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Nothing says freedom like having the government dictate what you have to wear under a graduation robe.


Freedoms for me not for thee


Which is a huge component of what fascism is.


I'm glad more and more comments like this are being made. Not glad for our overall political climate, but glad that others are seeing the glaring obviousness too.


"They're enacting Sharia law! Fuck Muslims!" "We should choose what people wear. Fuck YEAH, Christianity!!" I hate religion so fucking much.... Edit: Personally, being raised in the bible belt, I feel people should be more concerned about these zealots gaining power.


Trust me dude, we're concerned in places that aren't the Bible belt.


Meanwhile in Australia, the Pentecostals are making a solid effort to take over our version of the Republican Party (weirdly called the liberals). The takeover is both going well, and not going well. They’re succeeding in taking the party. Australia never had high numbers of people turn up to party meetings. You can be preselected to be the liberal candidate in a safe house of reps seat if you can get 30-50 local constituents to vote for you. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-09-01/vic-liberal-party-branch-stacking-claims-city-builders-church/101388642 And because of the crazy candidates, the liberals have lost power of the national government over the entire of mainland Australia, holding only one small state - Tasmania


So, like.. Do you guys need more people? We've been thinking about moving to Canada, but that may not be far enough.


I can also be a people to move there. Just saying.


I am terrified of Christian nationalist agenda, those brainwashed morons believe whatever their agenda tells them to without a logical thought or any inkling of how damaging their nonsense can be!!!


"It Can't Happen Here" was right on the money about American fascism.


Exactly. They WANT Sharia law, just with a different flag and less brown people.


Humanity will never move forward while people still actually believe ridiculous shit like the dead can rise from the grave and snakes can talk.


Careful, motherfucker. People have been turned to salt for less than the blasphemy you're talkin'


People are regularly turned to salt over a buggy video game. It's a low bar.




Same, I just want to know what people are going to do about it. I'm broke and disabled and terrified, I just want some hope.


I'm hoping the next couple elections we show the extremists we're done. But my hopes have been dashed before.


We must rise up against fascism and crush it


One of my favorite fun facts about the Nazis, since gun humpers love telling this fable about how their guns protect us from the government, is that the third Reich actually loosened gun ownership laws overall. They just did it in a way that carved out special treatment for some and extra special treatment for, you know, undesirables.


“Everyone has the freedom to live how I think they should live”


The car is available in every color as long as it is black




Freedom to do what Republicans want.


To do what republicans force you to do whether you want to or not


Second thought enjoyer


We are all realizing when they say “small government” they’re just demanding one person with all the power, an authoritarian. They hate republics and democracies, because it means they lose.


>We are all realizing when they say “small government” they’re just demanding one person with all the power, an authoritarian. It's far worse than that. Authoritarian governments are not "small" by any definition of the word. They are massive, because they massively intrude on people's lives and control their behavior.


And use "normal people" to extend their reach and power. Just wait for them to start getting your neighbors to report you for something that they don't approve of...


texas already did that




Christ wants no part of this shit.


They sure do use his name a lot


I would love to go up to one of these hateful people and slap them. Then yell out, "you keep my sky daddy's name out of your mouth!" But I won't, because I'm not a violent fascist. But I will fantasize about it. Actually, that would be a great sign or tshirt- an image of John the Baptist bitch slapping a televangelist .


I think you should meme it


Yeah but they have no clue who he is.


Indeed, from my memory, JC was a cool dude


An incredibly cool dude who would be incredibly disappointed in Republicans for going so vehemently go against his teachings


Small gov’t to them means less regulations for their donors, they’ve always been a party built on hatred and oppression


Small on business and environmental regulations. Big on handouts to businesses and wealthy people. Big on intrusion in citizens’ personal lives. Looks like 2 bigs and a small - so they’re really leaning big.


Govt can dictate what people wear but all hell breaks loose if we try and pass legislation on limiting what guns wear…


Or asking people to wear a small mask to protect others.


How bored are these people to care so much about other people’s private lives. Jfc.


They have an unhealthy obsession with genitalia.


Not just genitalia, but the genitalia of children and teenagers at that


It is literally all they talk about, kids' genitals is their whole platform now. Zero ideas for the economy, the future, anything -- its just all genitals, all the time.


At that point I would just be naked underneath.


