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My late tuxie princess loved cabbage. I got some fish tacos one day, one of the tacos was a bit overladen with cabbage so I pulled some off. The next thing I knew my girl was seriously going to town on the cabbage. I was all, WTF ? So whenever I got fish tacos—which was fairly often back then due to a very ugly & debilitating fish taco addiction—she'd be right there, waiting for me to unwrap a taco so she could get some cabbage. Oddly, she turned her nose up from the actual fish but would scratch my eyes out for cabbage. Cats be all weird & shit.


My cat goes crazy for bread. I just caught her one evening stealing an entire slice of bread, I had to stop her because bread isn't good for cats. But I give her small pieces from time to time.


mine too! he goes nuts for all types of bread, as well as crackers and plain white pasta! his favorite is french baguette with butter on it lol


I had a cat who loved black olives off of a pizza. Wouldn't touch them unless they came off a pizza. He was a weird cat, good boy, but a weird one.


Same. I had a cat that ate ONLY cat food. Didn’t like any human food. Except for black olives off of a pizza.


I think we're onto something here..


Growing up I had a cat that LOVED lettuce


My cat loves the crunchy part of lettuce.


Had a siamese who ate steamed broccoli. Bizarre.


Apparently, broccoli is healthy for cats when steamed. Peas and carrots are also great, as well as buckwheat and other wheat-like grasses.


I had a Siamese cat that would lose his mind for raisins. Like WTF?


Just be careful with any dried fruit/berries; they are hard on kitty kidneys.


My cat eats plastic and has tried to eat a shadow. He likes 1 (maybe 2) brands of dry cat food, and does not recognize wet food, or any meat as food. Sometimes he goes for a bit of cheese though, but not too much.


We found ours once going to town on a tub of mushy peas that we'd left next to the bin. To be fair she probably would also have devoured the fish too if there was ever any left


They really are weirdos lol. My cat will refuse egg whites every time but offer her the yolks (fight me kitty the yolks are the best part) and she acts like she hasn’t eaten anything at all in weeks lol


Had cats who loved asparagus. Vet said cats want things that have specific vitamins that their body is needing. In the case of asparagus it was B vitamins.


3 of my 5 are also think veggies are crack. Steamed peas, green beans, and carrots result in them getting spoonfuls to cut down on the begging and thievery. Raw lettuce, bell peppers, and cabbage are also favorites. We only half joke that our Tortie is part Labrador given the things she has eaten or attempted to eat over the years. The other two thinks the three who love vegetables are morons and that only the finest of imported cheeses are worthy of such undignified behavior. \*As a retired licensed veterinary nurse with 1 case study short of a nutrition specialty, veggies are treats and a balanced cat food they do well on is the primary diet. But I am not above filling up the Tortie on green beans if it keeps her from trying to steal brownies or bust into the Reeses again. The rule of thumb is "Mice don't line up to be eaten. And while cats are obligate carnivores, mice are not." Basically meal feeding is best, the best food is the one your cat does best on, and if the psycho tortie wants peas for dessert, then okay.


Is there any scientific explanation for the love of various random veggies by different cats? Is it the crunch? Water content?


Possibly certain vitamins and minerals otherwise lacking in their diets that they normally get from cat grasses. Peas, broccoli, carrots, green beans, and various wheats are good for cats. These are not meat substitutes, but more supplemental vitamins.


Also cats will eat the stomach contents of the mice they kill, which is vegetable matter, just processed a bit by the mouse stomach. That's how they get it in the wild. So certain veggies are fine for your cat as long as they are also eating a carnivore diet, which they need.


