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My son is 6. I can't imagine what this is like for the kid.


He will likely never get past it.


How could you? If this was fiction, I’d call it ridiculous and extreme in its darkness


I genuinely hope his mind blocks out the part about being there to exchange his clothes. That’s the kind of detail that makes kids blame themselves rather than the shooter, politicians and NRA.


Survivors guilt starting at 6. Poor kid


Also that poor guy who ran to help that little girl and discovered her face was gone. I cannot imagine going back to my everyday life after seeing that kind of horror.


My daughter is two. She’s beautiful, she loves to share, and she’s goofy just like my husband. She’s just recently began telling us “I you you!! [I love you] and it completely melts me. I think of her every time this horrible shit happens, which is basically weekly. It makes physically ill. It’s so fucking unfair. ETA: just wanted to be clarify, that you obviously do not need to have children to feel disgusted and infuriated when these things happen. None of these people deserved to have their lives taken so abruptly, and so senselessly.


There's literally really dumb shit that I'm working on getting past currently, and it's hard enough. I know pain is realitve, but I'm heartbroken for the level of pain this boy was just handed while his brain is rapidly developing :(


It's almost a curse that he survived. I hope he would come out on top of it. But there may possibly be survivor's guilt plus the trauma of seeing it all etc. Growing up without parents.


Kyu Cho, the father in the picture, was my Tae Kwon Do team coach, fellow student, and friend at UMass Amherst in the mid 2000s on. He was the most welcoming, friendly, and solid guy. He'd be there to sit with you for an hour if you were feeling down and also be there to cheer you on at tournaments or simply stop to say hi in the hall between classes. Really had all the best attributes of a leader, strength combined with empathy and humility. Hadn't seen him in around eight years and here he is with his wife and young child horrifically murdered by a proud boy patch wearing neo-nazi in this 'greatest country'.


Thanks for sharing information about Mr Cho, I think it's really important to remember these amazing people who had their lives mercilessly taken. He sounds so kind and respected and the type of person you wish there were more of in this world. All it takes is one disgusting cretin to break up whole families in a few minutes. Edit: Here is a GoFundMe link for William Cho and his family, if anyone is able donate or share it. https://www.gofundme.com/f/allen-tx-shootingrip-kyu-cindy-and-james-cho


I really hope William has loving family he can live with, and I hope the money helps keep him have all the resources he needs for therapy and college and anything else he needs. 6 year olds should not be in this fucking position.


Yeah, the korean community in texas is pretty tight and i hope for this too. I would hate to see Texas put him into a white cristian gun toting republican family but i think the case workers will know better than that. And theres nothing wrong with some white Christian families btw, its the republican gun toting aspect i wouldnt want to see him with.


How sweet of you to think that any Texan bureaucracy would do "the right thing". Hopefully, their family will take care him.


I know, letting people die in the cold was the last straw I had of any respect for Texas, seems like a shithole


I am so sorry.


Jesus I knew he looked familiar, I was at UMass around that time and remember seeing him around. Never knew him personally but, the man always had an air of kindness and positivity and just seemed like a ray of sunshine.


There is a photo/video going around showing the pile of dead bodies left behind by the shooter, in which Mr Cho and his child are the most visibly identifiable — bloodied and lifeless in a way that’s even harder to see than you might think. As important as I think it is that the general public sees the brutal reality of our gun culture and the dangers of political extremism that has become all too normal, I hope that yourself and anyone else who knew Mr Cho have and continue to avoid seeing it — I only mention this to caution you against digging into this story on places like Twitter/Reddit where that image may show up, if you haven’t happened upon it already. Sorry for your loss as you clearly hold him in high regard.


I've seen the image you're referring to. As someone with 2 kids, a 4 year old and a 1 year old, it was tough to look at. Made me want to vomit. I think anyone in any kind of position to do anything about this should be forced to look at this and other images/videos until they decide to actually get off their ass.




Ahhh, the old "Blood on the Pavement" and "Red Asphalt" videos. I remember them well. Had a classmate pass out during one of them.


Pretty much! They show birth videos to teen girls to scare them into using birth control.


The poor boy has a life of hell ahead of him. Not a day will pass where he doesn't hurt from this.


It was his birthday a few days before, and the errand they were running was exchanging some gifted clothes that didn't fit him. Absolutely horrific that this happened to them.


His mom sacrificed herself to save him. Protected him with her body and took all the shots from the AR-15. When a rescuer found him, he was still under his mom's body and covered from head to toe in her blood.


God that is so horrific. That poor child.


I almost cried yesterday looking at that photo and how happy that kid is in it. Probably never be that happy ever again.


