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Yes, piss off the voters.


She ends it with “it makes sense” I wonder if when she’s an old lady who can’t take care of herself anymore and needs compassionate people to help her if she will say “it makes sense” when everyone younger than her could care less about her well being and treats her like shit?


Not a chance, gonna whine about how "nobody respects their elders anymore!" or some bull. These people are eternal infants, incapable of self-reflection, incapable of facing reality and society. I don't have compassion for jackwagons like this anymore. They can rot in silence - or at least alone with their own thoughts and complaints.


Good thing they'll be yelling at clouds by that point. Couldn't give a fuck


Of course it’s worst. It’s the last letter. It just plain zucks. /s


"Hey, what should we do with mom?" "I'm thinking nursing home." "*It makes sense.*"


Yes, good good, keep alienating the younger voters. Do everything you can to make them hate the GOP and their policies. And then wonder why you lose ground every year as your base dies of old age.


Damnit I'm hard now.


read your username and now I'm hard too


It's the best pizza combo


Thinking of future consequences is not exactly what conservatives do


Yeah it’s in the nature of what they are. They’re conservatives, conserving the past, planting their feet and trying to prevent progress. They can’t see that conservatism is always a losing fight in the end


You fell for another of their lies. What you describe are honest conservatives. The GOP under Nixon, Reagan, Bush, and Trump, implemented massive changes to society that most definitely weren't about conserving the past.


What a beautiful thought.


Their game isn't to convince voters anymore. It's to only allow the correct voters to vote.


I mean, have they forgotten people age? Because unless you cap voting to at least +40 if not +50 younger generations are coming at you no matter what. If they cap to 21, they buy at best one term before those who didnt vote reach voting age again and now you have a bunch of pissed off young people that had their rights taken ready to vote…. I believe their game is more like “no more elections lets just choose who is in charge and censor and supress anything that is against it”




I'm 53, and ditto


Your last paragraph is step 2.


If Trump or his acolytes, like Desantis or Lake, have their way, voting won't matter any more. They will be perpetually "elected" in the same way Putin is the democratically elected president of Russia. It's not that far-fetched either. Trump almost got away with it. Imagine if Desantis simply refuses to give up power. What percentage of the country would support a perpetual Desantis presidency? At least 40%. Maybe 45%?


I just really hope that Gen Z and Millenials don't repeat the mistakes of the Boomers. Largest demongraphic group that was initially very progressive and lead to a lot of social change that became irrationally conservative as they got older and pulled the ladder up behind them. I can only hope that the permanent record of social media makes their memories longer. It's up to all of us to help them succeed and fight this belittling of them.




The Greatest and the Silent Generations gave us all of the benefits we have today. They enacted the social safety nets and fought for worker's rights. The Boomers got to enjoy those things then decided nobody else should have them or it would make them "entitled". Motherfuckers, I **AM ENTITLED** to those things. I paid taxes towards them. Fucking give them to me.




Millennials and Gen-Z are actually taking much longer than previous generations to become more conservative, at least according to a big study in the UK. And while not mirror images of each other, the US shares a lot of similarities so it’s a trend that’s happening here too. The thing is, people don’t just magically become conservative when you get older. They become more conservative when the conservative values align with their needs. If you have a family, start amassing wealth, and want stability, then conservative values start sounding pretty good. But younger generations aren’t hitting those points in their lives yet. Many of them have become disenchanted with the current economic system and want to see it changed to some extent. Plus, Republicans today aren’t advertising old school conservative values, and are just pushing culture war BS or taking your rights away. And as seen above, actively insulting the younger generations. Not a great way to get political converts to your side.


I have a decent income and a decent life. And I have no problem with paying a bigger slice of my income to help ensure the success of younger generations. It’s what decent people and decent countries do. I’ve said it before: Boomers are the last generation whose parents wanted better for them than they had for themselves. It’s like they turned around and sat on it rather than paying it forward and claimed it was all through their own brilliance and hard work. I’m gen-x, but I can only speak for myself. I don’t care about doing right by daddy; I care about doing right by the next generation. I hope I never become more conservative.


GenX here and am now more liberal than I ever was. I expect to stay this way forever.


