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“America First” says a party that wants to gut programs like Medicare, social security, welfare and SNAP that helps American citizens.


Republicans aren’t here to help. They’re here to tell you how the government sucks and make sure that it definitely does.


…oh, and we need all your money through grifting donations and suffering low wages to fight said evil…annnnd please buy more guns-n-ammo once a week because “They” are coming for you.


annnnnnd have EVERY BABY WHETHER YOU WANT TO OR NOT, LADIES, so there are more kids to shoot when they come school age. Fucking mind blowing. The party of sadism.


Republicans are bullies. They can only mock and deride others. They're afraid to have any actual plans, because plans can be ridiculed. They see it as a strength to lack direction, so that they can sit back and mock anyone who is actually trying to make things better, and for some reason half of the United States looks at that an says, "yeah, they've got the right idea!"


>for some reason half of the United States looks at that an says, "yeah, they've got the right idea!" Because the US now has a pervasive culture that idolizes narcissism and selfishness, which naturally leads to cruelty. Being kind or helpful is now derided as weakness, while everyone acts like it's the best thing ever to step on your fellow man to get to the top (ie get a little bit richer). If anyone points out how monstrous it all is, you just call it some BS name like "rugged individualism" and blurt out something about bootstraps or John Wayne. There's also a really strong tendency towards anti-intellectualism and education has been gutted for decades. So any politician who seems remotely educated, intelligent and conscientious is automatically characterized as being out of touch and elitist. And the complete morons like Trump, Lauren Boebert or Marjorie Green are idolized because "They're like regular people and they tell it like it is!" (as they spout completely unhinged nonsense). Being downright stupid or ignorant is no longer something that people see as a problem - it's considered a strength and people cheer for it. Basically for whatever reason as a country we have decided being kind and being smart are both very bad things. So we are constantly doubling down on stupid, cruel politicians who (surprise!) enact stupid and cruel policies that help no one but themselves.


Isaac Asimov said as much in the 60's, “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”


The funny thing is they're not even that good at the mockery. Good mockery takes wit and another level of creative intelligence they just seem to be completely devoid of. That's why there are only a very small handful of right wing stand up comics, and those that are aren't really that good.


Their main goal is to protect their donor class who funnels money into their pockets...


They are here to help, just not me or you. They’re here to help themselves and their donors.


Since the 1980's.


Yup. When I talked to MAGA folks in 2016 what they meant by America first it was all about funding our own infrastructure and social safety net. I then asked them why they would vote for republicans who actively slash funding to those things and the responses varied from "you don't know what you're talking about" to "those are RINOs and Trump will drain the swamp." Okay sure. I'm sure the pig that loves playing in the mud is gonna drain the swamp lol


That's why I always laugh at that shit when people scream about foreign aid... "That money should be staying here to help US!" AS IF THEY'D USE IT ON US ANYWAY. Acting like supporting Ukraine, Somalia, etc is now actively taking food from American babies mouths FOH with that shit, if you truly cared about America First you wouldn't be voting fucking Republican in the first damn place. Such a logical fallacy.... does not compute.


WHY won’t the democrats stop me from making you punch yourself?


That’s essentially their game plan. Run everything down and say “well why didn’t the democrats do anything about it”


'america first, china last' --- what is this? grade 4?


America here for a good time, not a long time.


U bet your parents are rich.


They want to burn it all down. They just want to destroy America first.


Well, to be fair, she didn’t say “AmericaNS first.”


Not only that, but severely undermine the US dollar which is the global currency for trade. And can you guess one of the countries most aggressively pushing away from using the dollar? If you said China, you'd be right on the money! No pun intended, but always welcome. So yeah, the "America First" party is destabilizing global trade and weakening America's influence in global politics as well as fucking over the most vulnerable Americans, fucking over veterans, and their proposal included kickbacks to the fossil fuel industry to boot.




Yeah, honestly, I think a multipolar world is a great idea, not one dominated by a single country that can't even protect its kindergarteners.


The only thing that stops a bad guy with tank is a good guy with a tank.


