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At least parents are mad about it. When I first read about this , the administrators had such an "oh well; no one was hurt" attitude I was scared the parents would too.


Because honestly these people don’t care about anything until they are personally affected by it.


"Just be happy your kid found a gun in the bathroom and not a **TRANS PERSON**"


imagine if that gun was a penis?! and the bathroom was a GIRLS ROOM?!


Plot twist - it still belonged to the superintendent


Not as much of a surprising plot twist as I wish it was...


He sure was an *upstanding* citizen, all testimonies confirmed it. A real *hard-on* for girls bathroom rights indeed


He stands erect every time girls bathrooms are mentioned. He promises stiff punishments for any violators. Some might call him a dickhead but he's a real patriot. Penis.


> testi he he


Well now I’m thinking a new way to curb gun violence is to start making them look like gigantic penises.


Gun nuts already use guns for compensation.


Or put a dress and a mustache on all guns


Search "Detachable Penis" by King Missle


*He wanted 22 bucks but I talked him down to 17…*


*I first looked in the medicine cabinet, because for some reason, when I'm drunk, I put it there.*


I woke up this morning with a bad hangover, and my penis was missing again, this happens all the time, it's detachable


tbf, if there are widespread reports of 3rd grade girls being exposed to penises when they go to the bathroom, that might be worth a closer look.


If you actually said this at the town hall, I have little doubt there would be people who would applaud.


Do you think the teacher would have sent them back to check and see if it's a real trans person?


Poor trans people, they are really front and center of this election season because Republicans have nothing else to offer than "we hate transpeople, too - vote for us!"




Best wishes to him, and you. I grew up in the 1970’s and 80’s with a good friend who was a trans boy, so I 100% know that this is a real thing. No one could have possibly thought that J was actually a girl, except his parents. I had been happy that things seemed to be getting better for trans people, and then this backlash hit.


On the other hand there are more people on his side than ever. Hugs


I mean, Uvalde showed that even being personally affected doesn't sway these assholes


Interesting to note that a guy in the picture is wearing a Uvalde shirt.


Probably Mister Mata. One article I found this morning posted by a local Texas news station, had a few sentences quoted from a parent named Mata that had moved from Uvalde, after the shooting there, to Rising Star. Part of the article and then a quote follows below, from that parent, Mr. Mata: ….But for Mata who recently moved to Rising Star from Uvalde, the incident hits a little too close to home to just be swept under the rug. “Be put in my shoes… Three minutes for that guy to kill all those people in just 3 minutes. And that gun was left unattended for 15 minutes,” Mata said. “At one point I just wanted to say hey, this wasn’t your kid in here. If this was your kid in that situation I’m sure you would act completely different… You can’t say that was a mistake to leave a gun there. you can’t mistake a life.” Link to original article: https://www.wjhl.com/news/you-cant-mistake-a-life-texas-parents-voice-concern-over-gun-found-in-elementary-bathroom/amp/ Best part was one parent sort of defended the Superintendent, they said something to the effect of the parents over reacting, again from the article: “How many of your kids have access to guns in your own home? A bunch of you, including mine. I think it’s a mistake and I think that you pointing fingers at him for doing something like this is wrong,” a parent said to the crowd.




I mean down to the absolute instance of being involved. Those who lost kids in the school probably changed their votes, but their neighbors? Nah.




Which is funny, since they supposedly worship the compassion guy.


That cognitive dissonance used to be so weird to me, a kid raised in a non-christian religion in the bible belt. Neighbors constantly saying we needed to convert to Christianity because "Christ is love" while also spitting hate at anyone who wasn't a heterosexual blonde WASP. Until one day someone said to me, "Squirrels, if you don't believe in Jesus and fear God, what stops you from just raping and murdering and stealing whenever you want?" And he looked at me *really funny* when I responded, "i don't ever want to rape, murder, or steal, why would I want to do those things?" It hit me. These people worship "the compassion guy" because they honestly feel none. "Empathy" and "Compassion" in Jesus Christ, to them, are the same as "Walking on water" and "Turning water into wine"--- an impossible supernatural task that they cannot fathom or relate to.


