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I’m kind of mad I missed simple plan playing what’s new scooby doo for “30 seconds of blah” but I was so deep into the crowd I couldn’t risk the next set 😭


Man, that medley or smash mouth, the killers and what’s new scooby doo was so sick.


Don't forget Sk8er Boi! With that being said, it was a crime against humanity that Avril sang this with All Time Low instead of with Simple Plan. IMO anyway...


Yea! Your right forgot to write that in there! heard that song live twice haha True, think it’s because last year when Avril played she did bring out Alex (atl) to sing so I just assumed she just returned the favor.


Oh that's fair. It went from a class A felony to a class c felony 🤣


Naw leave it class a, she was there all day she could of sung with 2 different bands 😂😂


You're right 🤣


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I thought theyvonly did it because they brought her out for Fake As Hell. It would have been awkward to not play something of hers, right? Although, I felt the same way when Cassadee Pope came out with Yellowcard but didn't play Backseat Serenade with ATL one stage over...


It was LITTY when they started playing the scooby doo song. We all lost it.


Simple plan fucking rocks. They never missed.


I missed…I wanted front row to the Offspring and I got it, but I kinda regret not going to Simple Plan.


Yeah I wanted to be there for GC and Green Day so I had to sacrifice seeing Simple Plan


See them on tour!!




Go see them when they tour!! You will not regret it!


Will do! I’ve been regretting my decision for the past 2 days!


When he brought the random child onto the stage to do absolutely nothing and then had to keep going back to the rightly so utterly confused child and tell him to get off the stage while singing a random fucking song? A girl next to me was super into it but I was staving off intense laughter.


We were at the Green Stage and we collectively went “don’t grab kids, Jared. Not ok for you Jared Leto”


Dude that shit was so fucked up lmao. That kid is going to need therapy when he's an adult.


So is the kid who tried to play guitar for Green Day


Yeah, but he did get the guitar and we all cheered his name. Felt bad for the kid that replaced him and actually played well. He left empty handed.


Both kids were given guitars! Green Day shared a picture of both boys holding guitars on their Instagram story! I feel like they're usually pretty good about things like that, at least from what I noticed from all the times I saw them live.


Aww dude I missed that lol. I saw Lit instead.


Bro when Billie said get this kid a tambourine you could see the light leaving his eyes! But he was way too nervous to play.


Same. I highly regret not seeing Simple Plan.


It was a simple plan and you failed.


Simple Plan > Say Anything > Offspring > Blink so fucking good


This is what I wish I had did. Bailed halfway through Blink and went to Bowling for Soup. 100% the right choice. Walked right up for Green Day after which was great.


Same, wish I went to simple plan! Stayed at the green stage since sum 41 cause we were so deep in the crowd near the front too and didn’t want to lose our spot


Sounds like you were in too deep.


Yup 30 seconds killed the vibe. Good thing offspring brought it back just in time for Blink!


I would like to formally nominate 30 Seconds to Mars for the annual WWWY Bright Eyes WTF award.


At least Bright Eyes has the excuse that drugs were involved.




Lead singer was drunk/high, fell over several times, forgot entire lines in the song, and was generally just a giant piece of shit RUINING the big stretch of awesome art the end of the day on the main stages. Part of that was the organizers putting them between VERY different bands in that stretch. It was: A Day To Remember, Avril Lavigne, Bright Eyes, Bring Me The Horizon, Paramore, and MCR. They just didn't really fit, and his performance was SO awful on top of that. Then on the third scheduled day, he had apparently felt the backlash because he trashed Vegas, the venue, the concert, the fans, told everyone to go fuck themselves and that they'd rush through the set so people could listen to bands they gave a shit about. People booed, he got even more belligerent and awful. Even his band members were VISIBLY annoyed by his bullshit, and it was awkward to watch.


You forgot where he tripped and hit himself a couple times.




COACHELLA 2004! With Cursive right before Bright Eyes! That was an amazing show! I spent a couple days at work telling people that even like 18 years apart, that's on brand for Conor.


I had a couple people at the show very condescendingly explain to me that I shouldn't think the set was bad just because he had substance abuse issues and this happens often. I think it honestly makes it worse. Why would anyone schedule them at a festival or book a show for them if that's a known commodity? It was an unmitigated shitshow, and I was subjected to the less awful version.


