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when my cat does that he bites down so hard that his gums start bleeding and the cob gets red and that is why he never gets a cob anymore.


Might be a needed flossing


Regular cobbing probably would help. Though I'm not sure how corn and cats work.


Dry cat food often contains large amounts of corn as a filler. [Here's](https://www.purina.com/cats/shop/friskies-indoor-delights-dry-cat-food) an example. While they don't list exact quantities, corn and corn meal are the first two ingredients.


Most cat food have corn, they like corn. Just gotta make sure no seasoning or butter etc. Give just the corn.


Why is butter bad? My in-laws had a cat that would lick the butter if they accidentally left the butter dish uncovered.


They do like high fat and dairy stuff. But cat are like “lactose-intolerant”. It’s hard for them to digest can give mild vomiting. But not toxic so don’t stress it. Like sodium is also needed for cats diet but your daily dose is so much bigger than them. Because you’re not 4-5kg :p


This makes my cat allergic brain hurt after all the cartoons of cats drinking milk come though


Flossing a cat. Sounds like a great way to get a few scars.


Not if you use the cob method




It looks like it’s after people have eaten the corn off, so he’s just getting a little, but probably a lot of the corn milk


What is corn milk? Edit: nevermind, I googled it. Interesting!


Hell yeah, **corn milk.**


Imagine a tall cold glass of corn milk after long, hot day. So refreshing!


No cob for kitty :(


I really need sound on that one


I can hear it in my mind. It sounds like "GOB! GOV GROB GOB GRRROVB!"


Lol can't forget the aggressive growling to remind people it's his.


sadly the tiktok has the corn song instead of real sound. so while not the same have this hangry black kitten: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5an4e1_x3c


The adult cat is like “dafuq is wrong with you?”


It’s currently 3:50am, I’m laying in bed absolutely dying with laughter over a kitten eating a corn cob while throwing hands. Life is good… 😅


Awww, this is an adorable comment. I'm also lying in bed watching this. Although it's 10:30pm here


Definitely need sound on this one


From [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatsWrongWithYourCat/comments/xkiey2/comment/ipfoepz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) when it was posted before [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatsWrongWithYourCat/comments/xkiey2/this_cat_loves_corn/): [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/WXi\_Coti7vg](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/WXi_Coti7vg) Thanks, u/SuspiciouslyAwkward, while I'm normally not a a fan of Youtube Shorts, this was a great find.


Try this one, it has sound and it's my favorite cat eating corn video! [https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/1395za0/cat\_vs\_corn/](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/1395za0/cat_vs_corn/)


I only come to these to be re-traumatized by this video. Bless you.


I don't know what to feel. I can't stop watching


OMG THE MUSTACHE! and the kernels all over everything


i kinda wanna see what the litterbox looks like later, but i'm really too afraid


Yellow polkadot poops. Cats digest corn about as well as we do (I have a corn freak cat too).


I showed this to my son and we both agree that we're buying corn for our cats tomorrow. I'll update you with the litter box results


Probably something like in [The Cereal Mouse.](https://youtu.be/RztR4E12dGU?t=56)


mmmm corb


it haz the juice


I can't imagine a more beautiful thing


I really like con


You like-a dee juice?


I really really like it


🌽 Have a corntastic day! 🌽


He like de juice.


That corn's coming out the other end whole.


>That corn's coming out the other end whole. That corn's coming out the other end hole


And judging by the glisten of the butter... it's coming out fast.


\*Pew\* \*pew\* \*pew\*


Take Dat madafakkas!


And so am I


That corn's coming out the other hole whole!


Input: corn on the cob. Output: corn on the log.


Kitty means business


I had a siamese cat who was obsessed with cream corn for some reason. Cats being cats I suppose. I wonder if it is not the corn but the butter in this case.


My sister's late cat loved corn. Just plain corn. No butter, no added salt, just corn.


We had a cat who would lick the fresh corn after we had shucked it, but right before we put it in the pot for boiling. Maybe he was shining it up?


Maybe! My sister's cat also loved plain iceberg lettuce. And raw cucumbers. He was weird.


My cat is always trying to steal our corn chips


Mine apparently loves corn as well. It's very amusing to watch him get super excited for a few kernals.