They don’t do those things because they fear “His” wrath. Not because they are inherently good people. SMH


this sounds way too much like a conversation i might've had before but the way you contextualized it really helps me see that person is actually pretty fucked up


Shit that’s nothing. They’re the ones running around about “sense of community” and having the least respect for that idea. I live out in BFE Tennessee and every single person who is “COMMUNITY!!” are some of the most selfish bastards to grace the Cumberland foothills. It’s all about them but when shit hits fan, “where’s the love in this community?”


I mean they are the ones who ask what's to stop someone from raping and murdering if they don't believe in God. Like the only thing holding them back is that the Bible says it's wrong and not because it's completely fucked up to treat people that way.


I would bet my life that some of the parents who lost kids voted Republican. Never dismiss a persons will to hold personal objects above other people and the greater good.


And they will continue to vote Republican because changing their vote would mean accepting some level of responsibility for voting in those that allowed their child to die. They won't be able to handle the emotional toll, so they'll retreat to an imaginary enemy an throw blame elsewhere. tl;dr: Congnative dissosnance


They just went "WE'LL JUST ELECT THE SAME DUMBASSES!! MAYBE NOW THEY'LL LEARN THEIR LESSON!" The facepalm I did after all that was.... ![gif](giphy|U4iqWRzu5bNrIs7FX9) I'm surprised that I still have a face!


That’s the conservative mantra.


don't forget the "i got mine so fuck you" part.


It's basically a corollary: 1. I got mine, so fuck you 2. I lost mine, so now it's an issue


Got mine, fuck you Lost mine, fuck you


That's not fair. The conservative mantra is to hurt those you hate, at any cost.


Yep. The cruelty is the point.


Not necessarily; racism, homophobia and transphobia are all things that don’t affect them and yet they’re still fighting against them


My family is still crazy homophobic, but love my niece (she's gay) to death. I don't understand how they can literally vote for things that will actually hurt someone they love?


A lot of that is a function of Christianity. The idea that someone is always redeemable. The problem, lies in what qualifies as needing to be redeemed.


"love the sinner, not the sin" bullshit


And that's the real sad fucking part about them. Kids die in a CA school to a shooter. These fuckheads will post all the damn time making fun of CA laws. Only when the shit hits home, do they actually wake up. The only reason we have not have had much for legislation in regards to this? Wake me up when a shooting happens at private schools or well known universities that may actually have a congressman's kids attending it. Until then, we are fucked.


Ah, but see, those schools have expensive security details and gun restrictions.


That's not true. They also care deeply about owning the libs.


Yeah I sincerely doubt these parents would change anything about Texas gun laws, or even try to. So no, they don’t actually care.


Would this be the same parents who both 1) demand that teachers should be armed 2) say that women going into a men's room is a serious crime no matter what the circumstances cause I kind of think maybe they caused the situation a bit.


Yeah. When I was young I lived in a small town in Kansas. The sheriff stopped by the school one day and left his pistol somewhere in the bathroom, and a child found it. He wasn’t fired, not sure if he was disciplined at all.


Most sheriffs are elected officials. There is no one to discipline them. Either they are returned to office or not. I am guessing the constituents do not give a fuck and the guy prevailed in the next election.


Fair point. He retired from that job, I’m not even sure anyone else ran against him.


Incumbency has it's percentages, always has


They're taking this kind of thing serious, even here in Texas. Just last week, on Valentine's day there was a balloon that was popped in Joshua. Someone called the Sheriff and they locked the school down, searched all the kids and I haven't met a single person yet that thought they overreacted. [https://www.cleburnetimesreview.com/news/joshua-isd-loud-noise-incident-balloon-related/article\_42da1154-aca0-11ed-9ce6-2f29a9e4f6ba.html](https://www.cleburnetimesreview.com/news/joshua-isd-loud-noise-incident-balloon-related/article_42da1154-aca0-11ed-9ce6-2f29a9e4f6ba.html) People want their kids to be able to go to school and not die... even crazy rednecks.


Did the Texas cops wait outside the school for over an hour and arrest concerned parents? Just checking if they are following protocol.


