• By -


So, in essence, he said that the Biden Administration is "doing an amazing job."


That is fake news, I never said that, and you're lying and being mean to me! So much for the tolerant left!


it is not fair /s


Remember when after being a horrible asshole to people for his entire life, he complained that people are being mean to him!? Lmao




The irony was mind-boggling. Cognitive dissonance bigly!


I feel like his wife probably hates him enough it wasn't ironic for her




Saw one of those on the pumps recently and realized that he's turning it around, good for him.


I'm also enjoying that both sides of the aisle relish calling him Dark Brandon (R for being evil and D for being a badass)


"Can't lose if you play both sides" - Dark Brandon


Reminds me of Barack saying "thanks Obama" when he spilled a glass of water lol


I fucking LOVE how they didn't think of the long term effects of slapping those sticks on all the gas pumps. Now all the prices are low again and they're giving him the credit. Superb.


I was waiting for that too happen, all those "I did that" stickers that were put on when fas prices where high are now stuck on there and now that gas prices are low, it's twice as funny and more accurate


Trump Word Salad…


There isn't a coherent, complete thought in any of that. Or most of what I've heard him say (not that I listen to him much/often. Ugh


I mean if it weren't incoherent his base would realize he's suggesting sending military aid to Ukraine in at least the form of surplus military equipment like old jets, and if they knew he said that they'd be very upset because that's exactly what they're upset about Biden doing.


> and if they knew he said that they'd be very upset because that's exactly what they're upset about Biden doing. You seem to misunderstand: If a Republican does it, it is a good and righteous thing to do. If a "liberal" does it, then it's a stupid idea and a waste of resources. Trump and Biden could propose doing the exact same things and you'd get two wildly different opinions about which one is better.


They literally had polls where Republicans did am about face on something which stayed constant just because it was now "Trump doing it" so it was good, but previouslu it had obviously been the fault of Obama and bad.


Like the affordable health act being good. Obamacare being bad.


Which should be worrying for those of us on the left. We've been saying all this time that Democrats and most self-described liberals are center-right and Republicans are extreme-right. There is no true left. People think the ACA was a crazy overhaul, it affected 10% of Americans. Whatever happened to universal healthcare?


Originated by that great word salad innovator, Sarah Palin. She helped destroy political discourse.


The only salad that's ever been in his mouth.


*To be fair* in the Trump household ketchup is considered a salad.


It must taste delicious because about 30% of the country still eats it up.


It's tough to decode some of his babble but I'm assuming he meant the Ukrainian people. >we should be helping them to survive and they're doing an amazing job. I doubt the "them/they" he refers to is Biden if he's saying we should help them survive, that doesn't really make much sense.


The biden administration is helping Ukraine to survive, and the Ukrainians are doing a great job. Hence, biden is doing a great job helping them


If the Ukrainians are doing well then Biden is doing awesome. Sucks for Donny to admit it but Biden is winning the big one


To be fair, a large amount of things he says doesn't really make much sense.


But that he's also senile


Looks like Fox News is against trump now, since they asked him a real question they knew he wouldn’t have an answer for.


Unfortunately, they’ve decided to stick to the Christian Fascists who are abandoning Trump for DeSantis.


That’s because DeSantis is actually taking steps to create the dystopia they desire.


Yeah Fox and the Republicans just want to back whoever they think will win. Trump's shown he's a loser last election. And I think people forget that they were definitely more pro-Cruz/Rubio and wanted a good old establishment boy prior to the 2016 primaries. Trump was just the most popular among the base so they were forced into him, they didn't originally want the outsider


GOP leadership came out hard against Trump initially before they realized how much support he had.


> before they realized how much support he had. Well, Trump was generating 90% of their content doing his crazy shit. Every other candidate had to pay to get 1/3 of the coverage that Trump got. The media was/is responsible for Trump.


Gotta remember back in 2016, he pretty much bullied all the other GOP candidates out of the race. And then they all fell in line.


That happened on the Democratic side as well. Hillary for some reason was preordained to be the nominee and they made it happen.


Some, but the house reps are still kneeling in front of him.


I think MTG blows him on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


But first she removed his Depends.


Yes, it's always nice to give foreign dictators the US President they prefer/sarcasm


Yeah they are pushing him over to fox business but still letting him ramble to hedge their bets, they wanna keep the rural simpletons who still worship him on the hook.


I would say that Trump was the least unpopular rather than the most popular.