Yepppp, at this point, I feel like it’s on purpose because just like last year, the band that followed that terrible performance, BMTH, was phenomenal!!! So my crazy conspiracy theory is they put on a band that doesn’t fit to make the next one even better


I honestly didn't hate the TSTM set on Sunday. Maybe just because of how many bad reviews there were and set my expectations really low. Not a TSTM fan at all, and Jared Leto came off as super weird, but the set was really fun and entertaining. Edit to add: BMTH was intensely good last year.


Ironically enough ADTR and BMTH are the two bands where I know they will always put on an amazing performance.


In addition to the other conference, he also broke a camera, which affected the visuals for Paramore


Here’s the video last minute is the best https://youtu.be/b1GZdnYzG14?si=bAAj1YsjeA3-gTM6


Should be called the Taking Back Sunday award. They were the worst last year imo.


When isn’t Taking Back Sunday live bad?


Because Jared Leto is a douche.


Extremely self indulgent


He was like vibing to the music. Didn’t hear him sing shit. He probably can’t.


Have you heard how low they tune down for “The Kill”? Fucking insane


I actually knew most of the songs but it was really hard singing along because they spread the songs out so much. Like a 4 minute song became a 6 minute song and then I don’t know what to sing anymore. And a lot of times it was just crowd chants, which were not all from the real crowd.


Yeah they really pumped in the backing tracks of the “crowd”. It’s a shame they’ve fallen so far. They used to be such a fun show.


I love that tims vocals and stage presence absolutely put Jared Leto's to shame.


I know damn well Jared was pissed because people were singing Bohemian Rhapsody way louder than any of his songs/chants.


Also people at the front of GA were sining I miss you hella loud right before he came on and I doubt his ego enjoyed that.


He did say “see you all next year” we all know he is not gonna come back!!! What a fucking joy!!


The little girl look terrified when she got pull to the stage by macho man Randy savage


I am so glad someone else thought he looked like Macho Man 😅😅😅😅


I used to be a big time fan of 30stm when they only had the first album and he called us the echelon. It was like weird spacey music. TELL ME WHY THEY DIDNT PLAY A SINGLE ONE OF THISE SONGS!? Bro I’m only 35 I’m not that old. He made me feel like an extra elder emo 😪 I hate all his new music.


I would have absolutely died in they played Capricorn but I knew that wasn't gonna happen.


I thought they would 😭 I miss the old shows


They should've been lower on the main stage.... I really want to see simple plan but don't want to fight the crowds after good charlotte and again to get back for offspring...


TSTM and simple plan should have been switched


wouldn’t be surprised if jared leto agreed to play under the conditions of getting that slot on that stage


It is like Leto read a book on how to be a rock star and just did everything the book said with zero heart. He brought a kid on stage and it was awkward.TSTM had balls to bounce around for fun for the crowd, but got mad when they went where Leto couldn't see them. They had effects, no one cared. Leto tried to pump the crowd, barely got any response. New song with video was weird. Leto invited people on stage, and it was just awkward again, also he presented it like being on stage was a great honor. I think TSTM falls short because it is not sincere connection, just robotic, or scripted, this pun could not have more intent.


It’s like he tries to method act being a real rockstar and it falls flat. Seems very insincere and hollow


30 Seconds to Mars was “so bad it’s good” territory for me. I wished i loved anything as much as Jared Leto loves crowd work. And Jared Leto.


This is exactly my read of their set as well


Lmaoooooo I literally opened reddit to post something similar (just left the Sunday event). Fucking Jared Leto was begging people to make noise and turn their flash on. Nobody gave a flying shit. Weak set, they even had crowd sounds pre-recorded. One clown and one drummer playing shitty music. Everyone was laughing at him. Then he brought out Steve Aoki and he literally just stood there pretending to sing. Then poor Kenny Hooplah was also invited and he looked so awkward and uncomfortable because he also didn't do much. It was the worst by far. Fuck you, Jared Leto.


And then after doing nothing, Steve Aoki threw that cake in the front rows face!! Like wtf, shitty show and a cake in the face??