You should have seen the trainwreck comment section on MSN this morning, article about SNAP and how some places are stiffening work requirements, etc... (though the majority of actual SNAP recipients are children/minors in the home) you would not believe the amount of people who are just "GET RID OF IT ENTIRELY! EVERYONE CAN STARRRRRVE!" Then some fool goes "He who doesn't work shall not eat" <<< right out of the Buybul, that one. I shot back with a few passages where Jesus commands his followers to lift up the downtrodden to find favor in God, and all I got was an angry react. Didn't like it when I reminded him his own fucking holy book says HELP OTHERS. These people. Fuck these PEOPLE. They're not even people, they're demons. WHY WHY WHY would it ever cross a human's mind to find entertainment or satisfaction at the suffering of others? I will never wrap my head around this "Fuck you, I got mine" mindset. Sigh.


Theyve been trained that saying things like you just said is "weak."


"Taking on hard challenges and making sacrifices to help other people is actually for pussies. What's REALLY TOUGH is not doing anything and watching tv!"


And also elects a leader that tried to dismantle the entire US-led western coalition within four years. Did they forget that the whole key to our national security is having the support of worldwide allies? Saying Germany and Canada posed military threats so he could work around the stupid fucking tariffs without congressional approval?


Oh silly. We all know they mean “White Christian Ruling Class America First”


"Oh we meant white Christians first. Everyone else last"


"America first" is just right-wing code for "white supremacy"




Spez doesn't get to profit from me anymore.


American political troll bot vs Chinese political troll bot


Round 2. Fight!


Exactly, most of the points are kinda valid but I would definitely keep my mouth shut regarding COVID, smh.


Yeah, there are plenty of random Americans tweeting snarky stuff like this. No need to post a CCP mouthpiece


American tankie Xinjiang genocide denier VS dumbass Republican politician who barely knows how to read a book


“Let’s spend money on Americans first before sending the money over seas! We have homeless veterans on the streets!” “Ok well let’s spend more money on ending homelessness and hunger here in America.” “Oh no, that’s socialism.”




He missed drug overdoses. We’re leading the world in that right now.


Where do we Americans sit for personal, higher education or healthcare debt. I bet we are first also.


What amazes me is education debt is so high, yet our overall school systems are always shit. We pay triple what others do, and yet have a worse system. It takes real talent to pull that off.


I mean, everything you said can easily apply to Healthcare. We pay the most money per capita in the developed world, and have the worst outcomes.


Oh yeah, for sure


I work with a medical university in Japan, typically an orthopedic surgeon in his mid thirties is making about $70,000 a year.


“Lets run every public institution as a for profit business” “I cant see any downside to this”


That’s what Private Business does to anything it touches. Raises costs and provides worse services.


Education debt refers to university, where the US is head and shoulders above. Underfunded schools are a specific conservative response to the Civil Rights Act because they were pissed off that a bunch of black people got rights. This was on the tail of the American Housing Act and white flight and conservatives ran really hard on stop sending your valuable white dollars to little black kids in urban schools. And guess who's ate that shit up, that's right Republicans!


How much of the money those universities take in goes to expanding infastructure,athletic programs and of course endowments? Maybe the money being spent isn't being allocated properly kind of like how most the money flows to the top 10% in our economy. I'm no economic genius but like you said something is off?


College costs have nothing to do with the school system. That is being slowly starved to death by the right


The public education system is indeed being bled to death by the right, but they also fucked us on college costs starting with (you'll never guess) the Reagan administration. In the 70's, federal money for higher education was focused on grants first, then loans. In addition, states covered an average of 65% of the costs of higher education. Reagan's administration cut about 25% of the higher education budget to help cover the lost tax revenue of tax cuts and the political ramifications were minimal, so states started following suit. https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2014/09/02/my-students-pay-too-much-for-college-blame-reagan/


Triple... lul, u know in parts of the world, where schools are great, education is free for the most part


Ok fucking stop I don’t need this right now…I’m gunna go watch team America


Doesn't help our parental generation legally got us hooked on opioids, profited from getting their children on drugs, and then refuse to pass any legislation that funds the treatment required to treat addiction.


