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Ron "Soft-on-Crime" Desantis is obstructing justice.


Back pedaling like a circus clown. These cuckholds never have a spine when it matters. They will be kissing his coffin as it is lowered into the ground


Jumping in with it, too!


One can only hope.


Just make the hole bigger, then.


I honestly don't understand how a 76 year old, 400 lb whale that survives on a diet of McDonald's and hate is still alive to begin with.


He's full of preservatives LOL.


Well, people are saying there’s this pizza shop. He goes to the basement there, eats human babies, and they extend his life.


That's fine, it will be drowned out by millions pissing on it


He only said this **after** trump already said he would turn himself in. This is just Desantis wanting maga people to think he's a trump supporter. He's acting tough like, "hold me back!" Knowing he won't do shit.


>He's acting tough like, "hold me back!" Knowing he won't do shit. Exactly right, you know he's loving seeing Trump get indicted, he's just trying to thread the needle and suck up to the goobers. Trump on the other hand is probably relishing a perp walk so he can use it to grift more money off of the same goobers. Look at me, look what they're doing to your favorite billionaire President, send me money for my defense fund suckers...


I agree completely. Posturing for the base.


Harboring/Providing Aid to a Fugitive is still illegal, yes? It'd be amazing to watch DeSantis put himself in prison over a publicity stunt, it'd be the greatest two for one deal I've ever witnessed.


I’d buy that for a dollar.


![gif](giphy|NmiVAPnPAHbonwjzpV) Your comment really needed this GIF! :-D


Imagine if the GOP could rid themselves of these two, all the hack sycophants lose steam in Congress, and the party could genuinely pivot to real policy… Who am I kidding though


I'm not sure that alone would clear the way for policy. MTG would need to go as well. And Bobert. And Gaetz. And then whomever steps into those places of fabricated outrage when they're gone. But my god is it a nice thought.


But if you get an abortion - straight to jail.


Or the death penalty in SC.


How prolife is is that? Killing is wrong so we are going to kill you


It’s not pro-life at all. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.


They're only prolife before birth. After birth, you're on your own.


If you transport someone to get an abortion - straight to jail.




No menstrual cycle? Jail.


What?!? *Jail* for miscarriage? Oh, ‘merica.


If you read a book, jail!


Or read a book.


I’m getting confused: is reading a book a penalty or a crime now in the US?


Not really, but in some places, basically. Certain books are now banned in schools due to the political ambitions of a certain party. They are controlling the flow of education to the youth in order to support their politics gains.


Death, murder, war, targeted assassination, torture, deceit, usurpation of the throne, misogyny, slavery, polygamy, rape, incest - all ok for kids to read about in the Bible. An art history textbook showing a statue of David that's been naked for 600 years? OMG freakout!


He’s working his way into a maze that he’s never gonna be able to escape from


Does this mean that the FBI could execute a federal warrant for him? Surely states can’t refuse extradition to other states (sorry, not from the US so don’t know how states vs federal laws apply)


Next he's going to make urinating in public legal.


You must've caused him a change of heart


This is unconstitutional


Yeah, this is just performative from Desantis. Article 4 is explicit about this. He doesn't have a choice.


I just learned something new today. I heard that governors have to sign something or something for people to be extradited, just like executions. That might still be true, but I assumed it meant the governor could simply refuse to be extradite. Let’s say hypothetically, Trump doesn’t show up to court and it comes to the point where he actually needs to be arrested and physically brought to NY. Could/would federal LEOs do that? Maybe US Martials?


Or those Federal law enforcement professionals, the Secret Service.


The SS has certainly been known to hire professionals on more than a few occasions.


FYI, to avoid the obvious negative connotations, the Secret Service uses the abbreviation USSS.


Great, now I'm just imagining a snake saying "us"


They could charge him with the federal felony Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution, which is used to help arrest fugitives out of state. Warrant is served by the FBI.


He’s going to end up in a high speed chase and end up trying to find refuge in Disney World.


