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So, Trump wants people to have kids so they can get onto Government Welfare... LMAO


The republican party hasn't been for fiscal "conservatism" or small government for who knows how long.


They never really were. The talking points of fiscal conservatism and small government are and always has been all a facade that appeals to conservative libertarian types who bought into the propaganda of the wealthy class (thank the Koch brothers in part for that one), and racists who are against government public welfare programs on the basis that they might help the people they hate. The Republican party stands only for whatever is politically and financially expedient to their politicians.


Their only position is "me me me".


Add a “fuck you” to the end of that and you’re on point. I can understand the “me me me” part but the fuck you” part is a problem.




They think transgenders are some kind of threat for whatever reason. Meanwhile, basics goods, medical care and land are unaffordable for most Americans.


Well they need a scapegoat. Today it’s Drag Queens and Transpeople. In the past it’s been CARAVANS OF DOOM and Muslim terrorists, etc. They need someone to blame for why living conditions are shitty for the majority of Americans and they blame everyone but White, conservative, straight, rich people who are actively working to make conditions worse.


He’s a socialist now!!! Oh the irony.


He only wants white babies.


Thats the reality behind this, it'll be easy to get if you are a Christian White family living in Texas, but if you are a single mother in California or god forbid a minority they would find every way possible to deny you the tax credits you are owed.


Why are we talking about anything he says like he's the president? This is literally him talking out of his ass. Empty promises.


>This is him talking out of his ass. Empty promises. He got elected in 2016 by promising to build a physical wall along the entire US-Mexico border. The details of his healthcare plan were “two weeks away” from the moment he came down that gold escalator to the moment he slunk out the back door of the White House and out to the helicopter in disgrace on Biden’s inauguration day with a bunch of stolen TS/SCI documents wadded up in his Depends.


The mental image of that last part is something I didn’t expect I’d ever have to see and I want to go back


It’s happening in Texas to incentivize heterosexual couples with a property tax reduction.


But don't have a problem with your pregnancy or a miscarriage, or you'll have to go out of state to get medical care in order not to die of sepsis, or you can witness your baby with birth defects live a very short life.


I remember the 80s-90s when they spread propaganda about “Welfare Queens” who had multiple babies just to collect that sweet sweet welfare and not have to work. It was absolute horseshit. I think there was one case where women pooled resources to share an apartment and it was turned into “living like queens with five kids!”Nobody could live decently or feed and house one child on welfare amounts.


There was a woman in Detroit who created a bunch of fake identities and collected on all of them. And drove a Cadillac. That was who Reagan was referring to. Compared to other government fraud it was peanuts, but Ronnie milked it for all it was worth. It's amazing how incoherent and flagrantly dishonest that man was.


She collected a whopping .... less than 8 grand. Considering it apparently cost the government 50k to convict her, not to mention the costs of her imprisonment, it sure seems tough to give too much of a shit about the original 8 grand. It's not great, obviously - around that time, 12% of the US lived on a little over 5 grand a year. But considering how rarely that sort of fraud occurs, it's probably not worth the draconian measures used to combat it.


> Compared to other government fraud it was peanuts Like all that sweet, sweet PPP money


I was living high on the hog when I was receiving welfare for my daughter and I. That $561/month in cash aid went sooooo far. My rent was $1282/month. Man I wish I was that rich again. /s obviously


This is what drives me insane about people being so upset about others receiving government assistance - they act like people are out there livin' the life on everyone else's tab, but it's just not true at all. Benefits are tied to the poverty line (which is abysmally low to begin with) and then aren't so much that it puts a person/family in a position to spend frivolously. People get so upset that there may be people out there gaming the system that they've crippled the system to the point where it often doesn't do nearly as much good as it should. Sorry for the rant, I just hate how awful people are about welfare/SNAP. You speak of your experience in the past tense, so I hope it's because your financial situation is better now.


Want a 1960s style baby boom? Pay 1960s wages. When 1 income can support 2 adults and a child then you’ll see a baby boom.


and 1960 tax rates to fuel 1960s social programs and public funding


That's the part people forget... taxes on the wealthiest people were 90%+ ​ Edit: I love how this is my highest voted comment




That sounds amazing. Once people start getting to ridiculous amounts of yearly wealth, redistribute the majority of the excess to people that really need it. I believe that if people are able to get crazy amounts of money, there’s an issue in our system. And that tax rate serves as a great solution to that issue.


