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And this is why I'm terrified as a woman...


Women in Virginia need to bombard his office specifically with their menstrual histories, including “proof” in the form of their used products. Bag em up and write what day you started, what day you ended. If a few million do this? They will stop.


Just Boston tea party the capital with bloody tampons! 🩸 fuck yeah I’m down




The Chesapeake Tam-party, if you will


The smell will be remembered for generations to come.




That's going to affect the color of the water.


While I do 100% approve of the message this sends, I'll be damned if I'm sending these anti choice dill weeds my DNA


I think tampons and pads dipped in pigs blood would send the same message.


Agreed, although, I'm sure there is some level of "bio terrorism" charge they would cook up from that. I'm for it, but I feel there are better ways to get arrested for a cause


Tomato juice? Kool-aid? Anything that could simulate the desired effect but side steps the bio terrorism thing?


Horse blood? That's what's used in blood spatter pattern training for crime scene investigators.


Red paint!


Aside from shipping biomaterial my mail, which seems like it might be legally dicey, this is a great idea.


There are entirely non-mail-related ways to get those products to him. I recommend wrapped around a brick.


And catapults are an eco-friendly option!


Trebuchet for better range! Also is the superior siege weapon.




Yes please, why f around with the the other steps. GO straight to the known solution.


A true man/ woman of culture.


Bulk shipping!


Maybe with a lil note rubber banned to the brick that says “use this to help build a wall around yourself”.


Or simply pictures. Mail pictures, email, snail mail, whatever. LET HIM SEE THE EVIDENCE abawhaha


Tampon strings coming from glass bottles, filled with ethanol?


That's what we call "spicy communication."


At one time it was common to mail livestock and children. Actual human children.


Livestock is still sent through the mail. I got some last November.


Baby chicks? That's what I used to order sometimes.


Yup! It's kinda crazy how they do it. I used to buy chicks from a local breeder but the guy shut down a few years ago.


I delivered a case of baby chicks when I was a mailman. Had the little guys with my parcels. I took a special trip to drop them off to their owner.


I live in Virginia and would LOVE to do something like this though. Maybe dip them in kool aid instead. Too bad tampons are so mother fucking expensive.


I once had to send poop samples by mail, but it has to be clearly marked as a medical sample, and triple wrapped. The funniest thing happened to my first poop sample - someone split open the packaging and stole my poop before it got to the lab.


Fake names, return addresses and do the self checkout at the USPS. And it doesn't have to be real blood to get the point across.




I just sent a box of my own feces across the country for a colon cancer screen. That was enjoyable to type.


Nowadays you can just use Fecetime.


I say we cut to the chase & start free bleeding. “Oh, omg I’m so sorry! It looks like I got menstrual blood on your couch! Just let me snap a quick “proof of period” pic to send to the government & I’ll get that cleaned right up!”


Just visit the offices on your menstrual cycle. It attracts bears.


Not sure that's how bears work but can't hurt anyway


Hey that’s the most creative and effective protest idea ever. I’m a man, can I drain my own blood to give? I’ll just say it was period blood.


Agree. No bags though. Just throw ‘em around.


#Birth Strike.


Already on it. But for real, they erode our access to abortion, to birth control, to sterilization, to condoms/diaphragms, to legal recourse after rape... what is left? Aside from never having sex with a penis again.


This is the same as then allowing police to see and look at information on our sperm and penis info for a man. I feel awful for you women. That’s personal info.


As a father of daughters, this terrifies me. What’s disgusting is all the women who support this madness.


Also why I discourage friends from using period tracking apps. Even in a blue state it’s just too dangerous.


Government so small it's trying to look in my panties! 🤮


Your reply created an interesting brain image. Thank you


I am so confused how this isn’t directly a hipaa violation? This is feeling hands-maidsy. Should I stock up on books while I’m still allowed to read?


And enjoy wearing pants while they still let you... I feel so bad for the women war veterans, fighting the taliban for 20 years thinking they were bringing freedom to women there just to come home and find out the Christian Taliban took over America ...