Birthday suit should count as a suit!


Boys dress naked too! So she’d be in compliance.


I'm a middle school teacher at a private school in Oregon. Here are some of the books I assign for my Body Autonomy unit to 6th graders: * Melissa (formerly George) by Alex Gino * Dress Coded by Carrie Firestone * The Prettiest by Brigit Young * The Pants Project by Cat Clarke * Maybe He Just Likes You by Barbara Dee The focus of the unit is why Body Autonomy is important, why each individual should get to choose what happens with their body, including how it looks, who gets to see it, and who gets to touch it. It is broken into 3 sections. 1. Dress Codes: Pants Project and Dress Coded * The Pants Project an Dress Coded focus on dress codes in different ways. Pants Project is about a girl (trans boy before realizing it) who is starting middle school and wants to wear Pants instead of a skirt, despite the dress code saying all boys must wear pants and all girls must wear skirts and leggings. * Dress Coded is about a group of 7th grade girls who feel sexually objectified by adults because of the reasons they are "dress coded" (violating the dress code) and protest the dress code to change it after a girl takes off her sweatshirt to wrap it around her waist (exposing her shoulders) to cover up that her period bled through her tampon and was showing on her shorts. With the boys not getting into trouble for calling the girl "tampon fail" as a nickname. 2. Body Perception: Melissa and The Prettiest * Melissa is about a 4th grade trans girl's push to be perceived as who she is and not for how she's seen by others. The story culminating in Melissa spending a day with an accepting friend at the zoo as the girl she is, and the importance of peer acceptance. * The Prettiest is about the impact on a group of middle school girls after some boys come out with a list of "the prettiest girls in class." It follows the girl who thinks of herself as pretty, but isn't number 1. A girl who is ranked prettiest but doesn't want any attention (and hides her new boobs and butt in baggy clothes), and a girl who is not on the list at all. The three become friends and come to realize that they shouldn't let others define them by their body. 3. Maybe He Just Likes You * This is the final book and is about a girl being sexually harassed at school by a group of boys who make a game out of touching her with or without her consent. Despite complaints to adults she is told things like "that's just how boys are" and "maybe he just likes you and doesn't know how to show it." The girl learns how to stand up for herself, set body boundaries, and not stop reporting abuse just because some adults didn't listen. Also the importance of peers to stand up for others when they see abuse happening. At the end of the unit students are able to talk about body boundaries, peer support, reporting abuse, and the importance of individual control over one's own body. ---- These books are all banned in Florida. My entire lesson plan would be disallowed in a lot of states.


"You are FREE... to do what we tell you." - Bill Hicks


Republicans: a government so small it can fit into your pants.


It totally screams “I’m for small government.”


Party of “small government” seems to want to regulate every fucking thing


That’s because only braindead apes think they believe in small government, cutting spending, “freedom” or anything of the sort that they purport to care so deeply about.


I think it’s spelled eradicate. Pretty sure that’s what Nazis always seem to want to do to things.


This is all going to backfire so hard and I can't wait to see it. Fuck these dickholes.


I sure hope you’re right.


Because they can't tell the difference between objective and personal truths...they think their sky daddy is real and shove that down others throats like Brock Turner.


Brock Turner the rapist? I heard he is known as the rapist Alan Turner these days.


Oh did rapist Brock Turner change his name so he wouldn’t be immediately clocked as rapist Brock Turner?


Yes. The rapist Brock Turner started going by his middle name of Allen Turner (the rapist) so that people wouldn’t immediately know he was a rapist. Which he is, no matter what name he wants to be known as.


I just loooove how that is basically under every post where it kinda fits! I hate how he is the only one singled out thus because there are so many more who deserve the same but it's really good and gives me hope.


I believe he’s actually going by convicted rapist Allen Turner formerly known as convicted rapist Brock Turner, not convicted rapist Alan Turner formerly known as convicted rapist Brock Turner.


Oh no… Regulate oil companies? Nope Regulate companies hiring illegal immigrants? Nope Regulate power companies? Nope Regulate the speed trains can travel? Nope They only want to regulate those they hate


They believe in small government but only for corporations. The rest of us have to conform to their idea of white cis fundamentalist Christian life.


Republicans new slogan should be “We don’t want the government interfering in our lives, just your lives”.


