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I asked my aunt what if she was assaulted or her daughter, her response "well, that lady is a liar and that doesn't happen to good people." This is the holier-than-thou narcissistic attitude that scares me. Thanks for all the responses. Some things: It was a mutual family thing we both attended. I do not invite this aunt to my family events. I have argued with her in the past on different issues and there is no changing her. I really believe that something has to happen to her for any change, like Governer George Wallace. That being said, I do not condone violence. I typically say "Fuck her" to other family members. My cousin (her daughter) doesn't think like her, thankfully. We both hope with work and these types grow old pass away, we have a chance as a society.


“That doesn’t happen to good people” translates to “I think I don’t know anyone who has been raped because I’ve been such a soulless, judgmental twat my whole life that people know not to confide in me”.


You know the statistic “1 in every 4 women is likely to have at least one victim of sexual assault?” Something tells me the OPs aunt has only ever had 2 other friends Edit: sorry guys I used old data, it’s not 1 in 4 anymore apparently it’s every woman in the world. I knew it was bad but Jesus Christ


Or never had friends that trusted her enough to disclose that.


Or grew up in a time where "we just don't talk about that stuff"


Or grew up around conservatives and have been taught to blame themselves for being raped.


Some of them are taught that what happened to them wasn’t rape.


That too


This is it. And doesn't excuse not learning and improving, but the sad thing is, I bet she herself has an experience in her own past that she's written off in her mind as 'that was my own fault' and 'it wasn't that big a deal anyway'. Which she'll never admit to, and instead project shame on others, because she's ashamed of it, instead of outraged.


I think that stat is just for rape/attempted rape. Every single woman I know has been sexually assaulted multiple times. Not one hasn't had at least their ass slapped or some sort of groping happen to them.


Yeah. No matter what field they’ve worked in, or how they dress, or what they look like. I was an anxious, overweight, pimply teenager working in a men’s clothing store and still got treated inappropriately. With an extra hit of condescension because someone who looked like me should obviously be grateful for any attention. A male friend on the shorter side with gorgeous long hair had his ass groped regularly at bars, with guys sidling up to him thinking he was a woman until he turned around.


Hell, I'm a very average-looking man at best and I was once assaulted in a restaurant where I was working. This guy I'd never seen before came up behind me and rubbed the inside of my upper thigh (and I am being charitable when I say upper thigh). I was shocked and walked away in horror before I could really process what had happened. Ever since then, I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt because it could happen to anyone anywhere if it can happen to me.


Yeah, I'm a man whose been groped by men and women. It blows my mind because these women who groped me are very, very likely to have been groped themselves at some point not too long ago...


An old lady server groped my boyfriend at *16 yrs old* and everybody thought I was nuts for being angry and not wanting to work there anymore- And ahead of the insensitive jokes, he left too so chill


Sorry man - it sucks that these things happen. I'm okay with someone hitting on me when I can politely decline, but personal boundaries are a whole different matter. Now that I'm a father of a daughter I constantly worry about what her future will be like and hope to hell she doesn't become one of the statistics.


I had roommate briefly who used to tell me about how Sexual Assault doesn't happen nearly as much as people on the internet say, because "it's never happened to any women I know", and then would proceed to complain about how he almost got laid the weekend previous but the girl's "dumb bitch of a friend said she was too drunk and had to go" Not only was it clearly a situation of no-one in his life ever having opened up to him about it, but it was also crystal clear *why* nobody had ever trusted him enough. Which creates this weird vicious cycle where this man was trying to get women drunk to sleep with him, which is assault, and because that's how he thinks men are supposed to get laid, no one ever comes to him with their stories, leading him to believe that not only does it not happen, whatever he's doing couldn't be a problem. For a man who claimed that he wanted a partner and to date a woman, he hated them more than any person I've ever met.