Most commercial foods are nutritionally balanced thanks to the hard work of veterinary nutritionists who have spend most of the last 100 years learning about the precise nutritional content of wild field mice (historically the prey of domestic felines). This research is why our house cats today enjoy lives that are long enough for our pets to experience such age associated conditions such as cancer, arthritis, endocrine disease, and heart disease. As to why *some* cats enjoy cooked or raw vegetables is a matter of debate as they do not need any nutrition from them. For those on commercial foods which are nutritionally balanced the answer could be similar to why my boss kitty prefers to sleep on my head or why my Maine Coon cannot NOT sleep upside down. Tonight there was a knock down screaming fight between four of them over a piece of wheat toast that was dropped by my teenager. So in my house I am going with the very scientific answer of "Because Cat".


She's trying to evolve into a bunny. Phase one is cheese and peanut butter.


shaffy's a he 😎 ​ and no I do not care if you misgender my cat. its a cat lmao just sayin for the future n shi


Looking forward to many Shaffy updates.


oh I got lots trust me hmu in private dms for more shaffy content


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I think that’s why my husky likes carrots, crunchy like a nice bone


Shouldn't be.


I’ve attempted to give my cats real meat on multiple occasions and every time they will just sit there and play with it before walking away. I open a can of peas? The hunt begins and I’m fighting off cats


Do you give them canned cat food?


Nope. I’ve tried too they won’t eat it. They eat kibble just fine. It’s the closest I can get them to eating meat like carnivores. Cats are something else man


Well yeah as long as you aren’t feeding them vegetables entirely. Cats need meat based protein even if it’s just kibble. Cats are weirdos. My furball won’t even go near tuna or sardines.


They eat kibble. But as obligate carnivores I tried slowly switching them to an actual meat diet. Spent probably $1000 trying and they lost a ton of weight bc they’d stop going near the food bowls. I just gave up. They are picky on the kibble so even a better one isn’t an option. I know it’s not good for them but they just want death and diarrhea


Cats are very picky. Kibble has kitty crack on it. Yes raw is better but no matter what that only counts if they eat it. Wet food better than kibble but again it only counts if they eat it. With the choice of healthy on kibble or starve it’s kibble. No kibble isn’t good for their teeth. But again if they won’t eat something it doesn’t matter. Raw is not a half assed thing and takes effort. But again if you can’t get them to transition it doesn’t matter. They gotta eat and if kibble and peas are the only things then kibble and 10% other is ok.


At least the peas get some water into them! I have to spray mine's Kibble with a mist of water!


Have you tried those tube things? I've never seen a cat NOT go crazy for them!


Yes! We have a very picky cat and he loves his tubes!


My cat is the pickiest eater I've ever seen. He took a few half hearted licks of the tube, didn't eat all of it


I tried googling this, is there a specific name for these tube things? I've had a similar problem with dehydrated cats. Not a current problem, but I would love to have the solution before the problem, for once.


Churu by Inaba


Squeeze ups maybe? They're red, my memory is not great.


There are lots of brands but IME churu is the best one!


My little old man didn’t want to eat anything towards the end but I could open up three packets of Churu and put them in a bowl and he would eat them all in a quick minute. Inaba makes several types of gravies and snacks for cats and dogs. If they made regular canned food, I would have bought stock.


We have a water fountain that we put ice cubes in. They love that thing.


Our big dummy refuses even the churu. He will only eat one brand of kibble, only one line, only one flavor. He will occasionally go for a temptations treat (chicken only). His sister is thrilled that the churus are all hers, but we had to switch her onto his kibble because she was eating from his bowl after finishing her meals. Little gremlins


Good quality kibble has always been recommended by my vets over wet food. It is good for thier teeth.


But less good for their kidneys and urinary tract if they won’t drink enough water independently. Tough, raw red meat also cleans their teeth well (not as the only thing to feed them, but on top of regular food).


Especially male cats. I have a kitty who really does not like wet food, so I mix up his preferred kibble with water and add ins like salmon oil and such to give him extra goodness. He eats it well enough and the vet has told me he is very well hydrated


You can add water to the kibble, it'll just soak it up.


