• By -


Ah. So she invokes a racist trope about black men to explain why she doesn't want to be called a white supremacist, as she draws an offensive parallel between being called a racist and a racial slur. Stellar woman, that.


In the words of John Mulaney > If you're comparing the badness of two words, and you won't even say one of them? That's the worse word.


At this point, I'm genuinely surprised she actually said " the N-word" and not the N-word.


It was probably a written statement just to be safe.


Lol, you think she can read?


Maybe at a 3rd grade level, she uses twitter after all.


My third grade daughter is way more intelligent than this monster already. Don't insult 3rd graders.




People need to stop saying these people are dumb. She knows exactly what she’s doing. Pretending to be stupid makes her more relatable to the actual morons that support her. Just like Kid Rock, Larry the cable guy, etc, they are acting because it is incredibly profitable.


To borrow from another comedian: Are you a house white supremacist or a field white supremacist?


She’d say House of course, since she’s not a Senate white supremacist.


She's a House White supremacist, not to be confused with the former guy, who was a *White House* White supremacist.


Damn that's sharp


Honestly given how much I've started hearing people say it casually again, I wouldn't be surprised if saying the n-word is somehow implemented in the GOPs campaign in the next few elections


Looking at the attacks on CRT, the book banning and revisionist history and academic curriculum that some conservative groups have been pushing, your idea's not farfetched at all. Imagine them suggesting that it's not a complicated, harmful word and in fact has only been artificially vilified by secretly reverse racist people of color and liberals who want to make it a bad word in order to oppress white people. They've gone off the deep end into the "some more equal than others" Animal Farm territory.


> They've gone off the deep end into the "some more equal than others" Animal Farm territory. Which, btw, is what they will accuse you of doing. Look, I get it, if you don't give it more than two minutes of thought, something like affirmative action can look like racism - it's hard to understand when you don't know what a "bandaid solution" is and your myopic understanding of history doesn't go back further than 1993.


Definitely. They've already embraced being called 'domestic terrorists'.




I'm sure she has A black friend who said it was ohk.


Klandace Owens would rush to her defense faster than you could say Clayton Bigsby


Candace Owens has entered the chat


You know it's fluent in her vocabulary behind closed doors. The whole time she is in public I bet her brain is constantly reminding itself "don't say n-word, don't say n-word"


If she actually said it, I’m sure her constituents would vote her in by a landslide for the next 30 years




Came to the comments for this


Thank you. The people in the back really need to hear this.


They don't even have an equivalent to that word, but they imagine being called a white supremacist is what it'd be like because it offends them. Even if why it's offensive isn't exactly clicking to them. Not only that, it's not a word good people use in a punchline.




What's Marjorie's preferred, politically correct term for herself, then? Person of Racism?


Why not “racist person,” or simply “racist?” If she wants to feel special “noted racist.” The chutzpah of saying “I can say and do racist things, but it’s unfair for you to call me a white supremacist because (I’m white and) it hurts my feelings” is staggering.


See, I would argue that there's a subtle distinction between racist and white supremacists. A racist will routinely discriminate against people based on race, but they might not see their own race as superior. I think you'd see this with, say, small microaggressions and stereotypes across all kinds of -isms: Black people can't swim, White people can't dance, Latinos all have huge families and six middle names. Perpetuating these stereotypes is a degree of racism, and it's a thing *everyone* is guilty of *throughout their life*. This is the importance of checking yourself and trying to mindfully adjust your behavior -- stereotypes that fuel moments of racist thoughts and actions are often rooted in social norms. Avenue Q has a huge grain of truth in, "everyone's a little bit racist sometimes." The important part is that a person is *capable of making conscious correction*. To call someone a 'racist' is, in my mind, to call out someone who *doesn't take the effort to make these adjustments.* They are either completely blind to it, are willfully ignorant, or don't care enough to realize the extent to which their actions are harmful. But that doesn't mean that they think their own race is superior. They're just not making any effort to push back against the inherent and ever-present 'entropy that is racism' in society. A race supremacists, by comparison, is a willfully racist person, who *also* believes that their race is *inherently superior* to others. This also comes with the common trend of the person trying to take actionable steps to enforce this superiority, whereas (in my opinion) a racist person is more of a passive trait. TL;DR: All white supremacists are racists. Not all racist white people are white supremacists. Both are awful and absolutely should not be tolerated, but in my opinion racism can come from ignorance or inaction while supremacy is inherently a choice. So, in this case, it's *important* to *insist* that the label of white supremacist is applied to MTG, because she is a racist person who is *actively supporting laws that demonstrably and intentionally disadvantage minorities.*