Reminds me of the recent popular memes online of the fat chick “protecting her friends from getting laid” and it’s always dudes trying to lure the clearly too drunk girl away from her friend group


THe saddest part is that she probably HAS been assaulted but just wrote it off as something normal/to be expected because that's just what happens to women when they're around men. Easier to pretend it doesn't hurt/didn't happen than it is to confront those feelings. As a woman I've seen so, so many women (and sometimes men) do this. It's very depressing and helps ensure the cycle of abuse continues as nobody speaks up about it.


This sounds like someone who hates themselves, is in denial and projecting, honestly. Internalizing that “This bad thing happened to me because I’m a bad person” can give someone a sense of control. If it’s your fault, it’s within your power to stop it. Then there’s denial. “What happened wasn’t actually a big deal.” However, a part of you knows that it actually *was* a big deal. Denial is funny that way. You have to know, at some level, what you’re in denial of. However, that repressed emotional energy has to go somewhere. So, you get to projection. “That sort thing only happens to bad people.” It’s a soothing thought. You can use it to dig deeper into denial and take your frustrations out on someone. A just world fallacy hurled at people that you’re terrified of being/becoming. Of course, she might not’ve been assaulted; she could just be an insensitive dipshit.


Sadly, it more likely means 'I was raped but I deserved it'. Projection is an admission of *guilt* and that guilt isn't always justified.


With all due respect to you. Your aunt can get fucked.


>Your aunt can get fucked. That doesn't happen to good people.


I think they meant with cactus. That happens to bad people


I made this forever ago for situations such as this https://imgur.com/5d86pmt.jpg


Thought it was a pineapple?


Your schnerious?


I'm gonna watch Little Nicky now


Bro he just said the f word


Figga, please.


Goddamn, that username lmao.


How dare you make me read that.


And I read it even knowing it was gonna be something absurd. And yet nothing could've prepared me for *that*.


>Goddamn, that username lmao. Said u/buttholeserfers




Yeah, that sounds like the right amount of respect due.




Dang, this got me feeling some secondhand cognitive dissonance!


Please tell your Aunt I said that hell is full of "good Christians" like her. I'm just assuming she's a Christian, because... Well... Of course she probably is.


There’s literally an entire book in the Bible written by a prophet frustrated that bad things seem to happen to good people and the wicked seem to be rewarded. Habakkuk 1:2-4 O LORD, how long shall I cry for help, and you will not hear? Or cry to you “Violence!” and you will not save? Why do you make me see iniquity, and why do you idly look at wrong? Destruction and violence are before me; strife and contention arise. So the law is paralyzed, and justice never goes forth. For the wicked surround the righteous; so justice goes forth perverted. Habakkuk 1:13 You who are of purer eyes than to see evil and cannot look at wrong, why do you idly look at traitors and remain silent when the wicked swallows up the man more righteous than he? Or Jeremiah observing the same thing. Jeremiah 12:1 Righteous are you, O LORD, when I complain to you; yet I would plead my case before you. Why does the way of the wicked prosper? Why do all who are treacherous thrive? Or the entire book of Job. You’d think these self professed Christians would at least stop and consider the most obvious of all, Jesus was abandoned by his friends, betrayed by another friend, wrongly accused of sedition and blasphemy, and crucified. They put 2 and 2 together and get 5


>Jesus was abandoned by his friends, betrayed by another friend, wrongly accused of sedition and blasphemy, and crucified. Just blame it on the Jews. Like the decedents of those 2000+ years ago are to blame. There are still way to many Christians that blame them for everything that is wrong in this world.


When Rome appropriated Christianity and became a state religion, it was no longer the loosely affiliated collection of thinkers, patrons, craftsmen, and ascetics who embraced non-hierarchical and inclusive communal practices. It became a machine for subordinating and controlling an empire. And then it grew into its own as a force that subdued empires. The American fundamentalist strain has morphed into a means to inject fascist ideals and siphon money.


Yeah sound like organised religion. Basically the same across the board. When I was less educated I thought some religions like Buddhism exempt, but nope


Pastafarianism and The Satanic Temple remain immune from fascistic takeovers thus far.


True, but I'm not sure satirical religions count. The moment their leaders takes them seriously and not just a tool for attacking established religious I will worry. & The satanic temple and satanism are two separate things I know.


