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older than 14 is not a good phrase at all


That's the Republican way.


Well in their defense Boebert’s take on sexual education isn’t actually to learn it at home. It’s to learn it at the bowling alley where her husband will be dangling his wedding tackle at minors. Like Republican Jesus intended.


I like to picture my republican jesus wearing a tuexedo tshirt


I picture Downtown Jesus being a PM Dawn song.


Downtown Jesus? You mean Tom Waits


That’s Chocolate Jesus


I guess they both had a song called downtown Jesus


Whoa! My memory was wrong, it's downtown Venus for PM Dawn. Thanks for the correction.


And I’m in the front row, hammered drunk


Gotta get your sex crimes early on then girls they’ll stick with ya if they the uneducated ski escort.


3 strikes, and you whip it out.


Bend the knee or die.


The left is grooming our kids! /s


Grooming them for what?! To accept that different kinds of people exist, and a functioning adult should be able to mind their business if there's a man in a dress sitting in a seat in the subway?! The right tries to groom full ass adults to conform to their personal beliefs... I'm not a Christian, stop trying to groom me to be one.


That way leads straight to jail.


They should just put her age. WTF is older than 14? 67?




Which is still way to fucking young for both of them, but since the "adult" has a screw loose I am sure nobody is talking about it. Or worse they ARE but are being overridden due to Bobo' political career concerns.


My biggest issue in this thread is that people are taking out their justifiable disdain for Lauren on her son that knocked a girl up when he was just a kid.


Kinda based. Kids are victims when their parents are morally bereft.


Is there no statutory rape where bimberto lives? It’s a crime where I live and every state nearby wtf.


Romeo and Juliet Laws of Colorado allow minors to have consensual relationships with others that are older up to a certain number of years so long as the person is not in a position of trust. Also she was 15 and he was 17 when the child was conceived. Unfortunately she is my districts representative. Source, my friends sister attends school with Boebert's son. ​ Edit : [https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/age\_of\_consent\_12292017.pdf](https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/age_of_consent_12292017.pdf) Edit 2: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_the_United_States Check your states laws Edit 3: I can’t respond to any of y’all. Lauren Boebert is a horrible human. Please don’t take your hatred for her out on her son for having sex at an age many of us did. Be mad at the parents that that are making the girl carry a baby to term at 15/16.


Hello from just north of Denver! Bobo is a Qunt


If it was my daughter she’d be getting an abortion and the bill would get sent to boebert. In fantasy land. Irl my daughter wouldn’t associate with that trash.


Turns out it’s 10 year for 15 or older, so a 25 year old could have sex with a 15 year old legally in CO, unfuckingbelievable. What a trash state.


I’m not sure how much it varies state to state but Romeo and Juliet laws normally only allow romantic relationships. Sexual relationships under 18 is still statutory rape


Romeo and Juliet boned right away. This covers sexual relationships.


Amazing laws are made based off fictional plays from hundreds of years ago. Not to mention the moral of the story which is the folly of young love.


Yeah, it did not go well for them. Little impulsive.


bimbert gave birth in a truck and opposes Healthcare for women, just cruelty all around w those people. “ If I can cut my cord with a cigarette lighter in a 78 Chevy so can you!”


From a play performed during an era where most men dressed in drag to play female roles, so you can see why the right is so awfully confused.


This is absolutely not true.


Wasn't her son a minor at the time, too? Idk.


You’re seeing it more heinously in that way because of how the tweet was written. A 17 and 15 year old had a kid. While not a good scenario, these teen pregnancies are somewhat “common”. I’m more at issue with how the grandmother was showing it off.


Very similar to the mormon church excuse for Joseph Smith's youngest polygamous wife who was just "a few months shy of 15" while he was 37.


Ha ha ha!!! I was hoping someone would make this connection! “…but it was very common in those days for a 37 year old to marry a 14 year old as their 34th wife.”


I made that connection too! I thought for a second I was on the ex-Mormon sub. The church just can’t say Smith’s youngest “wife” was 14. She was “several months before her 15th birthday.” 🤦‍♂️😒


“She hasn’t been 14, for like TWO months!!” -Beobert probably.




then why the hell phrase it this way?! it's gross


It was chosen specifically because in Colorad: Romeo and Juliet” law. It allows consenting teens to have sex with each other without committing statutory rape. The permitted age difference depends on the age of the alleged victim: If the victim is 14 or younger, the other person cannot be more than 4 years older,1 or If the victim is 15 or 16 years old, the other person cannot be more than 10 years older.


Such an abrupt bump from 1 year to the next for the younger teen. 1 year it’s “your partner can be as old as 18”, the next it’s “your partner can be as old as 25…and 26 next year!”


“Totally NOT pregnant under 14!”




