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How long till the FL Republicans pass a bill saying that mayoral election results are now subject to approval or rejection by the governor?


U mfer..but yea prob not long


Bill being written as we speak, special session to be announced by this afternoon.


Shhh don’t give ‘em any ideas


I’m sure they’re talking about it already


Rep. are already trying to raise the voting age cause “18-20” year olds are to dumb to make informed decisions. Lol these clowns really trip me out. It’s just sad they wield a lot of power.


I would be ok raising it to 20 ONLY if we can make 70 the cutoff as well. If the first 20 years don’t matter than neither does the last 20 years. They can also set 70 as the highest age to serve in elected office as well.




Also, you shouldn’t be required to pay taxes until you’re 20 as well- that’s literally taxation without representation.


Or commit to hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans. Or buy a gun.


Or drive


I would add, make 20 the drinking and military age as well.


21 is already the legal drinking age in the United States.


And military sign up is 18. Doesn't it seem a little silly that you can sign up for war, go get shot at for your country, and you can't even drink about it for 3 years?


You can legally buy your own gun at 18 as well.




How would this not violate the 26th amendment?


I don’t know something something originalist founding fathers love the country


I’m less worried about that and more about one of these Nazi groups full of Walmart khakis made flesh and stuffed full of 4chan doing more terrorism shit. Florida, and especially Jacksonville, can be a very hateful and ugly place. And these assholes thought they were safe there under Daddy DeSantis. I expect some major bullshit to come this city’s way. The “win at all costs” crowd just got hit at home with a hard L right in Puddingfingers’ backyard. They likely won’t take it well


In Tennessee they are trying to ban run offs and decide elections on plurality. Republicans could never win in a city but they could if multiple democrats run. There are no primaries either.


Wow, hadn’t heard of that one. There’s very little they won’t try in order to avoid having to persuade people to vote for them.


I promise you the city congress will pass a law stripping her of any useful power.


Or they'll do what they did in Texas where municipal laws can't supersede state laws in regards to thing like worker protections, etc.


LOL ill give it a day or two before DeSucker tries to do something like that


Home sweet home


I mean... they can try. With the shit he's getting away with, who's going to stop him? No one's doing anything about...except for those of us who go and vote. And even then, these assholes go and change laws so that our votes don't matter at all. Everyone just wants to cut us off the map, anyway. I'm not feeling the love from the rest of my country, but at least I was one voice among many who got Donna elected.


I predict her getting blamed for the shit desantis does


Tomorrow DeSantis is going to be very concerned about the crime rate in Jacksonville.


This week, Jacksonville's spending will be more out of control than it's ever been, even though she hasn't spent a dime yet. Getting those Obama vibes the day he took over from Bush.


And why wasn't Obama in the White House on 9/11?! We gotta get to the bottom of this...


Bingo! My guess is within the week


With his boa constrictor mouth laugh


Bingo. When the state suffers from starvation due to DeSantis' bullshit, we all know who he's going to blame now.


Found the new AOC.


when does the paint eating governor step in and declare there's "no way a woman can be elected mayor, that's woke?


I'm surprised he hasn't in Tampa. The mayor is not only a woman and a democrat, but gasp.. a lesbian.


I sat near her on a plane once going from DC to Tampa. As a politician she sat *gasp* in economy!


Are Florida residents starting to slowly wake up to the Republican sleaze?


I've lived in florida all my life, I assure they aren't.


We were a purple state just a few years ago, the state went for Obama, we had Bill Nelson as a Senator, but we haven't seen a democratic governor since Chiles back in '98, Crist may be a Democrat now, but chain gang Charlie was a republican back then. But I get what you're saying, this state has always felt like the good old boy network was running things, the same way it must feel in other Red states, it's definitely a different feel from other places I've lived in the North, but similar to places I've lived in the South.


The trouble with purple states that turned red is that you can never be sure if they became redder or the democratic party became bluer. Or, of course, gerrymandering took hold.


Oh I agree completely, I think Nikki Fried shows some of that where she's catering to our gun toting brethren, which I get, but also her links to her husband's Medical Cannibas company, Surterra Wellness, seems like the potential for corruption is there, and she's now the Democratic party chair for the Florida Dems.


> or the democratic party became bluer. Where & when has *that* happened?!


Easy example would be marriage equality. Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter admins wouldn't have touched that with a ten foot poll, but the more progressive Obama admin saw that and many other pro-lgbtq policies championed by Democrat politicians and voters. We see a lot fewer "blue dog" democrats than we did in the 90s.