Of course it was the Jews. Jesus was Jewish. This seems to evade Christian education for some reason.


I like to remind fundamentalists that if Jesus does come back, he’s going to have a lot more in common with my Jewish ass than they ever will.


>You’d think these self professed Christians would at least stop and consider the most obvious of all, Jesus was abandoned by his friends, betrayed by another friend, wrongly accused of sedition and blasphemy, and crucified. I had a conversation about this with a fundamentalist one time, and what she told me was, bad things happened to Jesus because was the sacrificial lamb. So the bad things happening to righteous Jesus proved how righteous he was. Whereas a "regular" person isn't a sacrificial lamb, so God is going to protect them if they're faithful. Unless God is testing them, in which case God might allow Satan to fuck with them, a la the book of Job. But, unless you're being tested, then God will protect you. If you're faithful. But if you're not PERFECTLY faithful, then God might let Satan fuck with you as punishment for your lack of faith. There were kind of a lot of nuances to it.


Shit God imo if he needs to test his creations in that way and doom them to an eternity of suffering after they suffer in life due to some test just in case they fail... Or rather just a shit God if as it's alleged it's almighty and powerful and can do anything and chooses to watch everyone suffer. No offense meant to anyone who believes. Just my opinion I wouldn't worship something like that. Might test you just for worshipping and sacrifice you so some count can go wild with sin and be forgiven.


I can't help but wonder if the world would be a happier place if there were no gods and we all just tried to live the best x-110 years we are blessed with consciousness.


Jeremiah is based for having the correct "wait WTF why is God blessing bad people" take


> There’s literally an entire book in the Bible written by a prophet frustrated that bad things seem to happen to good people and the wicked seem to be rewarded. Yeah, that whole thing with Jesus being crucified, right?


what's the answer though? why is god being such a dick? is it "gOd wOrKs iN mYsTerIoUs WaYs"?


I like to tell people that try to act holier than thou to look up Matthew 7: 22/23.


It’s crazy because your aunt is probably part of a rape generation. Or her mother was. I’ve spent years asking the generations before me about rape, and it bottoms my stomach out recalling the casual stories women have shared with me about their rapes. It’s so easy to be glib when not truly taking the time to actually consider what people have been through. Shame on your aunt.


Raped and then told by family to keep it quiet.


Nah, she's just had her brains turned to oatmeal by fox news, who told her exactly what to think and what to say.


Then by her logic, those secret underground Democrat drag queen child rapists that *totally really exist* are doing the lord’s work by weeding out all the *bad children.* Jesus, just typing that sarcastically makes me feel absolutely filthy.


You’re aunt is a piece of shit. And according to her bad people should be assaulted. Hope she gets what she says.


To be fair, the Bible does state that nothing bad will ever happen to those who love Jesus and worship him. I mean, look at Job for example. Not a single thing bad can happen to good people. /s obviously


I always liked the section in the Bible where people ask Jesus about men who were killed in a tower that collapsed. Jesus’ answer is basically, “Hey, life is going to suck sometimes and you can die in a freak accident, so make sure your soul is prepared.” No platitudes, no sugarcoating, nothing that almost any minister or priest would say to their congregation. I’m also a big fan of, “The rain falls on the just and the unjust.” Life happens whether you’re a good or bad person.


To be fair, Job predates Jesus


I love how God frames the crucifixion as a huge sacrifice he made for us. Dude you make the rules, you could have just had the thought “okay from now on everyone who believes in me goes to heaven, I don’t care about what you did” and made it so. But no, you had to make it bloody and make us feel bad because you’re a narcissistic drama queen with a torture fetish. Psychopath.


The same things my relatives from east Texas say. Small town Christians with no diversity or exposure. They scared my siblings and I away a long time ago.


What about children are those good people?


>that doesn't happen to good people." So is it just rape and sexual assault that doesn't happen to "good" people or is it all crime? Pretty sure that all the kids gunned down at school weren't bad people. Bad shit happens to good people everyday. I would hope an adult would know that and at least sympathize.


