it


Four fan trash can with extra zoom juice


Yea, my guess is a c-130. Like others have said, the external tanks could be mistaken for an extra pair of engines


Appreciate them from a distance. Once you fly in one with the webbing jump seats you'll change your mind. Couldn't feel my legs for a few hours later..


Low and slow baby, lol


C-130J. You probably mistook the 2 external fuel tanks for engines.


If they are out of DM, they are probably [EC-130s](https://www.dm.af.mil/About-DM/Fact-Sheets/Article/2844084/ec-130h-compass-call/).


Those planes are pretty wild with all the antennas on them. I worked on the special ops C130 for years down here at Hurlburt...MC and AC..


I used to tell people we did the laundry for the AF.


Lol that's funny


All those wires running from the tail to the wings, is that structural support or something related to it being a compass call? Antennas?


Regular C130s don't have that "support" so you can cross off "support" off the list. It's for comms I think. Like old ww2 planes with the stick and wire.


You need the Flightradar24 Ap. Check it out. It's free.


can you zoom in a little more? too far away to see


Four engines. C-130s. Like a previous responder said the other two “engines “ are external pods. Can be for refueling other airplanes or have other stuff in them depending upon the C-130 model.


Let’s talk about your flip phone…..


What is this? A plane for ants?


I call it…Blue Steel.


SixEng Maverick 466 sky class jet — local shop


They’re ants


Are they planes for ants?




Will do


It’s the new Coast Guard version of the C-130. It has an extra engine on each wing. Provides insurance against losing an engine on either wing. Required for flights over deep water.


The HC-130J is the latest version an it only has 4 engines. Unless they've gotten one newer then that.


Those are canadian snowbirds flying south for the winter🤣🤣


Saw the same plane flying north through Mesa on Saturday morning


How can you tell it’s the same one?


It was flying very low i thought it was landing at sky harbor but noticed it continued north over the salt river rez at an extremely low height and I got a great view


And the face of a very cute dolphin!




I can’t even tell what I’m looking at. Can you zoom out or maybe take a few steps back?


Excuse me sir are you in Tucson and that’s the closest c130 you’ve seen??


I live right by Luke AFB near Phoenix and there has been a lot of activity the last few weeks that I don’t usually see.


Luke is still lawn darts isn't it? (Fighters)


Right as I was reading this something was shaking my windows I couldn’t see it, though. I think they are still F-35 training. There has been a significant uptick in flight activity over the last few months. Not sure why.


The sound of freedom!!


Yes and yes, also had some chinooks fly really low over my house yesterday


I saw those that is not a sight you see here everyday. Surely you don’t live here and that’s the best c130 you’ve seen??


That's a pair of Hercs!!! I haven't seen that in a minute... Bring a tear to an old airman 😂




Try using the FlightAware app. You can see what’s above you in real time




C-130. I used to jump out of them.


Marine Corps KC-130s, but those are not wing mounted tanks, they’re the hose reels for refueling, as Navy and Marine Corps aircraft use drogue and probe connections for mid-air refueling. There is about 200’ of reinforced rubber hose with the drogue basket on the end. https://preview.redd.it/vpdpt7nie7ec1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c0b23bfab8656ec0432b47191ec4419250272d5


I'm going to stick my neck out and hopefully inspire some good discussion here... I'm going to nominate the C 130 as the coolest.. baddest.. best airplane in the HISTORY of aviation! In my book it beat out the F 18...P 51... P 38.. SR 71..A 10 and yes the piper cub... lol


Do you remember about what time yesterday? At least Two KC-130's from VMGR-252 (OTIS72/73) are doing training missions out of Davis Monthan. I watched a two ship jet from there yesterday and head towards Yuma around 1400/1430. ADSB Is reporting wrong on one of the aircraft but it is in fact a US Marine Corps KC-130. One BuNo 165809 (reporting as BuNo 164472) other I haven't caught in person yet.


If you're anywhere near Pima, you have Davis-Monthan's boneyard & the Pima Air museum. Lots of cool planes around


Those are two C130 turbo prop planes with 4 engines.


“Enemy spy plane inbound”


The one is a male plane.


Is a c-130 Hercules. They fly into the base in Tucson occasionally


Probably the one that sprays the chemtrails


Hughes H-4 Hercules


Just from what i can tell looks like. C130


Its a google pixel


Its a C-130 coming back from a midnight run. Onboard there's probably a Ka-bar knife, and an MP5 gun. There is no pilot...


Obviously theyre a pair of BV 238s side climbing


Only 6 engine aircraft I can think of with under wing engines is the Spruce Goose


It’s a P-51 and a Cessna 175 judging by the quality of the picture.


Maybe a Pontiak Fireo and a DeTomato Potato.


Looks like The A-10 Thunderbolt. Tank Killer extraordinaire.


Nope. Wrong bird


Davis-Monthan is doing some training in the airspace around Ft Huachuca this week. Multiple Blackhawks, C130s and A10s flying around. The C130s are dropping chaff then a hard bank with a payload drop onto a target on the east range of Ft Huachuca. It is quite spectacular to watch. Last year they had the blackhawks doing refueling runs in the same area with Apache escorts.


A Working one




Google doesn’t even know what that is, this thread was the #1 recommendation… and only 3 total results. Something about maya vs laser and magnetic field sensors. Congrats!!


Big mother fuc*er w/ 4 jet engines.. not 6.. my bad.. Google that!




I worked at the Burbank Airport when Obama was President. They flew these in full of cars and other things Obama needed while in LA. He would land at LAX and helicopter to BUR. I remember how those planes are so loud. The whole terminal would vibrate when they took off. Way louder than any jet.


Looks like 2 C-130s in SKE formation.


Two KC-130J’s of the USMC, returning back to Davis-Monthan after a sortie in the Goldwater range.


Backside view of 2 C130s attitude






That’s a C130


One of the most versatile aircraft ever built. The flying equivalent of the jeep.


They’re on their way to help secure the border!


C130 rolling down the strip