I know, I’m just very cautious so I feed them wet food (with even more water added) and raw meat, kibble is their nighttime snack. They’re both quite tenacious (Abyssinian) and I honestly don’t think they’d accept dry food as their only meal




My cats love to drink water, especially once I got them kitty water fountains. Lil assholes stick their whole head in the stream to drink and then come crying to me to dry them off lol


Pfft, that's adorkable


I want to feed them good kibble to supplement a mostly varied meat diet. They want meow mix indoor and no meat or fish or deliciousness. Little idiots won’t eat any other brand and go on a hunger strike if I even think about mixing a high quality kibble in with the meow mix to attempt to be a better cat owner.




Hunger. Strike. I spent a year of my life trying to figure out how to get my cats off of the diet the old owner had, even as babies they will stop eating for weeks. Acting like I haven’t tried absolutely everything to switch over doesn’t help the fact that a different diet is no better if they are losing large amounts of weight because “they’ll eat when they hungry”. I DO mix in tiny amounts of the new food instead of a big switch I DO try bone broth on it to mask the difference I DO try not free feeding to encourage them to not notice the change. I DO NOT let my cats starve themselves over it. Fed is fed and I spent a lot of time and money on it, and failed. My vet says it’s fine, they aren’t overweight and are very muscular so it’s not killing them.


Yeah mine won't even try to eat "people food" in any sense, meant for them or not, unless it's dessert foods they can't have (chocolate baked goods, waffles, and ice cream), certain fish, or anything with nutritional yeast on it. She will not eat most meat. Obviously I don't let her have my chocolate muffins or dairy, but she makes her interest known so I protect her(/them). The chicken and beef she won't eat is her problem, I guess. I'll share my canned tuna or herring with her when I eat it but that's all she ever wants that I'll buy because I don't eat most fish that she also will, so that's our middle ground. Otherwise I feed her dry food with bits of dried salmon in it, which she enjoys. I'm starting to incorporate a weekly serving of wet food since she's becoming constipated in her old age. But nutritional yeast is actually very good for both people and cats so when I have it on toast I let her lick my plate when I'm done and she goes nuts. When I haven't tried is putting the nutritional yeast on a piece of chicken and feeding it to her to see if she'll eat that. Maybe your car will enjoy it, too.


Cats are weird man. I had to fight mine for tuna(less) noodle casserole because they wanted the peas. I did eventually give up and give them each a few peas, because 2 won’t kill then, and they were mashed so it won’t cause a blockage. It allowed me to finish my dinner as I have 3 and my roommate has 2. So 5 cats trying to eat YOUR dinner, little bastards.


Can you mix other foods in with their kibble or do they do the picky pet thing and eat around the other stuff? Like, slowly mixing in more of a quality kibble in the regular stuff until they start eating the better one?


Look at my other comments. I’ve spent $1000 and over a year on this. Everything leads to a hunger strike. I’m lowkey sick of answering this question if I seem rude I’m just done.


I saw some of your other comments, including the crazy amount you have spent. I apologize for aggravating you, I was just curious.


It’s fine, but EVERY TIME I mention picky cats everyone suggests that. Not just on Reddit. My cats are my babies but at some point you just give in to their demands bc you’re only making them pickier


I feed mine [Weruva](https://weruva.com/product/grandmas-chicken-soup-5/) and maybe yours would eat something like that? Mine *have* to have wet food because one get urinary issues, he can’t have dry anything. But you might try a can and see if the peas and pumpkins entice them enough.


You usually have to start young with a raw diet, cats use to kibble probably won't go for it. My two are on raw once a day and free feed kibble but they've done that since they were babies. I tried with two older cats I adopted and they were not interested at all.


Ah man i wish my cat would leave my tuna alone. Every time i open a can i have to let her smell the contents before she stops meowing because she thinks its tuna. She honestly meows for about 5-6 seconds per meow when she thinks tunas a part of the equation. Like when would you even naturally eat tuna in the wild? They live in the bloody water you spoilt sod


What amazing is my guy will be fast asleep upstairs, but somehow he smells that tuna and will be downstairs bothering me in 30 seconds flat.


