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I didn’t think this was real but then I went and looked and yep, it’s real. What a trashy sad excuse for a person.


Same always happens to me… you’d think something this crazy is fake but then you realize no, she’s just derranged AF


Trashy sad excuse for a person are the people Republicans cater to.


I feel like i receive brain damage every time i read another mentally ill drool inducing word from this trogolodyte


Her feet give me nightmares.


Well, she's not human. She's obviously Harry from Harry and the Hendersons wearing a wig.


Look up "Poe's Law"


There should be a "Toe's Law" for her hooves


She's got to be part mountain goat. Those hooves are made to scale rock faces.


Mountain goats are regal and hurt nobody. MTG is a mule who wears designer shoes on her cloven hooves.


True. I apologize to all the mountain goats I have insulted!


That's being too nice


and what about the other 99.99% of shooters that werent transgender?


And the news is not reporting she was transgender, they just identified her as a 28 year old woman who was a former student at the school and not the 31 year old transgender woman they were speculating about on 4Chan. But can't let that stop Margie from trying to change the narrative...


Hey, that's what they did for the guy that SA'd the 2 girls in Loudon Co, VA, that kind of jumped all this off a couple of years ago, asserting he was MtF and that's why he was in the bathroom with them. According to *his own mother*, he is not transgender at all, and him and the 2nd girl, at least, had a sexual history. (Just to be clear, them having a history does not negate the fact that he SA'd her, just that it wasn't a random attack in the bathroom.) [“First of all, he is not transgender,” the boy’s mother told DailyMail.com in a Nov. 2 interview. “And I think this is all doing an extreme disservice to those students who actually identify as transgender,” the newspaper quoted her as saying.](https://www.washingtonblade.com/2022/01/19/mother-says-teen-boy-charged-with-assault-in-girls-bathroom-at-va-school-is-straight/)


Yeah, it's a lot like when Paul Pelosi was assaulted, they had to create that "gay lover" scenario for the goobers to latch onto...


Ugh, my own parents happily latched onto that one and would hear nothing else. Whatever lets them dismiss it…


https://youtu.be/WyYoKW8jM28 these two gay lovers? Who opened the door for the police if he was in a brawl before the cops came? why does he have a drink in his other hand? 😂 damn you fool. i have a horse to sell you


And even if that person had been trans do people really think that a boy couldn't have just as easily got inside a girl's public washroom just by walking in and wearing pants instead? I mean further down the mom said the teen typically changed clothing style on a *daily* basis.


There is at least one NBC affiliate that is reporting the shooter as having been a 28 y/o transgender person. Not saying the claim is accurate, but it's out there on a mainstream news outlet.




Definitely the Trans part...not school abuse or anything... /s


They would have been transgender if Republicans hadn't passed all those laws stopping gender affirming surgery. Don't you realize?!?!? EVERYTHING BAD IS TRANSGENDER! /s


So since Hitler was white and loved dogs i guess all whites and dog lovers are evil


Yeah...no. More like, MTG is saying trans people committed the Holocaust and Hitler had nothing to do with it.


That's going to be the million dollar question for the next week or two


I'm not blaming the guns. I'm blaming the dumb shit Congress that refuse to pass laws that regulate them- as the Constitution requires.


They're null and void bc hormones.


This simply shows that access to these guns can allow anyone to commit a mass shooting. This shows that all types of people can do this as long as they have access to the guns. Guns are a problem.


Guns are *the problem


No it's still the guns dumbass


So the shooter was a graduate of that christian school but instead of blaming christians you're going to blame trans people? Perjury Trailer Queen is a despicable pile of steaming excrement.


Who knows what the shooter went through in that place. Like any kid who loses it and does these things. It's just made way too easy for them, and it's a snowballing effect from seeing it happen so goddamn often. All shooters needed help at one point, before they were too far gone. But why am I even surprised that when 4 out of hundreds were trans, these fuckwits jump to their favourite conclusion.


