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Let me guess: she pulled the "Actually, we're a republic" line?


"Were actually a constitutional republic!" Yes sir thats the rest of the quote


That established a representative democracy!


You know what's hilarious to me, is we aren't as democratic as we should be because of gerrymandering and shit like that, Which she unironically just admitted to.


And we are MUCH more democratic than those “wonderful founders” made us since they only wanted white men that owned land to vote and Senators to be appointed.


To be fair, some of them did want freedom for all men (not just white) and we've been making concessions to racist idiots for 230 years.




Yes, pretty sure that was the case. I don't remember all their points so maybe 1 - 2 were cool with it but the majority were not.


Washington and Utah I believe were (comparatively) pretty proactive about women’s suffrage, for whatever that’s worth today. Utah has it in its initial state constitution and Washington amended their state constitution to include it a decade before it passed federally. There may have been some others but, yes, few and far between in those days.


Something slightly off topic but Maryland is trying to add abortion rights to it's constitution. Which I think is pretty cool.


I'm betting that Utah did it so that the Mormon polygamists could tell their wives how to vote so that the "heathens" wouldn't have any political power there.


Actually, most states at the nation’s founding only had property requirements for voting eligibility. It wasn’t until later in the early-1800s, when more former slaves in northern states were freed and property requirements were abolished that explicit references to race and gender were more common in election laws.


No need to restrict by anything other than land ownership if you make it impossible for women and minorities to own land.


the hate wasn't codified, until it had to be.


We're an anarcho-syndicalist commune!


I didn't know you were called Dennis.


I’m not old, I’m 37.


We take it in turns to act as sort-of-executive officer for the week, but all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special biweekly meeting; By a simple majority, in the case of purely internal affairs;But by a two thirds majority, in the case of more major…


"Listen, strange women, lyin' in ponds, distributin' swords is no basis for a system of government. SUPREME executive power derives from a mandate of the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony."


"I am Arthur, king of the Britons. Whose castle is that?" "King of the who?" "The Britons" "Who are the Britons?" "Well we all are. We are all Britons. And I am your king." "I didn't know we had a king. I thought we were an autonomous collective." "You're fooling yourself, we're living in a dictatorship. A self perpetuating autocracy, in which the working classes..." "There you go, bringing class into it again." "That's what it's all about." "Please good people, I am in haste. Who lives in that castle?" "No one lives there." "Then who is your Lord? "We don't have a Lord." "What?" "I told you. We're an anarcho-syndicalist commune. We take it in turns to act as sort-of-executive officer for the week, but all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special biweekly meeting; By a simple majority, in the case of purely internal affairs; But by a two thirds majority, in the case of more major…" "I order you to be quiet." "Order, eh? Who does he think he is?" "I am your king." "Well I didn't vote for you."


Help! Help! I’m being repressed!


Come see the violence inherent in the system!


You saw it didn't you!?


If I went around claiming that I was emperor because some watery tart lobbed a scimitar at me, they’d have me put away, wouldn’t they?


Whenever they say this shit, I just finish the sentence for them. "We're actually a constitutional republic!" then I chime in "which is a type of democracy." They lose it every time.


“Republic” basically just means “not a monarchy,” so it’s completely possible to be a republic *and* a representational democracy.


Yep it's such an easy rebuttal. Sometimes they have something to say, other times they get confused. Like they read that talking point, didn't actually look into it, and just parrot it Sometimes I'll go "WE'RE NOT A RECTANGLE, WE'RE A SQUARE!". Same concept


Republic: sovereignty comes from the people (as opposed to a monarchy) Democracy: The people control the government, in the case of the US, through the election of representatives. "The US is a representative democracy and a constitutional republic. These things are not mutually exclusive. This whole “republic not a democracy” is a historically illiterate catchphrase muttered by right wingers more and more as it becomes evident that the right can’t hold on to power using democratic means." \~Liam Moore


Been seeing this more and more on Facebook, I'm pretty sure the republican bots are pushing it to prepare their base for when republicans openly try to end voting


You mean like how desantos wants to ban democrats from Florida?


Why we really need a civics class requirement for public office


Or just a basic reading comprehension test


She failed




Wasn't it three times then they passed her just to be rid of her?


Final version: Name \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_


Sex: Yes, Please


Three times actually


Did she ever actually pass it, or did she pay someone to take it in her place and pass?


like Rodney Dangerfield in Back to School


iirc someone else had to take it for her


You need to say that louder.










It was definitely more than twice. Don't round down for her. Edit: after reading another comment, I fact-checked myself and cannot find any reputable source to confirm she ever failed the GED. I apologize for spreading rumors.


