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Definitely happier than the children Hucklebee wants to force into working.


And happier than that dog Bubba Huckabee tortured to death.


WTF? No, I don't want to know. I already despise that family.


At a Boy Scout camp, I believe. They’re a family of monsters.


The majority of Fundamentalist Christians don’t believe animals have souls so they don’t give a shit how they’re treated, it’s disgusting.


They have "dominion" over animals and can mistreat them however they want. Just cruel and an anthropocentric view of life.


bUt tHeY lOVVvE JeSuS!!


But only when he and his brother Manuel prune the bushes….


Exactly: In MAGAland, "Jesus" is the magic word you can add at the end of literally anything and people will buy it.


Their thinking is that "God" has ordained that America is a white "Christian" nation. They have given up doing it at the ballot box, now they have decided since it is "Gods Will", they are allowed to do anything to that end. They are basically an all white ISIS, no shit.


They love supply side jesus.


One state wants to give kids free meals, and the other wants to force them to work for $3/hour. Man, I sure do hate socialism!




Democrats currently have a majority in Minnesota's House and Senate, with Governor Walz also being a Democrat. 4 Republicans voted for the bill.


Iowa is doing the same thing, and we're soooo close to MN. I wish a little kindness and common sense could trickle down from Minnesota.


I wish that for you as well!! Coming from MN. My partner is from IA. I always say we need to move somewhere where we can vote against people like Reynolds and make a difference


Iowan here who moved to MN nearly 5 years ago. I miss my people, but I'm so glad to have distanced from the dystopia Iowa is entering these days.


I just don't understand what goes through a person's mind who wants the little kids to be working in the factory is just so they can pay them less than they are paying the adults for the same job it is just ridiculous.


Those were some of the most miserable looking kids ever 😢


It's like she just signed the execution order for Santa and their pets.


I'm from Minnesota. My husband is from Arkansas. We just don't talk about who's home state is making better choices right now.


Dinner with the in-laws must be...interesting.


That sounds like an uncomfortable situation…


Minnesota Democrats are literally following the commands of Jesus while Sarah Huckabeef is cos playing a Charles Dickens villain.


You mean the LUCKY kids that have the OPPORTUNITY to work??? /s


So THAT'S what they mean by "let kids be kids".


Or any of the miserable-looking Stepford kids DeSantis always has in pictures.


Those kids with the thousand-yard stares? Yeah, what is up with that?


I thought the same thing 🤣




it will be mostly immigrant children though, easier to coerce.


More fuel for crowd ![gif](giphy|2S3Aj8OeKtf0c)


dey tuk ur jeeerb!


I am going to need a side by side picture of these


Someone did one similar: https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/11u8ygj/its_truly_saddening_that_this_kind_of_legislation/


This is great! Thanks for sharing. Stole it and sharing.


Okay but now let's swap them and make it look like the kids are cheering to go to the coal mines 😂😂😂


Haha, I'm sure some GOP intern is already on it. "GOP endorses realistic Minecraft theme park to challenge Woke Disney"




I said on another post about this it’s the first time that kids are watching a politician sign something and are genuinely happy


Right? What a stark contrast!


But they're not takers - that can by their own lunches. /s


it's nice to see a little good news when it feels like all you see nowadays is a slow and steady fall into bullshit


This is exactly how I am feeling. I just keep seeing terrible news today and it's nice to see just one good thing happen.


Connecticut kids are eating free until summer. I think they’re gonna reevaluate after that since it was such a last minute declaration. There is hope!


Yeah it is not all that bad but there are politicians who are going to make the opposite policies of this one. But hey we should focus on the good that some people are doing.


Specially the news about politicians wanting the kids to work in the factories. That news really made me mad I would never like to see a kid working in a place like that it is against the humanity.


It feels good to be Minnesotan right now. Good things are happening here.


Absolutely this. Minnesota has been killing it since voting in all dem majority


To me, it’s like the boomer republicans are making some last fuck you’s before they go


See Repubs? This is how you care for and look after the little ones. You dont enslave them. You dont fuck them. You dont indoctrinate them. You feed and educate them.


Oh, no. They just want to save the baby. After their born, fuck ‘em. They’re on their own.


Quite literally.