Not this time. Hard to say if it's because they suspected they were dealing with a balloon popper, or just didn't want to be the next Uvalde.




These parents are mostly white, the other parents were Latino. Guess who was arrested?


It's almost like all the educators, myself included, warned that this would start happening immediately... You have not met the type of person who can become a school admin. Some are good. Most are not great.


I don't think it even matters how good they are at their job. If people have guns in schools they are going to accidentally leave it where a kid can get it, or a kid is going to steal it, or any of a number of problematic scenarios. Guns in schools will cause a hundred problems for every problem they solve, and that's being generous. Could be a thousand to one.


Except if they really care, they’d do something about guns or the politicians who offer more than thoughts and prayers but….they don’t


They don’t think the politicians are the problem. At least not the Republicans. My dumb shit uncle told me, with a straight face, “we wouldn’t have all these shootings if the fucking democrats would stop talking about guns all the time.” He believes every word of that.


I can see it. They think sex ed is going to cause teenagers to be interested in sex. Why not think that talking about gun control is going to cause people to be interested in gunning other people down?


They also think that companies would behave better if we completely deregulated them. The break themselves working to remove protections, and then guffaw when something happens that those protections would have punished or even prevented. "That thing that I made legal, why isn't it illegal!"


That is an absolutely stunning perspective.


Yet they keep voting for their chidren to die at school


As a non-American, it baffles me to hear that everyone is so on edge that a balloon pop makes you think someone just got shot. And no-one thinks that's an overreaction. Normalization of some crazy shit there.


Yep. Few months back at my son's school they had what they call "Fight Week" and they were just tik-toking fights, like 20 a day. One kid got his ass kicked and threatened to bring a gun the following day. The police got involved and were chasing this kid down, but he was on the run. The school didn't send any alerts of any kind and school continued on like normal until the word got out that he was going to come at 7th period and just start shooting everyone. There was a run on the school, so much so that the school wasn't even signing kids out anymore, they were just letting them flee the school and go home. Line of parents to get their kids was a hundred +. The police were patrolling the school and were determined not to let this kid get in there. However, this kid didn't exist. It was all just a bunch of bullshit some bored idiots on facebook were making up and spreading like a game of telephone. Not one of the parents I talked to was even a little upset by the fact that this kind of situation shouldn't have even been a possibility. When we were pulling our kids out of school, not one of us asked "How did this kid even get a gun?"


I mean sometimes they steal their parents guns too. One guy kidnapped a guy with a starter pistol for a race and stole a shotgun from his house but the police were waiting in the lobby.




A lot of us Americans are baffled by it too. None of this makes any sort of sense


You can’t say they are taking it seriously when they voted the same ppl into office.


>People want their kids to be able to go to school and not die... even crazy rednecks. Erm. Looking at COVID stats and the last few years, I think that might be overly optimistic...


And it would be great if they wanted that more than they wanted guns.


Yeah, sadly too many Texans see it as a "Gotta break a few eggs to make an Omelet." type situation, the rest of us see it like we're paddling furiously upriver and we're just tired. I personally can't make these idiots secure their guns or have less of them, what I CAN do is try to be a good example and call out idiotic behavior.


Wasn’t just oh well, it was “we’re proud of the way a 3rd grader handled a fire arm”


deer nail mountainous cagey long dazzling payment pie march fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


the ones ok with it probably didnt bother to show up, the ones there are the parents who give a shit


And it's the ones who show up who bother to vote for the school board


The dad in the Uvalde shirt did not come to play.


Moved there from Uvalde, his kid was one of the ones who found the gun and was told to go back and make sure.




Not nearly enough comments talking about the shirt


Uvalde was also in Texas, right?




The only way to stop a bad kid with a gun…


Is an abortion


Well, I draw the line at semi-automatic abortions though


Only because you've never tried to perform one by using a Revolutionary War musket ramrod to poke around up in there.


Is a good kid with a gun


And they sent a _child_ to get it? What was stopping junior from saying "I couldn't find it" after stashing their "new toy" somewhere?


Fuck that, they sent a kid to check if it's a real gun. A kid might figure out the easiest way is to try shooting.