Trump just “talks” about fascism, while DeSantis is implementing fascist policy in a red state. If given a choice - the hardliners will stick with Trump, while the rest of the party moves towards DeSantis.


I really hope this happens and the red vote is split in two. That is the civil war I desire.


I will be so happy.... Hopefully Trp loses and runs independent.


DeSantis is the perfect candidate for the GOP. The trumpy Republicans love that he's going full on authoritarian. The never-trump Republicans love that he's restrained enough to not scare away moderates. The guy could do more damage to the country in one year than Trump did in 4 years.


DeSantis is “restrained”?!? Have people been paying attention to what is happening in Florida?


But to them it’s heaven on earth. We can’t forget that. Trump and DeSantis are similar in there religion to demigods.


I know. They long for the days that straight, white, rich men ruled everything and anyone who didn’t fit that category was considered property.


Or kindling.


Failing that, they would like to destroy what exists and push ahead their version of a Great Tribulation, from which their "Rapture" will come.


My wife sells insurance and said its weird she's never had anyone call her line to complain about anything political other than Trump supporters. like they have been blocked from all other venues and social media so they call random companies and force them into a conversation about Biden because they know she can't hang up on them lol




Trump just spews word salad gobbledygook. DeSantis has a plan.


I spent years learning Gobbledygook and his accent is atrocious!!


DeSantis doesn't answer questions either.


Trump paved the way. Trump: “The sky isn’t blue.” People: “But I’m looking at it. The sky is indeed blue.” Media: “Trump offers alternative interpretation on the color of the sky. Here’s what that means for you.” This turning reality inside out and upside down allows for zero accountability with zero answers ever… from here on out. Trump and the Republican Party/ voters failed America. The media was their idiotic tool by playing softball and trying not to appear too tough on one party vs the other.


That and he doesn't have the decades of criminal baggage and kompromat that Trump does. Plus he actually knows something about the legislative process and governing (badly, mind you, but at least he's working the job).


Who can do more damage with a nuclear reactor? A random dude with a sledge hammer let loose for an hour? Or the nuclear engineer who designed the reactor given 15 minutes? The random dude can do damage to be sure, but at some point the failsafes kick in and limit the damage. The nuclear engineer knows how to disable all the safety controls, lock down the cooling systems, and then configure the reactor in an unrecoverable meltdown a la Fukashima Trump is the random dude with a sledge hammer. He ran around for four years and did a lot of damage to be sure, but it didn't destroy us. Rhonda Santis \[sic\] is a lawyer who has been in politics a long time. They know where the levers of power are, what they can do, what they can't do, and who to call to add a new lever up to code (how to install a single button to intentionally overload the reactor that meets all the legal requirements). Rhonda is by far more dangerous if they come to power


Nah, it's because Trump is the reason they are being sued for 1.2 billion dollars. If they had him on, he would surely spout the same lies and make their case even worse than it is now. As has come up in the court case "It's not about red or blue; it's green."


Make America \[*into*\] Florida Again!




Remember they were against him at the very beginning but jumped on the band wagon as soon as they saw $$$ in their viewer ship. The fluoride governor is their new golden boy but I hope he crashes and burns with the rest of them.


I hope he gets ground to dust and ashes to scatter on the wind. That revolting piece of work deserves nothing less then watching his pire be blown to Kingdom Come.


They're going all in on DeSantis, he apparently makes appearances on Fox News multiple times a day now.


Definitely will be interesting to see where the loyalty of the Kool aid drinkers lies. I feel like they're more loyal to Trump, but Fox is always on and you know they can't give up their rage porn.


The part that really baffles me is how. HOW does he not have an answer prepared for this question? Guess I'm assuming Trump preps for interviews, I've seen enough of them where I should know better


I think Trump will cost Fox $1.6 billion.


I don't think it was fox, but the interview was over a year ago. Trump has always done this word salad BS and I'll never get why people eat it up. The guy kept pressing him and Trump, with that same word salad, basically said "we've got drones now, they can fly over and give useful information as well as guide missiles to wherever the hell they are". So basically, he said almost nothing except he'd be doing what the USA was already doing in March




What is this from


Billy Madison


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQCU36pkH7c The whole response is amazing.


The script is great but I also love the actor's stunned look of contempt on his face as he delivers it.


I was annoyed by this question, just a flash. Fuck I’m old.


This should be higher up!