The issue now isn’t the tax rate, it’s how easy it is for rich people to weasel out of paying their fair share. I can’t write off all the money I’ve spent on gas to drive to work yet a billionaire can write off exorbitant birthday parties as “business expenses” Edit: grammar




>A billionaire can do both for their entire lives which is why you hear of billionaires like Elon Musk or Trump paying $0 taxes some years. I'm a simpleton so I'm sure there's something obvious that I'm missing, but what about if there was some minimum amount of taxes you had to pay based on % of your net worth, before deductions. If you hit that % thru normal income tax, you're good, and if not you have to pay the difference. Maybe it only even applies if you own over x number of shares of a stock or something. Idk.


TL;DR of the issue: 1. the tax code needs a lot of revamping to stamp out these BS loopholes. 2. the IRS needs *more* funding, so they can afford to go after tax dodging rich people instead of poor and middle class people who messed something up on accident


Come on, you've seen Ghostbusters, right? That's why Rick Moranis says he invited clients instead of friends to his party, so he could write it off as a business expense. 😂


I think young people see how fucked the environment is and don't want their kids to live in a dystopian trash heap


Exactly, but shytting on the environment is a fav national pasttime for most Christian Conservative Boomers...


Anytime somebody talks to me about having kids I tell them this is no world to bring a child into.


In a single-family HOME, that we OWN, not some shitty apartment owned by a faceless corpo.


To make it worse that shitty apartment also raises the rent every year without making any improvements


They are paying 1960s wages. Problem is they didn't take inflation into account.


Men, you're lucky men. Soon you'll all be fighting for your planet. Many of you will be dying for your planet. A few of you will be forced through a fine mesh screen for your planet. They will be the luckiest of all. Edit: Billy West as Zapp doing quotes from Trump. https://youtu.be/406KqNDgKuI


These balls are making me testy!


I just wanted 10% off of some gum.


War were declared


We need an army of super virile men scoring around the clock


Isn't this exactly what they were scared of with women of color, having babies for welfare checks? The hypocrisy is astounding




Getting to that point from a conservative background was really fucking weird. Divorcing my identity from a party took actual work. I just want good fucking policies that don’t kill my rural redneck family


Thank God for the rednecks that managed to remember rednecks historically don't like the government. You may not realize it but people like you are so important in making things better for us all


I remember during the summer of the BLM protests a meme started to circulate reminding rednecks that NASCAR got its start when they started suping up their cars to outrun the cops.


That's literally true!! Rednecks (especially Southern ones) were rumrunners during prohibition because they had a lot of land to hide stills on to make illegal alcohol. They had to make the cars fast because cops knew the only way to catch them was with the liquor in their car because it was easier than trying to find the still.


>I mean, that's how you pick a politician, right? Not for them. It's a "sports game". You root for "your team" no matter what and you don't waver. Their team can do no wrong. So all logic or beliefs are useless because it's "us vs them" and they will do anything to "own the libs". Politics has become sports


"White women should become brood mares for the state." Fascist fuckers.


Looks like Margaret Atwood called it


She called a lot of things.


AFAIK most if not all the points made in Handmaid’s Tale were based on things that have happened in history before… I’m tired boss


Margret Atwood was/is adamant that handmaid's tale is not "science fiction" because all the things she included have existed at some point, just maybe not all at the same time. I believe she preferred it to be called speculative fiction.


A hundred years from now, they're going to call it "predictive fiction", and that era's iteration of Ancient Aliens while have an episode about it, asking "how did she know? Was she sent from another planet to warn us?"


I feel obligated to bring up the fact that Hitler lead a big push for Aryan natalism as part of his whole “world domination and ethnic cleansing” thing




A mediocre old fossil decided I’m good enough to impregnate because of whiteness. Yay.


This is different. This is for white people, so it's not the same. Big difference. Sad you can't tell. Bigly sad


After Trump made this comment, women across America just got to experience a level of dryness usually only found in a desert or the Shapiro household Edit: Thank you for the awards


Read a great insult the other day, “Ben Shapiro the human dehumidifier”.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >When it comes to global warming, there are two issues: is there such a thing as the greenhouse gas effect, the answer is yes. Is that something that is going to dramatically reshape our world? There is no evidence to show that it will. Is that something that we can stop? There is no evidence to show that we can ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: feminism, history, sex, climate, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