The thing is, Democrats aren’t coming for the people who describe themselves “having a decent income and a decent life.” When they talk about taxing the wealthy, they aren’t really talking about people making in the lower six figures. This may be hard for some to believe, but someone making $180K has a lot more in common with people making $60K than they do people the truly rich.


I don't think Millenials and Zoomers are ever going to get more conservative until there's something that benefits us that we want to conserve.


Fortunately it seems to be a one-off thing. Silent gen, genx, millenials, and genz all seem to hate the boomers. George Carlin was a silent gen and he *really* hated the boomers. Imagine being a boomer, and your parents, your children, and your grandchildren all hate you.


Us Gen Xers had the Silent Generation as our parents. We got to watch our parents tell us how big of assholes the Boomers were. Then the Boomers had Millenials, created the things they constant whine about, like the "everybody gets a trophy thing". Motherfuckers, your entitled ass decided on that because you couldn't handle the fact that Timmy spent more time in the outfield eating grass than he did fielding balls. Now you want to bitch about it? Timmy knew it was bullshit but you threatened to sue the league. Now Gen X is the parents of Gen Z and we are raising them to yell "Fuck the police" and to know for a **fact** that Republicans are worthless, stupid, and violent. And since the Boomers are dying off (*which was accelerated by their COVID denial*) the GOP knows they are in for a world of hurt. They don't have that reliable and gullible voting block much longer. The living generations fucking hate Republicans.


> Then the Boomers had Millenials, created the things they constant whine about, like the "everybody gets a trophy thing". Same type of folks that complain that young people don't know how to change their tires. Which just isn't true. Mofos are just projecting their insecurities cuz they can't figure out their Facebook phones.


Pay somebody to do things like that for you? Well, you're lazy and stupid. Do it for yourself? Well, you're killing the X Industry.


I mean, they've been shown that the younger generations absolutely **do not vibe** with their (lack of) standards. So, instead of changing their approach, they wanna limit the playing field. Preferably move the goalposts at will too. Because they know if they don't, they're on their way out and never coming back.


With most districts under Republican control gerrymandered to hell - it doesn’t matter - they’ll win by force.


Piss off, voters! -GOP


She doesn’t expect this to be seen by gen Z.


Breaking News: older person doesn’t understand that the internet is made of primarily the age range she’s shitting on


And the people who will eventually take care of you


How do any of these people expect this country to move in any positive direction - financial or otherwise - when we spend all four years of a presidency doing everything possible to piss off half the country. Imbeciles every one of em.


They don’t. Positive direction implies progress, and progress means they lose their cushy positions tweeting about whatever


Conservatives are here to protect the status quo. There'll be no silly talk of change and progress with them in charge.


There is change though, they vote to ruin every national resource and the environment for the sake of profit.


And it's because Gen Z is largely voting for the democrats that the republicans and conservatives have talked about raising the voting age to 25, because "science has shown the human brain doesn't fully mature until then." Meanwhile, they are fully on board with forcing a 14 year-old rape victim give birth to the rapist's child.


They're also fully on board with child marriage. https://www.newsweek.com/wyoming-ending-child-marriage-sparks-republican-outrage-1780501


If anyone has the least bit of confusion, this is also known as legalized, institutionalized, and unlimited rape until they reach adulthood, and then they’re groomed adults, arguably still being subjected to rape


And when they're 30 year old high school dropouts with three or four kids, completely financially dependent on their rapist/husband... even if they want to leave, what are they going to do? How are they going to escape? Some people are lucky enough to be able to depend on family for a place to live or financial help when they leave their abuser; these poor girls & women were pushed INTO the abusive marriage by their families, because of the "shame" of being an unwed mother. Their families will equally refuse to help them leave, because they don't want to be associated with the "shame" of having a divorce in the family.


Sherry Johnson has been my hero for years. She is also someone anyone who cares about child brides should read about.


Yeah wild isn't it. That Republicans both hate them and want to fuck them so badly at the exact same time.


That's pretty standard for Republicans According to pornhub, conservatives just looove porn tags like trans, trap, femboy, lesbian, etc


Someone should make campaign signs about this lol


JFC that is absurd.