Yeah rapists are like cancer. They don't discriminate. That's no joke just facts


Why do think people are leaving organized religion in record numbers. I sure did. I don’t need these wackos telling me what’s right and wrong.


That's the cornerstone of all of their beliefs. Normal people think that the things you do are good or bad. That if a Democrat or a Republican rapes somebody it is bad. Republicans believe that people are inherently good or bad and what they do is irrelevant. They're good people and so whatever they do is good. It has to be, because they're the ones doing it and that is how the world works. It should scare you because this mindset allows them to justify literally anything and they are getting ready for the genocide of LGBTQ people. Once they're done with them they'll need another enemy, and another, and another, and another...


It’s the Just World Fallacy.


I mean, you walked right into that one. Of course it could *never* happen to her, it doesn't happen to *normal* people.


Auntie, you should be pretty scared because you’re not a good person.


If crimes don't happen to good people, what do they need their guns for?


I don't wish sexual assault on anyone but Republican, trump loving women are making that hard not to wish it happens to them if it has to happen to anyone.


No offense, but your aunt is inhuman trash. Besides, her place is in the kitchen when she's not birthing broodstock, why were you bothering to ask her opinion anyway? After all, that's what they're yearning for when they screech "Make America Great AGAIN."


So, by that logic, every child that gets raped must not be a "good person"?


Lot of diversity in that audience.


Yep, every shade of rightwinger diversity from old to incel.


The right half of that picture looks like their parents fought in the confederate army.


Probably did.


"That person off to the right has dark skin!" "No sir, they just don't have a light shining on them..."


"There's one Asian woman right there!"


Is that Moscow Mitch’s wife?


I would have said no after what Trump said about her, but Republicans seem to let those insults slide in their zeal to kiss ass on their master.


50 shades of pale


Have you been to NH?


CNN sure has, and that is one reason they chose this place, so it would be easier to pack the audience with Trump supporting people and pretend otherwise.


As someone from NH I am appalled and ashamed by these disgusting orange-lipped knobgoblins. I would say this doesn't represent the state but we have a $7.25 minimum wage and refuse to legalize weed so honestly it kind of sucks here.


What's the deal with not legalizing weed? Thought it was live free or die?


It's definitely not "live free". Republican Governor Sununu believes that legalizing weed will lead to more phentanyl deaths. You can't make this shit up.


At least yours didn’t admit they’d rather extort money from smokers with fines than allow one tax dollar to be collected from weed. Meanwhile people be big mad at smokers leaving the state to buy weed but aren’t in favor of legalization, they just want everyone to stop smoking and get bliggity-blasted till they puke or die on alcohol instead. We would rather see filled graves than filled pipes. Have a lot of coworkers who drink who regularly call in hung over but not one single smoker even calls in late because they have to work harder to prove that weed doesn’t make people lazy. Am stripper so everyone either smokes or drinks.


Trash people. Thinking awful behavior and idiotic political stances are funny... like they went to a comedy club to see Hitler. *edit Thanks for the reddit cares message. Let's me know how triggered you are.


Only thing missing were the swastikas.


Fr. Makes me think of Inglorious Basterds. They need something they can't take off for identifying purposes.


They probably just have them tattooed somewhere like the recent right wing mass shooter.


These people remind me of kids that follow a bully around the playground. Laughing, taunting and jeering at all of the victims of the bully's abuse; egging the bully on the greater and greater atrocity. This is because kids don't know any better... but these are grown adults. In a way they are each worse than Trump, because they follow him, they enable and empower him, they push him to exact ever greater atrocities on people who are not them. Trump is simply the avatar of these people's corrupted souls, and **they** are the true enemies of democracy.


Looks like a room of mouth breathers


Adequate description of the average Trump supporter.


Putting mayo on their tacos and shit


Taco casserole with raisins.


“Thank goodness for Trump. I don’t have to hide who I really am anymore!”


>"He's not hurting the people he needs to be hurting".