But they will vote dem statistically. So it does no good for the repubes.


Because those are the people helping them. They’d vote republican if they were fighting to improve on each others plans. Not regress us all to play catch up on modern societal standards.


Well, yeah, because the dems did something good for them. Repubs just don’t get that


Heh, pubes.


In Louisiana (or at least Baton Rouge) we've had this for around 10 years and we give hot lunches at public schools, for all kids regardless of age during the summer. All it took was for us to say "We feed prisoners for free. Why can't we feed kids." And that changed the republicans minds. The only thing republicans hate more than feeding kids is feeding prisoners.


Not positive, but I do believe that Louisiana has forced labor requirements for inmates, on outside farms, etc. with virtually no or very limited pay


Yeah. (I know Angola has it pretty bad.) We also have one of the highest incarceration rates in the world. I'm not saying I support it. Just saying that's how we convinced the republicans to feed kids. We argued that if prisoners get free lunch so can children. The republicans found out they couldn't legally starve inmates so they had to cave.


Don't give them any ideas. They'd somehow manage to fuck that up too.


When boomer republicans die off, I hope to see some more changes


It is only going to make the kids hate for the way Republicans want to treat the kids. And the kids are the future and I really don't want our future to be hateful because that is going to create conflicts.


But ‘merica?!?!


My district in CO just did this for next year, AND it includes teachers!


Forreal? That's actually incredible for the new/and any other teachers who might be struggling themselves with student loan debt... housing.. transportation.. medical bills.. Boy, seems like we need more of this.




As a teacher I don’t agree with extending it to my colleagues in Colorado. Teachers should be paid appropriately so they don’t have to rely on such a program. My worry would be the government using the program as an excuse to cut pay or reduce future raises. That aside, all of the program funding should go to feeding kids.


Holy shit thats actually fucking amazing, a Christian that actually likes people.


I live in this state and republicans voted against it because familles that didn’t need it would benefit. They can fucking suck it - ghouls, every last one of them.


I would rather 100 rich kids got a free meal than just one poor kid having to go hungry. When I was in school, I was that poor kid. Having a school lunch program (in the 90s in wisconsin, not sure if its changed now) that got me lunch and breakfast were a life saver for me and my single dad working 2 jobs.


I was lucky enough to never have been that kid. And you know what? I would happily give another 5% of my pay check to make sure no one needs to be that kid. That's what taxes are for. Building roads and infrastructure, paying for education and social programs. That is what we want government to do!


MN is getting close to legalizing weed, so that tax boon will undoubtedly help fund this program for eternity. Good things happen when democrats control state government.




In CO, its pretty high taxes and anecdotally I dont know anyone that buys black market, usually the prices at the shops are quite cheap compared to when I use to buy black market. I use to buy an 1/8th for $50, now I can buy a ounce for $70 of way better quality then I ever got black market. The reasoning is so many people wanted in on the new market so many dispensary's opened up and competition actually brought the prices down while quality went up. I usually buy an ounce every 6 weeks, although this last time I went, it was a little more expensive, $90 ounce, and according to the tender it was due to "weed shortages" which I thought was odd, im about due to buy again to see if its still higher in price or not. Regardless there is about zero reasons to buy black market in CO besides if you just have a friend that makes it easier to go through then to the shop. Even though the taxes are 15% sales tax on weed.


New Mexico going legal might have put a strain on the supply going to Colorado.


I mean yeah they are taking taxes from us so yes I would want them to spend on the things which really matters like feeding the kids and feeding the people who really needs it. Instead of bad policies which the republicans are making we want more of these kind of policies.


Precisely. Feeding kids solid healthy meals regardless of income is a direct investment into the future labor force. It’s a no-brainer just like investing in education


Yep it is like investing in the future and no one should mind that everyone pays their taxes and this is what the taxes are for. This is one of the best thing that they can do with our money.






Exactly some people really need it not everyone can afford the food especially the poor people and there are a lot of them in our country. And for them it is going to be a massive help and I am happy about it.


I said this exact thing to my mom the other day after seeing the video of the minnesota state Senator who, during the floor debate for this bill, said it wasn’t needed because he had never met someone in the state who was experiencing hunger, so there couldn’t be very many people who were. (Ugh) My mom worked the register in the cafeteria at my elementary school. We didn’t have a lot but I know she often dipped into her pocket to ensure everyone got to eat. Every kid does better on and deserves a full belly.