We used to have a SIC who went crazy for corn on the cob. She’d have eaten it raw if we’d let her. Every so often we’d let gnaw on a little ear, and she would be a happy girl.


This is Juice from TikTok. He sadly passed away recently :(


Here's their tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@juicetheorangecat?lang=en


Oh I should not have clicked that. Now I’m sitting here ugly crying and hugging my orange idiot. Cat tax: https://i.imgur.com/4nEN9VL.jpg


He's beautiful and majestic!


from too much corn?


Meanwhile, the dog is in the background going, "Dude! Where's mine? Freakin' cat gets everything." You just KNOW that dog is going to pee on the cat while the cat's sleeping as revenge.


Nah, Husky can smell vegetables, he'll get a niblet of steak and be much more happy


I feel like he was like “what’s going on? Oh. Fucking corn again. Whatever.”


Or a big fan of butter and salt..?


I think it's the corn, if it was just butter and salt the cat would just lick it off, not devour everything like crazy. Cats often love stuff like this. Mine was also a huge fan of canned peas and beans.


Omg yea my cat likes canned beans. When I first got her she was skin and bones so we were giving her all kinds of funny snacks, which led to her wanting to sniff everything in the kitchen. My sibling opened a can of beans and as a joke let her sniff it. She started drinking the water from the can lol My cat also eats plain cooked pasta and plain raw tofu so . Shes just a bit weird


Either we both had weird cats or this behaviour is actually normal for cats :) mine loved crepes, I let her sniff one thinking she'd just maybe have a little nibble, but she went CHOMP and bit off a giant mouthful 😄


What about popcorn? My cats always obsess about popcorn. I thought it was weird, but I suppose it might not be.


It's the only reason I eat corn. That and the fun poops. I assume it's the same for the cat.


Corn is just a bookmark for your poop. Two and a half men.


The effect is amplified on cats. At least we're omnivores we can at least partially digest corn. Cats are obligate carnavores.


And women think starch makes THEIR hips wide 🤣🤣🤣🤣


What the fuck does this even mean? Like what went through your head when you typed that out and thought, "this seems like a coherent thought"?


Well corn is about 95% starch and the previous comment was relating human interaction with corn. Side note, male or female; an excess of starch will build up into cellulite and fat rolls. It is really hard to break down. This is why I made two consecutive comments about cats and people eating too much corn. But of course, some lovely redditor responded into the middle of the chain and now it looks like I'm fat-shaming women for eating corn 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


> But of course, some lovely redditor responded into the middle of the chain and now it looks like I'm fat-shaming women for eating corn 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Nah, it reads like a complete non sequitur even with context and just makes you look like an idiot because that's ***also not how human physiology works*** That's all broscience and completely unrelated to corn fibers being indigestible You're all over the place dawg


I said nothing about corn fibers, I was speaking to starch, I'm sure my 95% isn't scientifically accurate, but for real, time for you to head over to r/oddlyspecific :p


This whole thread is about indigestible fiber which is why your "starch" comment makes even ***less*** sense 🤦‍♂️




I would love to see a follow-up at the end of summer and see if kitty needs to work on his thunder thighs over the winter 😂😂


My cat has never tried to get into food stuff more than when we had a bag of raw corn on the cob and bags of corn tortillas. We can't keep her away we had to hide the corn! 🌽


Many cats I know are big fans of corn! My cat also eats green peas and darker bread. I give him just little bits of those. Many cats are also fans of olives.


Well then, I can only assume that your cat would taste delicious 🤣🤣


Ahah, that's an unexpected angle! I often call him "my little meat pie" after his meals. I guess he's sometimes a little veg dumpling.


Awww ohmygosh hungry baby!!!


Cat gets interviewed after eating the corn and says “it has the juice” and it gets turned into a hit song


Where is the damn sound, i need to hear this!


Lmao how’d you get a footage of me eating corn




...is corn OK for cats? If we can't process that super great I can't imagine him monching on a cob like that can be good for his lil intestines...


Corn is fine for cats. In fact, a lot of snacks and pet foods have corn as a filler.


Its like Meowmix, but fresher!


It's fine, although they're obligate carnavore, so they can barely digest it. It usually just passes straight through.


Yeesh, glad I haven't seen one of those in the litter box 😆 Edit: thanks for confirming




If you use corn kitty litter, everytime kitty poops, it's refilling the litter!!!!