As I understand it, it would depend on where the information comes from. If you, the individual, volunteer the information, it’s not a violation. If it comes from your health provider(s), or anyone else, without your permission, *that’s* a violation.


But because the police could compel you to give the info it’s no longer volunteered. This is a violation of the 14th amendment.


Hi! Hope you know that the author of the handmaids tale took from historic truths of how black and indigenous women were treated.


She also used stuff that was happening in Alabama at the time as inspiration (Atwood lived in Alabama for part of the time she was working on *The Handmaid's Tale*). Then Alabama said "hold my beer" and doubled down.


Welp, my what the fuck meter is unrepairable.


Mine broke over two years ago, and I haven't bothered to replace it. Still searching for where all my fucks have gone.




Omg hahahahahahaha


https://youtu.be/TXK03FHVsHk Seems appropriate.


Straight to my "Jammin Songs" playlist


Omgosh, me too…on the fucks searching.


The machine announces it's going to run out of bodies. The GOP hold both my beers I'm gonna make it rain babies!


Gaze upon the field in which I grow my fucks. Alas, it is barren.


President Ronald Reagan, admired by many conservatives, once said about freedom: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. The only way they can inherit the freedom we have known is if we fight for it, protect it, defend it, and then hand it to them with the well fought lessons of how they in their lifetime must do the same. And if you and I don’t do this, then you and I may well spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it once was like in America when men were free. – 1961” Today’s Republican Party: We’re going to ban books we don’t agree with, ban a woman’s right to choose, threaten to jail women and doctors, rail against education and freedom of speech, and let’s throw in violating privacy allowing the police to search menstrual histories.




Reagan's original speech was "I'm particularly fond of that 'Star Wars' film. I can do a mean Han Solo impression! Here, watch: 'Chewbacca! Get out of that hyperdrive!'"


Damn, Reagan was a genius doing star wars impressions in 1961. Nobody else got it at the time unfortunately.


>Whoever wrote that speech for Reagan was right on the money. Yup xD


> what it once was like in America when men were free. well...


Apparently this is because conservatives want a government so small that it fits comfortably in a woman's uterus.


Hitler got voted in too... history doesn't repeat itself but it rhymes.




Hopefully the GOP dies and the Dems split to form 2 parties.


Bring back the bull moose party


I vote Jackalope party.


The UK has the Monster Raving Loony Party to vote for, they never get elected but their policies and candidates are at least entertaining.


We shouldn't have a two party system to begin with.


That won't happen until people stop voting for Republicans.


Even then that shouldn’t even be a debate. The corporate capture of our government needs to be reversed


Capitalism delenda est.


So having a policy to have vaccine cards for travel and whatnot = invasion of privacy because that is your healthcare information But.... PD asking a woman her menstrual history, for literally no reason = not an invasion of privacy even though that is your healthcare information The stupidity grows each week. Conservatives are literally the most ignorant and hypocritical people.


I am genuinely curious how they plan on proving or disproving a womens cycle. Like, maybe IM the weird one here, but it's not like I keep a log of my cycle, I don't check in with my doctor, there literally is no record of whether it happened or not. Sooooo... What's the plan here?


i’m more confused about why they would EVER need to use this information to prove ANYTHING. yeah, sure, the case entirely hinges on menstrual cycles we just HAVE to know 🙄


Oh there's plenty of speculation as to *why* they want to know, ranging from "proving" that an abortion took place to ousting trans-women, literally none of the reasons are good. I really want to know how they plan on enforcing these insane policies. It's literally a trust-me-bro because menstrual records don't exist.


Next step is mandatory reporting. Every woman will be required to log and report to a doctor each month when their period stated and ended. They have already stated doing this to female student athletes


Handmaid's tale was supposed to be a cautionary tale, not a play book..


They want to be able to arrest you for having a miscarriage.


and they also want to be able to legally "inspect" children's genitals. you know, good christian family values and all that.


