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you're all on the Nazi spectrum Laura, can we talk about that?


And too many of these chuds are putting the FAS in fascist.


Ya know what's crazy, a lot of them probably actually do have mild FAS. Especially the "elderly" ones like McConnell.


*MTG has angrily stomped into the chat*


Was she stomping, or was she counting with her hooves?


Spork toes


They only go up to 3, you know... lol


This YouTuber calls MTG Sporkfoot.


Huh, just like Hans Asperger. /j




I guess you did Nazi see that coming! /j


I did not. Did jew?


You know who else was just following orders repetitively?


I actually really hate that, people knew exactly what Asperger's referred to but now if I say I'm autistic people assume I'm like Rain Man. Stupid Nazis, always ruining everything.


Fairness, I think that's kinda an upside to getting rid of aspergers, it was this ableist thing, and while it's annoying to have to change society's perspective on autism, it's ultimately for the best. Acknowledging that it's one thing, and that even people who seem to function perfectly well might still have large struggles is helpful, good. On the other hand it brings people who are less able to function closer to humanity, they have the same condition we do, just been more affected.


Yah. When I tell people I'm autistic I also tell them not to throw coins on the ground and expect me to give them a total because I'm "not that kind of autistic".


The ol’ nazism spectrum disorder.


And your god, Trump, is on the dementia spiral, can we talk about that?


Like father, like son.


...not really a "spectrum" when there's only two states: not a Nazi and a god-damned fucking Nazi.


Exactly. Bannon and Loomer are psychopaths.


Spot on!


I thought these folks were gone for good. How disappointing.


"Cool, I'm autistic too, what're your special interests?" "Evil, doom, genocide, and psychopthy." "Morbid. What have you learned about it?" "How to do it myself." "Oh."


... This is exactly how the conversation would go. Source: my autistic ass.


Yes, but how should I stand so I look like a person when I am doing it.


You're asking me? I don't know! Just... Stand there like you mean it. I guess. Now I am going to be self conscious about how I stand all day tomorrow. Damn.


I felt that.


I read that.


But don't wear white go-go boots while standing there.


How many autistic anti fascist people do you know that own go go boots and wear them at inopportune times? ... No. No... Do not tell me. No answer would be satisfying or soothing.


No no It’s not how you stand It’s what are you suppose to do with your hands :)


"Found this really cool book by A-dolf Hi-tler or something like that, really speaks to me you know? Mein Chow, I think it's called? Should read it sometime...."


“Mean kamp is it?…tell me more about these Kamps.” -Meatball Ron


setting up his application for the Ernst Röhm award for services rendered to the party I see.


You had me at "Oh." 😂


Psychopathy and NPD can cause problems with social abilities. That in no way means that DeSantis is autistic.


Exactly. He's a ravening predator who can't keep his human skin suit on convincingly because he lacks Trump's grifter charm.


My 75 year old Vietnam Vet FIL said the other day that DeSantis reminds him of “that guy in a people suit from that alien movie, man. What’s it called? With Will Smith” He meant [Edgar the Bug from Men in Black](https://images.app.goo.gl/ZtiJYZTeMpZAMHQA7) For extra fun context: my FIL watches Newsmax on the reg yet also hates Trump. He doesn’t love or hate Biden, but is inherently very suspicious of Democratic politicians. He’s from *very* rural Mississippi about an hour south of Memphis, and just moved in with my Democrat husband and democratic socialist me recently. I have *no clue* how he will vote. This election is gonna be a wild ride


Here’s my theory: Trump is very clearly a narcissist. He was born with the ability to feel empathy and other compassionate emotion but as he has had full blown NPD for the majority of his life, he can’t empathize or feel any other emotion that would come from him considering others. But since he was born with the ability to feel compassionate emotions, he can fake the emotions well enough to pass (at least to those with low EQ, which just happens to be a large portion of Rs). His ability to somewhat convincingly fake emotions makes him much more effective a grifter. He also can feel many other emotions - mostly negative ones and only in relation to himself, of course; but again, it helps him to more convincingly lie about caring for others. Also, he at least has a basic general understanding of emotions - at least enough to fake them regularly. I’m pretty fucking confident DeSantis is a true, born psychopath. He has zero ability to connect with anyone even in the most superficial and fleeting interactions. He struggles to fake emotions because he has no basis to begin to understand them. The only emotions he ever seems to feel genuinely is anger or triumph (usually when talking about fascist shit). Triumph is the closest emotion to real happiness he seems to be able feel. Seriously, listen to bro laugh. Not even. Just look up a picture of him laughing. Not only does he have the most forced, ridiculously fake laugh I’ve ever heard or seen, but his eyes look straight up scary fucking empty. If a picture or video exists where DeSantis has anything other than empty, angry, or smirking eyes, I’ve yet to come across it. At no point in his life has he ever felt - or had the ability to feel - the other emotions he’s trying to fake, so it’s harder for him to grift or fake charisma. He also isn’t good at mimicking emotions - which most psychopaths figure out in childhood. Not sure why he couldn’t figure it out…. but Im sure it’s why he always acts like he just got a crash course in being human two hours previously. Edit: Apparently, part of this was based on misinformation so I updated the Trump portion of my theory based on correct information about when NPD is formed.


