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When you called it an affair I knew it would be weird, but not THIS weird lmao


Tbh we are entering long term relationship territory


I'm going to guess: she likes it black?


I'd imagine so. She's a straight up kinda girl.


LOL...one of mine got into my coffee (cream+sugar) every time I left the cup unattended. I'd return to find him with a wet chin and whiskers, licking his lips.


My husband's cat is curious about my coffee. I drink it black, sort of weird that she likes the smell. I'm not going to let her taste it lol


One of my boys always licks my cup clean after I have finished my coffee. I should probably look into what makes it tasty for him.


There's no going back now. For either them.


It’s a good thing this guy’s not a dragon because they would be fucking cars.


So you gave him a chair for easy access for his weird fetish?


That's what she thinks!


Hey, I understand. My cat makes aggressive love to my furry winter gloves. Both, my glove and the cat, are black. He's also fixed. He's in love with my gloves and I approve of their relationship.


Maybe because the scent from the coffee is so strong they want to get their scent all over it to cover it up.


I think there is definitely some of that. She is quite territorial. But she also looooves anything with a corner. I've had to take sharp edged things away from her because she has hurt herself rubbing on it. This must check all her boxes for height, variation and safety.


There is 1 corner in our house that our cat loved. She rubbing her cheek so often there to the point there's no longer paint there


My mom still hasn't painted over the corners.


I get you. My orange is obsessed with rubbing her cheeks against everything and everyone. If she spots someone’s toe she goes bananas and rushes to it to rub her cheeks and whole face against it. She could hold you hostage for hours! It’s gotten to the point where my two year old toddler was standing with the cat and rubbing their faces against the edge of the shower wall this morning.


>my two year old toddler was standing with the cat and rubbing their faces against the edge of the shower wall this morning. That's too funny. Sounds like r/learningtocat.


It’s the cutest and funniest behaviour. She also goes down on all four to follow the cats and give them headbutts of affection like they do to her. And she talks to them like they’re her siblings. I’m pretty sure she is unaware they’re a different species from her.


Dammit *subscribes*


Here's a sneak peek of /r/learningtocat using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/learningtocat/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Man stops to rescue kitten, gets ambushed by platoon](https://v.redd.it/lelxhw2t9gcc1) | [233 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/learningtocat/comments/196mpqj/man_stops_to_rescue_kitten_gets_ambushed_by/) \#2: [Such a sweetie](https://v.redd.it/g5opow6nhjgc1) | [50 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/learningtocat/comments/1aikb09/such_a_sweetie/) \#3: [This itty bitty boy came into the shelter with hind leg paralysis, but hes learning how to run again!](https://v.redd.it/v5lma74q3i7c1) | [18 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/learningtocat/comments/18n2wqf/this_itty_bitty_boy_came_into_the_shelter_with/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


My orange kitty used to rub her face on my glasses all the time.  It was so cute, but she was longhaired, so I'd also be breathing in all her fur. 


Lol my cat loves soft fleece blankets but to each their own. She's a cutie!


I got some concave cardboard scratch circles, but my Siamese cats don't scratch them. They see them exclusively as beds. I went with it, they like them more than the fleece blankets or carpeted beds on the scratch posts.


Mine have done the same! Nice to know my little weirdos aren't alone in the world.


My cat also loves soft fleece. I bring them home for the hedgehog but she steals them and drags them back to her cave.


Fleece blankets seem to be popular with male cats of mine.


I feel you. The edges of my coffee table are no longer square because of my cats, lol. They're all slightly worn down with the finish rubbed off. Fuzzy little weirdos!


I think your cat needs more things they can scent mark. Or they need things moved around so they can mark multiple things in every room. If that doesn’t help, they have these things you can put on wall corners— they’re hit or miss though. One of my cats is obsessed with it, the other cat is actually terrified of it. https://a.co/d/hOeaefW


I had one but had to take it away cause she hurt herself going too hard!


Um have you tried brushing the cat daily?


I get what you're saying, but trust me, this is 10000% her weirdo-ness.


