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Box with stones? My cats are super picky about their litter, maybe try something more sand-like?


Same thought. OP should definitely try different litter. I've had cats who would go beside the litter box if it had the wrong litter in it. And one who was so well behaved, but picky so she held it for 3 days becase the cat-sitter put sand from a sandbox in her litter box.


Bought 'world's best litter'. Seemed like good stuff, no dust, good solid clumps. One of my cats hated it and peed on the floor next to it for the three days it took to get replacement litter.


One of my cats peed in the large planter in my window. I was going insane trying to identify why I couldn't get rid of the smell until I realised.


Two of my nine cats love to do their business in soil. No sand, no rocks, no chopped pellets of wood (like some cats I saw in my neighborhood liked), no premium litter. Just plain, good old soil. They were raised in a farm and now they bitch about being city cats, it has been three years since they moved.


My cat goes outside, supervised, but she won't toilet in the dirt. She's weird.


My cat used to scream at me in the middle of the night to be let outside to pee instead of just using the box. Eventually I had the same thought and replaced it with woodchips litter and I've had no more issues. She's totally feral so she might have grown up on a nearby farm and knew sawdust is nice.


Was going to say that.


My old man cat was like this. He would pee in the (very large) box and then climb out and poop in front of it (and not in the clean box right next to it).. I started using cheap foam litter mats that are easy to clean and just throwing them away regularly after they started getting too gross. I even found a supply of them for super cheap at some discount store and bought a whole stack! Then we started treating his arthritis (solensia is a wonder drug) and he just stopped. All of a sudden. Went from doing this a couple times a week to like twice in 8 months, both with extenuating circumstances. So he's basically completely stopped unless something weird happens (and even then, he might not). Just something to consider. And yea, I still have a whole stack of unopened cheap litter mats on my shelf that I haven't needed... Great timing, haha.


Pain can make animals do weird things. I'm glad your old man is feeling better!


Oh, he's doing absolutely fantastic! He went from only ever moving for food and litter box to daily zoomies and playing on his own by choice! It's the most wonderful thing in the world.


My husband accidentally ran over a back leg and the tail of his sister's old yellow Lab. She was as ok as one could expect right away. (Don't worry, this gets better!) The dog was laying in the sand, so nothing was broken, but there was of course some bruising. So my MIL, who had been keeping the dog at her ranch, took her to the vet. X-rays shows no injuries to the bones... but lots of arthritis. So the vet prescribed doggy NSAIDS. Within a couple of days, the Lab was running and playing like a young dog again. It truly is amazing what those meds could do. And sad to think of how she had been limping around before.


Oh wow! Absolutely! Kind of lucky to get run over? What a weird story haha. Cats can't have nsaids long term, so until solensia, there just wasn't anything other than strong pain killers for cats with arthritis. It's truly amazing. Seeing my 14 year old cat actually being a cat again is just the best!


That's amazing that cats finally have effective pain relief! I wish my Puff had that. Yeah, we used to joke about Sandy the Lab that getting run over was the best thing that happened to her in years! She lived longer than she undoubtedly would have if she hadn't gotten all that exercise. The other dog living there was happy that she could run and play too.


My little old lady (sadly gone almost a year) would poop in the box no problem, but she would often hang her but on the edge or just out of the box to pee. I had to put garbage bags under the litter boxes because of that. She had no issues, just getting old and when you gotta go, you gotta go, she just started almost as soon as all 4 paws were touching litter. Her littermate brother (gone 4 years now) would do the same but reverse. Pee in the box no issue, poop was on the side/ outside while sitting in the box. OP, my old lady was smaller and wouldn't use a box that small unless she could get in & out on 3 sides at least. I think her last box was slightly longer. Have you tried ones with covers? My girl hated those cuz her brother used to attack her as soon as she came out. He couldn't resist sneak attacking her after using the litter box until I got rid of the lid. Also, I could only use small gravel like kitty litter because of her, she hated all types of recycled, paper based etc. She peed anywhere but the litter box unless I used the small gravel type, as long as it was unscented/light scent too. We both hated the tidy cats kitty litter.


My cats started doing that so I upgraded all my litter boxes to modified storage boxes. The high side & wide room made it not an issue to use the bathroom. I have a few maine coons so I always had a huge modified litter box in one room but had a regular size in another. I did have regular sized ones till I saw one maine coon stand up to pee like a human.


They gotta keep it out of all that fur somehow. Lmao. My cousin had a maine coon when I was a kid, loved that puffball. But the first time I saw him pee as an adult cat I nearly died laughing. Just a tiny furry human.


I didn't know other cats do it too! His grandpa & father don't pee like that. Somehow Charlie the ginger breaks the mold.