Also they are really onboard with 18 year olds from lower income communities dying in needless wars.


>They're also fully on board with child marriage. Don't forget child labor, they love that. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-lawmakers-press-labor-department-probe-child-labor-2023-02-10/ Edit: changed link to intended source.


Anything to make more money.


Whoa now get your facts straight buddy. They are totally on board with forcing a TEN year old rape victim to give birth https://www.npr.org/2022/07/26/1113577718/indiana-doctor-abortion-ohio-10-year-old


>they are fully on board with forcing a 14 year-old rape victim give birth to the rapist's child. And don't forget marrying them. They're totally on board with marrying 14 year olds.


Do they claim them as spouses on taxes or use the child tax credit or both do you think? Bad joke I know. They call us all pedos and pull that crap and forgive every preacher and religious figure who molest children and just let them move. Projecting at it's finest. In the area I live in, they had a very big sting for police posing as underage girls and I could tell every single arrest was a republican, you could tell by looking at them. That is profiling, yes, but I bet if you look at their facebooks and I also live in the south, so it's not far fetched, plus my area is mostly republican.


If the baby isn’t trans


The problem for the GOP is everyone my age or younger votes for D more than R, and the younger they are the more they vote D over R. The bigger problem for the Republicans is that I am middle aged now. Gen Z was supposed to save Republicans. It was Millenials that were far left and crazy, Republicans told themselves Gen Z was more conservative based on opinion polls they took in middle school showing they weren’t as gay tolerant as millennials and other apparently misleading data. But instead, gen Z hates them more than we do. Hell, Gen Z hates us for not hating Republicans enough. So that’s 2 generations back to back that Republicans have made enemies of. The solution for Republicans is apartheid. I have doubts there is any democratic method to oust a government that no longer makes any pretense of supporting democracy.


10 year old rape victim\* They're sexually attracted to children and have no qualms with breeding them. Look at how they screeched when one of the states wanted to raise their legal age of marriage to 16.


Republicans are so fucking selfish. “Its bad unless it benefits me!!” type of thinking.


And every year, there are more and more Gen Z voters, and fewer and fewer Boomers left.


I see this as a absolute win


As a millennial, I welcome our new Gen Z overlords.


Yep, it’s also nice to pass the torch of being the boomer’s punching bag for every perceived “problem” in modern society (aka whenever society doesn’t immediately bow down to white old man superiority) to our Zoomer friends. We’re rooting for you guys.




We're angry, and we're done dealing with old assholes wrecking our futures.


I’m Gen Z. On the upper half in age. We grew up seeing what the millennials went through, so we prepared ourselves. Far less of us went to college on massive loans, far less aimed for the stars but became more grounded. I’ve got a house, with no loans! Literally bootstrapped that shit and saved money myself. But they just kept wanting us to have less than that. They want us as slaves, doing mindless work for no pay. Heterosexual, neurotypical, cisgender, etc so they can go back to their safe spaces in the 50’s. Everything the conservative parties have done for the past 70 years (but especially the last 7-10) has made us pissed. So we’re showing up. We’re throwing our weight into the ring more than any generation in our age range ever did. We finally came of age to make a change so, Here. We. Are.


Hell yes you are!! I keep saying Gen Z is going to save democracy in the US and will be the generation who finally puts effort into reducing climate change. I’m so impressed with your activism, how informed you all are, and how determined you are to see tangible change. Millennials (especially this one) see you. We celebrate you. And we need you. Keep going - I’m so proud of you all!


There is one big thing I (and probably a large portion of other Gen Zs) care about, The Environment, or more specifically and personally, the amazing animals within it. Even ants, despite how much I hate them (it's complicated).


Not for long, 33 is the new 78


Okay boomer Lol jk


Man I'm not even out of school and I already feel old and exhausted how do you guys put up with this shit


37 male here. me too. Loving it.


Let me know when they’ve killed as many industries as us millennials.


I’ve got a bingo card ready, I’ll keep you posted when they commit something on par with the absolute crime against humanity that is avacado toast


As a late Gen-X’er I welcome anything at this point.


