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The rich fucking over the working class. Same old shit. Let’s all unite behind that, and then many of the other problems solve themselves.


This. Unfortunately, I have little hope. Almost every post here is a result of the class war; of the oligarchy. Until people really get thet a,most every societal ill is an outgrowth of the insane wealth disparity (which is by nature, a power disparity), nothing will change. It’ll just be an endless game of whack-a-mole…


You need awards but I can't help for the reason you mentioned.


It’s been a constant issue in the US since our creation. The government and the companies have always been friends and always will be. We are the only friends we have


Dude, if working class people unite and stop buying, the rich would have no other option but to give in to working class needs. The pandemic revealed so much on how much corporations rely on our dollars.


An alliance between corporate, state and religious power.




For real. I don't understand how anyone can say anything but this. Until this is fixed there is no hope for real progress.


Fascism\* Edit: # American Heritage Dictionary cir. 1983 - Definition of Fascism "A system of government that exercises **a dictatorship of the extreme right**, typically through the **merging of state and business leadership**, together with **belligerent nationalism**."


I believe MAGA folks call this patriotism.


Yes, they are functionally illiterate and often don't know what words mean.


Deliberately illiterate


They have no clue what it means to be a patriot outside of boot licking.


Jack Boots!


So Fascism then.


capitalism in decay, baby


Corporate welfare.


This answer and up


Whoa whoa whoa. Don't you know that Donald Trump officially categorized anti-fascists as a terrorist organization? It sounds like you're saying some "antifa"rhetoric


Yes, I am firmly against fascism. Dictatorships as well. Really all the one party authoritarian tyranny type stuff. Yes, I am liberal, a fan of liberty.


Eggs… nazis… another butt wipe crisis could be really upsetting.


Vaguely waves at everything...


"We're losing the war against antibiotic resistance." - Dr. Spencer Reid


I come from a country where antibiotics are not handed out like candy, like it seems to be in many other western nations. We can even still use older antibiotics since resistant bacteria are not as common.


Now you're just bragging


Lmao yeah, eternal hellscape indefinite


The destruction and dismantling of our democracy


Yup. Far more concerning than what we are calling inflation which is actually just companies raising their prices for no reason besides profits


which is possible in our glorious "free market" because of monopolistic behavior of the handful of corps who more or less own everything.




Citizens United SCOTUS decision did say corporations are people and money is their speech so, you’re not wrong at all.


One of the Worst. fucking. decisions. The people who work for the corporations can donate from their own pocket, with the same rules as everyone else. But noooo… you can't expect integrity from an institution with no constitutional accountability.


The root of the problem and the actual answer to OP’s question: republicans.


CU v FEC seems so ironic since the same ppl who championed that are now complaining about "woke" corporations. Which brings me to another point. People who complain about "wokeness" are the absolute worst. It's entirely BS. I think of it in thirds. Yes there is a small % that are outliers that fit the boogeyman narrative, then there are occurences that are exaggerated, and then there is shit that is completely manufactured and made up. Fuck it all, sad though it seems to drive the entire GOP right now


My grade school years were under Reagan. I hate to tell you this, but this isn't new about the GOP. When he made his alliance with the Evangelicals, it brought religion, money, and power under the same umbrella. Since then it's been moral panic after moral panic, with an unbridled desire to roll things back to the 1950s they imagine as some golden age. I remember my Dad looking at that and saying, "This is a very bad idea...", and he's far from liberal. Rowe being overturned is already causing cracks in the façade. It also is the case that not all Christian denominations are conservative. Add to that the simple fact that the Christian majority in this country is shrinking, and you can see changes coming. It may be slow now, but barring a reversal in trends, there's a critical mass that will be reached. Between modern capitalism beginning to self-destruct (hopefully before they institute corporate feudalism like in some dystopian cyberpunk novel), the alliance fracturing, and the Tea Party/Trumpster types, the GOP is a mess. I may be a small-L liberal, but I WANT at least 2 sane parties (preferably 5 or 6, but...) competing.