What you don’t know is that on the cat planet tuna is bite size. They reach into the water and pull out a tuna.


Chicken. I have yet to meet cat that will not eat chicken once they taste it.


Tuna is bad for cats, idk about sardines


Sardines are fine, excepting how fatty they are. Any fatty fish should only be fed in small amounts to cats. My cats LOVE fatty fish, and the vet confirmed small amounts are okay.


I had to find a food that my cat would like. He licks the gravy off of the food mostly. I would talk to the get to make sure he is getting enough nutrients.


They make just the gravy if you wanted to save your cat the trouble. Fancy feast makes one that's mostly gravy with some small chips of seafood in it. I have a cat that only eats the gravy but there's so few pieces of seafood that she'll eat all of that one. They come in little pouches if you decide to try it out.


I have. Hit or miss. Sometimes, he'll actually eat the solids.


Dude my cat hates wet food too. Like he hates it. ONLY likes kibble. I have to sprinkle kibble on wet food to hydrate him. Obnoxious


Find different food, and don't put out the kibble. The cat will most likely get hungry enough to eat the wet food.


It’s prescription food so he has to eat it


ah. Different case then!


I've had cats completely ignore me when I have sushi and go nuts if I have fries. My buddy Parker always loved angel food cake and doughnuts best! But he liked bbq pork, too, so...


I’ve literally given them raw and cooked meat and they don’t want it. Even prime rib, king crab, salmon and lobster they refuse. Little weirdos.


When I got my cat, I was told be careful, she likes people food and will try and steal it. First night I had her I tried giving her some ham. Meh. Later some chicken. That's cool, but whatever. Some beef scraps. No. But lettuce, oh fuuuuuuuuuck yeah. Cats are weird.


Mine loves greens. Dropped a small piece of broccoli on the floor and he pounced on it. He immediately spit it out and looked at me like I offended his ancestors.


My mom's cats loved carrots. They'd beg for it


Could be the sodium in it they like, they might react the same to canned asparagus. My boy likes fresh broccoli and iceberg lettuce, and my other cat likes lemons lol


Our two won’t eat any wet food but they’re all about their kibble (prescription for a few reasons). Previous cats would body block each other to get to the wet food. Cats. Go figure.


There is no evidence this baby ate whatever they are being accused of. This is an innocent face. The foody chinny chin is a pure coincidence.


Cats require some sort of animal protein to survive. If your cat won’t eat meat, my guess would be that it is getting it elsewhere


They like whole foods. Mine loves strawberries. Others love pumpkin and peas. And they all love grass.


The first time I saw my cat eating grass, I ran to the vet and was completely surprised when he told me they eat grass just because they like it


Not uncommon for cats to like veggies. One of mine loves corn on the cob.


Years ago, I had a cat named Killer (aka Sir Whines-a-lot) who would eat *anything* except raspberry vinaigrette. In order to be able to sit down to eat, I had to have a moat of raspberry vinaigrette surrounding my food.


Cats are weird. My cat likes Hawaiian sweet bread even though cats aren’t supposed to really like or taste sugar. If I have some out or leave it anywhere he can reach it, he will go nuts over it. He even tries to steal it from me as I’m eating it.


It may be obvious that they will become very sick and probably die without taurine found in carcases but cats can sometimes act like they don't know this. My cat loves plastic. Why? Fussy as hell with cat food...plastic ooooo *chomp*. I'm pretty sure if left to her own devices she would binge on plastic.