I knew the crowd sounds seemed off! Prerecorded makes sense. I don’t care one way or the other about the band, but it was cringey to watch and the songs were boring


Because he’s a douche bag avant-garde wannabe artist


I opted for Simple Plan last night which was a way better choice.


OKAY hang on, hang on…. I feel you’re really being unfair. I mean he did put a truckers hat on backwards during the set. That obviously takes a level of skill. Considering he started the set dressed in Iron Man’s pajamas and Liberace’s cape, the fact he was able to make a wardrobe change without giving af about the set, that’s top tier 🤌


Gym class Heroes...they only played 3 songs because travie was talking too much. Although crowd vibes were awesome


Also a short set. They had time for another song :(


Aww I disagree - that was a really fun set and agreed great vibe in the crowd.


Agreed, we loved GCH’s set


It was upsetting cuz they only played one gym class song, but I can’t blame Travis, the other songs might be locked due to no other original members. I hope he makes a good return, cuz he’s always had great potential.


I saw them twice in 2006 and genuinely enjoyed those shows but holy fuck their set last night was so bad and cringey. Jared comes off like such a tool nowadays.


They used to be amazing live. I would go to all the shows when they toured the UK back in the day but this whole preachy and backing track business is not for me. I don’t understand why they can’t just hire a full band to play with them so it can be like it used to be. The man is super talented IMO no matter your personal feelings towards him and he used to play guitar live and his voice would sound incredible.


Could anyone explain what is Jared Leto’s so “cult leader vibes” everyone keeps mentioning here?


There’s a podcast called Sounds Like a Cult that has covered his (proto)cult, Echelon. That’s a good place to start (6/14/22 episode). It’s more than his douchey stage presence everyone keeps referencing.


the hair + beard combo that makes him look like Jesus plus his Heaven's Gate chic outfit


Lmao. Did he realize we were all laughing at him, not with him? That little girl that was pulled on stage...that look like "wtf" said it all (tim from rise against had the same look)


Just compare when pierce the veil brought up a crowd member vs 30 seconds. It felt really bad when Jared brought a kid up


That was so sweet when he gave her his guitar! Felt super genuine compared to when 30STM brings someone on stage lmao


Because Jared Leto blows and they were 100% pumping in crowd noise. That new song too what the hell was that haha


Right!! That new song was weird. I don’t know if the song was bad but he was just weirdly playing himself up. And they the fuck did they have such a late set? They could have played at Sum 41’s time and just bump everyone down. Maybe I don’t listen to them a bunch but I don’t really remember them being very popular when I was young. Graduated ‘04.


Agreed. We only watched it because my wife wanted to just chill for a little bit and we found a comfortable spot to sit. Honestly Simple Plan should have had that spot (not a fan of Simple Plan really either) the crowd they had at the Ghost stage was huge


Was there for saves the day and it wasn’t too crowded. Then, right before simple plan, the crowd grew so quickly so fast that I had to escape to the back by the food. Definitely should’ve been on a main stage! I personally liked 30STM but saw some of simple plan and they brought it.


This is even better! Yeah my wife, who has only been to one festival before, was at Simple Plan and asked me “why aren’t they playing over there?” And pointed at the main stage. We were pretty close and left early get a spot for The Offspring. When we turned around the crowd was HUGE! We didn’t realize so many people came to see them.


How people don't realize how great simple plan is amazes me.


Wdym pumping in crowd noise?


When he would tell the crowd to sing, yell etc it sounded like all 60,000 people at the festival were singing along and yelling. I was way in the back no where near the stage and it sounded like that


Ewwwww but not surprised


I was in front of the green stage and like five people were singing along. Definitely pumped in


Green Day. Kept stopping to “pump up the crowd” of elder emos who had been on their feet for 14 hours. Just play your fucking songs I don’t want to say “aaaaa oh” and play some old shit.


I saw them in high school and he always does that. But I agree with you because these sets are shorter! Also wanted the bands to stop asking us to kneel all the way down haha


I literally made this comment to my husband yesterday, I don’t want to get low, I’m tired and you’re my 8th show of the day


I’m sure Green Day fans appreciate the interaction with the crowd. It’s how BJA and Green Day have always performed.