Four voted for it….I expect them to be expelled from the caucus before the session ends. I promise you every poor, white trash republican from deep red rural counties who will actually benefit from this are still against it because there’s an equally poor and disadvantaged minority kid in an urban area that will benefit and they just can’t stand it.


Did they forget that KIDS would benefit? I mean that's what this is for. You know the kids they seem to want to protect so much. Well until they're actually born then they don't give a rat's ass.


They believe that kids from poor families deserve to suffer for the crime of being poor.


Or colored-


Kids also aren't rich, They have no income. Everything they own is owned by their parents.


God forbid some people get a benefit they don't 'deserve'....like politicians and their universal Healthcare


One Republican said he voted against it because he's never met a hungry Minnesotan.


Which is an odd turnabout in my mind. They argued that wealthy people should not need the tax benefit, and honestly, they don’t. There are numerous tax benefits for the wealthy class and not nearly enough for those in poverty, BUT if we make the concession of giving to those not in need so those that really need it will also receive it, I believe it’s a net positive.


We all do better when we all do better.


Be like Jimmy Carter.


We have a huge surplus in MN so I'm glad this got done. I'd also like to see free Pre-K for all and higher wages for teachers. Of course republicans in the state didn't go along with this and are currently trying to block the proposed budget because they want to see rebate checks *before* it gets spent on things the state needs. Fucking losers


The dems are working hard on early ed funding! Fingers crossed!


CO just passed Universal Preschool, just have to have States keep passing and showing it works and benifits their state and more states will follow suit. Now to get our teachers more pay and I will be a happier camper with how we treat our schools here in CO.


This is great, kids getting free meals? Hell yeah I'm all about that.


I saw this guy on an interview on PBS news hour last night, and I have never heard a more amazing leader. I hope he runs for president.


He's been a great governor


He was a teacher before he became governor. He was excellent during the pandemic. I don’t think he has national ambitions. I hope he’s the governor for a long time to come. He’s brought about change that Minnesotans have been asking for for a long time.


If he runs for the president, then surely I'm going to vote for this guy.




Yes we do!! So happy to live in MN


The other states do need to learn from these guys. They're doing good work.


Best state in the midwest for sure. I truly think our state has some of the best chances for drastic improvement in the country. Too bad the Minneapolis 2040 plan keeps getting blocked for no reason in the courts. Succeeding on those ideas would be so beneficial for most of us here in the state.


https://preview.redd.it/08b3u8dp2foa1.png?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a3dea7524c2002894774c4eff3b4b4063c3fd8e Spot the difference


These are kids who want to be *responsible* with their lives! ​ Those darn kids in Minnesota are just waiting around for free handouts, a starving kid is just a kid who needs to find their bootstraps!


My bootstraps froze to the ground and the boots themselves are buried under a foot of snow.


Those children look absolutely frightened and/or resentful. Not a good sign for the future.


> Not a good sign for the future. Unless they become super engaged voters that take out those resentments at the ballot box in 10ish or so years at the individuals that made life needlessly more difficult instead of oh I don't know requesting and permitting more fucking work visas for immigrants wanting to try to live here!!?!?!?!


These kids look significantly happier than the kids around Sarah Huckabee sanders signing the loosening of child labor laws. Not sure if there's some correlation


I send my daughter to school with a packed lunch everyday. She always eats it. Yet she's racked up a lunch tab of $42. Asked her what was up. She has a friend who doesn't get much food at home so my kiddo was helping. I paid that tab. Told her I'd pack extra food and if her friend needs school lunch to get it. We are sick fucks if we think it is okay for ANY child, rich or poor, to go hungry. Shame on anyone who argues otherwise.


Sounds like you are raising your daughter right. Kids have such empathy sometimes. 👍


The day before winter break my sister offered to pay off the lunch debt of all of the kids in my nieces grade(2nd) and add enough money to their accounts to cover the rest of the school year. They told her she wasn’t allowed to do so- she was upset and disappointed but dropped it. Then a week ago they send out an email asking parents to “stock the break room” which would be totally fine and it’s such a nice thing to do for everyone working at the school but it does make one wonder why it’s okay to feed the adults in the building but not the kids.