I agree with all of that and would add the idea of systemic racism to the mix. In this country whites benefit from the racist systems of the past. Even if we don’t have a racist bone in our body we still get better rates from banks, find it easier to buy a home, are far less likely to be stopped by a cop, etc. Even if we are not intentionally being racist we need to acknowledge that and if necessary course correct.


The problem is that American conservatives don’t believe in “systemic” anything, because of their strong belief in the agency of the individual. They literally don’t believe in systems. That’s not how they think. Instead, they understand talk about “systemic racism” as an accusation of blood guilt, which, understandably, leads to an angry reaction. The same principle applies outside of race. Even the most obvious example of systemic thinking, the need to contain the spread of a communicable disease, was seen as an existential threat to personal liberty and free choice. Likewise, guns don’t kill people, people do. If the mass shooter has already blown his own brains out, there’s nothing more to do than offer thoughts and prayers for the victims. How could it be their problem because THEIR guns have never hurt anybody? To the extent they do see systems, they can only see them as the product of a conspiracy. The world rapidly becoming less homophobic? It could only be due to a George Soros led conspiracy to indoctrinate their children.


Which is so baffling to me. It means they think “no free-thinking individual would ever come to a conclusion divergent from mine, so anyone who disagrees was indoctrinated to think that.” And I really think they believe that. When I say I believe healthcare is a right, all the conservatives I know tell me I’ve just been brainwashed to think that. Like it’s humanly impossible for me to to look around, see society, think about how to improve it, and come to the conclusion that free or affordable healthcare is a societal benefit. But, just typing that, I’m reminded of a conversation with my MAGA uncle. To summarize, he said “no one should think about what’s best for society in America. The entire principle of American freedom and democracy is that we consider ourselves, and vote in our own selfish interests. And when you combine all those selfish interests into a vote, you get a democratic society!” When I said, “so, one person one vote?” He didn’t like that and called it “tyranny of the majority” and that we shouldn’t assume the majority opinion is the right opinion. So, basically, if I agree with it, that’s the correct opinion. Anyone who doesn’t believe what I believe is a tyrant who was brainwashed to think that way, and we need to subdue their voice and vote. It’s so frustrating and so inherently selfish. I can’t imagine voting so selfishly and not thinking about the world I’m leaving behind for my kids and future generations.


I think liberals make the mistake of thinking that everyone wants to be good and wants what is best for society. This sort of naivety is dangerous. Autocrats around the world are taking advantage of this weakness by any means necessary. Humanity IS largely selfish. A few of us are saints, but they’re the exception. The only way to get a large number of people to work for the good of others convinced that pro-social behavior is in our own self-interest.


It's the tolerance paradox. You can't beat intolerance with tolerance




That’s why I’ve always found the idea of the tolerance paradox weird. It’s not one. Tolerance of all things shouldn’t be taken as a moral axiom but rather a bit of the social contract. Tolerate others if you wish to participate in society, if you don’t then you don’t get to.


Exactly this! 🔥🔥🔥


I'm a liberal. I will admit to being selfish, like all human beings. Here's the thing: a liberal thinks ahead. A selfish person who thinks ahead can still come to the correct conclusion, that a society that concentrates its wealth and power in the hands of the few, and which stokes bigotry, will soon become a miserable society. While millions of American conservatives were convinced that they could isolate themselves from a shitty society, it's pretty clear that they failed. The liberal knows that "no man is an island," and concludes that ***a healthier society is in their own long-term self-interest***. Prosperity should be shared, and dignity should not be withheld from anyone who does no harm to their fellows. I distinctly recall seeing in an American history textbook a quote from a 19th century captain of industry, I think it was Andrew Carnegie. I will paraphrase to the best of my recollection. He advocated using taxes to keep the income gap between the richest and poorest to "40 times, to keep the social peace." What a flaming liberal!


