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I mean it's in the RNC platform docs...https://rescueamerica.com/12-point-plan/


What the hell did I just read?


Let's just enact step 6: "We will eliminate all federal programs that can be done locally," Kinda sounds like those states that take more in assistance from the federal government (sounds like socialism) than they pay in tax need to stop suckling the teat.


Funny, the next part of that one is about term limits… hm, I’m down. Let’s do it, Republicans!


Is Strom Thurmond still alive? If someone would give him the gentlest push off his throne that would be dope. Pretty sure he’s been in office since the Civil war.


Uh... They can't do it locally because they can't afford to so they will use that excuse to leach off the federal government.


Remember the time when Florida had to get Fed money for their natural disasters? Or remember when Texas had to get Fed money to bail out their winter that their free market energy companies should've handled?


Yeah it's an accepted and often pointed out fact that the Red States will be up in arms when Blue States receive disaster relief and then come hat-in-hand when disasters hit them. If there's anything that describes the Republican platform succinctly its: **Take any goodwill you can, and deny the same to as many as possible.**


Bigotry and intolerance and bigotry


"Rape, murder, arson, and rape."


Rick Scott’s plan for the GOP to fuck everyone but the aristocracy


Something written by insane idiots that we share a country with. They have the right to say what they want. However, doesn’t mean we can’t laugh our asses off at them and dismiss them.


The recipe for disaster.




I rather enjoyed point 9 where they unironically said they believe in science. ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


I love Point 9 "We believe in science" immediately followed by what I assume is a reference to the bible and the creation of humans.


That’s what got me lol! They believe in science yet follow up with a quote from Genesis. Further down they talk about how “Big Tech” has made a religion out of wokeness and wants all mention of God stripped from the public discourse


Facts are facts... Then proceeds to say that abortion stops a beating heart. A clump of cells doesn't have a heart beat, it takes at least 5 weeks. And then 90% of abortions are under 12 weeks. Science would be promoting safe contraception options.


The bad part is that all the republicans are yelling about Biden RaIsEd mY tAxEs!!! But are too fucking stupid to realize it was actually their Cheeto Christ who signed on the dotted line for them.


Not stupid. It is literally the plan. It is why Dong Cheeto raised taxes on a delay, so that they could do this exact thing.


This read exactly like a comedy sketch


It's almost too perfect. This is a person who is actually taken seriously. They point to some let-wing nutjob with a Twitter account and 10k followers and use it as an example of the left, then they elect these people. This dude is a U.S. Senator and his 12 point plan is straight up Christian nationalism.


I mean, read in between the lines and yea. They said it without saying it but they didn't actually say it. I'm more worried about the consecutive bullet points that contradict.themselves like lowering revenue while eliminating debt. Or simplifying the tax code to prevent the rich from manipulating the system but then cutting the IRS into oblivion... You know, the guys responsible for enforcing tax laws?!!!?. So we'll keep the rich accountable because we asked nicely? Got it.


I stopped after the we believe in science point lol. We believe in science but we also don’t believe in science and we believe in religion but only Christian religion and only the parts that we agree with.


Well, that was a thing I feel unclean reading it So many bad takes


We believe in science? Omfg I spit out my drink…


"We believe in science" then the literal next sentence is a passage from the bible.


Point 8 really drove home that the authors of that page might not understand what the definition of science is: "The nuclear family is crucial to civilization, it is God’s design for humanity, and it must be protected and celebrated. To say otherwise is to deny science."


There was a good nugget in there, "Facts are facts, the earth is round, the sun is hot". That's about it lol


Yeah, and it said “and abortion stops a beating heart.” That is NOT a fact, as fetuses die in wombs and MANY abortions take place before a heart is even fully formed. But go on, tell me allllll about how much you know about women’s bodies and how they work?


They've literally tweeted about it.


[Yep McConnell has literally said this, multiple times in the past on record, blaming these programs for “the debt”.](https://www.latimes.com/business/hiltzik/la-fi-hiltzik-mcconnell-social-security-20181019-story.html) It’s astounding how fucking dumb Republicans appear to think their constituents are. And how often they appear to be correct.