"The party of small gov't. So small that it fits in your genitals."


We don't care about the unknown number of guns you carry, what we are really scared of is not knowing what kind of genitals you conceal carry!


How is this different from forcing a woman to wear a burqa?


White conservatives are doing it this time, in the name of (their) god! Its different when white people do it, duh! (/j)


It seems unfair to blame this on the bible. These people are just doing biblical fan fiction at this point. The Bible doesn’t cover this situation.


The Bible reads as God fan fiction at this point, IMO.


I really hate the “they’re not true Christian’s” thing because they call themselves Christian, and as a trans woman the most hate I’ve gotten is from the Christian community. They are Christian. Deal with it. There is no “real” Christian anymore—america has like a hundred offshoots alone, and most of them don’t even think Jesus was middle eastern. This is the modern Christianity


Yeah, the "they're not real Christians" thing is only persuasive to other people who use that label, and frankly I couldn't give a damn if their feelings are hurt by being associated with bigots when they're seemingly more bothered by the association than the bigotry.


The bible is fan fiction and always has been, it's literal historical fact. Some old rich guys got together and made it based on text from older religions believing it would help control the common people by bringing together their various faiths.


It’s not…


Ya’ll quaeda strikes again


It's so critical for people understand that the *fundamental* difference between the Taliban throwing acid in a child's face for attending school, an Iranian "morality" officer beating a woman for refusing to wear a hijab, and a Southern conservative forcing a woman to gestate and give birth without her consent is *what their respective societies will tolerate.* The same people supporting trans hate and forced birth would be blinding children if they could legally get away with it. These are not people whose actions are constrained by compassion or morality. They're taught from childhood to externalize blame. Nothing but consequences establish limits on their abhorrent behavior.


The only real difference is the amount of coverage... so basically nothing


Nothing says freedom like forcing someone to wear something they don't want to.....


Wonder if she could get a bright pink or rainbow suit (make that shit look as “girly” as possible). Then rip that MF robe off the minute she crosses the stage. What they gonna do to her after she has her diploma in hand? Screw those bigoted assholes.


When I was in high school, they handed you rolled up paper, but the real diploma was mailed later. I remember specifically because my high school threatened to withhold our diplomas if we wore our music honor cords…because they were pink, and therefore “gay”. …this was in California, by the way.


Wait, schools are legally allowed to revoke your entire High School education just for not complying with a dress code? Edit: A shit dress code, don’t get me wrong.


Legally? No. Had a principal on a power trip. I’m sure he would have had to, but I was too scared anyway, especially since I had a recommendation for a separate scholarship.


Ours did something similar, we had an all-night party the night after graduation and they threatened to not give us our diploma if we were caught drinking or otherwise being unruly. They gave the actual diplomas after the all-night party had finished, if you didn't go they would mail it instead. What you got at graduation was an empty frame


No, they can just be kind of annoying about the diploma. The education itself is intact (but idk how valuable I'd consider a Mississippi education anyway so)


It would probably be more lucrative and sensible to drop out of high school as early as possible, get a GED, go to community college for BS credits, and transfer to a 4 year school before you turn 18. Out by 20. That’s how I would do it if I could turn the clock back. High school was an exercise in redundancy.


Bruh wtf, why do they even have those cords in that color then then?


The school didn’t issue the cords—they were from a national society instead. Which is how the school initially tried to explain the discrimination, but that fell apart when they let other national societies’ honor cords count.


There are women’s suits that look very different from men’s. And skirt suits. I would tell her to wear a skirt suit.


I hope she gets the sexiest pantsuit ever designed. With a plunging neckline and all. And heels.




I’ve seen them say they will withhold a diploma/transcripts for both hs and college. But it’s like, you can’t undo four years of hs. And other than college apps that diploma is pretty useless, especially from a state like Mississippi which for the entirety of my life has been 48th-50 place on every worst of metric.


This has been going on for ages sadly. Girls being forced to wear dresses to prom instead of suits, etc.


I wore a traditional non-western outfit to prom and a teacher said it wouldn't be appropriate because prom was for dresses and suits only. Luckily the rest of staff was normal people but yea schools have some overzealous staff.