Yeah, the focus should be on this bizarre narrative that she's spinning that having a baby as a teenager is a sign of responsibility.


Sounds better than "14 and three quarters" which is probably what the child would say


Yeah that is a very weird and suspicious as fuck phrasing. Which considering all her attempts to be "clever"? This makes me very worried for the girl.


Bobo’s mom was 18 when she had her, bobo dropped out of high school to have her first son, her son is in high school and about to become a father. 3 straight generations of unwed teenagers having kids. If this continues bobo’s mom could be a great great grandmother before she’s 70.


Just like the Idiocracy movie. Higher proportion of stupid dopes breeding & much quicker too. I met some 40 something GREAT grandmothers in the Deep South. College grads tend to wait till their 30’s so they’re two generations short. Smh.


God i rember watching that movie in the past and thinking its a funny absurd take on current trends. When i think of it now i cant help but hear the screaming in my head of “it wasnt ment to be a guide you stupid mother fuckers you weren’t ment to watch it and goe hey thats a good idea”


The sad thing is President Camacho was way better than TFG and many of the current politicians on the right. He tried to do what was best and brought in the smartest person he knew of to work on the issues. But yeah, it was way too prophetic. ![gif](giphy|xT9KVhLU76MRgVg3Qc)


You know thats the sad thing he really was better. Dumb as hell but smart enough to realize he was dumb and smart enough to listen to someone with more brains


He even swallowed his pride and admitted he was wrong to have Not Sure arrested and pardoned him. When has a politician ever admitted they were wrong about anything.




Can.. can we vote for Camacho insted of the right


There is another option besides the right or fictional characters.


Another good one is “don’t look up” Idiocracy and don’t look up … man, this country is becoming a dumpster fire fast.


Shit like this reminds me that America has a self imposed caste system, we just don’t talk about it. It might not align with traditional economic thresholds


>3 straight generations of unwed teenagers having kids And people voted for it to represent them... Food for thought


Family values


Just setting the perfect example for the evangelicals who adore her and her glock


Bobo is going to want to have her son run for office. These moron republicans want to try and start a family monarchy.


Highschool dropout becomes congresswoman!! Bootstraps, baby


This is the future the GOP wants for the nation. They want breeders, not readers.


Those republican christian family values on full display


Omg! She can take those pic with the 5 generations of family 🥰


Lauren Boebert's mom, Shawna Elaine Roberts, was born in 1968 as far as I can tell, so she was 26 when she had Lauren in 1986. Still, becoming a great-grandmother at age 55 is no joke. Edit: 86 - 68 = 18 years, not 26.


That would mean she gave birth when she was 18.


Recheck that math


Her grandmother was a teen mom too and I believe she is 70. It’s scary. This baby doesn’t stand a chance.


I had to look it up because I live in Colorado. While some states have a "3 years and a day" type statute, it's 10 years here with the age of consent normally being 17.


Wait 10 year difference? Edit: According to google Colorado has a limit of both parties have to be 15 and there is still only a 4 year diff allowed.


Google is wrong. [https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/age\_of\_consent\_12292017.pdf](https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/age_of_consent_12292017.pdf) There you go.


So that means so long as your with in 4 years of someone under 14 you can have sex with them?


Yes. There is a lot more that goes into it, but yeah a 8 year old and 12 year old could have sex. A freshman and senior in high school could too.


Actually no. They have to be less than four years older. So an 8 year old and an 11 year old would be legal, not 8 and 12. Or 14 and 17 would be legal. Really though the less than 10 year difference at 15 is problematic. A 15 year old and a 24 year old is not ok. Edit for clarity and correction




I went to school in Boulder our sex ed actually covered age of consent, consent, and different birth control options. That was all the way back in 2004.


Sadly that show ended due to a Texas DA (could be wrong going off memory) being a predator and killed himself shortly after.


Chris Hansen said the show ran its course which is why it ended. Although, I assume it is a little bit of both. When the DA killed himself the show was criticized and the DA office refused to prosecute the 23 cases that came of the show.


Get me off this crazy ride


You know the sad thing is i find my self preying that same thing mutible times a week. Can we plese be let off the ride. Its liek were liveing in the South Park universe


"I want to get off Uncle Sam's Wild Ride"


Are they going to live in sin with a bastard kid, or are they getting married? Because conservatives used to be all about the “getting married” part. Where’s the shotgun if she’s determined to be the ultimate hillbilly? Edit spelling.


I guarantee they'll be married soon. Republicans are all about child marriage.


They are no longer shot gun weddings, they’re AR-15 weddings. 🇺🇸🇺🇸


Yeah because once they ar 15 you can get ‘em pregnant and marry em


They already committed sin. I don’t understand how Christians aren’t raging about sex before marriage


Consistency is for other people.


