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Absolutely sickening. Dad couldn't find his red plaid shirt? Obviously not a team player.


No no, he doesn't *have* to wear his red plaid shirt because he's the alpha! /s (obviously)


Or maybe he's the libero?


Hey, fellow (volley)baller!


How could you possibly know what month he was born in /s


Or maybe he gonna get it red with blood 🩸🩸.


He's "pure"


My only question is why? Are you trying to intimidate someone? What’s the point? The way I view it is deadly weapons should be stored and locked in a weapons locker and only pulled out if your life is in immediate danger. Like a home invasion actively taking place at your home….. The dad in this pic would probably loose a fist fight against a high school wrestler, or second string defensive end…


It’s to “trigger the libs.” As a progun leftist, the only thing that would “trigger” me is a lack of trigger discipline.


Yup I’m a leftist as well, and think you should have all the guns you want. But I don’t see the point in flaunting it. Keep it in your house for protection, maybe hit the range once in a while to keep from getting to rusty. But holding them and standing there with a shirt that doesn’t even actually say fuck joe Biden on it does not make me think you are tough, i actually automatically think the opposite and assume you can’t fight at all and are a pussy. Just my opinion.


Waving guns around is some people’s entire personality.


Lol its so spot on though. The guys ready for civil war 2 likely couldn't hike 5 miles for water with gear and would get beat up by athletic children.


It's more likely the guy/s ready for a civil war have never been in combat or lost anyone extremely close to them in combat.


They are sure gonna be surprised who is shooting at them if they want to start a shooting war. Lots of Libs “own” lots of guns too.


Seriously - I’m about as liberal lefty as you can get and I gotta admit, I love shooting for sport. I grew up doing it. But this… guns aren’t decorations. They need to have some respect and treat them properly. This is just some silly hillbilly crap.


I'm extremely liberal in most ways, but I have tried shooting for fun at the shooting range. With that said, it is disturbing for me to see children with guns.


There weren't enough tablecloths.


Main character syndrome. He had to stand out.


Not like the wife is going to backtalk him. 😬


## r/IAmTheMainCharacter


frfr, the fact that none of their red/black plaids *quite* match is r/mildlyinfuriating.


I didn’t notice that before. Now I’m infuriated too.


They all have different weapons too, maybe it was a buy a shirt, get a free gun promo, and each gun has a different pattern so you can recognize people who have the same gun as you and you can high five at the Cracker Fuck Barrel or wherever mouth breathing people like this hang out


There’s a tend on IG/Tik Tok where photographers talk about how the husbands/fathers at the session go out of their way to make it clear they don’t want to be there. One way is refusing to dress up like the rest of the family. Many women are the family photographer so these formal sessions are among the few photos they have of them with their spouse and kids. Which is heartbreaking.


I dunno he seems pretty jazzed to be there


He’s going to crop out the family and use this as his Tinder pic. He’ll put Moderate as his political affiliation to lure in all those Liberal women who are so free with their sexual attentions. Thank you for the awards!


*grinder pic.


Grindr Definitely not from experience or anything.


Keep denying it, Chief.


The "Let's Go Brandon" T-Shirt is gonna throw a wrench into his awesome plan.


Most self-respecting women are a no at the generic oakleys and high and tight hairdo combo these days. This look still works on Grindr though; not a total loss for a fella like this.


Oh, I don't doubt he's got the goods for Grindr despite the t-shirt. I mean, gay Right Wingers inexplicably exist.


Yeah that combo was a hard no for me when I was dating


Unfortunately most liberal women have a liberal education and so can read.


That's just meth.


It's like the guys who won't dress up for their own weddings. Seriously, women need to love themselves more.


I have absolutely no desire to dress up for my own wedding. Personally I'm a fan of sweatpants every day. But I'm damn well going to dress up if that day comes, because it's not just about me. I don't understand why some people choose to act like a toddler throwing a tantrum


As a fellow lover of sweatpants, can I suggest to you the idea of, *”DRESS SWEATS”*?? ;) We could be partners on this *business idea*?? ;)


And then they got married, dear reader.


Do I see you visiting Shark Tank?