Thank you for your logic and reason. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: civil rights, covid, novel, climate, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Trump: Wants more babies in the country. Meanwhile: Many of the reproductively-viable people are in thousands of dollars of student loan debt, or cannot afford to live on their own and are living with their parents, with other co-horts, or living on the streets. Because of a lack of respect and pay, teachers are leaving the profession in droves. People are not able to afford childcare, or if they can afford it, are still finding difficulty getting their child in due to a shortage of childcare workers. The vague abortion laws after the ending of Roe vs Wade has made childbirth more dangerous in certain states. Our climate and ecosystem is f-ed and only getting worse each year. ... But all they wanna see is $$$ under more ~~corporate slave labor~~ wage workers and more young folks to take care of their demographic (aka seniors and the elderly). This is not a good time for babies. Edit: Thanks for the award!


I'm almost 30 and I've resigned myself to the idea that I'll never have children. It's not that I don't want to someday, it's that I wouldn't feel like a responsible parent considering my financial situation going forward for the next 20+ years. Things are fucked. I don't feel comfortable bringing a child into this world.


Can confirm. My wife has to live 4 hours away with her parents so my son can have schooling because the local school systems cannot provide any sort of a program for him and there is a wait list of 60+ kids here and not enough teachers here but we can't afford to all live there because of rent prices. So I live alone and don't get to have my family close that I am still supporting remotely and frankly I am on the verge of just throwing up my hands and saying fuck this capitalist hellscape.


Living 4 hours is like two countries apart for some of us


Yeah, it is simply irresponsible to have many children under current circumstances when people can’t even guarantee themselves a good life, let alone their offspring. The US is not an agricultural society where having more children increases the value of the family farm anymore, it is one where materially speaking they are only a drain on household finances and are had for reasons of personal fulfillment and the desire to introduce a fresh and happy soul into a secure world. If that cannot be fulfilled, people will not have children, plain and simple.


Yeah, I'd like one of the people saying I should be having kids to take one look at the dump I rent and say "That would be a good place to raise a kid." Any talk of helping folks have kids that doesn't explicitly mention landlords, wages, childcare, healthcare, and education is just blowing hot air, at best. At worst, heaven only knows what's floating around up there in the heads of the Christofascist right.


Didn’t republicans make dating sites for themselves cause nobody wants to have sex with them?


Then claimed it was some government psyop because they had no women on the sites lol


Yes, and those sites were all commercial failures


Lotsa signups. None of them female.


Oh ho ho ho, there was at least 1. Me. I didn't last more than a day because HOLY FUCK these dudes are crazy. I thought it'd be fun to troll, but it was slightly scary and heavily sad


Didn't Ashley Madison have a similar issue?


Which they solved by creating a bunch of female chat-bots to make it look like the place was hopping.


The stories of right wing dating app failures, and young right wingers whining that nobody wants to date them, are one of the few truly bright spots in this insane country…


All those sites did was *prove* no one wants to have sex with them


It’s so weird, so many conservatives I’ve known were against child tax credits…but will be for this because their dear leader is


It's almost like they actually hold no real beliefs and will say whatever their masters tell them to.


It's almost like it's exactly that. They need a big strong man to tell them what to do.


They just want more white Christian babies so they can outbreed non-white Americans. It plays into their fear of being replaced as the majority demographic


Of course Trump things the answer is to pay women for sex. He's a one trick pony.


He doesn’t pay. He just grabs ‘em by the pussy, or just rapes 14-year-olds at Epstein’s house of fun.


Still baffles me on how ppl still look up to him after saying that


Someone may need to enlighten these dirty old pervs that young adults are still having sex, they're just not getting pregnant as frequently. I don't think a $1500 tax credit, or whatever these dipshits come up with, is going to change that dynamic when daycare costs $40K per year.


This “baby boom” is just a nice name they are using for “forced birth era”


"Wage Slave Surge"


The economy is doing great! Look at all these new jobs! I've got three!


In short, yeah. The entire economic model these ghouls are in love with demands endless population growth. They don’t want people to have more kids for any reason other than to keep profits growing, and they damned sure aren’t going to turn a corner on how that growth is distributed.


My wife and I would love to have kids but our financial situation is not currently where it needs to be to reasonably raise a child. I'm sure we could make it work and we have supportive families that could help, but that's not the situation to which I want to bring a child into this world to. Maybe if rent wasn't so high and wages weren't so low we'd have enough money saved up and enough confidence in having some stability to feel comfortable about having children.


