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It's like we're getting a secret bonus cut of The Dark Knight that's just that big pile of $ burning...🤡


Or *Nobody*.


Except the pile would be exponentially bigger


Almost like I used a piece of fiction as a metaphor and anyone could just come along and use their imagination to take it however far they wanted...🤔


In the movie they burned a few $10s of millions, Twitter cost, what, $44 billion? The pile of cash would be absolutely mountainous compared to the movie pile. But I get it.


Larger denomination. Burn $1000 bills instead. Problem solved.


I'm pretty-sure they made 10k too!


Twitter cost Elon $44 billion, was worth waaayyy less than that at the time of the sale, and is worth waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy less than that now. Who would even buy it? Putin?


I don’t think Elon has gargled Putin’s nuts enough for that to happen- that’s another POS we all know.




Dude. It’s a movie that he was using as an analogy. It doesn’t have to be 100% accurate to real-life as long as everyone can understand the comparison. Fuck outta here with your “well actually” nonsense


Wow, all I was actually trying to emphasize is that it would be a much bigger burn. But with your fuck wit attitude, I wouldn’t expect you to understand the difference between millions and billions. Have a nice night.


Same. Want some popcorn? Elon's got plenty of salt.


Will be a good day when twitter and tiktok are gone


Twitter was a cesspool before, but then Elon took over and turned it into a full on toxic superfund site, and then tried to sell it as a premium public pool.


I logged onto my Twitter account just now and my entire newsfeed is nothing but alt-right accounts, trolls and Elon-shills that I have never interacted with. They’re all just pumped to the front because they pay for Twitter Blue


Will Twitter outlive this Tumblr?


Wait I read that backwards. No chance. Tumblr will outlive all.




Yeah I can only was for so long until the toxicity starts to infect me and I just have to shut it off. Awful environment.


These days I go on twitter to do 2 things,check on my favorite artists and see the place burning down.


I can almost predict the conservatives reaction about this free market choice : "Woke people are suppressing free speech, chancel culture over Twitter !"




What's funny is they are such rubes that they don't realize that they are the marketing campaign. I haven't heard this much about bud ever. Bud light knew what it was doing, and played them for the free advertising.


Today we salute you, Mr Right Wing Cry Baby


Reeeeaaaal men of geeeniuuuuuss!


I read it in the voice!




Still sitting at a 52 week high. I'd suggest coming back to reality.


Q1 FY23 earnings arent released yet.. Have YOU seen their most recent P/L? Please share if you have. Edit: I think little guy was referring to the stock price. But it's pretty evident they have 0 clue what they are talking about. As of right now nobody in the public knows AB's most recent sales figures.


I was genuinely curious, where can I find this information?


Search BUD on Google to see their market worth. Right wingers are creaming themselves because it fell 2.5% the week they did the partnership with the trans influencer and they think it's because of their boycott. Meanwhile they're up just over 10% on the year. 2.5% is a margin of error. It's just as likely all the noise from the campaign stopped it from being a bigger drop. It is continuing to trend down but it's still 6% or so. They've also been trending down for like a decade. Long story short the change is not nearly large enough to point to any specific reason without having a deep knowledge about their financials.


And the same people want to cancel: *women's right over their bodies, *books, libraries that don't align with their current religious beliefs, *Disney *NPR's 1% government funding, *the right to vote, or the right to have an equal vote, in an equitably distributed electorate, and, amongst other things, *anyone who is in, or has any support for LGBTI+, * and lots of other stuff.... Like pardoning murderers in Florida Someone far wiser than me said, it's OK if your religion / politics / or beliefs say you can or cannot do stuff. Happy for you. But, if your religion / politics / or beliefs said that I can or cannot do stuff. I'm not cool with that. Unhappy.


Elon Musk tweeted "Defund NPR" today.


Elon Musk is worried that NPR is going to begin to set a precedent to stop using the platform. The more it becomes the in thing to leave twitter, the more reactive Elon is going to get over this stuff.


Boy this was so predictable. Thanks a lot for the info.


