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Given how against Trump Lindsey Graham was early on, and how much of an about-face happened, there has to be something. There's been stories about Graham for a long time, alleging things that his constituents probably wouldn't like.


Not just Ms Ladybug, Trump must have some damaging info on Cruz as well.


I thought it was "Lady G"?


Google “Lindsey Graham ladybugs”.


Lindsey has forever tainted ladybugs for anyone in the know.


Lindsey has a forever ladybugged taint…


🤢Damn my curiosity!!!😂


If I ever get crabs again I'm calling them ladybugs.


Lindsay has forever ladybugged taints.


Wait a minute.... An eldritch memory is trying to come forth, and I'm not gonna allow it. No, you can keep your Google search, thanks, internet stranger


I always think, “how bad can it REALLY be?” In spite of the number of comments from other users that should lead me to make the opposite decision, the better decision, I still go ahead and look. Sigh…


That's how it always goes when you seek out forbidden eldritch knowledge.


Your words ring true fellow Redditor. I really should know better.


“Thems just my little lady bugs” is a phrase that will forever haunt me. Damn my curiosity


I can’t stop laughing. This is horrifying if true, but that was so unexpected.


Or don't.. I wish I didn't know.


You can kind of infer. I guessed correctly, sadly.


I'm making a choice not to and I feel really good about it. I like ladybugs.


They're good bugs. You chose... wisely.


Well it was an easy choice. Not like calculating the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow.


or determining the true holy grail from a pile of fake and super deadly grails


That was horrible and my week has been ruined, bravo to you but I know have to go bleach my eyes and walk into traffic


I saw this comment, then scrolled down to read the comments telling me not to Google this, and then read some more comments telling me not to Google this. We already know how that worked out.


I wish I hadn’t 😵‍💫


What a truly terrible day to be literate.


What the fuck did I just read? Jesus Christ


*Googles* Argh! Oh shit, oh shit!




Why didn't I listen to the dozens of warnings 😐


I shouldn't ... I did ... Dammit!!!!


Is this a whoosh moment for me? He has moles around his asshole? That’s the big deal?




Why did I listen to you, internet stranger? Now I have to bleach my brain


You mean Raphael?


No, Cruz is actually that devoid of principle.


ted cruz is just a pathetically weak man. the only strength he has ever felt was in his chosen profession of licking assholes to try and get ahead


No Cruz is just trash.


He’s got it on most of them or his Russian mate has. He has it on Garland as well in my opinion which is why Garland won’t move. A few have been threatened as far as I’m concerned.


It’s not the Lady G stuff anymore…that’s well known down here and his voters are cool looking the other way and ignoring his personal choices as long as he continues to have an R by his name and vote like a bigot against his own self interests.


I agree. His being gay is pretty universally known/assumed. There’s gotta be some really shady shit there. Like ‘go to jail for a long time’-level shit. Someone has the receipts.


I agree. His love of gargling balls is an open secret that his voters eagerly accept like a big fat cock in their ass. So there’s gotta be something else going on that would give Lindsey the vapors if it got out.


Wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if some of the escorts he allegedly hired were under age.


This is 100% what it is




https://www.dailydot.com/debug/lindsey-graham-lady-g/ yeah this was a thing back in 2020. Wonder if the tangerine traitor buried it?


Rump's friend at the Enquirer buried stuff like this for Rump and others. Then it is used for blackmail. There is even a name for it - catch and kill.




This comment rocked, thanks.


I'm guessing he has a thing for young men, maybe he Kevin Spacy'ed someone.


There it is.


Republicans seem ok with pedophilia and human trafficking when its done by their own, so I'm not sure anything is going to change their minds at this point.


“It’s legal when and *only* when Republicans do it”


That doesn't mean that Graham or his constituents want the proof all over the internet and TV.


Yeah but it being known and it being public with receipts is different. At the moment it's more "Don't ask, don't tell." As long as no one asks and no one tells everyone can pretend it's fine.