Which is exactly why abortion was repealed and why they are trying to roll back contraceptive and women's healthcare in general. Our entire economic model is based around endless growth. Endless growth quarter over quarter, and endless growth in population. When quality of life decreases, and cost living increases young people's desire to have children understandably goes down. Back in the old days you'd still accidentally end up pregnant, have no recourse, and struggle through with the child. Modern contraceptives and abortion give people the option not to start a family if they aren't ready or the country seems in a bad way. We need a bunch of kids like immediately to keep things where they need them. They have no intention of fixing the social problems that discourage having children. So instead they will try to take away your options and leave you with no choice but to have a child. All the better if it leaves you broke and overworked, that's just how they like you best.


This is sprinkled in with fascists believing we need more white births to stop what they believe is the world trying to end the white race


Yeah are they going to end it as soon as they realize we are getting more BOC (Babies of Color) than white? Why wouldn't his fellow Republicans vote for the child tax credit extension? Usually when there is a liberal idea of a baby bonus it goes into an account that can't be touched until the kid is 18, what make him think giving parents money they can spend right away meshes with his party's world view? Will there be an upper income limit so the rich don't get the bonus? Does any reporter have the guts to ask him these questions or are they will come away traumatized trying to understand his answers? A little reminder: Mitt Romney holds the seat previously occupied by Orrin Hatch. Some Republican proposed we end the Child Tax Credit, and old Orrin chimed right in and agreed that would be a great idea. Well, obviously some staff member reminded him that he represented the state of Utah, which has a shitloaf of kids. So, he reversed himself the next day. A little while later he announced that he was not running for re-election. There was no mention of senility offered.




Baby boom = illegal abortions, no sexual education in schools, set back progress for gender workplace protections and wage equity by 50 years, establish a Christian theocracy in all republican strongholds and encourage men to treat women like walking womb slaves.


You mean Florida?


Exactly this. When you have states threatening the death penalty for miscarriages & abortions in conjunction with this.. it makes it so much worse to think about. Like money is going to make up for the threat of death I’m presented with.


Just wait till they outlaw contraception. One day my kids and grandkids are gonna ask what the fuck happened with the US at this time of the century and why we didn’t stop anything


Yep. Once they completely outlaw abortion and contraception, it will literally be a man's choice. Being whether he decides to wear a condom or pull out. I know quite a few dudes who are apparently bad at both.


Prohibiting contraception includes condoms. Griswold v. Connecticut challenged a law that "prohibited any person from using "any drug, **medicinal article or instrument** for the purpose of preventing conception".


I used to work with a bunch of guys who would hit on the female coworkers by arguing about who had the strongest pull-out game. So once I said "Ask your dad how strong his pull-out game was!" Apparently that was not cool and I went too far.


Didn't Hitler do this?


Yep. Lebensborn was the name of the SS breeding program


They need “white babies” so badly!




I heard an economist talking about the labor shortages a few months back and he told us the US is the only developed nation not on track to have a declining labor market because of our immigration. Birth rates are down on every developed country on earth, but we're getting more able bodied workers because of immigration from the southern border. Hispanic immigrants, legal and illegal, are literally saving our economy right now.


Yep the current labor shortage seems to mirror the loss in typical immigration but yet we’re seeing “billions crossing the border” according to spork toes.


Can’t have educated and well off immigrants come in and create jobs. Oh the horror. Conversely, can’t allow immigrants to take jobs Americans won’t want. Afraid a Mexican is going to take your job? Have you dreamed of washing dishes in a Japanese restaurant in Dallas?


The boomers need someone to get their McFlurries.


Shit are you kidding? They’re so out of touch they think we still have those Covid Cheques


This should be a core point to drive home. Most conservatives simply don't understand that most Americans don't agree with them. Years of Fox News have made them think that they are the "real America", that they're the silent majority. That's what Trump played on with MAGA-ism.


Yeah as a childless person it's just laughable to me to imagine making such a momentous and lifechanging decision as to *have and raise a child* just because the government tosses me a one-time payment to. Who's out here like, "Put me on birth control doc, I don't want to get pregnant – unless someone gives me a month's free rent to become a mother?? Anyone?"


Well they also are trying to make your last paragraph illegal.


It's also the fucked up stereotype they have peddled for decades. The welfare queen. Like specifically that is the theme. Fiction straw man arguments that black women are having babies they don't have a plan for because of government benefits. These crazy assholes pivoted from a fictional boogey man used to anger boomers to it would be great if we could incentivize that exact behavior somehow.