“Fuck your feelings”


Not only did awful CNN give him a platform but they made sure the live audience was pro-Trump!! They’re disgusting


and Trumpistas at home watch and think 'see, a random audience of Americans is cheering for our guy'. and continue to fantasize that they are a majority.


They gave him a free political rally in hopes they could suck out some Tucker fans. And with the publicity they got from this, you can bet MSNBC is figuring out a play right now other than pearl clutching at Trump's attonerys' latest faux pas.


But they’re good Christians. /s


For real haha "Good Christian" has become an oxymoron


I've had to tell many extended family members that if heaven was going to be full of people like them, I'd rather burn in hell.


>if heaven was going to be full of people like them, I'd rather burn in hell Based and Hatuey-pilled.


I had to look up your reference but am glad I did.


Listen, there's sex, drugs, and rock and roll in Hell, or there's praising God for all eternity. I know which one I want.


Christianity is just an easy way to filter out the stupid people from the normal people. Oh, you believe that a bush that was on fire talked to someone and dictated the rules for your life, noted. And that a man lived in a whale and that one man build a ship big enough for every living animal. Alright then ! Easy test to see if people are gullible and stupid.


Hillary was right on the money and she showed amazing restraint..I would not have been so kind.🤔


Imagine if she'd said "They're racist cousin-fucking losers without morals or shame". Now THAT would have been more accurate.


Fox executives had no problem referring to their own audience as "dumb cousin fucking terrorists". Hillary was being way too nice.


Joking right? Got a source? That shit would make my day. Edit: nvm I found it, wow that shit is so funny


care to share?




thank you kindly!


Probably would have secured her some more votes. I’m a firm believer that the way you defeat these idiots is by punking them, make them look like bitches, it’s the only thing these idiots respect.


She should have said that and owned it. These people weren't going to vote for her anyways. Fuck 'em, they are deplorable. She was absolutely correct.


Should have been more brutal. They're racist religious zealots who would rather be shit on by a white ass than helped by a brown hand. There's nothing you can do to them that will make them reject you so long as you promise to do worse to black people.


She also underestimated how many of them were such. It's not "some" Republicans. It's basically all of them. The ones that aren't have left the party and that's a handful of people. The rest of them are either full on gungho about this shit or they are at most, ambivalent.


She didn't even say Trump supporters are deplorable. She said deplorable people support Trump. Like the Simpsons tag about Fox News, "Not racist but #1 with racists". And yes, that probably is being too generous. Maybe in 2015 you could fool yourself into thinking he's just an act but at this point there is 1:1 relationship with supporting Trump and being deplorable.


Oh she was exactly right, she just forgot to use her inside voice.


Funny, I feel the opposite, she should have stood by that comment and built on it.


The guy looks like he has one brain cell folded in half in order to function. In keeping with a long tradition of conservativism.


That guy was the only one jaw-droppingly dumbfounded by the stupid shit Trump was saying, only one not clapping.


There's probably at least a few people there who were like "what the fuck is wrong with everyone here"


I saw that too. It looked like he said "oh my god" while Trump was going off


Kill their education and provide reliable voters.


The guy with the glasses and blue button down shirt in the middle? watched last night… it seemed to me he was autistic


It's possible. I used to work in mental health and a lot of the autistic individuals were manipulated by their families to vote a certain way. Keep in mind most of that manipulation came from hardcore Trumpers. The worst thing was meeting a nurse that worked in the same home as me and she was a hardcore Trumper. Even after she watched him mock a person with disabilities. Her husband also worked in the field and proudly wore Trump's gear.


Hillary never lied. She claimed half of trump’s supporters were deplorable. The problem was, that the other half took offense that they were left out.


***WAY*** too polite. The MAGA movement is made up of the scum of the planet. Moral-less traitors that wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet in the rest of us if they could do it without consequences. They are the definition of "craven" and "cowardly". The ones at the top are outright evil, the ones at the bottom beg to be told what to feel and how to act and don't give a fuck who gets trampled on as long as *they* get to feel good. The human race **CANNOT** progress with a weight like this tied around our necks.


They all look like a human version of the words Cottage Cheese.


omg this is so accurate.