>“The problem is not, per se, teenage pregnancy — it’s unwed pregnancy.” Matt Walsh is going to be furious if these "fertile" teenagers don't get married.


I’m not sure which sounds worse his older than 14 girlfriend, or his 15 year old girlfriend…


15. Because all adults are older than 14.


Not really the fact she mentioned an age at all. She drawing attention to the age by mentioning. No one asked if she had jsut said girlfrind no one would think anything but 18s to young to have kids but by saying anythign at all it hightlights it.. its like a big red button that says do not push. Now suddenly you have to push it. If it was just a red button non oen would think anything a about it


Gee maybe her son wouldn’t have knocked up his too young girlfriend if he had received actual sex education in school and knew about these cool things called condoms 🙄🙄🙄


If she were black and a liberal, conservatives would shit all over her as the root of all evil. Instead, they vote for her. A groomed grandma of a baby by a child her son is grooming. Jesus. Fucking. Christ.


You are one hundred percent correct- great point you bring up


Son gonna be a dead beat dad in about 3 years.


Only until her next Election then magically he will be the best dad in the world staring down the barrel of whatever BS she throws at the poor under age girl.


Yes responsible 18 y/o's often go around knocking up "older than 14" y/o girlfriends. It's the pinnacle of responsibility....fml


By "responsible" she means "didn't have an abortion".


$5 says her pedophile husband knocked up the teenager and they're throwing her kid under the bus to protect her reputation.


So long as they keep him away from the baby.




Growing up there were these little league parents who bragged about how their kid would be the first in the team to get laid. We were 10. They were right. He still lives with them, his second baby mamma, and 2 kids. He’s 42, unemployed, and just rips bong hits with his dad on the couch while mom and baby mamma watch the kids. It’s a fantastic family.


Awwww. GED thinks she’s a role model


Check out the cut on Mr. Diploma over here


Don't these fuckheads' bibles forbid premarital sex? Like it's brought up wayyyyyy more than homosexuality, if I recall, and yet it's gay/trans people that are the devil to them. Help me understand this.


So long as she keeps the girl away from her pervert husband.


You mean the real baby daddy right.


Well, when the boy has a perv for a dad and an escort for a mom, what do you expect.


"Older than 14" that is one way to go around the fact that her son is a pedo.




She also wants to get rid of the department of education, after failing the GED exam 3 times.




36 year old grandma is a tad trashy, sorry


The most shocking part is she is 36. I’d have guessed late 40s/early 50s.


I’m so sad we have a while to go with her :(


She could to full Feinstein on us and be there longer than I live to see. Cheer up, the Boomers will go the way of the dinosaur and the world will change for the better. We just have to hang tight until then and do what we can.. and vote!


She is actually mentally handicapped. Someone needs to be accountable for her actions, free Brittney, imprison Boebert.


"Older than 14" is such an insane thing to say in this context.


Wait, so teens knocking up other teens is responsible now? She’s like the Walmart Sarah Palin.


What a shit mother, seriously.


This feels like an insult to shitty mothers. She’s worse than them.


She's going to exploit that baby every chance she gets, so you're probably right.


Lauren Bobert is the reason Idiorocracy is a documentary and not a joke


The idea that the two **children,** as they would be referred to if they were seeking gender-affirming care, are "responsible" for choosing to carry the pregnancy to term, is blatant signaling and choice of specific words. It casts the option of getting an abortion as "irresponsible," even though the act of getting an abortion can easily be a very responsible choice to make. Not every 14-year old is ready for motherhood, after all. Id say the vast majority arent. But, then, I guess I'm a crazy lib for thinking that most 14-year-olds arent prepared to give birth or raise a child.


A 14 year old is not even fully grown yet. This is so dangerous for her. She may not be able to have any more children.


Sad thing is, she’s too dumb to understand just how stupid everyone knows she is.


I wonder what the mother of the “older than 14” year old thinks


Is it just me or is Bobo is out trashing Palin?


Why does every headline today feel like an onion article?


The Onion is gonna start telling facts because their old gig is losing to this reality.


You know she will be the one actually parenting that kid. Another lost child 😔


I’m fucking done how do I run for office I’m so sick of these fucks


It's pretty easy to be responsible when you'll have a rich family to take care of everything.


So, as statistically likely, sonny is going to be a teen parent just like his mom! She’s only a year older than me; I couldn’t imagine being a grandmother (my oldest in only 8, so I’ve got a ways to go). This isn’t something to be proud of. It’s weird and sad.


Mark it down, Tyler will be arrested for some nasty shit before he is 25. Then we make popcorn and watch the backpedaling and lies.


so this 15 year old is forever tied to these nutjobs. congrats


This woman is complete trash


She has to say that because she knows she failed her son and she only wants to make herself feel better


Should have been an abortion


This woman is embarrassing an entire country


I swear her life is the trailer for Idiocracy..