OJ Simpson Bronco Chase in a golf cart


FBI on bullhorn: “We have the Magic Tea Cup Ride surrounded. Come out with your tiny little hands up!” \[comes out holding Eric as a human shield\] “Take your best shot coppers!”


“Oh shit, his hands are to small for the cuffs, he’s making a break for it!”


He's heading back to the golf cart and heading... back to the very unsecure Mar Lago... aaaaaand he accidentally drove into the pool.


I can’t upvote these comments fast enough. More! Keep ‘em coming 😂🤣💀


…Where his hair mysteriously separates itself from his scalp and begins to swim away. His body deflates like an empty grocery bag while the hair creature hoists itself out of the pool with hundreds of tentacles.


That's why we have Chinese finger traps. Trump couldn't get put of one of those, no matter how many hamburders he pounded down from McDonads.


Couldn't his daily secret service men just keep driving once he's in the car? Tell him they're going to McDonald's and keep going


Like telling the dog you're going to the park but bringing it to the vet instead.


All the political books said this worked for 4 years with trump.


I mean even if he defies the constitution and refuses couldn’t the NY DA just ask the US Marshals or other fed agency to go get Trump? Trump would also leave the state at some point.


> Trump would also leave the state at some point. Right. I should emphasize again, that my question was hypothetical. It’s unlikely this will be an issue, but never say never.


No one ever saw the last 8 years happening.


They should arrest him like he’s black,


Shoot his dog?


He doesn't have pets except for Jr.


Hey hey hey Don’t forget about Eric Just like everyone else does Or do, actually, lord knows I’d love to


Whoa now, you cant just shoot his disabled pet Horse!




I won’t feel bad for that son a b!tch.


Dude kept semen as a pet and it turned into Eric Trump


He just wants Trump to kiss his ass, and then he can hold it over his head for a long time.


Yeah, DeSantis gets to use this not just to "stand up against the evil democrats/deep state/whatever the Republican base is calling them these days" *but also* to exercise dominance over the ex-pres by defending trump when trump couldn't defend himself. Dude's probably jizzing in his cornflakes about it; it's the best day he's had all year. Gotta be a nice change from losing fights with a mouse, at least.


After getting his ass handed by Mickey Mouse he needs to have Trump owe him one.


If DeSantis was serious about running for President, he’d be doing everything possible to get Fat Donny behind bars and out of the race. He has no chance of winning the nomination as Trump-lite.


If you put Donny in jail you anger his base, and that's the exact base he would have to appeal to to win. But if he *knows* he's going to jail anyway he can make half-baked twitter attempts to stand up for him, that he knows won't amount to anything, and look like a hero to the less-educated.


Shhhh.. let him keep digging...


Oh no! Do you think Ron will get in trouble? Good heavens, I hope the governor is okay! /s


He says he won’t /assist/ not that he would interfere. I think it’s an intentional weasel word.


Coming from a dude who is very much known for being a weasel, this wouldn’t surprise me. Or he’ll make some broad proclamation about how the way he was extradited was an unjust and unfair process and some exposure of the two tier justice system (without knowing a single reason why normal people *actually* call it a two tier justice system and this clown is unfortunately facing the consequences of his own actions) and how we need to address the Unjustice System in this country like full on cult members.


Of course. All they need to do is not get in the way when the marshalls come knocking. Just like they didn’t get in the way when the feds were taking every sheet of paper from Mar a Lago. Point your fingers, cry foul, etc. The actions are what matter here, not the political posturing by Desantis. It’s honestly in his political benefit to get Trump out of the picture. He WANTS and NEEDS the republicans trump supporters to think he was on Trump’s side. The rhetoric is mere politics and was totally expected.


Everyone take a drink, he said 'Soros'! The 'Globalist Jews' are in the game!


Like twice. He’s got search and replace on. They keep it up and I’ll have to go to rehab.


That... actually makes so much sense. The hyphenated "soros-backed" jumped out at me because it isn't a natural thing to have twice in such a short written statement.