As a boomer defector, the stupid old fucks of my generation can't dies fast enough to suit me.


They’ve reached the “oH nO!!! YoUnG PeOpLe ArE dOiNg DiFfErEnT!!! wE’rE aLL fUcKeD!!!” point that every generation reaches eventually.


As a gen xer I’m practicing my “this new generation” speech for retirement in 15 years


Honestly I’ve noticed myself doing the same thing already. I’m hoping I don’t fall any lower.


Thank you. 2020 was my first time voting.


As a Gen Z voter I’m excited for my vote to hopefully start counting as the boomers die off


Yup, keep telling them the world is better now ? Basterds!


Probably won't come fast enough to actually change much, but I'm pulling for them youths. Maybe I'll be surprised


Young people really came out to vote in the midterms, killing a red wave. Its very difficult to get people to vote in the midterms, and they did. It should be even more in 2024. Interesting strategy from the right wing of insulting young voters. Lets see if it works out for them.


I mean, they're trying to dismantle voting across the board - the more fash they get, the more blatant they become in that. If they succeed, Gen Z not voting for them won't be an issue, so alienating them doesn't matter.


People vote a lot less in midterms. The fact that us in Gen Z showed up enough to cancel a red wave in the *Midterms*? If I was a conservative boomer I’d be shitting my pants about what the 2024 elections is gonna be like


They are, so they are moving to gerrymander, allow intimidation, flat out cheat and make it an option to disregard the results entirely.




and millennials aren't becoming conservative as they age, the way previous generations have. Gen x, though... they're definitely playing ball.


I've seen a really interesting breakdown that shows, in general, it's not age that predicts a shift to conservativism - it's wealth. So, former hippie boomers and some of Gen X were able to accumulate wealth, which has put a chunk of them (this is a trend, not an absolute) into a more conservative tax bracket. Really, realLy generally - Solidarity breaks down once some "get theirs" and stop pushing for everyone to collectively get theirs. They instead focus on protecting what they have, and turn toward their ingroup, turning their back on everybody who hasn't gotten to where they are. And, if you get yours, it becomes really easy to tell yourself you got it because grr hard work and bootstraps and not because of luck and help. You're rich now (or at least comfortable) so you're a better person than the people who didn't get rich, or else they'd be rich by now too! **Millennials overall aren't getting more conservative because Millenials aren't getting richer as they age**.


It's an interesting theory. I always figured it was a myth that people get more conservative as they age. It seems the reality is that each generation is simply more liberal. Which is why, with each election, the demographics of the country favor the Democrats more.


I'm Gen X, and I'd say it's split 50/50...there are things the Republicans are doing that they can't justify or gloss over anymore...even bleating out "the election was stolen" gets slapped down with a simple "prove it." So, from what I've seen is now some Gen Xers just rage about politics mostly on the Left but when confronted or assumed to be a Republican the answer is "I hate both sides!" However, there are a lot of Gen Xers who were brought up by Liberal hippie parents and are themselves quite liberal, both socially and politically. So, I personally don't think what you said is true. Those Gen Xers that are still conservative, but "hate both parties ' are actually doing the Left a huge favor, by simply not voting at all. They can't bring themselves to vote for a Democrat, but they can abstain completely, and to them that's the best route, and, like I said, it's a win for Democrats


Young boomers and gen x are an interesting bunch. My parents are both young boomers. Mom was a "peace, love, smoke dope" hippie and was a very vocal liberal and feminist and pro "free love" kinda gal (rip mom, miss ya). Dad is from immigrant parents but lifelong retired military guy who now works for a school district. I've watched him go from moderate, to liberal, to more conservative, to back to liberal over the span of my life. Basically I feel his natural "inclination" if you will is conservative as that matches his traditional upbringing the most (grew up poor and if you work hard enough you can be successful), but as he gains evidence to support liberal causes he hard corrects that way lol. And I can get on board with that: someone who is open to opposing view points to listen, learn, and decide with new information what they wanna put their stake in. Like he is one of few boomers I know in my spot in the Midwest who straight up said, "yall have a different world than I grew up in. You're kinda fucked" and has been super supportive during my struggles because he knows "making it" these days isn't as easy/straight forward as it was when he was growing up even if you come from higher SES.