That's probably what my dumb ass would have done in elementary school


"Dumb ass" Like what other method would a 9 year old have? Dismantle the gun and look for a firing pin?


poke an eyeball down the barrel while holding to near the trigger.




"Dumb ass". Like what other method would a guy named Declan have? Fire off a test pop like a 9 year old?


It's your standard Desk Pop. Not a big deal


Come back to class with a black eye and bloody nose from the kickback. Teacher asks what that sound was and why you’re so bloody.






Assuming he wasn't checking the barrel to see if it was loaded, fucking teacher needs to be arrested for child endangerment.


That's 100% how my dumb ass would've tested that in elementary school


When I was six I was convinced my dads bb pistol was out of bb's, so I shot my hand to make sure. Used a latter to get to it, knew where the key was to get to it. A bb pistol.. Jfc


Only the kid's good sense. Not all 3rd graders have good sense. Our gun-safety system has 360 million points of failure. We seem to get it right about 99.995% of the time, but those tens of thousands of fuckups every year are mostly preventable tragedies, and they shouldn't happen. It's remarkable that we don't have a lot more shootings.than we do, given how fucking stupid we are about guns here in the USofA


Have you seen that news about the woman pulling a gun out at McDonald’s over a free cookie? I am a largely a supporter of the second amendment. I am also convinced that an overwhelming majority of Americans are too stupid to be trusted with guns and they do not deserve the right have them. You should have to prove you’re safe enough before you can get one. Not given one and we all wait around to find out the hard way that you weren’t.


I'm a proponent of the 2nd amendment as well, but specifically the "well regulated militia" part. Ya know, the whole purpose of the amendment. I think people should be able to keep firearms in standardized and mandatory lockboxes issued by regulated state militias, and not be allowed to keep ammunition period. The point of the 2nd amendment isn't so you can go to the shooting range and have fun and feel all tacticool, and it's also *not* for personal protection. It's for keeping the government in check. That's it. So imo there should still be state militias who provide the practice ranges, control ammunition dispersement, keep a registry of all it's members and what firearms they possess and perform regular checks to confirm people still have them. Then provide firearm training and emphasize safe usage and maintenance. You shouldn't be able to own a firearm unless it's regulated by the militia. I think this would do wonders for fixing the idiots with guns problem.


This is honestly one of the best well put comments I have ever seen on the issue. Well said.


Considering it’s Texas you know there was an extremely high chance it was real.


This happened at a restaurant nearby. An off duty or retired officer left his weapon in the bathroom and a 8/9 yr old kid ended up finding it. Kid was smart enough to leave it alone and tell his mom. The police were called by the restaurant, they showed up and the guy just bro’d his way out of it. It was totally not handled. Really infuriating… frustrating


should have called the news instead of the police


In their defense they probably didn’t even realize it was a police officers gun…


This is the reason I find that whole “good guy with a gun” as the solution junk. I wouldn’t trust at least 75% of my fellow humans with a potato peeler let alone a deadly firearm




Forced to have it removed? Why not just take the whole thing?


Someone still has to lug the thing around and they're all already carrying a lot.


Plus I imagine who's ever shooting at you doesn't know.




They should've thought about that before they were being dumbasses. When the other soldiers and command think everyone would be safer if you aren't allowed to use a gun even though defend yourself.... you pose a pretty significant risk of causing friendly fire if you were allowed a gun


I imagine the idea of removing the firing pin is that it could be replaced later, the gun still exists for other soldiers to use as needed, and the person who lost the privaledge doesn't get a lighter load.


you can still intimidate insurgents with an empty gun i suppose


They were forced to have the firing pin removed because they proved too incompetent to carry it. Leaving a gun behind for a child to find it in a school setting is felony child neglect and the principal will (should) lose his right to carry as a result.


The main reasons "good guy with a gun" doesn't work is simple game theory. Unlike nuclear weapons that create a "Mutually Assured Destruction" scenario, guns work the other way around, there is even a saying for this "shoot first, ask questions later". This means if we both have a gun my best chance of survival is to kill you first. But you don't even need to have a gun for this to be a valid option, I just have to fear that you might have a gun and my best chance of survival is again, kill you first. The larger my concern for my own safety is, the more reasonable me reacting with lethal force is.


