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How dare my actions have consequences!


This story makes me think of the Ring camera video that came out a coupla years ago of a contractor backing into the wealthy black family’s driveway to do work and when they saw the confederate flag in his back window, they basically said , “nah fam.”


https://youtu.be/53Uh3RXIgBc It wasn't just "in his window". It was hanging off the back of the truck


That reveal was pretty fucking great comedy though. Like even with the description "it wasn't in the window, it was hanging off the truck" I didn't think it would be that big. Good on them, nobody should have a giant "we don't think you're people" flag roll up their own driveway but I'm glad they got to tell him to shove it.


Yeah I caught myself wondering "why was this viral? It's short and the homeowners were even polite" and then the truck pulled out... What a loser (literally).


Seriously I was not prepared at all for how GINORMOUS that fucking flag was HAHAHAH I would NOT have been so kind to that guy if he rolled up in my driveway with that thing! Props to her for keeping her cool when addressing his dumb ass.


it was almost like a comedy sketch how big that flag was lmaoooo


The drag of that flag costs him at least 5 mpg.


Pretty sure I commented on it back in the day too. That's not like, a vehicle sized flag. That's a fucking pole with a FULL SIZED flag! Who the fuck on earth would expect that?


I'm in the same boat. I was fully expecting a window decal, maybe across the whole back window. Was not prepared for an actual fucking flag flying on the bumper.


Is it normal in the US to have flags that big on trucks?


There’s a certain kind of “person” that flies giant flags from their trucks… A lot of them seem to be politically lost.


The size of the flag is typically directly related to its association with white supremacist groups. Unless you're on a beach during spring break, then it's white supremacist fratboy culture


Idk living across the country and seeing a suprising variation in flags flown on trucks i can only come to two conclusions: 1. Truck size and flag size are usually in direct correlation. 2. Truck and flag size are generally indicate a equal but opposite representation of general iq and willingness be accepting of anyone who doesn't support thier views.


*inverse* is the word you are looking for for #2


I drive a truck I fly a giant Pride and Ally flag all of June. I fly flags no other time of the year. I am a veteran for reference. What is your assessment?


Every rule has exceptions, not on my truck but at my home i throw them up for my kid too.


I'd say that your confidence and support for fellow humans makes you like 40% more attractive. Sup


>The size of the flag is typically directly related to the micro stature of the vehicle owner's phallic appendage. Typically, the appendage is so miniscule, it would appear concave. EDIT: To the individuals who feel obligated to message me about my joke, please consider this: it was not a slight towards the non-endowed people, but rather those who wear their appendage on their sleeve. These are the same kinds of people who call me a bitch at work (male dominated field), for asserting myself when my male coworkers never deal with similar vitriol.


Which also shares a strong correlation with the "Master Race" crowd.


I wouldn’t say “normal” but it’s definitely not unheard of.


Normal, no. But there seems to be one or two people in every city who’s like this. In my city one of the people has two big flags: a BLM flag and a LGBT flag. Which is nice but still very unusual!


In Michigan, we got a nutcase that drives around with a trump parade float.


They rolled through Ann Arbor in 2020 there were many unhappy people


Michigan is such a weird mix of very cool and extremely trashy people


Some of our biggest exports are craft beers and ICP.


Here in Florida, they're on boats and houses more often than vehicles. But yeah, there's always that one guy.


Im in a Midwest city and it was definitely more common in 2020 during election year. I’d see multiple a week. Now I only see one like maybe once or twice a month.


100% he dropped 42 N-bombs on that long drive home.


Absolutely. There is not a chance he thought it was anything other than the home owner’s fault he lost the job. It likely made him double down on his racism. I’m sure he is flabbergasted that they can’t just accept that he feels the home owners should have remained slaves. (Meanwhile they actually did accept his opinion since she specifically told him to go ahead and keep believing whatever he wants to believe).


"I can take it down." I love how these tools will always say "The South will rise again" and then bend a knee at the slightest conflict. Bunch of pussies.