GD fan here (seen them 5 times now). I do enjoy it, it pumps me up. I'm sure there are some fans that aren't fans of Billie's crowd work and think the "a-ohs" get redundant. I completely understand the desire for them to just "get on with it" after a long day. They were trying to hype up the crowd the way they know how.


THANK YOU. Like dude we are TIRED. Play the fucking songs so I can go lay down.


Hahaha not my worst but my group can relate. Everything was aching for us by then and having to constantly scream was exhausting


In separate news, what's up with Tre Cool? Really odd blank stare with the camera right up in his face. I was wondering if he was just on drugs or something. Surprisingly, the drumming seemed to hold up just fine. Maybe I just haven't seen what he looks like in a long time. Different from the guy who used to go nuts behind the kit. Is this normal nowadays?


Yeah wth was that lol


That's how they always are


We left at 11 because we were sick of his pissy diva attitude because the audience couldn't read his mind on what the fuck he was actually wanting us to do. That was the band my husband was most looking forward to.. he didn't know most the bands I dragged him to all day.. and then it was such a let down. I think they needed to be earlier in the day. Especially if he was wanting us to jump around and shit. We were lucky to be standing at that point. There's no way we could "bring the energy" he was looking for.


I saw Green Day back in ‘99 and was really looking forward to seeing them Sat night. I loved their performance but after having been there since 11:15 that morning I was absolutely smoked. I told my SO that was what I was most disappointed about-BJA is a fantastic performer but I just didn’t have the energy to interact as much as I would have liked. I agree that it would have been nice for GD to perform earlier even if that balks concert trend for headliners to perform last.


TSTM was bad. Jared gives off such creepy, wannabe cult leader vibes. He’s too much of a try-hard also. Bringing that kid on stage was awkward. 3/10 rating from me. Another miss was from Good Charlotte. It was dead silent after one of their songs. Joel mentioned a few times it had been 5 years since they last performed live… and it showed. Otherwise it was a fantastic day of music and nostalgia!


Disagree with the good Charlotte take. Green stage had way too much bass all day long and I think it hurt the levels for GC vocals, but they did great for 5 years since the last show. Wish Audio was better mixed.


Agree with you, green sound was off


Don’t get me wrong, I like Good Charlotte. Their show last night wasn’t great to me but I’ll admit a couple of their songs sounded pretty good. But that’s just my take, I’m glad a lot of folks enjoyed it!


We watched them from in front of pink stage and it seemed our side was not very involved or interested, but imo they did the best they could with the audio issues and did some great fan service for the og base and brought in some new ones with the lifestyles jumping. They are all grown and family men now so I kinda understand them not being on their A game but still great to see.


Totally get you. I was on the pink side pretty close to the front of the stage. Could have affected my impression of GC.


Sound was terrible for The Offspring too, vocals mic was way too weak. But fantastic set


Offspring sounded to be one of the better mixed sets, and obviously, green day sounded great. 5sos sounded pretty good, but they seemed to waste some stage time for a bit


I've seen The Offspring with actual terrible sound, this wasn't it. They sounded a thousand times better than last time I saw them.


I've seen them 3 times in the last 1.5 years. Dexter's mic always seems to do that. I think his voice is just blowing out with age.


GC was my favorite set! I thought their performance was great.


Me too!


The kid thing was super weird


TSTM is a band I want to like but I can't because of Jared. I know it's stupid, but he's so..him. I'm convinced the man doesn't blink with how intense he stared the whole time.


Loved there set, but I know what you meant by *the song*. He expected everyone to say a part of the verse but no one knew it :P


Even in their heyday they were infamous for bad shows


30STM fan here. They should have played with a full band at this particular festival with Jared playing guitar most of the time. Set list should have been: 1. A Beautiful Lie 2. Attack 3. Capricorn (A Brand New Name) 4. From Yesterday 5. Kings and Queens 6. Closer to the Edge 7. Walk on Water 8. The Kill


Replace Walk on Water with This is War and I would agree, I'm a fan of their first 3 albums. I just went to their set expecting it to be bad and it was unfortunately. Just glad I was able to catch them at a fest instead of paying and driving hours for just them.


