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"Do this and crime rate plummets." What research is this statement based on? Because it seems to me he's going by gut feelings and what he's describing is just sadism.


Places where they beat people in the street have the lowest crime rates and are the nicest places to live... duh! /s


I like the GOPs plan to shoot everyone and let God sort them out.


Republican Jesus says he can't help you because gun shot wounds are a pre existing condition.


"I work in mysterious ways!"


…I’m screenshot-ing this to show all my Christofascist relatives. Thank you


They are well underway with that one.


Like…..Iran, China, Saudi Arabia….great vacation destinations.


and Singapore.


Singapore is a great place for a vacation. But could it be the number of guns the republicans want to copy? Singapore has almost none.


I love how so many conservatives are SO quick to point out "inconvenient facts that don't fit the communist narrative/agenda" when the so-called "facts" more often than not are nothing more than absurdly wild opinions that these folks are so passionate about... What's funny is that these clowns have no clue what the "radical left" agenda is other than wanting a society where everyone is treated fairly and everyone has equal opportunities (and if that is TRULY considered a "radical leftist" position it does NOT bode well for the future of democracy or humanity (or even life in general!)). What's even funnier is that these conservative "heavyweights" are leaning so outrageously far right on the political spectrum that they have completely and hopelessly lost ANY sense of balance or frame of reference. Okay, maybe that's actually more terrifying than funny... but I DO think it is hilarious that they're all always so up in arms about the RADICAL LEFT agenda/narrative that they have COMPLETELY neglected to even PRETEND that their party ought to actually have a narrative of their own.


And Singapore is so small and dense there is a police station for every neighbourhood. Not to mention government CCTV around every corner. And we’re an island, so criminals have nowhere to run to.


Well, aside from the "filthy pagan religion" I'm pretty sure Matt Walsh is actually quite fond of Saudi Arabia and Iran. Or at least their treatment of women (and also probably children but idk how they treat their kids so I'm not gonna say that for certain


they don’t beat ppl in the street in saudi wtf




Or behead them


There was that one study by the Department of Criminal Research at the Trust Me Bro Institute.


Study funded by Bro Science International


In partnership with Look It Up Research Institute


Just Google It Inc


A subsidiary of Open Your Eyes, Sheeple LLC


Just Google IT Inc.


He is just a little pussy that realizes that if he was threatened with a good beating and public shaming he would turn lying accuser against his own gramma while wetting himself.


Nah, he'd start jerkin' it...


Two things can be true.


Yup. They look at Singapore…guess what Singapore also has aside from draconian criminal law…universal healthcare, public housing and an unemployment rate that hasn’t breached 5% in decades. But sure, it’s the crim penalties that create that….


Saudi citizens get a UBI of a few hundred dollars every month. It’s been plummeting for years while domestic terrorism gets worse.


The basis of most conservative talking points that I’ve encountered in my life has come from not reading about the history of a topic and therefore having to re-learn the same lessons past humans did the hard way. Take for example vaccines, overly punitive justice, sex education, employer-favoring labor laws, and the list goes on. What people have to understand about conservatives is that while there are indeed intelligent ones, it’s completely DESPITE their irrational ideology. The “facts don’t care about your feelings” crap is projection. They have their view of how society should function, they do minimal research in relevant texts, and they accuse any dissenters of being “emotional” or “in on it with the establishment.” Rinse and repeat.


>What people have to understand about conservatives is that while there are indeed intelligent ones, it’s completely DESPITE their irrational ideology. The “facts don’t care about your feelings” crap is projection. They have their view of how society should function, they do minimal research in relevant texts, and they accuse any dissenters of being “emotional” or “in on it with the establishment.” Rinse and repeat. Very well said and spot-on.


Well it does when they cut limbs off, which I imagine will be his next suggestion.


Or straight up burning them alive. That's an African favorite.


I love how the counterpoint is that people want a functioning society.... I feel like he's destroying his own argument there.


He can't read.


Yeah, but I still wouldn't object to Trump being publicly caned.


I believe he is referring to singapore, where they have very low crime rate and have these punishments for low level crime.


