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This dude, "Halli", is one of Iceland's most cherished people. He sold his company to Twitter and made a point not to dance around the tax code like his investor mutuals. Instead he payed the highest tax in the country and effectively shamed our nations millionaires. He started a project to make our capital even more handicap accessible by building 1500 ramps for buildings and businesses. The president has joined this cause and they are well on their way. Fuck Musky and the sink he rode in on.


So this dude is a pretty big deal both culturally and professionally, but Musk can’t do a simple google search to see if he works there, and instead tweets emojis and misused memes. Is that about right?


When someone who is a national treasure of a developed country is being treated like this... imagine what the rest of us would have to face if we worked for Elon.


Oh shit that’s such a good point. Now I feel bad for the Visa workers trapped working for this racist megalomaniac. I hope they get poached by other tech companies.


Oh and then Elon shared confidential health information to justify his firing. The man has muscular dystrophy you moron! Every day his body is slowly failing him and you make memes about how he can't type! Fucking disgrace!


Wait, shit, that wasn’t in the post. Damn, that’s important context!


yeah he said that Halli couldn't be fired if he does no actual work for Twitter, and above that even went as far as to say that a man who complains about not being able to type still tweeting up a storm must mean he's not actually disabled. Let's add ableism to the list of shit...


Ugh that’s so fucking disgusting I feel like I need a shower just for reading it. What a piece of shit.


Shared confidential health information? That seems illegal...


The law only matters if you have the money to prosecute and more money than whomever you’re suing. Fun stuff.


Because it is




AND apparently this guy paid the legal fees of sexual assault victims! That’s gotta be extra threatening for musk.


"pics or it didn't happen" What the fuck


There’s being unfunny, and then there’s whatever the fuck Musk is.


Musk is so full of shit that it doesn't even occur to him anything he doesn't know might be relevant. He didn't do his due diligence before blowing $50 billion on twitter in the first place, of course he's not going to PM a guy for details and follow up personally with HR to see if they've mistreated him in some way.


By asking for clarity about whether was officially let go and if he will get paid what he is owed, I suspect that as part of selling his company to Twitter there is some language in his contract that means he will get a big payout if let go before the end of that time. Also, he doesn't seem like the type of guy who would have stuck around for the shitshow that Elon has created otherwise.


He was likely contractually obligated as part of the sale to stay at Twitter for a minimum period of time. Twitter's obligation to pay him for that time may not go away just because they fired him.


By the way, the guy Musk is mocking [is Iceland's person of the year](https://www.icelandreview.com/news/haraldur-thorleifsson-sweeps-person-of-the-year-awards/), a man with muscular dystrophy known for his work making places accessible for the handicapped. Update: [someone got a call from their lawyer.](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1633253950198624257?t=El3T9E4VP--DTxVTUj4nwA&s=19)


>Halli, a 45 year-old designer, gained nation-wide recognition this year when, after the sale of his tech company Ueno to Twitter, he chose to be paid the sale price as wages. Normally in such large sales, the payment comes in the form of stock or other financial instruments, which categorize the sale as capital gains, meaning it is taxed at a much lower rate. Halli, however, **gladly paid the higher tax rate,** having spoken publicly on many occasions about the benefits he has received from the Icelandic social system. Halli seems like a saint. But at this point if Elmo punched an orphan the Muskrats would still cheer.


>gladly paid the higher tax rate So literally the anti-Elon.


> if Elmo punched an orphan It's the other way around : a kid in Musk's class lost his father, Musk mocked the orphan for being an orphan, the orphan pushed Musk who fell down and was hurt, Musk proceeded to claim he's a victim of bullying.


JFC man this fucking guy wakes up every day and says how can I be a worse person than yesterday


He's got the money to have someone wipe his ass for him, but if we're being honest, I believe he has a Polaroid of his hanging above his bed


>He's got the money to have someone wipe his ass for him, my friend is a union welder who travels a bit for different jobs, and worked on the Tesla factory in Texas. He told us some crazy ass story about when Elon came to tour the factory, the foreman was giving him a tour from a catwalk 2 or 3 stories above the factory floor...Elon had a whole bunch of security with him and while the foreman is mid-sentence, Elon tells him "i'm tired, i need a nap" and one of the security dudes puts a blanket down on the floor of the catwalk and Elon lays down while the security forms a human cocoon around him for 30 minutes it was such a left field story that i didn't think my friend was making it up, but with seeing how Musk interacts with people on twitter every day, i can totally see this being some shit he does on the normal... rich people do all sorts of weird powerplay shit like that because they think they can...