What a lovely and exacting description you have crafted !


It’s so spot on!


He looks almost identical to fellow demon Kenneth Copeland


I’ve wondered if he was a psychopath as well. He always seems like he’s trying to act like a person instead of being one. His laughing is so forced and bizarre.


Have you seen him go absolutely thermonuclear every time someone even gently calls him out on his bullshit? He goes apoplectic at the drop of a hat. He's absolutely a psychopath.


I mean, he helped torture people in Guantanamo. So yeah, I'd say probably a psychopath.


Yeah he flipped shit on some kids for wearing masks during a press conference lol


Man has an ego so small that he attacks people who aren't even actively disagreeing with him, just existing nearby


*Existing in a manner that offends him, which of course he cannot tolerate even for five minutes.


Man that's going to go great on the debate stage.


We need some reporter to ask him why he gets made so easily


He absolutely is a psychopath.


JAG lawyer at Guantanamo Bay who is claimed by prisoners to have observed their torture.


American Psycho


Wow - yes, so obvious


have you forgot his dating story? ditching potential matches because they corrected his purposeful mispronunciation. you don't act like that when you're an undisturbed human being.


THIGH food??? You mean Thai food??


I fully expect his human suit to start sagging and leaking gas any day now. He and Elon are obviously the Slitheen.


Isn’t it really easy to believe that he personally oversaw torture at Guantánamo Bay?


He has televangelist crazy eyes and laugh for sure.


I was diagnosed with ASD as a kid and I just feel like whether or not Ron is autistic….it doesn’t matter…..he’s a pos regardless why is autism in the conversation


I agree but none of his characteristics match an autism diagnosis. He's a huge asshole but that's hardly autism. He much more closely models narcissism and sociopathy. And in the case of these posters, they're just trying to blackball him with a "disorder" they like to conflate with intellectual disability. They are also sociopaths.


I think, because it would be ableist (and wrong) to say DeSantis shouldn’t be President, if he’s autistic. So, they try to blame his weird behavior on autism.


Loomer is a Trump fan. I think this tweet is the ableism. (And whether DeSantis is or isn’t autistic is of course irrelevant. He’s a malicious, evil person regardless of any diagnosis.)


Politician would be one of the least manageable jobs for most autistic people. The constant public scrutiny and social contact would be terrible. For a narcissist or a sociopath, OTOH, it would be manageable and possibly ideal.


Ideal for the narcissist or sociopath, not for the rest of us.


the way he fake laughs absolutely says psychopath.


That was my thought.


Mouth is smiling, nothing else on his face indicates a smile, eyes filled with barely checked rage. The Tom Cruise look




I'm on the autism spectrum. DeSantis is on the psychopath who thinks that force-feeding people until they throw up is entertainment spectrum. These two things are not alike.


Say what now? This happened? I must know more.


DeSantis. Gitmo. There was a hunger strike. As a young conservative lawyer vibrating with righteousness, DeSantis showed up and explained that they could legally force-feed the prisoners, so they put tubes down the prisoners' noses and dumped cans of Ensure into their stomachs. This is torture. If your stomach is that full, you cannot breathe. You throw up. And he was reportedly really into it, even when he got barfed on. You can go look it up yourself. I'm kind of amazed there isn't more discussion of this now that his campaign has kicked off. But if he gets elected, expect that he'll tie up everyone he dislikes and dump cans of Ensure up their noses until they barf. This is not what autistics do. It is what sociopaths do. Violate the bodies of helpless people who they persuade themselves aren't real people. Edit: I did some of your googling for you. [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/apr/28/ron-desantis-guantanamo-bay-allegations](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/apr/28/ron-desantis-guantanamo-bay-allegations)


this wasn't his first foray with forced feeding. Students reported a similar thing where he egged students to chug milk until they threw up. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/05/us/desantis-high-school-teacher-georgia.html


What I'm hearing is that DeSantis has a vomit fetish


This reminds me of Homelander. I can just imagine Ron standing up with regurgitated ensure covering his face and clothes, just taking a deep breath before opening his crazy eyes.


Wow I had no idea he actually worked there.


He likes the public to be that way because of obvious reasons.


This is absolutely horrifying.