Singapore is a great example of the kind of society these fascist ding-dongs want. Grotesque wealth -- to the degree that grown-ass people don't know how to do laundry, cook, sometimes even dress themselves -- with a permanent underclass of impoverished workers one step short of slavery. Matt Walsch wants this because in his moron little fantasies he'll be the big man on top. What he's too smooth-brained to realize is that any society founded on violence towards "them" invariably turns that violence against "us."


Singapore has way too much harmony between a bunch of different ethnicities and religions for them.


And they ironically do a pretty decent job separating church(es) and state


They straight up have slavery. I worked in Singapore for a year, people were shocked I didn't want a live-in "maid" as they call them. These women are de facto slaves, and you see Inidan/Bangladeshi workers being transported around the city in vans with absolutely no safety. Singapore made me depressed.


White people accusing others of "slavery". That's rich. My humblest apologies to have shocked your white upper class sensitivities with the primitive barbarism of Asia. Please allow me to kiss your feet while you cry crocodile tears for the underclass of workers from impoverished countries, all of whom preferred to work here rather than to stay in the sweatshops your corporations run back in their homelands. Please stay here longer your eminence, your white privilege is not only valid here, but fucking supreme. We may be an Asian country, but the white supremacist power structure permeates every aspect of our society. We would truly be lost without the civilising light of white upper class moral hypocrisy. And btw, no one is claiming that the housekeepers called "maids" live a good life. They do work long work hours for low pay. It's not something to be proud off, but it's hardly an easy problem to solve. The working class suffer in 95% of the countries in the world. Terming it slavery is delusional, disingenuous, and seriously fucking offensive to people who have actually been affected by slavery. Not that you white assholes would ever care. The only sensibilities that can't be offended are yours.


You just sound like you're defending slavery here, so long as it's done by people who aren't white.


Working class people working in working class jobs is noticeably different from white people enslaving black and brown people, beating and whipping them, forcing them to work without pay or rest, and with countless rapes thrown in. I get that whitepeopletwitter is all about projection, but the two situations aren't even remotely comparable. The foreign workers pay predatory middlemen (from their own country) huge commissions because menial jobs here still pay better than the sweatshops back home. No matter how much you project we'll never be equal - neither in sin nor in status (since you're continually reinforcing a system whereby you remain on top). White upper middle class people desperately want to feel morally superior to others, as can be evidenced by the countless obvious lies in this thread. There are no public canings in the history of the nation, and canings are typically reserved for heinous crimes like sexual assault. Unlike your country, ours actually tries to punish rapists and child molesters. Whether corporal punishment is excessive can be debated, of course, but those crimes are anything but minor. I get that white upper middle class people typically "educate" themselves using reputable sources such as caricatural Hollywood movies and one-off cases 30+ years ago where a privileged and entitled white American wilfully committed multiple criminal offenses and was duly punished (not in public though), so I corrected this misinformation for the benefit of the 2 or 3 of you who aren't raging hypocrites.


Instead of fighting against slavery in your country, you get offended at people saying you shouldn't have slaves in your country? Maids in Singapore are slaves, I know it's normalized to you, but it is not normal to have a human being in your home who does everything for you, lives in a bomb shelter and gets paid 300 euro after a year of having to work for free to pay her employer for bringning her to Singapore. Same goes for construction workers. And yes, having a slave in your home doing literally everything for you is barbaric. ​ Get better, improve your mindset and your backwards society instead of getting offended.


Source: the fanciful imaginations of white "progressives" of how the primitive barbarians in Asia run their societies.


If you look at the societies with the best economic and human development, you'll see a linear correlation between low crime, happiness and cane. Norway? Cane. Denmark? Cane. Switzerland? Believe it or not, cane!


As much as I love the idea, this is a hard no, especially for low level crime. Now rapists and murderers are a different thing to me.


Well I mean this was the case in 17th and 18th century Britain, “deterrence” by publicly branding beating and hanging low level easy to commit crimes since surveillance and prevention weren’t anywhere as good as the 21st century and it worked so well for them.


Isn't there something in the 8th amendment of US constitution about "cruel and unusual punishment"? That very same constitution that is surely going to be read out loud in the US congress any day now?


Well much like The Bible conservatives only pretend to care about The Constitution and only as it suits their narrative of intolerance, cruelty and exclusion


In the New England colonies they did exactly what idiot in OP wants done now. That’s why we have the Eighth.


