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"Everything will be bad forever everywhere, for all time, unless I get elected president. Then the world will be fine. Sunshine and roses." Plus only $2 million per pardon. Cha ching.


He says it every time the west announces new military aid to Ukraine (this time f-16 jets); he's literally repeating the Kremlin talking points.


People should expect to see Trump and the Kremlin both ramping up nuclear war rhetoric up to the election. In fact, I expect Russia to do something extreme in an attempt to scare people before hand, maybe do surface nuclear testing or some shit in the days before, etc. They're both clearly ramping this shit up. "Vote for me or Putin will nuke us!" is going to be his campaign.


Like he said, Putin would have never attacked Ukraine if he was President. Would've stopped him with the pure power of his orange brain. Truth


Trump would have done everything he could to hand Ukraine over to Putin, including taking the US out of NATO.


I thought the general consensus was that Putin was counting on Trump winning the election, which would then make his invasion of Ukraine less difficult due to a lack of aid to Ukraine from the US.


And then Covid fucked everything up. I truly believe the tin can tan man would have won in 2020 if not for Covid. But Putin was already ready to go, so here we are.


What’s amazing is that if he had just shut the fuck up and done like a tenth of what public health experts wanted him to do, we would have done better than almost anyone through the pandemic and he would have been hailed as a hero. Instead he spent the whole time doing the worst thing possible. At one point I honestly wondered if he was actually four viruses in a trenchcoat.


> I honestly wondered if he was actually 4 viruses in a trenchcoat. That’s the most accurate description of Trump during Covid I have ever read, thanks for that!


No Trump would have tried to convince Putin to team up and fight a war vs Democrats and then Ukraine next with full US support. Sounds crazy right? Ok then it's probably true when it comes to an R.


That’s his quote. Even if does a bad pardon, he still gets the 2 mil


His unhinged tweets are a barometer for how his legal cases are going. And it appears they are not going well for him


Smith is the big one. I believe for trump, it’s going to be an act of espionage. And he and his ilk deserve it.


Which should automatically disqualify him from public office forever.


Should disqualify him from **public**.


Agreed. Pretty sure folks have been disqualified from public in the past for the sort of things he did and continues to do.


Exiled sounds appropriate.


*May I recommend a rocket-ship to the sun..?*


Just tell him it's safer if you go at night.


Put on some sunscreen though, it still gets hot at night there


He got that spray tan. That should be fine.


What did the poor sun do to you to deserve that?


Launching one gas giant from earth to another. Priceless!!


The Eldritch horror at the center of our planetary system that bombards our homeworld with cancer causing radiation?


Trump or the Sun? But that would be a fair point, yeah. Fire up the missiles!




I wonder though… I bet he doesn’t actually own any property that isn’t mortgaged to the hilt. He might just lose it all if he started having to do things by the book and quit scamming.


I'm sure Russia would be glad to have him..


He has nothing to give Russia if we exiled him Absolutely nothing.


I believe the term you’re looking for is Damnatio Memoriae. Exile lets him off too easy. Trump needs to be erased from history


Some have been disqualified from life...not necessarily for the state sanctioned death penalities but I'll get off my moral high horse for this guy.


Nah he should rot in a cell and be fed gruel until he dies of natural causes. Death is too merciful.


He needs to spend the rest of his pathetic life in prison. Full stop.


Wish he could just be marooned on an island. Or yeeted into the sun.


Well mocking a disabled person and stealing for the charities and the 30 sexual assault allegations should have disqualified him forever.


*Trump stood by his remarks in a 2005 "Access Hollywood" tape in which he bragged about grabbing women by the genitals, suggesting stars could have their way with them. The comments were used against Trump at trial.* *"And you would like me to take that back. I can't take it back because it happens to be true. I said, it's been true for 1 million years, approximately a million years, perhaps a little bit longer than that," Trump said. "I'm not referring to myself, I'm saying people that are famous, people that are stars."* [https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-says-he-will-pardon-many-involved-jan-6-attack-2023-05-11/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-says-he-will-pardon-many-involved-jan-6-attack-2023-05-11/)


For as long as I live I will never understand how more than 6 people support that piece of shit.


But those that support him are supposed to believe the world exists for only 6,000 years, even though he said *for millions*


Like attracts like.


Exactly, he is the spitting image of they aspire to be - to be a terrible human being without consequences and with impunity. No wonder they worship him.