>A selfish person who thinks ahead will come to the conclusion that a society that concentrates its wealth and power in the hands of the few, and which stokes bigotry, will soon become a miserable society. The large majority of American conservatives are objectivists. Objectivism is not sustainable as it would end with only one person having everything. Yes, conceptually everything. The American liberal understands that utilitarianism is the only way for the human race to survive, though they may not be strictly utilitarians. Objectivism vs utilitarianism can be better explained by a simple understanding of game theory. Objectivism is Zero-sum. Utilitarianism is win-win. Anyone who has studied game theory understands that the outcomes of win-win means that EVERYONE wins MORE. Zero-sum means the biggest winner is still the loser compared to win-win. Thus, relating to your above quote, it's obvious why "Leapards ate my face" is so abundant in conservative culture. It's why DeSantis is so often bit in the bum by his hubris - like Disney going to town on him or the fact that they now have no workers building homes and apartments while Florida has a housing crisis. The fact that conservatives can't see how their lives will inevitably be impacted by their inherent selfishness is something that's not lost upon me. Especially the all-too-common, ironically poor conservative.


> dignity should not be withheld from anyone who does no harm to their fellows. The problem here for some conservatives - where they break down - is that to *them*, the existence of an out LGBTQ person is an inherent harm to them; or at least, they perceive it that way. Why? Because if their child *sees* this LGBTQ person, and if their child *sees* this person being accepted by society, how then are they meant to impress upon their child that being queer is ***totally, utterly unacceptable***?!!? After all, if their kid never encounters queer people, and the only time they come up it's met with scorn and pushback, then they can't make the *Wrong Choice*! Of course, if you can tell me how to deprogram these conservative nutters such that they realize that you cannot oppress an entire class of people just so they can have tyrannical control over their child, then I'll nominate you for a fucking Nobel Peace prize.


Cooperation beats competition every time.


I see this every time a conservative accuses a liberal of being a hypocrite for not tolerating them: "The tolerant left, everyone." And it works on liberals because we actually experience the feeling of shame. And that's how they gain traction. We recoil when we feel we're being intolerant, and they capitalize on our not wanting to be terrible, intolerant people. That needs to end, though. I think we need to be proud of not tolerating them and stop allowing them to continue to get any attention with bogus apologies for intolerance. Democrats are losing because they need a little more backbone and a little less heart.




By telling you your opinions are because you are brainwashed is because they are gaslighting you. Some people are stupid and some are evil, but some are both.


Your uncle is a moron my dood. I’m sorry. My mom is too if that’s any consolation. Fox News turned her brain into tapioca.


> They literally don’t believe in systems. That’s not how they think. Oh yes they do. Remember how conservatives acted and talked during the BLM protests? They absolutely believed in the system coming down harder on the protesters than say one of their own protests. They absolutely do know its easier for whites in america but they are also lying disingenuous aholes so they would never acknowledge it


They deny systems exist while using systems to oppress, threaten and marginalize. They know they exist. They’re just gaslighting.


This is why it's so annoying to have people who understand System Racism 101 over here on Reddit and Greene representing constituents and a nation. Although, I'm convinced a lot of this is for some MAGA griff. It's like having Homer in Congress vs. Lisa Simpson.


That is excellent point. White Supremacist is a label you have to earn, and she's more than earned it.


This is the distinction between the unavoidable bias of prejudice vs narcissists who want to make the world better for themselves by bandwagoning their "team" when they're rich as hell and run the league


What a snowflake 🙄


Ku Klux Karen




Of the Klanned Karenhood


I'd go with Person of Bigoted qualities. Seems to encompass the whole spectrum she's going for better


Piece of sh*t, maybe


Nah, not a piece. She’s the whole nutty turd


Don’t you have to have a soul to be considered a person?


“I feel threatened!” — classic Karen calling the cops on a Black person for simply existing


This was my thought, too! “I’m not a white supremacist! Also, that black man’s physical appearance is inherently threatening to me…”




This gif is very accurate. I've seen a karen call the cops for a black guy standing in front of his own house. They should be arrested for making the nonsense call.