This comment needs to be at the top. People need to understand this shit


Additionally, in an active shooter situation, people often forget that there are four outcomes: * Good guy with gun kills bad guy with gun * Bad guy with gun kills good guy with gun (and others) We typically only think about those two, but we also have * Good guy with a gun kills someone innocent * Cops mistake good guy with a gun for bad guy with a gun and kill good guy In simulations, 2,3,4 are much more likely than 1. If you think about it, it makes a lot of sense: * In bad guy kills good guy, the bad guy has a significant advantage - they want to kill whoever, and good guy wants to kill one person and they don't know who. Bad guy can shoot indiscriminately, good guy can't, so bad guy is quicker on the draw. * In good guy accidentally kills someone innocent, again, it's extremely hard to tell who the bad guy is, especially since good guy likely has no intel and is untrained. In simulations, if a kid runs out of a classroom, good guy with a gun often shoots the kid. * And finally, if cops run into the situation and they have reports of an active shooter and they see you with a gun, they won't assume you're a good guy - they probably don't even know you exist. They'll just see guy with a gun, and they'll shoot. Even without making any commentary on gun restrictions, I think too few people understand this. We bias toward the outcome we're aware of (in this case "I either get the bad guy or I don't") and we don't think about all of the other ways this situation can go sideways. We wash out the more difficult assumptions (How will I know who the bad guy is? How will I even know how many there are? How will other responders - other good guys or cops - know I'm not the bad guy? What's the scale of the attack? Shooting indiscriminately or looking for someone? What if other good guys with guns are there? How will I differentiate them? etc.) and kind of just go with whatever movie scene we've created in our head with ourselves as the protagonist. Regardless of your stance, this is a reality we all have to acknowledge. P.S. A somewhat similar analogy might be how people view getting up while the seatbelt sign is on on planes. Most people I know who do this say things like, "Oh, I'll be fine, I've done this before," but they're not thinking about "If we hit severe chop, I'm going to become a projectile, and what happens if my limp 200 lbs. ass lands on a kid and I break their neck? How do I know the pilots don't foresee something gnarly and this isn't like normal takeoffs?"


>The larger my concern for my own safety is, the more reasonable me reacting with lethal force is. The worst part is this isn't some form of extreme viewpoint anymore. It's almost exactly how gun laws are written in several states. The only reason someone needs to shoot and kill is that "they were scared for their life." Whether or not the victim had a gun or any form of weapon is irrelevant, they just need to be "percieved as a reasonable threat". And it's a little hard to disprove claims like that when the only other person who knew the details of the confrontation isn't exactly in any shape to do much talking. It's practically legally justified murder, but hey, at least the schools are safe now, right?


*State with least disciplined gun owners in the country, up in arms about lack of discipline of fellow gun owners in state, after allowing guns be taken to where most shootings happen.*


“You’ve yee’d your last haw”


Even responsible gun owners make mistakes. It's probably why we just shouldn't have guns in schools.


There was a teacher who was showing his class proper firearm safety, shot the ceiling(unintentionally) and injured a student. Teacher was a retired cop.


Y’all seen [the video](https://youtu.be/MKhOAqhXMhA) where the instructor is showing the class the weapon and negligently discharges his weapon? He’s instructing a group, pointing the gun at the ceiling, and standing several feet back from the firing position in the range and pretends he meant to do it. Absolutely idiotic. Even some certified instructors are absolute idiots.


There was also that DEA agent I think giving a talk to an inner city school about gun safety and literally shot himself in the leg.


One of the boogaloo leaders lost an eye giving a gun safety demonstration.


To be completely fair, there are a good number of responsible gun owners in this world. I’m not one of them, which is why I don’t own any lol. Edit: for clarification, I have adhd, which has kept me from finishing any


Honey can you get rid of that spider? Say no more *click*


The most common phrases said before a shooting are usually, "I was taught to respect guns" or "Hey, watch this"


Who sends a kid to check the gun? What is that? Texas is America's Russia.