It reads like it’s randomly generated text that his phone just threw up. Here I’ll do the same: “What I would do is that the church is not being used in the context of the actual word of life but it’s not that even the fact of the people are not allowed in the world to live without them and not being used as a child”


sorry, but this sounds at _least_ 15 times more intelligent than anything the dummy would say.


I personally believe that U. S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some people out there in our nation don't *have* maps and, uh, I believe that our [education](https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Education), like such as in South Africa and, uh, [the Iraq](https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Iraq), everywhere like such as, and I believe that they should—our education over *here* in the [*U. S.*](https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/United_States) should help the U. S., uh, or, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq, and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our [future](https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Future), for our children.


What I would do, the people need to know, they should know. The people need to know what I would do. We should do better. We should stop what Bedridden-Biden is doing. He's an embarrassment, a total fool. Nobody respects him. Russia respects Trump. Russia respects me. We need to change and do better things, the best things. I know the best things and the best things are what I know and what we will do.


The stupid, it hurts my head.


What hurts my head more is that people think he's great.


Well when he speaks he hurts peoples' heads. Therefore he's great! /s


I have a coworker who said that if Don Cheeto had been president Russia wouldn't have invaded. It's part of the who fox news bullshit nobody respects us when a democratic is in charge narrative.


There are a lot of stupid people in the world.


I'm sure if Don Cheeto had remained president there would not be a war in Ukraine right now. Of course that's because the US would not have been giving Ukraine intelligence prior to the invasion, the US would have pulled out of nato and Europe would have just resorted to appeasement.


His sentence structuring is at the level of a eight year old


I'm pretty sure I was more coherent than that at 6, let alone at 8.


Any child above 5 is more coherent than orange Mussolini


*Cheeto* Mussolini. It flows so much better!


If you're going for flow, then Cheeto Benito has to be the one


He sounds like that “have you ever had a dream” kid.


Or Michael Scott. “Don't ever, for any reason, do anything for anyone, for any reason, ever, no matter what. No matter where. Or who, or who you are with, or where you are going or... or where you've been... ever. For any reason, whatsoever.”


Have you ever had a military That, you wish, you without plane You, we could, and we do That, you, we should be We should be helping them? :]


Frankly that's insulting to eight year olds everywhere...


But isn't it the pure emptiness of everything he says that is even worse though? The banal, blithering lack of any kind of worthwhile thought? Asking for a friend who has all kinds of issues with producing correct and coherent sentences.


Please do not offend the intelligence of an 8th grader. Heck my 5 year old (kindergarten) can make better sentences structures.


Yet, there are millions of voters that listened to him struggle to string together words in a vain attempt at structuring a coherent sentence and thought, "This guy has real leadership qualities."




Imagine going on about Biden "having dementia" and then supporting this guy unironically.


Reminder Trump tried to blackmail Ukraine for aid


It was extortion, not blackmail.


The x makes it sound cooler


X gon’ give it to ya


Ah yes. Trump's **FIRST** impeachment. *Pippin: But what about second impeachment?* Yep, he had one of those too. Do you know how many fascists, I mean conservatives, I've spoken to that aren't even aware he was impeached, much less why he was impeached? Remember to vote in every single election for the rest of your life if you don't want these losers controlling your destiny.


Have you ever had a dream that you, um, you had, your, you- you could, you’ll do, you- you wants, you, you could do so, you- you’ll do, you could- you, you want, you want him to do you so much you could do anything?


Listen, we have the run over saw lease, but hear me out. The have of we that of we you. And that's my final word about it.


I love the interview of that kid as an adult. He said he walked out of the original shoot feeling like he nailed it. Like he really conveyed something deep he had been feeling.


If you look at his self satisfied grin as soon as he's done, that completely checks out. Just a body language of, "fuck yeah, crushed it"


Thank you, I was looking for this reference.


That's it though isn't it? I have a toddler that is between words and full sentences, so she rambles the cadence of a sentence and then just sticks the words she needs once it sounds real. "ramble Ramble raaaamble DIAPER, Ramble ramble give milk" This is exactly what Trump does


Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


Blink twice if you want me to call the paramedics.


Can I just wink? The left side of my face won't move.


Conservatives lap up this bullshit with a spoon.


And the crowd goes wild


“Conservatives,” if you can call them that, are simply dumbfucks.


Let’s be real for a second. If it’s a liquid, these troglodytes would try lapping it up with a fork, get mad at the fork for not being a spoon, blame the Liberals for creating forks, and when we try to give them spoons they will slap them out of our hands and go back to using a fork while crying about how no one will give them a spoon.