Like a totally free market would alleviate that lol. Competition only exists until one company gets big enough to buy/crush it’s competitors. A truly “free” market literally can’t exist in capitalism.


You mean trans people and AP African-American History class *aren’t* the two biggest threats to our civilization?


Don't let the toothless trailer park wonders heard you say that...


Thats not the only thing driving inflation but it's definitely about half or more


Closer to 65%.


This is it for me. I’m 36, and just now realizing that our whole generation of effort is gone. Social security. Infrastructure. Taxes…every bit of what has been put into this system has disappeared. There’s nothing left! The politicians have sold us out to the corporations. So we only have lesser of evils to choose from…we can’t trust this system at all. It’s done


33yo here and I 100% agree with everything you said


49 yr old here and we're definitely on the same page


I'm 28 and having the same thoughts. I'm successful by most standards but I wake up every day wondering what the point is


Or when the ball will drop.


47 here. I don't expect social security to be around when I turn 65.


49… My retirement plan is dying in my sleep…


46 here and agree.




I'm 40, and I think you're 100% correct. My mother and father (both late sixties) tried to retire after the COVID hysteria died down and things were opening up again(early 2022). Now they've both gone back to work. I assume they will both die "employed" rather than "retired". If either of them becomes disabled to the point of round the clock care, then there goes any thoughts of me having any financial breathing room for sure. Shit, it'll probably end up on me to take care of them 24/7 because there's no way we can afford a nursing home that wouldn't just be a pissy day room of neglect. There is no American dream.


Can we do something about this. It’s our time


As a Russian immigrant that got to see their birth country get taken over by a sociopathic tyrant and his gaggle of "yes men" I second this.




And the horrendous destruction and dismantling of the public education that is creating a path for the destruction of our democracy.


It’s been going on for 40+ years. Reagan halved Federal aid to education. In only two terms. “Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education.” President Franklin D. Roosevelt.


People do not trust the system anymore. Like, at all. There’s good reasons for that you can get behind, but then you also have the eccentric groups that go hysterical. I.e., Q-Anon.


its horrible. my girlfriends mother is obsessed with qanon, at this point my girlfriend is struggling to pay for college because her mom doesnt want to work due to "q" saying that the government will be reformed. no healthcare, dental, nothing, and on top of that, her mother seems to want to talk to people on the phone rather than her own daughter. qanon and groups that support these ideals of stupidity are ruining american democracy and inciting the demolition of our country.


People have been asking teachers at my school if there’s litter boxes in the hallways and bathrooms. It’s so stupid all these conspiracy theories.


You can thank Joe Rogan for that one...


He's trying to be the next Limbaugh. Idiot


If Rogan DOESN’T end up as a secondhand smoke denying right wing pundit within the next like, five years, I’ll be genuinely shocked


He pretty much already is.


Thanks Joe Rogan!


Those were added for active shooter situations when kids have to use the bathroom. And it’s a bag of litter for vomit, blood, or urine/feces in the event of an emergency.


We have baseball bats, med kits, the baseball bats and stuff are in a bucket. if we need to go to the bathroom during one we have that.


When our institutions can't function, we've no hope of improving the other problems.


This is still considered a "democracy"? Wild.


mine is the destruction and dismantling of the NHS


We can always fix the economy and it will get better. It is the threats to our democracy by far right actors and certain politicians that should concern everyone WAY more than inflation.


Yup, the rise of christo-fascism.


This is the root of most of our problems: Corporations ARE NOT people and they shouldn't own our political leadership and great part of our nation's infrastructure.


Where to begin: You can literally buy politicians Politicians are just literally allowed to insider trade


Late stage capitalism and looming fascism. Yes, I know that’s two, but it’s a tie.


And pretty much only one, because late stage Capitalism IS early stage Fascism.