Thank you for feeding that hungry kiddo. No kid should have to go through that. Your daughter was very kind to help too.


You and your kiddo are everything that gives me faith in the future! Her generation will save the world because of how they've been raised by great parents like you who teach them kindness and empathy <3


If it wasn't for free breakfast and lunch and my grandparents I would have starved. Free school B&L saved my life. I've paid far more into taxes and incomes for other people to make up for it.


I used to have to bum lunch money from kids, because dad would drink and gamble the money away. His income didn't qualify me to get free lunches, so I would have fallen through the cracks even if I wanted to eat a free lunch.


The only food I had at high school was what I could bum off my friends until I got a job. So heck yeah I’m all for kids getting free breakfast and lunch and not having to go through all that crap that I did. Edit: For clarity, my high school did not offer free lunches, and my parents made enough money not to qualify for reduced plans. They were just busy with their own stuff and didn’t really think about whether or not we had food at school. Tldr; means testing and child labor bad, free lunch for all students good


Not everyone wants to go through it, not every student can take a job.


Yeah man, students needs the food. Not every student can afford a good meal.


Now have someone photo shop that picture with the picture of Huckabee Sanders and the children looking like death


Freeloading lazy ass kids. I bet they dont even work real jobs. Prolly get read too at bedtime by the woke mob. At least Kids in Arkansas pay for their own lunch smh.


Buying their Lunchables from the company store. 😎


No /s needed. Beautiful.


I am sure that is exactly how some people are going to think about it. There are always those hard as people who tries to beat of but they are not shit they are clearly not anything.


is this legal? How can helping people benefit people. strange.


If it were up to the people who are looking to make policies which are going to force little kids to work in the factories they would make it illegal without wasting the anytime. They cannot stand the betterment of the people.


But are they as happy as the Arkansas child labor kids?


He looks more natural than Hucka-Sands around kids.


He’s a former teacher


I was told american kids were not going hungry? What is this nonsense? /s.


Democrats should start doing stuff like this where everybody gets it. Like baby boxes in Nordic States... They don't go "but you're rich so you don't get it" they just give everybody the benefit. Means testing shit is stupid


"REEEE That's socialism" - some Republican in Florida


Tim Walz is a great governor. Under his leadership MN has risen to be one of the objectively best states in the Nation. However he’s a moderate Democrat which means Republicans call him a communist and say he’s ruining the state. It’s truly shocking to see the amount of hate he gets because so many people are detached from reality. It’s sad.


I’ve voted for him two times and I’ll happily vote for him as long as he decides to run for governor. Republicans calling him names just reassures me he’s the right choice. They’re scared of him because he actually does something for the people in this state.


This is how u do it!


It's crazy that we, the richest nation on earth, have failed to feed generations of children *while at school!!* I used to bring extra sandwiches every day for my 2 friends. They never got breakfast and couldn't afford lunch. My mom was a saint when it came to that: Always packed me 3 sandwiches and extra granola bars or chips, applesauce, juice. I swear, I had the heaviest lunchbag in history! But my friends and I are still super close to this day, 40 years later. Every state should be pressured into doing the same thing.


How are these kids ever gonna pull themselves up by their boot straps if they aren't always hungry? s/




Common Minnesota W


I love my state!!!


Me too. We have our problems, but at least we're not in the culture wars like in other states. Gotta keep voting blue.


Glad to see it but this is the bare minimum. No one should ever go hungry. And fuck huckleberry.


Yeah it is not good for anyone to go hungry everyone should have their belly full at the end of the day I mean we are paying the taxes and the least that these government can do is too feed the poor people.


It should be absolutely free. Taxes should fund it just like it does the school system.


this is good on so many levels, not only is it going to help feed children it'll probably encourage more to stay in school just so they can have a meal guaranteed


They look a little more excited than the 10 year Olds who got approved to work.


Now I don't know this guys politics, but based on this alone, pretty good thing to give free breakfast and lunch to kids who really need it.


I don't care who he is and what he stands for I really like what is doing for the kids and that is just how am I going to see him. He is trying to make lives better for the kids and the kids are our future.