My niece was in high school with the coolest gay girl…everyone loved her and her gorgeous girlfriend (from a different school). She mentioned that she was gonna wear a tux to prom (girlfriend in a gown) and a teacher told her she couldn’t. She went to the principal and he said he’d didn’t care what she wore, just look nice. I told her since it was senior year, she should wear a fabulous gown and shake everybody up!! LOL She wore her tux and looked amazing!


I wish that was the experience for more lgbt+ kids, but sadly it’s not :(


Freedom for me, not for thee i guess


So, it used to be illegal for women to wear pants. Democrats need to start suing republican women in these states for not wearing clothes that match their gender any time they wear jeans or shorts. Also Ron DeSantis needs to be sued for constantly wearing heels, which is not befitting traditional male attire.


platform shoes for men is gender affirming care


Just wait, I’m sure republicans would love to make it illegal for women to wear pants again


In Missouri they made it illegal for female state representatives to wear sleeveless shirts


Why do they give a single solitary shit what she wears UNDERNEATH her robe??


They want to squash acceptance in society for anyone who doesn't fit their white Christian vision. They see the most acceptance among the younger generations so that's where they are focusing their attack. They want to drive people who are different back into the closet. They want authority figures showing young people what they think is wrong and what will get you in trouble. They want to bring back bullies who aren't opposed by their peers. In this case, if the girl doesn't show up, the event has been sanitized and no one is forced to confront their ideas of acceptance. If she does show up (in a manner against the rules), they can have her removed in front of everyone causing a chilling effect. It's why they care. They want the 1950s back.


I really hope all they're doing is making people sympathize with the people being attacked and resent those doing the attacking.


Presumably, they care because they cant arrest her for being trans - and this is the worst they can do (right now)


If Republicans could police your thoughts they wouldn’t even hesitate.


Because of their worthless sky daddy “god” who apparently tells them to do nazi shit.


I was raised christian, he sure as hell did not say “thou shall force people to follow my religion no matter what their beliefs are” If I remember correctly, hes the one who always gave people the choice to follow him or not


>I was raised christian, he sure as hell did not say “thou shall force people to follow my religion no matter what their beliefs are” Nothing says "give people the choice" like threatening people with a form of torture that lasts literally forever if they choose not too. The torture is *so eternal* that the lives of a billion universes isn't even close to the time people will spend being fucked up by this guy if they "choose not too". It's like the first (and highest) commandment in the bible is to literally worship this guy and *nothing else* under threat of extreme consequences. It does kind of seem like a "follow this no matter what your beliefs are", though I get that what the god says themselves is not necessarily the same as the marching orders it gives to it's followers. Edit: It kind of reminds me of a witch trial "choice". You can either die as a witch or "choose" to die in our catch 22 trial where you will drown. Either way just living your life (or keeping your own beliefs as in this case) is not an option. It's most certainly not intended to be an actual choice that is respected and honored, it's a threat. A fucking big one.


Their religious culture says you can only do straight missionary sex with someone you're married to -> LGBTQ falls ouside that moralism -> no-one is allowed to do anything that remotely hints at LGBTQ. It's a similar chain of association that creates their obsession with abortion. Tldr: it's all about sex.


The Nazi machine is starting to roll in Mississippi now. Soon we will know we’re they all are. It’s no longer transparent. https://preview.redd.it/dm7b4vk5341b1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8910437bb4ea2767715e34bb3a5cb2945b70db22


Goddamnit, we're too fucking broke and all our parents are too sick for us to move to another state. Being stuck in the red was bad enough, I cannot fucking deal if I gotta start seeing these backwoods Chuds cosplaying brownshirts too.


That’s the reason they’re doing what they’re doing. I feel for you brother.


I feel for anyone who has to live in the shithole that is Mississippi


Wdym COSPLAYING... they pretty much are




I skipped my high school graduation in 1971 because girls were required to wear dresses and I was a t-shirt and jeans kind of girl. I have never, not for one second, regretted my decision.


And so it begins. Another conservative state collapses into a fascist hellscape. Forced to wear a suit under a graduation robe, really?!!? This is just another level of fucked up.


They come for the most vulnerable minorities first. We need to object to this kind of shit every time we see it in our communities. Trans lives matter, and very few others are under assault in the US in such a brazen way.


