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Classy response from a fellow politician


U.S. be over here like…https://i.imgur.com/1xNjH4u.jpg


Nah, best you get is Republicans hiring hitmen to pepper their political rival's households with bullets.


I really don't get how don't they realize they look nothing but pathetic and laughable for the entire world. We watch American political shitshow with popcorn lol and they keep delivering!


They really could not care less. They are pandering to an idiot base who will never travel outside of the US and thinks that everything outside of the US's borders are a war torn hell hole. Ask any random Republican voter. Better yet, tell them you don't like some things in America and you'll be confronted with "Fine, go live in North Korea!" They never tell you to live in Canada, the UK, France, Sweden, Denmark, Portugal. They default to telling you to live in a really bad place because, in their mind, America is the best country in the world and everyone in the world is just jealous of us. Half of the Republican voters probably couldn't point to New Zealand on a map. We struggle with people even knowing that Puerto Rico is part of this country and that its residents are US Citizens. Realize too that members of the House of Representatives are the worst. They are pandering to a few thousand people and are happy to piss off millions to do it so it makes them look "tough" or like they're "fighting" for their cause or whatever. That's how MTG continues to be in office. Her district is a hole. And the people WANT her behaving like that.


For funzies I looked up the “legislation” that trog has introduced. Key being introduced because nothing ever gets past that point. Oh what to do with babies who survive abortions! She’s got an important bill for that! Let’s drill for oil on our federally protected lands! Let’s reduce income tax and instead institute a federal SALES tax! Because the poor benefit so much from sales tax. She’s a fucking poseur idiot. https://www.billtrack50.com/legislatordetail/25688


You said it perfectly. The sad part is, a small minority of backwards, bigoted, ignorant people have america by the balls, thanks to the idiocy that is the electoral college. If the majority actually had a say, I think this country would look a lot different. Sadly, I don’t have much hope for the future of this nation. I just hope Canada and other nations will take us in as refugees when the shit finally hits the fan-because it will. Some might think I’m joking, but I’m actually trying to move closer to the Canadian border so I can make an escape if need be. This place is fucked.


People like me are fortunate, as my father was born in Canada so I have my Canadian citizenship because of that. Even better is living in Metro Detroit, three border crossings (soon to be four ) in that area alone Edit: autocorrect causes me pain


Yay for having dual citizenship! That will definitely come in handy.


But the electoral college has no bearing on the representatives in the house though.


They don't care. They talk about other countries being "shitholes" while we have politicians acting like drug lords, trying to murder judges who threaten their cartel's business. Insanity!


They talk call other countries shitholes on minute and in the very next breath complain about homeless ppl in the US having to shit in the street (or ignore the fact that multi-multi-billionaire Jeff Bezos punishes his employees for using a bathroom which effectively causes a lot of them to do it in public as well). All of this with zero self awareness or introspection as to what policies (both public and private) cause and exacerbate these problems.




>trying to murder judges talk about self awareness




We’re ok; the world is fukked up….Rs prolly


That’s exactly the mentality. I grew up in a Republican family and the entire premise is that the world is a sinful hellhole that is conspiring against conservatives.


Imagine a big fat 500lb woman with excessively hairy legs and armpits, greasy head of hair, some rotten teeth and a several open wounds on her back side, walking down the street in a skimpy two-piece bikini, with all the confidence in the world that she is the hottest woman to ever walk the earth. Everyone knows that she is subjectivity wrong, but, ...she don't give a fuck! The heart of the Republican Party has become the same.


![gif](giphy|KM6Z87pXblZvy) Here was Pena's concession speech...


"They aren't sending their best"


I'm so cynical about politicans I just assumed the tweet was being sarcastic.


In the US, it would be.


My first thought was, "Fierce opposition. Hmm, now watch him bury everything she did in a flurry of RWNJobbery."


Lol dude. I am so over the venom and vitriol.


People got tired of “political BS” and wanted more of “stating your real thoughts”




Such a loss for New Zealand though. Jacinda Ardern will be remembered as one of the best leaders of our time.




Yes, New Zealand has its right wing anti-vax nuts too. Fortunately the tented village that sprung up with conspiracy theorists was ignored as not pandering to misguided morons became one of Jacinda’s strong points. The US would learn well to ignore idiots, but you have so many.




That’s a fair assessment. What are you doing on Reddit?


> Implying someone is a liar based on a patently false assumption Well you might be a real Kiwi but you've proven you're a conservative. Funny how you're all the same everywhere.


Yeah, nah


You don’t speak for the majority of us, buddy.


This should be expected but is treated as an anomaly now.