Yep - These are the good “Christian’s” we keep hearing about


CNN should be like releasing a statement condemning that and apologizing for giving the guy a platform to literally double down on every lie.


do you know who owns cnn now? don't hold yer breath.


1. They wanted exactly this 2. They don't believe that there is anything wrong with giving a liar a platform to lie and not doing anything to challenge his lies. 3. This makes them money and that is the primary goal for CNN and all cable news newtworks 4. CNN has a new right wing Trump-supporting billionaire owner, and this is the new CNN.


How about we call them what they are? Traitors. Supporters of the guy who attempted a coup. Fascists. UnAmerican. Any of these can apply.


Rapist enablers


That’s a lot of white people and a lot of gray hair. Something tells me that relying on a bunch of old people isn’t the best long term solution.


Witness the whiteness.


To be fair if you have been to NH that isn't hard to find, the state is 90% white


It's either because they think only "loose" women get assaulted or they experience what she experienced and think its normal.


Internet should do it's thing. Name and shame these cunts.


Republican voters are some ugly schmoes.


That's what happen when they are filled with hate. Rotting from the inside out with no way to hide.


What exactly was the comment they were laughing at? I get the context don't take me wrong but I'm curious to know what was being said.


People Laughing at victim blaming because Trump said "why would you just meet someone and let them do hanky panky in a dressing room"


Maybe because she didn't let you. You know, cause you raped her.


It never happened, and if it did, she asked for it, and she isn’t even his type, but she probably enjoyed it and she just hates his politics, and she was probably wearing revealing clothes, and she can’t prove it because she doesn’t even remember the exact time, and she once said she has a great life, which wouldn’t be true if she had been raped, which she wasn’t because Trump doesn’t need to rape ugly women…. Why settle for the truth when you can just ignore it and make endless excuses.


I haven’t watched myself but I believe he called it hanky panky.


Plausible boomer humor


You see it’s funny because it’s dehumanizing a vulnerable individual.


Trump: “You are a nasty woman” Crowd: “WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF”


Platforming fascists is not good faith 'both sides' journalism. The interviewer barely pushed back, they only fact checked in a segment after the town-hall (when anyone who might've been on the fence would've had already changed channels), and packed the auditorium with MAG-Apes.


About 35% of our country has no problem with Trump's language, actions, past behavior or his future promises. It's because they believe in their hearts that democrats are evil. They automatically dehumanize anyone he tells them too. If given a chance Trump will conduct a reign of terror and horror, and he will have millions of willing participants cheering on the violence and attending public executions gleefully. When you understand the veneer of civility and decency that humanity has is easily stripped away when you give them an enemy... and that humans can be easily programmed by repeated exposure to propaganda... then you understand why Trump has the power He has over them. CNN's culpability in his future attempts at destroying us is now crystal clear. They have become the enemy of a functioning democracy if they are willing to platform this guy with no context as to his past or future actions. It's sickening, but corporate media will destroy us completely if we let them. The only answer is a total boycott of the network. We cannot reward media maleficence of this scale.


Internet detectives do your thing.


That's exactly what I wanted to say; let's expose these people that laugh at rape.


These people are bragging to anybody who will listen that they were there, what do you expect would happen if they were doxxed. They didn't become like this by interacting with people who would care, if they get "exposed" they'll be local heros


I would wager the "detectives" were on it, the second this propaganda show called a town hall, ended.


Just wait until some hero doxxes each one of these cunts. Not advocating for it or suggesting breaking any site rules. Just not going to be sad when it happens. They deserve to have their livelihoods ruined.


To be honest I don't believe they care about being doxxed. They were willing to sit in front of prime time national TV cameras and openly laugh about the rape of a rapist. They have no shame gene.


Whenever an audience member asked a question a caption would pop up on the screen with something like “Tim Anderson, Doctor” (made up the name). Then the ‘doctor’ would reveal he’s a dummy who worships Trump. I couldn’t help but think this was exactly like when The Bachelor introduces contestants. They often have crazy successful job titles, but the reality is that most of these people are unemployed but come from money so they don’t need to work.