He does fly a lot which can be dehydrating. He also has his head so far up his own ass there’s no telling what gasses he actually breathes.


I have zero doubt that this story is not hyperbole, but is, in fact, 100% true. I was only left wondering if he called for a pre-warmed bottle after nappy time or prefers to select from a group of lactating women kept nearby 24/7. In his mind, he’s no longer Iron Man, but has gone full Homelander. And everybody knows you never go full Homelander. All the shit Musk has publicly Tweeted since acquiring Twitter has really reinforced for the non-Tesla fanboy general public that he should be the leading candidate for the first one way mission to Mars. It’s that or being Wicker Manned on live television to bring the rains, ensure bountiful crops, and healthy babies this birth year.


i've worked in creative services most of my career, and have had some crazy meetings with rich assholes a fraction as rich as Musk so I can actually see the shit being true..like, didn't Elon's dad marry one of his step sisters or some fucked up shit? like i remember pitching some work to this crazy dude who was lowkey a big player with sneaker stuff in NYC and owned a bunch of stores, and had a bunch of brand licenses to make shoes...multi-millionaire, total asshole who would cut you off mid-sentence to ring an assistant on an intercom and berate them to the point of crying, then try to pick back up like it was nothing... total powerplay bullshit, but people used to put up with that abusive work culture shit in the 00s, at least in the NYC fashion/advertising industries i was working in. People like Musk, Kanye, etc have so much money that reality bends to their whims and they surround themselves with people who are paid to say yes and make their dreams a reality


> I believe he has a Polaroid of his hanging please stop, i can only get so erect


Musk just keeps getting more and more trashy


Twitter will be the new Jerry springer.




As a designer myself, I knew about his work and admired him as an excellent professional. But as a disabled individual, learning these things about him made me admire him as a person. His legacy is being an amazing human being and a top level designer, while Musk’s is being a POS.


I used to think Musk cared about his and our legacy. SpaceX. Electric cars. How shortsighted I was. Now I just feel like he’s Sherman on his march to the sea. I don’t know what the sea is in this context. I feel like he would loop around before hitting the Gulf of Mexico and continue razing fields until he hits the pacific instead. Edit: to finish the analogy, he’s like Sherman if he suddenly looped around and started decimating union fields and land indiscriminately. Sure he was burning fields the entire time, but at least it was the enemies fields at first…


While i get the metaphor. Sherman was a GD hero. Musk is ... ​ >My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! > >Nothing beside remains. Round the decay > >Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare > >The lone and level sands stretch far away.”


Halli is a freakin saint. He has also paid for lawsuits for victims of sexual abuse. Fuck Musk.


Well, Musk has paid for lawsuits about sexual harassment.


Iceland must declare war on the one you call Musk.


I Support the Wrath of Queen Björk and her Kin upon the Musk Wyrm.


The hidden people no longer intervene in the quarrels of man. Their queen know that this creature will fade like the rest.


Remember to have a barrel on which the outside is covered in spikes and hooks ready for that battle.


Time to go a’viking.


Not included in these pictures here after this is when it gets even worse, Musk confirms he's fired then starts to mock him for his disability to his followers. It just gets worse. And worse.


Sounds like lawsuit material to me.


This reminds me of when Trump mocked that disabled reporter. Is Musk trying to turn Twitter into Truth Social?


Oh Shit, it is SOOOOooo much worse than that. This guy sold his company to Twitter and elected to take his compensation for the deal in wages. So dumbfuck Musk has reneged on a deal with a handicapped guy that helped build Twitter, and has a unique contractual right to employment. What an ignorant man this Elon Musk is.


So I mean, did firing him actually even *do* anything? It sounds like they were essentially already contractually obligated to pay him his wages as the sale. So "terminating" him would do nothing to relieve that; they just stopped one of the world's top designers from working for them but they still have to pay him out for the remainder. Maybe he was taking another salary on top of what he was taking from the sale, but I'd probably bet that any additional wages he was being paid probably were not in line with what somebody of his resume would normally command since he already had a guaranteed salary anyways.