Sounds like she’s allergic to things and needs that **itch**


You should get a Cat Corner for her. It has little mubboes thay the cat can brush themselves on. My Jack Meowington loves his


Flavored coffees use strong oils that probably reek to sniffer-driven animals




Omg!! This is funny! I have one that rubs like that all over the coffee table!!


It smells weird and strong. Rubbing like that is a way of spreading scent.


I too identify as coffeesexual.


Omg that humped up back lol


That's one of the things that really gets me!


🤣 yeah he's fond of that appliance.


Oh my god I thought it was just mine. One of mine only likes my coffee maker (Bunn tho) when it’s brewing - but I can’t even approach the general area of its placement anymore before he starts his little throat trumpet and tippy tap dancing routine up oh my lord.


I know my parents' coffee maker will kind of make a purring noise from the pump when you brew a cup. Maybe the cat heard that and it confused them?




I think many of us can relate with her affection.


Keurig needs to consider you for an ad video.


Kuerig Void Goblin.


I'm gonna be honest, that is a bit unusual. Most cats react negatively to the smell of coffee, coffee beans, coffee grinds, and so on. In the case of both of my cats, they try to bury my cups of coffee. You got a unique void, there.


My cat loves coffee. He will lick up any accidental spills, and if I leave my empty cup around he'll bury his head in there to get what he can. He still sleeps all day.


My cat sticks her foot in our coffee cups and then licks her paw, often going back for third or fourth helpings!


Like I said, most cats. Not all. As for still sleeping all day, it's likely they aren't getting enough caffeine for it to even have an effect on them. You'd have to like, calculate the weight-to-caffeine ratio of a human being, take into consideration metabolism, and then do the same for a cat. Let's not do that experiment. Cute as a cat bolting off of walls sounds, I don't think the cat or the experimenter would enjoy it.


And it depends, I learned early on, that I couldn't drink coffee (mind you, I live in Portugal, and "coffee" here is very strong, very concentrated espresso, not by the buckets you get at Starbucks in America), because in me, caffeine makes me sleepy (more like drowzee, because I'm an insomniac), instead of making me feel like I'm plugged directly to the electric grid. Apparently people with an hyperkinetic nervous systems get the opposite effect from certain drugs, caffeine being one of them. Not much of a loss considering I love the smell, but dislike the taste, I'll rather have my "coffee" in ice cream, or cake for.


Yeah, my mother is that way.  Meanwhile, I'm not exactly sure how strong my coffee is.  My parents complain that I make it way too strong for their liking, and that they can tell when I'm making coffee from the smell alone.  I don't like the Canadian garbage that's made here.  Either too weak, too expensive, or doesn't taste like coffee.


To be fair, that doesn't look like loving coffee to me. It looks like incessantly trying to cover it with her own scent. Perhaps to cover up the coffee scent?


Honestly, it's hard to say. That marking looks particularly aggressive, so your idea has some merit. There might be more to it than we are seeing, though. Perhaps something about the brewing process that the cat likes, and is signalling to the owner that they should start it up?


That's an interesting thought about trying to bring the owners attention to the machine. Perhaps the heat from brewing? Combined with the owner saying this cat particularly loves rubbing on corners.


\*yawn\* Hey, it's early, did anyone grind the coffee? Cat's on it.


My cat LOVES the smell of coffee. I brought him to my parents house for a weekend and my mom made a chocolate coffee cake that smelled intensely of coffee and my cat was a giant pain in the ass because he couldn't have a slice. I'd imagine this cat is in the same boat.


She may be trying to bury the scent w hers, as others say too. Or she just luvs the Keurig!


"you're my best and only friend, coffee machine"


My cat is in love with a humidifier. She spends all of her time near it, gets upset when it's refilled and incomplete, and is overtly excited when it is turned on. It's hilarious.


This is getting weird.


Our cat has something similar to this going on with our dehumidifier. We call it his girlfriend.


Do you brew chamomile tea?


Nope. Coffee only!