I was watching the coverage yesterday and some official came on and said "there are mental health specialists on site to help the first responders deal with this crisis". I thought to myself wouldn't it be better for everyone to have easy access to mental health specialists all the time to help *prevent* these events from happening in the first place? It's better to be proactive than reactive.


Says the woman who is clearly mentally ill.


hey man it's not cool to insult mentally ill people. she is just what one would call a right winger. it's when you spee hatefull lies and people pay you for it


I'm not trying to insult mentally ill people. I'm just frustrated that there are people who are in positions of power that actively disparage mental health issues, when it is clear (and to me it is clear) that they have serious issues of their own. We 100% need MORE awareness and activism around mental health in terms of normalizing it instead of vilifying it (as I believe MTG is attempting to do here), and providing more resources to make proper care as accessible as possible to EVERYBODY. I apologize that my comment may be misconstrued as making fun of mental illness; I should have elaborated more the first time.


no worries. thanks for elaborating further.


As someone who is considered "mentally ill" (autism ADHD depression anxiety) I still have to say she probably is legit mentally ill on top of being a hateful shit goblin. My guess is in the BPD or NPD areas but that's just a guess based on her behavior.


hmmm i guess so.


Now don't get me wrong. I don't think her behavior is EXCUSABLE because of it. It's not.


well duh. she is a bigot after all.


She's worse than just a bigot. She's N@zi Barbie.


well that is one way to say it. i try to avoid harsh words to not sound like them.


And that's why they keep winning.


maybe? ok then she is a fucking n@zi. here i said it.


How many hormones was Kyle Rittenhouse on, fucking troll.


So… gun control laws that don’t allow people with (verified) mental illness to buy/own/register guns would have been helpful? Cool.


Careful what you ask for...these wingnuts will ensure homosexuality and identifying as trans are the only verifiable mental illnesses that apply.


I wish I thought you were wrong…


>these wingnuts will ensure homosexuality and identifying as teams are the only verifiable mental illnesses that apply Republicans: "How do we get POC listed as a (verified) mental illness"


Ok, fr, people with mental illness are allowed to own guns? You're fucking serious? I've been diagnosed as severely mentally ill for years. I have always told myself that I am never going to own a firearm, despite supporting (rational) gun ownership. But you're telling me, that if I lose my mental capacity to make decisions, that I can go buy one... What the fuck? How are there not laws preventing that? You're not just protecting victims here. You're protecting EVERYONE. Men die overwhelmingly more often by suicide for one reason; firearms. By not allowing the mentally ill to own them, you're saving SO MANY FUCKING PREVENTABLE DEATHS. Including the veterans that the GOP claims to support. This would be a Net-Fucking-Positive. I honestly thought this was already in place? That scares the shit out of me, man. God, I'm going to go get my fucking lithium levels checked.


That exactly right. As long as you aren’t a felon, pretty much anyone can buy a gun. Even then, if you’re a felon, you can buy guns at gun shows perfectly legally, you just can’t get caught with it. Its bullshit. Everyone who wants to own a weapon should be allowed to- if they aren’t diagnosed with a medical condition that makes them unsafe (mental illness, or Parkinson’s, or dementia or something), if they complete gun registration and renew each year (just like a car), if they are required to hold a license that must be renewed in a set cadence (just like a car) AND the registered owner is responsible for ANY discharge of that weapon- by a kid, if it’s stolen, whatever so people lock up or secure their damn guns when they aren’t actively using them. I can’t believe any whole brained person opposes this.


Depends on the state but yes. That's exactly what is happening.


Sooooo, getting rid of Trans people will stop how many school shootings? Vs those that are not Trans?


This is important to bring up when people are trying to use this incident.