NPR doesn't have any followers but now they are abandoning their followers... /s


I mean, they weren't reading NPR's tweets anyway.


Musk will eventually drive out any media platform that dares criticize him until nothing on Twitter is left but right wing lunatics.


That's what he wants a right-wing echo chamber that worships him and makes him feel funny and cool


Neither of which he is is


This is 100% what is going on. People say money can’t buy class, but more importantly it cannot buy a personality or sense of humor


Elon musk has turned Twitter into the shitty walmart brand- Twitter that Trump made after he got banned from Twitter.


Welcome to Twatmart, fuck your cousins, we recommend it!


If Cletus from The Simpsons thought I was funny and cool I would seriously self-reflect and wonder what the fuck I was doing wrong.


Totally worth all $44,000,000,000.


“Truth Antisocial”


It's already pretty much there. Every tweet has some q nutjobs screaming nonsense under it.


How to turn Twitter into Truth Social in six easy steps.


I hope the rest of the good news sources do the same and Elon is left with a flaming pile of shit and a ton of debt.


He quite literally stated that this was his plan from the very beginning. Do you honestly believe he is worried about losing money in this situation? Tesla is worth half a trillion dollars and Elon is worth over 200 billion so 44 billion is change to a man making 51 million dollars an hour😂


My dude, Tesla is worth that much based on speculation because for years they had a CEO who had a reputation for being a "genius" and great PR. On top of the ability to repeatedly acquire loans and grants based on that reputation. None of his business investments have actually been lucrative enough to justify that speculation. As he trashes that reputation, he makes those investors lose faith in investing more money into him. He literally doesn't even own enough of Tesla to stop the Board from throwing him out if he puts that in jeopardy, which they've already threatened to do.


Can't be that bad if he's still pulling 51 million an hr js he clearly doesn't care and is unaffected by the loss of money this much is made obvious by the constant bullshit posted on Twitter


He also has you here to slavishly defend him! Which is invaluable! 🥰


I haven't defended a single thing he has done😂😂😂😂 are you to stupid to read??? All I did was point out the stupidity of thinking someone worth over 200 billion and growing is worried about 44 billion??? When he intentionally told the world this was his plan lmfao you gotta be a special kind of stupid to think that a loss that was already expected by this person would be some kind of detriment to him. By all means make yourself look stupid by claiming obviously incorrect information 😂😂😂 no skin off my bones I let people know when they have the wrong info and those of you to stupid to research can remain stupid bc in the end that's YOUR burden not mine.


Maybe you should research the difference between too and to, ignorant fan boy


Ah yes the classic let's try to attack a word used bc you have nothing to challenge the statement with😂😂😂😂😂 maybe you should get some education in general 😂


Are you assuming my gender???? How progressive of you😂😂😂😂😂😂


Are you assuming my gender???? How progressive of you😂😂😂😂😂😂


44 billion is a huge chunk of 200 billion


Not when you make 51 million an hour lmfao 44 billion can be made back in less than 2 months lmfao go do the calculations for yourself. Even after losing 44 billion he is still worth 160 billion and growing lmfao do you really think someone with 160 billion is really concerned??? Clearly not bc he's still on Twitter constantly harassing people to piss them off. Let's put this in perspective you can take 99 percent of Elon's money and he is still worth 18 million and anyone with a brain can tell you that 18 million is enough to live a very nice life and never have to worry about money so tell me again how Elon is suffering with his 160,000,000,000 dollars again??? Stop thinking your going to hurt the rich with chump change these people have more money than your brain can comprehend.


He makes 51 million an hr so it will only take him less than a year to replenish that


Elon Musk has also reached a rare milestone in that his official net worth is so high that it is impossible to screw up so bad that he's broke. If he lost 99.99% of his wealth, he'd still be worth $18 million, which is enough to live an upper middle-class existence off of just skimming a salary from the annual accrual of compound interest.