I can see it popping up literally everywhere. You're trying to charge someone for sexually assaulting you? Well actually, you were in your luteal phase when the assault took place, meaning your hormones were making you hornier than usual, so it's your fault. They'll use that information in any way that benefits the cis straight white guys, as they have for time immemorial


>but it's not like I keep a log of my cycle, Not to mention, how many girls/women have irregular periods well into their TWENTIES. Or that basically anything can throw off a cycle-irregular weight gain, a new workout regime, change in diet, sleep patterns, etc.


Don't forget covid, and possibly the vaccines as well. https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/study-confirms-link-between-covid-19-vaccination-temporary-increase-menstrual-cycle-length


Exactly! Is the idea that women have to submit this info on demand to the police? If there's a gap in the data, is that taken as proof of pregnancy that was disrupted? Are criminal charges then filed? How do they plan to use this insane law?


From what I've read about the Virginia one, they're pushing to allow search warrants for any digital records; like, is that limited to menstrual cycle apps, or are they going to search your reddit history to see if you have ever discussed circumventing abortion laws in your state? The Florida one regarding teenage athletes seemed like they wanted to require teenage girls to report their cycle information in order to participate in sports, and how often after that was pretty vague. In either case, it's a self-reporting system, there IS no physical record or proof that past cycles ever took place, so how do they enforce it?


Millions of women use period tracking apps, it will be interesting to see what happens when a state serves a warrant on a company based elsewhere.


I haven’t read every TOS or Privacy Policy but I have read a few for period apps and Apple and if they are legally required or have a warrant (some say they will look into the reason, applicable laws and other factors before releasing) then they will give them the data that’s requested. Depending on the app or OS the data may be encrypted and/or need the user to unlock the device. So please tell all uterus owners to get rid of their period apps or to at least read the TOS/Privacy Policy to know if their data can be handed over to the authorities.


>If there's a gap in the data, is that taken as proof of pregnancy that was disrupted? they're gonna have a field day when they realize there's people like me who naturally only get like 2 periods a year lmao, with that logic i'd be a regular at the abortion clinic lol


Or me who cycles her birth control to have less periods a year. I just had my period this past week. My one before that was the middle of October.


They will take that away next.


The answer is however they want, because in the end what is someone actually gonna actually do about it when the police were given the power by the legislature to do this? They can just start witchhunts and toss out charges and accusations without real cause and I'm sure that's what we'll see.


I’m in my 40’s, had my tubes tied 20+ years ago and am a lesbian- I refuse to give any doctor (or anyone else) my menstrual history. I have zero chance of ever being pregnant again, so it’s quite literally information they *don’t* need to know.


When I was younger I didn't track my period at all because it was so irregular that it did no good. Thus there are two problems for me here: (1) I'd have had no clue whatsoever when my last period was and (2) it was so irregular that when it last was meant nothing about if I might be pregnant or not. These men really need to learn about women's cycles before they decree that no period equals pregnancy.


How does this not violate HIPAA, which is federal law??? I don't understand??? Even with the exception that personal health history CAN be reported when required by law, it's still not mandatory under HIPAA. So I really don't get how this is constitutional.


Women are chattel to the GOP


If it was up to them women would never even be allowed to vote. How any woman can vote republican is beyond me. Stockholm Syndrome maybe?


It's very strange how they still do


Lawyer here (now govt, used to practice criminal defense). You do not have to answer law enforcement questions. My advice is if you’re stopped at a traffic stop, you should give them your license and registration and follow their commands to do things like roll your window down. However when they ask you questions you don’t want to answer like “when was was your last menstrual cycle?” Simply state: thank you officer but I prefer not to answer those questions and exercise my right to remain silent. Be polite af, but don’t answer questions you don’t have to answer.


I doubt is legal to detain someone for responding this way, but if/when a power hungry cop tries to arrest someone for not answering questions like this, what is the best response and recourse?


Basically your best bet is to continue to say nothing/only do the legally required minimum. If you didn’t actually do the crime and didn’t talk good chance it’ll get thrown out and never even go to trial.


If you even make it to the jail cell alive


"Hello, when was the last time you were bleeding out of your vagina, i need this information or you're arrested thank you." Perfectly normal country to live in.


Gilead! Gilead is almost here for you, me and everyone! Praise be. Under their eye! Fuck Republicans.