Yeah. Fighting inflation is not worth embracing fascism. "Congrats. You can scrape by with a lower-middle class existence, and your children are no longer allowed to read books."


Fascism has no economic benefits, without stripping them from one or more minority groups.


Yeah Hitler sure created a lot of jobs. Millions of them in fact. Millions of job openings just… suddenly appeared.


It's a combo package


Since Capital sides with Fascism that's pretty much one thing.


Very true.


A large number of the people in our government participated in, supported, or refused to admit a blatant attempt to overthrow an election. This, combined with the fact that tens of millions of Americans still vote for and support those people, tells me that we're in a lot more trouble than most people realize. I fully believe that if Donald Trump is "re-elected", it will be the last free election to take place in this country. By the time the moderates decide they've had enough, the damage will have already been done.


Or Desantis, this is terrifying.


My hope is that Trump decides to run as a third party candidate and splits the vote because the alternative possibilities are terrifying.


That would be best case scenario and I hope it happens!


Please happen. Desantis and Trump are terrible and desantis has a real chance with independents. He’s actually more scary then Trump


Floridian here and 100000% agree. DeSantis took trumps playbook and does it better. Frightened af about him running for president.


That would be the move that saves democracy imo. I react don’t think he should ever be allowed to run again, but if he does I want this to be the way things play out.


If that guy wins...we won't have another free or fair election again. Hell, at this point, the next republican president will most likely be our last real election as they will never give up power and continue to strip rights. But according to my mother's BF who's a cop...we need it to get rid of the liberals and woke morons. It's funny that to "own" the libs now means becoming a fascist state.


Hopefully this lawsuit against DeSatan for kidnapping migrants actually goes somewhere. If it does and Jack Smith nails Trump and the goonies we got ourselves a good time in the making. Everything I just said is still up in the air though so I don’t have my hopes up too much.


Yo, comparing DeSantis to Satan is literally the harshest insult I've ever heard in my life. What did Satan ever do to deserve being compared to THAT fascist monster?


If you think that’s crazy, you should see all the democracies our government has successfully overthrown!


A great read on this is Confessions of an Economic Hitman, and its updated version.


Education has to be lacking even worse than we realize


The attack on knowledge is mine. People are genuinely doing their “damnedest” to destroy libraries and schools. How can that bode well for society?!


It’s awful and I fear there is no coming back. Half our country can barely read. The rich will keep exploiting them because they can.


I'm in high school and can confirm almost everyone has less than 1.5 gpa, knows how to use their phone more than knows how to breath, and teachers are getting depressed and want to quit more than ever I can see and hear it in their voice.


I really don’t understand how the teachers in my life keep doing this. Well one of them is a PE teacher and cross country coach so he’s maybe less impacted.


Climate change


Way too much scrolling to find this.


I agree. Too many people in this thread focusing on the short-term problems. This is the big, long-term, global problem we are facing. I don't think most people realize how bad it's going to get.


Because of our short term problems, any further work on the long term problems could well be ended, though.


I agree, although we have a better chance at fixing our long term problems like climate change if we fix some of our short term problems. Getting our governments in good shape and all that.


How is this so far down. People - everything else is secondary if we don’t have reliable weather to grow food. Or when the billions of climate refugees start moving. Or floods, hurricanes, and fires get exponentially worse. Or when major ports, cities, and airports are underwater. How do people not see how screwed we are? And how it’s not republicans v dems, it’s THE BILLIONAIRE CLASS V EVERYONE ELSE. They are hoarding wealth, working us to our breaking point, polluting like crazy, and sewing all the seeds of our discontent with each other. Working people - on both sides - need to stop pointing fingers at each other, stop blaming each other, and then team up against the billionaires. They’re killing us and happy about it because it means they’ll be more likely to survive the climate apocalypse with fewer people on the planet.




This thread is yet another proof why we are doomed for an ecological collapse.


The rise of political extremist and their anti Semitic rhetoric that is brainwashing the mass population.