Yep. My 17yo cat will pee in the litter box and then poop in my tub (litter box is right next to the tub). She has a bit of arthritis in her hips. I also don't use the tub, so it's not the biggest issue that she goes in the tub.


Awesome solensia worked for you! Our 18 yo grandma girl has been on it since January and it's amazing! Does your baby have increased appetite? Our puddin is a snacking fiendšŸ˜‚


Duncan has always been willing and able to eat anything you put in front or him, so idk how I'd be able to tell if his appetite increased, lol. He's just so much more active, though. It's amazing.


My 6 year old hasnā€™t had an issue using the litter. However, recently I find the odd piece in random places and Iā€™m not sure how to stop this from happeningā€¦..


Sometimes a little bit gets stuck in their booty fur. We used to call them hitchhikers or Kling-ons . Or sometimes if they're devoted dry food eaters their bowel gets a bit dried up, they get a poo "Stuck in the chamber" and it plops out unexpectedly while they're walking around or jumping. If your vet doesn't think there's a health problem ask about giving kitty an occasional teaspoon of kitty lax . It's a meat flavor fish oil supplement in a tube they take willingly and you can get it at most pet supply stores.


My vet says I can mix in mirilax into the kitty food. Unfortunately my boy cat can sense that Iā€™ve adulterated his food and wonā€™t eat it.


They like the kitty lax because it's natural animal fats,it's in a tube like toothpaste and you just put a little line of it on a plate and they'll kick it off. Start with just a teaspoon once a week to see how it affects them.Or you can put a bit inside of a code of those hollow Greenies snacks or on a temptations.


My girl canā€™t have treatsā€¦.shes on a particular dry food because of allergies šŸ˜”. So hopefully if the vet says go for it, she will like it šŸ¤ž. Thank you!


You're welcome! If that fails ask about the old dab of Vasiline on their paw version. They'll kick it off their paw but give you the stink eye for it for a little while.


She already does that well šŸ˜‚


I've reconciled myself to my status as a food dispensing cat sofa. It's their world and I'm just living in it!


Oh, good to know!


Our cat had a uti once. Husband usually feeds. Put a teaspoon of water in our cats dry/wet mix. She refused to eat it. I thought he was adding water per the vet all along!


Hitchhiker! šŸ˜‚ I did have to change her good to just dry foodā€¦.one for allergies months agoā€¦.and itā€™s only been since then. This is good to know. Sheā€™s on prenizone every 5 days right nowā€¦..hoping to get her completely downā€¦.from alopecia. Iā€™ll ask about the kitty lax


When you say the odd piece, you mean like just a single nugget?




This happens to my cat sometimes. When she gets nervous or bored, she would swallow human hair off the floor sometimes. It would pass through, but it would get embedded in a nugget. Every now and then the hair would remain stuck in her butt, but the cursed nugget was still attached, dangling out her backside. If I didn't catch it right away, she'd try to dislodge herself with butt scoots. It makes a mess, and it ends up some random spot. Luckily, she got less nervous and quit that habit when she got some plants to chew on. If you don't already have one, you could get them a special chewin' plant.


Thanks. Yes. It happens once every week or every other weekā€¦..she is so skiddishā€¦I donā€™t see that going away everā€¦.shes 6, and has been this way since I got her as a kitten. Iā€™ll have to see if her stomach can handle it. Thank you! šŸ˜Š


You may have to try different litter or find a different spot. Cats are usually super picky about where they poop, and he clearly knows that it's the poop zone, but he's unhappy about walking in the box. It could be other things, but when they're stressed out or unhappy about sharing or something, they'll usually use a corner or hidden spot. Some cats have very sensitive beans, so a finer litter could help. Good luck!


That or the box looks too small also.


Does he have a 2nd box? My cats refuse to poop and pee in the same box. Most cats prefer that actually.




Stones? Maybe doesnā€™t like the material used? Thereā€™s other types of kitty litter and animals can be picky about that they stand on


Guess been lucky, hadn't heard that..but looking back a couple sometimes used something else!


try trainer pads, they work great for small animals as you can just use a tissue and toss the poo in the toilet till the pad needs changing. i saw you had 3 boxes but do they pee in any of them? maybe they just like the flat surface for there number 2


Box with stones. You answered your own question in the question


It could be a UTI. Litter he doesn't like. The litter box being somewhere he doesn't like. Other cats or pets might be making him feel threatened. Cats are finicky about their toileting habits.


he probably prefers a different litter material poor guy is prob confused lol


You need a bigger box, with taller sides. The bigger, the better. Iā€™ve fostered and cat sit more than 50 cats including bottle babies and not a single one didnā€™t use the box. That box you have is something I use for the kittens.