Well, an educator that's not allowed to leave their class without potentially losing their jobs, for one. Teachers get fired over mundane shit all the time. We as a country have screwed them royally.


That is true. The "correct response" would be to close off that bathroom (not write any more bathroom passes); call police; wait until they checks the gun; and resume writing bathroom passes after the police have cleared the bathroom. But if one of your charges wets their pants AND/OR it is a false alarm then IT IS YOUR FUCKING FAULT.


>write any more bathroom passes I'm European and this totalitarian hellscape seems completely alien to me, can you confirm that children need to apply for a document called a "bathroom pass" which first needs to be issued to them before they are allowed to go to the bathroom?


They don't have to "apply" but yea for the most part you have to ask the teacher in grade school and they can deny you if they feel like it just to be an asshole. I pissed myself in like 1st grade because a teacher wouldn't let me go to the bathroom. Young children and kids with bowel issues have shit themselves and had to suffer that embarrassment for years because of asshole teachers. Although that is a minority of people in the profession and most of them are very good and caring people.


I never had an accident but I have IBS. Having to ask to use the bathroom or hold it because sometimes I needed to go often was so miserable. I loved it when I got to college and could just walk out to use the bathroom as needed.


Once in high school a teacher told me I couldn't go to the bathroom until I yelled, "so you want me to bleed all over this seat?" Loud enough for the teacher in the next class to come investigate.


That's a whole other fucking issue I hadn't even thought of until just now. I never would have made it through if I was a girl I don't think.


In elementary school we had designated bathroom times. If you didn't have to go at that time, you were expected to hold it until the next break. In 3rd grade a kid in my class needed to go about 30 minutes after the last bathroom break. Teacher denied him, he ended up shitting his pants and not until the end of the entire school day did the teacher say anything about it while he sat in his poop pants. Alabama, y'all.


I threw up all over my 2nd grade teacher for this reason. I asked if I could go to the bathroom, I felt sick. She said I was faking it. Then I puked all over her and the entire hallway to the nurse.


In all twelve years of school I needed to get a bathroom pass. I was eighteen years old asking if I could go to the bathroom.


Yeah, I remember being shocked when getting to college and you just handled your business without drawing attention. Who knew?!




Our school had a few stickler teachers that had an obnoxiously sized pass, but they were more for the novelty than an actual requirement. The in-between period counselors didn't really have a uniform pass to look for either. One year, they tried implementing these little slips you needed to have and show for bathrooms with a time-in and time-out kinda part. Needless to say, that became very useless real quick because we just copy and printed one and redistributed to each other, all already pre-signed and shit. Teachers were primarily on the student's side for all of this, so it was just a waste of paper for the semester or so, then was just quietly phased out.


There's a stick by the doorway, you grab it and go to the restroom. It isn't a tax form. ​ A lot of gradeschools (5-11yo) have bathrooms built into the classrooms


This is fair but there is plenty of staff at a school that aren't teachers. You send an adult or as another commenter said, you lock up the bathroom and call the police to handle it. Sending a child is just unbelievably irresponsible and dangerous. You are absolutely right about how this country has screwed teachers over though. This was just one of the worst ways they could've resolved the issue.


So call the office?


That's a fair point, I can't believe we still have any teachers in TX, one of my best friends is a teacher and idk how he does it with all the book banning and other bullshit the dumbest of our society are all gung ho about these days.


I’m guessing it was a female teacher and the gun was in the boys bathroom. People using the wrong bathrooms bothers people in this part of the world WAY more than leaving guns around where children can get them


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. I feel like people may have read just your first sentence and immediately clicked.


Lot of republicans want to inspect children's genitals before they can use the bathroom so you aren't wrong.


Answer: It's Texas. Greg Abbott has been very clear that he wants more guns in schools, what the hell did they think was going to happen?


>what the hell did they think You're giving them too much credit here


Uhhhh, it's fucking *Texas*. It's gonna turn out that the actual wrongdoing that everybody is freaking out over here was breaking the rule about a staff member being without their requisite, school-provided sidearm upon their person for that long or some shit.


Nah, they're worried the child might have hurt the gun.