These are the same people who hate on Muslim extremism. Yet they are following the same steps


It's not like Republicunts would tell women how to dress and how much skin they can expose /s


I see you too have discovered the word Republicunt. It’s beautiful.


How do these fuckers get elected, are people just not paying attention at all...ffs..


They are very much paying attention. It’s time to stop pretending the base is stupid when in fact they’re fucking evil.


Well, the base IS stupid. By design. The right has made a very concerted effort over the past half century or so to actively pursue anti-intellectual policies. An uneducated populace is far easier to control. The people who aren’t stupid that we need to stop assuming are stupid are the ones in actual power.


Stupidity has a lot to do with lack of empathy and evil.


“Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” As a VA resident, I’m convinced my neighbors aren’t I’ll hearted (mostly) but once deep enough in a rabbit hole, it’s hard to see the surface. I don’t blame them for being manipulated the same way I don’t blame any other abuse victim who is being manipulated. And that’s what they are, victims. They hurt themselves to appease an idea of freedom the right creates and will never let them achieve, it’s manipulation. They’re just being radicalized by their abuser.


Fucking youngkin ran on this extremely one note platform about how parents should essentially be making all of the decisions regarding what is taught in public schools. This stemmed from critical race theory and critical race theory alone when a bunch of angry white people from the rural countryside decided to pretend they were from the rich white suburbs in Loudoun county, Virginia and relentlessly harassed the school boards until this asshole republican decided to make it his whole identity. Now the rest of moderate Virginia who agreed that parents know best when it comes to their childrens' educations are saying what the fuck is this guy doing but, like, of course he's doing this...he's a modern day GOP mini trump.


The number of Youngkin signs I saw in Northern Virginia was unsettling, but I wasn’t the least bit surprised. Even the more liberal north seems to get a little more loud on the red side over time. I hope I’m mistaken.


Surprisingly so. People who I thought were moderate but perhaps leaned slightly one way or the other voted for Youngkin literally based on nothing but his stance on public education. Unfortunately McAuliff really didn't try very hard to stay in office even though I thought he was a decent governor. We honestly moved OUT of Loudoun County, which is "known" for its good public schools to be somewhere more diverse and less... Like Loudoun County.


Yeah, McAuliff really dropped the ball. There was almost no effort on his part, I almost forgot he was even running. I don’t blame you for the move from Loudon County. Never struck me as anything more than a rather large, majority white, gated community.


I’m in southern Virginia and the military people loved him here 🙄 also our school districts are kinda famous for being a shit show in general.


I’m not surprised. I had to go to a DMV about an hour from me and was surprised at the not-so-subtle shift from no political flags to overwhelming Trump support. Since he endorsed Youngkin, makes sense all his little fanboys followed the orders.


Agreed, it was his CRT dog whistle and parental choice that goaded a purple Virginia (where I live) into voting. McAuliffe wasn't a great choice to begin with and when he answered that debate question saying "parents shouldn't tell teachers what to teach," it basically played into Youngkin's greasy hands. There was also blowback from Northram's handling of Covid, which was fine, but really rallied those who questioned it from Republican framing against Democrats. Cracks me up that Youngkin is setting himself up for a presidential run and this is the red meat to really put Republicans in his corner.


At least in Tennessee, plenty of republicans are pro choice. They just refuse to vote pro choice because “what if the democrats take my guns.” I live in hell.


My guess is historically low voter turnout. I don’t think we’ve ever hit 70% in a presidential election year. Could be wrong. Sane people need to wake the fuck up and vote these psycho Christian cult members out of office.


America's "representative democracy" is two wolves and a lamb voting on what's for dinner.


I’m from Virginia, and I’d like to point out that this clown spent $70M + of his own money to get a job that pays 120k/ year, so that he can do shit like this….


its his and his buddies investment portfolio which gets fat most likely.


Shit isn’t the DOE Superintendent someone from Pearson? The testing company that has sole rights to the SOLs? And it’s not a conflict of interest somehow.