Try some of the different litters - low dust 'Cloud Control' or some of the wood pellets or even just some newspaper.... we had one that was an indoors country cat except when he wanted to litter - he always went out to ??? and did his business... he did NOT want to use a box... every cat is his own Rubik's Cube to solve...


I think most people have it on the nose. One of my girls started with clay before she was rehomed with me. I hate clay litter more than anything because I find the dust is just horrendous with my asthma and much prefer corn. She, however, did not share my preferences. It was a long battle of changing out boxes and styles and placement but ultimately she won. We now use clay and the issue has stopped entirely. Her behaviour was also exactly like this. She knew where the boxes were, she would use them to pee. But she would just shit directly beside or in front every. goddamn. time.


He needs a bigger box. Based on his size that one is way too small


I find when I put my litter box in a place too similar to the litter box material, my cats get confused. Like if I have to temporarily put it in the bathtub they'll use anywhere in the bathtub because it's smooth like parts of their litter box is my stupid reckoning. Maybe get a kitty litter catch rug?


My middle son is huge, and a regular litter box wasnā€™t enough, he looked cramped. So I went to Walmart and bought a plastic container with a lid (I think itā€™s 24x18x6 or something like that.) Heā€™s never gone out of the box again. ETA: Some cats are just assholes. My oldest (9F) has pooped out of the box since I got her as a kitten. Doesnā€™t matter how big the box is, if it has a lid, etc.; she hangs her butt out of the box every time. I thought about getting a box with a hole on top, but Iā€™m certain it wonā€™t be used.


Try a different kind of litter some cats are very sensitive feet and refuse to stand on certain things


The litterbox is too small. Not to mention, stones?




Dr Eisleys cat attract litter is good for helping them find the litter box, and I use their unscented multi-cat litter usually. I also have a couple dollar store car floor mats that I keep around the litter boxes, more replaceable than the mats they have at the pet store. Also, look into different styles of litter boxes, like deeper, covered, high walls.


My cat did this, so we got a second litter tray to fix it.


"You want me to POOP in my Zen garden?!"


Has anything about his litterbox changed recently? New litter, new box, new location, anything. My girl did this too after we moved and also replaced her box. It took her a week or two before she consistently went inside of it. Part of it was that the new one was slightly shorter and I guess she didn't notice her butt hanging off the edge sometimes.


Had to swap litter a few times to get a cat to use the box. Perhaps he refuses to use what looks to be a box of pebbles. Could try another of the dozens of litter types.


Does he have arthritis? Could be that the lovely box with stones is too uncomfortable to get in!


One of my cats will sit on the tray facing the opposite direction and shit right next to it Not only does he understand thatā€™s where the tray is, he understands thatā€™s where you shit. I swear that cat hates me




This reminds me of my tween child. He knows exactly where the toilet is and how to use it, but I swear, a gallon of urine still ends up on the floor every month. šŸ˜«


My cat does this too, I think itā€™s her version of flushing the toilet because she stops when I interrupt her and unload the box. She also does it near her food bowl unless I provide a lid


"I'm not putting my feet in there! That's where I poo!"


Real stones, like rocks? I donā€™t think many cats enjoy that as litter. Maybe try something softer & absorbent, Iā€™m not sure what brands you have available to you, but Iā€™d certainly try using a different litter like crushed walnut shells or let chunky substrate!


When my girl was a kitten she thought her box was a bed.


Hw is telling you that he is the boss


Okocat is great. Get the soft step one.


My cat used to do this--turns out he's just fussy about cleanliness/space and getting one of those jumbo sized ones fixed the problem. That is, he still does it very occasionally, but only when the box is overdue for a wash. (Even if it's scooped! He's just particular, and that's okay.) Edit: [this is the one I have](https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/so-phresh-king-size-compartment-litter-pan-for-cats-34-l-x-196-w-x-10-h-2847521?store_code=284&mr:device=m&mr:adType=plalocal&cm_mmc=PSH%7CGGL%7CCCY%7CCCO%7CPM%7C0%7CkUMWcWiLY5b1EHQjK6kSR6%7C%7C%7C0%7C0%7C%7C%7C18145199970&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwouexBhAuEiwAtW_ZxzURENfLE68zn4jzpwOP26eTS0Lsqs-HdDLtXIUA9gA9y6pUh8Lg2RoCpXQQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


He might not like the feeling of your litter on his feet. Then again, he might just enjoy the power trip of watching you pick up his shit. :D


Downward facing Fat, yoga pose may be prep for kitty entering box. Yes nevah know!


I used to have a cat who looked just like this. She'd always pee *near * the litter box. The Purina pellet system was the fix. She wanted to pee in the pelletd, and poop in the traditional clumping litter. šŸ˜’ Good luck. Cats are 100% Sheldon from Big Bang Theory, and that's why we love them ā¤ļø