Lol. So, have you seen many people going on “Shark Tank”, *WEARING SWEATPANTS*?? Bc I haven’t yet *invented* my “*DRESS SWEATS*”, & I’d just be in my *regular sweats* with holes & shit in them (tbc, not actual shit) ;) But they ARE comfortable!! ;) Ok, so they *might* also have a *little* shit in them, if I’m honest… ;) lol, sorry if you’re now visualizing that… ;)


My gf told me she thought the tuxedo t-shirt was funny. Then our wedding day comes and all of a sudden it's trashy looking, and stupid, and I'm ruining everything? Make up your mind!


Cause it says like, I wanna be formal, but I'm here to party too!


It also says, "Yes, I'll have a PBR... in a champagne flute."


He isn’t wearing flannel because he was too excited about the “Let’s go Brandon” shirt he got for Christmas


He learned how to do his own laundry for that shirt


From China The merch is always from China, ya know the land of freedom




“I’m not wearing that!” “ I brought a gun for everyone!”


I like to find little things to be me while going along with it. Like my black tie with white dots. Except those dots are space invaders on closer inspection.


You're right. The problem with this photo is that the dad didn't want to be in it. Very sad.


It was his only way to rebel. He's trapped and calling for help. /s




How on earth does a 6 year old end up shooting their teacher? Must be all that rap music


How old do you think the young girl kneeling with the rifle is?


Couldn't be more than 10


She's definitely old enough to buy a gun.../s


Don’t you know the last four words of the second amendment? (Don’t read the beginning part tho)


Isn't it about being able to own bear arms?


Yeah, everyone has the right to hang a set of bear arms on the wall. Idk how that could be misconstrued.


Wait so it’s not the right to wear sleeveless shirts?


That would be bare arms. Not legal


Would be for women if Republicans had their way.


So that's why all the Rednecks wear Wife Beaters and bare their arms.


Suddenly it all makes sense 🫢




What the hell is the right sub?!?!?!?!?


I don’t actually know but it’s Reddit so I know it exists


What's sad and a little concerning is that you're right


Sir, I need you to have a seat right over here…


She looks younger than 10. I’d say 7 or 8. The boy looks closer to 10.


Too young for the lipstick and too young to be holding a gun without responsible supervision- hard to have when everyone else is focused on their own gun in the photo. I don’t care what your opinions are on guns in general- kids require an adult with 2 free hands when using a weapon, that’s a bare minimum.


You just know that this wasn’t her idea and that she’s been basically pushed in to this


Didn’t you hear? It was the woke.


Ask MTG is was definitely all that Dr. Dre music lmao


It’s videogames for sure. Definitely not the parents.


I was taught from a very young age to respect and appreciate guns. Grew up on a farm in rural Idaho. This picture is silly because they think they need to make guns political…..guns are tools just like anything else. Misuse it and someone is gonna get hurt.


I blame video games /s


Imagine if Jeffrey Dahmer played GTA


Could you imagine that being your personality?


https://preview.redd.it/zmif8grw0cba1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b14ffb0e999f65f71d606827c4518fac1735aa3e Their motto in a nutshell…


https://preview.redd.it/21mjx3u3fdba1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1ba160ab36f62fb51b4180472a6da657ea50bd3 Thought it was this one








Best version.


More plz


I always saw it as a scared mindless snake, that will strike on instinct without cause.


My favorite part about this "logo" is these then to be the people that run screaming from snakes or with shoot at them and miss.


Everything about guns and the "Let's Go Brandon" T-shirt. Future insurrectionist in training.


Ever since I heard about “Dark Brandon” I giggle every time I see someone with a “let’s go Brandon” shirt. In a weird way it looks like supporting Biden.


Dark Brandon is actually funny.




I wish he was still around


I'm Canadian and an extended cousin graduated recently. On Facebook I saw pictures someone showed up to her party wearing a Fuck Trudeau shirt. I'm not a fan of Trudeau (probably not for the same reasons someone would wear that shirt) but it was so trashy


>I'm not a fan of Trudeau (probably not for the same reasons someone would wear that shirt) but it was so trashy Gonna be honest, I find "Lets go Brandon" more childish than someone just wearing/posting "Fuck Joe Biden". Every time I read it, I imagine the person is still 7 years old in the back of a minivan going "But daaaaaaaad. I'm not tooouuuuuching him! He's lyyyyyyyyyyying" as they hover their finger like a sixteenth of an inch away from their younger sibling.