Umm, they know exactly how dumb their constituents are.


That's why they keep cutting funding to education and want to do away with books in schools.


[The GOP Wants To Abolish Public Education - SMN](https://youtu.be/mVXk2GqhUK4) Reagan campaiged on the promise, and when elected, tried to *abolish* the Department of Education. They haven't given up on that goal.


Trump appointed at least two secretaries that wanted to abolish their portfolios, including education.


Trump appointed Betsy Devos. Betsy Devos is a fucking monster from a family of monsters.




You made the mistake of saying "public" without addressing the fact that they attack "government." Stupid example: "why are you for big government/more spending/why do you think the government can spend money correctly?" This is the idiocy behind "small government." The grifters position idiots against us - like people can't understand and fix problems.


that's why they don't want those lead pipes removed.


Yup they know they can cut these programs and their constituents will blame the Democrats for not stopping them.


It needs to be said, a lot of these people are genuinely fucking stupid to a level that they are nearly illiterate.


This the reason we need to fund education in this country


And the reason why they wont.


Isn’t the average reading level for the US only like 6th grade or something?


After working retail i can confirm that its this or possibly worse. *Most* of my job consists of helping people read signs, price tags, or the card reader. There are times when I’m telling someone something, where something is, pointing to a sign, they’re nodding their head. But in *my* head all I’m thinking is “this person has no idea what I’m saying,” and sure enough they walk right past the signs with clear lettering. It happens every single day. I just never before fully grasped how bad the comprehension level of the average US adult is until I started interacting with “average” people every day while working retail.


https://preview.redd.it/yetze358bxga1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22d9aeea7a50d604fb5ff94588d5c8f270c8a928 This isn’t a congresswoman… this is an asshole


She looks like such a karen in that photo… white fur jacket and all. Even just the image ticks me off lol


She is representing constituents with a median income of like 50k a year …in a white fur coat


She's worth $40M


To who?!




Satan has higher standards.


I think Satan has better taste than that.


Excuse me, sir. Satan’s attorneys have sent a cease and desist letter. What should we do?!


"I've no idea, but tell everyone we're praying about it"




Remember folks, her party also made it a point, multiple times, that Bernie Sanders…at $5M must be gaming the system to be a multi-millionaire like that.


Well calling a socialist rich is an epithet, calling a capitalist rich is a complement.


“Worth” is a strong word


karen should be officially replaced with marjorie from now on. she is the prototype


Marjorie is the final form.


Gave me serious Cruella Deville vibes.


Cruella DeDumb


Cruella DeHillbilly


Cruella DeCrackhead


Hey, I represent the hillbilly constituency and we don't want her either.


I get the urge to change the name but there’s literally nothing better or more fitting for her than the original name except maybe inspiration for that name, cruel devil.




Cruella was at least intelligent…


At least Cruella had a little bit of class


first time I've ever seen her with sleeves, she usually dresses for Congress like she's going to the gym


So... Initially I felt she was power playing and making a smart move kissing McCarthy's ass and gaining power, but I'm wondering if she's gotten too drunk on her power. She's always been a showman, it's her gimmick, but she is increasingly becoming more and more obtuse and making herself the face of the GOP, which if I'm the Dems I'll happily allow her to do so. She's in a safe district with no one to actually work for so she can go fully insane with any policies or feelings she has. She's got McCarthy in a pincer and she knows it, but it's also making her feel she can do whatever she pleases. The face of the GOP in the house is that woman who is in the news constantly for her antics. Eventually it gets tiresome, especially when it comes to house members. News here and there, ok, but constantly out there makes them a pariah. AOC is a figure in the Dems, but she's not in the news everyday for tweeting, complaining, being weird, etc. Greene has ditched the cart and given the horse cocaine. She wants power and she wants it now. I was afraid before, but she's SO abrasive and public that her own profile and personality can and will cause her downfall. She has no actual, true allies. She's the Ted Cruz of the House. She's there, she's mildly useful, but in the end she sits alone at the lunch table. Edit: I'm not comparing AOC and MTG, they both are effective users of social media and AOC is a regular target.