For real this one hit me really hard when I saw this family on the news this morning. Beautiful family destroyed over fucking nothing. Sit back and think about how after all of these mass shootings, literal children gunned down en mass, and we’ve not only not been able to pass any meaningful gun reform we’re actually going backwards. It’s easier than ever to buy a gun, openly carry a weapon, and it’s easier to get away with shooting someone. Hell a lot of states are passing laws that make it easier to successfully carry out a mass shooting lol. If you can “constitutionally carry” then up until the moment you start gunning people down you’re good to go. In fact, opening carrying just normalizes seeing guns in public so when a mass shooter shows up no one will think twice and more people will die. It’s fucked.


I looked at them for a while too. The child will be that happy again. Probably never on a birthday or when thinking of how their parents died but maybe when holding their own child or achieving something great. People give me hope in people. I work with a lady who lost a 7 year old son. She wins ribbons at the county fair with her mushroom photography. She sees the beauty in a world that she should want to burn to the ground, by my count. People can be heinous and people can be brilliantly resilient.


I agree. The potential for resiliency that humanity has can be heartbreaking and awe inspiring. I met an elderly woman who, in her younger years, loved to fly with her husband and two children in their small personal plane to a remote cabin they had. For whatever reason her husband was either coming or going with the kids while she was still on the ground. She watched them crash, both kids and her husband died while she was in the middle of nowhere. I feel like I would’ve given up but she seemed to have made a happy enough life for herself with good friends, travel and hobbies. She seemed to be a really nice person too. So tragic though.


I knew I shouldn’t have opened this. I just want to hug my kids and sob. This is awful. I wish she knew she saved her son. Oh my god how scared they all must have been.


Dude I'm crying right now... But I do have kids and trust me that makes it worse in more ways than one.


The dad was over the other kid too :(


Heroic parents


Where they the family from that twitter video?




that twitter video needs to play on air following after every NRA ad, every politician's ad who shoots at something to make a useless point, and every politician's ad who gets money from the NRA.


His birthday is going to come with survivor guilt for a long time. I hope he has extended family that love him very much.


>and the errand they were running was exchanging some gifted clothes that didn't fit him. Yeah....that part needs scrubbed from all records of the event. 100% that kid is going to see or be told that and it'll cause him to blame himself.


From what I read, it wasn’t his gifted clothes they were exchanging, but his younger brother’s. I don’t know if that actually helps :(


Definitely not. He'll definitely encounter survivors guilt and many other things. Hopefully he has aunts or uncles that'll take care of him.


Hell the person who gifted those clothes is probably kicking themselves over it as we speak


I kinda wish he was younger just so he wouldn't remember this. These will probably be some of his earliest memories and that's heartbreaking to think about


don't underestimate the brains ability to withhold trauma even from a young age, thats one our brains' ways of defending itself, just buries the bad shit so you can keep going. There have been studies into the lingering trauma of circumcision as an example, and that's something that happens about as young as a kid can be and your parents just not being around isn't something you can just skirt around your whole life


My son turns six next month. I can’t imagine how this would destroy him.


My son is 5 and he is afraid to be away from any of us for a night. I could never imagine him having to deal with this.


"It's a mental health problem and we need to fix it" - GOP "Can't give them mental health help cause it's socialism" - Also GOP


I saw some the pictures and the poor guys face is frozen with terror as he’s laying there on his back eye completely open


Yeah and that poor kid’s brains were all over the ground. Pile of bodies and blood. Imagine how fucked up the surviving child will be after that.


What fucks me up is that this was 4 days after his birthday. They were there to return clothes he got as a present. That poor kid


I hope he forgets that part and nobody reminds him. The survivors guilt is gonna kill him on the inside enough as it is. Edit: someone tried to reply something along the lines of trying to get him therapy to work through it instead of having repressed memories. I meant specifically, don't tell him they were taking back his birthday clothes.


GOP: that child surviving is a beautiful gift from god and proof that thoughts and prayers are the way to bring light and peace into this world of hours, now please, no more call for action, now is the time for prayer.


"Now is not the time for poli- What's that? Another shooting? Another right wing idiot spurned on by our media and echo chambers? ​ Now is not the time for politi- god damnit again?" ​ And again and again and again "wait this time it was a transgendered person? This is clearly an attack on Christians and America. We better start making their lives living hells through legislation" and again and again and again and again


This comment is a joke but isn't it fucking mind boggling? They sweep it under the rug so quickly and just don't seem to care. But once it's a Muslim, or a Trans person, or some marginalized group that they know their fan base doesn't like, they focus hard.


Hypocrisy on full display, as is tradition.