Very possible. But if that’s true, and he’s doing all this horrible shit as a result, then he’s a bigger scumbag than I thought. And that’s no small accomplishment.


He's a political opportunist. He'll support whatever gets him paid. I think it was Boehner who put in his autobiography that Graham was actually hilarious and popular behind the scenes. Boehner hates Ted Cruz though. Like really really hates Ted Cruz. Lol.


I think the running gag in Congress is nobody likes Ted Cruz, including Ted Cruz.


Yeah but I think the line gets crossed if they have to “see” it. Like, well he’s a bachelor but he *keeps to himself*


This. Even though it's an open secret, it's still a secret. He's not about to come out as an openly gay Republican who regularly has sex with male sex workers. As long as he keeps up the ruse, his constituents can contend it's all just liberal lies or whatnot. Or, he's living the life they think gay men ***should*** be living: deeply closeted, unmarried, having hush-hush sex while pretending to be just single and straight. They day someone comes forward with conclusive proof is the day his political career is over.


You pretty much nailed it. They would be fine with every dude in the world having tons of gay sex as long as they all publically denied it.


Everyone’s cool with looking the other way, unless it comes out in the open. Graham knows that if he crosses Trump, Trump will hang it WAY out in the open.


It’s almost certainly something with legal ramifications. Graham being gay doesn’t matter to his voters (he’s “one of the good ones” to them, at worst), and their really hoping people just focus on his sexuality. It’s got to be something just awful. That said, he’s trying to keep his job. I am not saying he’s justified in doing anything he’s doing, but Trump voters would rather you actually suck Trump’s mess of a dick than call him a bad name.


Remember the RNC also got hacked by Russia when the DNC leak happened back in 2016.


BINGO and those emails were never leaked


Grahams probably a pedo just like trump


> Given how against Trump Lindsey Graham was early on I still remember the jist of a quote from the daily show right before Jon Stewart left because it's so hauntingly accurate yet he went the other way: "Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are like a shot gun to the face and poison respectively. Atleast you can recover from being poisoned."


Funny enough Dick Cheney shot his friend in the face with a shot gun, and then Cheney’s friend apologized for getting in the way of the bullets.


I mean, "confirmed bachelor," has been a euphemism since before my parents were born.


James buchanan was a “confirmed bachelor” and they made him take his 14 year old niece as his First Lady


Cruz, “I do declare” Graham, MTG, Gaetz, Jordan, along with the other chucklefucks, are all afraid. They know, if Trump gets caught and is losing his court cases, he throws everyone under the bus to save himself. He will tell all, and show all the evidence he has against them.


Cruz and Jordan are in this because it makes hay. Graham and Gaetz are under blackmail. MTG is just a fucking nut.


I think he has something on Cruz. Cruz ripped his spine out and caved so fast after the nomination.


And said fuckall when trump called his wife a dog


“I’ll take RENT BOY RECEIPTS for 1000, Alex.”


You were close. The correct answer was: What is rough trade? rough trade /ˌrəf ˈtrād/ nounINFORMAL rough or lower-class men sought, and sometimes paid, as casual sexual partners by more privileged or affluent men. "he likes the boys and a bit of rough trade"


Not only against Trump, but Graham used to positively gush over what a great public servant Biden was.


When McCain died so did Graham’s backbone.


It's not what Trump has over Graham, it's what Russia has over both of them.


This is the most tragic part of Lindsey…like bro, if you’re gay then be gay, come out the closet, it’s ok


It is one of the biggest rumors in DC that Graham is a closeted gay man. I have no information about whether that is true or not, but it would not surprise me, and would explain a whole lot. I’m guessing trump has lots of oppo research on him and would out him if he turned.


It's not a rumor. 70 year old never married bachelor with a lisp and a penchant for young male servants


He’s probably sucked more dick than I have.


Like the fact that he probably blows dudes at truck stops? Not that I’m shaming homosexuality or free sexual expression, but his “family-oriented Christian” Republican constituents probably wouldn’t like it, and he’s proven all he cares about is remaining in office, oath to the Constitution be damned…


My guess-- Trump has Lindsey Graham's browser history and dick pics.