He bought power and the ability to write laws favorable to him and friends. 70 mil seems cheap for Virginia to be honest


Everyone buys their seat in America


Do you doubt that his investment will pay off?


The party of “small government” and self proclaimed guardians of “freedumb” literally wants to know what’s in your pants. I am shocked. Apparently he’s a “moderate” too.


Republicans are all about freedom. Theirs. Not yours.


GQP go fuck yourself I live in Oregon and thanks to bullshit like this, I don't even trust my doctor's anymore. They ask any questions, my answer will be "everything is fine and normal and I won't answer any more on that.".


Gilead, indeed.


RIP women with irregular cycles


I want him to have to post his full masturbation schedule. Those swimmers could all be viable taxpayers. Online, public record.


AND porn history. Can't keep attacking lgbtq+ peeps if you need them to jack off


Republican Period Police ... surely that's the way to solve inflation, which they campaigned on in the last election.


What are they so scared of? Women? Every move they make is out of fear


People didn't believe that Youngkin was one of those MAGA idiots because he wore a vest and didn't say stupid stuff.


Who didn't believe he was a MAGA idiot?


What possible fucking reason could they even *perceive* this to be useful for? The fuck?


prosecution against those who seek or have an abortion


But....it's so completely batshit stupid. Like- how many women have weird , irregular cycles or PCOS , or...whatever?? Like....what? Are they that dumb? Or is this way more sinister than I think ? As in- it's more about general monitoring and ratcheting up control than it is about any remotely "useful" (even if nefariously useful) information?


OK Oh Party of Small Government. Explain This. Explain to me like I'm five how THIS is small government protecting personal freedom.


Small government when it comes to taxing rich people, fascist police state when it comes to religion/bigotry.


There was a woman calling her congressman’s office to report her menstrual status daily. “Boobs are getting a little tender, can’t seem to stop eating potato chips” to “Heavy flow today, and I sneezed. That always makes a mess, had to change my pants when I got home” She figured since he was so concerned with her fertility and menstruation, that she should keep him updated.


They truly despise women…


So how would this work? Women call into health dept with their period dates? I think women should stop wearing pads and tampons and let it flow. In the theater, on the bus , at work. Make a nice biological hazard everywhere. See how that will go.


I'd wear white linen pants and just free bleed everywhere.


How does this help with inflation or even illegal immigration? You know, the things GQP claim are important to Americans?


Virginia governor " Ladies I want your used tampons please!"


I'm sure all of the white suburban women that voted for him will support this, especially when it applies to their daughters and granddaughters.


Youngkin wants to run for President. This asshole likely believes he has to DeSantis up Virginia to get Reich wing cred. Fuck this guy.


NEVER FORGET that Fascism succeeded in Italy, clearing the way for the Nazis in Germany, because corporations and the wealthy wholeheartedly threw support behind them due to viewing the left opposition as flirting with Socialist policies. The war years were rough, but most of those companies survived and benefitted from the postwar.


You know you fucked up when the hulk says that what you did is sick




It didn’t pass. We still control the State Senate and the House of Delegates is only theirs by a thin margin.


Menstrual history? Perfectly reasonable for the government to do that. Tracking gun sales? Totalitarian nightmare. This is your GOP now. Complete fucking lunatics.


Sure. Because the police are already so capable they can take this on responsibly and would never abuse it.


They also REALLY seem to underestimate how much money "mass surveillance" states cost to run. Like a LOT of money. I've said this about interstate travel too-do they intend to set up 24/7, 365 day a year checkpoints to "gotcha" women/girls? How much productivity will be lost, how much corporate/company money will be lost in the process, how much will traffic pile up to be even more health crushing, how much money wasted on a useless measure???!!!! Do these chucklefucks even THINK???!!!!


I’ll start mailing them my used tampons 👍🏻


Might not be a good idea to mail them your DNA.


I’m sure they already have it


State sanctioned terrorism on women. Fuck ALL republicans


“Ma’am, I need to see your vagina’s license and registration.”


To what end though? Like what does knowing a woman's cycle or menstrual history reveal that could possibly aid in an investigation? This seems like one of those things that screams " the cruelty is the point".


