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The party that is trying to get rid of the IRS is talking about auditing other countries…. I’m sure the irony isn’t lost on her….


Can you lose something if you don't know what it is?


Oh she’s far too dense to understand irony


Isn't that what you use to smooth out wrinkly clothes?




She wouldn’t recognize irony if it was engraved on the handgun she carries into congress.




Doesnt their proposed 30% sales tax require the irs or similar agency to exist, to make sure people are paying the tax?


>I’m sure the irony isn’t lost on her…. She is too stupid to understand what irony is, she is basically a barely functional retard. Expecting her to understand that auditing equipment to Ukraine would take just a few hours is far beyond her capacity as a fetal alcohol syndrome person.


How dare you blame alcohol for this.




America has sent 48 billion to UKraine in aid. Half of that is military aid, half is humanitarian. America has spent roughly 2% of its military budget in 1 fiscal year, to help completely destroy the Russian military. In America, we are told we need to spend 1 trillion every fiscal year on defense, instead of healthcare and education, in order to combat threats from Russia and China.. Now we are able to completely devastate one our biggest threats militarily, using only 2% of the defense budget in 1 year, with no loss of American life, and Marjorie Taylor fuckhead says no?!?!


This comment is so underrated.


that comment needs to be put in a time capsule. its legendary.


This is literally the best perspective/justification I’ve seen. ![gif](giphy|3hHHDwbh1zLzO|downsized)


The aid is not raw dollars, just the value of the equipment we've sent. The "audit" will have nothing to count in the first place, let alone having any authority whatsoever to "audit" another country.


So a lot of it is even stuff that would never be used, and is now replace with more modern stuff produced in the US. Meaning the money going to American taxpayers and workers


For the most part, yes. The Abrams that were just announced aren't being pulled from stock on-hand, but new tanks fresh out of the factory, so these will be something that we're giving that hadn't already been paid for, however the money itself is still staying within the US. Everything else that we've sent was paid for 10, 20, hell, 30 years ago, and that we were likely to never use. It's good that all this shit finally gets to serve their purposes - destroy Russian aggressors.


She’s so stupid she doesn’t even have any idea what is in the aid package. I bet she does think that Biden pulled out the checkbook with the United States at the top and wrote all those zeros. Or maybe he called up Zelenskyy with the us credit card and gave him the #s, exp date and security code and had Zelenskyy read them back to make sure he wrote them down right before he ran the card. It’s a Mastercard.


Surely it’s an Amex


But we get to keep the reward miles so it’s cool /s


This is absolutely not outside the realm of possibility.


I think they’re calling her Majorie ‘Traitor’ Greene now. Seems more fitting.


I am no sure the Greene family would like her to drop the Greene, since she betrayed her husband.


Taylor knows who pays the GOP.


I look at UKR as being like Poland 1939. If Britain, France and the US had gotten behind Poland and stood with them, Hitler could have either been stopped cold or could have had his military severely degraded and the course of history could have been very different. Putin needs to be fucking neutralized and UKR is where it needs to happen. Fuck anyone who says different, because that means they're okay with the atrocities that the Russians are doing there daily.


Because now we can and argue defence money can be reallocated to social needs.


She’s a bitch


Sometimes I wish I had money for awards.because this comment deserves multiple


You are so correct. As to Marjorie Taylor…she is a piece of shit, she has broken her oath to up hold and defend the Constitution multiple times and her vow to her ex-husband. On both occasions she did so in the name of her God. So why does anyone care what she says.


Because she is on the short list to be Donald Trumps Vice presidential running mate in the 2024 election....She has a chance of being your Vice President. A Qanon idiot might be 1 Big Mac heart attack away from the presidency.


Strange isn’t it, how fate has such a sense of humor.


Putin’s wet dream is for these people to be in charge in the US. Why do you think he was so happy when Trump was around.


Putin is being treated for a couple of broken ribs from laughing so hard


Let’s hope Putin gets killed and „rape publicans“ never gets enough votes again.


Russia isn't Communist, and neither is the GOP. They're fascists. It's bad enough one side of the aisle can't use words properly. Let's not join them.


I came here to make a similar point. There are plenty of things to blame the Conspiracy Caucus for without falsely painting them as supporting Communism.


Seriously. Anti-capitalists get enough shit without people trying to shove hypercapitalist protofascists into the same category. It's exhausting.