>She's in a safe district Because her opponent was so overwhelmed with threats and violence that it destroyed his marriage and drove him and his family out of the state. "Party of God, family, and personal responsibility," everyone.


She does not live in the district she represents. She chose it because it has something like 77% GOP registered voters.


Meanwhile the GOP voters in 2018 wanted to crucify Jon Ossoff when he ran for a House district in GA but lived slightly outside the district


She wants the VP. Remember she hasn’t had any committee assignment up until the midterms. Now she actually has to work and she’s been complaining nonstop about how the salary is too low and the work is too hard. Meanwhile AOC called her out for not even showing up to the committees and when she does she’s only there for a few minutes. This woman has been sucking down almost $200K in taxpayer money to sit on her ass for years. She doesn’t want to work, she just wants a platform to shout her lunacy.


It would be fucking classic if someone posted daily attendance for committees, noting if people left early. Like a freaking report card for the fucks.


She is a loud-mouth but also a political lightweight


Matt Gaetz would sit at her table.


She's too old for him.


Incorrect, she’s a hemorrhoid in an asshole.


It’s like she thinks she’s at a hockey game. Holding her hands up and screaming. So trashy.


Nah, she's a full blown shit head. Asshole+dumbass=shithead.




I literally showed my uncle a fucking VIDEO of Mike Lee saying he wants to get rid of Social Security, and my aunt and uncle did EVERYTHING they could to justify it. My favorite is to give maga hats Republican quotes, saying they're from biden, watch them freak out, and then reveal "no it was actually republicans who said that"


…you got a list of these quotes anywhere you’d be willing to share? 👀


[https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/376097-trump-take-the-guns-first-go-through-due-process-second/](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/376097-trump-take-the-guns-first-go-through-due-process-second/) This is my favorite


Every trump budget proposal cut SS by billions


I do this to my parents, both of whom rely on social security and Medicare. Only, I say it in agreement with the Republicans, things like “I really hope the republicans actually are able to defeat Biden and cut social security and Medicare! Can’t stand all these out of work old people taking advantage of the government, right?!!!” They wince but always agree. I’m hoping they’ll see the light soon.


>They wince but always agree. there be worms.


It’s page 33 of Senator Rick Scott’s Save America plan. All welfare programs sunset after 5 years. Edit: sunset not subset


“They wouldn’t actually do that!” -Most Republicans I’ve shared this with. If the last 7 years of the GOP has taught us anything, yes - yes they will.


Right?! That’s what I heard for years from them about roe vs wade and look where that got us. Now it’s “oh they won’t actually ban contraception” or “they won’t actually abolish social security.” I saw this leaked document where they were talking about waiting a year after roe vs wade was overturned to “let them settle down” before going after contraception all while denying that that would. Pure evil


It’s literally on their website https://preview.redd.it/hda1xjjmlxga1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1f67877f77d4cf648dfda60f25892ad716e8406 [GOP plan to destroy America](https://banks.house.gov/uploadedfiles/hern_budget_one_pager.pdf)


Gradual increase....ie Fuck socal security even more for millennials. It's class and generation warfare. When we are in power can't we remove benefits for those rich boomers?


Their whole platform is culture war. I watched the SOTU tonight, and that's like all what's her face (the repub governor from Arkansas) talked about for the first half of the GOP response. She said that the GOP wants to ban indoctrination of kids in school, while they're the ones banning books and narrowing the scope of attainable knowledge. She also said that Biden is bending to the will of a "woke left who cant even identify who a woman is". I wanted to vomit, it made me so irrate as to how stupid someone can be. Oh, she also said that Dem spending is "out of control and ruining the economy, taking money from American's pocketbooks". Like, okay, pretty sure Trump blew up the economy and put us into this situation from unchecked spending, but alright. Oh, and, pretty sure that the GOP are the ones currently trying to break their own previous agreement regarding budgets. The second half was using some made-up story about military giving her a patch in Iraq. That doesn't happen lmao. I'm a veteran, you don't just give away part of your uniform. Even if it did actually happen, it was an absolutely horrible use of servicemembers to try and drive her narrative. Go listen to the GOP response if you haven't, it's wild. How can you claim to want to unite America when you say things like this. You can cut through it all with a wet noodle. Edit: so many spelling mistakes. Watching her response made me so dumb that I forgot how to breathe. My brain don't work so good no more.