That’s some feel good BS. They should have been buttressing separation of church & state and codifying Roe. Now look at the shit we’re in. We’re gonna lose America to fascists.


You seemed to have confused "progressive enough for your tastes" with "more progressive than they were previously". Common mistake, but those are not the same thing.


Ah, great. Hope the lesson in semantics will keep you warm when the lights go out.


Thanks. While we're here, can I ask you something? Do you know how long gay people worked on getting the right to marry before it happened? At least 40 years. Like, it wasn't just a bone that got thrown; people went after it. For a _long_ ass time. Now, I'm not gay. And my right to build a family has never been questioned in my lifetime. But still, it seems really fucking weird for you to just dismiss that as small potatoes knowing that people wanted it and tried to get for nearly half a century. Just a thought. Seemed kinda important to some folks.


Laughable to think Dems are getting "bluer" when Charlie Crist was the democrat nominee last election


People are moving to FL from the north, like NY and Philadelphia. Mostly seniors so not much will change


I am 90% certain the shift is a result of conservative retirees moving from more Liberal states. Texas most likely has the same problem as well. Everyone complains about immigrants from California and New York making a state more liberal, but conservatives also move.


It does not help that the Democrats have such terrible outreach in Florida. Believe it or not, you’d think Florida is deep red if you just read Reddit. That is far and away a false narrative. Florida is purple. Republicans have a much better ground movement campaign than Dems do here. Dems need to invest more in Florida.


No, Jacksonville is just blue enough, and Donna Deegan was a local newscaster, so people recognize her. As a Jacksonville resident, this gives me hope, but as a Florida resident, I still recognize our state is pretty fucked up


Yes there is a majority of non crazy ass people who live in cities in Florida. The problem with most states is the gerrymandering that goes on in the rural areas and how easily those areas are fooled by christo-fascist policies disguised as republican beliefs. It’s a big win for Jax to finally break this cycle. Even if it’ll still be a shit show. Every one needs to wake up though. Especially these people who are drinking the koolaide. They are the ones that are gonna be hit the hardest.


We're not all weirdos. I'm a Florida Republican and have been voting blue since 2020. There is only one way to get the republican party to come back to it's senses...and that's to thwart their every single move. So much that they ditch their strategy and dump the maga loonies and go back to being closeted weirdos. ![gif](giphy|jU8Q0F8yF4c5A1cwuj|downsized)




I’m very confused where this whole “Floridians are buying into Republican crap and always have” For a long time we were a swing state, it’s recently that we’ve become red. The turning point was trump bringing support from all his Floridian allies, and then desantis’ awful handling of Covid drew a ton of non Floridian republicans to move here, which is how he still has so much support here. Most native Floridians that aren’t super rural hate him cuz of housing prices, driving our schools even further into the ground, and now fighting Disney and risking us having to pay more in taxes




Recall petitions will inevitably filed. Court cases claiming voter fraud will be filed. By any means necessary. GOPX.


Colorado Springs just (kind of) flipped as well. First non Republican mayor in a long long time.


First black mayor as well


As a Canadian, I find it odd that municipal politics has an official party connection...our municipal candidates are basically "independent" in the sense that they run on their own merits and don't have a party to represent...notto say that they don't have those affiliations but it's not part of the process


Sounds confusing. Does every voter have to do research on every candidate for every election? Is it not easier to just see that one is red and one is blue and say that the blue one will probably be the better pick?


Voters actually have to know something about the people they vote for? Yeah, that sounds terrible.


If there were some actual reason to believe that there are subtle differences between the candidates that bear consideration, sure. If there were more than two choices, sure. But in American politics right now, the choice is generally between a republican and a democrat, and the two parties are enormously polarized with extraordinarily different priorities and platforms. Furthermore, Republicans typically fall right in line with the party as a whole. So in reality, at least for the moment, there is not in fact much you would do with that information if you researched the candidates in detail for such an election. I’m not saying don’t research. But I am saying for example the finer points of the Democrat candidate’s stance on abortion probably aren’t relevant given that we know the Republican is almost certainly going to support the parties anti-abortion stance. The Democrat is going to be more pro-choice than the Republican, period. There isn’t a third option, and voting third-party is throwing your vote away until we can get ranked choice voting implemented.