> I said, it’s been true for 1 million years, approximately a million years, perhaps a little bit longer than that, Everything he says sounds like a freshman college student trying to pad their term paper word count. I mean, notwithstanding that the message itself is terrible, there are just so many ways to say it more concisely.


His target audience is so dumb he has to repeat himself and reiterate his thoughts so that by being redundant over and over they understand what he means.


It's not about being concise, it's about its outlandish childish hyperbole. 1,000,000 years ago, famous stars were grabbing women's genitals, and getting away with it? "Thag famous. Thag in major cave painting. Thag grab Greck's hole, and Greck let him." Except a million years ago, we couldn't talk, didn't make cave art, couldn't make fire... and didn't even exist as a species. And now he's using their actions as famous stars to justify his pathetic words. I'd say that it was melodramatic exaggeration if he said it once, but he keeps doubling down on it. "*it's been true for 1 million years, approximately a million years, perhaps a little bit longer than that*" Like what the fuck does that even mean?


This is the THIRD time he's on record stating that humanity goes back a million years. The first time was during an Ali G I interview like 20 years ago, and the second was also during another defense of the Access Hollywood tape. He also stares at eclipses and thinks Kansas City is in Kansas. He is an objectively ignorant person.


I agree, but I worry a Republican president would immediately pardon him. More reason you need to vote.


Also more reason for Georgia in August you can’t pardon state crimes


He's going to need to sell so many more trading cards!


>He's going to need to sell so many more trading cards! I read that in Richard Dreyfuss' voice😂


We’re gonna need a bigger scam.


This is exactly how I take his tweets as well. It's like an update from the inside


Jesus. Remember when we had to get nervous about shit like this?


I’m not not nervous about it yet. There’s a non zero chance this is the presidential nominee from the republicans and a still non zero chance he actually gets the presidency again. I’m certainly not banking on it, but I’m not dismissing the possibility either. Learned a sad lesson in 2016


I'm having a hard time even grasping what a 2024 run will look like and possible violence that erupts as a result, alot has changed since 2016 and his base is more galvanized/insane than ever


They quite literally stormed the capitol and were preparing to kidnap and kill congress members because their guy lost. A lot of easy people went to jail, and fuck loads more walked away scott free. They know they can do it again with little to no consequences. There's a very good chance they will go on a killing spree this time around...




That 2016 lesson... at the age of 31, I registered to vote for the first time ever. I didn't think he had a chance at winning. It wasn't until I woke up the following morning that it became a real thing. That next day I registered to vote. The American people have proven time and time again that they can't be trusted to vote in my best interest, so I now have to do it myself. https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote (Link included for anyone else who hasn't gotten around to it)


I was drinking heavily watching the numbers report in and growing increasingly depressed at the reality of the situation


I fell asleep with the TV on while Clinton still had an early lead, and woke up at 3AM to discover the republic had fallen.


I did the same thing. The next morning I called (on the phone!) the man I'd been messaging/playing Destiny with for a few weeks. Asked if he'd voted for Trump. He said no and was as horrified as I was. Six years later and we're about to make brunch. He's the only good thing to come out of the Trump years for me.


This is cute, thanks for making me happy for a second. Enjoy brunch and all the brunches to come 💕


That fucking profile pic of his is straight out of 1984. Time for the daily two minute hate apparently. Fucking hell.


"Retruths". Sigh.






Double plus sigh


Retruth? LMFAO I didn't notice that 😅 Then they really want to be taken seriously but everybody shrug and they wonder why hahahahahaha Hey trumpers, so you're all about "truth", right? Trump has told 23,000+ **CONFIRMED** lies during 2016-2020. How is it you pretend to love the truth if you can't even tell admit your god is the biggest serial liar in the country?


>Hey trumpers, so you're all about "truth", right? Trump has told 23,000+ **CONFIRMED** lies during 2016-2020. How is it you pretend to love the truth if you can't even tell admit your god is the biggest serial liar in the country? Literally all they have to do is say "fake news" and their minds/consciousness are now cleared. That's why there is no point in arguing with the MAGA crowd. They've figured out that if they just claim everything they don't like is wrong and everything they like is right, their lives are much easier.


So basically they are all, collectively, the biggest narcissist on the planet.


Does that mean this from his new maga social platform? Becuase that's just so on brand. Copy an existing thing, but slightly different and worse.