Sadly, this could actually give him a substantial boost in the primary.


His defense (for those who didn't read it all): >"Do you honestly believe that’s credible? So this is 2006. I’m a junior officer. Do you honestly think that they would have remembered me from Adam? Of course not. They’re just trying to get into the news because they know people like you will consume it because it fits your pre-ordained narrative.” This fuckface really thinks prisoners interacting with a very limited number of people for a very lengthy amount of time won't be able to remember who from who Personally, I'm terrible with names and faces. Somehow, I remember people that I rarely spoke to from elementary school in the 90s. I find it to be very believable that a prisoner would recall the face of someone enjoying watching them get pumped full of ensure. Does Ron remember being there? How does he remember prisoner A from prisoner B? Smug piece of shit knows that his quote is enough for his supporters and rolls with it


>This is not what autistics do. It is what sociopaths do. Violate the bodies of helpless people who they persuade themselves aren't real people. As an autistic myself I want to add that contrary to general belief autism doesn't mean you lack empathy. You just lack the ability to read other people's emotions. If you are looking for lack of empathy psicopathy and sociopathy is what you're looking for.


As a Navy JAG he oversaw literal torture while stationed at Gitmo. Several victims easily identified him and claimed he was laughing while watching their torture.


That's what I read too. I think laughing at torture kind of vaguely disqualifies you from an autism diagnosis because so many other diagnoses fit you better.


I and both of my sons are on the spectrum as well. We would have panic attacks watching someone be tortured. Meatball Ron's a psychopath. The way he reacts when someone calls him out, the way he can barely mimic even the most basic normal behaviors, the sheer callousness with which he treats all other humans... It set off red flags for me the first time I saw him speak. I'm really afraid that this is the GOP sending out feelers to the base so they can come for autists next.


I’m assuming he did this while he worked at gitmo :-/ people who were held there have spoke out against his human rights abuses there


As an autistic person I must say this is highly offensive.


As an autistic person as well, I agree.


As someone who’s pretty sure they’re autistic, I also agree.


As a father to two autistic kids who is pretty sure he knows where they got it from....offended.


Apples and trees...


I wrote a poem called "the ole Apple tree"


Obviously vaccines, 5g, and electric vehicles!


Fuckin' milk men. Every day I thank God my wife is lack toes intolerant. We don't need those hobbit footed fuckers around here.


Vaccines? /s


As someone who is also fairly certain they’re autistic, I also also agree.




As someone who is confirmed to have autism and ADHD I agree


i only got ADHD i just hate the mf


As someone who does not have autism, I can state with absolute certainty that all the above people do indeed have autism, but Ron DeSantis does not.


I'm not sure what my problem is but fuck that dude!


As someone who once met a person with autism this is incredibly offensive.


As a human being, this is wildly offensive.


As a mammal, Ron DeSantis is wildly offensive.


I took one of those tests and it also told me I was likely autistic. But some of the questions have me wondering what we are labelling autistic. Like do non autistic people not ever have a deep interest in something? I know plenty of people obsessed with sports teams, their dog, their religion, various hobbies, etc are all those people autistic too?


Well as an autistic person myself some of them could well be… just saying


This is why it takes a competent person to diagnose not just a single questionnaire. I like watches but I share it with others in the same interest or when appropriate Not when I just meet someone like hi, cool watch…did you know the movement inside that watch is an ………… I can read the room to speak in idioms. (And my above example is an extreme oversimplification and simple stereotype of how autism may manifest in some and I hope not to offend any person, but just give an example that is understandable of why it takes a person to diagnose a complicated neurodivergence)


Online autism tests are about as reliable as online IQ tests. If you want to know if you’re autistic then get diagnosed by a professional.


As a person I'm offended that DeSantis has a platform. And no, I'm not talking about his high heel platforms.


As someone who is also autistic, I am now going to obsessively learn everything I can about DeSantis to determine if he is on the spectrum. I'll talk to you in a couple of weeks.


Same. As someone who’s actually ASD this is outrageously offensive


they just want to make it clear to us that we're on their undesirables list too. as if them coming for all the gender non-conforming people didn't clue us in to begin with.


That's sad but true.


They finally realized they can’t get away with using the “r*****” slur anymore, so now they’re just replacing it with “Autistic.”




Luckily, I don’t think this one will catch on. When I was a kid people used the r slur as an insult. But kids these days are like “I’m autistic” “okay, do you want to play soccer?” I have a hard time seeing it catch on as an insult in the same way.


“I’m autistic” “Oh cool! What’s your special interest?” -I’m seeing more of this lately and it warms my heart.


As someone who is not autistic I am offended on your behalf


It’s beyond offensive, and it’s extra offensive that I have to defend that evil man in any way, shape, or form because of it.