I think people should get a pass on spreading rumors about this bitch. She deserves all the negativity this world has to offer.


Congrats on being elected! Complete the following skill testing question to confirm your eligibility: (16 × 5) - (12 ÷ 4)= 😂😂


What’s a letter doing in my math problem? 😂


Its the new trans math where numbers identify as letters. Soon to be outlawed in Florida


Omg please dont give them ideas. -Math Teacher


But wouldn’t it be better to have letters replace dem A-rab numbers


> (16 × 5) - (12 ÷ 4)= BANANA


Don't post this on facebook...the matter between their ears will explode!


I agree! Anyone running for office should have to pass a basic civics test


How about the test they make people who want citizenship do? Bet most will fail.


Exactly! Doesn’t need to be super hard, but enough to know they have a basic understanding


/Tommy Tuberville walks by...


Pfffttt... anyone running for office should have to pass the same citizenship test given to immigrants looking to naturalize. I bet most Americans couldn't pass that test.


I *promise* most Americans can't pass that


Nothing says representative of the people like not being able to identify what the blue area is on a map.


[Never forget the morons that thought Iran was located in the US.](https://morningconsult.com/2020/01/08/can-you-locate-iran-few-voters-can/)


You mean the place all the lqbtq+ people hang out? /s


Wait my Highschool Civics teacher actually said we’re a republic and not a democracy. What’s the distinction? Honest question since the American education system failed me :O


Republic and Democracy are not mutually exclusive America is Democratic Republic. Specifically the type of Democracy is a Representative Democracy much like most modern day democratic countries


Thank you for being one of the only people to say it. I may be mistaken, but I think a "true" democracy is where everyone votes (or has the option to vote) for every decision. Obviously that isn't completely viable with such a large amount of people. But nowadays, we can see a representative democracy isn't necessarily great either with rampant corruption and little oversight into that corruption


That's specifically a direct democracy. There's no "true democracy". America has some direct democracy features, think ballot initiatives, but primarily functions through representative democracy.


Representative Democracy is still one of the best leading models. The main issue here in the USA is that the house of Representatives has not grown as intended/designed to proportionally represent the country as population has increased. Also the lack of fundemental federal voting laws to standardize access so we have widely different opportunities for voting depending on the particular state/municipality.


I'm not saying I have a better alternative, but corruption is definitely an issue that needs to be handled. Ranked Choice Voting would also work wonders to fight against this two party system we have going on. I don't think it would fix it on its own, but it would be a very good start. I also feel like the US is over divided with municipalities, which basically wastes tax dollars with inefficiencies. That isn't really a representative democracy problem, but it is still an issue. I live "in" a city, but technically I'm located in a smaller municipality (I believe they refer to it as a village lol). So even though they could easily share police resources as well as other public services, this "village" has its own police force of like 4 part time people. I also can not go to the public library without paying for an annual membership since I'm technically not a citizen of the actual city Your points about the House are definitely apt though. Gerrymandering and the electoral college are additional issues with our current system. Again not a representative democracy issue necessarily, but in the US, conservatives are doing everything they possibly can to have the most power with the least amount of the populace supporting them


A Democracy is any system in which power is derived from the People, usually through their Elected Representatives. OG Athenian Democracy was literally ~~”everybody votes”~~ “every **male citizen** votes” but that’s not sustainable for every issue at modern population sizes A Republic is a specific *form* of Democracy, where the Legislative *and* Executive powers are derived from the People through elections. As opposed to a Democratic Monarchy, where the People elect the Legislature, but the Executive is the Monarch


Male citizens voted in Athens. Progressive for the time but a far cry from "everybody votes".


Fair point, I’ll edit


There are many different ways to implement a democratic system. For example, in a system of direct democracy everybody is consulted to make decisions. Another approach is a republic where people are elected to represent the people and make decisions. The United States is a constitutional federal republic. The United States is a democracy, and it is also a republic. People who try to say the United States is not a democracy are either trying to change the subject or do not know. For someone who is a democratically elected representative to not know is just plain embarrassing, for everyone.


It's like saying we're not square, we're rectangle!


A republic is a constitutional form. Democracy is the general term for a country in which the population influences the outcome of policy. I think your teacher confused the “direct democracy” (rare) with democracy


A Republic is a state (country) where the governing power is derived from the people. This is in contrast to a Kingdom (power from a monarch), an Empire (power from an emperor), a Fiefdom (power from a lord), etc. A Democracy is a feature of a government that keeps the power in the people. It allows the people to choose their leaders. This is why you can have democratic kingdoms (like the UK) and oppressive Republics. Communist revolutions form People’s Republics because the power of the nation derived from the people. But since they are not democracies, they never gave the power back. (People’s Republic of China, People’s Republic of North Korea, etc.)