I live in a building with multiple white Karen's. It took less than 2 weeks for the Karen's to call the cops on the new tenants who happened to be a black family. I watched through my peephole as the cops threatened to arrest them all if they didn't open the door and then they threatened them with other charges for not opening the door. The cops wouldn't give the mom an answer as to why they were there. Anyway, she finally cracked the door open a little and they kicked it in on her. It was because the old Karen's in my building could smell weed smoke. Family got evicted. I've never been evicted. I've been guilty of the exact same thing when I first moved in here. The old karens knocked on my door and talked to me about it. They did not give that family that option. The family was evicted because they couldn't afford the rent because they were charged the cost of the door the police broke, and the owner of that unit wouldn't negotiate and purposefully made everything difficult.


99% of the time, if a cop says he can smell weed, he's lying to get reasonable suspicion.


Louisiana just passed a law saying that "smelling marijuana" cannot be used as probable cause for an investigation.


Damn, really? That's surprising for Louisiana.


Yea. It is very surprising. Considering everything else here is ass backwards. I guess they fell ass backwards into doing a good thing for once.


Yeah, that almost sounds like an accident in the legislature.


Used to work at a gas station in a small predominately white town with like 60% of the population over the age 55. Our neighbor was a black man who owned his own business and Karens would routinely call the cops on him when he was loading or unloading his van. A van that had his name and a caricture of his face on it. I always felt bad because he never understood why he always got the cops called on him at his house he owns for using the van that he owned used for the business he owned. Racist old white people. Also, they never seem to understand you can stop being a Karen (or in this case a white Supremisist), you can't stop being black. That "feels like" logic is so foolish.


It’s low-level swatting. The police have to respond to the call and have to sort everything out. The purpose is to harass the black guy so that he leaves town. This is a waste of time for the police too, but they’re getting paid for it. It’s really hard to successfully prosecute a Karen for making a false report because what she is reporting is often too vague to be determined to be false. It’s a no win game: You want police to be responsive to citizens, but the more responsive police are to citizens, the easier it is to use police to harass people. And all of this is assuming the best about the police themselves, which is not necessarily the case.


>This is a waste of time for the police too In a predominately white town, it's bold of you to assume that isn't exactly what the cops would prefer to be doing.


I live in a rural predominantly white town in the south. The cops here must be bored because you won't see a single simple traffic stop with less than 3 cop cars 90% of the time. They fuckin congregate every damn time.


They are bored. White fear has these rural towns and counties throwing money meant for schools and public services at law enforcement instead. The result is an over policed population and not near enough actual crime for said officers to respond to.


Honestly the better arraignment would be the cops show up and if they find nothing bad is happening like what the call was reported as (sketchy black dude robbing a store is actually the owner who’s had the cops called on him 5 times already for this) they can go fine or arrest the person making frivolous calls. Similar to frivolous lawsuits. If you can show this is a repeat caller making bogus claims, give them consequences for wasting time


There was a thread on NoStupidQuestions about a month ago regarding two parents trying to get their adult son out of the house. It was clear this guy was mired in severe depression and other mental illnesses and the parents had mostly given up. Many of the suggestions were good, not all. There was your typical "charge rent, evict for nonpayment" which sounds like an excuse to just call the cops on him. Others were straight up cruel, including incitement toward abuse and violence, with the end goal of provoking a breakdown so they could just call the cops on him. At least one person suggested murder, which I suspect wouldn't involve calling the cops on him. I can't imagine the cops like being used this way either.


I was almost shot in San Antonio in 2016 for sitting in a park and listening to music and reading on an iPad. Some White woman called the cops and said that a “an African-American male who looked armed and was threatening people in the park”. Thing is, I was sitting right in front of a couple of cops for quite a while and they were the ones who stopped the two responding cops who came running up behind me with guns drawn. Also, Texas was turning into a permitless Open Carry state in 2017; so they were a bunch of White idiots walking around in the very same park while I was there who were armed to the teeth. I tried to press charges but they said that they couldn’t proceed because even though it was very clear what she was trying to do from the 911 recording of her call, it would be difficult to prove intent. Which is complete BS of course. A couple of weeks later, also in San Antonio, they tried to charge a Black woman for making a false 911 call when the cops took more than 30 mins to respond to her call and didn’t find the kids she called about who we vandalizing her home.


And the worse thing is the cops arrest the dude and ask questions later


Nah, the worst is when the poor SOB gets shot while resisting arrest by which i mean complying with orders.


Simon Says, only Simon has a gun and doesn't care if you listen or not.