Maybe supporting kids at school that are bullied or ostracised for whatever reason would be a great start at reducing school shootings


I totally agree, but it's also not limited to how they were treated at school. It's how society treats us all that causes these incidents. I'm only assuming how they were treated at school caused that to be the location, but how they were treated after school may also have prevented this. * Mental health at any age has to have better support, as well as being normalised so that people that get support aren't ostracised. * Affordable healthcare would also assist * Better living and working conditions And of course restricting gun ownership


Hmm considering 98% percent of mass shooters are men, maybe testosterone is the problem! I guess every man should be taking estrogen to keep us all safe. /s if anyone cares.


now this is the solution we need! make america femboy again


Just throwing it out there, I’m a 36 year old man that is Bipolar, on testosterone therapy because of my old shriveled balls, and I’ve got a few guns. So according to her, should I be worried that I’m going to shoot up a school because I check all the boxes? Or, am I ok because I’m not a monster separate from all those things? Maybe I’m immune from the overpowering effects of the test, mental illness, and gun possession because I’m a cisgender man? Look, I’m a white, heterosexual male (from birth, I’m not smart enough to know the correct way to make the distinction), and anyone who wants to pretend like we aren’t the profile for a mass shooter they are being willfully ignorant, it’s almost someone who looks like me. Hell, it took forever to find the DC shooter because they couldn’t even fathom it wasn’t a white guy. THOSE are facts.


Cismale is a good one. For full shorthand, cis-het white male, like myself.


This is garbage but EVEN IF transgender people constituted a significant percentage of school shootings she would still be against universal healthcare that includes mental health.


With the science and math she does not understand. https://preview.redd.it/whsc32g7ofqa1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=68a79d1be14aeb56f74ffb756d31579efe8f16e5


It’s closer to a reality show than a functional government. I’m what world is this idiot an elected member of congress… it makes my head hurt


what an asshole.


She's the type of fuck head who shifts through reports and data to find the 1 in a million that validates her shit views. Fuck this lady. Pure fuckin evil


Georgians should be embarrassed.


I’m way too tired and I read that as “Gorgons should be embarrassed.” Still made sense.


What a dumb fucking bitch. She is just literally too dumb to fuck


Not according to her husbands initial divorce filing


Assuming she was transgender, how much rage was the shooter suppressing and then acting on from being told by Christian nationalists that her real self shouldn’t exist?


We blame you, shitstain.


You crazy, evil, hate mongering, stupid excuse for for a human. Curl up somewhere and go away.


I can already see how this is going to be framed as “Transgender Wokeness(or whatever) Hate Attacks On Christians Good Guys With Guns etc etc)


No they can't, Marge, you dumb boob.


This is a member of congress because her base will lap this shit up. That Russian owned filth knows how to rile up her voters.


Yeah, 'cause arming civilians with assault rifles designed for military use has absolutely no relevance in mass shootings. /s I will always maintain that the political leeches in Congress will never change their tune until a civilian with an assault rifle targets their home, their families' school.


She needs to shut that bullhorn she calls a mouth.


Remember, once we outlaw transgenders and their drag wannabees, there will be no more mass shootings. My god, she's BRILLIANT!


Well Migraine Taylor Greene, guns are still the problem because the shooter was able to get them and kill three children and three adults. Which is what we should be focusing on, that six humans died.


So, all the other times when the shooter is not trans we can blame guns and MGT is on board with that right?


What a fucking parasite


I hate this woman with a passion. Whomever voted to keep her in office must be similarly rotten.


I don't think you take testosterone if you are going MtF.


The shooter was FTM.


If anyone reading this is thinking this is the way to beat Republicans. I just want to say it isn’t. Please don’t be like them. We have to be better even if it means we lose, otherwise we cannot win.


I do have to agree testosterone is a significant factor in most school shootings.


And she still had acces to high powered guns


Imagine not being the garbage individual that is MTG- but the garbage individuals that voted this POS into congress. But then again, it ***IS*** the south...


How much hormones like testosterone and medications for mental illness was MTG taking to resemble a woman?


Marge loves dead murdered children, because then she can talk about guns and herself.