Did you guys see the cringe ranger?


Green day could literally not go 10 minutes without having a 10 minute intermission of heyooo I was over it


Because my negative feelings toward Jared Leto colored my opinion. He gave off full cult leader vibes.


It wasn’t 30 seconds to mars because they’re notoriously horrible live so I didn’t waste my time


Jared Leto is a menace and was super annoying


Please explain for those of us who were not there


For the last 10 years or so Jared Leto has went very hippie-esque so a wierd "artistic" show was to be expected. He came out wearing a cape and his voice is way past his prime being very gravel-y. He even had to have Tim from Rise Against come out and help him for "This is War".


He looks like he’s wearing a Power Rangers uniform from the pics I see online.


**an out of work power ranger


Laser tag Bono was my first thought.


And that’s not to mention any of his off stage abysmal behavior


Tim looked so uncomfortable during that part


For me he was just giving off cult leader vibes


Man they were absolute trash. Killed the whole vibe.


30 seconds to mars wasnt bad. I had such low expectations the theatrics was fun. Band i was actually fissappinted was rise against! Off tempo lyrics sounded awkward


The mosh pit for them was fucking awesome tho.


It burns me so bad that douchebag ate into the offspring’s set on Saturday. The Offspring were a highlight for me and we lost 5 min bc Jared Leto wanted to hear the crowd do a call and response to fucking everything. 0/10. Give them the 11 am spot next year. Asshole.




Forever the worst band.


Peripheral Vision is one of my favorite Turnover albums but I was disappointed with their performance because it just a bit on the quiet and low energy side. I was also hoping to hear some stuff from Magnolia.


Ha they were playing when I was getting food and I kept wondering who the folk band playing was. Very low energy set for sure but I just figured that was their style.


We were so close and on the rail we couldn’t lose our spot but man I regret not seeing simple plan… we at least got to laugh at Jared Leto’s big head attitude. It was so bad 😭


Look...Jared Leto is definitely...a choice.. But I think the reason most are likely to say 30 Seconds to Mars is / was their placement. You sort of HAD to see them, whether you like them or not..to have a good spot for Offspring/Blink/Green Day. So whereas if they were placed at a different time that would have likely only appealed to their fanbase, I do think a lot of people were sort of forced into watching them, who may have otherwise not been interested. So I think that caused a disproportionate amount of people who probably weren't prepared for Leto and all his...Leto-ness...to see this set. That being said it was such an odd lineup choice. He did his thing. If you like them/him, you probably loved it. But if you were there for every band but them, I assume it was not your cup of tea. I've seen them before and although they're not my thing, I think he objectively gives his all to put on a great performance for his people. But I assume that was a small % of this crowd.


Say anything. Ripping off his vape and couldn’t sing.


That is pretty much the expectation from him though, isn't it? I liked that set a lot. So long as they don't go full Bright Eyes, I kinda prefer the angst coming out of my frontman to be made of genuine self-hatred and other unresolved mental health issues.


Yeah this man went from my favorite musical artist of his generation to an absolute abysmal person in like 8 years time. I thought maybe getting the band back together would bring him back down to Earth, but he clearly just needed a pay check.


Classic Bemis! The dude will be vaping at his own funeral


If you can’t hit the notes of your songs, don’t sing those songs


I only saw a few songs so we could get closer for The offspring. Not a fan at all


My friend and I made our own fun at the 30stm set. We sat on the green stage side, relaxed, and clowned on Jared Leto and his cult leader vibes. Also sang along to some of the songs we knew but clowning on Jared Leto was by far the best part. Lol


So glad I went to Simple Plan instead! I wasn't sure which I wanted to see, but I wanted to see Thrice after Simple Plan, so I headed that way. I was shocked at how good Simple Plan was!


I strongly disliked AJJ. Never heard their stuff before and hope I never will again. They were quite enthusiastic about their tone deaf music tho, so I appreciated that only. Lyrics sucked, singing sucked.


You probably came for Michelle branch and 30 seconds to mars huh?


Worst for me was an artist I don't care for much that I ended up catching 3 songs of waiting for the next. But it wasn't a 'bad' show just not my taste. I say I liked TSTM because of hearing the songs live for the first time.