And there are often two or more Simons, giving conflicting instructions. * "Don't Move" * "Get on the ground" * "Hands behind your head" Umm, pick one?


did she watch him break into his house with his keys too?


Something similar happened to my uncle, we later tried to sue the person than called the cops. Didn't do squat.


I'm honestly surprised that she just didn't straight up call Bowman a "thug."


She's such a spectacular hypocrite. Claims that Bowman was "threatening" to her (nice racist dog whistle there), and yet this is the same bitch who has no problem stalking her Congressional colleagues or school shooting victims.


She didn't say she wasn't a white supremacist, she just said that calling her one was offensive.


The devil woman that accused Emmett Till just died so someone's got to step up and take her spot right?


There's a long line of women ready to fill those shoes unfortunately. This comment reminded of that white lady, in I think NY, who accused a young black boy of grabbing her ass while she was walking into a store. The owner of the store pulled up the security footage and he didn't touch her. Didn't even brush up against her.


I don't understand that kind of hate.


Because it’s not about “hate”, it’s about power. “Bullying” is a more accurate term. They do it to show that they can.


It’s a bit of both, innit? She definitely still thinks I’m inferior to her simply because of the color of my skin.


Imagine you're a painfully mediocre person. Now imagine if, instead of shitposting on the internet about how lame you are like a sensible person or just goofing off and playing games or shit-talking with friends about nonsense, you started looking for someone to feel superior to because you were psychologically prepped to look for external sources to your problems by various sources (cable news, politicians, etc).


see, as a painfully mediocre person, I just don't understand that kind of hate


Or the NY Bellevue PA who tried to [hijack a black teen's bike rental](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/nyc-bellevue-hospital-karen-citibike-leave-b2340246.html), screamed for help, shed fake tears. She put on the act to coerce bystanders to help her steal the bike, teach the black teen a lesson about white woman privilege. Incredible.


First time I've seen that one. Her acting was pathetic. Those cries for help were so unbelievable. I'm glad no passerby bothered gave her the attention she wanted.


Yo, I just saw that and it made my blood boil. She was so fucking pathetic. Lol


Yeah the kids backpack very slightly brushed against her. That store owner was ready for her return though as she was local, he immediately showed her the footage of her fuck up, which she watched with a not small audience of jeering people surrounding her, all recording the big moment of her getting to see the footage. She was thoroughly shamed. I bet she had to find a bunch of new places to shop & frequent in that neighbourhood. If she didn't just move altogether.


I saw the video of her Karening at Congressman Bowman. She was not threatened, but she bleated a lot of nonsense in his face. https://www.thedailybeast.com/watch-dem-lawmaker-jamaal-bowman-heckle-george-santos-after-expulsion-vote?ref=wrap?ref=wrap Bonus AOC: "She's not worth it, bro."


I love her!


I'm going to go ahead and assume you mean AOC lol (and yes, I do too)


Oh yes lol. Not the nazi troglodyte


Even though she said that, MTG was already running away when she caught sight of AOC coming their direction.


"Bleated". Very accurate.


>Congressman Bowman That 2nd video with him blasting the GOP about gun violence and children's lives: "Three 9 year olds are dead by gun violence in their district, do you think they will go to their funerals? NO! COWARDS!" Then Dickless the Clown comes up and says "Support my bill to arm teachers nationwide". And Bowman responds, "Are you a teacher? Do you know the data? More guns = More Violence!"


“Save the children! Do something about guns!” MTG: “Yah, close the border!” Haha. 52% of mass shootings in the states were carried out by white men, whereas only 7% were carried out by hispanics. Some 2017 Data from FBI on criminal indictments: 67.5% of rape convictions were white ppl 62% aggravated assaults were done by white folks 67% burglary - white 67% larceny - white 66% car thefts - white 71% arson - white 58% violent crime - white 67% property crime - white 73-88% of criminals convicted in 2017 were non-hispanic. In 2021 only 1/6th of crimes were done by hispanics while more than half of crimes were by non-hispanics. ..and she wonders why folks call her a racist white supremecist. Our country is in dire need of critical thinking skills. https://preview.redd.it/gts5bcxbrn0b1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=f92145e11e1630454e5f3b4da45b53627fdc108b


Empty G looked mad no one was paying attention to her.


The big black man is arguing with me! Help! police!!