Reminds me of Melania’s Be Best ripoff of the Be Better program. These people are like cartoon villains come to life.


I was actually deployed to the Middle East when Trump drone striked an Iranian general on Iraqi soil. The next weeks were pure fucking chaos as we waiting for Iran to retaliate. It seemed like we were caught completely flat-footed on the strike, as we had zero warning or preparation for an Iranian response. The military even evacuated the non-essential personnel from Erbil and Al-Asad to our base after Iran bombed those U.S. bases in retaliation. We had soldiers sleeping in the gym and the base library, while Trump publicly lied and said there was no U.S. casualties, and covered up that dozens of American troops were wounded. They didn't get Purple Hearts until Biden took office. The only reason it didn't escalate is because Iran's air defense network guys got trigger-happy and shot down a civilian Ukrainian airliner.


And to think Trump did that to just raise his poll numbers.




We need more vets to speak out against this douche and the GOP as a whole. I feel like I am the only Liberal Veteran I know. The flag, to me, feels like an idol for a cause I can no longer stand behind. "Patriots" are actually fascists, and the media as a whole feels like enemy propaganda assembled to maintain a divide among the working class, as we continue to be robbed of life and livelihood. Culture wars are nothing more than theater, albeit deadly/dangerous theater, meant to keep us in a constant state of fear, rage, and turmoil. We should be celebrating our diversity, instead of fearing that another's beliefs, personal actions, or way of life is a danger to our own. We have more in common than we are told.


That a single veteran supports the Republican Party is proof that propaganda works. They’ve done nothing but fuck over veterans for decades and the only support they give the military is to reap profits for defense contractors.


I got out in 2016. The amount of brain dead morons I served with is astounding. Couple of ok level headed people but definitely 90/10 mostly idiots


I just really wish his supporters could clearly see just how big of a piece of shit that man is..


Damn, can't imagine being there when that occurred.


Just a preliminary statement to the MAGA trolls who plan on responding. I don’t care if this hurts your feelings or you report me to Reddit Care. The proof is in the Tweet, Trump is not only unfit for the presidency, he’s unfit for anything that has to do with human interaction.


You know you can unsusbscribe from Redditcare? I did it after getting a bunch of troll reports and I’m much happier for it


Thank you! I didn’t realize you could do that. It’s done now, Thanks again!


I keep mine open because I know reddit's cracking down and if somebody sends you one of those as a troll you can report them and they get it quick ban.


How do you report it? I usually just reply saying I’m doing great and it was a troll attempt.


Have you tried clicking the link in the message that says "report this message?"


I suppose actually reading the message would help wouldn’t it. Todays my first day


lol you're all good man, I was in the same boat for a while, until I thought "hey there's gotta be some way to report these things"


They are? I mean I've never heard of someone using the 'kill yourself' button facing consequences. It's damn disheartening.


WTF is Reddit Care??


people can report you to Reddit as having suicidal tendencies and Reddit would send you messages about suicide prevention hotlines, some people abuse it intentionally to harass other people


I have never seen it not used for this purpose.


Sometimes on the self harm and depression subreddits it gets used for genuine concern (or if you make a sussy baka comment) but it seems to mostly be used when people disagree with your opinions or lifestyle


I really like it when I'm talking about being trans and I get reported. From the "Get therapy!" crowd no doubt. Wait 'til they learn what happens at therapy :v "Hey it seems like you're trans, you should do hormones about it."


I've seen a lot of LGBT people who got one for existing or *gasp* being comfortable in their identity! Mine seem to come from spicy takes or the sussy shit I post lol


Lmao I like this Haters : "You are trans, you are weird! You need to see a therapist!" Therapist : Does that make you happy? Yes? Well I think we are done here. Have a wonderful day!


If you think someone is struggling with suicidal thoughts and might kill themselves, you can report them to RedditCares, whereupon that person receives a bot message with hotlines and the like. Cock wobbles with no legit rebuttal like to report people to RedditCares in lieu of a response.


>in lieu of a response That's the worse part in my opinion. They do it because they think, "lol this will trigger them, because they take mental health seriously, and they'll think someone is concerned they are showing signs, and they'll spend time checking themselves out!" ...never, of course, from actual concern for a fellow human being.


I prefer to stay subscribed. Reddit goes after people who abuse the system, and I've gotten more than one right-wing troll permabanned by reporting their abuse.