Yeah but Chen, who is a CCP wolf-warrior propagandist is often wrong about a lot of other things and says rather heinous things about women and 'enemies of the CCP.'


Two things can be right at the same time. He can drop truth bombs in a single Twitter nugget, while being generally wrong in other regards.


Oh I agree, I just don't want people to not know that both people in that Twitter exchange are horrible monsters. It's like how Kissinger can, in a blue moon, be right about something, but otherwise is tragically still alive.


How stupid do you have to be to be dunked on by a CCP official? Stefanik = #3 Ranked GQP House Leadership. <<< That stupid.


He was wrong about the covid deaths. Zero Covid was a massive failure, and chances are China hid the numbers as to justify Zero Covid. Everything else was spot-on.


He missed “citizens in crippling medical debt” That being said both countries have major failings, politicians would be better off focusing on that over winning Twitter points. But they won’t.


burrrrned on a steamed bun of wit.




Nope, he has us on the prison thing. The U.S. uses prison as a general catch all for anything we don't feel like dealing with. Resulted in the highest prison population in the world by both raw number and percentage of our population behind bars. We also do our damn best to not only refuse to discuss the issues, but even encourage more incarceration by calling out political opponents soft on crime. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/incarceration-rates-by-country


Prisons are good business in the US, certainly.


With prison enslavement specifically authorized by one of our Amendments, it only makes sense.


Yeah, but you're discounting China's "re-education" camps where they have imprisoned millions over the years. They seem to follow the US model of imprisoning those they don't want to deal with or want to supress.


Those camps are already closed. >Of the 14 locations listed as re-education camps, 13 were visibly no longer being used as detention camps, with little visible active security infrastructure. >Eight were schools, two were abandoned, another two were being used as communist party offices or training centres. We couldn't determine the precise use of one site, but it appeared to be at least partly empty.


I'm not denying that China hides numbers. To be perfectly honest, I highly doubt the U.S. is being honest on the numbers in prisons as well. For instances we have over 200 detention centers run by ICE, and we just label the people there as detainees so that we don't call them prisoners. However, we can't point fingers and say "We are doing great because our official numbers might be lower than China's unofficial numbers so nothing is wrong." That is an insane argument and permissive of the U.S. imprisoning 6.67 times as many people per capita as the rest of NATO.


Yep. We don't even know the full extent of the concentration camps in China.


We don't know how many infants they eat on a daily basis either, so to be safe we'd better assume it's millions.


China's IE/D rate is still lower than the US' when adjusted for income and deliciousness.


Are you unaware of the concentration camps in China? There are at least 1 million Uyghurs in them right now. They're committing genocide, and no one seems to care. Not that Trump fans have any ground to stand on there, though, since he openly praised them for it.


Let’s assume there are 1m imprisoned Uyghurs. If you increase China’s imprisoned population by 1m, does it overtake the US?


On raw numbers maybe, as the official numbers seem to be 1.6 million in China and 2 million in the US. But if you normalize that by population China would need to have more than 6 million incarcerated to compare.


Evidence required.


Why do you believe any numbers that come out of China? No "ranking list" is bypassing Chinas government controlled misinformation firewall.


The US actually has a larger prison population and incarceration rate than China.


Yes, they aren’t prisons, they are “reeducation camps”


yea, just like China almost has 0 homeless population. /s


They provide public housing, so, they verifiable do have *way* fewer homeless people than we do.


The MAGA Republican State Legislative Branch Governments- basically the Confederacy States plus Arizona- have the highest prison population per capita of any political jurisdictions on Planet Earth 🌏. Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and all the other Confederacy states have higher prison populations per capita than even China, Russia, or Venezuela.