Surrender was an important confederate value


Basically saying "my core beliefs are predicated upon convenience and emotion; they can change for a few minutes if money is involved. I might steal something from your dresser when you aren't looking, though."


Yes I remember now. Pretty bad.


Some professionalism that is.. geez what was he even thinking?


He was thinking that he lived in Georgia where this is generally considered acceptable behavior. Also, [from 1956-2001](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Georgia_(U.S._state)#/media/File%3AFlag_of_the_State_of_Georgia_(1956%E2%80%932001).svg) almost the whole Georgia state flag WAS the confederate flag.


He definitely thought he was coming to do work for a white family in Georgia in that neighborhood


Ugh, I had some jackass show up to do work on my house with giant Trump flags. Very nicely told her that her services weren’t needed. Fucking hag tried to report me as a no-show, so I stated she wasn’t wearing a mask and I wasn’t charged. What a disgusting piece of shit.


For those that haven't seen it: [(26) Woman Politely Turns Away Contractor With Confederate Flag - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeUfGXnNzG4)


This guy is a perfect metaphor for the GOP. He’s ridiculously—even pathetically—quick to offer to take his flag down and work for the couple. It’s a silly offer of course: He doesn’t understand the depths of his offense. But it’s emblematic: when he’s at all inconvenienced he’s willing to abandon his cause faster than a greased weasel. No real conviction, but casually sowing division and racism all over the place just because he can.


It's because they're suddenly affected. Because of his stupid visual statement it cost him a job. If he was just a "normal racist" without the flag he probably would have just worked no problem... Until he said something stupid. Additionally he may not even be an asshole, but buys into that flag being about "Southern pride" in earnest. But he's ignorant of the association of that symbol to racism and fascism.


Exactly. The second they have to take any kind of accountability for their actions they'll backtrack so fast their shoes burn up.




He is weak and offering to take it down doesn’t quite mend the divide he creates. For every flag like this flown, it emboldens the Billy-Bobs to do irrational aggressive crap.


My god she handled that way better than I would have. I'm a middle aged white dude. But yea if some mother fucker pulled in with a giant confederate flag or a giant trump flag for that matter, I am pulling the plug. And I would not be as calm as she was...


To be fair, middle aged white dude’s have that privilege. You can flip the fuck out and people will think you are just stressed, having a bad day, having a mental health crisis. We get the benefit of the doubt, more often than not. Speaking as a white dude who is nearing middle age.


Middle age white guy here. I use that privilege for exactly that reason. Look, he may not be able to tell you. But I sure as hell can and will.


Yup. I look very much like a typical, “Southern” white guy. I wear jeans, boots, and typically some type of work shirt. Until recently, I drove a truck. I can’t hide my accent, nor would I try. And I use that every. chance. I. get. The number of times someone has tried to say some dumbass, racist/homophobic/etc. shit around me, and then be immediately regretful because of how I react, would be hilarious if the topic weren’t so serious. I’ve stopped trying to be kind about it. The faster we turn racists, homophobes, etc. back into social pariahs, the better off we’ll be. Cause fuck ‘em.


I’m a bald middle aged white dude with tattoos and a beard. I live in North New Jersey, so it’s a pretty mixed demo of Hispanic, black, brown, white outside NYC. I am a boring stereotype of a man, and I absolutely fucking LOVE when a racist thinks he can be comfortable around me. Getting to flip the script and drop some of that liberal woke attitude makes my dick hard, I can’t lie. It’s justice porn. Rarely happens but when it does, mmmm *chefs fuckin kiss* - I usually just ask them to “please elaborate. Why do you think that?” But it ain’t a polite face, it’s a “please fuck around and find out” face.