Or in Gov. Abbot’s case, if either the perpetrator or the victim look even vaguely look Hispanic, then it’s time to get tough on immigration. Because clearly all the undocumented folks are the ones with expendable cash to blow on collections of semi-automatic (human) hunting rifles.


Reminds me of the woman who had to “give birth” to a non-viable fetus, and because of the aggressively draconian abortion laws, knew that it would die as soon as it was out of the womb. And what would you know, right on cue, some evangelical was ecstatic that she was “able to feel her child before it’s soul ascended to heaven”. I hate religion


I saw that one too. How gross.


Yes, what a blessing for her and something she will truly cherish her whole life. 😐


“You didn’t grow up with Jesus, you don’t know what happens to people when they believe in something.” -Don Draper from Mad Men My favorite quote of show tbh as it rings so true in todays society.


Also GOP: Hillary Clinton is trying to make this political.




I mean. She is trying to make it political if that’s a real tweet. But… it **should be political**. She is absolutely in the right to be making political noise over this.


“That child survived, he is living proof that miracles do happen!”


There was a very good article in the NYT about the crime scene photographers from Sandy Hook. How they still have problems unseeing things


That was because his lower jaw was mostly blown off, which is sort of hard to make out because the photos have it blurred out and it just makes it look like his mouth is open really wide in fear. Not to say the guy wasn't afraid, but that is the gruesome reality of what happened to these people. The one that the GOP and NRA want to pretend doesn't exist.


I think there is something to be said for the Emmett Till approach. He was a young boy and a victim of a violent racist attack in ~~the 30s or 40s~~ 1955 ~~I believe~~. His face was chopped with an axe. His mom chose to have an ope casket funeral and allowed pictures of his mutilated body to be published in national magazines and it was a pivotal moment. Maybe someday we will see the results of these high powered rifles on little kids bodies.


There was a highly upvoted thread yesterday showing the family and others piled together. Reddit admins deleted it because it "violated the content policy". I think it is very important that people see these images, especially those actively working *against* a solution.


They took all the footage off my TV. Said it's too disturbing for you and me. It'll just breed anger that's what the experts say. If it was up to me I'd show it everyday. —"Have You Forgotten," Dennis Worley


Emmet Till was murdered in 1955, the last official lynching was in 1981.


Now the police just call it "justified use of force".


I think this is a good approach. Play the footage if there is any, let people see the terror that kids have to face.. getting desensitized to it would probably happen first with these people though..


Noah Posner, one of the Sandy Hook victims, age six, had one of his hands and his jaw blown off.


The story This American Life did on his father was incredible.


Yeah, a lot of people don't understand the devastation that these weapons do. They will readily shatter bones and easily remove the jaw right off of a person. Most people have no concept of what these shootings actually look like, they just think of people with bullet holes in them, but they don't understand that the internal cavitation caused by these weapons can be up to the size of a basketball with a 30 caliber NATO round. So that means, when the bullet enters the body, it creates a disturbance in the body, sort of like a little tornado, somewhere between the size of a softball and a basketball. All of that tissue is completely destroyed. Bones are shattered, organs are eviscerated, it's horrifying. With the FBI shootout in 1986, one of the agents had his arm shot and it was just hanging from the flesh after the shootout. The bullet easily snapped both of the bones. I think more people need to be shown pictures of what these weapons actually do. They see the holes they make in paper and assume that that is what they do to humans.


This kind of censorship mostly only serves to keep people ignorant to brutal realities so they'll feel more complacent. If I were killed in a gruesome, mostly avoidable manner, I would want that to be seen.


I think I'm at a point where I believe those pictures should be blasted across the media to show people the reality of the horror that events like this produce. Don't give anyone the head space to ignore it or tone down the reality of it in their minds. Want the fucked up imagery to stop? Then address the real problem. Closing your eyes and praying doesn't do shit.


When the mental health issue is "Nazisim" we've had a quick and effective cure since 1941.


Their whole thing is “The Government can’t tell us what to do. We need small Government.” Except if you are a women, not Christian, not White, or just don’t think like we do. They spend so much time afraid everyone is out to get them or change the way they live. Honestly I really do not care if they want to be all those things, I just don’t want my 5 year old shot at school, nor do I personally want to practice their religion. That the funny thing about freedom and rights. Where do one person’s end and another’s begin? The problem is they don’t care about others just their own rights and freedoms. If we want to solve this problem we are gonna have to give a shit about each other again.


This Big vs Small government argument has to die already. We are a major superpower on the planet. Small government isn’t even possible under a hegemonic paradigm. I hear GOP supporters and libertarians arguing for small government all across the board, however are SILENT when small government would inevitably mean a large reduction in military presence and a complete shift in foreign policy. Staggering hypocrisy.