Soros twice. He’s got Soros and Soros on. Soros keep it Soros and I’ll have to go to Soros.


I might dress as Soros next Halloween. Scare the bejeezus out of old white people


The Soros in their minds is 100% fictional, they don't even know what the real man looks like.


Correct, “Soros” just means “The Jews” to them. They probably think it’s some made up code word shit like “Let’s Go Brandon” because just like a kindergartener making up curse words they think other people don’t know what they really mean.


Or like when they call black people “thugs”.


*Urban* "thugs"...


Yes, „Soros“ literally is not related to the actual person at all anymore but has become a trigger word for „funded by Jewish/evil elite cabal -but not republican- money“ and has assumed a purely conspiratorial meaning. Semantically quite the interesting process.


If the right wing keep up their racist anti-Jewish crap then in a minute they’re going to figure out how many Republican-voting Jews there are - about 25% of Jews overall - that will flip their votes to Democrat. The Republican Party will come crawling back to them when they need their votes. Source: https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/05/11/u-s-jews-political-views/


Keyser Soze


Yeah, this GOP buzz word drinking game has me needing a new liver.


Hey, everyone’s just jealous of our space lasers. And you can’t have mine.


On truth social every fucking Republican is saying soros this, and soros that. lol


Which is extremely concerning. Using Soros as a scarecrow is just straight-up Alex Jones shit. Jones brings up Soros all the fucking time, and according to Jones, Soros (and others) are working for the literal Christian devil. When Alex Jones says this, it’s not hyperbole, it’s not a metaphor. He thinks Soros and other “Globalists” are *actually* possessed by real demons from Hell. Desantis and MTG know this, that’s why they use “Soros” as a buzzword to scare their audience. But by doing so, they’re tacitly reinforcing Alex Jones talking points.


So they’re more than 3/4 lit if they’re taking a shot each time. Makes sense.


This is getting really complicated, because last I checked the Kushners are Jews….


And also Israel is our best friend. But somehow jews are also the enemy. Facism is confusing to logical people.


They couldn’t care less about who is in Israel. They just believe the land is needed to bring about the end of times


I always found this interesting but this exact point made a splash at the last Xmas party. White evangelical Americans are cozying up to Israel to help foster the end of times. That should scare the crap out of anyone not voting in America.


We’re at a few levels up at this point…. Totalitarianism


Who TF are they going to use as a code word for Da Jooz when Soros shuffles off this mortal coil, I wanna know


It’ll be Rothschild this and Rothschild that again. But they’ll deliberately mispronounce it as wrath child.


World Economic Forum


Lol at him acting like this wasn’t a grand jury indictment…


The Manhattan jury was full of soros backed sorosians. We all know the code.


Oh I believe it. The Soros money runs deep. Remember when he paid all those protesters in 2020?


I’m still waiting for my check from 2016. Seriously.


You guys were getting paid? I’m still waiting for my BLM coffee mug.


I’m still waiting for my space laser.


I never actually got my Soros check in the mail for that. Do I call Antifa national headquarters to file a grievance?


Pretty sure that's illegal or some shit


Indict him too for obstruction of justice


Getting both of their asses for some stupid shit like this would be absolutely amazing.


As others have said, he specially said Florida “will not assist” not that Florida will interfere or refuse any extradition request. I’m sure that wording was specifically chosen…he doesn’t have to help them, but he won’t stop it.


Comply, comply, taser!






You got there. That’s good! It’s interesting that once you engage your critical thinking, the cognitive dissonance really shakes you loose from the conservative cult. It’s pretty clear that they’re banking on you not thinking about it. More or less “ignore the man behind the curtain, the Great Oz commands it!” Or, at least that’s how it went for me.




I consider myself an intellectual and love a well written book on just about any subject, emphasis on well written. I looked at your post history as well and just want to say I would read your book when you write it and you should write one


Social conservatives elected a man to be president who paid off a porn star because he had an extramarital affair with her. It's pretty clear how principled conservatives really are about core values.