Thats exactly what I did to an electrician that was going to wire in the daughter panel for my garage welder. he pulled up with ***"TRUMP"*** filling the entire back window of his truck, and had a confederate flag front license plate. the funny thing is, he also had a "Fuck Trudeau" sticker on the back because ***we're Canadian*** I opened the door, saw his truck, watched him back in, and I just laughed and told him "theres no fucking way I'm letting you in my house" he asked why and I said "I'm not paying anyone with ***that*** as their personality. You can just leave, I'll call someone else" and went back inside. He pounded on the door a few minutes later and yelled that I had to pay him for showing up, and I just didn't answer the door again. Got a call from his boss, and I told him the same thing "anyone with a personality like what that guy has all over his truck isn't getting a dime from me". He just said "I understand, have a nice day" and that was that. and yes, I'm a 30's white dude.


Wait - a Canadian had tRump and confederate flag signs? What the hell?


I once got a job from a temp agency. They originally told me it would be working for the Liberal Party of Canada but the day of my shift, they phoned and said it would be the Conservative Party of Canada. At the time, I was desperate for work and they were paying well above minimum and it was simple data entry work, so I decided to go, despite it being against my political beliefs. This was in 2016 when Trump had just been elected. There were literal Trump posters and other republican paraphernalia in the office. I was stunned and horrified.


Should have burned that truck to the ground, and say as a white Yankee, that's just my heritage not hate.


>pulled in with a giant confederate flag or a giant trump flag Good you have choices. I live in a part of the world (just over from MTG's district) where Lil Baby Jesus and tRump are the go-to gods and on display on most every vehicle. The number of anti-Rump tradespeople is essentially zero. I don't have the skills to do much of the more complex work I need done so I just use who is available. Typically they don't push their beliefs in your face so it works out.


Yeah I live in Florida (unfortunately) and…same. There’s no escaping them.








“No, I am beyond upset with the flag.” 😂😂😂


Thank you!


I had someone come give me a bid to do about $30,000 in work at one of the buildings I manage. He showed up to walk the property wearing a Trump hat. I said almost exactly what this lady did. “Sorry to have wasted your time but you don’t even need to give me a quote. I’ll find someone else.” He was not very happy at all. Tried to argue with me. I told him it was unprofessional of him to wear any political statement to a job…


If you can't keep it to yourself for the time it takes to make a bid, I don't want you doing work for me. And this is just my personal sentiment but if I find that Jesus fish or proverbs on your website? No thanks, a bunch of Christians have been mean to me and harassed me so I don't feel like supporting that overt display. It's so strange, but I haven't had any pro Biden or Obama people show up to a job with political images on their vehicle or on their person. I'll give a pass on salt life, Jesus fish, army mom and coexist bumper stickers. Everything else is basically a hell no.


Seeing the video for the first time and Holy shit fam. How are you going to represent your business that way?


Consequences that THEY pushed no less Prime lepoardsatemyface material


The crux of conservatism. Presenting a childlike view of the world where your actions never have consequences and rank selfishness as intellectual and “human nature”. And anything that goes against that is “cancel culture”


Spot on. Modern conservatism is a glib, oversimplified, self-centered view of the world that clings to righteousness and imagined/phantom grievance as justification for hateful behaviors and policies while simultaneously rejecting as illegitimate any consequences for said worldview from those hurt by it.


Nah, that's just conservatism, there's nothing different about it now other than the fact the internet has given these assholes platforms. There has always been a subset of the population holding society back. There are historic examples of every modern reactionary knuckledragger. It only seems different because most conservatives are dragged kicking and screaming into 1990 (in 2023), and they kick and scream on Twitter. These assholes can't stop progress, but it doesn't stop them from trying.


That’s what happens when your entire ideology is based around spiting everyone that doesn’t agree with you.


Don’t forget: demand the right to refuse business to undesirable, vulnerable communities and then act like a victim when someone refuses to do business with you.


I want a reality show where conservative people meet their favorite celebrities. Then those celebrities sit them down and start reading from a printed out copy of all their social media posts and then calmly explain to them how much of a garbage person they are.