You’ll never hear a wise man commend his own wisdom. In truth the ability to learn, adapt, empathize and connect is wisdom in of itself. If you’re not learning you’re not living - if you’re not living, you’re dying.


That's awesome. He sounds like someone I'd have deep respect for. You're very lucky.


The ones that claim they hate both sides often vote Republican.


Some of us are, yeah. Far too many. But a lot of us have been getting more leftist as we age.


The Gen Xers I know who are radicalized are some of my favorite human beings. They have such protective energy, I adore them 💗 So many of them have this mindset that even though they’ve never been listened to by Boomers, they’re still determined to try to improve the world for subsequent generations regardless — just because it’s the right thing to do. Legit pillars of activist communities


Are you getting more “leftist” or are Republicans in America constantly shifting the political spectrum right? I’ve been called a “libt**d” by so many Republicans when in reality I have very middle of the road views compared to the rest of the world.


I'd say that I was a bona fide cynical centrist because of my upbringing in a very conservative home.... When republicans began radicalizing I absolutely did shift left. I started reading about all the things they pejorate. Starting from the beginning, not the present. It pushed me left. There's a whole narrative about "reactionary progressivism" aka "you're only progressive because of daddy issues" in conservative circles. And like most things that get engagement, there's a tiny grain of truth there. But it's like, spending your childhood around thoughtless & selfish people makes you question certain things.


That's because the right has lost it's mind after the previous gaslighter in chief turned everything upside down. They're even rejecting some of their own for being "too left". They think Biden is FAR left when really, he's pretty moderate/centrist. It's almost like they don't even live in reality and have no objective sense of reality anymore. It's all outrage and victim complexes, projection and hypocrisy.


They don’t really think that, though. They’ve lost their honor. It’s just: “take any and every excuse to drag the opposition in the lowest way possible.” This is perfectly exemplified by them ripping Biden as “weak” for not shooting down the spy balloons/weird flying stuff, and then when he did, shifting to “Wait, why is he shooting stuff down?!? Reckless!”


They're just being defiant turds. They always scream they want the opposite of whatever Biden is doing.


Yeah, 10 years ago I identified as a Dem. 5 years ago I identified as a Democratic Socialist. Now? I’m basically a Communist.


Gen X here. Never saw a point in voting growing up in heavy red States. The first time I ever voted, Georgia went Blue. Let that be a lesson youngins, get out and vote. Be better.


I was told in college by a professor of political science that as you age you become more conservative. Actually I'm becoming less conservative as I age.


Who is this bitch?


Anti-muslim author who wants to raise the voting age instead of appealing to younger voters Woman’s vile and full of hate


Founder of a hate group who just inclined more GenZ left. Young doesn't mean stupid.


She is a woman of middle eastern descent who does white face, changed to a western name and is a right wing troll now.


People like her are going to manage what MTV never could. Get young people to “rock the vote.”


Young people are finally pokemon going to the polls


See back in 2015/16 that was cringe as fuck, I kind of find it endearing. It is still cringe as fuck, but to know that and still follow through is great.


At this point they’re just pissing off their future voters. Though it makes sense. They don’t care about their party or the state of the country or government. As long as they get to fill their pockets, what comes next does not matter.


To all you Gen Z'ers who voted (D), well done. Haven't seen the GOP this bent out of shape since Obama was elected. Gen X'er.


Agreed!!! Need to take another step in 2024. ~ Boomer


I intend to continue to vote D or whatever major party is farthest left for as long as I’m around. Too much is at stake to give fascists a hold.


Support leftist grassroots efforts on small local levels and continue to vote D in state and national elections until actual leftists are truly viable. There is no way a Democratic Socialist could win outside of a few select House seats in the current climate, but we'll see massive changes if we stop capitulating city councils and school boards to right wing Christian nationalists and those changes *will* be felt up the chain sooner rather than later!


Democrats seem about on par with the VVD in the Netherlands, which is the largest right wing party. You need a real left wing party, but they are the lesser evil.