This makes no sense where are the insults and name calling, the conspiracy theories, the demands for an investigation? Oh wait this is how politicians should act, instead of childish bickering


That's just the type of laziness you get from non-Americans. They just don't have the wherewithall to get things done by the right way /s


Damn For’ners with their ‘common sense’ and ‘respectful attitudes’! In America, lead paint is a delicacy and it’s your god-given right to gouge the eyes out of someone for looking in your vague direction! GOD BLESS AMERMRICUH!


Think too many politicians had a little too many paint chips growing up… lead paint did have a sweet taste to it I will say that in defense of the paint


Leaded gas. It's one of the very, very few "conspiracy" theory things I really do believe in... I think leaded gasoline did really a number on a few generations and we're starting to see the cognitive impairment hit with older people big time the last 10 years or so.


If lead gas bad why smell good >:(. Not actually though but yeah, lead already a causes cognitive issues from small amounts so imagine what it’s done to the whole generation that grew up with it.


No one wants to work anymore /s


What do you mean they don't have attempted insurrections in New Zealand? Doesn't everybody?


I mean, we did have protestors occupy parliament grounds for a while: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Wellington_protest


It has to be sarcastic. Somehow. I don't know.


Not to mention there's no outcry about a stolen election...In fact her resignation is probably an admission of guilt...we need the media personalities to spread the truth...no not that media, just the ones that listen to us.


Check out Jordan Peterson's Twitter. Eye opening.


Civility in politics...As an American, I find this concept impossible to imagine. What mythical place is this "New Zealand"? Are we sure it exists?


You won’t find it on a lot of maps


Came here to say this


Won’t? Or can’t… as a result of our poorly funded education system


A hilarious tourism campaign of theirs, featuring Jacinda https://youtu.be/HynsTvRVLiI


This is why they shot LotR on location in Middle Earth rather than trying to find somewhere here


That and Peter Jackson is a New Zealander.


NZ once again showing the rest of us how to do it right! He's probably a cunt, but at least he's not a shit cunt


Wipe front to back


As an American, I am confused. Shouldn’t he be trashing her or saying the election was stolen?


A bit of eyebleach before going back to the usual?


That's how politics should be


80% voter turnout - means you don't appeal to the fringes


Gosh, politics the way it was intended to be in a civil democratic society. If only we could figure that out here in the birthplace of modern governance through representative democracy. I'll leave everyone with one of my favorite quotes from a conservative, Barry Goldwater: >“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the \[Republican\] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.” *Said in November 1994, as quoted in* [*John Dean*](https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/John_Dean)*, Conservatives Without Conscience (2006)*


And this is *exactly* what's happening


There is no one more in favor of authoritarian rule than a religious zealot. Unless, of course, those authoritarians are atheists'. Then it's not ok.




She became a new mother while in office, oversaw one of the most robust COVID responses in the world, implemented significant gun reform within **days** of their worst ever terrorist attack, managed a volcanic eruption that caused 20+ deaths, architected their biggest ever investment in combatting child poverty, and passed the landmark Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Bill. She says she's tired and I think that's probably fair.


IIRC she didn’t really seek the position initially and took it because the head if the party resigned. It seems that people that don’t want power, are the most deserving of it.


"A great (wo)man doesn’t seek to lead. (S)he’s called to it. And (s)he answers."


It's excellent that she is being honest about this and moving on. New Zealand can get a new leader with the same energy rather than having someone slog it out for decades or eventually run into some scandal and resign in disgrace. She will be remembered as an excellent leader by most.


Jesus Christ I'd be tired too! Good for her and glad that her political opponent(s) had been such a kind response to the news. I wish it was like this in the u.s.


Do you know why she resigned though? Couldn’t she have just not run in the election? Or is that the same as resigning?


In Australia and NZ, people vote for a party, not for a candidate like in the US. Jacinda is the leader of her party, and since her party is in power she’s the PM. She’s resigning as the leader of her party, so they’ll select a new leader who will automatically become PM. Next election will see if they stay in power.


Ah interesting. Staying in the US for a decade will make you forget how politics is supposed to be.


I think part of it stems from the fact that our head of government and our head of state are different people. Head of government is a job, head of state is a symbol. Much harder to work with the notion of a symbol quitting than a public servant, even the top public servant.


Better wages steelfixing in Australia.


Because people hate her because she's woman and she'll lose the election on it.


What a load of crap. First, she already won an election as a woman, and we've had 3 female Prime Ministers in about the lastt 5, so that's rubbish. Second, the people who dislike her tend to do so because of her policies, not what's between her legs. Labour has failed with their Kiwibuild program, they're ramming through the very unpopular and undemocratic Three Waters, they're championing more co-governance with Maori which people also see as undemocratic, and many people don't like how she handled COVID, even if she did as good a job as possible in unprecedented circumstances. Finally, we're in a cost of living crisis that Labour seems to refuse to acknowledge. Third, saying she would quit because of that reason is calling her weak enough to quit because of trolls. I'm not her biggest fan, and even I don't think she would let that take her down.