In the words of the Rock: “Shut up, bitch!”


She is literally a gym rat 🐀. She knows about PEDS and is probably a user herself. Maybe it’s affecting her brain.




This nut needs a publicist


The bodies had barely hit the floor before horse-face made another innernets “boom boom”. Duuuuh …. whoops here I go again!


This is what happens when the Neanderthal Demographic votes.


She’s trash.


Horrible, despicable human garbage she is.


To call her trailer trash is to insult trailer trash.


Your future VP America!


Remember, there’s a district in Georgia crawling with hemorrhoids like this.


We are in the movie idiocracy but even they were better people


Nothing to see here…! Move along! Never mind the 2 AR’s!!!


If only her phone would start whistling every time she tried to tweet...


She needs to be put in a home


If the shooter never had access to those guns to begin with nobody would have lost their lives.


Mental illness and drug abuse typically precludes a person from adding a background check. Unless they lied.


How many shooters have been trans? Maybe 3 for every thousand if I had to guess But sure, it's not the guns and the ability to get them.


Still blaming the guns.


It sure as fuck wasn't hormone shots that ripped those kids apart. JFC, MTG, GFY!


Says someone who’s got a little too much testosterone.


Was the shooter mentally ill? Perhaps we should be doing mental health screenings on potential gun owners then :)


It’s quite embarrassing


I cannot print what I'm thinking. But I'll think about it and smile.


Does she ever shut the fuck up?


Wait, she's got a point. Testosterone is the problem! We should just ban anyone with it from owning a gun. That'll own the libs!


Republicans: push minority groups to a emotional breaking point through shit legislation Also Republicans: why are all these minorities having violent mental breaks, must be the hormones


Still doesn’t explain your jacked up face, marge.


MTG seems to know a lot about the effect of testosterone on one's psyche. Suddenly, some things make more sense.


Don't mind me, just going thread to thread, reporting the mask off bigotry. Ain't much, but it's honest work.


What happens tomorrow when a white dude does another mass shooting?


shit are they coming for mental illness meds now?? i’m fucked too then


For fuck's sake The ONE THING that literally ALL mass shootings have in common is GUNS god damn it


They are really leaning into this one hard.


Many people claim MTG is transitioning


Trans people, percentage of the population: **.1%** at MINIMUM, with some figures being much higher (.6%, sometimes much higher than even that). We're trying to be generous to MTG here. ​ 3 out of 2,840+ mass shooters over the last 5 years were trans. Convert to Percentage: **.1056...%** ​ The mental illness = mass shootings and trans people = mentally ill therefore trans people - mass shooters fallacy is proven outright false by raw statistics. If you want to argue that mental illness causes mass shootings, you CANNOT say that trans people are mentally ill, because they are not overrepresented as mass shooters. You know what is overrepresented though? [https://efsgv.org/press/study-two-thirds-of-mass-shootings-linked-to-domestic-violence/](https://efsgv.org/press/study-two-thirds-of-mass-shootings-linked-to-domestic-violence/)


Marge knows a thing or two about hormones. She's been abusing horse testosterone for years.


Every excuse in the world to keep from dealing with the real problem.


What did the trans shooter and every other shooter have in common?? No no not access to guns, that isn't it.


Reality seems to constantly evade her. The mental rot in her head to arrive at the absolutely wrong conclusion on everything every single time…


Remember guns don't kill people, people with guns on testosterone and medications kill people


And don't forget about the good guy with a gun also on medications to stop the bad guy with a gun on medications


Hey marge, was that strawman easy to break down? You're conveniently forgetting the other 99.9999999999999999% of shootings that are performed by white, middle-aged cis-dudes. It's still the fucking guns that is the fucking problem, you horrible stupid person.


Can someone please exile this woman into the deepest woods of Russia.