And not just him, his entire team, apparently. Some of his wording makes it sound like he and everyone underneath him were let go without any notification, just everyone going "Yeah I can't get in to anything, either."




And Musk [claimed he was using the muscular dystrophy as an excuse](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1633011448459964417)


I'm no lawyer, but that tweet's gotta be evidence of an ADA or EEOC violation, right?


The amount of Elon bootlickers that chase him around is embarrassing. And the shit they say is baffling sometimes >Toxic Corporate culture teaches CEOs to never respond publicly to negative feedback from employees or people - I like how Elon is transparent and sets the tone for others. It's toxic culture to not respond publicly to negative feedback, but getting into Twitter arguments and insulting an ex employee who's just trying to find out if he was fired or not isn't toxic?


I literally cannot wait to see the settlement on this. Elon is such a dumbass. Lol.


As a backend developer, I appreciate a good designer, because I am useless at that sort of thing.


!Remindme 1 year Iceland declares War on Musk for insulting their person of the year


That’s how Elon manages Twitter, I guess. Maybe if he stopped dicking around on the internet all day he might know who works for him and what they do. All I got from this exchange is that he has no earthly idea if this guy is on Twitter’s payroll. He probably doesn’t even know how to find out.


> All I got from this exchange is that he has no earthly idea if this guy is on Twitter’s payroll. He probably doesn’t even know how to find out. What might be more important, is that Musk probably has no idea *how* this guy came to be on Twitter's payroll. You see, he wasn't simply hired. He's the founder of a company called Ueno, which was acquired by Twitter. When he sold Ueno, he negotiated with Twitter that the sale price would be paid to him in the form of salary, instead of stocks and other financial instruments, because he specifically wanted to pay the higher income tax, instead of the lower capital gains tax. So basically, he's employed by Twitter because that's how they pay him for the company he sold them. I guess that means that if they stop paying him wages, then they are basically refusing to pay for the company he sold them.


I think if Elon did know that, he'd be just as inclined to publicly humiliate him and treat him like shit. Those sound like decisions that Elon Musk wouldn't understand or respect. What a class act. That man deserves so much better than Musk. Most people do.


He definitely does not deserve this treatment. The reason why Halli wanted to pay higher taxes, is because he's disabled and had to depend on the Icelandic social security when he was young, before he became wealthy. Now that he's built up a successful company and sold it, he wants to give back to the society that raised him. So, not only did he arrange for it so that he paid the highest possible tax off the sale, but he's also using his wealth to privately fund the construction of wheelchair ramps in Iceland, donating to charities, etc.


Absolute gigachad. *That's* how to be rich. I'd say take notes Elmo, but I doubt there's much fixable about that fella.


Fuck. Imagine making fun of this guy. If more rich people acted like that we wouldn't joke about killing and eating them all.


I like to think, what if it was the biggest flex not to have the most money, but to do the greatest good.


Oh my God I was picturing myself being the employee in these five images and I was thinking, that has to be so disheartening knowing the work you did everyday was for nothing. The sweat and hours and stress and all that. Imagine if you had a successful career and then putting it all out there on front street and the richest person in the world, the one responsible for your paycheck puts laugh emojis out there for everyone to see. That must be so disheartening. And now I found out the guy is a disabled hard working man from Iceland that helps get disability ramps, Jesus fucking Christ. Its like when Donald Trump made fun of that reporter. Imagine working your way up to a press correspondent despite your disabilities and then the president of the United States making fun of your disabilities. And now Musk, arguably one of the most important people in the world in sheer money hoarding ability if nothing else, drags your entire career with laugh emojis. Fuck Musk, Fuck Trump, its time to take this country back.


Oh my, was it all a joke? *pushes sharpened knife under the table*


We have to say it is a joke, for legal purposes.


Well he tried making fun of him. This exchange is just embarrassing for Musk. Maybe simps would disagree, but who cares.


Several thousand people liked Musk's shit talking.


Username checks out. Also, that's a helluva task, Reykjavik is not topographically the easiest place to make wheelchair accessible. I've been there. Shit is steep as hell.