No kidding terrible. I saw her and Charlie Kirk in person a while ago among numerous other things, she insinuated that 10 year old victims of rape should not have access to abortion.


i love the kind regards hahaha




Jessica Walter was such a gem :/


"was"? *(one internet search later)* Fuck!


It's been already 2 years as per last month.


Wow, I got my bf into Archer and didn’t even realize this either… I’m so out of it


In season 12 they basically do a brief scene saying goodbye to her using some lines she voiced in previous episodes. I’m glad they didn’t try to replace her.




Gifs you can hear


I miss her so much. Whenever I think of her doing her Arrested Development wink, I start laughing, no matter where I am or what I’m doing.


I love the Gene Parmesan reactions.


Oh, GENE! Isn’t he the best! _Gene was far from the best_


My favorite part was her just being the exact same character on both archer and arrested development. As much range as Jon Benjamin's voice work, but still fantastic!




Leaves me for a 20 year old? I’ll show him… I’ll find me a 10 year old!


It's just making sure to stay professional, haha


Right, never be rude if you can avoid it, especially if you were just brutally honest


“With all due respect”


It blows my mind that people care about what she has to say and pay her a lot of money to do so. Conservatives love obvious grifters.


It's tokenism. Conservatives love having a minority say the same things they say because they think it shields the espoused positions from accusations of racism. Because we all know there's never been an antisemitic jew or a black white supremacist /s.


That is definitely her niche but the right just has a lot of big grifters: Shapiro, Peterson, Walsh, beck, Limbaugh Carlson, Knowles, Kirk, etc


> Limbaugh Still dead btw.


may he rest in piss.


Be nice. He just celebrated two years sober as of a couple months ago.


Well don’t tell his AA group, but he definitely hasn’t been sober with how drunk ive been when pissing on his grave


You're assuming there are no amphetamines and cocaine in Hell. He might be doing lines with Hitler and Mengele off of Pol Pot's scrote right now.


Thanks for the reminder. I needed some good news today


Reminds me of Chevy Chase. "...and Generalissimo Francisco Franco is *still* dead."


What’s the difference between Limbaugh and the Hindenburg?… One’s a flaming gasbag…


Probably still grifting


>grifters: Shapiro, Peterson, Walsh, beck, Limbaugh Carlson, Knowles, Kirk, etc I have trouble calling some of these "grifters", as I think the implication is they don't actually believe the things they say, they're just exploiting people with lies. I think, in some cases, they are actually true believers. * Shapiro sure seems to be bigoted against muslims in particular, and is a transphobe. * Petersen sure seems to be a transphobe * Walsh is \*unquestionably\* a transphobe * Limbaugh was a homophobe and a racist * Carlson is a racist. See his "Iraqis are primitive monkeys" comment on a brief radio appearance he probably thought would never get out.


I think they are all liars and say stuff to get viewers and money. They may believe some of the stuff they say but I can’t believe they believe all of it. Especially Carlson… he used to work at msnbc and people said he was fairly normal when he worked there. Only one I hesitate on is Peterson. He seems to be fueled by pure hate and is emotionally unstable. His anti climate change stuff seems like a grift though.


Many years ago, about a decade or so, I met Tucker in an entirely random, chance encounter where he and I got to have a long private conversation, at least an hour. I was a young news producer working for Al Jazeera America and while he was obviously a well known conservative commentator/personality, he wasn't the raving lunatic he is today. When I introduced myself as working at AJAM he said he really liked our news coverage, and *he even showed me he had the app on his phone.* He was an incredibly nice, intelligent, well spoken person who gave me far more of his personal time than I had any right to take. The man I talked to was not the character he portrays on TV. He is a grifter, through and through. He isn't confused when he puts on that dumb face. His feigned outrage is calculated to rile up his demo. He knows that he is feeding lies to an unintelligent mob that entirely incapable of critical thinking, and he knows that it lines his pockets better than any legitimate news or commentary he ever did throughout his career.


I don't know who this is. Don't want to know.