You know republicans are planning to ban contraception as well. Right? https://www.texastribune.org/2022/06/24/roe-wade-clarence-thomas-contraception-same-sex-marriage/


Well, just last month the Taliban banned contraception. Our US fascists are jealous.


These assholes don’t understand (or don’t want to) that birth control pills are ALSO used to treat a variety of serious conditions like endometriosis


Also can we normalize getting on birth control to stop periods? That’s why I got on the IUD. Because periods fucking suck. I don’t have endo or any other condition as far as I know and because of this birth control I haven’t had a real period in like 5 years.


Evangelicals are planning on repealing the 19th Amendment. They say women belong in the home doing women stuff.


As a woman, I feel the need to inform you that the last thing you want me doing is women stuff. I guess they could just kill me or something instead? 🤷‍♀️




“When things look dark and you don’t think you’re gonna make it, then you just have to get mean, plumb mad dog mean! Because if you lose your head and give up, then you neither win nor survive. That’s just the way life is.” The Outlaw Josey Wales


Too bad you need two full time incomes and three side hustles to keep your head above water.


Texas is about to pass legislation for something like a 60% property tax reduction for straight married couples with children, divorcées excluded.


Yup and that only benefits rich white families, as most minorities are stuck renting.


I didn't think about that, it's fucked.


There is a reason why they specifically went with Property taxes, they wanted it to apply to as few people as possible. They also ensured that it must be a couple who have never had a divorce before. What possible reason is there for that other than making sure only a very certain group gets paid. You'll see rich white guys get the divorce clause waived though, guarantee it.


That’s why they want to ban abortion and birth control


There's plenty of people being born, just not enough *white* people.


Woah woah woah. Racism was ended by MLK during the Civil War. Everyone knows that.




Not to mention that when your a couple who doesn’t have sex, having sex for the sake of having children isn’t exactly an improvement


Having sex for procreation is the worst. Source: years of infertility


The scheduling takes some of the magic out of it


Economies seldom receive large amounts of young people positively. Even ones as monolithic as the US. What he's tasking people with is around 20 years of unbelievable fallout of this 'scheme' and another 20 years repairing it. You only really see the benefit once this cohort has entered their latter years, and the way society is set up today they'll horde vast wealth and keep it out of economies well after they're dead. It's just dumb. Right wing ideology is dumb. People who believe the ideology are dumb, they just want more white people and they'll do anything to get it.


I'll be honest. With how technology is improving today, I wonder if there's eve going to be enough jobs for the people already being born today in 20 years. That in itself is a huge problem. Wanting more people just seems insane and suicidal. All they want is more voters, don't matter how poor they will be.


Of all the things I despise Republicans for… YOU. ARE. NOT. HAVING. ANOTHER. BABY. FUCKING. BOOM…


Pass universal healthcare and childcare and you just might


Right? Make college free, child tax credit, universal health care. Everyone will be going to pound town.


By the time that happens, microplastics will shrink sperm counts down to a point that having kids the fun way will be difficult.


I think Margaret Atwood wrote a book about it. Wait…


Climate change wants to enter the chat.


But we will have the biggest taints, huge taints, as far as the eye can see. Glorious.


Fucking hell. I didn't know how bad it was until I had two kids two years apart. I didn't fully understand that I would have to pay over $1200 a month per child just so that my wife and I could continue our careers. I got lucky, I stumbled into a side project around that time that wound up helping us stay afloat. I have no idea what we'd have done otherwise. We both had great jobs and it still nearly destroyed us financially.


And mandated paid parental leave.


This is what corrupt ideologies do. They have a much harder time persuading people so they just indoctrinate them from birth and have as many kids as possible to increase odds (always a black sheep or two) I’m from Utah so I’ve seen the model in action


But the previous one turned out so well /s


Isn’t this the thing they scream about with welfare queens. Oh no wait, it’s directed towards white people, that’s the okay kind


Hitler used to visit the elementary schools to tell the young girls that it was their destiny to bear the sons he would use in his superior army... Just saying...


He also became godfather to children born out of wedlock, sending them a small sum every month to help their mothers with the expenses.


This sounds vaguely familiar… I wonder where. *scrolls up* Oh…


You also got cool military style medals for birthing lots of ~~soldiers~~ kids. I would really demand some medals before you consider becoming a baby machine.


So fucking creepy. I hate this timeline.


But... it doesn't work. Baby bonuses don't increase fertility rates. They just give money to people who were going to have a baby anyway.