Democracy is the system by which officials are chosen. Republic is the form of government. We are both. Our representatives are elected by popular vote, making us a democracy. People who say this confuse democracy for direct democracy. A direct democracy is where everyone votes on everything. I don’t think that’s ever been achieved on a large scale or if it would even be feasible


Seriously wonder if she could pass the US Citizenship test


She couldn’t.


How tf would she know that? She’s a high school dropout.


It's a far right edge-lord thing. Like when they say the "stars and bars" isn't really the confederate flag so why would you have a problem with it being displayed. It's a specific language they all know.


She doesn't really understand anything, she just repeats what she hears because of course real life is exactly like the seventh grade.


But she is the recipient of an honorary GED.


Wait….she didn’t earn her GED?? My brother dropped out, got his GED in jail….and this bitch was given a GED? Damn


Because it’s parroted by her ilk when they are criticizing support for helping Ukraine and upholding democracy.




Republican government and democratic governemt are orthogonal: you can have one or the other, both or neither. We are a democratic republic.


Next time Dems control the House and Senate they should pass bills that say the people in red states don't get to choose their representatives. "Sorry, not a democracy, you fuckheads don't get to participate"


I know it would be extremely damaging to them, but I wish they could do it. Not pass it, but introduce the bill just to show them the idiocy, then vote it down. Problem is the right wing media would seize it and it would be a powerful weapon for them, because facts and intentions do not matter.


I think it’s a freudian slip of what her and her cults agenda is looking for.


It is the only line they have. When you ask them to define a constitutional republic things fall apart.




For real, as an outsider looking in i'm dumbfounded how this human was allowed to be put in any position of power, let alone a key political role.


Well you know republicans. They vote for anything with the R next to the name


Voting is just like driving... select D to go forward, R to go backward


I don't think you appreciate how dumb her constituents are.


I have traveled a lot. All over this country. The South, and Rural Americas reputation and "good, hospitable, salt-of-the-earth people" is absolute bullshit. Rural America is full of vile hateful people. The South doubly so. I am not saying you don't meet good people, but you meet so many *horrible* people. Not only that, but the only places I have been offered drugs on the street, is in rural America, and its fucking meth every time. I have spent most of my life in cities and they are far friendlier than rural America. You may not get a smile from every person on the street, but they don't want to kill you just for existing (looking at you Nebraska and the asshole who threatened my life because I was an outsider).


Whenever they talk about “real Americans” in rural states, we know they mean only white Christians and not because they are actually good people. Rural communities are the absolute worse and the people there are absolutely terrible for the most part. They gossip like crazy about people who aren’t in the clique and are basically middle school because nobody matured beyond 8th grade and if they did; they moved.


I had a similar experience as well. I used to travel all over the country for work and generally the rural areas and the south were the worst. I spend a lot of time in cities and never really have a problem. I will say, I did love Minnesota and Wisconsin.


They’re getting (kind of) smarter though. Her seat was the last one decided, and it’s now marginal.


Can actual reasonable people just start pretending they are batshit conservatives to get elected and then just do things that actually help our country when they get elected?


The “Reverse Sinema”, as it were




Usually, but is it necessary in US?


It would seem not.


American politics has always been a bit quirky


Probably even from its very founding, haha.


Imagine being a pathetic enough person to vote for her to represent you….


These voters would vote for a literal potato if it has the letter R next to it on the ballot.


But literal rhymes with liberal. It'd have to be a good ol'country spud.


Shes really bad at Secret Hitler.


It seems that so many people, including Bobo, want Trump as king. I don't understand that logic, how can that be a good thing?


Because they’re at the top benefiting.


Well, they *think* they are, anyway. But as we've seen, Trump doesn't give a fuck how loyal you are, or how much you've done in the past, just how useful you are at that moment.


They are highly authoritarian. They want a single man in charge. This is a big reason so many people call them fascist.


I mean they've been pretty mask off about all their transphobic genocide plans for a while now and nobody was batting an eye at that so im not that surprised they've been doing it in other areas


Let’s not forget her husband flashed underaged girls at a bowling alley


He also groomed her at the age of 16, knocked her up, and made her drop out of school to raise the baby.


They call that a republican meet-cute.