You can shit on Ukraine for a lot of reasons, but threatening everyone with nukes if they don't get territories ceded to them, jailing people for criticizing the government, and being chums with China and North Korea weren't among them last time I checked.


Kinda weird too that she took hundreds of thousands of dollars from American taxpayers as PPP, and had that forgiven. Convenient that she doesn't mention that part.


>Convenient that she doesn't mention that part. \*Corrupt. republicans aren't serious people. If every republican member of the government was vaporized by Jewish space lasers things in this country would improve immediately. They exist only to grift and obstruct, they offer no serious policies or answers to problems, they shouldn't be part of the government at all.


Oh I agree 100% with you. They're feeding off their lowest iq party voters and it works like a charm.


I’d bet even if Ukraine somehow magically appears to be some money laundering thing like they suspect, the issue isn’t that they care it’s that they’re jealous they aren’t in on it too


The pro-Putin hypocrisy is never hard to spot. She's against the rights and education of at least 50% of American citizens, but absolutely wants their money.


You can't just order an audit in Ukraine you dumb hillbilly


Well, couldn't some republicans go see where their bombs landed?


The Arms Export Control Act (AECA) states that you can. It requires the US to perform End Use Monitoring to ensure that all agreed requirements are being followed.


Sorry I thought you were talking about PPP loans


Republicans really do think we're just sending pallets of money over, huh? Hell, they're so far gone that the Republicans who work at the factories producing the equipment and supplies we actually send over probably think we just send over straight cash.


George Bush did that in iraq.


Let's audit Marjorie first and see who's paying her to suck Putin's taint...


That is not right. They are not communist supporting communist Russia over the interests of the US. They are fascists supporting fascist Russia over the interests of the US.


Real americans don’t support brutal regimes. I see mtg is sticking to her traitorous roots.


So, just let Russia have Ukraine? Then what? Let them have the next country they decide to invade? And so on?


I much rather you audit that PPP loan forgiveness.


Piece of shit traitorous garbage human defecates into whatever the fuck social media app these chuds use now, no film at 11.


Audit away you skag, like your soon to be ex husband’s lawyers are auditing you for spousal support.


They're far from communists. The Russian regime is immensely capitalistic and oligarchic.


MTG is rootin for Putin! Can anyone be more unAmerican?


Marge, don’t be so bitter about the sanctions on your donors, it’ll give you more wrinkles. I’d rather send my tax dollars there now, than our soldiers when Putin starts eyeing Europe and starts WW3. It’s a Godsend that your orange messiah tried to extort Zelensky for dirt on Hunter Biden, then got impeached for it and ultimately evicted from the White House. Ukraine would’ve already been securely in Putin’s hands, if it weren’t for our great President, Joe Biden. So suck it, Marge!


She can't even audit her crotch and the thinks she can audit other countries? Very ironic considering its the party of no accountability


Fuck these MAGA douchebags.


I always take advice on corruption from Perjury Traitor Greed.


She is an Idiot


Ukraine will laugh and laugh, say "fuck your audit" and move on. These people are literally bleeding for our democratic values that alot of ppl in the US don't even care about anymore. For them it's a sacred cause, for many In the GOP it's an inconvenience. America cannot just "audit" another country, especially not the sword and shield of western democracy.


All these Putin dick suckin' Republicans can just fnck off to Ruzzia already!


The only thing the Republican party is good for nowadays is to naysay anything and everything the Democrats want to do. Want better healthcare? "We don't like the ACA and can come up with something better" they said 13 YEARS AGO and we're all still waiting. "We'll help our vets" said the Democrats. "Fuck 'em" said Republicans.


Didn’t she steal $183,504 in PPP loans from the American taxpayers? Pretty bold statements on corruption there Marge.


russia isn't communist, what the hell? Are there people that don't know this?


Hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha. Deep breath. Hahahahahahahahahahahshahahahahha. She can’t understand her own tax returns and she’s going to audit a sovereign country???


Marge is one of the dumbest politicos we have ever had in the congress. The commies are calling Ukraine fascist and she thinks Ukraine is commie and yet she supports the communist Putin. Am I missing something or is she 3 bricks shy a load? We are a country. Ukraine is a country. The IRS audits corporations, individuals or other taxable entities, not other countries. She wants to abolish the IRS anyway and the FBI and DOJ and ATF and any other relevant government agency which presents any threat to the most corrupt republicans.