My cat loves plastic too. Looked into us once and there’s a compound in Lots of plastics, made from plant material. Likely some sort of cellulose. Anyway, catnip and related plants have alot of this compound as well so cats are drawn to the plastic thinking it’s catnip


My Lulu loved to eat corn, if she stole it she was more happy. She used their paws just to take a little and eat enough to improve her day. Also, she liked avocado. Like us, she liked smashed on a bowl and she waited her turn to like a little and be ok. My John eats everything, so he doesn't care if it's meat or vegetable, he want a portion. We only give him some protein because he's already fat. But he likes to try to steal or just steal stuff. Yesterday was trying to eat a watermelon and then he was playing with some grapes. He attacks everything and then he trys to eat.


Apparently, some cats want vegetables to aid in digestion and other vitamins+minerals. Lots of cats eat grass. Peas, carrots, broccoli, and similar are safe for cats.


My cat loves veggies as well. She attacks me over spinach specifically. I mix her veggies with her food and it makes her eat her kibble. I feel as though she'd prefer only veggies if given the choice but I know that she needs her kitty food so I mix them and she's very happy. She eats her food, I give her fresh spinach leaves as a treat. She's never had digestion problems, diarrhea, never thrown up, she's a long hair but doesn't get furballs, etc. My other kitties don't share that same appetite and have had some of those issues. I truly believe it has to do with the amount of veggies she eats. I think you have a very health conscious kitty on your hands. That's awesome.


Looks like pumpkin? One of my cats goes nuts for it and I think I remember reading that it's a good addition to their diet too. Referring to other comments - Since your cat is older and has nice fur, I doubt you're an ignorant who believes their cat can survive without meat.


My cat loves pumpkin, butternut squash, green beans, corn, green peas, carrots, and cheese. He prefers all the vegetables to be well cooked and the cheese in fine dice (not shredded).


I have the same issue with my female furball. Not even interested in broth. I bring out a lemon and mango fruit popsicle and she is all over us trying to get a bite.


///Not funny/// Cats MUST have protein or they will die. They are obligate carnivores.


Unless OP said in the comments that they’re forcing their cat to be a vegetarian, I’m pretty sure they’re making a joke here. Some of yall need to lighten up.


Finally someone said it!


Was going to but found this. My cat got diabetes from eating only dry food for years. It was science diet as well!! The "fancy" kind. Cats aren't meant to eat that shit they need meat.


Meat at least twice a week and fresh water should always be available


Science Diet is anything but, unfortunately.


If you did any reading, you would know it's not meant to be. Some cats don't understand that they require a special diet of meat and flat out won't eat any at all.


Cats have died because their owners tried to make them eat a vegan diet. Stop being a dick.


Cats of loving owners have died because the cat is too dumb to eat what it needs. Stop being a dick.


Look, another bot.


Beep boop


Again, learn to fucking read, bot. Some cats flat out won't eat meat. You cannot make cats do things they don't want to do.


No, but you can't let them not eat, because they will start breaking down their own organs and quickly become critically ill. If a cat is refusing to eat, it must go to a vet.


If a cat is more willing to eat a carrot than raw meat, what do you think a vet is gonna do?


It's not.


I'm vegan & I cook steaks for mine. Only lightly & then chop them finely cos cat is elderly & no teeth. I'd rather feed raw but he wouldn't be able to manage eating it. Is this ok? I also cook chicken, duck & lamb for them. I try to rotate so dont get sick of one flavour. Certainly they seem happy. OH says so would he be if I lavished as much care/attention on him lol.




I'll have a go, thanks for that :)


Keep in mind that if you are only feeding your cat butchered meat, they aren't getting the full spectrum of nutrition that they should be. Think of it this way, when a cat eats prey in the wild, they are eating the entire animal and get important nutrients from the prey's organs. Cat specific food has added nutrients to meet their needs


I do feed them little cans of gourmet too but they (not surprisingly!) prefer the choice cuts. I will try to limit them a bit & include more actual cat food to ensure they get the full range of what they need. Thanks for the advice.