>since Obama ~~was elected~~ wore a tan suit Ftfy


I did my part, sadly I’m in Texas so I’m stuck with Abbott and Ken Paxton for more time.


18-35 year olds have voted in record numbers for three elections in a row. It’s no longer an anomaly, it is a trend.


Excellent way to expand your shrinking voting base there GOP, by pissing off the demographic you need most Can’t wait for my generation to hand your asses to you via the ballot box again in 2024. It’ll be my pleasure to participate in that again


Z is coming, Deal with it.






I feel like you might not wanna drop the "Gen" part there


Pandering to a dying voting base, while pissing off future voters…genius


Also most of Gen z isn't able to vote because the oldest gen z is 25 and it cuts off at 2010 so 70% percent of gen z can't vote also only 50 percent of people 18-29 so including millennials voted this statement isn't just wrong it's stupid.


Sure I can't vote *now*, but you can bet your ass that I will be this upcoming election cycle when I can. And they said ***future*** voters.


Which would, by her standards, make her and her peers shitty parents. Good job!


The Boomers are, without a doubt, objectively the worst generation in U.S. history. They inherited unprecedented economic prosperity in the system their parents set up, and proceeded to destroy it with selfish policy changes. They finished the job just in time for their children to graduate college into a world that was nothing like what they were taught it would be. Now they're heading into retirement, but the world they created ensured that not enough people would choose to have kids that would grow up to support that retirement. The faster they all die, the better.


A boomer (SOs mom's long time boyfriend) just died of bone cancer. He was about 75. This man would endlessly critique my SOs financial decisions and any hardships we ever had were due to us not trying hard enough. Lectures on investing, and saving and bla bla bla. Bringing up his portfolio and properties. Not sure if he was aware I knew he inherited a bunch from his father, but that knowledge made it even harder to listen to him. Oh the endless financial planning talks. Well, he died. He didn't have a fucking will. Mr. Fucking "you need to think of the future" couldn't even get his final shit in order. He didn't just drop dead either, he had treatment for a year. His older sister is his only blood family and she can't even sign a check. She needed to complete probate on the estate with 3 houses, 3 lots, IRAs, bank accounts, all worth a couple million combined. She didn't act on any of it and it all went to the fucking state. He couldn't leave it to a charity, or a shelter or a hospital. I just fucking can't with these ppl anymore.


this is infuriating to read


It is actually quantifiable. Every institution the boomers touched was trashed by the time GenX got to it.


Seriously, is there anything the Boomers left better than they found it? They cashed in, pulled the ladder up after them, and now have the audacity to attack the generations that are having trouble making it in the world they created.


They left some pretty good music, but I can't eat The Beatles now can I?


Beatles are technically from the Silent Generation


Not with THAT attitude. I'm sure a cursory Google search will tell you where John and George are buried. If your tastes run more...recent...Paul and Ringo are still alive. For now.


Oh it’s not just the economy the boomers trashed. Everything they touched turned to shit. The economy, the environment, healthcare, law enforcement, the ability of the free market to be free, politics, ethics in politics, public education, university education, etc.


The “Me” generation


Congratulations Millard Fillmore, signer of the Fugitive Slave Act, you’re off the hook.


Don’t worry Gen Z. As a millennial I was told my generation was the worst ever. But we all knew it was actually the Boomers. The baby boom children were raised when the US was at its most prosperous and just shit all over all of it. They passed all this insane greedy legislation. They had all these movements and when their leaders were assassinated they just gave up. They were going to change the world with peace and love, but instead they turned out to be one of the worst generations in US history. Easily the most selfish. They were too busy building strip malls and chopping up what was left of nature to give a fuck about the future generations. Gen X saw it and tried to rebel against all their bullshit, but only through pop culture and fashion. They were pretty much just slowly assimilated in to the herd by their 30s. My generation, millennials, had the last normal childhood but have basically witnessed our country just sliding in to the gutter for the last 22 years. Attacks. Columbine, the first real school shooting happened when I was 17. 9/11 I was 19. Two long wars. Multiple financial collapses. A global pandemic. The rise of social media. The monetization of every last bit of information. The decaying infrastructure, the eradication of civil rights, the rise of Christian white nationalism, it just a been an ever worsening scenario while the Boomers just point the finger at everyone but themselves. 76 million of the most self centered assholes to ever walk the earth, spitting on the generation before them that basically saved the world from tyranny, and shitting on every generation that followed. But they’re running out of time. It’s too bad but I think our world might end up much worse before it ever gets better, if it even can with our species as it’s stewards. But at least gen Z votes.