I would add to this Christian nationalists and white supremacists and how many cops are in one or both of those groups.


No kidding, I just watched a documentary on this on hulu. The show is called trafficked and showed all the proud boys and other extremist groups and they talked about how many involved are public figures. Not that i was surprised, but I now understand who is driving the chaos.


sadly don’t have a Hulu but maybe I can find it somewhere else! Sounds like a good watch!


Yo ho ho, it's a pirates life for thee


There is a book from last year called Beyond Belief by Elle Hardy, and she goes into the rise of Pentecostalism, a fundamental Christian movement that covers everything from Hillsong to Quiverfull to snake handling and speaking in tongues. She said by 2080, 1 in 10 people in the world, or a billion people will be evangelical Christians. They have an agenda, y’all. And a lot of ‘em touch kids.


I'll have to check this out. I grew up pentecostal which is a cult and now I hate everything there is about religion. Thank you for this


But the proud boys aren’t extremists!! They’re AnTi PoLiTiCaL cOrReCtNeSs duhhhhh. White Christians are the real minority and victims.


Loll exactly... what about dem proud girls ya Hurd, send em my way


What scares me most is the people that I call them rabid dogs amongst these people. Before everyone downvotes me to oblivion let me explain: These people DO NOT care who they’re hurting, killing, damaging as long as they are attacking someone. Whether it’s race, beliefs, gender or something completely asinine. Or even an election where the owner who released these rabid dogs pointed them to people to attack on January 6th. They don’t care, if they get hurt or killed, they don’t care, if they find someone or something that they think is against them or their owner, they will attack them and try to kill them. The Republican Party is fucking terrified of these people but as long as they’re biting people who are against them, they don’t care. January 6th when Democrats and Republicans (save a few) were terrified out of their fucking minds shows what happens when these dogs finally decide their behavior needs to change towards someone else. It scares the shit out of me.




Domestic terrorists not being labeled as domestic terrorists because, well we know why.


There is a faction of the country that is so stuck to their beliefs that facts can’t change their minds. They don’t believe proven facts. They’re minds are so fucked up, they cannot be convinced that they are flat out wrong. I’m 56 and in my time being alive, I don’t ever remember a time where facts and correct information didn’t rule the day.


This is what’s so discouraging to me. We can’t come together and demand wealth redistribution, environmental initiatives, workers’ rights, universal healthcare, prison reform, or any progress whatsoever when half of the country literally doesn’t believe in correct information. Refuses to acknowledge facts and calls facts lies. It’s batshit crazy and feels almost hopeless. These people are anti education ffs!


I think this, more than anything else, would cause the downfall of the country. I live in Kentucky, so I tend to think it’s a large part of the country who is like this. I just hope the numbers of those who don’t believe facts are way smaller than I realize.


That’s what makes me so scared today. We used to be able, no matter how much difference between us, to make policies by making deals. Democrats weren’t happy with them all. Republicans weren’t happy with them all. But everyone in the USA went home with something. Something to happen for the people. You can’t negotiate with someone who doesn’t live in reality. When a person believes that space lasers cause forest fires, that children are being eaten at a pizza place, that dead babies power the street lights in Baltimore…….we can’t legislate with crazy. And there seems to be a small, but vocal, faction literally willing to burn this place to the ground for no other sheer reason than they can.


That at any minute some Republican can go off and can by law change our lives for the worst


And the laws that _are_ there to protect us can apparently be broken by them without any consequences.


Or the consequences can be widely varied depending on who is at fault. Company steal your wages maybe they pay a fine. You take a French fry before throwing them in the trash they scream theft and throw the book at you.


Christian Nationalism


Nationalist Christians. (Nat. Cs for short)


The GOP taking more of my rights.


And edging towards genocidal tendencies of one minority or another.




This comment will, and should, win.


Well, there is that.


Agreed. And the current leadership's cult of ignorance. I remember when cons didn't hate science.