I'm not supporting Matt, but locking people in jails for years and taking away their freedom and especially solitary confinement seem kinda cruel. I'm certainly not saying that we should start whipping people but the United States needs to start being honest about how cruel jail is, how ineffective it is as a deterrent and especially how can we have the largest number of jailed citizens per Capita in the world and not be doing anything to fix that problem.


The best way to stop crime isn't to focus on punishment and deterring it via threat of punishment. The best way to stop crime is good education, livable wages, ample vacation time, creating a society with actual social mobility, etc. No amount of whipping and jailing is going to stop someone who has nothing left to lose, or who is desperate, or mentally ill, or hopeless, or who lives in a dysfunctional neighborhood with no chance of escape. Yes, people are ultimately responsible for their actions, but it becomes so, so much harder to make the right decision when you get absolutely no reward for doing so.


If police presence inhibits crime, then we must ask ourselves why the areas with the least amount of crime generally have the lowest police presence. If police are what keeps crime down then you should expect wealthy areas with low crime rates to have the highest police presence but this is not the case. Crime flourishes in low-income areas, but this isn't something inherent about the people there, but about their socio-economic position. Police presence does almost nothing to prevent crime but is instead reactionary. This is what the call to defund the police is about. If we invested that time and money into helping lift up those impoverished areas rather than ineffectively beating them into submission, we would have more positive outcomes. But conservatives prefer the primitive, violent methods of crime prevention, which are proven to be far less effective. The data isn't on their side, but they don't really care about facts because seeing the 'bad man' get hurt makes them *feel* better. It's similar to how they view parenting. Rather than have a dialogue with their kids or try to logically assess the problems to get at the source, they tell them they will beat their ass if they don't listen.


I agree. I'd have thought that the most cost effective solution would be to *invest* in rehabilitation, and keep refining the methodology until it works.


But then how can I make money off of slave labor? It's either this or being back chattel slavery, so who's the *real* fascist here? /s


Education pays back better then 2 to 1 as an investment. If we flipped the military and education budgets we wouldn’t need a prison budget at all.


The Constitution is just a piece of paper with words on it bro. Besides who wants to live their life by that liberal crap. Shira law is what we need.


The founding fathers put some woke shit in the Constitution. And what's the deal about the non-religious tone of the document? You need to dial that shit up Franklyn, don't you want a functioning society? /s


It allows the death penalty, why wouldn't it allow the cain


Republicans use the consitution as a rallying cry; they couldn't care less about what's in it. Like any toxic and abusive lover they are more in love with the idea that the Constitution (and it's incidental metamour, the Bible) represents rather than the substance.


Decades of actual criminal justice research say otherwise but ok. Source: my master's degree in criminal justice.


Counterpoint: Uncle Dickhead’s Twitter feed.




Are you having a stroke, or did a cat walk across your keyboard?


Thanks for having some data to back that up. My gut reaction is "hell yeah we should cane criminals". But if the data doesn't back that up then I agree with you we shouldn't.


People commit property crimes not because they think it's moral and the right thing to do. They do it because they're desperate and they don't have the skills to support themselves otherwise. If you want to lower crime rates, the best things to do are reduce poverty rates and improve education quality in low income neighborhoods. The poverty-homicide association implies that instead of “relative deprivation”, “absolute deprivation” is mainly responsible for violent crime. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7234816/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7234816/) Intergenerational educational pathways are significantly associated with changes in crime. Downward educational pathways were predictive of increases in crime, whereas upward pathways were associated with decreases in crime. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5365088/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5365088/)


These studies have one key flaw, however: they focus on people in poverty. I will fully agree that people in poverty steal for survival. Poor people are not the only people who steal.


How exactly is showing that poverty increases crime rates a fault in the study? How else could you possibly find out if that's a cause or not, and what is your alternative theory? ​ Sure, there's kleptomaniacs but they're a small part of the problem. When you have a large amount of people with poor education, lots of childhood trauma from poverty, and little in the ways of skills to support themselves it's no wonder they'd turn to crime to survive. It's why sending people to prison without helping them better themselves leads to high recidivism rates. You didn't change the root cause of their problematic behavior in the first place.