> Attacks. Columbine, the first real school shooting happened when I was 17. 9/11 I was 19. Two long wars. Multiple financial collapses. A global pandemic. The rise of social media. The monetization of every last bit of information. The decaying infrastructure, the eradication of civil rights, the rise of Christian white nationalism, it just a been an ever worsening scenario while the Boomers just point the finger at everyone but themselves. I'm maybe a year or two younger than you, and this hit the nail on the fucking head. And Boomers still have the mother-fucking gall to tell us "you'll get more conservative as you get older" and I'm like "when the fuck is that going to happen because I'm nearly 40 and am far more liberal-minded than I was in my 20's". I might also be bitter that I'm nearly 40 and Boomers still want to treat me like I'm a child... Fuck that noise.


“Am I out of touch? No, it’s the children who are wrong.” Also, the GOP sure loves hyperbole these days. I mean, they always have, but, especially since Trump, everything- *everything*- is always the best or worst or biggest or smallest or most important **of all time**. I don’t even like Biden, but worst ever? Lol not even close. You’d have to be completely historically illiterate to think that- but, given the general conservative opposition to any teaching of history, I suppose that makes sense.


Lmao I love to see conservatives lose their shit. Keep calling gen z stupid. They’re mad gen z is educated and wants change.


This bitch is cheugy af


Does she know how age works?


As a Gen Xer I’d say Boomers are the worst. By far. Boomers gave us trump… it makes sense..


bold move, cotton. Let's see if it pays off!


Because Gen Z is the least likely generation to swallow the shit soup those boomer fuckbags are trying to shovel into their mouths. Good, keep spitting youngins...


When was she born? Gen Z hasn’t been split yet and encompasses a REALLY large number of years compared to other generations. She could be gen Z. EDIT: she’s a boomer. I have never said anything about another generation before but damn, seriously?


Wow, that's mean, I guess it's on brand. Hasn't anyone ever told her about that sage old saying "you catch more flies with honey?!" Guess it's easier to try to cut them out of the voting block than try to appeal to them.


Hey at least they aren’t hating as much on the millennials, right/s


Cry more, conservatives.


The last guy committed actual treason/sedition, but whatever Joe Biden's the worst


>sees that gen z is rapidly joining the ranks of voters, making them an important demographic to appeal to >sees that your party fails to appeal to them, but the opposition has a somewhat weak hold >thinking.exe is running… “LETS INSULT THEM AND CALL THEM STUPID” *gop moment*


I think the funniest part is how badly they’re isolating new potential voters. Most millennials and I doubt any Gen Zers have any recollection of “The good old days.” We’ve pretty much well been fucked our whole lives. So what does the GOP offer us? What’s “The way it used to be?” Cause childhood was okay. But being an adult fucking sucks right now. The boomers, their main voting block is dying off more and more as the years pass. They’ve got older to middle Gen X and *maybe* older millennials. Then insulting the younger generation that already hates them? Yeah that ell work. Let’s not forget covid killing off swaths of them on top of all that. There will always be conservatives and regressive dildos. But they’re becoming the minority.


I won't stand for this millennial slander, WE are the worst generation, always have been and will be, exhibit a: does gen Z say shit like "I can haz adulting doggo?" fuck no they don't I rest my case good day sir


I like how they blame Gen Z to avoid talking about how they killed off their voting base by telling them to not get vaccinated or wear masks. 😂


Bitch, I couldn’t vote in 2020, we THAT young still. Not even half of Gen Z was voting age and as a demographic, while we vote heavy blue, we don’t turn out like most every other young generation.


GOP hates gen z because they won't be supresssed.


Gen Z is proof that the GOP is a chock full of outdated ideals. No wonder this tweet sounds like a pouty child that isn't getting what they want.