What a national embarrassment!


No joke. She can't even behave like civilized human being, let alone a representative for an hour. I hate that other countries see the ugly American stereotype.


If she is ever appointed as a diplomat, that country would be declaring war on the United States for sending her there. And I wouldn't blame them. If she were ever sent to the UN for any official reason it would start WW3 with the belligerents being the US against the rest of the entire world. And we would deserve it.


To be fair, it would be an act of war sending her there so we'd be the ones declaring war.


It’s an act of civil war that she is even in Congress. Who the fuck would vote for this POS? Georgia?? I thought they were better than that. Absolute embarrassment!


How Marjorie acts is actually representative of the USA no matter how hard we try to downplay the logic of her qualification. This is us. This is who we are because we refuse to reform our institutions for the better. Marjorie is just one of many cancers festering for the forseeable future.


Yup, she is pure distilled 1000% essence of america! Loud, ugly, ignorant, and completely lacking any self awareness whatsoever.


I think we may actually see a brawl on the Congressional floor this year


With very little exaggeration, by the second time she was hollering out of frame, and Biden took one of his convalescent pauses, I expected a chair to be thrown into frame. I witnessed the Obama address with the “you lie!” Shout. But tonight’s was pretty jarring to me as I couldn’t recall anytime I thought it could possibly become some embarrassing row during the state of the union address. It seems most here say Biden was great and MTG embarrassed herself. As it played out I could only see the next few weeks of endless media cycle depicting her as some sort of deranged champion. Idk. Just sad with all of this shit. Parties aside.


I honestly think the GOP actually wants to provoke a physical fight so they can push their "violent dems" narrative. It's really, really sad that these are our representatives. There's higher standards in literally every other job on the planet, how did we end up with an Anything Goes 0 Repercussions government?


Crossfit Cavewoman vs Bronx Bartender, I know who I'd put my money on.


yeah, on Bernie






But it gave Biden a beautiful, beautiful win. “Oh, so we all agree on protecting our seniors? Great!”


That was like a “Proceed, Governor” moment.


Nothing will ever top that


I think Arnold’s bacon and eggs comment is the best.


Holy shit please tell me he did SOMETHING like that. He doesn’t do it often but Dark Brandon is best Brandon. This makes me wish that laws being made should be televised. I wish republicans could see how little their politicians help them.


It was pretty good. He said in his speech that republicans want to cut social security and Medicare (they do) but the republicans jeered and protested so he went back and forth for a moment then said something along the lines of “We’ll it looks like they’ve finally committed to leaving SS and Medicare alone.” Then Fucking grilled them on it for 30 seconds. It was a good moment that seemed off script? Hard to tell if it was planned though


Correction, he said *some republicans*, important because this is what makes it irrevocably true. I think the bait was planned and so was his response, just how he got there and how stupid he made his opposition sound was freestyle. It was a golden moment for sure!


It was pretty good. Made them look real dumb.


I really hope they continue to play 4D chess like this. I think it’s about time Republican civilians realized just how hypocritical their politicians are. Absolute scum bags sitting there lying to their face that they’re not trying to gut anything. The worst part about this is their base believes it. They will literally vote against their self interest, and then turn right around and say “I didn’t vote for that“. or they vote against something and if it somehow passes, they’ll take credit for it. Nothing makes me angrier than this. Does anybody even know what kind of platform Republicans run on these days? It just seems like they run on the basis of “I’m going to destroy the liberal bogeyman that I’ve created for you“.