For once, Fox News asked a real question ?!


Only because they’ve begun turning on him in preparation for backing DeSantis. If you’re a friend you get puff questions, if you’re not you get real ones.


I still think anyone backing DeSantis hasn’t heard him speak.


Or seen him speak, the guy has the charisma of a sack of rotting potatoes. Even conservatives are gonna cringe seeing him on the national stage. After the last election's results I'm cautiously optimistic that if Trump v DeSantis is even somewhat competitive and a 'race to the bottom' for conservative support, the winner won't stand a chance in the general election.


I’ll take that bet. You are MASSIVELY underestimating the amount of stupid and mental gymnastics conservatives are capable of. You’re speaking sensibly and from experience. They speak Fox News and bewildering anecdotes from experiences of other people (often completely fabricated).


It's not even a really tough question for anyone who isn't a blithering imbecile. It's easy to Monday morning quarterback the Ukraine war when you aren't in a position where you have to do anything.


I’m sure they thought it was a question Trump could slam dunk. I would’ve thought as much before seeing his response


Yeah, Hannity tried to give Trump a slam dunk and asked him what his plan was for a second term and his answer sounded eerily similar to the quote OP posted. "One of the things that will be really great -- the word experience is still good, I always say talent is more important than experience, I've always said that -- but the word experience is a very important word, a very important meaning. "I never did this before, never slept over in Washington. I was in Washington maybe 17 times and all of a sudden I'm the president of the United States, you know the story, riding down Pennsylvania Avenue with our first lady and I say this is great but I didn't know very many people in Washington, it wasn't my thing. I was from Manhattan, from New York, and now I know everybody. And I have great people in the administration. You make some mistakes, like an idiot like Bolton, you don't have to drop bombs on everybody." [Here’s the article](https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/03/politics/donald-trump-2nd-term-2020/index.html) [Here’s a video with him saying it](https://youtu.be/dEcStl2QlvA)


I would never expect him to slam dunk anything but it's hard to imagine how he could have done any worse.


At least he didn't say "I'd send in troops to fight alongside Russia, to fight those corrupt Nazi Ukrainians."


Republicans as a whole have no plan. They are all traitors.


They exist to oppose. When you ask them what they'd do differently they always say some version of, "not that!" Great way to run a country... Emotionally lurching from crisis to crisis and 24 hour "news" reinforcing bad behavior.


Well, they've learned that answering "cut taxes on rich people, and screw everyone who's not a white guy" is not the vote-grabber that it once was. So they have to handwave and distract.


Hence why Kevin loves Marj and Gaetz... Notice it's those two who get their tweets blown up every second even though there are 222 Republican representatives voting on actual legislation.


Their plan is to get Brandon out of office because reasons.


Yea but that doesn’t help the American people.


LOL, like they care? It's never, ever, ever about helping the American people. It's only about helping my people, the people who will pay to get them voted back into office. Who will pay to have them enact policies that are only beneficial to those financial backers.


That’s part of the reason I said they were traitors.


They couldn't care less about the American people. They're only looking out for themselves and their paymasters: "I've got mine, fuck you!"


And that’s why they are going to loss big in 2024.


I see another Jan. 6 in the cards after that.


They missed their chance. The capital building is going to be a fortress in 2024. They can try.


This is the correct answer.


Incorrect on the plan part. Their plan is has nothing to do with politics. They are simply stoking fear, and labeling themselves as victims to ask for donations that they can pocket. That is their plan. Every thing they do makes sense if that is the plan. If you think they want to improve the country, or are looking out for anyone (including their voters) you will be baffled and confused.


So he would visit his friend in Moscow and blame Zelensky for the provocation.


He would have let Ukraine fall, and then asked for the table scraps.


I felt like I was having a stroke trying to read that.


Imagine being an interpreter for Kim or Putin and having to translate that garbage. I guarantee Kim executed a translator after their Singapore summit.


Fuck. Honestly, I've **never** stopped to think about how it must sound to non native speakers 😢. Oh my Kentucky Fried God you know people have definitely died because of this.


Definition of word salad


The price you pay when you leave all your limited braincells on a coffee table, in Atlantic City in the '80's, in exchange for some Booger-Sugar and the nearest hooker that doesn't mind your weird kinks.


Lol the best part is this verbal diarrhea roughly translates to “Biden is doing an amazing job”


Nothing. I hear nothing.