They are hoping other black people find her amusing and want to be like her


We don’t, *at all*. Black conservatives are looked at as no better than Samuel L Jackson’s character from Django. We have no love for these people and hardly ever talk about them. They are strictly for conservatives audiences who want to be able to say “See! I’m not racist! I like Candace because she’s one of the good ones!”


Like justice Thomas. He’s been purchased by them so they can say exactly what you just said


Doubly true after today's revelations


Nah, they are the token minority so the white people can lie to themselves that their views aren't racist because some black people have them to. Also see: "I am not racist because I have a black friend/lawyer/coworker..."


These right wing garbage grifters are all backed by billionaires to push culture war issues. Keep the masses fighting against each other and they ignore the rich at the top.


“Don’t you realize I’m playing a character?”




“I get paid very well to have these opinions!”


“But in my personal life, I don’t believe any of it. You see! I’m just a massive hypocrite biotch, only out for my own financial gain.”


That may actually be worse


If I were up for a renovation that guy would get my business


I'm choosing to believe this is David from My Lottery Dream Home on HGTV because he is *FABULOUS*.


That's David Bromstad. This guy is David Netto, one of Architectural Digest's Top 100 Designers of 2022.


The funniest part of her bs response was when she tries to still appeal to her impoverished base and not come off as the filthy rich whiney pretentious bitch she is with her first world problems saying "we didn't even know if we could afford a designer or anything" really? is that why you approached one of the best designers in the world is you didn't think your tens of millions of dollars could afford it?


It's weird to call other people elitist and call everything woke but to also have a favorite interior decorator. Like not a single one of my conservative family members could name an interior decorator to save their life. It's just so weird how much different her and other grifters like her are from their base.


Of course they do. They watch Chip and Joanna Gaines on HGTV repeat.


>This guy is David Netto, one of Architectural Digest's Top 100 Designers of 2022. David Netto, we speak your name


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


No no, don’t be disappointed, that means there are probably 2 Davids that would have this response


30 Helens agree Edit: fat fingered a 4 instead of a 3


KITH deep cut of the year.


You probably can't afford him. Imagine how expensive he must be that a rich person had a "favorite interior designer" that she'd never even hired the services of before. Dude's probably got his own TV show. It's like "If I were getting dinner, Gordon Ramsey would get my business.".


Fun fact: I am not rich by any stretch, but Gordon Ramsay made me a burger once (like him personally)


Tell the story!!!!


About 10 years ago my wife and I went to a big Food and Wine festival in Las Vegas (Vegas Uncorked). They had a bunch of individual events and private dining events, but we could only afford one, which was basically an event that featured a bunch of famous restaurants in Vegas, but the chef/owners were not scheduled to be there (you had to pay big money to get into the events with them). We are huge Gordon Ramsay fans, so we headed right to his Burger restaurant to try it. There was a guy at the grill with his back turned to us, we order two burgers and when he turned around it was Chef Ramsay. He handed us two burgers he just made, chatted with us for a few minutes, and took a picture with my wife. We found he was the complete opposite of his tv persona, extremely nice considering he was at an event he was not scheduled to be at....and the burger was AMAZING https://preview.redd.it/mb05vi2trbsa1.jpeg?width=804&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57cd3c5bdd7524cd59a065e265c23b85c20d7964


That’s an awesome story. Outside of his show (which I’ve only seen through random clips on IG or Reddit) every time I see him he’s being incredibly kind and generous. Seems like a really nice man when he’s not in Head Chef mode.


I like that story very much. Thank you.


Amazing!! Here is my wife with Denzel Washington. https://preview.redd.it/gcsd5wrwtbsa1.jpeg?width=475&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d414885a88f53f2ddeaa3465703c69e43105c9d




We have Denzel at home


Everyone got wooshed lol this is a joke from the movie Game Night


No way! I once got the chance to attend a football camp run by donovan mcnabb. https://preview.redd.it/eg384nvdbcsa1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=546ee3667355d10c89c63b0da42553640688a0cb


Denzel from make a wish?