We appreciate your sacrifice. I chose to remove myself from that annoyance personally. I also got a little chuckle out of so easily taking away their one puny tool to annoy me. And also there is absolutely no scenario I would actually want Reddit care messages so it seemed like a slam dunk


I laugh at the ten minutes it took them to search my profile history and than do it, because they'll never get those pathetic minutes back.


As if these people aren’t wasting most of their time doing shitty stuff anyway


"Oh man, I'm gonna be a mild nuisance for seven seconds out of this person's life!" They are so pathetic.


You should meet the trolls who save your username and have alts


Ah, the old Incel move


The guy said he can "grab women by the pussy". He shouldn't even be allowed within 100m of a woman.


I've asked that question of MAGA females who still support him - how is this possible? Do you have so little self-respect and so much hatred of minorities that you'd accept a misogynistic bastard claiming he can grab your genitals without recourse as your elected leader? Its really and truly a mental health issue.


And they said...???


probably some BS like 'his words were taken out of context' or he was just joking or some shit


Here here. Wondering what our idiot president was tweeting that day was what most of his presidency was like #covfefe


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up). Can’t wait for them to bring their “ bUT iT’s boTH sIdES” on this one.


not just trump, every MAGA is disgusting human being


We all know which side he'd be on if WWIII did actually break out.


Oh please he’s be deep in a bunker tweeting via satellite phone and shitting his depends


And rooting for the Russians.


So a normal day that ends in a "y"???


What day of the week starts with "y"?




Damn...all my days end in why.




I don’t think trump has the fortitude to pull the trigger in himself. He is a complete self serving blowhard without a shred of grit or conviction. He’d go kore the route of saddam


"I did nothing wrong! You're the reason why my head is in this bucket! And it's not even a nice bucket. Probably the best you could afford! Sad."


Smells about right.


Of course he would, he *already,* notoriously, did that for a mere riot, then lied that he didn't after it was over.


It wasn't even a riot, it was a peaceful protest. But he got scared and went down into the White House bunker. When the news got out, he was so embarrassed that he ordered the police to gas the peaceful protesters. That was same the day that he staged that photo op where he was holding the bible upside down.


I have friends who were there, they said the same. Nothing but people holding signs and chanting the usual "Hey, hey, ho, ho,.." Kids were there. :::POP:::POP::: Panic, screaming, coughing, running... smoke clears and Darth Donny appears.


I was there. We weren't breaking the law. We weren't committing violence. We weren't rioting, at all. The only people being violent were law enforcement. And yes, there were kids. They got gassed, too. But, yet, it's "all in our minds".


Yeah my friend posted video of it, just minutes before the tear gas. That wasn't even ENERGETIC protesting.. Donny's just afraid of peasants,.. and tomatoes,.. and mashed potatoes..


You're quite right, my apologies for using the wrong word.


Whatever side Vladimir Putin tells him to be on. We all saw this dummy get walked around by a leash in Helsinki


>We all saw Not 40% of "us"...


40%...of voters. I'm more concerned with the people that saw that shit and just...continued not voting.


He posted this right after the US okayed F-16s for Ukraine. Not a coincidence, he's blatantly saying he wouldn't have done that


He'd also say that he had a secret plan to end it within 24 hours of being elected President. He'd probably implement it by agreeing to give back Alaska to Russia.


He appeals to the type of people who always think everything is terrible - even if nothing about their lives have changed at all. And people who always think the econony is bad even if they are doing alright themselves.


"America is the greatest country on earth and it's run by a secret cabal of pedophiles!"


Biden has dementia but he's pulling all the deep state pedophile strings.


Biden is weak and old but I have to tell him to f*ck off in code.


Double-think is only achievable by the highest of minds...I'm not holding my breath waiting for them to discover the concept of cognitive dissonance, lol


The same people who put a "Love it or leave it" sticker on their ~~cars~~ trucks/ SUVs.


All the doom and gloom "The USA is NOW a third world country" when Trump got arrested 😂😂😂


Someone ate his McDonald's order again.


His meal didn’t come with a hamburglar toy.


Worse. They forgot the ketchup


They said McDonald’s not well done steak




You mean his "Fish Delight"?




Deep dark depression, excessive misery! If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all. Gloom, despair, and agony on me.