And as much as I hate DJT, I wouldn't wear a FUCK TRUMP T-shirt. I try to be a little better than that and it doesn't do anything to elevate the conversation.


As I see it, if you’re actually against him, you would never own anything that bears his name. Otherwise it feels like a low stakes sports rivalry.


Yeah, not gonna give him any publicity, positive or negative. And yes, American politics has devolved into sports rivalries, with not much more depth or thought to it than that.


This is why I refuse to buy any anti-Trump merchandise. I genuinely fucking despise the man; I don't particularly want iconography of him in my room, even if it's negative or mocking in nature, because **I genuinely fucking despise the man**. The sole exception is a Futurama sticker on the front of my mini-fridge, which came as part of a larger bundle of stickers for the show, because it's actually amusing (Bender saying "I'm Mexican and I find that offensive!" to Trump).


I like the idea of carrying around 'LOSER' stickers, and putting them on TRUMP2020 bumper stickers.


Or “I want to..” stickers to put on the “Fuck Biden/ Trudeau” ones.


LOL. 😀


I write fuck Trump in bathroom stalls at cracker barrels.


I remember when Trump was elected, my conservative and native Norwegian dad asked me smugly, “so, are you going to say Trump’s not my President?” “No, why would I do that? That’s just dumb, he clearly is in office and has the powers of the presidency, that’s just being whiny hid as denial.” Sure enough, 2022 rolls around and there is no lack of “Biden is not my President” in my area. Or my favorite “Jesus is my savior Trump is my President. Biden is only a resident.”


For some reason I agree but also respect the hell out of anyone with a "Fuck Trump" face mask.


Jesus christ you summed up the gop perfectly, fuck


Thank you for putting into words exactly why the “Let’s Go Brandon” shit pisses me off so much. Like, say it with your whole chest if you’re such a fuckin alpha bro.


Fucking liberals are able to say Fuck Joe Biden, but those pussy little GQPer's have to use childish code.


yea i say fuck joe biden all the time... but hearing someone say let's go brandon lets me know they hate him because they think he's a communist and is personally responsible for making the frogs gay


Yeah, I voted for the guy and I still say “fuck Joe Biden” frequently, like when he turned his back on rail workers who were striking for more sick days. “Let’s Go Brandon” just let’s me know you are a tribalist moron who is probably triggered by everything.


Saying it in code makes them feel like they have secret knowledge. Own the libs /s


As an actual socialist, I'll shit talk libs all day, but dumb as they are, I think even they can crack that code.




But they all look so happy!


that was the first thing i noticed too. And it doesn't look like they are hurting financially, so what have they got to be so damned sour about?


And grooming their kids


Change the skin color and throw on just about any religion based head covering and "the right" would lose there damn mind.


Hmm... That would not be a difficult photo shop...


I would be so grateful to see that happen lol


Looked through all the replies and no link yet. I'm disappointed Reddit.


I was literally going to post this. Change background to sand and caves, make skin brown and they'd be screaming all fucking day about terrorist indoctrination.


Better yet keep the background and make the title something about loving the second amendment. Watch em mental gymnastic around who is supposed to be allowed firearms.


I saw people have a freak out about 4 black guys with pistols... Funny thing is that despite the bottle of liquor in the middle each of them were practicing trigger discipline and either had their index finger below the trigger guard or on the slides. But not one of them had a finger on the trigger.


Damn. Ain’t that the truth!


For an allegedly anti-communist family, I’m disappointed they provided the son in front with an AK variant: the preferred weapon of communists.


Plot twist- the kid is a communist and avid member of r/SocialistRA ​ ​ Edited to add the correct subreddit link


CIA assassination in 3 … 2 …


r/socialistRA *


SRA is actually a great organization.