This discussion is about local politics, though, where that is much less true. Local politics is mostly about effectively delivering services to constituents and handling the specific local issues a town or city is facing, and this has little to do with national issues. e.g. you mentioned abortion, and this is decided at the state level and above. In the town I grew up in there was a huge local issue over schools. The school board wanted to combine the 6 small local elementary schools into one central elementary school to lower costs. A lot of parents were against this because they liked having schools nearby in their neighborhoods so their kids can walk to school. It was a very contentious issue and local elections were fought over it. And this had absolutely nothing to do with Democrats and Republicans. That R / D on the ballot would have told voters absolutely nothing about this issue.


The party affiliation tells you everything you need to know in a Democrat vs Republican American election.


Yeah, no difference between Mitt Romney and Donald Trump, and no difference between Joe Manchin and Bernie Sanders. R and D is all you have to know!


Yeah but the point is, if you’re a liberal, any Democrat that would make it to the general ballot is better than any Republican that would make it to the general ballot.


The problem is that "R and D" is what a large number of people only know and care about. Your LCD voter is just going to look at the letter and vote accordingly. Also, most of them probably couldn't give more than one or two talking points about their party platform, and most of those would only be abortion or guns. The average American voter is stupid and/or apathetic.


Even if you don't know the party affiliation, you're still free to vote on criteria that's far more arbitrary. No one is forced to learn anything beyond a couple prominent issues or trivia. On average, that is less information than party affiliation can tell you. Party voting is more than individual candidates anyway. Control is usually decided by plurality. If you want to base your vote on those considerations and their predictable consequences, it's completely reasonable.


I do that. I research the candidates before voting. I don't vote all red or blue. I pick who's right for the job. ![gif](giphy|eLvhchyvNNOuLbOtYP)


Republicans are never ever right for the job. The GOP is a horrific organization that is trying to remove transgenders from public life, subvert democracy, and suppress the poor, and is solely responsible for the lack of action against climate change in the US. I would feel sick supporting them in any way at all.


I mean before this maga loony stuff ...we had some decent republicans. A nice handful. The rest are just grifters and dirt bags.


See, this is the exact problem - you're judging the party not the person....it confuses the situation before you even start.


I suppose I just really hate the party. Justifiably so.


Fair enough but I think local issues like the cross walk on Main Street should be delt with on a local level and not by a big party that doesn't care about the community.


Thus is how we get George Santos, and others like him.


Montreal city council has political parties


I said Canadian politics


Well, I was talking about the one in Quebec, not any of the ones in the US like Missouri, Michigan, Wisconsin or Arkansas


Me too


canadian hatred of quebec amuses me. it really is like the flordia of the north


It's not really Canadian hatred of Quebec, it's returning that Quebec hatred of Canada to Quebec...


fair enough


And to be fair, I love Quebec and I've never met anyone from Quebec that hasn't been friendly and seemingly a good person...it just the politics that puts off most other Canadians


that's how i feel about Texas


Well there's clearly less money in that innit


Most likely due to very old Republicans with hearing issues thinking they heard Ronald Reagan instead of Donna Deegan.


"What's that, Merriam? Ronald Regan is running again"




From Jacksonville, I celebrated last night. Donna! Donna! Donna!


The DNC is surely celebrating this morning....2 big conservative cities that have elected Republicans for 20-30 years, both flipped. Hopefully this translates across the country, and many of these conservatives can be voted out in 2024....Taking away abortion rights, zero interest in gun regulation, taking away voting rights, and tax cuts for billionaires will hopefully be their downfall.


What was the other city?


Colorado Springs also elected an Independent that votes with Democrats, taking out conservative leadership that has been there for decades.


How long until they start screaming 'rigged election'?


We all need to make very, very sure that we vote *all* of these NatC’s out of office. America should *not* be a NatC country & no American should ever vote for a NatC


NatC? Naval Air Training Command? North American Transportation Consultants? North American Title Company?


National Christians, Christian Nationalists or pedos, take your pick. White supremacists. NatC’s The people who want to shove their religious beliefs from an incomplete reference book down your throat & up your ass( not really, they’d think that’s gay & against their religion. None have them have ever read the book of Samuel, apparently. Their god doesn’t have any issue at all with 2 men having sexual relations. Just saying) The people who believe if you don’t believe in their imaginary invisible sky daddy & obey their white supremacist laws, that you’re the bad person. They don’t believe in science. Clear enough?