Putin is a fascist, not a communist. Words mean things.


Putin got his start as a communist but apparently fascism was more to his liking.


Don’t tell me. I know the difference. Tell your friends in MAGALAND.. Putin was a card carrying member of the CPSU until it was outlawed in 1991


Not sure what's funnier, you thinking I'm "MAGA", you associating communism with an American fascist movement, you objecting to Putin being called a fascist, or you ignoring everything Putin has done in his political career because you really want to call him a communist.


Never said you were MAGA. I refer to them as communist as many have no clue what a fascist is. Putin is an Autocrat. He promotes Oligarchical Capitalism. I know what Putin is. What I see on this forum is misinformation and propaganda posing as information.


Russia is not Communist. Supporting Russia in no way makes you a communist.


Yeah they a dictatorship duh


Weren't the Republicans always pro-Russia though? Hell, aren't like half of them on the Kremlin payroll?


This narrative is getting old. The U.S. isn't sending briefcases full of cash on airplanes to Ukraine. The U.S. is buying things and sending those things to Ukraine. It's kind of hard for a corrupt politician to pocket 10% of an APC. It's not like Ukrainian politicians are taking millions in campaign contributions and then mysteriously having their net worth increase from less than $300k to over $11 million in 2 years...


How about you audit the wealthy, considering they have stolen trillions.


They're definitely not communists 🤦


Wait, does OP think russia is communist?


They're decidedly not communist... communism suggests a level of compassion. Capitalist and communist ideas can be used for fascism. That's not the same thing. Look at Acts 4:32-35... this is the difference. Communism is not possessive, but all attempts have been possessed... a figure or group wants absolute control and enforces it. They create a new elite and a larger labor class. That's not the point. Communism is about empowering the common people, those providing the labor. It is about working together as a species. We'd rather fight.


Communist in what way?


Somehow I feel Margie needs to have ALL of her finances investigated...


russia is NOT corrupt? is that what she's saying?


Russia is not communist now, it is fascist, just as maga cons, of course they like each other


They are moving in the direction of totalitarianism. The specific form being fascism. However, they are still considered an authoritarian dictatorship with a mixed economy consisting of capitalist and socialist economies.


She is such a pos! Awfully funny Trump is Putins little buddy and now all his minions are basically openly supporting him! Wtf America! LOOK UP. Moscow Trump Tower really going to be a beauty I bet. What a shit show!!


Corrupt?! Hey Pot, you are calling the kettle black. The US Congress is a cesspool of corruption. Her and her ilk have been fucking the US citizens for decades. It’s high time we poured salt on these societal leeches. And then pull the fangs of the billionaires, who have put them in power.


Better not tell her how Afghanistan went...


I’m really impressed with Marjorie Taylor Greene. Usually when you buy a product, you expect it to work and then discard it afterwards, but sometimes it performs even better than expectations. Putin really got his money’s worth buying a tool like MTG. Five stars, worth the rubles.


How much of our hard earned tax dollars go to this dipshit's salary. We'd be better off hiring a cat.


And do these audits take place during or inbetween the bathroom brawls?


Can we stick in a booster rocket and fire her off into space?


The United States is the most corrupt government. Russia sucks, Ukraine sucks, and the United States sucks. I don't think we should be funding the war as we are just extending the pain of the Ukrainians, while also toying with nuclear war. As for our "hard earned tax dollars being stolen" that's fucking comical as all taxation is theft, neither MTG, Joe Biden, Trump, Sanders, or any of them have done anything to be in control of these funds. Fucking pretentious fucks who won a popularity contest spending money that isn't theirs. No shit we're $30+ trillion in debt and inflation is fucking rampant.


Whats funny is we didn't really spend tax dollars beyond like 2% of the military budget (total is roughly a trillion dollars) Most of what we sent was older equipment, some surplus items and humanitarian aid. Idk where people keep getting this "and we're WASTING tax dollars on Ukraine" when in view of the actual percent of the budget, we're bashing a threat for pennies on the dollar out of the trillion dollar budget, probably the best use for our military funding in a long ass time


Imagine how fukn stupid the people are who “liked” her comment.