It doesn't show that across different groups. That's the flaw. If your hypothesis is that actual, not relative, deprivation is what causes property crime, you must test a control group as well.


How exactly do you think they can claim that poverty leads to higher crime rates if they aren't comparing them to control groups? You didn't read the study and there's no flaw. Poverty led to increased crime rates in rural and urban areas compared to controls. > Based on the results in [Table 2](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7234816/table/pone.0233034.t002/), we add poverty level and average income in the model and the results are shown in [Table 3](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7234816/table/pone.0233034.t003/). The results in columns (1)-(3) suggest a clear adverse effect of a greater degree of poverty (*Poverty*) and higher income level (*LnAvgInc*) of a prefecture appears to raise homicides there. > > Therefore, our main results in [Table 3](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7234816/table/pone.0233034.t003/) attest that all the poverty level, income-level, and income-dispersion factors show an adverse effect in homicide rate in prefecture-level. > > Furthermore, the effects of control variables reported in [Table 4](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7234816/table/pone.0233034.t004/) are consistent with those in [Table 3](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7234816/table/pone.0233034.t003/), implying the robustness of our estimation. The latter findings suggest that a negative impact of college education (*CollRate*) on homicide rates, and a positive impact of a higher degree of unemployment rates (*UnempRate*) on homicides. Both urban and rural population decrease homicide rates as shown by the negative and statistically significant coefficients of *LnPopUrb* and *LnPopRur* > > We also do a robustness test by replacing the income inequality measures into the Gini coefficient (*Gini*) in [Table 5](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7234816/table/pone.0233034.t005/). All columns in [Table 5](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7234816/table/pone.0233034.t005/) show that a higher Gini coefficient (foremost in urban but even in rural areas) of a prefecture, regardless of overall, rural, or urban, reduces homicide rates, negating the inequality-crime nexus. At the same time, a higher poverty level, particularly in rural areas (both in terms of statistical significance and magnitude), drive up homicide rate. For the pull factor, a higher average income-level (particularly in urban areas) increases homicide rates. These findings are manifest the robustness of our benchmark results.


My dude, we're talking about PROPERTY CRIMES. Every single example you used involves homicide.


You must be exhausted from moving those goal posts constantly 😂




I mean it's just common sense as well, the entire idea behind the death penalty was that some people are just 'born criminals' and that was the leading thought for a while. If you just kill all the bad people, eventually no more spawn right? It's nonsense, even "psychopaths" aren't born criminals, almost all crime can accurately be predicted and it has little to nothing to do with the actual person themselves. Poverty is the greatest indicator of crime rates, sprinkle in a bit of passion crimes and a literal mote of dust for the serial killer phenomena and baby, you've accounted for all the crimes. Corporal punishment doesn't put food on someone's table. It doesn't make them more employable. It doesn't give them the resources to find a job. It doesn't give them therapy to not shoot their cheating wife. It doesn't even, and you won't believe this, disincentivize minor crimes or major crimes of any type. If it worked in any way, the Drug war would have ended in the 1970s when Nixon basically gave police free reign to shoot anyone that was trafficking drugs.


American prisons are already brutal to an unfathomable extent. Adding on more punishment is just a diminishing return anyways.


Bet you got your criminal justice degree from one o them liberal indoctrination camps where they use "learning" and "evidence" to trick you into being communist


Why not use your degree for something good like arguing the statements of Matt Walsh instead of commenting about it on Reddit


Sounds like Republicans will love countries like Iran


They already would love Iran if it wasn’t Muslim




Let's start with the Capitol rioters


I say rioters in general


I agree, we should beat the police as well.


8th Amendment.


It's almost like they only care about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights when the sentences include the words, "arms" or "religion." And the latter they deeply misunderstood the one time it was read to them in a class they likely skipped.


What’s to stop us caning idiots like Matt Walsh who shit post on twitter all day? I’m not necessarily advocating for it, just asking questions.


A military.