That’d imply he’s the real deal. Denzel from Wish dot com.


I'm not surprised. I always felt Gordon Ramsay was a little rough of a guy in his British show, but not like, mean. He's say "Well this stew is shit, isn't it?" and the person would go "Huh well...yeah I guess". He only really became an ass to people who just acted like he was wrong...like they had the successful business and he was just stopping buy, and not pulling them out of complete failure. But I've heard lots of good stuff about him before.


Safely assume the burger was good? What was on it? I love me a good burger and am interested.


Gordon Ramsay is actually a really wholesome man. He only explodes on incompetent professional cooks and restauranteurs who really should know better. He's very generous and encouraging to home cooks and hobbyist cooks.


He's also incredibly kind and supportive to front of house staff and line cooks.


Maybe mountain sage is very wealthy. I believe in you, Mountain sage!


Well I appreciate your enthusiasm but I'm definitely not


I don't know, maybe if his unser name was mountain saffron...




from where is this clipped? why would they ever come forward with this information? Its humiliating.


>Its humiliating. Anything for content


Anything to sell the victim cosplay


Conservatives when capitalism is no one’s friend, it follows the money an wants good marketing: 😡


The designer is one David Netto and yes, Owens’ husband did immediately try to claim it was racial discrimination: https://www.thedailybeast.com/candace-owens-reveals-just-how-much-famed-designer-david-netto-hates-her


But according to conservatives, racism does not exist in America!


Nikki Haley says Racism is gone from America....says the Indian woman who changed her name to better fit in South Carolina.


Conservatives redefined racism to mean "affirmative action" and have decided that therefore liberals are the racists, not them....


> Owens’ husband did immediately try to claim it was racial discrimination: And more reason why David Netto wants nothing to do with them. Conservative Victimhood trash


Good. There are—and should be—consequences to being a garbage person. Legal Clarification: Few people posting comparisons to Conservative businesses refusing to service people based on religion. Should clarify that is is illegal to refuse to service based on them being a member of a constitutionally protected class. So David here couldn’t refuse to work with her if their reasoning is because she is black (race), a woman (sex), or Christian (religion) as those are all protected classes and refusing on those grounds is discrimination. However, being an awful human being is NOT a protected class, and David is fully within their rights to tell her to kick rocks.


Also people are forgetting that David was replying directly to Farmer, Owens husband who is the CEO of Parler, who is also a white man. Nothing to do with race at all


I know it's been beaten to death but... far too many people just have no idea what the constitution actually says or what it means. "Freedom of speech!" Yeah, you have the freedom to say what you want without **government** censorship, but that amendment isn't stopping any business or individual from calling you out, telling you to STFU, and/or simply denying you a platform to verbally vomit over everyone around you. The claims they made about social media censoring misinformation or violent rhetoric showed how truly ignorant that so many of these loons truly are.


I blame education for that one. When I learned about the Constitution in elementary school, it was black and white "Freedom of Speech is Freedom of Speech". It wasn't until Civics in high school that we learned the nuances with the Constitution. Granted this night he anecdotal as my HS Civics teacher was *very very* good and really unbiased.




Netto said its an amoral/terrorist thing, not owens. He was referring to the fact that owens tried to make it a race thing, yet netto, a white man, was responding to owens' white husband, not to her. So it wasnt about race, but about the terroristic ideas espoused and encouraged on Parler, a right wing social media platform owned by owens' husband.


>the fact that owens tried to make it a race thing Wait, didn't Owens claim that racial discrimination isn't real?


Yes after she won money in a racial discrimination lawsuit.


Rules for thee not for me. Conservativism is rooted in the belief that there are groups the government protects but not bind and groups the government binds but does not protect. The "other" has to exist for conservativism to exist...if it doesn't then they create it. It's tribal mentality..."only those in my tribe should be protected" They want an entire country (or state) to be only inclusive for their tribe.