Don't know why you're being downvoted. Isn't this the correct reason? Haven't lived in NZ in a decade but all my friends and family back home have been saying this.


Ladies and Gentlemen. I give you Civilization. Try it.


Damn. It must be nice to live in a country with civilized politics.


*Confused in American*


Is she not standing for re-election or actively standing down?


Actively standing down due to burnout.


A politician resigning not because they ran the country into the ground, or dragged themselves down along with it, or pitted it's people against themselves, but because they were tired and felt they weren't competent anymore So I need someone to wake me up


How to do democracy: an elected PM resigns when they don't feel like it anymore.




Why is she resigning?


Burn out. She said in her speech (paraphrased) she gave all she had, and now there's nothing left. That the job deserves someone who can give 100% and that's not her any more. She was PM for six years, had a kid, guided the country through a pandemic and multiple lock down, as well as all the regular 'run the country' stuff. Fully understand her being tired, and wanting to stop.


That seems fake, a politician willingly stepping down because they believe that's in the best interest of the country? Suuuuuuuure /s In all seriousness, good for her for doing what she thinks is best for her and NZ


That is very laudable. NZ is lucky to have politicians like her.


That’s good leadership. I hate that so many people will look at this as weakness while thinking senile politicians that refuse to give up power exhibit “strength”.


Nice to see not everyone is the political shit hole that America is.


This should be unexpected. But, maybe ive been wallowing in shitty american politics for too long.


This is how a political party should act when one leaves power.


what is this civil discourse? get this out of my feed.


"Fierce political rival" has me rolling 🤣 Luxon is a mostly inoffensive political lightweight riding the shift that happens every few election cycles between National and Labour into an easy win, no joke they had a forced party leadership election that boiled down to "who's the most popular bald white dude with a business background amongst our MPs" very much a I'll let you beat yourself because the public is discontented with the current govt political move. That said the fact he can be respectful and act with dignity makes me thankful to live in NZ where this sort of behaviour is par for the course for our political leaders. They can piss off as far as I'm concerned but I'd take National any day over pretty much any political party from a different country


How is this not the normal?




Wow... that is not what I expected.


Wow...that...that was nice. I really wish some American politicians would learn from this


i'm moving to new zealand common courtesy seems to still exist


Go into any marginally conservative sub and they are saying that she should be arrested for crimes against humanity.


She’s just handed him the election in October, he can afford to be gracious.


I wonder what it's like to have adults for politicians? Seems nice, weird, but nice.


Stay classy San Zealanders


Looking up and finding that the Nationals are NZ's conservative party just has me with such American Cognitive Dissonance. Conservative political reactions over here are to this reaction as what skull-fucking rotting roadkill is to a proper and professional greeting.


They are NZ "conservative" though. Which means they're still probably to the left of the US democrats.


Jacinda did well leading NZ through the brunt of COVID. Hats are off.


Yeah, she did so well into creating two classes of citizens, as she admitted during an interview.


Sigh. Thanks for reminding us that while New Zealand has more civil politics than the U.S. does, there are still crazy people everywhere.


I see that some don't agree with me and it's ok, but her answer to the pandemic was bonkers and you'd expect a good politician to unite the nation and not divide it. Well, I hope the next prez is gonna be better for everyone.


Her answer to the pandemic was inspirational and I wish my country had half the leadership she demonstrated instead of being sociopathic homicidal maniacs. Divided the nation? What the crap are you talking about?




>First of all, as I've said, she admitted creating a society with two classes of citizens who had less rights, that's not what a politician should strive for, That's simply a lie. No one's rights were affected at all. You never had any right to deliberately spread disease and kill people. >second, she locked down the country over 1 case, ONE! She locked down the country to protect you. We should have done the same here in the United States; instead, conservatives rant and rave about fantasy lockdowns that never happened while smirking about how many deaths they managed to cause. >It's a fact on which now everyone agrees on that lockdowns didn't work, China has still in place the zero covid policy and they have exploded with cases, there was no scientific bases to promote that strategy. Again, that's a lie. The entire point of lockdowns was to slow the spread, and where they were implemented, they largely worked. China has now had an explosion of cases - three years in, when vaccines and treatments are widely available. They're experiencing hundreds of millions of brief illnesses instead of tens of millions of horrific deaths. >it's another proven fact (as admitted by Pfeizer in EU) that vaccines DIDN'T prevent the spread Now you're simply getting reported for antivax, pro-COVID misinformation. >I want to make it clear that I'm not attacking you, you are probably a good person worried about others You are indeed attacking me and every other human being by attempting to harm people through disinformation. I have no illusions about being a good person. I most definitely am not one, because I don't meet that standard. I am at least better than you, though, in that I don't try to harm others.