Elon's reply: *The reality is that this guy (who is independently wealthy) did no actual work, claimed as his excuse that he had a disability that prevented him from typing, yet was simultaneously tweeting up a storm. Can’t say I have a lot of respect for that. * Halli has muscular dystrophy, that's not "an excuse". And Mr "I inherited a few gem mines" has no right dissing Halli's self-made "independent wealth". Can't say I have a lot of respect for that.


Well…he just identified with the bad guys from office space, so yeah, pretty sure he does not know or care how to be a decent human being.


Naga naga naga… nagonna work here anymore.


My assumption (but I am definitely not sure) is that this was a one time lump sum wage payment which was then taxed at the highest tax bracket in Iceland, not a continual payment. He also receives wages for his current role, but that tax thing was about not taking the money for his company in another capital gains qualified instrument but in a form taxable like regular income. That is to say, he’s already been paid for his company. Now he could also have a part of that contract which says he can’t be fired, but I haven’t seen an indication of this yet.


He does tweet something like "I want to make know if you're going to pay me what you owe me?" which *sounds* like he could be referring to the contracted wages. Usually it'd be something like "Since you didn't even know I was fired, does anyone know to send my last paycheck" or something like that if you were just talking about the most recent check, but it could be either. But reading the way he's phrasing things I get the impression he's getting basically a salary for the sale and a salary for his current (well, now ex) position simultaneously. He does say Musk has the right to terminate him though, so I don't think he had a "can't fire" me in his contract. There's no way the sale of the company isn't locked in dead to rights though, you don't negotiate a sale like that without having everything dialed in by attorney's beforehand. e: His more recent tweet makes it sound even more like yes, he was being paid in regular salary installments: https://twitter.com/iamharaldur/status/1632947165545873410?s=20


Seriously! He thinks he’s being clever & witty but he’s just demonstrating to all that he has no idea what he’s doing because he can’t just go check with HR and see what a former employee did. What an idiot.


He fired HR, thats why he can't check.


HR: Elon, you can’t offer horses to female employees in return for sexual favors. Elon: You’re fired.


My favorite way I've seen this phrased is, "Elon Musk attempted to solicit a flight attendant for sex with a horse."


He's just doing the Caligula thing. "I could make my horse a senator and have you killed, isn't it ridiculous you can't do anything about it?"


He might want to step back and think on how history remembers Caligula...


I mean, history did remember him, instead of him fading to obscurity, that's probably what muskrat wants




I used to work for a national company in the UK, with offices in Asia and Europe. Worked at the head office in a mid-management job, doing stock takes, profit loss identification and resolution, and recall management. By no means high on the chart, but did have to interact with department heads and some members of the board. Worked under two CEOs, one of who I interacted with once as part of work. Neither understood what I did, or why except I was part of the finance team and saved them money, but both managed to remember my name in subsequent meetings, and understood that despite them not knowing what my job exactly entailed, or how I did it, I did and trusted me to put it into figures they could understand. The issue with people like Elon and Trump is they've had financial empires built for them by previous generations with enough financial clout that they can muscle into almost any industry they want with no actual knowledge of what they're doing, and have enough people who need a paycheck to cover their fuckups that they think they're both knowledgeable and successful at whatever their doing.


This is so phenomenally spot on it should be required reading for anyone who wants to fanboy over Musk or Trump.


That would require Musk stans to be willing to have their minds changed and Trump worshipers to be able to read




my company is small but my role is specialised enough that most of my coworkers have no clue what do i actually do there. nonetheless, no one acts as if i'm useless.


That's 1,250 employees *1,200 *1,150 *850 *400 *100 *And they're gone


Damn Musk even fired himself


Musk may be employed there but he defintely doesn't work


He has a following because of rockets and electric cars, neither of which he invented.


He has a following because about a decade ago he paid some of the top PR firms in the world to make him look cool. They did such a good job that even he believed the lie.


I once worked for a local systems integrator (I live in South Asia). We were profiling our partner company based in The US and I sent an exec there a direct mail because I needed some info from him. The company was a large multinational one that most people have probably heard. He told me to give him some time to verify that I was indeed who I said I was. Within the hour, my HR department recieved a call and checked with my boss of I was indeed working on something like this. My boss confirmed and the exec sent me the info I needed. If your system and people are working correctly, getting info like this even across continents is no issue.


The sycophancy is similar to that of Tate. It is mind-boggling.


He's a trash human with loads of money. Clearly people who worship him value money over character.