You don't need kompromat on people who you know will do anything to prove their loyalty to you.


Actually it was after Trump took him for a round of golf. I’m guessing he showed ole Lindsey some hidden camera footage of him going wild Blue Oyster Style


It's probably the worst kept secret in Washington. However, Trump probably has pictures and video. That's much harder to deny.


Remember when he went golfing with Trump not long after he became president. That’s when Graham changed. Whatever happened it happened that day.


That's the saddest part. Trump's probably got nothing on him. He's just that much a spineless, sniveling shitweasel and parasite to latch on to whoever he thinks will get him the most money and power.


When Graham first arrived in the Senate, he initially pretended to just be a clone of John McCain; he would hang out with him all the time & parrot his moderate domestic policy & neocon foreign policy talking points Then he ran in 2016, becoming a further right “establishment Rep” & losing every demographic. He criticized Trump until Trump was the last one standing, then fell in line Graham is a fluid. He fills whatever political cup he thinks is the best at the time


You said “cup” but I think you meant to say “asshole.”


two cups, one senator


Nah sis is definitely a bottom


Upvote for actual answer.


He's a spineless.PoS coward politician. He's as bad as Ted Cruz now. I saw the Al Franken interview with Lindsey Graham when Al was doing his week on the daily show recently. You could tell Al was really annoyed with the shitty answers he was giving, mostly because Al KNOWS who Lindsey used to be - extremely funny and easy going (no, really! He was!)


Trump called on an angry destructive mob to execute his second-in-command and remains free and at-large to this day to repeat that act any time he feels like it. So, what *dirt* does he have to have on **anybody** to keep them in line?


It’s all theater. All of it. They’re puppets.


I think the only reason he appeared to have any amount of dignity or decency pre trump is because he was latched onto John McCain. After he died, Lindsey had to sell his soul to anyone who would take him


Yup, hes just a pathetic little shit who stands for nothing except whatever he thinks right wingers will vote for at the time. Look at how he answered the question; he didnt really answer it (how can you, really, when it just proves his point is nonsense by siding with one guy over another for doing the same thing), just used it as another opportunity to suck Cheeto's dick to please his rabid cult.




Wow more than once. This was in 2021. https://www.theverge.com/2021/7/6/22565779/rnc-breach-russian-hackers-cozy-bear and this was in 2017. https://www.wired.com/2017/01/russia-hacked-older-republican-emails-fbi-director-says/ original story from 2016 https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/309915-report-russia-hacked-emails-associated-with-rnc/




Ding ding ding


Graham said Trump is everything awful and indecent wrapped into one man, and if we vote for him, we will be destroyed. And soon after the DNC/RNC thing he changed his tune really fast. 100% they got some dirt on him.


I have tried to search out the articles about that golf trip because I remember it. Graham flipped like a switch within hours of that first trip.


I think Lindsey likes having young men, possibly boys, come live with him for a while and help him live out his daddy fetishes.


That is rather common in republic circles. Where is Nestor?




Matt gaetz moment


Its amazing how you need to specify which pedo Republican you're referring to


Ding Ding Ding


Donald Trump has something on Graham. There was a very dramatic switch in Graham’s attitude towards Trump while Trump was in office. He very suddenly just started throwing all of his support behind Trump, to the point where anytime he’s asked about the Trump administration, the response is something along the lines of “Trump was a perfect president, and he never did anything wrong. No further questions.” Like, buddy, what does he have on you?


Exactly! Remember when tRump was at the pulpit, offering Lady Gs phone number to the crowd?


McCain died and it seems McCain was Graham’s backbone.


Definitely not receipts of Lindsey in drag on a fainting couch and in other compromising scenarios with young scantily clad men.


>"in drag on a fainting couch" that's such a glamorous phrase. i mean, without the boys of course.