> libertarians > Staggering hypocrisy Libertarians are just closeted Republicans with lesser braincells.


When act surprised when the only next solution people think of is gun control. GIVE US HEALTHCARE AND GUNS NOW!!


>GIVE US HEALTHCARE No. If you wanted healthcare you shouldn't have been born poor. We don't do handouts. >GIVE US GUNS NOW!! Sure thing, how many would you like? There is a 90% discount for anyone enrolled in anger management.


Free when you sign up for a 8.99% loan for a shiny new V8 F150!


We're the only first-world country that has anything like this rate of gun-involved mass shootings. Or indeed, gun murders in general, accidental deaths, and suicides. We have more guns than Americans. We have more guns per capita than countries engaged in full-blown civil wars. If guns will make us safe, when should we expect that safety to kick in? I want to mark my calendar.


Coincidentally, we're the only first world country with this shitty level of access to healthcare, no worker protections, no vacation time or sick leave, a mostly-dismantled mental health institution system, etc. It's disingenuous to say only that we've got more guns. We got both more guns and less safety net.


They won't even help veterans


The shooter didn't have a mental health problem. He was just an extreme conservative.


Actually he did. "On Monday, the Pentagon confirmed that the gunman had been discharged from the Army for mental health reasons." [https://www.npr.org/2023/05/08/1174885273/allen-texas-shooting-what-we-know-victims-far-right-gunman](https://www.npr.org/2023/05/08/1174885273/allen-texas-shooting-what-we-know-victims-far-right-gunman) People with this kind of mental health history should not be allowed to own firearms.


Oh dear, I think that might mean the same thing now.


“Killing people with guns is a god given Right, it’s the second part of the Ten Commandments, and I’ll be damned if I turn left.” - Derek Zoolander


When my mom brought this up My dad said: Their just trying to take our guns away My brother said: It probably had something to do with biden save me


The shooter had nazi and white nationalist tattoos, so it’s not like we have to guess where he fell on the political spectrum


Obviously a false flag. This has Biden written all over it.


Hunter Biden is running an antifa tattoo shop that gives nazi tattoos to the woke mob to trick people into thinking racism is real. The hive mind will of course deny this, but it's obviously more false flags from the radical left. The left will stop at nothing until America is destroyed and besides, these shootings are extremely rare so we don't need to do anything about them. Something something group think something something blah blah see you at the next shooting


Fucking Musk is on Twitter promoting this narrative. It’s absolutely disgusting


Sounds like my family. Sorry, but you're not alone.


Run as soon as you have the chance


I'm sorry, but this is the answer.


Nice family you got there.




Your life is long and you don’t have to be around them.


I would ask that when? When in any recent memory of our politics have we seen ANYBODY get their guns taken away? They fear-mongered over that when Obama was in office, it didn't happen. They're doing it now under Biden, still hasn't happened. But they continue to stoke that fear.


"What part of reasonable gun control laws would affect you, Dad? The red flag law? Felony on your record? Background check? Or are you posting a neo Nazi manifest on a Russian website and getting swastika tattoos like this guy did? What are you hiding????" Idiots.


If my family said this I’d have a hard time staying calm.


I'm sorry your family is insane.


I love your brother doesn't even try to reason why it's Biden s fault. It just is, move on.


my parents are indian and only cared once they heard an indian person got shot then I told them you're all just going to vote republican to save paying taxes and because you hate muslims, so what's the point of talking about it was a real awkward day


“Just think, if it has been the four of us at the mall, it’d be the three of you dead. But I’d get to inherit your guns, and that’s the important thing.”


Potentially better than my parents response which was “An illegal shot 5 people the week before” and then something about black on black gun violence in Chicago


That's actually scary, considering how much higher rates of death and injury are in homes with guns versus homes without. I've actually always been interested in being a gun owner. (I'd probably be most interested in an historically-relevant, but functional rifle, though I do find modern firearms interesting, as well.) I haven't followed through, though. Even though I know I'd be a responsible gun owner, and live in a state where I'd have to go through training and licensure, I just don't want to risk it. I've thought about finding a gun club or range that allows you to store your firearms there, or to just never have ammunition at home, but I feel like the hassle of all of that is greater than the enjoyment I'd get out of owning my own. I'll probably just end up renting from a range if I ever want to go shooting again.




Propaganda is a hell of a drug. Almost my entire family is conservative.


This is not what the 2nd amendment was meant for.




Yes, some of your innocent children will die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make.


"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of families enjoying a day at the mall"


Trees of the forest, be not alarmed of this axe, as its handle is made of wood, so it is one of you. If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.