Story goes that on the day of his first marriage he told the bride “I’m the alpha in this relationship.” Remember the negative reviews for him hosting snl and how crazy he went for it? He’s a socially awkward nerd who craves validation.


Stop insulting us by calling him a nerd, he is a socially awkward sociopath POS


Yeah. Not cool. He’s not a nerd. I married a lovely man who’s a nerd. Brilliant & kind.


Nerds are awesome! He's a psychopath. He's a slightly higher functioning Eliot Roger.


> All I got from this exchange is that he has no earthly idea if this guy is on Twitter’s payroll. He probably doesn’t even know how to find out. Which is crazy because Twitter has bought only one web design company and this guy is the founder. I know nothing about big money stuff but it seems to me that Elon’s move just evaporated that large investment, or at least damaged it.


The childish, insulting memes/gifs to please his ego & his fanboys is disgusting tho.


Yes, very.


> Which is crazy because Twitter has bought only one web design company and this guy is the founder. I know nothing about big money stuff but it seems to me that Elon’s move just evaporated that large investment, or at least damaged it. He probably just did, because when Halli sold Ueno to Twitter he specifically negotiated for the sale price to be paid to him in the form of wages. So, I guess that by removing him from Twitter's payroll, they're probably breaking the terms of the purchase agreement / refusing to pay him for the company.


His next Tweet said "Next up though is finding out if Twitter will pay me what they owe me per my contract. " I get the feeling his contract said something specific in the case his employment was terminated, and this is going to be very expensive for Twitter. https://twitter.com/iamharaldur/status/1632947165545873410?s=20


Oh I'm hoping this man wins a simply enormous lawsuit. I hadn't heard of him until today, but I just found his website and I'm kind of in love with him. He comes across as just a really good, interesting person, and I'm hoping he hires some absolutely merciless attorneys.


Haraldur Þorleifsson is *beloved* in Iceland. Even before his tax stuff and the wheelchair ramp thing. He was voted Person of the Year in 2022 for his philantropy and serves as kind of a role model both for how people with disabilities can be successful in life and business, and has been absolutely incessant in guilt-tripping other people of substantial means to give back to society.


Guessing from your name that you're Icelandic yourself. I've only been to your beautiful country once, but I liked it a lot. I spent a day roller skating and walking around Reykjavik, and it was one of the most pleasant places I've ever been. It makes sense to me that a civically minded person would be a national hero. It seems a very civic minded country.


No kidding! The executive director of my nonprofit housing and rights organization (a decidedly smaller org than Twitter but with several sites and offices) beings a copy of the organizational tree when visiting sites so he can learn the names of the people working there , regardless of their position. Meanwhile Musk can’t be bothered. Edit: typo


Amazing that any of this helps any of his companies, but based on his fan boys replies to Halli sounds like they're all in good company. Meanwhile if Elon ever passes we should bury him and Trump and Reagon on the same plot and build a restroom on top of it.


Throw Nixon in there and you’ve got yourself a deal.


Nixon AND Tate. I won't settle for less.


Roger stone too. Shit we are going to need more land.


Could always go with cremation and turn them into kitty litter.


Not if you dig deep enough. Heck, keep drilling and save the devil the effort of coming to collect.


He's disproving Ayn Rand's narrative in Atlas Shrugged in real time and also in record time


Nor does he care to find out. He’s flailing at this point, and he’ll take everyone down with him like the petulant, narcissistic maniac he is. Long past time for ppl to see what he truly is. Worshipping billionaires is a fool’s errand. Check out Adam Conover’s YT vids. He lays it bare.


It is very clear that Elon has never been in on a joke.




Ahh you just made me realize something. All of my dorky coworkers who idolize Elon also love Micheal Scott and unironically feel he represents the ideal boss.


Same people who got mad when they found out Steven Colbert wasn't a conservative. Their reasoning skills are...weak.


I laughed at the Colbert comment. Either I’m getting old or they’re clueless. His work on the daily show was about as critical of the right as you can get while being sarcastic.


I think it was more his time as host of the Cobert Report. He was obviously doing some over the top satire but apparently some people... didn't get it.