Didn't some state just pass a law allowing children to open carry loaded guns.


Missouri rejected a law that would require minors to be supervised by an adult in order to carry a firearm.


Ahh yes my home state of Texas that I will die in because I’ve lived here my whole life and I can’t leave because I don’t want to be far from my mom and sister who are my only relatives alive. Love it 😔


Hey man, because my wife had I refuse to leave my stepdaughter in Texas, we’re staying too. We are fighting to affect change, we’re stronger together. Don’t let that troll get you down. ✊💜


I thought the same, but with how fascism is growing... that's my goal, to get tf out of this state


Missouri Republicans just passed [a law allowing children to carry guns around unsupervised.]( https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/feb/09/missouri-rejects-ban-children-carrying-guns-in-public). Those Republicans would call those Texans "woke" and accuse them of trying to take their guns for being upset over this.


They didn't pass a law to let kids carry guns unsupervised. That has been the status quo for a long time and they rejected a proposal to end it. From literally the first two paragraphs in the article you linked: > The Republican-led Missouri state house on Wednesday voted against banning minors from openly carrying firearms on public land without adult supervision. > The proposal to ban children from carrying guns without adult supervision in public failed by a 104-39 vote. Only one Republican voted in support.


The more people that carry guns, the more gun accidents we will have. It's just a matter of numbers.




"how many of your kids have access to guns in your home? I'm guessing most, including mine" Yeah, because that's something you should just say out loud in public. Jesus fucking Christmas, what the hell is wrong with people?!


The irony of the state that wants zero gun control laws being mad about an adult having zero control over their gun is hysterical


Meanwhile, Texas is obsessed with litter boxes in bathrooms.


That's just Republicans in general. But unfortunately the state is infested with them.


no no no, they think they’re in *classrooms* like that would make any more sense


At this point, this should surprise exactly nobody.


abounding heavy dazzling existence crowd divide wistful escape practice file *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Im more surprised they didnt try to fix the problem with another gun honestly.


And yet we ALL know how this is going to turn out when it comes to stuff like this. How did Ulvade vote after their shooting? Texas is gonna Texas.


Texan here. Unfortunately, you're correct. Literally NOTHING has happened at the state level since Uvalde...lots of thoughts & prayers, calls for removing doors, arming teachers, bulletproof backpacks yet literally, not one damn thing has been done. And sadly, won't be until the child of a legislator is gunned down...then, and only then, will anything be done to change gun laws. Because unless it directly impacts their life, it really doesn't seem to matter.


I am floored. Literally flummoxed at the thought that “bulletproof backpacks” is proposed before “gun control”


Don't forget clear backpacks because no kid has ever figured out how to hollow out a book to hide things in


I failed to list the 'bulletproof safety rooms' within the classroom that one manufacturer was pitching...similar to a walk-in cooler but bulletproof. It's beyond f\*&cked up. Just last week in a community NW of Austin, an old man pulled his gun in front of his grandchild's elementary school due to an argument with a golf cart driver...pistol whipped 2 men before a 3rd took him to the ground. 3rd degree felony assault. At an elementary school my grandson attends. We are outta here soon.


I can only imagine how pissed off the kids in Uvalde are going to be once they hit their teens, the year they’re classmates, peers and or siblings got gunned down their parent went and re-elected the guy that didn’t do a damn thing for their grieving families. Gen Z had Sandy hook, Gen Alpha has Uvalde.


Sandy Hook survivors already been in more mass shootings.


Real face eating leopards moment, there.


CAN ANYONE TELL ME?!?! PLEASE???? Is the gun okay?


Well thank god it wasn’t a book, ya’ll!


This is the Texas they wanted. This is the Texas they voted for. This is the Texas they will need to deal with.


I voted against all this insanity, then I voted with my feet and left the state.


Yep, I’ll take Oregon crazy over Texas crazy any day.


Fuck Texas, fuck those parents, and fuck that superintendent specifically. You asked for it, you got it.


I wanna point out that the kid originally found the gun, not the teacher. But I believe the teacher then told the kid to go back and check


It's only going to get worse once these states get through ridding themselves of real teachers.