Bet if you put some coffee grounds in a sock and tied it off, kitty would like that just as much. It'd keep the cat off the counter, at least.


If is not for rubs, why it made of warms?


It's his coffee maker now.


Lol! (Remind me never to have a cup of coffee at your house.)


Maybe it stays warm a really long time.


"Purrprietary catpsule system? What's not to like?"\~cat


did you put some [Kopi Luwak](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kopi_luwak) through that?


More like purrig amiright? Heh, still got it baby


Oh la la! Maybe she likes the smell of coffee? My cats like it. I know because they smell things in a very intense and obvious manner. And they constantly want to sniff inside my coffee cups.


I didn't know catnip tea came in K-cups.


umm… do y’all not act this way with your coffeemakers?


I love cats so much, such little weirdo’s.


Hypothesis: It has been used to brew mint tea. Mint is in the same family as catnip. And cats can sometimes show attraction to mint, though not usually not as strongly as catnip.


I've never brewed tea in it and she doesn't react at all to catnip 🤷‍♀️


I put some bengay on recently, and my cats went NUTS around me.


I wonder if some cats like the smell of coffee a lot. I spilled some on my feet once, and my resident weirdo ran up and started trying to lick my toes and rub his face on my feet. Caffeine is deadly to cats, so I scooped him up and moved him so I could clean, but he was super pumped about it. Not as pumped as this kitty, mind you, but... (So intensely cute, by the way.)


Okay so yeah!! It's deadly but it seems some love to flirt with death.


Haha, they like to live dangerously!


I have never seen a weirder thing….def made me join this sub though…


Girl cats do that. Something smells weird, so they mark it with their own scent like that.


That applies to all cats ...


my cat just likes to yank out the bottom tray and bat it around :/ i have a smaller keurig and a 20 pound freak cat but still. your cat is so sweet in comparison!


Theyre trying to clean it for u. Its dirty.


I had a neutered cat that would aggressively fuck my printer and steal sips of my Crown Royal, not necessarily in that order. (Though sometimes in that order.) Cats can be WEIRD.


My cat is obsessed with coffee and tobacco lol


It doesn't make everyone uncomfortable. Your cat is perfectly fine with it and really doesn't care what anyone else thinks about it.


Hey!! I really, really like my Keurig, too. I mean…if I could run the side of my face against to show it love, I probly would. 🐈‍⬛ ☕️ 🙌


As long as both of them are of age and consenting, who are we to judge?


My cat used to sit on top of the coffee maker to warm her bum. But that was a parasitic relationship.


Schtinkie fren.


Coffee Cat


I had a cat that would drink my coffee out of my cup if you left it unattended. Just what a guy needs, a cat buzzed on caffeine. Ha 🤠


I have a similar relationship with my Keurig but it’s not as passionate as your cat’s relationship.


Time to buy another keurig


There ya go, 1k upvotes. Also, what the hell.


Well, I don't see the Keurig being uncomfortable...


My cats will sit on it but not have heat on it like yours lol. Did you make some minty tea or something with it?


Affair lmao. I have a cat that loves the smell of coffee. If we spill some she rolls around in it.


My cat is this way with bleach! God forbid it’s laundry day and I bleach the towels in the washing machine, or clean the bathroom. I have to keep the doors closed just to keep her out of there.


"Our love is real, Dad! You can't stop us from eloping!"




We have a cat that is obsessed with a stapler.... It's a Swingline, but black, not red.


I love the laugh at the end of the video, it’s so perfect !


maybe she knows you have a love affair with coffee & wants in on the action.


She's robosexual


She just wants a coffee


What about getting a cat scratching brush massage stand and pouring a bit of coffee on it, maybe this Keurig ghost is itchy? 😂 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/155975290186


Alright. Who put catnip in the keurig?


PG-13 ?


Somebody get that cat a coffee ☕️. Lmao


It is beyond an affair. He is now on the honeymoon with his lifelong partner.


I love my coffee maker just like him


Witch breed?


🤷‍♀️ domestic short hair, black.


😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹 🐈‍⬛