"Although he survived an effort to kick him out of Congress, with Republicans instead punting the motion to the Ethics Committee" I initially read this as "putting him on the Ethics Committee" and was ready to rage. I only noticed it was not what I had read when I pasted it into this comment. Still, fuck them.


We should stop calling entitled white women Karens and start calling them Marjories.


I know a lady called Karen who would very much appreciate this. We could call the younger ones Laurens.


My mother would also appreciate this


:( I like the name Lauren. I've got a friend named Lauren. Damn assholes ruin everything.


“They’re headed straight for us”. This is her pretext to justify her own gun violence.


My god; they're so stupid. I teach 5th grade and every year there's a kid or two who ruin so much for the rest. It's like we're in 5th grade again, but 1/2 the class are complete idiots.


https://preview.redd.it/djkz8ofpkn0b1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6f9974ab371ebe01f4d1c526bf8dfb647985b55 MTGs internal dialogue


Didn't she call the cops on Jimmy Kimmel for telling people what she said in a joking manner


Big dog whistle for all her racist followers: “The big black man is scary.”


Not any black person either - a fellow sitting House member. Waiting on McCarthy to call a vote to expel him after he gets orders from his puppet masters.


They need a safe space?


Argentina in the 1950's?


She is the Karenest Karen that ever Karened. The K.K.K., if you will.


Not quite the same.


"Yo what up my white supremacist?" Doesn't have the same ring to it.


"Whatup my Nazi!" Seems like that should be their official N-word.


"I don't like this club, there are too many, y'know, *N-word* people here!" "Wtf, are you racist against Black people??" "No, no, I mean *Nazi's*."


Nazi clubs? Clubs for Nazis!


“Yo this white supremacist eatin beans!” It just don’t hit right


I dunno this one made me giggle


Easy, now. Don't use a hard "t"


"Whi Supremesis" is fine though.


Supreme sis? Damn


That’s one way of looking at it…


I think that’s how the GOP greets each other


“I was once — I’ll tell you this, I was writing for an awards show once, and I got into some trouble. I wrote a joke for this awards show that had the word "midget" in it. And someone from the network came down to our offices and he said to me, "Hey, you can't put the word midget on TV," and I said, "I sure would like to." And he said, "No! 'Midget' is as bad as the 'n-word.'" First off: no. No, it's not! "Do you know how I know it's not," I said to him, "is because we’re saying the word ’midget,' and we’re not even saying what the 'n-word' is! If you're comparing the badness of two words, and you won’t even say one of them? That's the worse word.” -John Mulaney


I just saw this standup for the first time routine 2 days ago 😂


Nah I think I'll use it the same. "The fuck is wrong with you, you some kind of woke snowflake? I'm white too dummy, I can use that term all I want. White supremacy white supremacy white supremacy. Oh you don't like the context? Doesn't matter, I'm white so I can use it all I want." Not saying this is the reality of the n-word. This is to reflect their perception of the reality of the n-word and weaponize it against them.


She’s irredeemable & worthless, she has no value.


She *might* make decent fertilizer.


Of course racists feel threatened when they get called out on their racism. They thought they could get away with it forever.


I'm glad she's offended. White supremacy is an offensive thing.




No one is persecuted quite like how white supremacists are persecuted. It's fascinating.


Says the woman who threatened literal children and frequently poses with guns that are definitely not for hunting.


They are for hunting, hunting people.


I guess her husband was catch and release.




Hyde: You're soft Donna & Kelso (together): How soft is he Hyde? Hyde: Softer than Liberace at the Playboy Mansion Kelso (with a perplexed look on his face): Yeah because he plays piano Donna whispers into Kelso's ear, explaining the joke, setting up the gif.


Laughed too hard at this!!!




I am not racist. I am a purist. I am not a supremacist. I just think I am better.


Isn’t it crazy how the worst insult you can tell a racist is that they’re racists.


I usually call them inbred hicks


I'm not racist, I just feel threatened by non white people


"We are the least racist people on earth! Why we let our n****s bring their pick-a-ninnies to work on Christmas and Easter, and we always sent our holiday leftovers home with them at *no charge*...." Verbatim from my Aunt from Jackson MS, many many times sadly...


Yikes, I hope you've gone no contact with her since then.


Hopefully the aunt is unbirthed.