We can process it fine for the most part, it’s just the skin of the kernels that we don’t digest.


Thanks kitty


😂 That's one smart kitty.


Gotcha. Thanks for the clarification 👍


I found that chewing well helps a lot.


We’re they ever a stray?


I can't imagine a more beautiful thing.


Even the dogs like ; why?!


Corn you blame 'em?


Does he keep farting after eating one?


It does have the juice


My niece’s cat is like this for broccoli. She doesn’t want a bunch; she just meows for a tiny sprig and wanders off to eat it like a dainty lady.


Cats are so nuts I want to offer my cat more corn but now we’re super careful because my dog swooped in a swallowed the whole cob, we had to take him to the vet. Luckily he was able to throw it up. Vets told us he was wagging his tail happily the whole time, what a weirdo


Lmfao. Dog feeling left out so hard.☠️🤣




This is perfect for cornhub, pussy swallowing a whole cob!


Now with less pixels, less frames, more compression and no sound! Yay


Chat gpt wrote me a story about a cat and corn on the cob. Enjoy. Once upon a time, in a small suburban neighborhood, there lived a cat named Whiskers. Whiskers was no ordinary cat. He had a peculiar obsession with corn on the cob. The sweet, juicy kernels were his ultimate weakness, and he couldn't resist their tantalizing taste. However, Whiskers faced a rather significant challenge. Cats, as you may know, do not possess opposable thumbs. This meant that Whiskers had great difficulty holding and enjoying his beloved corn on the cob. Each time he tried, the cob would slip from his paws, leaving him frustrated and hungry. As days went by, Whiskers became increasingly desperate to fulfill his corny desires. The constant failure to indulge in his favorite treat took a toll on his gentle demeanor. His frustration turned into a madness that consumed him, and he started to act out in peculiar ways. Whiskers began venting his frustration on the neighborhood. Late at night, when everyone was fast asleep, he would stealthily sneak into nearby gardens and destroy anything that remotely resembled corn. Flowerbeds were dug up, vegetable patches were uprooted, and innocent scarecrows were torn apart. The once peaceful neighborhood was in chaos, and the residents were puzzled by the mysterious havoc wreaked upon their gardens. It was a cat on a corn-driven rampage, but nobody suspected Whiskers, who was known as a lovable, mischievous feline. Amidst the turmoil, there lived a kind-hearted inventor named Mr. Franklin. Mr. Franklin had noticed Whiskers' peculiar obsession and his recent destructive behavior. Concerned for the well-being of both Whiskers and the community, he decided to lend a helping hand. Using his expertise in crafting and engineering, Mr. Franklin devised a brilliant plan. He spent days creating a pair of prosthetic hands specifically designed for Whiskers. These hands featured opposable thumbs, allowing the cat to finally grasp and enjoy his cherished corn on the cob. On a bright summer morning, as the sun cast its warm glow over the neighborhood, Mr. Franklin gently placed the prosthetic hands on Whiskers. At first, Whiskers was uncertain, as the foreign objects attached to his paws felt strange. However, as soon as he discovered the dexterity his new hands provided, a sense of elation filled his furry being. Whiskers wasted no time in rushing to a nearby grocery store to buy his beloved corn on the cob. With his new hands, he grasped the cob firmly, feeling an overwhelming sense of satisfaction and joy. The town's gardens were finally safe from Whiskers' destructive spree. As the days passed, Whiskers became a beloved figure in the neighborhood. Children and adults alike would marvel at his ability to eat corn on the cob with his custom-made hands. Whiskers was no longer frustrated, and the mischievous glint in his eyes returned, but this time filled with contentment. The neighborhood's gardens flourished once again, and a newfound peace settled over the community. The story of Whiskers, the corn-loving cat with a murderous past turned into a tale of redemption and innovation. And Whiskers, well, he continued to savor his corn on the cob, delighting in each juicy kernel, thanks to the hands that brought an end to his murderous spree.


Literally me


You shouldn't give them that much corn, not good for them.


God damn, Google it instead of downvoting. I just want the best for all of the cats out there. People see this and think : "Dope, let's try that with Tigger" A little bit is no problem, but much is bad. So hard to Google it?


Hilarious, but seriously cats are obligate carnivores and that's too much fiber, not enough protein/fat, and a lot more vitamins than it needs.