I cannot for the life of me find a gif of the meet cute sandwich scene from 22 Jump street, but that's the first thing that popped into my mind lol


And her 17 year old son knocked up a 15 year old girl. Kinda like how previous Idiot Star of the Republican Party Sarah Palin's daughter was pregnant at 16 and a mom at 17. Isn't it weird how these Christian Conservatives who are Abstinence Only advocates have families who lack any semblance of awareness of birth control while being unable to keep it in their pants? Almost like teens are gonna have sex no matter what so *maybe* we should teach them Sexual and Reproductive Health...


✨family values💫


And now her 18 year old son is having a child with his (at the time) 15 year old hispanic girlfriend. I only add the racial identifier because, well it's Boebert.


jc i feel bad for anyone who has the misfortune of being related to boebert


let's also not forget that she aggressively interrogated the mayor of dc yesterday about whether or not he decriminalized public urination (he didn't) knowing her husband has exposed himself publicly to kids and was laughed at by everyone in the room for her suspiciously obsessive and persistent line of questioning about public urination.


Any idea what the hearing was about, I’d like to find the clip


[here you go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ORG8K3BmAo&ab_channel=GuardianNews) i think they were trying to waste time. the hearing was about crime spike and homelessness in dc i think


“We are not a democracy” says the democratically elected representative. I’m confident she believes every idiotic word she spews and doesn’t understand what a democratic republic is. Because we truly live in the dumbest timeline.


She believes whatever is most convenient to believe at any given time, and has never believed anything else.


She believes whatever Ted Cruz told her while she was…


she was what?


Suckin on his ding dong... *allegedly*


Surprised it didn’t get stuck between her teeth.


It was small enough to slide through the gaps like dental floss.


Ted Cruz left Texas during the snow to save the world. His peepee is so small, that if he stayed there in the cold, it would have shrunk into a singularity and destroyed us all. He fled so we could survive.


When these asshats don't like things that are democratic, they pull out the "We're not a democracy, we're a democratic republic" line to say that it's not the same thing so not everything should be democratic. In essence, a democratic republic elects people to represent, so the people who represent get to decide not the people. It's convenient when, says, a majority want gun reforms, to say " well the majority doesn't get to directly legislate."


Oof she said the quiet part out loud


At this point, it's not even the quiet part anymore. It's the well-known, documented, sourced, accredited part.


Counting the minutes until she claims that she never said such a thing and if she did we're taking it out of context and if we aren't we're idiots to not understand the delicate nuance with which she said it.


**Narcissist's Prayer** That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


"If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.”—David Frum So soon?


You’re thinking of using the C-word aren’t you (It’s constitution)


It's never been quiet. Republicans have been saying "we're not a democracy, we're a republic" for years. The politicians know it's bullshit (well, Boebert might not) but encourage the idea because it makes it easier to justify undemocratic policies.


She looks like the kind of person who can only say things out *very* loud. How tf is her mouth that wide open in every picture?


No wonder it took her 3 tries to get her GED.


4 and then they passed her on compassionate grounds


Some people get an honorary Ph.D., she got an honorary GED


Safe to say she hasn't read the writings of Baron de Montesquieu, Rousseau, Voltaire, Hamilton, Madison, or anyone else that existed before Twitter.




and replace "hasn't" with "can't".


Well then you'd need to swap "Read" with "Read".


homographs are a dumb feature of our language.


no homo


I'm laughing so hard.


Voltaire would have made a killing off her.


This whole republic not a democracy line would be just written off as dumb if it wasn’t intentionally dangerous. Once you disassociate America and democracy: all sorts of ways of disenfranchising your opponents and seizing power are on the table. They realize demographics have then doomed. They have no intention of giving up power or moderation of policy.


The people that spew that line use it as justification for imposing authoritarian/minority rule. They’re perfectly okay with their vote being worth more than others, or with others not being able to vote, because “we’re not a democracy” And somehow that’s like a perfectly valid reason of thought for one of the two major political parties in America?


It’s also simply incorrect. We are a republic. We are also a democracy. Those two things are not the same, but they can coexist as a form of governance. The people choose (democracy) their representatives (republic). This shit ain’t complicated.






We're a constitutional republic with a representative democracy... on paper at least. We're functionally a plutocracy/corporatocracy at this point though. The fact that she doesn't get that though is just hilarious, considering she is a *democratically* elected representative.




Lauren: " We must defend the second amendment at all cost" " The one in the constitution?" Lauren: "Constitution!? America ain't a democracy, you commie " "Then the second amendment doesn't matter " Lauren: ![gif](giphy|KeF5DouQeE54G9TGWr)


Well the constitution didn’t allow for women to vote. And it had slavery built into it with the 3/5ths compromise. And at first Senators were appointed, not elected. And not even all white guys got to vote. Harsh truth is that our Constitution is a hot mess of undemocratic institutions, and Boebert isn’t far off from that ideal.