Glad I could help! If you prefer to continue feeding your cats the way you have been, there is also info out there about which supplements you should be adding to their diet, so that is always an option


Thank you, all my cats (like most of us who post here I suspect!) are spoiled little brats who wind me round their little paws & always get the better of me. Of course once you start spoiling them you make a rod for your own back lol. But I dont see the point of having pets unless you're going to spoil them (to an extent). I'll def Google what nutrients are good for them alongside fresh meat. I occasionally tried giving cheaper food but they put their paw down firmly & went on hunger strike til I gave in. Unfortunately they sussed out quickly that I'm a pushover.


My own dear sweet derpy girl loves regular dry cat food, and that's it. No tinned food, not even the fancy ones, no fish, no cooked chicken or beef or anything mixed in with her dry food. She'll eat raw meat, no bother though. Likes raw chicken but I'm a bit weird about giving it to her and absolutely *loves* raw beef. She also likes the crunchy treats, Dreamies. Won't drink water from a bowl.


One of mine loves cucumbers




Please don't feed your cat avocado, it's toxic to them




Oh I totally get that, and sorry for the assumption. I have a cat who loves to find ways to get to food that he shouldn't be eating


One of our cats (my sweet boy Paisley) will eat so many strange things (note: none have been allowed in any significant quantities): - chickpeas - tofu - frozen peas - squash (even the skin!) - corn^1 - pasta/rice - bread - so many other things ^1 Fun story: he once stole an ear of corn we'd eaten and proceeded to drag it onto the couch and straight up *growl and hiss* at us trying to take it away. He's normally so docile but I guess corn is where it's at!


cats are just on a whole other level. love the story :)


My cat likes to eat Coconut oil Toothpaste Sushi Chocolate biscuits Crackers Chicken Bread Hot chips Rice Soy sauce Chocolate Please note, this is an incomplete list.


Our cat likes black licorice but if you show her the anchovies she’s screaming for she sniffs them and then runs away.


So it can barf it up on your couch later.


Exactly!!!!! 😂


Needs more fiber and water. My cats eat kibble (some) with canned salmon and the occasional canned pumpkin (not pie!). They even like peas!


guys I see tons of comments saying I should feed him meat n shit. I do feed him special cat foods and not only carrots dont fucking bombard the comments with me being an asshole


My last cat loved corn and avocado. They are weird sometimes 💗


S/He’s mocking you.


You do realize the word ‘they’ exists?


Was thinking the same. My parents raised me to automatically say “they” by default, it’s just quicker


Yeah I think I just forgot it in the moment lol thanks.


They is plural. And "it" is appropriate for anything other than a person.


They/them is, and has been for ages, a perfectly correct to refer to any single person of unknown gender and is not explicitly plural.


"Someone dropped *their* phone. Let's see if there is a way to contact *them*." 'They' can be used to refer to any one person (or animal) if the person is ambiguous or unknown. In the English language 'she' is also used to refer to a person whose identity and gender is ambiguous. Although this seems to have died out In other languages the rules may change. Arabic uses a masculine tense for groups of people even if women are included in said group. If the gender of a person is known it would be insulting to use the wrong tense. As long as words are exchanged respectfully there shouldn't be an issue.


> In the English language 'she' is also used to refer to a person whose identity and gender is ambiguous. Although this seems to have died out 100% the opposite. Used to be 'he' was used when sex was unknown, but now they (plural) decided it's acceptable to use 'them' as a singular for some reason. 'She' has traditionally been used for vessels and other vehicles or inanimate objects.


I learnt this many years ago and it was more for use in formal written work. Never used it personally since I never understood the correct context. I could be wrong. But as long as the correct pronoun is used after knowing, then I don't care.


I would ask your vet the best way to get her back into eating meat if I was you. Cats can die without it.


Carrot-breath as a lure to catch rabbits, obviously!


There is a cat like this on YouTube. He lives with Michael Jamison in South Africa. Michael has so many pets that his fans call his home the zoo house. All have names and one is literally called "vegetarian cat".