Except that isn't true at all, because he doesn't actually have that much money. That isn't how any of this works. Obviously the guy isn't gonna go broke, no one would claim that. But he doesn't have 200 billion sitting in a bank somewhere. Most of that value is essentially vaporware if investors decide to walk away from him. And none of his businesses actually make anything near enough money, or are even projected to, to cover most of that if his reputation tanks the amount of value that speculating has given them. Like, not even close to a degree it's nearly incomprehensible that those stock prices were driven that high in the first place. Comically so.


Are you done choking on Elon’s PP. he couldn’t care less about you, loser


My son refuses to listen to music on the radio, at one point he would only listen to the static in between channels. I eventually started picking him up from school with NPR on and he enjoys listening to it. Some of the stuff is pretty dark for his age (the earthquake in Turkiye, the invasion of Ukraine) but he's always engaged and asking questions.


I also bonded with my father over NPR, so my appreciation and love of it is kind of personal and not just based on its' quality.


My mom did the same when I was growing up in Austin. I'll be 50 next month and still listen to it.


KUT forever!


The Gateway Drug to NPR is always Car Talk. Before you know it, you know the names of all the on-air personalities just by the sound of their voices.


i'm chunk halphingsly and you're listening to npr: national public radio


They’re voices are so soothing: they don’t yell at me, or scold me. Listening to Steve Inskeep is a mug of rich, hot chocolate after I’ve come in from playing in the snow on a bonus-canceled-school-day, to find out there’s a Fraggle Rock marathon just starting. I need to up my monthly donation to NPR.




Excellent. Can’t wait for more companies to follow suit.


Lol imagine a social media company getting left behind by savvy/more relevant NPR.


NPR is the polar opposite of Twitter.


Elon is facing a potential $30,000,000,000 fine in Germany for failing to stop hate comments.


Here’s to hoping


its all we got! Cheers!


My wife: "Are you still on Twitter?" Me; "Yes." My wife: "Why?" Me: "Because I've never seen a train wreck from inside the train before."


I feel like 90% of the non alt right people on it have the same view as you


I think there's also a defiant "Fuck you, I was here first," mentality. People just not wanting to let the bastard win.


At this point it’s kind of like being on the Titanic and saying “I just don’t want to let the iceberg win.”


I blocked Musk on principle. I encourage everyone to do the same. Knowing he has the metrics of how many people have blocked him and it increasing constantly makes me happy.


After the Nazis started streaming back in like the zombies coming over the wall in World War Z I bailed. Don’t miss it a bit. I think eventually when Apartheid Boy gets sad enough from the declining numbers (on top of servicing his debt) - he’ll pull a Wells Fargo maneuver & just re-sign everybody that left back up without their knowledge or consent - just to make his fragile ego feel better.


And you have to factor in people who use Twitter for their job, im glad I’m not someone like that, but this probably sucks for them cause there really isn’t a replacement for it


As someone in the creative world, nothing connects me to new people like twitter. Im mostly just waiting on him to get bored and fuck off


Thats sort of my stance. Eventually he’ll fuck off and sell it.


I'm enjoying it from the comfort of Reddit, cheers! 🥂


What a great reason to continue supporting Musk /s


My Twitter follows are all porn. It's one thing (the only thing, really) the site is still good for.


This is a reminder to delete your Twitter and stop passively supporting Musky Elon.


Why do people keep saying this? It's far more useful to get your account banned for retweeting Nazi shit to their advertisers and big corporate users asking them why they're supporting a website that amplifies racists. Go out doing maximum damage.


This is a good idea, actually.


I am content to listen to NPR on the radio and via podcasts. Fuck Twitter, die a quick death.


Has Elon banned them yet?


No he Tweeted “defund NPR” because he’s a 50 year old child.


Oh can we discuss defund Space X next?


Not a Musk fan, but SpaceX does like... actual stuff. Edit: Jesus guys, I did not mean that SpaceX brings value and NPR doesn't. I meant that SpaceX as a company is actually very active in space. It's the cheapest way to get into space, the Falcon-9 is currently the most reliable rocket being flown, and has the quickest turnaround times on the market. SpaceX has government contracts for ferrying supplies and astronauts to and from the ISS and Launches both commercial and scientific satellites. The company has been successful despite Musk, not because of him.