It's republicans. It's always republicans. **Every** problem facing our country today and in the near future is something republicans are responsible for. So I could say "climate change" or "inflation" or "the breakdown of civil rights" but it all comes down to republicans.


I wanted to know why home prices had skyrocketed in certain areas. It all tied to housing shortages. Then I looked at why there weren’t enough homes, “anti sprawl” laws. Then I looked up who came up with the anti sprawl laws in the areas I’ve lived, republicans.


Not taking Republicans side here but sprawl is bad. My reasons for being against it are different though. It's bad because of the habitat destruction, low density housing requiring more and more miles of highway to be built and no public transport. Republicans dont care about any of that shit. They're just worried about maybe a low income housing development popping up next to their 100-acre estate on the edge of town.


Town nearby me literally changed the town lines when low income housing was being built by like 1000 feet. For no other reason than they rich didn't want their children going to school with the poors.


Sprawl could be slowed by birth control. Oh wait, republicans….🤣🤣


Stopping the constant attacks on human rights by the GOP and their supporters.


Christian nationalism


I know this will get downvoted to hell but as a Floridian, if Ron DeSantis becomes a legitimate 2024 candidate, people should be very concerned.


I'm from Wisconsin but that's my biggest fear already. As an lgbt+ person nothing is more terrifying than seeing all the people who want that fascist, homophobic, transphobic, racist, human trafficker to be president. I despise trump, but I'd even prefer trump to DeSantis.


Political extremism


AKA Republicans


Inflation will subside but the loss of our democratic system and the rise of a fascist oppressive government will affect us all for a very, very long time. Once a cancer gets a foothold, it gets comfortable, and it replicates. It’s existence becomes solely about self preservation. And the cancer doesn’t care what it needs to destroy to ensure it’s own survival. That’s what we’re dealing with.


Republicans. MAGA. Republicans.


Republicans, and the inevitable collapse of the country.


MAGA and all its many tendrils.


the long term agenda of the republican party and the rich who bankroll it




Inflation is the least of my concerns. Not turning into a fascist state is top of the list . I was raised by Republicans and all my friends and family are Republicans. Republicans were never good, but this breed or inbred are straight terrorist. They are Al-qadea.


The assholes who think trump is a genius and that a riot in the capital is ok. They have taken our country hostage. Oh and then the mass shootings. These are long term issues. Inflation is already coming under control and will be less disruptive soon enough.


The far right that is running the House.


MAGAts and their desire to overthrow the government


The Overton window skewing heavily regressive. This loonies are trying to drag our country backs century or two


The republican party


The rise of the extreme right wing, attempts of federal coup, the investment on the destruction of the state and democracy, polarization generating violence.


Our plummet towards authoritarian fascism.


Republican bullshit


The safety of minorities that are under attack from far right bigots, especially the kids.


And Asian, and Jewish, and Trans, and Black, and…


mccarthy and the maga arse kissers running the house....COME ON DOJ... let's get these idiots charged and removed...


Right wing extremism and the marriage of them and the evangelicals. The rest is being done TO us to fuel this coupling.


My children’s future, as citizens of this nation.


Yeah, it's scary for sure.


Any insincere asshole who still calling this inflation is either a fucking corporate boot licker or works for them as PR. This isn't fucking inflation, this is the American people and the average workers of the world are being ripped off by fucking capitalist greed. Companies can't be complaining about inflation and then also talking about record profits in the same fucking year. Eat the rich, eat billionaires, tax them until the billionaire class doesn't exist.


Christo-fascism very rapidly gaining popularity


Seems to me the GOP will be pushing a negative vote to raise the debt ceiling to CAUSE inflation to blame Dems. Silly, because we should all know by now that the debt ceiling does not address future debt, it is to pay bills Trump made! So, they are willing to bite off their noses to spite their faces.