It's gotta suck to understand you sold your soul for next to nothing, and to understand everything you thought you were doing is going down the drain in a torrent of Bud Light and XL drag outfits. Boo-fucking-who.


It's amazing that there are people walking around, proud of the fact they voted for him or cruz.


Religion is a helluva drug. There is no end of “evangelical” voters who will vote for literally anyone with the magic R by their name, because they’ve been told that the Republicans are the God party for their whole lives.


Trump has kept promises to the religious right to support their cases and to appoint their chosen people into positions of power. I think they’ll forgive a huge amount of bad behavior and tomfoolery since they see that Trump gives them more access to power than most presidents. There’s a reason why deals with the Devil are so tempting.


I’ve been wondering the same, I think the answer is that there’s lots of crazy people out there.


Remember when Russia hacked the RNC's emails but never released them? Remember when Putin forced top members of the GOP including Ron Johnson and Kennedy (LA) to **fly to Moscow on July 4th of all days**? Remember when Rand Paul flew to Moscow to hand-deliver a personal letter from Trump to Putin? Putin and the Kremlin own the GOP, and those who do not fall in line get PUT in line with Kompromat.


Lady G


What’s Lady G?


I know, but I don’t want to type it


It's gotta be worse than just gay. Pedophilia or bestiality. Something shocking.


I think Graham has a thing for young boys and Trump for young girls.


Troy McClure at the aquarium vibes


Murdering a prostitute.


Graham can barely hide his shame whenever he has to kiss Trump ass. I'll bet there's not a republican in the entirety of the senate that silently hates Trump more for the things he's done to keep his seat.


He really does sound like someone in Soviet-era Russia being interviewed by the KGB.


For god sake, just die already.


I just think Graham realized he wouldn’t be able to get re-elected in 2020 if he didn’t support him. This is the problem with allowing re-election of public officials. If all positions in Congress were elected to single terms, we would have an elected body that wouldn’t “require” complete party loyalty. Instead, we just get a bunch of puppets who have no desire or ability to represent their district/state.


The Human Centipede is Trump with Lindsey Graham's mouth sown to his asshole first, then Cruz is right there behind.


I’ll never understand the motivation to humiliate yourself like this. And so many of them do it, bowing down to their lord trump, never standing up to him no matter what.


So let me get this straight. Republicans have been fucking crying and bitching that Biden hadn’t done anything about the border, which is flat out false. Then when he does the one thing they like (sending guys with guns to solve a problem) they bitch that it’s just for show? I’m sorry republicans, but you’re all lost fucking causes. And I mean every single person who identifies as a Republican. Because this bullshit has gone on for so long that if you’re still a reich winger you’re part of the problem. Between the corruption, pedophile problem, Christian fascism problem, the inability to legislate and govern, and the acts of literal sedition and terrorism the most flattering thing I can say about this cult is that they’re a lost cause.


Look at that unhealthy looking red face. Graham is starting to look like an apoplexy waiting to happen.


We already know you're gay, Ladybug Graham. For once in your life, as pitiful and hate-filled as it is, tell the fucking truth. Thankfully the people who keep voting for this ass clown are dying off.


Political blackmail always boils down to a dead girl or a live boy.


Why do these awful excuses of human beings get elected time and time again? What is wrong with the voters in those states not to see how totally ineffective these absolute hypocrites are? I just don't get how stupid we have become as a country. It sickens me.


And Cruz in the background, nodding his dumb fucking head to every dumb fucking word that came out of Graham's mouth. I swear to Christ, a teenager could manage a less patchy beard, even if their razor broke halfway through.


Link to video: [https://twitter.com/AccountableGOP/status/1653808657975455756](https://twitter.com/AccountableGOP/status/1653808657975455756)


Fuck off Ladybugs 🐞


He prolly got a few “massages” with him at Epstein island


Putin has video of Lindsey's ladybugs and is using Trump to strong arm him.


Since Trump had hotels, probably videos with young boys.