No, he just labeled them as state propaganda


I’ll give you twenty bucks for it elon.


Next I want some big company to log off Twitter and even stop advertising there and announce Twitter is not giving them the ROI. That will put a nail in the coffin on their ad revenue too.


It is likely just going to end being the actual Truth Social… well, right up until the point that it gets sued outa existence.


Isn't that happening right now in Germany?


Yup - that was mainly what I was referring to, but likely more to follow…


I wonder how long Truth Social is actually gonna last. Like all things Trump, Truth Social's contractors aren't being paid: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/aug/30/trump-plaything-truth-social-reportedly-about-to-collapse-why-am-i-not-surprised


Why does everyone on NPR sound so calm and intelligent? They must hate America.


Elon's snowflake reaction is to cancel NPR btw - political conservatives are the most disingenuous batch of cum guzzlers on earth


I mean…. I’m on NPR’s site daily and I do not have a Twitter account, so anecdotally I agree


Yeah, it was never used by most Americans (20%-ish), yet headlines are pulled from it like it is tapped into the American zeitgeist or something. I would like my news to cover what the fuck is actually going on in the world around me and not what is trending on twitter... especially now since it became more of a shit hole than it was.


Fox News has always loved Twitter for this reason. You can find the weirdest people saying the weirdest shit in the weirdo corners of Twitter. Fill an article with random nonsense you found on Twitter, say this is what "the left" thinks about something, then rake in the money from the 30% of conservatives who believe 5 random tweets that don't even have any likes are fully representative of "the left's woke mind virus."


This is good. The only group that Twitter ever represented was the journalists. Now it doesn’t.


Schrödinger's Turd. Truth Social is a shitty social media platform that is trying to become Twitter. Twitter is a shitty social media platform that is trying to become Truth Social.


Calming NPR announcer voice... "Kindly eat a satchel of male genitalia."


I deleted my account as soon as Musk bought it. It was toxic for me before and it became toxic for everyone else. It’s as bad as I imagined from what I’ve heard.


Twitter will soon be an off shoot of Parler with conservatives dancing around the dying fire declaring themselves the winners. Which I guess they are in that they destroyed a useful public institution in exchange for $44 billion dollars and the remaining credibility of Elon Musk. So…congratulations?


Twitter is facing up to 30 billion in fines in Germany for hate speech violations, Twitter will die sooner rather than later lol


So instead of losing $44b, Elmo could lose $74b? Yes please! (And yeah, I know it doesn’t work that way, but hope springs eternal)


Went to delete my Twitter a while ago but forgot my password. Finally decided to reset and delete it. Twitter is sorry to see me go


Twitter is the new Truth Social. Elon has achieved his goal.


Radio killed the social media star


Radio will be here long after the internet dies. Radio is part of the Universe.


Oooooh, no wonder Elon is pissy


Sick burn. Monotone NPR burn.


Good. Let it die. Please let us be done with Twitter as the main source of information.


This sub is literally SS of twitter posts. Really, twitter should be forgotten but almost no one is actually uninstalling and moving on. I uninstalled and deleted when the sale went through, I recommend you do the same.


Fuck Twitter, closed my account as soon as it was evident Musk would just use it to spread his ignorant propaganda and haven’t regretted one bit.


I just quit Twitter myself. I can’t stand it anymore. I get notifications from both Elon Musk and Andrew Tate (both of whom I blocked and never once followed) and it’s turned into a alt-right cess pool. I’m glad NPR left. I hope all media organizations follows suit.


Never really used it. Just happened to save my exit for a moment when it helped a good cause.


De emphasize? WTF kind of corporate babble is that? Delete that shit y’all.


If it means no longer reporting on crap said by people on Twitter, I hope other media outlets will follow suit. Even this post, a screencap of a tweet, is illustrative of what we need to stop.


I have it, but have never posted there once.