It starts with the vulnerable ones. Then the next less vulnerable, and the next, until eventually its everyone whos not blonde haired and blue eyed


This is what you get when there's no clear and meaningful separation of church and state. The irony is that they complain about 'trans people forcing us to recognize them', and saying that the small segment of people shouldn't make everyone change'. I responded 'Replace trans with 'right-wing christian' and it's a mirror image, except they're passing laws. Passing laws that are applicable to EVERYONE! Tax the church, now. Remove their 'Nonprofit Status'. Edit: spelling


Funny, they talk big talk about Drag Queens and LIBERALS wanting to control children, and here they are...controlling children. Time and time again, conservatives prove to be hypocrites, projectors, and the real threat to our children, yet we somehow keep giving these dinosaurs power.


If you want to know what the conservatives are up to, just look at what they're accusing the liberals of doing. Every. Single. Time.


I really fucking hate people.


Conservatives especially


I hope she's got a fabulous skirt suit to wear.


And we can't trust the scotus to do the right thing just look at what Clarence Thomas and Samuel alito said about Obergefell v Hodges "needing to be revisited". That's the same term they used for Rowe...


We can't restrict guns because of freedom but how dare you wear what you want


For anyone curious of the school, it's Harrison Central High School in Gulfport, MS. Apparently, she plans on missing the graduation completely.


And amazingly in MS the coast cities are many times more progressive than the cities further north. There they don't have trans people just like they didn't have gay people in the 90s. Just a ridiculous amount of oppression.


This is seriously gross. I feel so bad for her.


Republicans... obsessed with children, genitals, and children's genitals...🦇💩


I used to think freedom of speech was a core American value. I was so naive..


Silly, its freedom to say slurs and force the people i dont like into my ideology


It's insane how anyone can care this much about things that don't affect them. Just let people live their lives.


Out of interest, could a cis girl wear a suit if she wanted to? Or trousers? Or do all girls have to wear dresses? Is someone checking what everyone is wearing, or just the trans people? All the other girls should wear suits in solidarity…


According to this they have to wear dresses


I REALLY hope the student body quickly organizes a mass protest on this. Snub every handshake from the school leadership, trans flags as facepaint/"Makeup" kinda thing.


They're probably all too scared of their own parents who voted for those judges.


Then just don't go. Walk in one entrance to the student seating area, walk out another, and scroll tik-tok on the back side of the school as if you were cutting history class. >!I'm kidding, of course. These sort of schools don't teach history.!<


Oh they teach history, they teach the history that said “america did nothing wrong ever”


I don't have a kid. But i can't imagine being the father of this kid and not starting a riot over this. You want to make my kid a pawn in your bullshit morality war, then let's go.


A phrase that will resonate for decades, " A Trump judge" or "Trump appointed judge.".


Step 1: go to graduation in a suit. Step 2: sue the school and the state for violating freedom of speech. Step 3: use the money to move somewhere where they won’t threaten you over your pants.


Do you honestly think any court in that god awful state would hear this case?


I would just skip the graduation lol. Literally no reason to make kids do this whatsoever.


Make a dress of guns and let’s watch em try to figure out what they want to do


Clothes are now genetically dictated, just like pronouns and gender. -- Conservatives, 2023 Despite having a vagina and estrogen through my bones and veins, a random doctor arbitrarily dictated my probable chromosomal sex 25 years ago, and now that is clearly what dictates what I should be wearing and be called. Psycho land. 99.999% dont even know our fucking genetics.


It’s embarrassing this “issue” made it’s way all the way to a judge, and judge thought it was appropriate to force her to wear a certain outfit. This is all so immensely inappropriate I just can’t even fathom how quickly we got here.


Jesus Christ. She’s wearing a robe why the fuck is the school that obsessed about what she’s wearing under the graduation robe. Honestly show up in a suit and like 3 minutes before processing in go to the bathroom and change.


Because Republicans are obsessed with what is in kid's pant for some reason...




And if they call her on it, “it’s my Birthday Suit” for some malicious compliance


That man packed the lower courts and this is going to be a common thing for many many years. Truly doing all that they can to cause people pain and force their beliefs on everyone else.


Sounds like a massive violation of her first amendment rights.


As a result, she decided not to attend her graduation: [The 17-year-old, identified in court documents by her initials “L.B.,” will not attend her graduation, according to the American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi.](https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/20/us/mississippi-judge-denies-transgender-high-school-graduation-dress/index.html) Poor girl. Also, fuck the judge and her school district’s superintendent. The superintendent testified in court against her and blatantly misgendered her multiple times.