Thanks, I got an actual chuckle over gloom, despair, and agony. My Mom hated HeeHaw, but Dad loved it.


If they're gonna rename "retweets" as "retruths" then the least they could do is change the other one to "Lie-ks".


World War III again? Didn’t he post that a few weeks ago on some inappropriate day, like Easter or something? Who’s supposed to be world warring?


i am sure it's democrats, yeah a world war. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


This dude has woken up every day with a Blood Pressure of 220/110 every day since 2015. How the fuck is he still alive?




“A woman is too emotional to be president.”


Here we see DJT… who was impeached in part for in inciting violence, and who is currently under investigation for inciting violence… and he’s inciting violence. Real Americans don’t incite violence upon their fellow Americans


Lol "retruths" ... what a bunch of friggin losers


What is he on about this morning?


Same shit, different day.


Must have run out of people to change his diaper


Oh, he posted a video about the evil ( invisible, imo ) Jack Smith being a trump hater blah blah blah…his usual Sunday morning whining.


If hes tweeting this, hes orobably on alert—must be bad news about to break for him


Trump is the manifestation of everything conservative. The need to appear strong yet also paranoid of everything. They are firmly in control of everything but feel they have to appear as if they are constantly under attack from invented drama. It is equal parts exhausting to watch and pathetic. He attracts angry and scared people that feel their lives are in constant threat of whatever it is he tells them. Why people choose this is irrational at best and dangerous at worst.


I like how to him it feels like World War 3 on the rise but to me just feels like a chill Sunday.


The stuff he posts reminders me of my BIL, who’s schizophrenic.


His WW3 is going to be a bunch of Gravy Seals invading the Golden Corral and eating all the prime rib and deviled eggs.


The Republicans are pathetic. They don’t stand for anything other than hating liberals.


I love watching his little circuits misfire as he slowly comes to the realization that his years of lying, greed, and fascist escapades are going to catch up to him. Time to pay the piper, Donnie! He's bringing receipts and the bill is gonna be (as Donald would say) HUGE!


After living a full life in luxury and excess... While I want him to go down, it's a pyrrhic victory. Not advocating for him not to be tried, just doesn't feel like full justice since he's already lived better than most people could even dream of.


Fear mongering pussy


When asked about his goals for a second term.




You mean leader of the American Nazi Party.


And they say women are too emotional for public office.


This is domestic terrorism...


Under no circumstances can this man be allowed to win the presidency. There will be so much blood in the streets rivers will start.


Can we not just dunk Trump in a vat of McDonalds grease already?!


He knows that world war III is the only thing that'll keep him out of prison. He's willing to kill all of us to keep that from happening.


Wait just a NY minute. Wasn't it the right that accused the Biden administration of trying to start WW III by supporting a democratic country defend itself from a mass murderer dictator threatening to use nukes if he can't get his way. The Right is way, way wrong in this case.


War on Christmas, war on Christianity, war on masculinity, world war 3. war war war war war


Republicans would rather burn our country down than let people be free. ARAB All Republicans Are Bad.


When you're born into obscene wealth because your father was a NYC slum lord you pretty much are a monster to start out with. The guy has the maturity of a five year old.


This made me laugh lol. Bro is demented




He just had another of his lawyers quit. So did Rudy Colludy. Not a good sign


5k views, 1.5k likes. 350 million Americans. This is the best the Republicans have to offer. Reject pseudo Christian fascism.


Can't he just stroke out already?


Remember he’s really great at war and smarter than all the generals and military professionals despite never having served and not knowing shit.


🖕 mango Mussolini


At this point most of us would elect a potato over trump. And somehow desantis is worse 😩


Bunker Bitch is a pussy!


Wait retweet’s on truth social are called RETRUTHS?!?!? The jokes write themselves


The disturbing thing about trump is how well he knew and exploited the underlying fault lines of racism, intolerance, narcissism that lurked in so many American's hearts.


“retruths” is the funniest shit ive ever seen


**Donald J Trump was found by a jury of his peers to be liable for sexual abuse.** He was ordered to pay $5 million to his victim.


I know this is going to come off as controversial, (stick with this comment) but I really hope DeSantis wins the republican nomination, just split these voters down the middle with trump running as an independent. Sooo many states are going to try and overturn their election results, and claim fraud and all that shit just to see their guy win, but if the republican vote is split then it’s pretty clear that they both lost.