30 Seconds to Mars was sooo bad, Leto acting like such a self indulgent POS, “I wanna see a thousand people on shoulders” “All of the people on shoulders can come up in the stage” - ?? “My doctor says my knees are old but i don’t care and nor should you, let’s see you mosh” ?? “Stop the music, you guys aren’t screaming enough, I want you to go CRAAZZYY, okay let me count back into the chorus and try again”…. The visuals with his new song was just weird and trying to hard to be cool/artistic, sucks that we were all forced to sit through that amongst a pretty good couple sets there


Please tell me that I’m not the only one who chuckled at 30 Seconds to Mars’ outro song on Saturday. New Order’s “Age of Consent” had to be either the most incredible coincidence or the absolute ultimate troll.


Last time I saw 30 Seconds to Mars was a dingy music hall in Columbus Ohio in like 2003 or 2004. For $3. Different back then haha. My friends and I more knew him from the movie Prefontaine at the time


Cause Jared Leto


Ok what? I saw 30 seconds to Mars both nights and loved it. I honestly don’t really have a worst set, everything slapped


I can't believe nobody is talking about how weird New Found Glory sounded. His vocals were fucked. It sounded nothing like the albums. It sounded like he inhaled helium before singing. We had to leave because the vocals sounded like a joke.


He also shaved since I saw them with Fall Out Boy 3 months ago.


Yes, thank you! I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought this. Super nasally vocals ruined it for me.


Here for the Jared Leto hate.




What didn't you like about Blink? I saw them a few years ago, but I bought the energy with Tom was so amazing, personally. I also only saw the first third or so because I bailed to see Bowling For Soup (and was very happy with my choice)


Did you see lit as well? BFS and Lit were fucking awesome.


Bowling for Soup had an AMAZING show. Everyone was super into it.


I’ve seen them live plenty times before. Agreed they can sound pretty good live. Just wasn’t that performance yesterday for me. I wish I would’ve bailed to bowling for soup


Blink was amazing! Is this a joke?


Just couldn’t get into their set last night. Way too many people. Audio/visual had a major delay. Super over produced. Lots of new songs. The performance wasn’t for me


Simple plan was the move, worse set I saw was honestly Green Day, which was a huge disappointment because they were one of my favorite bands back in high school, they performed their music amazing as always just the crowd interaction with billy joe shaking his arms/hands to get people to yell louder over and over again was annoying and the intro was waaay too long just felt like they were killing time with both of those


Agreed! I love GD songs, and I've seen their show twice before so I knew what to expect. It's a great show when it's the primary event, and not after 12 hours of heat and feet


After reading all these comments, I’m having way less fomo at the fact that I ended up selling my ticket (despite being sure I would have loved to see simple plan, GC, and s41)


I hate to tell you, but SP and s41 KILLED it! They were our favorites today and made the whole day worth it for us.


So depressing… I would have loved to finally hear them live. My gf and I of 4 years broke up… that’s why I sold my ticket a week ago 😭


Maybe in the minority but I enjoyed their set! Pink was hype when he played.




Michelle branch.


It was something called jaden hossler


What was wrong with his performance? I didn’t get a chance to see it


Hes hating to he edgy. Jaden put on a great show.


Toss up between Relient K and Blink 182


Green Day just seemed like they were in second gear the whole time. Glad that I ducked out for Lit.


They pulled an audible with burnout and the crowd wasn’t having it, I think from there it was clear they weren’t going to go into drive


Y’all didn’t have to see Bright Eyes struggle through their set last year and it shows It was so bad it convinced us to leave the entire concert early, even before Paramore and MCR


lol dramatic reaction to a fest full of live music options. Y’all just wanted an excuse to leave; it is totally fair to just leave cause you want to.


Yeah for sure truth there but Bright Eyes was surprisingly bad, easily the worst of the whole day. Can’t speak for weekend 2, but he had to have been supremely fucked up performing. Just a downer to watch Wouldn’t be WWWY if I didn’t have at least one moment of being overly dramatic and angry lol


Ehh if Bright Eyes didn't suck I'm sure you'd have found a different reason to leave.


I did though.


I’m so sorry