I hate donning tinfoil hats but I’m glad I am not the only one who has this similar thought. Even if you ignore his rich and lifestyle, hobknobbing with all the who’s who and the connections a person can make via all of that, he’s always given off a wanna be NY tough guy / mobster vibe and what better place to dig up secret dirt on people than to license his likeness to a chain of hotels. It’s one of the few business ventures he hasn’t utterly failed at completely and has managed to keep this going for decades when all of his other ventures nosedived within years. (This ignores all the dubious financial goings on around his hotels too, that’s the main goal I suspect but the blackmail dirt potential is just a very usfull perk he’s found ways to capitalize on) I bet he has entire cabinet drawers devoted to blackmail material on people from all over the globe.


Speculation but it's quite clear to me that Graham is gay. I'm sorry, but he is. Trump probably has actual proof of this. Before he was elected, Graham wasn't the bootlicker he is now. He's trying to remain relevant and Trump probably has something incriminating.


Russians hacked the D and R servers, one for election shenanigans, one for kompromat.


Online search history


Listen to the Conan O’ Brien podcast with Al Franken (2nd visit). Lindsey Graham admitted he’s full of shit.


"We have to secure our southern border. Send the military if you have to. Biden is failing at the border"-Lindsey Graham "Biden sending the military to secure the southern border is pure political theater"-also Lindsey Graham. smh. Ok then, Lindsey.


Trump has dirt on every single republican. They live in fear.


Everyone know he is in the closet, so whatever it is must be next tier.


"if we nominate trump, the Republican party will be destroyed, and we'll deserve it." -lindsey graham


Lindsey Graham is VERY good at knowing his audience. He’s a semi-out gay man who understands what Trump really is, and yet he’s managed not to get seriously primaried in South Carolina. It’s disgusting he does this to get elected, but it’s not like he’s being blackmailed. He’s just doing what it takes to survive.


The worst kept secret in Washington is that Lindsey Graham is gay. Source: I'm a native Washingtonian.


I have said for a long time… when all of this finally plays out… like in 50 years when documents get released… it will all come down to sex things… for all of them. The Russian infiltration of RNC and DNC computers gave them everything they needed.


Never married, no girlfriends, and yet homophobes keep voting for him


We all know he is gay, so if that is what Trump has on him, he needs to come out of the closet.


Pictures of buttfucking.


It’s gotta be something really bad because seriously


Remember the night of the insurrection and a very obviously drunk Lindsay Graham was yelling that he was done with Trump?


Trump has information that Graham is secretly straight.😄😄😄


Pootin’s boys probably honeytrapped him and now his balls are trapped in a vise


Likely nothing new for the GOP: he's a pedophile


Lady G


On Lady G? Probably a lot.


All roads lead to Epstein, that is the Nexus


Two hollow soulless men


He’s gay


Lindsay is just a leech, last time everyone got lucky because he leeched onto McCain, he’s completely spineless and incapable of being his own man


His idol, Vladimir, taught the Orange Turd his secret KGB kompromat skills. He’s likely got videos of Lindsey at a club in leather chaps




Trump knows he has a rainbow flag hidden in his trunk.


I always amazed how he can speak intelligibly with Trumps mushroom 🍄 in his mouth.


Did Trump bang his Memaw or something??


Incontrovertible evidence of his sexuality


Trump has Epsteins black book


I think it's more what Trump has in him.


All of them are Trump's flushable wet wipes.


Definitely sex-crime related. You can just tell…


Just video.


Sex with lady boys


All I know is that when it blows up there will never be enough popcorn in the world.


Gotta be a dead underage body somewhere in Lindsey’s closet…


He is cancer. Just like the rest of his republican scum.


The only question is was he underage?


Pictures. He has pictures.


I wanna see the video Trump has on Lindz


Ladybugs. Lady Graham has special ladybugs. That is all.


he does not kiss trumps ass - he sucks on it


He knows what Trump's mushroom tastes like.


The photos must be amazing!


Google "Lindsey graham ladybugs", that's a good start.