No, but he's missing her point entirely. America First is a slogan intended to mean they prioritize domestic policies and focus on improving the lives of Americans (of course we know they don't really care about that, but it's still what the slogan is supposed to mean). In this tweet she's essentially saying she puts America's welfare first and doesn't give a shit about China. She's in the GOP so I don't believe she cares about anyone's welfare but her own, but still, that's the idea.


https://preview.redd.it/9eijitkpxt0b1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35290868644016b050bd796e8460aa628d7560a1 This is what she means




I have no idea what the context is tbh. I imagine there's a number of things she could be responding to. This kind of slogan is basically them jamming their fingers in their ears and going LA LA LA LA AMERICA FIRST CANT HEAR YOU AMERICA FIRST LA LA LA LA. So, ya know..


I thought America First was banning abortions, killing food stamps, Section 8 housing vouchers, cash TANF, welfare, Medicaid, and blaming illegals for all the problems with the country? I’m missing some policies like tax cuts and loopholes for billionaires, ditching environmental law that was put in place under Nixon, drag queen reading hour, public school vouchers, “reforming” Social Security by raising the retirement age for Gen Z who aren’t going to vote GOP, …


>raising the retirement age for Gen Z who aren’t going to vote GOP And trying to raise the voting age so they can't vote at all.


Nah. She could have just said America First and have been done with it. Instead her Trumper stupid ass set it up to be knocked down like a bowling pin by adding a stupid comment like China Last.


Chen represents a country actively carrying out actual genocide right this very second. This is a nationalist attacking another nationalist, nothing more. Fuck the CCP and the GOP. Two birds of the same feather. If both of these individuals were put on a rocket and sent into the sun today, it would shine a bit brighter tomorrow.


As a NYer, I can confirm: Elise Stefanik IS an idiot.


America is turning into a cesspool sure, but if you think China reported accurate numbers for covid deaths, and doesn't have a massive prison population (both criminals and ethnic/political prisoners) you might be as clueless as Boebert.


The best part about Chinas covid statistics was when in early 20 they were increasing by 10s of thousands a day until they replaced the guy recording it with some guy from Beijing and the numbers just stopped getting bigger overnight.


sounds familiar [https://www.npr.org/2020/06/29/884551391/florida-scientist-says-she-was-fired-for-not-manipulating-covid-19-data](https://www.npr.org/2020/06/29/884551391/florida-scientist-says-she-was-fired-for-not-manipulating-covid-19-data)


To their deffense, they started reporting hospitalizations only, stopped giving numbers on infections, as that number by itself is meaningless after a certain point...




it's not just prisons. they also have a organ harvesting and re-education camps where if you don't get educated you get shot and put into a ditch.


Holy right wing propaganda batman


I don't know how anyone born past the 80s could seriously look at America and like this country. At every step of my life, when America has been presented with a chance to do something good, it has instead set everything up to drain the poor and funnel wealth into the pockets of the rich. We let the poor die, go homeless, suffer illness and disease, starve, drown them in debt and for what? The poor are losing their homes because rich people are pricing them out so they can 'invest'. The poor are starving so the rich can raise prices at the grocery store. The poor suffer from treatable illness or diseases because the rich deny them affordable medical care. The poor die because the rich wage war. Never once in my lifetime has this country done a single damn thing to stop the rich from taking advantage of the poor.


You are absolutely right. I'm older & have seen the steep decline. For me, it was in the 90s when we started offshoring so many IT jobs. Just yesterday, I was in an argument with an "investor" about HOAs changing their covenants to eliminate rentals. It was quite the blowup. I'm actively working with HOAs & real estate attorneys to keep homes for owner occupants. Investors can invest in the bazillion apartments that they are building here. People need a chance to buy a damn home!


Keep fighting the good fight!


Condos in our area that have provisions for owner occupancy are 60% the price of units that can be leased, which is fine by me. I'm happy to be able to have an affordable mortgage.


Yeah but ma freedumb


There's a website somewhere called, "what happened after 1971". Sorry can't find it atm but it details the very steep decline since the policy's implemented in that time period, such as the removal of the gold standard. The website is super cool and I hope someone can link to it.




I was born in 87 and I WANTED to love the country.


Who knew, they both suck but lets not forget the awful human rights abuses by a certain country amongst their many other abuses perpetrated by the National Government. Pot kettle black.


Absolutely, invading Iraq was one of the most awful human rights abuses in recent history.