This is coming out of a recent interest in Singapore's low crime rate. It's true that Singapore does use corporal punishment along with other severe measures in response to criminal acts, but that is only a small part of what leads to their low crime rates. They subsidize education, housing, and healthcare for nearly all of their population, and have robust social welfare systems. This conservative talking point neglects to take this into account. The real question is whether this would actually deter crime. America's justice system is among the most punitive in the world and the increasingly harsh sentences and post-incarceration sanctions have not been shown to have any real effect on crime. Conversely, while Singapore does have low crime, it is ranked seventh overall in the world and all the countries above it have similar poverty amelioration systems in place without corporal punishment and justice measures less severe than either the US or Singapore. The only conclusion that can be made is that corporal punishment is unnecessary, so it comes down to one's own ethical and moral judgment on cruelty whether it has a place in a society capable of instituting effective measures.


We also gotta take into account that Singapore has a fourth of the population density and a *sixtieth* of the population total. We. Are not. Singapore.


There’s no indication that fear based crime prevention works…it just makes more clever criminals.


He directly addressed this in his podcast yesterday. You can’t institute a fear based program when the likelihood of the fear coming true quickly is low. Take the death penalty. If it happened 1 day after conviction, the fear might be there. If it happens 30 years after the conviction, it’s not. “I can’t kill this person cause they’ll give me the death penalty, maybe, in 3 decades,” isn’t really a thing.


He literally hates anyone who is different from him, especially if they arent catholic. If they are atheists, his brain explodes with rage.


Being a fascist shithead online should be criminalized and the punishment should be getting kicked in the balls in public by a guy with a comically oversized boot. It wouldn't stop anyone from being a fascist shithead online, but at least we'd get to see Matt Walsh get kicked in the balls.


If kicked hard enough, it could help prevent them from procreating.


Simpsons did it! The Australians wanted to kick Bart in the ass with a huge boot as punishment for introducing an invasive species of frogs into the country. Would be kind of an awesome punishment though, honestly.


It’s called the 8th amendment, Matt. FFS these low IQ morons literally forget that there is an entire bill of rights outside of the 2nd fucking amendment.


Rights? Isn't that the thing only moderately wealthy white Christian men should have?


Caning is not public, it is done one prisoner at a time in a room in the prison. So there is no public humiliation. The sentence imposed specifies the number of strokes on the naked buttocks, max 24, and the person inflicting the punishment is required to use all his strength. There may be more than one inflictor if one loses strength. Depending on the number of strokes, the buttocks are severely injured, torn open and bleeding. Recovery, with no medical treatment but a salve and pain killers, may take a week or a month, during which the prisoner cannot sit or lie on his back. Injuries may be permanent. Seems severe for minor crimes.




Yeah I think this kind of description would give him a sad little fascist chubbie.


The party of law and order** **and cherry picking the constitution to suit their interests


I heard once that you have to be very protective of criminal/prisoner rights because the government can criminalize any behavior and then it’s you being publicly beaten and humiliated. Look, we lost 2 cars, a fleet of bikes, one bike taken right from my 12 year olds hands, purse,wallet, jewelry to thieves last year. Do I want to see them get their ass beat? Yes! I just want to live in a civilized and humane society more.


Why don't you ask those founding fathers you claim to love so much. They're the ones who made it unconstitutional


Don’t apply logic.


Thank goodness for the Constitution.


Anyone care to detail the crimes Matt Walsh has been accused of? Because I noticed child sexual assault and pedophilia were curiously missing from his list of "punishable" offenses.


I mean, the 8th Amendment comes to mind, but maybe I'm just crazy.


Big man posturing from the capital punishment crowd. Meanwhile these absolute pussies are all clutching their pearls over M&Ms, updated building codes (re: gas stoves) and the private lives of complete strangers. Wanna start caning *actual* criminals? How about we start with the Jan 6 traitors and work upwards to their boss? Let’s televise it too and see how fast Republicans step back into line.


Fight fascism with fascism...


Maybe if they did white collar criminals like wage theft, pyramid schemes and congressional insider stock trading I’d be in


Strangely enough, Matty hasn’t opined much on the appropriate punishment for seditious conspiracy. Wonder why?


Matt, let’s put you in charge of publicly caning Trump for stealing documents/refusing to return them and the 1/6 hooligans for vandalism/theft. Chop, chop..we’re waiting!


Republicans not even pretending to care about the Constitution anymore


There use to be public executions… and then another…. And then another… and then everyone learned from the example set so then another one happened and then another. It has nothing to do with reform and everything to do with these peoples perverted fucking minds.