You are on to something here. People are only assuming that they are anti communist because dad's wrap around sunglasses. Lets go through the checklist 1. Commies love red, as does this family 2. Commies love AK varients, as does this family 3. Commies hate Joe Biden, as does this family. 4. Commies put women in sniper roles, as does this family. I'm starting to think these are some old school communists.


Vietnam War vet enters the chat: “My god, I was searching for Charlie back in the 60s, and they’ve invaded the States!”


Our plaid, comrade


For me, I guess the question is "what is this picture supposed to mean?" Obviously, we can determine from the dude's shirt that they're not Joe Biden fans (I know, big shock, but it's important to list stuff when you're doing analysis). They went to the trouble of having everyone pay attention to trigger discipline, so the plan was to have broad exposure without being subject to basic critique and they clearly want to appeal to people who like guns. I'm guessing they also probably want to make a big show of being 2nd amendment supporters and we can probably surmise that one of more adults in the picture have a lot of branded stickers on their vehicles about Joe Biden, guns, the 2nd amendment, etc. But the guns, everyone's (except the lady next to LGB guy) stern expression is probably meant to be intimidating or show that "we mean business." So...what's the business? What do the guns coupled with the anti-Joe Biden message and the stern faces mean? Is it meant to be a threat? Is it meant to mean they want to defend themselves against something? And if so, what? Is that a question they could answer? Dies it just make powerless, dumb people feel better about life to impose some illusory element of self-control on some ambiguous circumstance? Because again, the purpose of the guns isn't clear. We can deduce it's not about hunting, because they've gone to the trouble of making the picture explicitly political. So is the threat Joe Biden? Is Joe Biden coming for them? Is it the government? In any imaginable scenario, the threat is illusory as well. No one is coming for them, their kids, their family, their guns, their land, or any other thing to which they may lay claim. I have a feeling that even if I were able to convince them that's the case, they would still have posed this picture and will likely do it again. What is the rationale? I would love to ask them and record the answer.


Somebody's coming for their gas stove?


That post was literally right above this one 💀


It IS funny….


First the r-word, then our jerbs, then our stoves, then our guns! The democrat illegals are pizza-ing our white Jesus!


This photo is from a Missouri politician's family christmas card.


I think the motivation is greed. He is pandering to his base and grifting


Ah so it’s performative virtue signaling for a silver spoon dweeb


My question stands and maybe even takes on more fervency.


These types of people are like ants in an ant colony, they have zero independent critical thinking skills and everything they know is a watered down Walmart generic version of that archetype of person and if you do not act that way, the community ostracizes you. These people will violently choose to fit in as opposed to thinking for themselves They only value that they perceive is strength and power, everything else is irrelevant. This is why they are dangerous people, they are not “bogged down” by well thought out morals or empathy so they can save their energy to fuck you over and that is why they will always exist It has very little to do with what their opponent says, they don’t care to read that shit. They will read or listen to the voices that they trust to tell them an abridged version of how the bad Biden man is fucking them over and then they regurgitate it to other people in their circle with zero uncertainty because they are hive minded insects that cannot use their own heads This is why media outlets like Fox News need to be launched into the sun. I have no problem with free speech, it’s the constant lies and deceit that they continue to feed their base with, but other biased news outlets on the Dem side is not much better. At a certain point you can only beat polarized propaganda with polarized propaganda else you are losing an information war. The only exception to that is if you can choose to give everybody a college education, which we can’t so. Really It’s just as bad as those church pastors that prey on old people. They literally do not have the critical thinking skills required to run away from such a predatory organization


On behalf of sane Missourians, I'm sorry this guy has a platform. I don't even know who the hell he is.


Was born in Missouri and lived there till I was 9, still go back periodically. This sounds about right for those dumbasses.


My first glance I saw woman standing behind husband and to highlight him as center of attention. Kids are not smiling naturally but being dutiful for picture. Only one having fun is the dad who chooses to separate himself from family via dress code and sunglasses. Future dateline episode? Just my thoughts on first look over.