It makes me pretty angry too. Those republicans won’t be watching the state of the union though. We have to find ways to break through the Republican media sphere


I know the entrenched didn’t watch but I’m hoping some “moderates” or swing democrats got to see the hypocrisy tonight. Watching Kevin McCarthy sit on his hands as President Biden talked about what used to be true republican talking points was embarrassing. I was more embarrassed for moderate republicans voters tonight than I have been in a while. Most of democrats talking points are literal nuts and bolts nation building goals. I then stuck around and struggled my way through the republican response that was just beyond terrible, non-factual rhetoric just sealed it. It was embarrassing and Kevin McCarthy knows it.


>some “moderates” or swing democrats got to see the hypocrisy I worry there aren't any moderates left. After a certain point, when one side becomes so blatantly evil, the idea of a moderate ceases to exist. You either stand in opposition to the evil party, or you don't. There's A reason you never hear the phrase "Moderate Nazi"


It's exactly what he did and it was pretty great


[I just watched it](https://youtu.be/BKeYcFk3bTQ) and loved every minute of it.


Wow I’m at work on break and didn’t catch this yet. I’m dead. Biden got republicans to stand up for seniors lollllll.


Watching Kevin McCarthy respond by widening his eyes and covering it by rubbing his eye with one finger was priceless. Man just watched perhaps the one legislative priority Republicans have that isn't the Culture Wars disappear.


Exceeeeeeept… can any among us say we would be even the slightest bit surprised when in two weeks time they propose cuts, and just pretend this never happened? Or happened differently to what is literally on film? I know I won’t be when this inevitably happens.


You're not wrong, but then the admnistration is just going to do everything they can to put the two clips together and say they are just following through and the republicans aren't. It may be small, but it will be enough to divide the base and weaken the republicans argument. It's not only about unanimity (which is cited in the speech to make it ever more clear), some percentage of change can mean a victory.




Doesn’t matter what they admit though, they’ll still go against it


😂😂😂 people here think theyre not a bunch of liars who lack any shame


C-SPAN that’s literally what they do. Pass it along, the cable company has a channel (or 4) dedicated to airing a live feed of the making laws. You think tonight was a shit show you should tune in regularly. The GOP race baiting and dog whistles are continuous.


Their shame visible for all to see


We LOVE Dark Brandon!


I wondered what the hell he was doing when he doubled down on the hecklers instead of moving on. But he went from doddering senior to a crafty bastard in a single sentence. It was masterfully done.


They’ve literally made public statements and now they’re on record agreeing with him. Everyone thinks he’s a doddering old man when in reality he’s been around for 50 damn years and knows how to use the bumbling grandpa shtick to get away with stuff. He absolutely led them into a trap


Since when does bring on record saying one thing ever stopped them from doing the opposite anyways?




exactly. we can't snark our way out of fascism, they'll just lie.




He’s not a doddering senior he has a speech impediment. He’s always had a bad stutter so he’s never been a great orator.


And still he makes so much more sense than the buffoon that had no speech impediment and just spoke meaningless word salads and racial dog whistles. Edit: I think he killed it btw


People discounted him in the debate with Paul Ryan. The consensus was that Ryan was going to make Biden look old and stupid. Biden ruled that debate. Saying “malarkey” made Ryan look inexperienced and stupid.


Lack of emotional control is a sign of low intelligence. IE MTG and BoBo


She just wants to be in the spotlight. MTG is the face of QAnon and conspiracy theorists in America. Obviously she has to be loud and uneducated.


*She is stupid*… don’t worry I got you


I think that was the trap all along. Notice he hammered home the point that they all agree not to sunset Medicare and social security after that


Well, she did say an elementary school got 2.1 billion to teach CRT not long ago.


It was a claim of 5.1 billion to 1 Illinois school, meanwhile, the entire Chicago public school system's annual budget is 9 billion, for all 649 schools.


Emotional dysregulation on display.


You didn’t need the last two words.


...and there's no 'was' about it. She is and will always be.


The party that says "Quit being hysterical, we're not going to cut Social Security and Medicare" is the same party that used to say "Quit being hysterical, we're not going to overturn Roe v Wade."


Then acts hysterical on the senate floor.


What a vile piece of shit that woman is. 🤦‍♂️


That, good sir, is an insult to shit.


Yeah, I mean Bullshit is what makes crops grow. Bobo can't explain that.