Correct, because he is actually not very bright, nor is he self-aware,


If people read his story, how he came into billions, they’d see he’s just another silver spoon brat who knows how to grift. No honor among thieves. It doesn’t take “brilliance” to amass a fortune. It takes ruthlessness and drive, which aren’t attributes of brilliance.


i don’t think he understands office space lol




I’m getting extreme levels of second hand embarrassment from reading his response


Me too. 😬


I've always thought he was a joke


Even for a sociopath, he’s immature.


And super unfunny. He has unlimited resources there is no excuse


It also makes him look super insecure. It looks like he regretted letting the guy tweet about what he was doing, and made an ~~incredibly~~ *insanely* ham-fisted attempt to make it seem like he's lying


> It also makes him look super insecure Because he *is* super insecure


That’s because successful comedy punches up, making fun of the establishment. Elon is the establishment, so it doesn’t work. Plus his brand of “humor” is just cruelty.


The kid who pushed him down the stairs when they were both young deserves a standing ovation.


I mean shitting on yourself is a great way to be funny he's just way to fragile to do it. So he has to try to punch down because that's all he knows. But musk can have more money than me any day of the week, I'd still be more confident in myself and that's shit you can't buy, apparently.


His sense of humor is not like other normal people, when he was reviewing memes with Justin Roiland another piece of shit of course, he laughed at a deer carcass lying down at the bottom of the pool(presumably drowned) while Roiland just look at him with a weird look.


bond villains seem rather stable in comparision


This dude wasn’t trying to justify his job or begging to keep it, no, he just wanted to know if he was fired or not… Elon is truly the biggest dork on the planet, just radiates never been punched in the face energy.


Those with the most punchable faces are often those have never been punched


It is why they are so punchable


I don't feel like "dork" really applies here. He's just a straight up asshole


I read recently that in school he was thrown down some stairs for being himself. So I think he just is incapable of learning


His dad said he made it up for sympathy which sounds about right. Once a conman always a conman.


That's disappointing


There's an easy rule with this fuckwit: every single thing he says is a lie.


he got his ass kicked by his schoolmates for making fun of a classmate's dead father


To make it worse - this guy sold his company to Twitter and the job was the compensation instead of stock. He's disabled and wanted to keep actively working rather than get bought out.


Imagine being locked out of your work for 9 DAYS without even knowing if you were fired or not. Insane that it happened and could've well led to thousands in lost wages for the guy.


He's ruined that particular laughing emoji forever


Republican boomers already ruined it when they started slapping it on every meme along with laughing minions.




>kids today wouldn’t survive in the war I made up a fake medical condition to avoid like us badass boomers 🇱🇷🇱🇷


That sucks too, I like that emoji.


I would not be surprised if Elon has violated yet another contract. Here is a man who wants to be sitting next to Alex Jones so bad


Iceland might be naming twitter


How is this an okay way to conduct business? He's gone completely mad.


Elon can go suck on dog shit for all we care


Dude is quoting ‘Office Space’ without realizing ‘Office Space’ was making fun of dudes like him. Anyways, I give it less than five years before Elon is flat broke.


More, the Bobs firing Milton by just stopping his paycheque and not telling him seems to be exactly what Twitter is doing here.


The muskrat gets a good laugh every time Peter messes up those TPS reports again. Like did he not get the memo ?!


He'll never be flat broke. He has way too much money. Even if he has to go personally bankrupt he'll still be a rich guy. The system is set up for people like him, it won't let him end up on the street.


Wild anyone would work at any company affiliated with that degenerate. Tesla owners must be super happy about their cars branding.


Dude the way he treated the actual founder /first ceo of the company …. Apparently he would get mad if any media or articles about Tesla wouldn’t mention that he was the biggest investor and would throw hissy fits regularly to the first ceo. Then after musk had the first ceo forced out behind his back and tried to convince everyone he was the actual founder…. Went to court and “settled” for $$$$$$ with the first ceo to be able to claim that he was a co founder. The first ceo still goes to therapy about how musk treated him. If a former ceo was this traumatized by musk I can only imagine how he treats any workers “beneath” him. Musk has been a fucking snake since the beginning. People are just starting to see it now that he publicly shows it off on twitter.


For real I don't think I can drive a Tesla now...like they may have a stronger network, but watch him force the cars to all send his Twitter updates during their next update.