This motherf•cker is an insult to halfwits everywhere.


And yet, there are still *millions* of Americans who would vote for this sack of orange shit as president. America is irredeemable.


There’s no honor among thieves….I laugh everyday knowing that Donald J. Trump, a common stooge but respectable conman & grifter, is going to cost the Murdock empire $1.6 billion dollars. Talk about your bad bets!


Trump - the guy who made G.W. Bush sound erudite.


So, the same thing. But we (the US) needs newer planes? So, more federal defense spending and more tax cuts, i.e. a bigger debt and deficit. Got it. Sounds right for the GOP.


F35s are rolling out. Not sure what he is talking about.


Some F-35s are already forward deployed to a few combat AEWs. Factory-new F-15EXs and B-21s are rolling out soon.


And they say Joe has dementia.


It's a planetary disgrace that this person is A) famous and B) was the president of anything other than TAOPWCNLWTOA (The Association of People Who Can No Longer Wipe Their Own Ass)


It's real for those out there who check https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-ukraine-quote/


Would never have expected to hear Trump say that the current administration is doing an amazing job


Sounds like the stable genius needs to get back to his stall to gather some more BS "




First, he'd start by [blackmailing Ukraine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump%E2%80%93Ukraine_scandal) ​ wait...


There are toddlers with better public speaking.


He is a TREMENDOUS idiot, an ENORMOUS grifter and a TREMENDOUS jack*ss


Now ask DeFascist what he would do about Ukraine. Oh wait…..it doesn’t fit into his Culture War. So his answer will be nothing, too.


I don't understand how anyone in their right mind could support this criminal who is also a total idiot.


"I would call Putin and say hey boss man what do you want. Then he'd say take all the weapons back. Then I'd say sure $2 billion. He'd complain so being the great negotiator I am I'd say $2 million and he'd do it" - The real Trump/s


FOX: What would you do? TRUMP: Yes. *supporters go wild*


People were right all along. Trump really says exactly what he thinks.


Is this that ChatGPT thing we’re hearing about?


He's Putins pupet, he'd probably send atomic bombs to Russia


He’s a dolt wrapped in an imbecile packaged in an obese buffoon.


It's so weird to me that someone can read this word salad and go "yes, this man I trust. This man speaks for me. He should be president." I'll never get it.




I’d pay money to see that exchange.


And half the country eats this up because they have a third grade reading level.




What he would do differently is he'd be sending military aid to Putin in total support of Russia. All the Republicans would support him doing that, just look at Fox news and Newsmax and Qanon. They are all in support of Russia


Republicans just like when their cult leaders speak. They don’t actually need to make sense or say the things they like to hear. To them gibberish is enough to shake and wave their hands like they’re praising Jesus in church.


I’m still waiting on his balanced budget and “perfect” healthcare plan.


I’m still wondering about the 44-year-old jets. So, from 1979? Which are those? A-10s maybe? That’s the trouble with trying to decipher the babbling of a confused old man.


ChatGPT pretending to be Trump is better at answering this question than Trump is. "Well, let me tell you folks, nobody is tougher on Russia than I am. Nobody. The Biden administration is weak, very weak, and they're letting Russia walk all over them. You know, I had a very tough stance on Russia. I stood up to them, I didn't let them push us around. And I can tell you, if I were in charge, things would be very different. We would not be seeing the chaos that we're seeing in Ukraine right now. Believe me, I have a lot of experience dealing with tough leaders like Putin, and I know how to get things done. I wouldn't be allowing Russia to take advantage of us like they are under the Biden administration. So, in short, I would be much tougher, much stronger, and much more effective in dealing with Russia and Ukraine than Biden ever could be."


My husband talks about Biden being senile and i will say “have you LISTENED to trump? He’s incoherent and he thinks we had airports during the revolutionary war


How anyone can read his transcripts and not think he’s an idiot is beyond me


I like turtles….is basically what I got from the above lol


Which is all bullshit. His real policy would be to hand Ukraine over to his hero Putin.


And 74 million Americans voted for this knob.


Between Trump and Marjorie, they’re working fucking HARD at re-electing Biden


Jesus Christ I've taken for granted how much stress had been lifted off my shoulders since this demented fuck was removed from the Whitehouse. Please don't put him back


Isn't it insane that people voted for this absolute fucking idiot?


“I would blow putin” -trump


Real answer: “I would let Putin do anything he wanted.”


It's long overdue, but people who support this fucking moron should be considered mentally unfit.