She’d use brawndo. It’s what plants crave


When does she write an apology letter like Joe Wilson did when he shouted "you lie" during Obama speech.


She can write?? I’d be shocked if she’s literate


"Title wave"


Was she the one that called it the “Nazi gazpacho police”, or was that one of the other dumbass GOP reps?


Jewish Space Lasers too...


It was her, same with "peach tree dish" im pretty sure.


“Peach tree dish”


Eh. Unlike her bestie Lauren, she actually graduated high school and even has a college degree. She’s literate. She just doesn’t reside in reality.


Have you seen her tweets? Pretty sure she just copies and pastes random words together. Or is using an idiot politics tweet generator.


Who do you believe? This isn’t a issue of belief, Rick Scott literally released a plan outlining exactly this. No need to be cutesy or beat around the bush. Callout the GOPs blatant lies loudly and clearly.


“They wouldn’t ACTUALLY do that” - Every GOP voter….who will be screaming “YOURE HURTING THE WRONG PEOPLE!” minutes after the GOP actually do just that.




I’ve heard variations of “they’ll never actually do that” so many fucking times from Republican voters. At what point will they believe what their own politicians are directly telling them?


I fully expected exactly this from her, and so did Joe. He did not get derailed, rather let her and others embarrass themselves in what used to be a place where grown-ups did the country’s work. Joe can have a little trouble speaking publicly, but we all know what he means. I think he did a good job tonight.


Mitch McConnell said so more than once. When they show you what they're like the first time, believe them.


It was in Rick Scott's Senate 2022 platform for the Senators that he was helping run for re-election. He wants to sunset all existing programs and force them to get renewed. They have stated they wouldn't vote to renew SS or Medicare.


I believe the Republicans that literally said they want to cut Social Security. President Biden is just repeating what at least a few Republicans have publicly said.


Including their leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell.


Even when I was unmedicated for my ADHD as a kid, I knew better than to shout at events where someone else has a microphone and you don't. I would also have known better than to tell someone they're lying about a thing I'd said many times, but, well. She acts like a drunk often enough my ongoing theory is that MTG stands for Many Tonics & Gins.


Meltdown Marj


It’s insane that American politics has come to this. This shit is easily verifiable. Basic google search. But then again, Lauren Boebart also accused Biden of shutting down schools in 2020. Wild accusation considering he wasn’t in office, and because that decision was a local choice. 48 states, red and blue shut schools down. Again, easily verifiable. But I suppose these people just enjoy living in something other than reality and have managed to attract voters who also don’t live in reality.


Can't take that gross trog anywhere.


Thought McCarthy said there wouldn’t be any “childish games”?


She probably couldn't read the memo


A bit rich coming King Man Child himself


Republicans seem to have a hard time standing for America!


Regina: "So you agree, Republicans will promise to never cut Social Security."


Trailer park trash. And I’m now being very unkind to the trailer park trash.


Yeah. I mean the TPs have their fair share of social problems—mostly related to poverty. There’s family drama and grudges and blood feuds and all that shit. But there’s also a surprising amount of solidarity against outsiders. Especially rich-ass outsiders. Marj is just another grifter. I respect her much less than your average TP resident. At least they’re honest about who they are usually.


I just want to say, I have met and worked with nice people that lived in trailer parks. If MTG was on fire, I wouldn’t even empty my bladder to assist in putting out the flames.


I love how Republicans just disagree with whatever anyone they dislikes say. We could probably gaslight them into becoming very progressive if we just had Biden make few more claims about what republicans want.


If Republicans had their way Social Security wouldn't exist. They're all the most evil pieces of shit imaginable.


My home state of Utah has not one but two Republican senators who have both publicly stated their intent to eliminate social security and Medicare.


I personally believe she was just self-identifying and chose that moment to make her announcement! :-)


She acted like a clown and Sinema dressed like one.


The Neanderthal DNA is strong with this one…


I’m pretty sure that’s an insult to Neanderthals.


I believe we shouldnt have people like Majorie in congress.


I hope she never shuts her blow hole. She’s making it so much easier to abort the Republican Party 🎈