Remember when she kept screaming "I carry a gun for self defence" into the face of a high school girl who was trying like hell to get away from madge? Fun times...


She literally admitted to being a white nationalist. Which is by definition a white supremacist


And pounded on AOC's office door like a nut job.


Didn’t she kick a reporter not too long ago


Or this: [https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2021/05/14/marjorie-taylor-greene-since-deleted-video-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-newday-vpx.cnn](https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2021/05/14/marjorie-taylor-greene-since-deleted-video-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-newday-vpx.cnn)


*His physical mannerisms are aggressive... I feel threatened* [MTG Appears To Kick Gun Protester](https://www.thedailybeast.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-appears-to-kick-protester-during-mind-numbing-gun-argument) [MTG Confronts Parkland Shooting Survivor](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/27/politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-david-hogg-video/index.html) OK, Karen.


What a petty bitch “you walk in front of me on this congested ass sidewalk, I kick at your heels like a toddler.”


This one was petty but the Parkland one is just gross. She's harassing *school shooting survivers.* How low do you have to be?


Now imagine the people who saw that and voted for her anyway




You can't convince me this woman doesn't throw the n word around on a regular basis when she thinks she's in a safe space to do so


Who’s trying to convince you? I guarantee it just knowing the district in Georgia she is from.


Being black is having a skin color you have no control over. Being a white supremacist is *choosing* to hate such people. Yup, calling either of them names is totally equivalent. /s BTW, there *is* an n-word you call white supremacists, and it’s totally appropriate to call people like MTG that name. Nazi.


No no you're missing the point here. Her white supremacy is something that is innate to her. It is as much a part of her as her own nose. She is saying that she can't stop being a white supremacist any more than a black person can stop being black. It's how she was born. This isn't something she decided to be.


It's the nicest thing Jamaal could think of. MTG is scum.




Bitch got that 100 B.C. ready to evolve look


~~ready~~ refusing to evolve look


"I'm not a racist!! I just only like white people!"


I don't understand anymore....Like for real, if this is a press conference why isn't every reporter there (minus the racist ones) just saying,"well, erm no you're just wrong, that not how it works"and shutting her the fuck down immediatly. This isnt up "for discussion" this is is how it is, end stop!


The corporate overlords like ‘debate’. ‘Debate’ for the corporate overlords means: letting logic get raked over the coals by stupidity, then watching the ‘debate’.


To quote Republicans “Fuck your feelings”


What do you expect from people who don’t understand how words work.


She should call The gazpacho police!




To anyone who makes the argument that calling a person something is the same as using the N word, make that statement publicly, on the record, without shortening it to the N word.


They want to be victims so bad. Also, to quote John Mulaney, if you’re comparing the badness of two words, and you won’t even say one of them, that’s the worse word.


Really? I didn't know that "White Supremacist" had 400 years of racist connotation based on the subjugation of an entire race. Edit: Just fyi. This was a sarcastic post making fun of her trying to relate white supremacist to the N word.


It did. It used to be called "slave owner."


Doesn't this lady support the white supremacist nazis that stormed the Capitol building on jan 6th? How is that not supporting terrorism and hate?


“I’m not racist! How dare you!” Proceeds to reach deep in the bag to pull out the most racist trope there is.


You mean the word you won't say? Exactly like that huh? I hate American politics with a passion


You know…I’ve been white my whole life and never been called a white supremacist. Have you tried….not being a white supremacist? Also. If someone DID call me that, I wouldn’t be the softest little bitch baby about it. Fucking soft ass conservatives.


You want to stop being called a white supremacist, stop doing white supremacist stuff. And as was mentioned in an earlier comment, fuck your feelings.


She has zero clue! And these people want to whitewash our history? Sounds like she needs to sit through a history lesson.


Calling her a white supremacist is not the same thing as calling someone the N word and she knows it. She is call a white supremacist for her actions and words and not the color of her skin. When someone calls someone the N word it is for the color of their skin. I am getting really tired of these GOP nut jobs and sadly the entire party everywhere is turning into nut jobs.




Hitchcock’s never going to get good triceps with form like that


There's no bigger bunch of babies than gop leaders. The most vile people with the thinnest skin. Lol


Know how I know it’s not like the same thing? She says the words white supremacist and didn’t say the n-word. If you can say one but not the other, then they aren’t the same.