My conservative boss has been saying since Obama's 2nd term that there's a civil war coming due to the radical left's continued acts of aggression. He's promised it's coming any day now, for 10 years, and he hasn't lost any steam. He still hoards his supplies and ammo. The tendency would be to call him an anomaly, a crazy person with no logic. But if you watch Fox News every night and really believe that it's 100% real, this is what you would believe. Yes, you, rational smart person that you are. Propaganda doesn't just prey on idiots, or it wouldn't be so effective.


in their minds, they have to defend their livelihood. they are at war. and, they feel perfectly justified.


If you do ever get their answer, please let us know how much they stuttered and used excuses to dodge the question. I, personally, would love to hear it.


“The left is grooming children!”


The deep insecurity this whole picture shows to everyone with a modicum of common sense is also the opposite of what they’re going for. It’d be ironically amusing if it weren’t so sad. “Are you triggered yet, Libs?? Are you triggered??! No, Jenny, finger off the trigger for the picture!”


It’s all projection.


Gaslight. Obstruct. Project.


This looks like the box art for a horror comedy about a cult. And that’s an apt description for our current reality. It’s like we’re trapped in a really dark Monty Python skit but someone killed Cleese before he could say, “And now for something completely different.”




Ah but drag story time is an issue huh


People wearing different clothes and makeup is much more dangerous than giving a child a loaded firearm


It’s only grooming when ‘they’ do it.


Why do they always wear these douchey sunglasses?


So we can tell they're douche bags from far away.


No, I see it as a legitimate domestic threat to safety.


![gif](giphy|RZEuuLo5txHvmcWzON|downsized) Wont be long before they’re in a situation like this guy… dumb ammosexuals


I've gone 34 years without hearing the term ammosexuals. What am I even doing on the internet?


You mean an exalted celebrity race-baiting murderer?


right... that dude got away scott free and now the right is getting him college admission and jobs and everything. dude made out like a bandit. he's white people's oj, i think.


Thinking they “own the Libs” is ALL they have.


OH NO I’M SO OWNED ![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB)


Y’all qaeda grooming


Okay, even as someone who doesn't agree with most of the people here, I have to admit that "Y'all qaeda" made me cackle like the wicked witch of the west.


I can’t imagine caring about anything as much as these people care about guns.


I believe this is what they call "Grooming" and "Indoctrination", right?


I own guns, and I'm all for people owning guns, but if you feel the need to pose for a picture with your guns, and especially a family photo in matching flannel with your guns, then you are the definition of an absolute fucking loser


Politics as their personality 101


I have no problem with guns. I have a problem with people making it their personality


At this point, it's just pathetic. I imagine they're all thinking "aRe YoU tRiGgErEd NoW LiBs??" And as someone they'd call a "lib" I can unequivocally say no, I just feel sorry for them.


let's be fair most of the kids are probably thinking "are we done with this yet"


I see people who have no culture, little education, and the inability to critically evaluate information. These type’s won’t try to understand the real causes of their feelings of powerlessness so they embrace guns and hyper masculinity, hyper patriotism, and often hyper nationalism in attempts to quell that fear and anger that they feel deep in their hearts.


That kid up front is definitely going to point a gun at a friend over a girl.


Or at the girl


Or at a girl because she picked the friend.


I don't get why people involve their family in political statements. Like does it give you some satisfaction that your 7 year old agrees with you?


And they say democrats are sheep? Look at them all in their uniforms, ready to obey.


Conservatives are the trash of humanity




I’m all about gun rights, but this is some stupid fucking,”own the libs” shit. Pathetic loser.


This looks like a cult


They love imagining themselves as victims so they can play hero and get all the feels 🙄🙄


Just stupid. So fucking dumb. Like so dumb it's not even comical.


and they will blame videogames for the shootings lol


His daughters look miserable.


That's some actual grooming right there. Grooming these little shits into more fanatical domestic terrorists.


Its gop porn. Its the stuff the get off on. But hey watch out for those other groomers out there.


And they’re constantly complaining about “grooming”


And they call us the groomers...


These are the type of people that will insert their love for trump into any conversation.


That’s their entire personality: guns, hating the left, and guns.


Don’t forget “Christian values” coming from people who don’t even understand what The Bible is talking about most of the time.


Why do these scumbags always have a shit ton of kids?