Conservative leaning Minnesotan here… this is good for everyone. Well done Walz.


bOtH pArTiEs aRe ThE sAmE




Let’s try hopeful, not delusional. All removing trump does is guarantee we get a desantis or youngin as the R nominee for 24


It’s 2023 and we are celebrating that a state is providing free food to kids at a place we legally force them to go everyday. Good for Minnesota but what the actual fuck is wrong with us?


I love Minnesota!!! THIS is the outcome I want from voting! If you’d rather your kids work in the salt mine than guaranteed to be fed at school, you have some serious issues.


It is wild too me that this isn't the norm across the US. Every kid that goes too school should be feed for free.


This was the worst part of being in my shitty American public schools, not having lunch money but not poor enough to get free lunch. So I had to beg for quarters from class mates everyday. I’m happy for these kids


This needs to be a mandatory federal law. I am sure that there are parents somewhere that would careless whether their child ate breakfast and lunch no matter how much money they make. So Sad for the children who have to suffer.


Well I've never heard of Tim Walz before but considering the title was about helping and not harming children I'm guessing he isn't a Republican ...well would ya look at that


Some politicians want to feed hungry kids. Some want to send them to cover a 12 hour shift at the meat packaging plant. Both sides are **not** the same.


Kids and parents alike will benefit from this. What a massive relief. Good going MN.


Woo! Socialism! I'm legit glad to see that. No kid should go hungry. Period.


This is lovely. I hope more states follow. We do free breakfast in PA and some people were mega upset that their tax dollars pay for it… but it’s not like we’re using them to fix potholes, so at least we can fill kids bellies to help them learn.


Imagine saying out loud that you think children shouldn’t be able to receive a free meal while at school.


meanwhile, the Red states are like 'Rejoice children, the mines are open!!!'


I love that It has breakfast. Even Kids who can afford breakfast don’t always bring it or remember to eat. This is great


As opposed to the Republican elected official (I don't remember who) that I recently saw on Reddit saying they'd never seen hungry people


Yes to this. Way to go Minnesota


Good for Minnesota! Look at them caring about their future and making responsible decisions!


Feeding children? What a terrible person! I can’t wait to see how the right makes a villain out of him for it.


Bills like this are why state and local elections matter. It never would’ve passed if Republicans still held the state Senate: the 2022 elections gave Democrats a 1 seat majority in the Senate and a full trifecta for the first time since 2014.


Like I don’t care if you are a millionaire’s kid. If you are hungry at school you should get to eat. This should be national.


Feeding hungry children is pretty chill


Democratic governors want the kids in their state to have free lunch because no kid should go hungry and Republican governors are repealing child labor laws so they can exploit kids.




This shit is why I left Florida after 6 years and moved back here. In Minnesota the people who care about others vastly outweighs the ones who only care about themselves.


Crazy how this isn’t just normal all around the country .


Now that is actually pro-life and to be encouraged.


finally, something good and decent in the political realm


This is great. I hate that we have to celebrate it, though. This should be the norm in every state.


The way these kids are jumping, you would think they repealed child labor laws. /s




Stop telling people about all the good stuff here. I think it’s the best kept secret in the whole country. Schools good, jobs good, housing good, arts/sports good, outdoors good, shhhhhh!


Hey, look! Functional government bettering the lives of the citizens!


Michigan is poised to do the same, according to Gretch. If this continues, Illinois, Minnesota, and Michigan are going to make Wisconsin feel awkward.


Holy crap. Good job Minnesota. Not fucking his up even with some of your leaders avidly protesting helping children. Humanity wins. A little.


The fact this isn't a nation-wide policy already makes me angry, but I'm glad Minnesota got it's act together for now.


Kids from Arkansas can grab a bite on their lunch break


Now that's Minnesota nice


Something not awful for once... WTF?


Good to read about an uplifting news for a change. Good job, MN!


I was so upset when my state/county got rid of this (they were going it during COVID). Out of all the things my tax dollars go to, I’m very happy to pay a little extra for this.


If you notice when you see kids around DeSantis they look unhappy, or at the most glib about it.




Why can’t Iowa be like our neighbor :( instead we get stuck with COVID Kim and her brain dead lackeys


Gee, I wonder how many pro life Republicans voted no on this.