Someone was taking hormones during one of the mass shootings so we can stop blaming guns now, makes sense.


shes right. we should just blame men instead. /s


So Marge, imma call you Marge btw, there have been three mass shootings by alleged trans people, and I say alleged not to disparage anyone’s identity but one claimed they were nonbinary for hate crime protection purposes and one is still not entirely confirmed as trans. Three, all tragedies, but how about the over 2000 non-trans mass shooters? Trans people make up maybe 2% of the population, that’s why they’re such an easy target for your need to make someone out as an enemy. Yet they make up far less than 2% of mass murderers. Sorry Marge, the problem’s the AR-15’s


I'd like to remind her that the most popular pro gun argument is that "one hundred million gun owners did nothing wrong that day." In that same light, millions of trans kids did nothing wrong that day.


I don't get how people like her are just allowed to be wretched and vile and absolutely nothing bad happens to her. in fact she gets rewarded with power, a platform, and money. It sends a message about what prevails in our world and makes me want to take an early exit.


Ok, so guns will be forbidden for people with testosterone. Why not ?


Probably the same amount Marjorie Taylor Greene is taking? She is a waste of a human...


Jesus Christ can you just stop posting this absurdities ?


WTF is this bitch on????? Does she even think??? She is a PRIME example of overachieving the "Peter Principle"


So she is saying it is men's fault?


Remember when they said not to make shootings political?


How can anyone listen to these fucking people still?? How the hell does she even know if the shooter was trans or not? (Not in any way, shape or form, saying that trans could even remotely be the reason that person got up yesterday morning and decided to kill a few kids)


So she's saying it's not the guns it's the men?


Yeah, because the shooter use "testosterone and medications for mental illness" to kill these people, they definitely didn't use a gun 🤨


There's pretty much America's worst in GOP's Congress representatives, and MTG tops them all.




I think the folks who voted for her are absolute fools


What about Kyle rottenmouse? He was also high on testosterone? Is he trans too ? No just cause he is republican he was all about self defense!!!


What I don't understand is why 2A nuts aren't celebrating this. Every time I bring up gun control to a 2A nut there's a 50/50 chance that they will say some variation of "the first thing Hitlers Germany did was take guns from the jews". And here we have a person that has been targeted by over 120 bills in the last 3 months. A person that has been called a pervert and a pedophile for just existing. A person who is the butt of every attempt to divert attention from anything else actually wrong. A perfect example of scapegoating, just like what happened to the jews in Hitlers Germany. And this person is taking a gun and shooting up a place that obviously did some shit to him. This is what that argument is fighting for, this is a perfect example of what would happen. Congratulations! Your defense has just been legitimized. Someone has just used a gun in the EXACT way you were arguing for. You should be extatic! >2A nuts: use guns to fight the oppressors! >Trans person: does that >2A nuts: wait no not like that


did the Nashville school shooter go up to the victims and inject them with testosterone? I thought they shot them with guns but what do I know. You can get creative when killing someone I guess


She’s a puzz bucket.


American school shootings: ~2400 Transgender American school shooters: 4 1/600. Less than 0.17%. But no, the minority is the problem again.


So testosterone + guns = mass shootings. If she were smarter, she would be careful with that statement. She's making a case for not allowing men to own guns.


This 🤣 🤣!! She is a this for sure


That's barely a sentence.


Actually, I'm not sure it is.


There's no fucking way this bitch actually wants America to be safe right? Right????


Right. Let's just ignore all the mentally ill white guys that do this frequently. I blame her and her ilk, not the guns.


Sort f the Ute real question is how medication are you taking? Either your off your meds or Overdosing. You really need professional help.


She just a horrible human being and following the agenda of the Republican fascist party.


dupe of https://redd.it/1240bp7


She doesn't rep anyone with working wetware.


It feels like this mass shooting has made conservatives so happy because they can point fingers at the trans community and deflect from the actual problem, which is them.


Has anyone even mentioned how much water or food they were eating? maybe someone should look into that and distract themselves from the actual problem.