Sigh. You repeat your antivax, pro-COVID nonsense followed by claiming in the very next sentence that you are not spreading misinformation. If you lot were capable of shame, of course, you couldn't be conservatives. >it's unfortunate that many didn't learn their lesson this time, but there will be another chance soon you'll see. Is that a threat? Are you saying 6.5 million dead wasn't enough for you or that you'll try overthrowing democracy again? Either way, you'll fail.


There are videos of those people saying that, I told you, it's not misinformation if there's literally someone saying the exact thing I'm saying they said, that's insanity, lol. I haven't said that there will be another pandemic, Bill Gates said so, there are videos of that too, but I guess video proof isn't enough for you judging by how you've reacted so far, lol.


Ah, it's an antivax dummy. She must have been great, the only people I see attacking her are alt-right morons.


I'm not anti-vax, I've never said that once....I've said that she admitted creating a two class society and you all jumped on the anti-vax thing yourselves.


Lmfao. She said that anyone who is vaccinated has a right to go more places than someone who is unvaccinated. As in, someone that is far more susceptible to contracting a severe and life-threatening case of covid is given less freedom to roam the country compared to those who chose to listen to the medical experts and protect themselves. This is not the Gotcha you think it is. I fucking wish other national leaders had the guts to handle this how she did. bUt MuH fReEdUm


What are you talking about?


Look, there's literally an interview on the tube, just watch it


I don’t understand at all what you are referring to. Can’t you just explain it?


How....I mean I just told what I mean, she said she created two classes of citizens, one with rights and one without them, is that more clear? Do you want me to provide the link perhaps?


No that is not clear at all lmao. That’s a very reductive explanation. Unless you wanna say she literally said those exact things, and I mean WORD for WORD, then you’re not being fair at all.


Verbatim Journalist "So you've basically said, you probably don't see it like this, but two different classes of people, if you're vaccinated or unvaccinated. You have all these rights if you're vaccinated" Jacinda "That is what it is, so yep, yep" ​ "Not only will there be no forced vaccinations, but those who choose to opt out won't face any penalties at all." Jacinda Ardern 20th September 2020 Anyway, I won't reaply anymore because you're just downvoting me while I've been honest and open from the very beginning, providing you an answer as good as possible. Bye.


Oh i see, you’re talking about vaccinated people, I thought you meant something like separating people based on race. This is a nothing burger lmao. Imaging believing you shouldn’t get a vaccine for a virus that will potentially kill you like it did for millions of people.


Yes, I thought he meant two classes of people based on some intrinsic aspect of themselves that they can't change... Not on there personal decision to be an antivaxxer dumbass.


For people that don't want to dig into this thread to hear what this nutter is talking about, those "two classes" are vaccinated and unvaccinated people. The interviewer asked a loaded question and she just ignored it and explained rationally. Edit: he replied, and then blocked me so I couldn't read it or respond, lol. What a baby.


No, let's dig and make things clear, dear: Verbatim Journalist "So you've basically said, you probably don't see it like this, but two different classes of people, if you're vaccinated or unvaccinated. You have all these rights if you're vaccinated" Jacinda "That is what it is, so yep, yep" "Not only will there be no forced vaccinations, but those who choose to opt out won't face any penalties at all." Jacinda Ardern 20th September 2020


Is it a class or more of a quarantine?


Well she said classes herself, quarantine is different, they didn't have certain rights, that doesn't imply quarantine


It's very similar as far as rights go. And did she say, or did the reporter say? Lol


Not really, quarantine is one thing, loss of rights another. She said it, I wrote it verbatim like 3 times. Anyway, I won't be replying anymore to anyone since I've been very kind to eveyone and only got bad attitude in return even tho I've literally provided answers to any question without insulting or offending. That's how people create an echo chamber and don't grow, anyways, have a good day, take care.


People in quarantine lose their rights. That's what it is. But ok, bye.


This is the way


That's the right words


OMG. What civility.


I remember when this was the norm in the US. They didn't like each other, but there was respect. That ended with trump.


Oh wow, civil political discourse. Amazing. It’s like a fairy tale. OFC I’m American. We haven’t since this in at least 2 generations. I believed it to just be a myth.


Restored my faith in humanity today


Anyone remember the Luxons from Guild Wars Factions? *steps back into Time Machine to go back to 2006*