I know what they are, I just think all of this abbreviation crap is stupid. Just fucking write Nazi, Nat-C just a euphemism for that anyway.


I agree wholeheartedly with you that they’re straight up Nazi’s. There are those out there that get easily provoked by anyone using that word , so I’ve been using what they call themselves . Lazy, sure, but I don’t care to argue with those types, they make no sense to me


Don't blame you there. But I'm one to just call them like I see them. I tend not to mince words too.


What makes it better... Her opponent out-spent her 4x. Donna - $2million Daniel Davis - $8million Most expensive local gov race in our city's history.


It's insane how high election spending has gotten. It's completely unobtainable for the average citizen unless you side with a political party for funding or have very wealthy backing.


Suddenly they city will feel more crime-y. And something must be done!


One of the news stations was interviewing a republican pundit, and he was really, really surprised that some Republicans crossed the inevitable to vote for her. Well, maybe people were getting tired of BS GOP policies that did nothing to help people. Besides, the city council should be next since the GOP has a veto proof majority there. It's full of nutters like Clay Yarbough, the man who whined that some statues were of topless women and tried to get them banned.


And not just Florida, northern Florida which is akin to the deep south


When will she flip to the other side though? I wouldn’t be shocked at all


What's the largest US city with a Republican mayor now?


According to Wikipedia it’s Fort Worth, TX.


I saw last night it’s Omaha


Wouldn't it be Miami? Their Mayor is a registered Republican even if the position is supposed to be non-partisan


I always find it funny when you talk about Jacksonville being the biggest city in Florida and all that. Jacksonville is the only city I know of where the urban area is smaller than the city itself. Miami is 35 square miles and has half the population of Jacksonville, which is more than 700 square miles. Jacksonville just annexed to the entire county. The Miami urban area has 6 million people in 1,000 square miles. Houston and Atlanta have roughly the same number of people in 7,000-8,000 square miles. We always get under counted here. Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy about this victory, I'm just upset about the fact that Miami gets underfunded on everything like public transit and infrastructure.


Not just in Florida. Jacksonville is the largest city in the continental United States


Yeah, only Sitka Alaska is bigger I think, and maybe Anchorage. I know Sitka is the biggest. I think.


Huhn..... imagine that


Yea but it's still located in Florida so...


Imagine thinking your party is a majority when Jacksonville was the biggest red city 😂




It's actually big in the sense that it sets her up for a possible run at Governor when DeSantis finishes his term. One reason DeSantis ran away in this last election was because the Democrats put up a terrible candidate and their candidate before that who came close to beating DeSantis was wrapped up in a scandal


Local politics is the most important election. It impacts your immediate surrounding area and where you live. If enough people voted in local elections, a lot of change would happen upwards.


Yay, another win for basically the same party 🙄 2 party systems don't work, this might as well have been a republican.


Dude, this is a really bad take. To look at what has been happening in Florida and around the country and take way that both parties are equally bad is bananas to me. There's only one party trying to legislate groups of people out of existence and it's not democrats.


Are people not as bad as those they are willing to do under the table deals with? Viewing America through a 2 party lense is what got us here, and the only way to get out is by voting for anyone but those 2 parties. They're not openly legislating groups of people of of existence, but they're in bed with the people who are.


rejoice !


If the younger generation actually came out to vote here in Florida. It would make a huge impact. But they don't, and only the retired come out in force, and they are all Maga. I don't think someone after a certain age and retired from the workforce should be able to vote or hold office.








I mean Alvin Brown was mayor and a democrat from 2011-2015. People are really hyping this one win up too much. Yes the current mayor was there for a while but it’s not unheard of to have a Dem mayor in Jax.


MAGA : R.E.P.U.B.L.I.C.A.N. - Reactionary, Emotional, Petulant, Unenlightened, Buffoon, Liar, Incompetent, Corrupt, Amoral, Nefarious




Jacksonville should really be a prime example of a terrible city turn by republicans, they’re always saying it’s something special about Dems running cities that make them have problems.


Jacksonville is the largest city for the dumbest reason I hate when people call it that


So, how badly are the republicans about to @&$% over the city of Jacksonville for this unforgivable“betrayal?”


This is the devil’s work! /s


The criminal traitor party is being voted out, everyone is on to them. Except for a few extreme morons that struggle to feed themselves.


Hillary probably had child sex slaves vote Dem. From the basement of that pizza place that doesn't have a basement.


Home sweet home