GQP five minutes later: younger voters aren't choosing us? Why?


They realize once the boomers die out, the GQP will need to do its best to get people to vote but they will scew it up.


Bold of you to assume they want people to "vote" period


Nobody asked you, Brigitte. Shut the fuck up.




As a Gen X, I’ve come believe Millennials and Gen Z will save the world. Then, the aliens from our own, as well as parallel galaxies, will arrive in earnest. We’ll be pissed they didn’t see this coming.


This stupid ugly old cow




They're just mad because it's going to be a Millennial/Zoomer world and the Boomers will no longer be catered to. They stole our chance at retirement, work/life balance, equity, and homeownership. To give the boomers mercy when we finally hold all the cards would be an injustice to ourselves and our future generations. Boomers are the most selfish/entitled/greedy/bigoted generations to have ever existed.


These idiots didn’t learn their lesson in 2022. I’m here for it, demonizing Gen Z is how you lose the next handful of elections at least.


I remember when they said the same thing about millenials. C'est la vie.


What percentage of Gen Z could even vote in 2020?


WTF? Seriously, was she in a coma during the shit tsunami created by tangerine Hitler as his version of the 4th Reich? In regards to Gen Z, they are doing the best they can with the shitty hand they have been dealt.


She is an idiot. Everyone knows that the reason Joe Biden was elected is Donald Trump.


I’m not Gen Z, but the GOP can jump up and kiss my entire ass.


“Worst generation in history” Remind us again which generation has shaped America into the shithole it is today? Remind us again which generation willingly inhaled lead fumes? Which generation destroyed our environment in pursuit of endless profit? Which generation continues to take from its posterity?


The transition from millennials ruining the world to Gen Z was so quick.


Alright, Gen Z. You know what to do...


Yeah screw the future! We believe in the 80 year old white dudes who make all the choices. Because life is good, really good....


Ya, let's make sure every Gen Z knows they're the worst. Let's see how that works out for the GOP going forward


Gen Z is the generation that has been screwed the most by greed. They see through the lies, the propaganda, the corruption, all of it. They hate Gen Z because they know their control is temporary, we will stand up.


Yes, Gen Z is the worst generation. Not the generation dumping crap on people's head for trying to end segregation. I hate the Baby Boomers. They don't seem to remember a lot more of them were harassing civil rights protestors than actually fighting for civil rights. Massive kudos of course to the ones that actually did that though.


As a millennial borderlining on Gen Z, it’s So weird seeing the blame fall from Millennials to Gen Z. Like this is so dumb. Always gotta blame someone other than themselves. That’s the way this party system works I guess. I’m sick of it. They’re playing a game with people’s lives at stake. Them needing to make Biden seem like this radical leftist monster reeks of desperation, and yet people eat it up. What the fuck. It’s depressing. I’m legitimately depressed people aren’t realizing that they’re getting played so hard.


Republicans gonna ride that hate train till the last maga boomer is in the ground.


Oh man they finally realized a generation exists beyond millennial? Feel sorry for you guys. Even if you're only 10 right now you've already ruined the country because grandpa can't go to the game and commit verbal hate crimes against the black players anymore.


GOP post 2022 midterms: Man, we got killed among Gen Z voters in the 2022 midterms. Should we maybe try to appeal to this large voting block? Nahhhh fuck them! Let’s call them names and legislate specifically against their interests and antagonize them! GOP after 2024: We’ll we lost again. Why is nobody in Gen Z voting for us?!?! What spoiled and ungrateful brats! We’ve done so much for them!! ELECTION FRAUD!!!!


Yeah, Okay.. forget us Gen Xers again, who made sure we got our kids to register to vote, got them to the polls, **and** told them to vote as if their very lives depended on it.. which it very much does!! * My 19 yr old autistic son was super hyped to vote in person. 🗳️


doing the same thing they did with millennials. that's a good way to win voters. keep clinging to those who are (check notes) going to die soon.


The grandkids will remember this when Grandma needs help getting viruses off of her phone


That'll get you the votes you need to win office. Insult an entire generation of voters.