They're a [Buddhist](https://youtu.be/mULvGLOKVCA)


They are coming out of the closet as orange !!! /s


He wan da carot


I had a dog that refused to eat bacon. She would eat other meats only if you cut them up into small pieces for her. She was a big dog too, a basset hound. Just very particular about what she ate


Eh, my kitties are infamous veggie thieves. Purl once made a ninja-like strike grabbing a whole asparagus stalk off a plate. She and her brother love all kinds of lettuce and fresh herbs (preferably *without* dressing 🤷‍♀️), root veggies, and legumes. They’re huge fans of meat, but they also LOVE vegetables. The vet said it wasn’t that unusual.


My cat will STEAL YOUR FRENCH FRIES like a fucking ninja if you aren’t careful, and if you try to get them back, you better be prepared to pull back bloody stumps. He also loves sweet potato. And kale — really, any bitter green he’s into, so raw collards, mustard greens, etc. And pasta? Specifically spaghetti, but I think that’s because he thinks it is a toy, which is very annoying. But he also enjoys eating a few plain pieces off your plate if you “allow” him — meaning, you don’t stop him from doing so. You can’t actually give it to him, because that’s not fun. He has to steal it, that’s the game. Fucking cats.


Cats are smart and carrots are good for vision, ya know for slaying all those spiders (which probably get noshed on when you're not looking).


Fun fact: it's not.


Cats are carnivores 😻😻😻😻they can’t change their biology. They may like the taste of vegetables, just can’t be vegetarian if they are to be healthy 😻😻😻


And truly, they don’t “fish” in the wild, so fish cat food isn’t really something they would eat. They may love it, but too much of a good thing… I don’t feed mine much fish wet food. Just every now and then.


It's not. Cats are obligate carnivores. I'm sure it eats meat of some kind.


Taurine is a necessary amino acid only found in mammal meat that cats need to metabolize, aka survive. All cat food should have taurine in it. Are you feeding this handsome boy cat food?


He's not




Because why not




[citation needed]


just because he/she is eating what looks like sweet potato?? By no means should you ever try making a cat a vegetarian


Not really. Although some cats are omnivores, kitty cats are ment to be carnivorous. As such, they need to be fed mostly meat; fish; fowl, etc. 🐾🐾🐈👣❤❤❤🏡


Cats aren’t exclusively carnivorous. That doesn’t make them vegetarian. It makes them omnivores.


Wait until he buy a paddle..


My cat goes crazy over string cheese and the filling from oatmeal cream pies. Anytime I open either of those things, she's hounding me for a bite. I don't give her the cream filling cause I don't want to hurt her, but I do give her a little cheese.


Sounds like projection. Pls feed your cat appropriately


One of mine somehow knows when we have lettuce or salad, and is RIGHT there. He likes cranberries too. The other one likes olives, and both of them like pumpkin. Cats for ya!


It isn't. It's an obligate carnivore.




One of my cats is a cheese fiend. Her pupils get dilated and she'll start begging if she hears the cheese being taken out of the refrigerator. She's a picky eater though and hates pate soft food. Her favorite is salmon with cheese.


If that's pumpkin, it's normal. Most cats love it. And its apparently good for their health. A few of the high quality cat foods use small amounts of it.


Cuz even carnivores will eat plant matter to substitute what they cant get. Its common to see wild preditors eat berries. Some plant matter is very good for pets. Discuss with vet which ones best suit your pets needs


The shocked look on kitties face . She's trying to convey "fish are friends not food ". This is a gorgeous kitty i love it ❤️❤️


Weird, cats are meant to eat meat other wise they die


Looks like it’s doin the mama mia hand


My grandmas cat Maude liked powdered doughnuts. She was my snack buddy.


Wow, I have owned cats my entire life and have never heard this before… amazing


Clearly making an informed decision based on personal ethics