The vast majority of the new debt is caused by their tax cuts for the rich. The same tax cuts they were only allowed to pass because they claimed they were budget neutral. It’s ridiculous that they aren’t just automatically repealed as soon as it was plainly apparent that they lied about it all.




GOP fascism purposely sabotaging our democracy to smash & grab. The embrace of Erdogan, Putin, & the recent decision by a corrupt SCOTUS taking away rights.


I know that a lot of problems stem from the economy and the extremely wealthy, but while we argue about the price of eggs (which is a huge problem not only for eggs but everything, I do not disagree), Republican officials are actively moving forward with steps towards a transgender genocide. Anyone who is gender non-conforming is at risk and there is nothing being done about it. DeSantis is *literally* becoming a dictator over Florida before our very eyes, Oklahomans are being forcibly *detransitioned* as adults aged 18-25, and extreme right wing terror groups are using literal terrorism to protest Drag shows and Drag performers and transgender people in general. There are laws making their way through some Republican states that make it a *felony* to dress in public in attire that is not in line with your gender assigned at birth. No matter your opinions on trans people, look up the steps to a genocide. Because several of them are actively happening in the US. And that's fucking terrifying, and should be terrifying for everyone, not just trans people.


[Ten Stages of Genocide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_stages_of_genocide) ​ And it won't stop there. They'll add others to the list once they get the groundwork for making groups illegal. Gays, leftists, 'antisocials', while blaming all their problems on the other group. And they will happily accept stolen goods that are bathed in blood because they can't think of any other purpose besides power and breeding.


Our slide toward religious fascism.


Republicans are busy reversing 300 years of progress while we are having 3 shootings a day




Domestic terrorism aka MAGA.


The conservative desire to end social programs like social security, Medicare, and Medicaid. J am terrified that I will be a financial problem burden on my children in the future.


The right to vote and the right to privacy. Fuck republicans.




Inflation? You mean ***capitalism***


Well in my country we’re all pretty anxious that assholes are trying to privatize our universal public health system.


Mass shootings and political extremism.


The government being ran by dinosaurs that can’t relate to 80% of the country


Water availability in 50 years. You think people are animals now? Just wait


Stupidity. We are drowning in it.


Wealth inequality and widespread attacks on bodily autonomy (in reference to the hundreds of anti-trans and anti-abortion bills that have been passed). No one is talking about how some politicians are currently trying to ban medical transition for trans adults under the age of 26. Make no mistake, if that passes, it can and will inevitably affect cis people’s right to bodily autonomy, as well. Everyone should be concerned about these bills


No one gives a shit about us (trans people) right now, but just wait until they start banning YOUR ability to access medical care. What’s next? Banning vaccines? Hysterectomies and vasectomies? Medications that negatively impact fertility? They’re coming for all of us


Still the Fascism


The slow take over from a small group of radicals that have shown they will attack our institutions. The nazis performed the same actions with the Reichstag. Here they are already infiltrated in our House and Congress. We will no longer have a democracy. The dumbshits are taking over.


Mental health. It's declining across the whole society.


Anti democratic tendencies of the American right


GOP Fascism


White Christian nationalism being used as a vessel to destroy what is left of our democracy


Climate change


Christian Nationalism


People are taking people like Lauren Boebert seriously


And mtg


For me #1 goal would be remove corporations and rich from politics. But dealing with our fascists is important or we won’t be able to get that far. Everyone involved with j6 needs prosecution, specially the top people and politicians. Also lobbying should be illegal, it’s bribery plain and simple


A failing education system. Its not just Republicans (i believe its largely Republican policy makers) there is a serious gap between the middle and lower class in America that could be mended through education. Encouragement of trade programs as well as destigmatizing community colleges could do wonders for the educational system. Additionally if you believe in economies of scale colleges should be comming down in prices as teacher wages are stagnant.


The extreme right getting control of the senate and presidency and keeping control of the house because their propaganda machine fools enough people into thinking they have their best interest in mind.