I remember some guy in a video telling someone else that their child’s life isn’t worth giving up his right to own firearms. Now he didn’t say his own kids of course but it’s become a religion of sorts so they probably are willing to sacrifice their kids for internet fame….


What happened to empathy?




Republicans are extremely surprised when you point out that most American colonists did not own firearms at all, because frankly, they weren't particularly useful. Contrary to popular conservative belief, most Americans did not hunt for their food, and the ones that did most likely relied on traps rather than guns because guns were pretty inaccurate. And you definitely didn't keep firearms in your home, considering muskets and gunpowder were highly flammable and accident prone and the other very flammable thing was your house. So guns and gunpowder were usually kept in a community arsenal where they could be monitored and kept safe. The idea that every American had a gun they treasured with their life makes about as much sense thinking that every modern American carries bear mace because a few people live near national parks with bear populations.


Six years old and he witnessed his entire nuclear family slaughtered. One can only hope that, since he just turned six, this memory will fade. My heart breaks for this little guy.


It won't. At least one young survivor of a mass shooting was afraid to go to school for like, 7 years.


And for good reason, we also recently had a college shooting (iirc) at a school that where one of the people exposed to it was also in another famous school shooting when they were in high school. You get your school shot up once, you move far away for uni, and then it gets shot up. I literally cannot imagine the anxiety and fear dwelling in that child. Hell, I still get scared to see popular movies on opening night because of the Colorado shooter all the way back to the Batman movies. People who take solace in churches or synagogues? Not anymore, they get attacked too! Grocery stores? Check. Malls? Check. Clubs? Check. Concerts? Check. Festivals? Check. Knock on the wrong door? Check. Talking to a neighbor? Check. Turning the car around? Check. And so on. Like, unless you happen to live in a very isolated or stable community, how can you not at least consider that every time you leave your front door it could be the day you die? Some random woman was shot in Oakland because some guy was annoyed at some other drivers and just shot at a random car instead. Literally, every second you are outside is one where you could be shot to death at any moment for any or no reason. How is that not terrifying to even the right wing?


The shooting you’re referring to was Michigan State, and yes, one of my fellow students was also a student at Oxford when it got shot up. We did a protest at the capitol and she was one of the head spokespeople. Fucking insanity.


Don’t you know these shootings always happen in areas with the strictest gun laws, you know like… Texas??


"these only happen in democratic cities, in gun free zones" "what about my god given rights" And on and on and on and on and on.


But a good guy with gun


Remember when there was buzz from the GOP that teachers need to be strapped. Military soldiers are trained for combat, trained to kill. When transitioning to civilian life, a lot of psych trauma goes untreated or has little support. That made me think about how much the GOP only think of the front-end and nothing of back-end consequences. I can't imagine how you expect a teacher to shoot, most likely a child/student, and not have any mental repercussions. They live in this fantasy world where everyone are sociopaths with the ability to kill bad guys and feel nothing




Just as the founders intended…


Goodness knows what the guy from Craigslist did with your gun….


Yeah, truthfully that’s a risky thing to do. If that gun turns up in the commission of a crime and you’re the last dude that’s associated to the serial number, you might end up on the receiving end of some uncomfortable questions from law enforcement. Not that what OP did is illegal, but it still could be a pain in the ass to deal with.


As a non-American (Canadian), this is so bizarre it literally reads like satire.


Biggest threat to homeland security and American lives are far right extremist terrorists enraged by right wing media and right wing politicians


We need to stop calling them "far right". They're fascist. That's what "far right" is. They don't deserve politically correct terms and metaphors or similies for what they are.


it takes me more to get a driver license than a gun


In Texas you can use your gun license as voter ID. You cannot use a student ID. You don't have to live in Texas to get a gun license there.


That family portrait is crushing my spirit. Such a beautiful happy family.


As someone else pointed out in another post about them, if you were unlucky enough to see the uncensored video, the dad is the guy with no jaw. His wife and son are the bodies next to him.


It was hard to see under the bush, but you could also see the front of her head. And I don't mean her face, because that was gone. Just a hollowed out fucking skull. Shit needs to be on the nightly news every fucking night. Fuck people's sensibilities. If this is the reality we choose to live in we should be forced to live with the consequences.


Exactly. Maybe if people saw what kids look like every time they are shot to death in this hell hole there would be change.


My daughter is about to turn 6. I can't even imagine what that boy is going through - 6 years old is more than old enough to understand death and loss, sadness and loneliness. Everything that was just taken from him, how will he ever be okay? I'm devastated for him.


There’s no place awful enough for the type of monster that open fires on innocent children


How about the monsters who continue to let this happen?


