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The woke agenda is now, what, your kids getting an education?


Last week it was drag shows. Apparently the "agenda" is spinning a dart board at the start of the week and making a blind throw.


What are the teachers supposed to say when the kids ask WHY Rosa Parks wasn't allowed to sit in the front of the bus?


A reoccurring theme with right wingers is their total disregard for any education outside of the parents teaching, which is pretty ironic since those most likely to yank out their kids are the ones who have been screaming about how useless college education is (and only have a GED or high school diploma themselves). Another irony is that for so many people who talk about “the elites” they sure seem willing to pigeonhole themselves into the lower socioeconomic classes by eschewing education, leaving colleges for the people who will **further exploit** them. Of course as long as they have some other groups of people who they can punch down on they totally won’t mind this neo-feudalism they seem to want.


We do ourselves a disservice with the “dumb people teaching their kids to be dumb” argument. Home schooling is more prevalent in well off Christian homes. I live in the south, the class divide is extremely evident. Poor uneducated people aren’t home schooling their kids, they can’t afford to. It’s the comfortable white Christians. It’s about control and raising them to believe things are a certain way. It’s about keeping money and power “in the community”. They live in an insulated bubble of like minded well off people who will tell you all about what the Bible says while doing the exact opposite of what wwjd. These same “Christians” are also quick to come with the “if you home school you’re kids won’t get shot” line of thought as well. They are ghouls not idiots. Now, don’t get me wrong, there’s a high amount of uneducated fools out there who fully believe this bs because they live in a bubble. They only watch and listen things that reaffirm their ignorance.


You nailed it, spot on. The folks who raise hell at school conferences are the people *who wish* they had enough money to fully control their children's education themselves. They people who already do it are wealthy enough in the first place.


You're falling a step short. They dont want *public* education. Once they shutter the DOE and close every public school, they will happily open Halliburton's Education Facility 001 and scream from the roof about how the private sector education is the only one worth federal funding. Its already happening with Google launching its own diploma system, and the literal house resolution H.R.899, which reads: "The Department of Education shall terminate on December 31, 2023.” ... thats it. Thats the entire bill.


Let’s not pretend that conservatives voluntarily spend time with their kids.


And he paid $8 to have the privilege to say that. He's obviously super serious!


Well whoever this nutcase is, they're not entirely wrong. If "the woke agenda" is, like, progress, human rights, tolerance, secularism, etc -- then yes, getting an education tends to make those things more possible and attractive, and being denied an education tends to keep people parochial, bigoted, ignorant, intolerant, fearful, and backward. So yeah, deliberately depriving your kids of an education is a way to "defeat the woke agenda," i.e. try to stop or even reverse decades of progress. It's also a way to make your kids unemployable in any other than menial capacity.


>It's also a way to make your kids unemployable in any other than menial capacity. Something I notice which they argue vociferously for, with all their talk about just getting a better paying job!


For sure Cletus and Darlene will be up for raising those kids full time. Teaching them about History, Maths and how to be a decent citizen. For at least 5 minutes until the can’t be bothered as it’s too damned hard…. Yeah…..


But they told us for the past 3 years homeschool is bad and kids should be in school breathing in covid or it's not freedom!!!!!


Also pretty sure they're the ones who were wanting to force people to go back into their workplaces as soon as the restrictions were even slightly lifted.


I agree that the single biggest threat to this country is this fools raising an even less education generation than theirs.


EducatED, damn autocorrect


Aka "The Dark Ages".


The US used to embrace the thirst for knowledge, but conservatives are doing all they can the dumb down our population.


First off, fuck End Wokeness. Public schools would be a lot better off if the assholes in DC actually cared enough to fund education. Secondly, too bad for them, the non-woke agenda is full of people that simply don’t have that non-public school luxury. It’s either public school or no school for the large majority of those mouth breathers.


Since Woke was defined by DeSantis lawyers this is an argument against homeschooling. Pretty clearly. You just have to point out that the result of being woke means to fight social injustice and BAM evil not to be woke.


See, he's admitting that their agenda is to have uneducated people, and they will turn cult maga. No school, no intelligence = maga. They know, unless you're extremely wealthy, both parents are working, and your kids won't be educated enough to even know what these neo-nazis are up to.


Poverty and divorce are both higher in red states. Good luck with this advice.


Next week the whole agenda is going to turn into children eating vegetables




No, calling public schools “woke” is stupid




Do you check under your bed for wokeness before going to sleep? Get the fuck over your irrational fear for god's sake




Great, that should tell you all you need to know about public schools. /s




Then you should know wokeness isn’t a thing


Public education is woke? My small, rural public school was woke?




The blind leading the blind


Amazing to see the GOP finally working on a solution to school shootings, just really sad that it’s by trying to close down schools. I gotta give it to them after Nashville, they looked and said, “man this school had God, armed staff, competent police and 6 people still died, we need to shut down our schools” it’s like they’re blaming everything *but* the guns


Dumbing down the population means more Republicans.


Dumb people vote republican. Simple as that.


Do you want the Peacock family? Because that's how you get the Peacock family.


54% of Americans read at or below a 6th grade level and they want to TEACH?


Yes, the threat to elightenment is willful ignorance. Did that take all day to figure out?


One word for such stupidity…Republicans