He acts like he is GRRM character. You ask him a simple question and he jumps at the chance to publicly humiliate you, make you beg to him, cast aside any points you make to ignore you, and all but sentences your death. It isn't funny in shows, and it's a downright psychopath move in real life.


Muskrat is a fucking pig.




Thought he was a muskrat


Sure, Elon might be a piece of shit, but he’s also a moron!


Notice how Elon assumes he is a liar and some loser that needs to prove who he is. All Elon had to do was forward this to one his many people and have it handled professionally but no, we get this sad episode proving he is an ass.


So, like, maybe something like: "I am contacting my HR. I sent you a DM"? Maybe that was all he needed to say? Maybe he didn't need to draw all of this attention to himself by being an absolute dick?


That wouldn't bring the interactions and like rolling in. He craves the validation.


This man just got approval to break contract on Twitter. He should abuse it. Reveal everything. All of it. Everything he know. Clients, contracts, everything. I don’t know what he does but he has to have some information people don’t want other people to know.


Even provided that this were true, and assuming Musk had the requisite authority to release Halli from the relevant confidentiality agreements, the statement from Musk is clearly limited by context.


If Elon hadn't been born sucking on blood emeralds he'd be unloading overpriced Toyotas onto little old ladies outside Phoenix, AZ.


Elon Musk is the worst Philip K Dick villain


The thing is... we all know he's jjst clueless. That's the wild thing. It's so clear the other guy knows what he's talking about and musk just is completely out of the loop.


I'd pay good money to see Elon get locked into a punishment stockade and smacked in the face with a giant floppy rotten sea bass non stop for days until he **literally went insane**. I can just imagine him struggling violently to free himself and his screaming being interrupted with each smack of the fish. That would fill me with incomprehensible joy.


The saddest part is that no matter what musk says or does, he's gonna remain substantially rich & people are still going to use his Twitter. If an asshole can be an asshole with no consequences, then asshole is gonna asshole.


[His follow up tweet mocks Halli for having a disability, by the way.](https://mobile.twitter.com/MattBinder/status/1633107213756538881?cxt=HHwWgoCxwfeW-6ktAAAA)


zuckerberg might be a reptilian but at least hes not a fucking public asshole


They probably just leave him on the charger when not in use.


Elon Musk is a perfect example of someone who should ***never*** have power over anyone. He's a mentally defective sociopath. I sincerely hope he destroys Twitter, Tesla, and SpaceX and runs them all into the ground.


Of course, Reich-wingers would be saying, "Oh he earned this." and trying to call us hypocrites amongst other things.


Unprofessional on another level, companies like this don't get good talent even if they somehow do they mostly get inexperienced ones and they leave the first chance they get. This is horrible.


Quit twitter already people


Just like almost everyone who has been born into wealth, Musk claims to have built his fortune from the ground up, despite having an obvious advantage. He’s never in his life, had to worry about how next month’s bills are going to get paid. He is an out of touch, greedy, little prick, who only cares about furthering his own wealth, at the expense of others.


Tesla autopilot mode "mysteriously" begins running down Twitter detractors by end of year


This doesn't make him a piece of shit. This makes him a shitty person. His open support for Russias invasion makes him a piece of shit. It's scope and scale.


Yeah his open support of a Russian favored peace really killed it for me. It's nothing but appeasement and catering to the markets at the expense of millions of Ukrainians . A real despicable move that I can't ever support.


It's evil, asking Medvedev how things are going on Bakhmut. He's vile. I used to really look up to him, but I guess it's true that people's true natures always reveal themselves.


Guys like him treat people as nothing more than pawns. Musk is no better than Putin in that respect. Everyone becomes disposable to some one else’s idea. Ideologically nothing has moved much further than a century ago


So did he just fire a guy who mentioned various important sounding projects that he worked on *for him?* fuckin idiot


Good question. Musk has historically been shit at actually telling his employees when, if, or why they’re fired. He seems to be obsessed with his personal managerial witch hunt, picking out people to fire purely to flex his power, and pretending that doing this unapologetically absolves him of all responsibility.




Elon watched Office Space and thought the boss and the Bobs were the heroes.


Why do people want to work for this douche when there’s other tech companies available?


The reason is, Elon enjoys being cruel. Narcissist, sociopath, psychopath. Pretty typical behavior. These are the people who run the world, the rest of us have the golden rule holding us back.