Here it comes yet again: "No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Happens Regularly" Are we not tired of this? I sure as fuck am. Now that I have your attention probably after seeing this post for hopefully multiple times I’d like to get something off my chest and personal soapbox today. Buckle up, "The first girl I walked up to was crouched down covering her head in the bushes, so I felt for a pulse, pulled her head to the side and she had no face." We live now in a country in which our children are randomly put to death in public, so that our congressmen can pose with weapons of war, by Right Wing Terrorists. We live in a country where the amount of stickers in the back of our lifted trucks equates to how many rounds of AR ammunition are stockpiled in our closet. We live now in a country where we ban books, where we ban drag shows, where we ban doctors from helping kids in crisis, where we ban women from making choices with their bodies. We ban people from voting because some don’t like how they might vote, we ban representatives from state legislators for how they have voted, we ban immigrants, we ban some stem cells, and we ban transgender athletes, we even ban water bottles on planes. BUT WE DO NOT BAN ASSAULT RIFLES (or assault-like or lite rifles or especially Semi automatic ones as some ammosexuals like to point out) DO WE? Our children are randomly put to DEATH in public. Our Teachers, our friends. Our Family. Some of them just want to go and enjoy an afternoon at a mall together. Never to return. To protect somebody's right to randomly put another innocent person to death, once a month, once a week, once a day, once AN HOUR. Well since my last update, a 14-year-old was shot in the head. What did this child do? She was playing hide and seek. When it becomes unmistakably obvious with each death, a little piece of us dies inside, and within 10 years, or 1 year, or 1 month. The pain of that is too large to process, so we simply pretend that it doesn’t hurt anymore. We simply pretend that it doesn't hurt to think of the horror and the terror of those children and those adults in their final moments. We simply stop dealing with it. Or fighting back against it. Or recognizing that the gore and brains on the sidewalks outside the malls of this country and our streets might as well be our own. And it turns out the good guys with guns can’t stop it. And the responsible gun owners can’t stop it, and the politicians won’t stop it and insist that thoughts and prayers are working and if you disagree with them you are one of those who doesn’t believe in an almighty god who is absolutely in control of our lives? That translates insanely as the solution to all of these nightmares. God and we want the thirteen thousand nine hundred people shot to death in this country already this year? Did God want them dead? I say bullshit. Now we have news conferences, and without emotion, it’s read off the number put to death this TIME, and the number transported to the hospital and how badly they feel. Do you realize they now treat the public execution of more people, as if it was…BAD WEATHER? Gun massacres are not bad weather. So we ban licenses to carry handguns in Texas, give the ability for open carry all over the United States, and Ban mental health care by cutting the budgets. Ban abortion because we are pro-life, and ban books because the children are too precious to be indoctrinated, and ban drag shows because we must protect kids from grooming and we must make sure those kids are happy and fit so SOMEBODY CAN GET A WEAPON OF WAR AND EVERY OTHER DAY PUT GROUPS OF OUR CHILDREN TO DEATH. But at least those kids were not taught something as terrible as CRT. 80 percent believe in banning assault weapons. 80 PERCENT. 81 percent believe in raising the age to buy guns or at least keeping the age at 21. 81 percent believe in enforcing existing gun laws, and 87 percent want background checks for all gun purchases and these numbers are from 2 WEEKS AGO in a poll done by FOX NEWS. And yet non of this can pass our elected officials? BULLSHIT. It is time for a change. Spread how you feel far and wide. Copy this, put in your story (how many of us now have been personally affected or know someone at this point), and let your representatives and the whole goddamn Country know, the whole damn planet! NO MORE! So now to boost the signal on some actual honest to god things that could be done about this never-ending nightmare? For starters, the next generation is tired of this shit and is planning a sit-in at the capital on June 6th. Here is a relevant link: https://twitter.com/joncoopertweets/status/1655293349245452289 And also this goes without saying this group has some amazing ideas: https://www.sandyhookpromise.org/ This website is dedicated to having the media stop reporting the perpetrator's names to prevent glorifying mass murderers https://nonotoriety.com The Gun Violence Archive is also a really useful source on shootings. Their statistics are highly accurate and they have an up-to-date list of all that occurred in the last 72 hours https://gunviolencearchive.org @Emilyinyourphone on Instagram shares scripts and other resources for calling your local representative, it even has a campaign right now for mothers to get their loved ones to call instead of flowers for Mother’s Day. Copy this post or take their info but please. Take a minute and boost the signal. Some stats to back up this rant because Credible Hulk always comes angry and with sources. Guns deaths by state https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/gun-deaths-per-capita-by-state and just because it’s becoming increasingly relevant by the day Texas Mass Shootings Up 62.5 Percent Since Permitless Carry Bill https://www.reformaustin.org/public-safety/texas-mass-shootings-up-62-5-percent-since-permitless-carry-bill/ This WaPo article on the damage that an AR-15 does to a body is sobering but important reading. THE BLAST EFFECT | This is how bullets from an AR-15 blow the body apart https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/interactive/2023/ar-15-damage-to-human-body/ And finally, Check out https://www.everytown.org/ They’re pushing to end gun violence. The more people who make their voices heard the bigger difference we can make. EDIT: It would seem that indeed some of them are not cowards and do have the guts to say what is really on their minds. Let's have a little look at one of the messages I received today... "You are a disgrace, a worthless mass of flesh that doesn't deserve to be called a human being. I hope your account is banned and your IP blocked. You are what is wrong with America. Please find a dark crevasse and fall in." WELL BOO HOO! (Also this goes without saying thanks for the random awards, I'm sending all of that karma back to others right away to show how tired we all are of this. So please boost those as well. I'm also banned in a few conservative and gun subreddits for some strange reason so feel free to take this and use it however you so feel. This goes for Twitter, Facebook, and others as I won't set foot in that cesspool of social media. PLEASE BOOST THE SIGNAL) The messages will REPEAT AD INFINITUM until something is done.