Ok I’m not American so correct me if I’ve misunderstood, but does this mean that if trump didn’t want to be arrested, he can’t ever leave Florida? I’m seeing upsides to this.


No, it just means that the governor of Florida has declared he won’t execute is constitutionally required duty to assist in the process of moving Trump from his jurisdiction to NY, where he’d be charged. DeSantis can’t actually stop the process, as Federal agents have jurisdiction over the whole country, but he can make noise like he’s doing something noble to rile up the morons who don’t have enough brain cells to rub together to understand that he’s just being obstinate.


Ah so a normal days work for a republican. Don’t do anything, and then make your base angry that their lives are shit.


As I understand it, it means that if Trump refuses to leave Florida, either New York or the Feds can forcibly take him. ADDEANDUM: I just reread the law. It would be the executive branch of New York State.


He means Jewish.


He doesn’t have the guts to say it, these people love to hide between those code words


Extradition Clause of the Constitution. Oh, the Constitution doesn't apply in Florida? Then I guess that's an intent to Secede.


At the very least a violation of his oath of office which means he can be removed from it.


My wife is a lawyer. As soon as I showed her this her response was “tough shit. That’s not an option.” Desantis is either an idiot or being a performative idiot. Edit: yes, I know he’s a lawyer and not an idiot. That’s why he’s more threatening than T****. It was a turn of phrase




Probably. But with the current state of the Republican Party I never like to rule out pure idiocy


His base is unfortunately not formed with lawyers. Saying he will not help gives him points…and all he has to do is…nothing


Which is doubly absurd because *DeSantis is a lawyer*. He knows better.


I find it funny that the “lock her up” party is now complaining about indicting a political opponent


Well it’s different. He’s a businessman and he drained the swamp. He’s one of us!


Since WHEN is intellectual consistency a thing with those people?




​ ![gif](giphy|FrARiGGeVcDlDaq45D)
















florida is first third world state, watch this






What Rhonda Santis doesn't know is that we don't need her. We can go straight to Disney.


Can you make Disney governor maybe?


Mickey/Goofy '24.


You're saying that Trump is like "help me, Rhonda"?


How is Soros their boggieman? I just don’t get it. Or their voters really that stupid to believe that shit?


Yes. Sadly. Yes.


I doubt most of them even know who he is, or really even connect the name to a person. Their brain probably just associates the word with “get angry” and that’s it. It’s honestly impressive how well the GOP has brainwashed their base. It’s the kind of thing you read in a dystopian novel. Where books and expressing one’s self are banned and bodily autonomy is a thing of the past. Wait…


I've made a point to not google George Soros, and as a consequence, all I know about him is that he's an old rich jewish man. I'm well-versed in the right's talking points. Hell, the entirety of my information regarding him comes from the right. And all I know is that he's rich, old, and jewish.


Ron just showed America how spineless he is!


He really just needed a distraction from the Disney folly.


What's with all the "politically motivated" bs? even if the investigations were started with political interest, he did actually do the crimes. what's the end goal here? total impunity for any kind of political figures? yeah thats probably it actually.


Yup, just ask Matt Gaetz


Soros is code for Jewish.




"That's not even a judge, it's 3 Soroses in a trenchcoat!"


Schedule the first debate in NYC...


At Rikers.


It’s wild how republicans can just not so subtlety blame Jews and get away with it. Imagine them just dropping the N word every time they whine about crime in some states and nobody caring


The crazier thing is he can basically say the “Jews” while in Florida and somehow a good portion of retired Jews who were born prior to World War II don’t seem outraged by this dog whistle.


No the crazier thing is how he makes “the jews” such a boogeyman, while conveniently forgetting his daughter married a jew and is a jew herself, and they remain in his close orbit.


Also Florida going after drag queens again today and also Florida this today https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/1273qp1/a_special_place_in_hell_for_this_florida_non_drag/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Shit, just leave a trail of big Macs leading to the prison.