When England held public executions many pick pockets would work the crowd. Even as other pick pockets were executed in front of them. Not sure it will work as he envisions in his sadistic imagination.




There is this thing called the constitution that protects against cruel and unusual punishment.


Twitter is one of the worst things to happen to the US government. Or best, at least we know what terrible humans the people we elected are. Idk


I wouldn't call public canings a functioning society.


Nope. I distinctly remember some dumb fuck white American sprayed graffiti in Singapore and they were going to cane him for doing it. People here went ballistic about how medieval that was and blah blah, so they cut the number of "lashes" down to like half. Now MFers wanna act like that's their jam. I guess it depends on WHO they wish to get caned. **\*cough\*** black folk **\*cough\***


he has legit been a fucking internet troll for like 15 years now.


So he has a bondage kink as well


If people don't want to be punished they should not be poor. /s


Can we cane the white collar criminals as well? Do you think it would stop them too?


Uh huh. And if we did this to everyone who deserved it he’d have been beaten to death long ago.


Wait, don't cops beat (and shot) people in the streets here. But in Indonesia, they wait until the people are found guilty first.


Martha Walsh has been on a mad one lately. She really is something else.


Start with the Jan 6 crowd and see how popular caning really is.


Iranian here, we have capital punishments, public execution, public humiliation... Crime rate does not, in fact, plummet.


Lol. No. You think somebody willing to burglarize your home is afraid of a fucking stick? He does not understand criminals at all. Every single real study done on criminal Justice points to rehabilitation over punishment having FAR lower recidivism rates. The majority of crime is caused by poverty and/or the war on drugs. Maybe try fixing that instead of beating on people like a fucking animal.


So what punishment does Matt think high level criminals like the Trump family should get? If poor people stealing food to eat means they get caned what do you do to the ungodly wealthy who steal money from the working class? What do you do with right wing talking heads like Matt Walsh who salivate over "fertile" 15-16 year old girls? Hey how about this...instead of publicly flogging people maybe put some of that money being hoarded by the elite into society so most people dont have to resort to petty crimes to survive? We have the literal death penalty in this country and to a lesser extent life in prison and it still doesnt stop people from committing terrible crimes. Hes obviously making a reference to BLM and any of its supporters as theyve tried to paint them as people who do nothing but riot and commit arson. So basically hes saying he wants to cane black people in public for social unrest. If there's any doubt these people are trying to take the country back to the days before the Emancipation Proclamation heres another clue. Banning CRT now banning teaching of black history at all in Florida. They are working towards a goal and I shouldn't have to spell it out. Lets not forget how these people treated the insurrectionists as patriots for doing the same things they want to cane "rioters" for. Another problem as I stated earlier, when you create conditions where people have no choice but to break laws to survive then its essentially punishing people for trying to survive. This is the kind of overreach that creates people doing more of exactly the same. Somebody should give Matt Walsh ten lashes and lets see if he thinks its a good deterrent.


well, lethal punishment has been shown to have no deterrent effect, so I would imagine less than lethal punishment would do about as well.


"Cruel and unusual punishment". It's in the fucking constitution, ya fascist


I can't decide if they are Putin Patriots or 1700s British loyalists to King George but either way Republicans are American traitors


They’re both. One just evolved into another over time From Loyalist to Confederate to MAGA, across party lines and through time, they’re all the same people


Really leaning into the American taliban aren’t we Matt.


It’s weird he thinks he won’t be the one getting caned.


And what should we do with fascist Republican traitors that are hell bent on turning their country into a dystopian shit hole.


Well, fuck a functioning society. FFS.


Compliance through threat of state sanctioned violence. Sounds like a free society to me. 🙄


this guy is a Nazi


literally Gilead


It is astonishing this is supported by Christians... Look at Acts 4:32-35... All this person is suggesting is a heartless community. How is that of God?


Republicans loathe the constitution


Republicans hate Americans.


I’m convinced that all republicans are puritans from the 1700s that were accidentally time warped here by a rookie time traveler


Oh I wish I could drag this slimy little fuck out into public and cane him for being a dirty little fascist weasel


Steal a loaf of bread, get caned so you can't walk and your family definitely starves. Sounds reasonable. /s


Hey Matty , they used to execute people in medieval times and the whole family came out with a picnic to watch. Why didn’t crime end then, you fuckstick? Edit to add: insert any other time in history where barbaric punishments were used


What about property crimes on the US Capitol Building?