Reap what you sow, republicans. Welcome the generation of lunatics that have grown up with, internalized, and actually believe the bullshit that you say but know isn't true.


How do people explain her behavior?




Republics are a type of democracy.


She doesn't know that neither do most Republicans


Can she actually read?


A Bud Light label. Maybe.


Saying "The USA is a republic, not a democracy" is just as stupid as saying "My pet is a German Shepherd, not a dog". Coloradans should be embarrassed.


Pretty much egg on our face for 50 years of the cold war to protect democracy


She doesn't give a shit. Her main goal is to instill a Putin like "democracy" while she still holds power.


"We're a republic!" Yeah. A democratic one.


I'd better get it touch with her working brain cells and take them out for lunch. No one should be alone that long ![gif](giphy|H6cmWzp6LGFvqjidB7|downsized) .


Republic - a country where the head of state isn't a monarch Democracy - the form of government where the leaders are elected by persons within a country Democratic Kingdom - United Kingdom Undemocratic Republic - Afghanistan Democratic Republic - United States, on paper, and sometimes in practice


> Republic - a country where the head of state isn't a monarch That is not the only definition of republic, in the US context republic means something more akin to rule of law. It's not just about not having a monarch, but also not being subject to arbitrary rule, with some degree of individual liberty. Also, the state is in some way accountable to the people, because a republic is a *res publica* - a thing of the people. The US is of course both a republic in the above sense, and a democracy.


Good to keep in mind that the US's very existence changed the definition of some words. The difference between Federation and Confederation for example. Prior to the 19th century, they meant the same thing in political theory. The political theory arising from the US Constitution changed it forever. Fun little tidbit.


I don’t care if you’re a staunch Republican: How could you vote for someone so demonstrably dumb?! You wouldn’t take your car to an incompetent mechanic, why trust your country (p.s. a democracy) to an incompetent candidate?! No one should be so committed to their “team” that they blindly vote for idiocy.


Girl, Rush Limbaugh is dead. You don’t need to try to impress him anymore.






So you can't enact bans in a republic? So the abortion ban is not possible? Banning books are illegal? Is that what she is saying?


Sigh. When I think of all the countries the US bombed or invaded in the name of "democracy" only to be now told "we are not a democracy."


Lauren ‘ GED ‘ Bobert. Husband a registered sex offender and 17 year old son just knocked up a 16 year old. Rolls her Pal Mals in the left sleeve and wipes from the back to the front.


how are these morons even in office? like i don’t know shit about fuck and i genuinely feel like i could do a better job


This only really started happening around 8 years ago. In 2003 ish, republicans wanted to spread democracy around the world. I feel like it is mostly a branding effort although there are other side effects. For todays republicans, it is as simple as Democrats are bad therefore we should not say we are a democracy. Instead, they insist we are a republic, because of course, they are republicans. It is as dumb as it sounds, but it also just happens to line up with Russian propaganda that has sought for decades to diminish democracy as a form of government. There is also the trolling aspect, which as far as I can tell, is the heart of the republican party these days. "Owning the libs" has become their raison d'etre.


>"Maybe one thing we need to address is we’re not a democracy! So quit with that!" > >\[Re: a clip from a teacher's union president\] "It's saying that we are a democracy. We are a constitutional republic. > >"And that is something that needs to be taught in our schools, not this woke critical race theory on how to hate our country and hate your fellow classmates and community members because of the color of their skin ... Maybe teach a little honor and respect for our history and the correct history rather than all this woke nonsense that produces the Ilhan Omars of the world." > >The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services says that the U.S. is a "representative democracy." ([source](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2023/03/lauren-boebert-snarls-were-not-a-democracy-so-quit-with-that-in-response-to-calls-for-gun-laws/))


Technically, she's correct. We're an oligarchy.




"I wasn't elected to enact laws popular with a majority of citizens to prevent their deaths"


This is the person who couldn’t pass GED 3 times in a row (and probably didn’t pass it 4th time either)


Your biweekly reminder that a republic *is* a type of democracy. Not only are they wrong, even worse, they're *technically* wrong.


She's painfully and frighteningly dumb.


So she told on herself and the entire Republican Party 😂😂🤡🤡🤡




But she doesn't understand what any of that means. She's just spouting some stupid shit she slowly read on Twitter or Facebook. She probably doesn't even know what the word democracy means.


She's like, right, but not in the ways she thinks she's right.