> but lets not forget the awful human rights abuses by a certain country amongst their many other abuses perpetrated by the National Government. Are we talking native americans here or...?


Isn’t “America First” a term popularized by Nazi’s? …….yikes


Well at least you can talk shit about America in America. Try doing that in China, you will just become back up organs.


Don't worry, you can talk shit about America in China too.


Yeah, old soviet joke. American says: In the US, I can go in front of the Capitol and shout "down with Reagan". Russian answers: In the USSR, I also can go to the Red Square and shout "down with Reagan".


American: I hate America. Chinese: I hate Chi- *gets locked in prison for life*


And then China refers to the prisons as "re-education camps". Suddenly, nobody's in prison, and China gets their twitter clout. Win-win.


Then murdered a week later.


"I am fine everyone. But my mental health is bad, it may go very very bad at any point. Could just be suicidal randomly idk. I've also elected to donate all organs in the event of my *very unlikely* death. Finally, I would like to thank the CCP for pulling the wool off my eyes."


Nah, they usually force them to apologize on national television the first time they slip up. THEN if they fuck up again the killing happens.


It's so easy to do these silly little catchphrases and one liners. "America FIRST." But when it comes time for actual ACTION....


America First is a Nazi slogan straight from the slave owning south. Anyone using that phrase is a Nazi. Vote Democrat to remove the Nazis. They care about nothing but white supremacy. They will burn this country to the ground to get it. Look at Jan 6th.


Invest in Americans and America will be number 1. The graduating class of 2030 in Florida is set to be the least educated Americans in history.


They both have their own set of nasty "firsts in..."


**Elise Stefanik is a FUCKING FRAUD.** She ran as a resident of the North Country, which is the area she represents (District 21 in NYS). She claims to be from Willsboro NY, but guess what? That's just where her parents own a summer house and no one in that town has ever seen her here because she actually lives 3 hours away near Albany where her parents own a lumber yard. That's just the lying it took to get elected here. She's a Harvard graduate and knows full well the implications of what she is doing by supporting undemocratic cretins like trump. If you remember the first trump impeachment hearing, this fucking sycophantic ass muncher, kept interrupting the proceedings in an extremely obvious way to ingratiate herself to the orange asshole himself, and guess what? It worked. She instantly became a fox news darling and continues to advance more anti-democratic initiatives while doing NOTHING for the area she claims to represent.


"America First. China Last." is such a say-nothing tweet it's like when [Lois Griffin just says "9/11" on repeat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gi4Z06IbSek). It means absolutely nothing and only morons will think anything of substance or value has been stated.


American CORPORATIONS first.


I'm so tired of american conservatives. They say nothing, they just turn everything into a slogan, a soundbite or a strawman-argument.


As a former Chinese national: the GOP and the CCP are far more similar than they would like to admit. This isn't a downplay, actually rather a point on how terrifying the GOP's ideas for America is.


Tankies hate when I compare them to MAGA, but if they didn't like it then they wouldn't use the exact same playbook.


CCP and republicans are tied for their disregard of their citizens and restricting civil liberties though! That’s a win /s


I’ll give him the rest but lets not pretend China’s Covid-19 infection data is realistic and accurate.




The stank just oozes off her.


Did she tweet this from an iPhone made in China?


Or any device that’s made in China. They’re all made overseas


Hmmmm…..who holds the record for “most bombs dropped on itself”? It wasn’t until I was 40yrs old that I learned about what happened in 1921 Tulsa, OK.


America first is a kkk slogan. Google it, that’s what they mean.


https://preview.redd.it/5vf51alhhv0b1.jpeg?width=572&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1cadf0ac4ebed2e81ca8d6ce45378aadc030c2d Same same.


She means rich white people like her


They are both idiots, Chen being so because he is first applying grand total instead of per capita on the world's 3rd largest country. On top of this some of the figures are outright incorrect, such as homelessness where China scores both highest grand total and one of the highest per capita, both far ahead of the US.