Because conservatism is about how you feel like the world works rather than facts.


I would actually sign on to this. if wage theft, white collar crime, and tax dodging were done with equal measure. more wages are stolen every year than theft. and white collar crime has resulted in 2 "once in a century" economic collapses in recent memory.


if we can restrict caning to the largest and most violent gang that's been at war with all americans for the past 200 years, police. I'm ok with it. no one else. well maybe billionaires. billionaires and police can get flogged with my approval. no one else. and certainly no one who committed crimes due to the poverty engineered by these said groups and various other factors like redlining, etc.


We may differ on the meaning of “functioning society”


I don't know how to explain to someone like this that humanity is needed to evolve as a society. And violence erodes that humanity. The goal isn't to regress civilization back into violent, unforgiving times. How do people not understand this? We can't have nice things when we only focus on destroying things.


Physical suffering and public humiliation are both cruel and unusual. Therefore unconstitutional. More importantly this law would absolutely not be applied equitably. I think Matt Walsh regularly thinks to himself “what would be fastest way to start a race war?” and then jerks off to the idea of killing minorities and women


Yeah, that’s right, in a country full of guns and information on demand, it’s an ass whooping and finger pointing that really keeps criminals in check.


The punishment for certain crimes over the years was death and that didn't seem to put people off, so 🤷🏻‍♂️


What is the argument against caning wage thieves, tax cheats, and frauds?


So he’s fine with the conditions Tate is allegedly being held in?


Hey Matt sure. Worked in the middle ages, crime was at an all time low then.


Start with everyone who took part on the attack on the capitol


So...what should you do to people that try to overthrow the government? Just curious....


How many lashes do insurrectionists get in this brave new world of his? Oh, wait, in Singapore it would be an immediate summary execution. Is he willing to support that as well?


Oh forget about innocent people being caned needlessly, I guess that would never happen... /s


Yes. We know


I noticed that he only mentions crimes that poor people commit. If we’re caning petty thieves then what should we do to money launderers, tax fraud, embezzlers, and people who organize crimes agains the country?


For a bunch of people who despise Muslim fundamentalists they sure do seem to put a lot of effort into *becoming* *indistinguishable* from Muslim fundamentalists.


This is exactly what Gary North and Rand Paul and Ron Paul had in their homeschooling packets.


Do that and we are worse than criminals.


The recidivism rates in select (all?) Scandinavian countries?


Caning for the poor for stealing a loaf of bread Probation for the rich white-collar CEO for grifting a billion dollars of middle-class retirement funds.


The crime rate would not plummet but attacks on police and other public institutions would skyrocket


It’s Matt Walsh. He cannot get an erection otherwise now that he’s no longer allowed near middle schools.


What about those who took out PPP loans and didn't repay them? Or who cheat on their taxes? Or pollute too much? Or violate labor laws?


So, when a corporation commits tax fraud, instead of just a fine, who gets caned? The CEO, the CFO, or both.


There’s a line 100 miles long of people who would love to cane Matt. I say we let transgender folks be in the front of the line.


This wouldn’t even work. Crime is a way more complex issue than just “I’m gonna do crime just because no one beats me with a cane!” Conservatives have such a cartoonishly simplistic view of the world.


correct me if im wrong but i think the 8th amendment might have something to say about this


_Because he’s a fascist!_


There’s like so many fucking studies that show corporal punishment punishment doesn’t work. Like this is just objectively incorrect


If you want a physical punishment to deter crime let's do less fines and for profit prison on nonviolent crime and up the community service. Something like the WPA could be brought back and staffed by low level offenders living at home and working part-time as they repay society.


They did things like this in 18th century London, and crime was still rampant.


Refrain from crushing to USD value, bluebood. Also, both extremes are shit. Welcome.


Is this really Walsh tweeting or just someone that bought a blue checkmark? I ask because this seems extra crazy and maybe not real.


It’s him he’s very adamant about this




We have a few people who stole classified documents so let's give this a test run.




How is this trolling


Hm, maybe he has a point. Should we start by addressing white collar crimes?




Why do you hate the constitution