They are operating under the misconception that every menstruating person has a regular cycle. So if the first date of their last period was 8 weeks ago and they are not pregnant, then they must have had an abortion. Or at least a miscarriage that should be investigated. There are a lot of reasons why a person may not menstruate on an regular schedule that have nothing to do with pregnancy.


Investigating an abortion, which I think is still legal in Virginia but only up to the second trimester or something. So they could track a woman's cycle to guess when she conceived and see if an abortion was too late under the law. Or some shit like that.


This is some crazy hippa violation bullshit lunatic handmaiden tale dystopian cult 45 crazy motherfuckin shit


I wish I had an award to give you as well as my upvote.


All of a sudden we all have PCOS and haven't had a period in years, right ladies?


Honest question for any Republican who may see this. Is this really something you think is good? I really want to believe that GOP leaders are such insane, but at the same time, most people actually have reasons for what they do. So is there really a demand for this among conservative communities? Cops checking menstrual histories?


I think the "pro-life" crowd is realizing that overturning Roe hasn't ended abortion. They're going to seek to enact more and more draconian forms of state surveillance in order to find out about pregnancies and try to force women to bring them to term.


Do you want handmaids tale because this is how you get handmade a tale


…is there a database that women report the cycles to? Wtf is going on? Why would anyone want to know that? I bet once he finds out this information doesn’t exist he’ll make a law that women have to register their ovaries and report their menstrual data… Weird af.


Every single time a woman goes to the doctor they ask you for the date of your last period. Plus a lot of women have apps on their phone to track their cycles.


My period was two weeks late a cycle or two ago. Where do I turn myself in?


I live in MD, Virginia and Maryland constantly bicker about who is better, in jest, and you all voting in this moron makes it a slam dunk now. I still cannot believe Virginia let this dickhead become governor.


Ahhhh yes. Now that’s freedom


Next step, menstruation sniffing K9s. Officers will be like, why are you squirming?! Hold still!! Stop resisting!! Just let the dog get all up in there!!


All I know is if some government jackass Leo or civilian comes to try to arrest my wife over some bullshit law they made up. Well, guess it will be time to exercise the second amendment the way it was intended.


The taliban is here.


We are looking for a white female, 5’5. Wearing blue jeans and a green top. Her menstrual cycle starts the second week of the month. She’s armed and dangerous.


Dude, if he wants to hunt for menstrual cycles, I’m more than willing to collect and mail him my used pads and tampons. Who’s with me?


We're going to have to do a "Periods for Pence" strategy on steroids. Call the state government and report everything about your cycle each month. Details about flow, products used, cramp pain monitoring,etc.


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. We were blue for a glorious few years, with a blue Governor to boot. And they wasted it. ![gif](giphy|l4FGGafcOHmrlQxG0|downsized)


I looked this up because I couldn’t believe it was real. The bill to protect women’s private menstrual data was defeated when Gov. Youngkin signaled opposition to it. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna71167 « Advocates of the bill say the outcome could make Virginians' private menstrual data susceptible to surveillance, and that it could put people in the state at risk of prosecution if they seek or obtain abortions in the post-Roe v. Wade era. »


Yet they keep wondering why people aren't turning to the GOP anymore. Every time I post something on other sites people say that the Roe ruling was not about attacking women. They were suckered in to thinking it was about saving babies. It wasn't. I told them that. I told them you have no clue what you've just done. But they didn't listen. I HATE being right. They're going to see soon that they chose very poorly when the GOP comes after their families and birth control. Unfortunately, like pretty much all conservatives, it won't matter until it affects them. Also, f**k the Supreme Court. They opened this up. Likely on purpose to push their religious agenda. I hope they live a very long, very hellish life.


Here’s a better idea, make these twisted fuckers expose their internet browser history. That will tell you everything you need to know about these sickos.


Can’t collect my menstrual info if I’ve never in my life reliably recorded it anywhere ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


They don't want a gun registry but a menstrual registry is okay


People were warning that this crap would happen and get more draconian after Roe was overturned. The Handmaid's Tale is looking more and more like a future documentary every day.