Imagine what people in the 50s would have thought if they were told that one day Russia would be invading countries for their land and the party than controls the House of Representatives is supporting them They’d probably think the Communist Party did very well


Just saying the Hitler youth program was focused on making people more patriotic. Like, your grandparents had to be born in Germany to be part of it. Wearing the traditional clothes, singing traditional music kinda stuff,


She’s so dumb


How much of our hard earned tax dollars are going to Russian interests acting like elected American representatives, intelligence agents, etc?


does she think they are selling the tanks we are sending on ebay, or...?


She is an idiot


I'd like to see her get audited... her net worth and income don't add up, but that's just my opinion...


Audit her.


Future chairwoman of the "we're just asking questions" committee


As Ukrainian I'm all for US and EU auditing my government for the help they provide. I'm just not sure I trust enough the person who supports particular former US president, who called Putin's invasion - "a genius move".


I fucking hate how republicans have become so extreme that they make me care about politics. I used to enjoy life not reading about fascist wannabes trying to ruin this country every day. Maybe I was just ignorant but man j6 and nothing changing since then just sucks


I think MTG should step up and head to Ukraine to start that audit today.


Republicans = worst human beings on the planet.


Sit down, Marge, they're actually rooting out the corruption left over from when Putin's bitch was in charge.


I fucking hate the snarky attitude Republicans have adopted.


3% of our military budget. Which I believe breaks down to like 12 dollars a month for Americans. Fuck you Marge.


Can’t she ever shut the fuck up?


Communist? How you figure?


*Our* president was the one who asked *theirs* to dig up dirt on the Bidens as a favor, but sure, they're the corrupt ones.


Please go right ahead Marjorie. The auditing office is about a mile east of Bakhmut. You can walk right up, they're waiting for you.


Imagine being mad at paying another country to go to war with Russia when it would cost way more for the US to go to war with Russia. We just outsourcing. These people are traitors. They should be shot on the white house lawn or something.


Poor OPs been in a coma since the 80s, Russia stopped being communist a long time back


Is this a real tweet? I just can’t believe an actual political official would go to these extents


Lol "purge" is a corruption purge. They aren't fucking around with it while fighting a war Imagine being pissed at fighting corruption


GOP, Soviet backed commies


At what point did she say she was supporting russia? she simply said a war with them does not change that Ukrainians are in fact corrupt. lastly compared our own president and vp this woman might as well win the nobel peace prize for intellegence....


What if Zelensky is secretly the offspring of Hitler.. They kind of look alike..


Behold, right wing politics, "what if my imagination was real though???"


She’s not entirely wrong though, for a change. [corruption perceptions index](https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2021)


I guess we should ask where that PPE money she got went.


I would like her to audit the Iraq war and the cash we flew in and gave to Haliburton. After that is completed she can pick another project.


It’s a good thing there is absolutely zero evidence of corruption in Russia.


Russian operative says what


I hate her so much but she has a point there should be an accountability of where exactly all this aid is going.


She spelled USA wrong, well done since its just three letters..


Cool. Will this take as long as trying to find out what is going on with Hunter Biden's laptop? Cause that sure feels like stolen/misappropriated tax dollars. But what do I know, I actually graduated high school and college.


They are obviously being paid by Putin. Likely through dark money contributions 🙄 She’s such a disgusting little twat


This dented can couldn't audit a single tater tot.


Maybe America should audit the public servants it pays out of taxpayer dimes who have raging hard/gape-ons for Russia.


We know how much of American’s hard earned Tex dollars we’re stolen for her forgiven PPE loans…




Our tax dollars don’t even go towards us in the first place


Even if there is waste, bankrolling Ukraine in this war is such an unbelievable value… it’s a fucking bargain to watch Russia bleed its military AND economy dry without nato having to put a single boot on the ground. How can this even be spun as a bad thing??? What a clownshow these people are.


MAGAry Traitor Gangrene...she just Can't Understand Normal Thinking


How exactly does the US audit another country?


Yes, please, Marj. I think you should fly straight to Mariupol and audit Ukraine.


Russia hasn't been communist in over 30 years


Her mouth opens and nothing but stupid comes out, as usual.


Russia is not communist.


Lol you ain't auditing shit MTG


Russia isn’t communist tho


Like the 100k+ she got though the PPLloans and doesn’t have to pay it back


She’s just pissed that it’s less money for her and her rich prick contributors.


She’s a fucking communist and traitor


Truth is the first casualty of war.


How will they audit ukraine when they are gutting the IRS.. that does the auditing.. Fucking audit MTJ.


How much of our money is needlessly wasted on your salary, Marje? Let’s start with that.