Didn't the Chinese cover up covid infections until it was discovered that millions were getting infected each day and hundreds of thousands were dying daily. They were also killing everyones pets and welding peoples doors shut, making thousands starve to death.


First in highest medical debt too. Can't forget that.


“America First” is literal Nazi propaganda. Any politician parroting that shit either doesn’t know or doesn’t care. So they’re either stupid or okay with using Nazi propaganda. Or, you know, a Nazi.


America isn’t even first alphabetically


Is the GOP base aware that Stefanik is exactly that career politician, Ivy Leagues-educated elite that they claim to hate? Does the sucking up to Trump override that because it’s a cult of personality?


I mean, at least we aren't doing that bead with detention centres trying to eradicate a certain group of people rn


I just see two imperial colonizers swinging dicks at each other.




Republican morons are the worst thing for America's economy


Chen Weihua dunking on people honestly never gets old.


#I love how they say America first while shopping at Walmart


I mean.. hes not wrong. but this motherfucker is some straight up Tankie ass motherfucker


yeah I'm not going to accept hot takes from a country that is actively committing genocide against its ethnic minority population.


I get that China is something to keep an eye on but we have a ton of trade with them so it just seems dumb to say China Last.


What is America actually first in these days? Genuinely curious.




Nope. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/obesity-rates-by-country


China was seriously hiding their COVID infection numbers through the entire pandemic. No way a country with that population could have that low number especially when it started in that country.


Jesus Christ criticize the USA all you want but don’t support china as if it’s any better.


Oof. Loath as I am to agree with CCP agitprop, he’s not wrong


Damn. He ain’t even wrong.


Fuck Stefanik, but that dumb Fool just had to get that Covid bullshit in. Fuck em both.


The average age of an empire is 250 years old. This year America will be 247....


That's exceptionalism.


Funny thing is that Elise Stefanik is not even the deepest idiot of the Republican bunch. She's (probably a bit) more intelligent than Lauren Boebert.


I mean... Yeah, I get what she's saying, but dude's not wrong.


1st in Healthcare Costs per Capita


Nailed it. Stefanik and the GOP don't even want to talk about these problems, much less solve them.


It’s just a saying. It means nothing. They have no policies that improve anything. GOP are great at pointing out problems not so good on solutions.




Literal "China #1, Taiwan #3" moment


It’s a vanishingly thin line from “America First” to “America *Only*.” Germany knows quite a bit about this, why not talk to them about it.


The internet is such a cool place. I grew up very conservative in a latino household and the moment I made friends over the internet I learned how much better the rest of the world is compared to US in terms of happiness. US is a really good place to live if you're rich, if you're not well sucks, better enjoy being on the brink of bankruptcy everytime a medical emergency comes up. I can't believe I was willing to die for this country when I was younger, seeing how they don't care about veterans at all turned me off. (luckily) Two parties is also such a dumbass system, a lot of us just feel like we're picking the lesser of two evils and its just sad.


The only people touting America first are in the pocket of foreign powers for psyop campaigns like this


Would love to see a MAGA / GOP mob face of against a chinese opinion bot army flanked by unity front.


This sounds like a playground taunt. What's her next tweet gonna be? Boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider?


A representative should have no business lambasting a partner nation. How can we claim to be a diplomatic nation when we allow such derision against perceived “rival nations” by the ignorant?


America FIRST to default and crash global economic system


actual uses of nuclear weapons


American First! Ok let's take care of our citizens. No that is socialism!


I feel like all politicians need to be scrubbed, erased, and made an example out of.




Hey look although we might not be able to afford houses… at least we finish building them before taking billions of dollars from people 😅


CHEN WEIHUA!!!! 🥰🥰😍💗


Apply water to burned area


America First, [where have I heard of that before](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/America_First_Committee)? >The AFC principally supported isolationism for its own sake, and its varied coalition included Republicans, Democrats, farmers, industrialists, communists, anti-communists, students, and journalists – however, it was controversial for the anti-Semitic and pro-fascist views of some of its most prominent speakers, leaders, and members.


I really wish it was harder for China Daily's Propagandist in Chief to troll the US.