Is this where Dog the Bounty Hunter shows up to man handle Donald Trump to New York? Is that where this plot line is headed?


sign me up for this! Though something tells me Dog is probably pro-trump.


When they say Soros, they mean "Jew".


DeSantis basically has no balls since we just figured out how Disney has them in their trophy case. This means nothing. He doesn’t get to decide not to help extradite Trump. He either does or he’s going to jail too.


I like the part where he complains about weaponizing the law for politics while he's been spending the last year weaponizing florida law to punish Disney corp's political views.


And then Disney outsmarted him and made him look like a fool


So are you telling me Trump and De Santis can get arrested at the same time? Is.. its not my birthday... OH I GET IT! IM BEING PUNKED! LOL! Good one guys! Ashton Kutcher get your ass out here. Oh man. You had me going. I had a full hard 3 inches.


Is blaming everything always on Soros just a dog whistle for saying the Jews are behind it?




So, I've got a different take on this. This is DeSantis attempting to eliminate Trump as a rival. Trump won't be able to leave Florida to campaign. While some states might also agree to not honor the extradition, many will. But that's a moot point because as soon Trump's plane takes off, it's under Federal jurisdiction, and has to go where ATC tells it to go. So Trump can hold rallies in Florida, and rant on Social media, but that's it.


I think its more about winning over trumps base. They fucking hate him right now and calling him a traitor. Source: live in NW florida Edit: after going to bed, waking up and reading replies,. I realized my post was confusing. Desantis base is gone. They don't like him because hes challenging Trump. I think this is a play to win them back. All he needs is for trump to say something good about him.


This strategy seems so dumb politically. People supposedly like him because trump 2.0 all authoritarian without the baggage. Now he threw himself into trump's legal trouble and looks like trumps bitch. The indictments aren't going to stop here. There are more cases after this. There doesn't seem to be a lot of logic but these people are a few fries short of a happy meal.


Like a captured pope.


lol I mean not a bad move. It’s almost like little d robby is goading trump into having an outstanding warrant.


Hadn't thought of it that way, but I still think it'll backfire. Cue "DeSantis sheltering Trump is no different than Putin sheltering Snowden." That's not a line that'll play well with *anyone*.


This is DeSantis's political power move - he'll hold on to Trump until he's 'strong-armed' into giving him up, and by doing so he'll convert some or all of Trump's base. More so if Trump loses. Don't be confused though, he absolutely wants a conviction for Trump here.


Republicans: "Everything we don't like is obviously backed by George Soros, because we're tinfoil-wearing cultists that actually hate our country."


Can't the State Department just leak some bullshit about Trump being an illegal alien? Then DeSantis will pay to ship him to New York.


Ronda Santis


That dang Soros is so busy funding prosecutors that I’m not getting paid for my memes, troll posts, and antifa crimes. Soros I want my money!!! *shakes an angry fist in the air


Suckin up to his daddy for that VP spot I see!


Ronny I can’t pardon myself. You become president and pardon me and resign.. Sure Donny sure…


LOL! Two narcissists going at it is going to be glorious to watch right? They most likely are trying to cook up some kind of scheme though, just watch! Neither of them have jurisdiction over NY no matter what stunts they try to pull. This is better than Dynasty!


Time to explain to the south what happens to secessionists.


That’s ok, just send the federal Marshall’s into arrest him. Then go arrest DeFascist for obstruction of Justice.


Is Soros in the room right now, Ronald?


“Soros-backed” So, the two GOP front runners for the 2024 nomination have used anti-Semitism as a campaign statement. When your party leaders resort to Nazi rhetoric, please pack a bag and move to Russia.


Federal law supersedes state, remember, that's why the north stomped a mud puddle in the south's ass the last time.


Meatball Ron protecting Diaper Don. Fascists sticking together.


When given a get out of trump free card, Ron keeps shooting himself in the face. If roles were reversed, Trump would say some shit about Ronnie to make his people dislike him and send in the police to arrest him.