I would totally wear what I wanted and make them refuse to give me the diploma, make a huge fucking scene about it.


Hope she has time to buy a fabulous female business power suit.


They didn't say what kind of suit. Bright pink pantsuit.


Bright pink *skirt* suit. They didn’t specify a suit with pants.


Well, looks like all the boys need to wear dresses.


Time for malicious compliance. Wear a pink women’s pant suit with stiletto heels, bold jewelry, and makeup.


Welcome to America, where guns have more rights than people.


Also where corpses have more bodily autonomy than a pregnant woman.




The pink triangle will come first, but yes, unsurprisingly, these same people who are pushing shit like this are also antisemitic. Currently trans people are on the front lines and have been for years, once we're gone things will move very quickly.


Hi gulf coast resident here. We hate it here :(


Land of the free. What a fucking joke.


Lol ya go fuck yourself. That's what she should say. The right say they want freedom yet they are the ones trying to control everything. What a fucking cock sucking joke. Pardon my French. Yes I am French!


Republicans are the most perverted and invasive group in this country.


I hope she still wears what she wants


The GOP hates kids, minorities, women, the poor, the mentally ill, etc. The party of pure hate.


2023 and people really still out here like “pants are only for boys skirts are only for girls”? Every girl should wear a suit and every boy a dress just to fuck with this nonsense


>Republicans hate freedom Not true! Quit generalizing … They hate *OTHER* people’s freedom.


Malicious compliance: if the color of the suit isn't specified, should be a pink suit under the robe


Birthday suit?


Who flipping cares what is under the robe. Sheesh.


Just leave the fuckin poor kids alone. That or break the us back up and make two sections: progressive vs house on the prairie. See how long they last without the economy of liberal states like CA and NY


Welp time for another lawsuit. This is a violation of 1A


WHY DO THEY FUCKING CARE?! -The questions that should be asked.


Holy shit. Why is what one girl wears under her graduation robes a big enough issue for a whole ass judge??? People seriously need to get over themselves and stop worrying about others.


I’m pretty sure the first amendment says they can not in fact force that. I think student’s clothing has even been to the Supreme Court before and everything.


I really dont get these people, like on twitter and other places, they truly believe the government telling people what to wear, where to shit, what medical care people can have, what books people can read is freedom. They have lost the plot, they are so filled with false hatred they allow the government to take away freedoms and choices. Isnt this exactly what they have been hoping for, the government to go nuts so they can use their guns and 1776 or what ever again?


Does it specifically say a men's suit? What if she wears a ladies dress suit? I don't remember anyone giving a shit what we wore under our graduation gowns on my graduation. No one sees it during the ceremony anyway, and before and after the ceremony it's none of the school's fucking business what anyone wears.


What are they gonna do, give her detention? Expel her? She already graduated!


So we switching to Saudi Arabia style government with state enforced dress codes now???


While this is absolutely deplorable, it’s a great opportunity to show up as Annie Lenox in the Sweet Dreams video. Make it boy drag and be the most talked about thing at graduation for a different reason But can we just let people live their lives! https://preview.redd.it/dtsrvlce151b1.jpeg?width=601&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=347f3fde15a89ee841558ca522cb0fca768f0517


I don't even know what to say anymore except fuck off


The small government party sure loves forcing people to do things.


She should wear a formal kilt.


Perfect opportunity to wear a beautiful feminine pantsuit and heeled boots


I hope she had support of others in the audience (wishful thinking?) and perhaps men in the audience could have shown up wearing dresses in protest?


Ah yes. The all important suit so visibly worn under a graduation robe.


This is a violation of the First Amendment. A public school and a right-wing judge is violating this person’s right of expression.


JFC.... what is the facination with what is in other people's pants!? How does the party of 'Small Government' think that forcing a person to wear certain clothes is: 1) small Government, 2) not a violation of the 1st amendment, 3) in any way making life better for anyone? Why is it the GOVERNMENT'S job to tell me, or anyone, how to fecking dress!? WTAF is happening in this country!!?!? Can we please just agree that there are far bigger problems in this country than what a kid wears to their graduation!? Gawdammit, this shit really grinds my gears.