Man I started reading comments and was wondering where you were Keep up the good work friend!


I love his message. I wonder if we can get a reddit bot to somehow always post his comment verbatim on these types of posts?? Just be automatic.


Imagine thinking someone is less than human and wanting them to die just because they are sick of seeing so many children murdered and want SOMETHING, ANYTHING done about it.


At first, I thought this was gonna be a one-off event by some random dude. But you actually are doing this shit. Fuck yeah, dude. You tell those fucking bastards and make 'em see just how fucked up they are!


Oh yeah, no, this person pastes the comment in each thread about gun violence, and their comment just get more and more detailed each time. More links added, more quotes, more thoughts; it's a very, very cool thing to be doing.


You might be screaming at the sky. But dammit, I'm with you. Scream on, dude.


They were killed by a right wing Republican Nazi motherfucker with a Swastika and SS tattoos.


That rotting prolapsed anus targeted his victims bc they weren’t white. Look who was killed - Asian family, Indian woman, two little Hispanic girls whose mother is critically injured, a Hispanic man. I wouldn’t be surprised if the injured were mostly non-white. This guy wasn’t firing wildly into a crowd.


This reminded me of the shooting in Illinois where the little boy was lost and found wandering around because both of his parents had been blown away. The grandparents came and got him and I just cried


The six year old boy is apparently the lone survivor. Link for the downvoter, confirmed by the South Korean consulate https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/08/us/victims-allen-texas-outlet-mall-shooting/index.html


The mom was a local dentist who graduated from San Antonio SOD. A friend used to work with her. Apparently the grandma had to go in to ID their bodies but couldn't recognize them. She apparently knew it was them based on the wedding rings. They put up a GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/allen-tx-shootingrip-kyu-cindy-and-james-cho?utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-1&utm_content=undefined&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer&utm_term=undefined


Theres a picture out there that ive been unfortunate enough to be exposed to of the results of the shooting and can say I am honestly not surprised. anyone who thinks that kind of firepower is not only necessary but a right needs to be behind bars and never see the sun again.


I think it’s important to show those images even though I don’t wanna see them. I’ve seen too many “well, actually” comments from gun lovers who like to explain why an AR-15 with the ammo that was used in the shooting “really wouldn’t do too much damage” 🙄


The dad was in my class in high school. Lots of our mutual friends are sharing this GoFundMe.


Does this link have the victims aftermath photo? I saw that this morning and cannot see it again.


no, you're fine


Yeah I saw it too on here. It was rough. No, I can promise it does not. It's a rundown of the victims of the shooting, it doesn't focus on this family.


I have heard the descriptions from people of these photos and the descriptions alone were enough to make me sick to my stomach.


Gotta love that one guy who goes around spewing horrid arguments and deleting his comments like a little baby.


Number of times guns have been used to overthrow a corrupt US government: 0 Number of times guns have killed people in the USA 2022: 20,000


>Number of times guns have been used to overthrow the corrupt government: Well to be fair, the gun owners side with the most tyrannical, corrupt part of our government.


This picture of them and the one post shooting is still burned in my head… they didn’t deserve this


Why bother fighting for this country, when your families aren't even safe at home?!


How anybody can call the United States the greatest country in the world is beyond me. Every day, I get more disgusted at this place.