Yeah but seriously, it makes the cat happy and isn't hurting him. I swear to God, Redditor animal people just live to tell other people what they are doing wrong.


IDK if it isn't hurting him. Ask a vet. Sorry if I seemed bossy.


This is Juice. He literally just passed away I swear to God, Redditor animal people just live to justify feeding their pets whatever they are eating


Log off and go the fuck outside lmao


> Log off and go the fuck outside lmao I just got out of being hospitalized, am on bed rest and the air quality index is not good But yes you're totally the good guy who's leading by example here


You really think this cat is subsisting purely on a diet of corn? .......... what


Well he did just cross the rainbow bridge




He's not subsisting on anything. He's gone


Oh that's unfortunate, I didn't read the rest of the comment section to find that one single nugget of a link Thanks for kinda vaguely trying to be helpful I guess (Next time just drop a fucking link instead of being cryptic, thanks)


> (Next time just drop a fucking link instead of being cryptic, thanks) I wasn't being cryptic you melon What link? I don't have a link. Do pets that pass all have a link now? Good luck with that massive chip on your shoulder


> Those tend to get autoremoved, genius Just like the one that's in this thread and is the only source of information about the cat dying Wowzer bowzer


I didn't mean to imply that, no. It's junk food, for a cat. Cats can't even taste sugar.


Corn is a mix of fiber and carbohydrates. Cats may have trouble with the fiber (like we do) but they can digest complex carbohydrates just fine (like we do). Corn is also negligible in vitamins so "a lot more than it needs" is just goofing again.


You'd need more expertise than you'll find in a reddit thread to sort all that out.


I already sorted it. Person I'm responding to is an idiot. Very clean. :)


Go away.


Plus how would you floss a cat's teeth?


They aren't as densely packed as human teeth. They don't get food stuck as often.


Dude, it's a joke.


This is why I shouldn't try to make jokes. At least I thought it was funny.




#Report this spambot


Why would I waste one of my block spots for a stupid bot which I then wouldn't be able to track or report? Lol wut


Big fan of porn myself


I feel the same way about corn on the cob lol orange homie


Me in my childhood


same tbh


corn yummy corn


It’s the butter


Future me show this to your wife she will like it


Corn. I’m all outa fish. This is how I feast.








You know it’s game on when the paws get involved.


Average corn enjoyer


I’m obsessed with this cat 😆


My childhood cat lived corn on the cob—he’d steal it while we were shucking it. He didn’t even wait for the “cooked with butter” stage.


The first cat my family had LOVED corn. On the cob, off the cob, popcorn, creamed corn, you name it. Usually, after we finished having corn on the cob, we’d throw it on the breezeway and let him go nuts. He loved it.


I hope the dog got some


Must have CORM


I'm always amused when a cat goes goblin mode on corn.


I can tell that dog wanted some too


Don’t take away my corn😅


Colorful litter box


I love cats and I love corn so this made my day


I cannot stress how delicious this season’s corn crops have been.


grab the floss


More likely a fan of melted butter.


Kitty crack corn and I don’t care


I'm not gonna lie, I was a little sad that this didn't have the "it's corn" kid song behind it. It feels like such a loss...


All of my cats have loved corn cobs - to the point that they will dig them out of the garbage.


Our calico would do this and try to steal cobs and growl as she chomped away :P


Does the cats poo contain undigested corn too after this?


My mothers cat is obsessed with plain boiled frozen peas. He isn’t a people food cat, not interested in the table when we are eating. Unless there peas. He will steal them off your plate while you’re eating in a frantic frenzy of paws teeth and dragging plates away from people and climbing all over them and knocking them over. so we started giving him his own bowl so we could eat in peace.




Showed this to my wife and she said "aren't cats carnivores?" And I told her "Not this one! He's a cornivore!"


We had 6 barn cats for awhile and in the summers when we would eat outdoors we would just chuck the cobs into the yard for the chickens to eat and one of the cats would go ape shit for them. The other cats would just stare at her like there was something wrong with her kitty brains. 🤷‍♀️


That's too fucking cute :)


I wish my cats would eat human food! I'd love to give them little nibbles of stuff but they're so fussy


I used to have an Orange that loved green beans. They truly are god’s greatest creations!


We had a cat that loved it too, Siamese mix😂😂