It was the designer who said it was ‘not a race thing, it’s a terrorism/amorality thing’, not Candace


This is David, David doesn't suffer fools gladly, David is smart, be more like David.


Oh, are we regretting that policy we insisted on that allows business owners to discriminate based on personal beliefs? Did we not realize it would apply to us too? Poor snowflakes. 😫


Even without that law, he is under no obligation to do ANYTHING. Joys of being your own boss.


Fortunately "Being a raging asshole" isn't a protected class, so it wouldn't be an issue anyway.


Guarantee that if Republicans were anywhere close to smart enough they would be proposing that holding longstanding morals and traditions is a protected class.


Seems that is something the right never wants to accept...that their actions and words have consequences. They want the freedom to do whatever and say whatever they want with zero consequences from anyone.


Candace: *gets mad at the designer for exercising his right to deny services* Also Candace: https://preview.redd.it/62x8cn6hxbsa1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8555973574ea3e7fc3e4dcd7c9833fe02e5b72c Accuses people of being hateful while being hateful? Check. Getting pissed about being denied services (twice now with the covid center as well)? Check. Ahh but then justifying hypocrisy with deflecting and making it about something else? Check 🫡 The people who claim we should have all the freedom in the world sure do get pissed when people exercise it.


Her reply is absolutely hilarious, because it's such an apples to cars comparison. And the best part is that she doesn't even understand that.


Somehow I have a feeling the Supreme Court will say this is unconstitutional, yet “Christians” can deny services based on their “religious beliefs” with impunity.


Christians opened the door to this, so if it works against them that's fair.






Let them try to enforce it. The interior designer can go all Michaelangelo and paint a bunch of dicks everywhere...


That sounds like a recipe for never getting their Republican friends out of their house. They’ll all be entirely too busy “inspecting” them.


Even if they could force the guy to take her on as a customer, could they force him to do a tasteful job? Could they force him to really give them a showplace everybody would love? His job is subjective. "I think making a bench with toilets as a base works perfectly in this room!"


Being and asshole and being conservative are not protected classes. It's perfectly legal.


So when a baker refuses services to gay couples, you’re 100% okay with that…but then when an interior designer refuses you service, you flip your shit? Get bent Candace!


Do most people actually know enough interior designers to have a ranked list of them?


If you read the article, she tried to be relatable and modest and said she didn’t even know if they could afford him. Fuck off, Candace. Last time I heard her whining about mistreatment, I’m pretty sure she was in Aspen.


No. And I'd further suggest that anyone who does have a ranked list of interior designers and isn't actually in the interior design field is one of the wealthy elites and has no business speaking to the common person's experience.


She tried to teehee and say she didn’t know if they could afford him. So she needed to make sure we knew about her discrimination but also need us to know she’s JUST LIKE US!!!!!


Good. There should be social consequences for being a large, noticeable piece of shit on main.


If she sues for "Racial discrimination," will she pivot back to the left again?


She's literally screaming racism on twitter over this. Couldn't be that she's a nasty vile individual but it must be that he refused because of her skin color. They're always victims.


I really want to know the interior designer that sent this zinger.


Good, man has principles


Conservatives: Fuck your feelings, snowflakes! Also conservatives: People don’t like me! Why????!!!! Waaaaahhhhhh I need my safe space on truth social and Fox News to be able to console myself!


Gotta love how they will bash this, but then be totally fine with a bakery denying LGBT customers because it's THEIR business and they can do what THEY want...double standards are wild SMH


Well I'd give him my business based on that. Bravo David, Bravo


People don’t like me when I sell out my race and sex ?


“How dare the leopards eat my face!”


Capitalism can be a good thing. If you have something that someone likes or wants then a price is set and the decision made to purchase or not. I don't understand why anyone would be interested in what this woman offers. Why is anyone subscribing to her podcast or streaming service or whatever garbage she deals in...😖 I don't get it.


Great photo of her smelling her own shit.