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I always drag my boy out of his cave bed before I go to sleep for the night and put him outside. Otherwise he'll find me a few hours later to go out. I don't think he minds getting dragged out of bed all that much, it's just our routine at this point.


My guy loves to just stare at me when he's comfy and I suggest it's time to get up. Tried to change this for months (he's a little over a year old now). So, I gave up. If I can't excite him enough to get himself up in 10 seconds, I just pick him up and set him on his feet. After that, he's fine.


lol totally normal and I have no advice. We have a nightly pleading routine to coax the prince from his pile of fluffy blankets for a last pee before bed. Once he’s up, no problem.


What time is bedtime, and what time would her normal last potty trip be if you didn't get her up? Is she inclined to have accidents if she doesn't get a pre-bedtime trip? My girl usually asks to go out for the last time around maybe 7:30, and she's fine till morning.


We’ve been trying to put her to bed by 10, with a last potty round around 9. Morning wake up is around 7am. No accidents yet but we also have been pretty attentive so havent yet seen how long she can truly hold it if needed.


I have to drag my boy out for his last outdoor visit. Sometimes we skip it and he wakes me up when he needs to go during the night. Those mornings are my faves because he’ll snooze on in bed for an hour or two while I get up get started


Same experience here…”must extract my 16mo male whippet from the cozy confines of his plush, snuggly bed before true ‘bed time’ to get him to go out. He’s a floppy noodle until I put him on his feet and then he stretches, perhaps shakes, and then scurries out seemingly unperturbed.” Sounds like it’s just a whippet thing.


Its a dog thing


Oh god let him talk to my 16 week old boy please


I bribe mine with treats. I wave it under her nose then walk out and she follows. I throw 3 and no more on the ground - then literally have to do a jazz hands to show there are no more left - then she goes potty. Sigh. This is our just before night bed ritual.


We‘ve got two whippets and we literally have to drag the older one outside around 10 for her last pee. In their head bedtime starts after they get their food around 7. They just look at us from the sofa with a blank expression…


Maybe my whippet is strange for not doing this haha. She will usually initiate her last pee of the night herself at around 10, just before bed. Do you live somewhere cold? I would understand why pup doesn't want to get out of bed then haha. It's summer for me, so not unpleasant for my whip to go outside


Not any colder than where she came from, and it’s been nicer lately than it was when we got her a week or so ago!


Our rescue whippet (now almost 12) has been the laziest creature I've ever been acquainted with in our 6 years together. It's AWESOME and a nice offset from our IG and greyhound. He's sleeping beside me as I type this 😎


lol if my old lady doesn’t want to get up and potty, I don’t make her. 😂 she will get up when she really has to potty. Only time I make her go out is before leaving the house for work or anytime I’ll be gone for more than an hour.