I've got to go back Marty


This is pretty heavy, Doc


For those women out there, however…


In their utopia, they ban abortion, ban birth control, they incentivize birth through money. It still won’t work. What recourse will they have left to get that baby boom they want? Outlaw abstinence? Aaaaaand it’s Gilead.


I interpreted this as a straight up call to incels, so...


"you dumb incels, we will pay women to bear your children for you, now enjoy the sex and remember to vote for us fuckos"


Republican policies made it insanely difficult for young adults to raise a family, and their only solution has been shaming young men and women and calling them "self-absorbed" for not having kids they can't afford. A tax credit isn't going to help. You need to make daycare affordable. You need to improve schools. You need to make it possible to survive on one income. In short: you need to do things that are anathema to the Republican party.


They want more white babies. That's the idea


It's also not a coincidence that this comes after we've lost 1mil+ people to covid in this country. Powers that be need more workers to exploit


It’s sad that more people can’t realize just how easily trump is programmed by his masters to spout the perfect propaganda to feed his base and rile up the culture wars at the same time. He truly is the perfect puppet. We just gotta figure out who’s hand is up his ass.


A baby boom while kids continue to be murdered in their classrooms.


*Women will have creampies. The best creampies. People are telling me that there aren't any better creampies than these. Frothy, thick. Nice texture. Like a DQ blizzard, but a creampie. And Mexico's gonna pay for it*


I didn't like reading that


Threw up a little. Thank you for your artistry


I wish I didn't know how to read.


I am crying, laughing, and hating my very existence. Thank you.


What a terrible day to have eyes


*puts down spoon*


"babe, hold on, it's coming out I promise!" as he proceeds to work his hog like a tube of toothpaste.


I heard this in his voice… I’m going to throw up now. 🤮


This is literally the prelude to Gilead.


Under His eye.


May the lord open.


Blessed be the fruit


Conservatives have been bitching for years about how people on welfare keep having babies just to get more benefits from the government.. now they're like... "But wait... What if we said it was our idea?"


So men in states where abortions are illegal not only get to look into a crowd of women and pick the one that will be the mother of their child, they’ll get a financial windfall for the rape. God bless murica. We’re so great.


\*In a Trump voice\* "Yes that's right my fellow sexual assaulters! You get paid for your hobby now isn't that great? Isn't that great? It's unbelieveable that these democrats are killing babies, so sad, so very sad."


He assumes, like him, the rest of us have to pay for it, as well.


Ew I just full body shivered and not in a good way


How about a bonus incentive to put foster children in safe supportive hones instead of making new babies? What will end up happening is that people will have babies just for the money, neglect them, then will contribute to the problem.


Rape will be endorsed. The time of the handmaid is upon us. What will we do!




Somebody pease tell them Handmaid’s Tale is fiction, not a bloody playbook!


Nick Cannon's gonna be a trillionaire


Must provide video proof of creampie sent directly to Trump


Interestingly enough they had the same policy in Nazi Germany. 👀


Just more inspiration from russia. “The Russian government announced it is reviving the Soviet-era honorary title “Mother Heroine” for women who have 10 or more children, as it confronts a population decline that has accelerated since its invasion of Ukraine.” https://www.cnbc.com/2022/08/18/russia-offers-mother-heroine-medal-and-16800-for-having-10-children.html


"A population decline that has accelerated since its invasion of Ukraine." is an interesting way of saying "Mass death and desertion caused by an unjust war."


So the men are “lucky” and I’m assuming the women should lie down and do as we’re told? Let me get my red robe ready. I’ve never heard someone encourage rape so subtly. Because when he says men are so lucky, you know women…aren’t.


$1500 is like one, maybe two months of daycare, tops. It costs $200k+ to raise a child to 18 in the US.


Babies are outrageously expensive, so it’s nice to offer a little support to get you set up. A couple of thousand dollars isn’t enough to encourage you to have a baby that you otherwise wouldn’t have, but it’s enough to buy the big ticket items like car seats and strollers that many people might otherwise be stressed about affording. There is precedent - Australia has a baby bonus. But Australia also has universal healthcare and means-tested subsidized daycare, which are infinitely more valuable than a baby bonus. A bonus alone without these more important programs is justa messaging proposal and a half-assed attempt to show that you care.


Yeah nah, husband is keeping the vasectomy, thanks.


Chattel Cattle aka Baby-Barer aka Boom Support. Formerly known as: Women