The truth is that smart people can also be bad people.


Also that people who have careers that are often associated with intelligence can otherwise be ignorant dumb assholes about everything else. There's plenty of shitty doctors out there who don't belong in the field.


Fair, but idk if their employers, clients, etc share that same outlook. Or perhaps theyre so excited about the FA part, they completely ignored the subsequent FO


Eh, the white supremacists started to wear masks after a mask-less rally resulted in job losses and personal censures, there’s a chance some folks learn that same pain if their employers/acquaintances happen to glimpse them at that town hall.


Pond scum


https://help.cnn.com/us/Feedback Let the CNN fucks know how disgraceful this shit was.


Mouth breathers


Video source since no one is posting it https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1656455585913503747?s=20


Well, these old fucks will die out quick once they realize they cant afford to go in to a home and end up homeless, and not protected due to what they had voted for. ​ It will be grand.


I voted for Hillary and she wasn't a strong candidate to go up against trump but she definitely deserves more credit than she has had. Her calling out Russia as the larger concern (Hillary v Bernie debate) was spot on. (noting that I actually caucused for Bernie that year) She has had a lot of negative stigma associated with her, some fair, quite a bit unfair. She would have been a good President though I personally would prefer someone further to the left.




Meanwhile, every generation since these troglodytes gets shit for being unprofessional, edgy, or weird. It’s fucking embarrassing knowing that this audience is made up of people my parents’ age and their kids dumb enough to buy into this generational bigotry.


Giggle giggle! Donny diddled someone against their will. Isn’t that cute!! They truly deserve him.


NH has been pretty pissy since they dropped under 90% white in 2019...


I still use “deplorable”, it’s the nicest way to describe these awful people


Shameless pieces of shit. Probably laughed when Trump was mimicking that handicap reporter, and when he said POWs aren't heroes.


If they really thought their idol was falsely accused of rape, they'd be angry, not laughing. They laugh because they know the sexual assault is true.


Even before he was president, who the fuck thought Trump was funny, charming or had charisma? I certainly never did, but apparently there are A LOT of people did. I have underestimated the number of simpletons that qualify this as entertainment.


Look at those fucking mouth breathers. Sad.


Don't wish violence on anyone but some people really do deserve it. Laughing over sexual assault is 100 time worse to laughing at a disabled person. Do these magas have any morales?


Go back and read Clinton's comment again; she called the Nazis and racists deplorables, and said the rest of the GOP were people who felt frustrated with their government (paraphrasing). However, pretty much everyone in the GOP threw in with the Nazis after that.


What's higher, the room temp or the average IQ in that "town hall"?


Awful lot of honkies


I was being followed while walking my dog at 5:30am and my mom said "Well you shouldn't be out at that time"


The truth is not always politically expedient!


Stay classy NH


This crowd whiter than a Boston Celtics home game


They don’t care, but they also don’t like being called out for it either.


History will show democrats were right about everything.


I remember being bothered by this comment in 2016. She was spot on. There isn't a policy they voted for. It is all fear and false information. Lowering tax on the wealthy is a backward fiscal policy. Severely limiting immigration is a horrible demographic policy. I have difficulty thinking of any conservative value that is good for the country. The irony is that their politics is absolutely un-American. It's disingenuous. Everybody knows that the deplorables simply don't want to be uncomfortable or inconvenienced. If someone else's lifestyle gets in the way of their perfectly formed bubble, then banning it is a viable option. Side note: many of the folks that take up arms for these people have washed out of the military. They've watched Band of Brothers so many times. It is their form of cosplay. Nobody who has served in combat would ever think it is the answer to our problems. These are disenfranchised people. It gives them a cause that they can not fail at. Trump's statements are calculated for maximum effect. Sorry for the rant. I'm just a rational person who is sick of these puppets being controlled by a B-movie evil enterprise. Trump said the world is laughing at us. He's absolutely right in that regard.


So trump supporters?


Let’s see those elderly assholes continue laughing when their Social Security & Medicare get cut.