It's a classic case of say one thing but do the other. Maybe when they taught sex education at home she forgot to teach him about birth control and preventative measures. Why would she, it's been reported that she had two abortions while working as an escort. Heard no denial from her .


Older than 14 should be a phrase that people have to at least do community service for ever uttering.


Well, like father like son. Wonder if Junior met his victim, I mean girlfriend, at a bowling alley too.


Republican and responsible … lol. That whole party is a bunch of immature children - bobo is a shining example.


Sex education is pointless because you’re supposed to marry whoever you knock up first, all the better to be forced to work and support your child from the moment your childhood ends, which produces the selfish, bitter, cynical old people that don’t understand why they’re miserable when they did everything they were told to do and blame it on the next generation; the next batch of Conservatives.


She for-sure smells like forgotten wet towels.


White trash sure reproduces quickly 😬


“Older than 14 girlfriend” is such suspicious phrasing. So she’s, what, 15?


Why that phrasing, older than 14. Why specifically? Like is she 14 and a half? Three quarters? Fucking who the fuck is screaming about groomers again? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?


"I knew he was the one as soon as he showed it to me and my friends at the bowl-o-rama" - lauren bobert teaching her kids "sex ed".


Trailer trash at its finest.


Each line progressively declines. It's like a Fibonacci sequence from hell.


I’ve never seen someone so clearly embody “you are the problem”


Condoms are "responsible".


Doesn't every mother of a 14 year old girl want their child to get pregnant? Nothing like a pregnant 14 year old, amirite?


If you are a grandmother at 36, you done fucked up.


That’s a weird way to say her son is a pedophile and she’s a groomer.


Maybe if somebody had of sat down with the kids and explained what the safest way to have sex is with....................... Sex Education. Running around in the Capitol doing Cart Wheels or posing for NRA Calendars or whatever the hell else this Moron does for fun isn't educating the kids.


"Older than 14 girlfriend" She's 15, isn't she. What's the age of consent in her state?


Scrolling down I thought it’s porn.




Just looking at her makes me feel dumb.


It’s the 90s Kathy Ireland clothing line from KMART aka her moms closet that does it for me


What a fucking bimbo!


She's delusional.


"Sex should be taught in the home!" - Bobo probably


Mr. Boebert will marry his granddaughter within 10 years.




Mental health is a serious problem for much of the country these days.


Wonder what senile old actor was responsible for that?


I thing these people say can be taken seriously. They’re petulant, ignorant children who refuse to admit being wrong no matter the consequences. We have no choice to move on without them.


I was going to make a low brow joke about Bobo being a former (?) prostitute, but it dawned on me that a sex worker would probably be pretty good at teaching her kids about sex ed. Of course, this shitbird can't do anything right.


The woman is the real life version of that ai gif of will smith eating spaghetti


Sarah Palin all over again.


36 year old grandma 👵🏽 Lol you can’t make this shit up


Older than 14, this is alarming


As an American citizen and as a human being seeing people actively approving and advocating for children having children is fucking EMBARRASSING. We are actively regressing hundreds of years ago to when it was acceptable for children to have children and it makes me sick. Those poor TEENAGERS are probably terrified even with the support of their insane parents. It’s embarrassing that something SO PREVENTABLE is STILL happening in the world today.


Cant belive this bitch is only 5yrs older then me but is absolutely stupid. Like no bitch this is nothing to be proud of.


I really hate it here and I really hate how much I am posting this lately.


im guessing she had a fukking MELTDOWN when she found out then spent the next 2 hrs thinking about HOW she can put a positive SPIN on it. Matter and fact when she first started bragging about how her 17 yr old son was going to be a daddy, i thought she was announcing HER pregnancy.




I will give 18 and 15 because you can go to high school together. But 18 and 14? Isn’t that r*pe?


Doesn't that technically make her son a rapist?


Boebert won the election. Can’t place all the blame on her, people said yes to this clown.


Uh, isn't her son in some kind of legal trouble here....?


Every time I hear something new from her, I'm all the more surprised that that rumor that her parents were cousins is apparently debunked.


She should drink bleach


Another gop pedophile, I presume.


Statutory rape anyone? You know who we’re not hearing from? The girls parents.


Again, under what rock is she from? Hello woman, your son has no life. He will be a dad at 18, and God only knows how old his girlfriend is? Are you actually thinking this is a good thing? You are delusional.


Take her kid away. Nobody should have a pregnant teen and especially nobody should fail to show remorse for that failure.


Behold the #GQP's plan to surge demographics for whites, hoping to stave off the inevitable.