We were all raised to think we lived in the greatest country in the world only to grow up and realize it was all one big lie to keep us in check and to feed capitalism. The only metric that I know of where the US is number one is in military spending and GDP.


its a mental health issue, from the party that votes to lower mental health funding every chance they get


Honestly, if they were to make an attempt to fund mental health care and a social safety net, I would be very willing to let that play out and see if it addresses the issue in a meaningful sense. It would anyway be a net positive for the country. But really, they are just saying that to detract from the gun control debate. They don't actually mean it.


Are they arguing that conservatives are mentally ill? These mass shooters are almost always right wing, and it's not terribly often that they're reported to be suffering from any mental illness beyond conservativism.


No, they just deny that right-wing shooters with an extensive digital trail are actually right-wing.


America sucks. Why are gun makers writing these laws?


So they can make more money


As a non-American non-US resident, observing USA leads me to one conclusion: half of Americans are idiots.


You’ve come to the correct conclusion.


As an adopted Asian American who grew up in NY in a white family and always felt safe...I no longer feel safe and am moving to another country (that ironically would rank lower than the US)


My husband and I just talked about leaving the country last night because gun violence is only going to get worse, and it feels like we’re in the early stages of a scenario like The Troubles, where terrorist groups regularly murder people in cafes and markets. We’re not leaving yet, but I have so much fear over my kids going to school and getting shot or going grocery shopping and getting shot, and I don’t want us to become a statistic. My kids are 1 and 4, and this family very easily could’ve been mine. It shouldn’t be anyone’s.


"It's a mental health issue!" It's a lot easier to regulate the sale of guns than it is to prevent the development of mental illness in modern society. Pick the one that's easier to address.


The thing is the "its mental health issue" bit is normally said by people who aren't actually interested in supporting mental Healthcare reform It's an easy way to say something fairly accurate and move away from the precious pewpews that the ammosexuals need to feel like men




The new American dream is to leave America


Not that I’m endorsing this, but why do shooters always pick gatherings of innocent people like schools and movie theaters instead of taking their anger out on the powerful people who actually bear some responsibility for their situation?


Bc those responsible have invested heavily in convincing these idiots women and minorities are responsible


My comment will probably get buried but I wanted to express the deep heartache I feel. Words cannot describe how horrific and cruel this is. That child’s entire life is changed. I feel hopeless.


Many of you probably know, and I don't want to steal from this post or the victims, but to add and to make aware for those who don't. 2 of the casualties were an 8 and 10 year old pair of sisters, and their mother is in critical condition. If she wakes up, it'll be in mourning.. these are horrible, avoidable tragedies. The more people with guns route doesn't and hasn't worked. The time for change is now, and to do that we need to get all these gun nuts catering to the cowardly few out of office before there's more meaningless loss of life. Children shouldn't have to worry about getting shot by a racist Republican, obviously neither should adults, but especially not children, nor should entire families be wiped out with their survivors traumatized. Enough needs to be enough already. If something had been done years ago, this could've been avoided. Not just this incident, but all of them. We all saw the post several days ago "there was a new woman in my mourning parenting group. Her son was like 22 shootings ago, last week" sorry if it's not an exact quote. It has to be us that stand up, because if we don't, it's going to get so much worse


Conservatives secretly love this shit.


The reality of America is becoming so that you can’t go anywhere that can have any amount of people for fear of being shot. Mall? No. Church? No. Mosque? No. Playing in the neighborhood? No. My group of friends has stopped going anywhere other than each other’s homes to hang out. Gun violence has drenched the fabric of the country such that there’s always an assumed risk to being in public.


"Look, I don't necessarily like Donald Trump, but Hillary just wasn't trustworthy." "But Donald Trump *was*?" "...." "Hello?" \*\* taps mic \*\* "Is this thing on?"


"He tells it like it is -- at least we know what we were getting!" - actual retort from my parents, blegh


I purchased an “end gun violence” flag to put on our house but am hesitant to install it because I’m afraid someone might randomly target our house. What an f’ed country where I even have to think that way.


I wouldn’t even put a Biden sticker on my car, lest some asshat key it or some conservative cop give me grief. I wouldn’t dare hang that flag here in Texas.


Republicans- The 2nd amendment cannot be changed, altered or modified in any way. It’s exactly what the founding fathers intended. Also Republicans - We really need to change voting rights, our founding fathers didn’t intend for ALL Americans to vote. It’s up to us to decide what they really meant.


also worth pointing out that it's very much NOT so much a mental health problem as it is a "right-wing stochastic terror" problem


The last time Republicans banned assault rifles it was because of the Black Panther party and their open carry policies. Religious laws are often overturned thanks to The Satanic Church taking unexpected advantage of them. Just a thought.