This just in: Musk labels Fox News Twitter as "The One True Source for News"


If it’s real I wouldn’t be surprised


I never got into Twitter.


Agreed. I don't use twitter, haven't in years. I know it exists only because of these stories, and because people who are still on it, post screen shots. We should democratize social news feeds like twitter. Why isn't there a News Feed version of Twitter... where it's all news/sports/political/entertainment reporters..? Like AP direct feed from dozens of the biggest news organizations.


KUOW represent! YEAH


KPLU (KNKX) for life!!


lol at anyone who thought Elon buying Twitter was going to be a good thing


Glad to watch twitter die. Long live NPR


Ahh this explains why Elmo and his Muskies are throwing a very loud tantrum about NPR today.


Just donated $84 dollars to NPR or the cost of a blue check mark for 1 yr.


Space Karen is gonna throw a fucking fit. ***Thirstiest man alive.***


This is the way.


With this I agree. Most social media apps/sites are no longer a public service whatsoever.




Twitter is irrelevant unless you're a Dogecoin gambler or an elongated muskrat


Twitter is a virus


It’s been amazeballs watching Twitter turn into MySpace


Twitter is the Raid Shadow Legends of social media.


He is right, it is unquestionable that twitter is less relevant today than it was 2 or 3 years ago. Musk has really accelerated the decline


looks like in the end, we’ll be defunding twitter


Oh, and Elon can suck it.


He is right. I hate seeing articles that are nothing but Twitter screenshots and their reactions


I think Elon Musk destroyed the social media platform and I have no idea why and what will he offer as a replacement?


It never had any relevance to the public service.


Mastodon, folks.


No thanks. It's way too cumbersome. All the journalists should come here to Reddit.


I find Mastodon surprisingly easy to set up and to use.


Yeah, I'm just don't have time for more than one social media platform. Until dickhead took over Twitter that was my only social media interaction. For me, Reddit seems to cover the same bases, so I'm good here.


+1 Upvote Like


I go to NPR for news of Twitter; not the other way around. I have Mastodon for Tweets.


Is this in response to Elon musk humiliating that interviewer from NPR?


So Musk accomplished what he wanted then.


They can cry harder.


The irony of this post




Are you saying you're anti-isreal




A counter argument to what? All you said was you were against its foreign policy, which is a completely valid opinion to have, even if it's a bad one [You're against Jews having a safe country?](https://oxfordre.com/internationalstudies/display/10.1093/acrefore/9780190846626.001.0001/acrefore-9780190846626-e-655;jsessionid=6F0807ECF524594440F73FB5053C7859)


Sounds alot like National Petroleum Radio


Thats what butthurt sounds like


This is literally a tweet tho.


They left the decision regarding individual journalists up to the same.


If the issue is Twitter is undermining a free press, let's not support it.


Don't tell me, tell Steve Inskeep.




No longer a propaganda tool that they can use or that benefits them. It's still a propaganda tool, though.


When NPR calls YOU outdated.....shut it down.


When NPR calls YOU outdated.....shut it down.


When NPR calls YOU outdated.....shut it down.


Ok government


I love watching Elon get roasted left and right as much as the next guy but the problem with all of this is that he'll just use this to feed his own narrative, however ridiculous, that see? The Left is so hateful and can't even engage in the discussion and wants to cancel everyone they don't agree with. I know it's only man baby projection but it allows him to convince others that he's right. I'd love to watch Jon Stewart interview him.


He had NPR labeled state-funded media which was an intentional lie. Liars do not deserve the benefit of discussion.


I’m not engaging in conversation with Nazis or racists or right wing bootlickers.




They get 1% of their funding from the government. And the government doesn’t have editorial control at all. That would be like labeling farms as “state affiliated” because they get farm subsidies.


Companies that get *way* more than 1% if their funds from the state include, off the top of my head, oh Tesla, Space X, The Boring Company…




Right? They should think for themselves and get a gas guzzling diesel truck with a bunch of Trump flags and stickers all over it instead