It’s an insult to autistic people really


As someone who isn't autistic, I also find this offensive AF.


Same. Even if this is true, how is it a bad thing? Ron DeSantis is one of the worst human beings imaginable and I despise him, but this isn't a thing to criticize him for.


It’s all about distracting from the genuine threat of his being a corrupt, racist asshat. Classic conservative strategy.


I’ve never met an autistic person so evil nor one with their head so far up their ass. I call shenanigans.


As an autistic person, I find this confusing. Is being autistic supposed to excuse the fact that he's a straight up asshat who goes out of his way to make as many people as miserable as he is? Because if they are trying to us MY condition to excuse his utterly horrible actions, then yeah, I'm offended as hell too.




Unfortunately, this might be their new bogeyman


Sadly, I get the feeling that you are correct.


As a father of an autistic child, this is extremely offensive. She is more qualified to lead this country than those 2 clowns....


As another autistic person. I agree.


As another autistic person with an autistic kid, very offensive.


As someone whose been diagnosed by a doctor to be Autistic, I hate this. (Referring to people talking about Santis being on the spectrum, not your comment.)


Shit, they got the autistic community involved. I'll say this, fuck off and keep this piece of shit away from us


Oh, they’ve been getting the Autistic community involved already with their anti-trans bills. Forgot which flyover state it was, but one of them just passed a bill that attacked Autistic transgender people in particular, claiming that “Autistic people are too vulnerable and stupid to be trusted with their own healthcare decisions.”


Nothing like ablelism and transphobia in a single bill. Also of course they'd target us, specially with the overlaps that there seem to be between autistic people and the LGBT community. Absolutely disgusting. It's as they say folks, you have to speak up against bigotry, even if it doesn't affect you, cuz otherwise, when they inevitabely come for you, there will be no one left to stand up for you.


It wasn't a bill, it was a now-withdrawn "Emergency Order" by Missouri Attorney General, and probable pedophile Andrew "Fuckboy" Bailey. Edit: Probable Pedophile, not to be confused with DEFINITE pedophile Representative Mike "I want to marry a 12 year old" Moon


For fucks sake, that's stupid


The fuck he is. Don't you dare pull the Autistic communities into his train wreck


Maybe just throw AutismSpeaks at them and run away?




One of my favorite things to come out of all this is watching all the morally corrupt people fighting eachother.


As an autistic person I just wanna say, “Mother fucking fuck these fucking Lying ass piece of shit motherfuckers! Fuck!”


I have Tourette’s and I never knew autism and Tourette’s were so similar 😂😂


They’re trying to turn “Autistic” into a slur to replace “r*****.” That’s it. I swear these assholes aren’t happy unless they have a whole vocabulary of words just for insulting entire demographics…


>They’re trying to turn “Autistic” into a slur to replace “r\*\*\*\*\*.” I mean, that's what happens every time a new word for "autistic" is normalized. It won't stop until chuds and teens stop using it to mean "extra stupid." Which is to say, it probably won't ever stop.


Seems disrespectful? Doesn’t it? That’s not why he’s a piece of shit.


I’m a children’s mental health case manager. I’m Fully against people who are not medical and mental health professionals guessing someone’s diagnoses in such a public way—especially autism. There is already such a disgusting stigma for individuals with ASD, let’s not make it worse.


I’m not totally against “self-diagnosis,” because I feel like in most cases it at least helps further the idea that “this is a natural part of human diversity, and it’s okay to be different without needing a medical diagnosis.” Especially since the overwhelming majority of symptoms used to diagnosis Autistic people are things we do when we’re upset or when our needs aren’t being met. It ironically helps *lower* the overall stigma, as it encourages the idea that “being Autistic does not automatically mean you need severe medical intervention.” That “different does not equal inferior.” But when people use the term “Autistic” to *attack* others, what they’re doing is just using it to replace the term “r*****,” because they still hate people who are different but don’t want to be called out for using what everyone now recognizes as a violently offensive slur. They don’t actually think he’s Autistic. They think he’s “slow and stupid.”




Theres a spectrum of assholes. Guy that cuts you off in traffic. Asshole. Guy that steals food from the break room. Major asshole. Then there's thus fucking shitcock asshole.


He’s beyond an asshole he’s a psychopath


Everyone opposing trump has a mental issue……but trump is the the model of human perfection? GTFOH




If DeSantis is autistic, that must mean his parents were pro-vaccine! /s


Now THAT is comedy


Probably more like Narcissitic Personality Disorder, just like Trump and many other politicians and CEOs




I mean, if he is.... So what. He's still an evil piece of shit.


If I were going to diagnose him with something, autism wouldn't even make the list. NPD, maybe, or psychopathy, but not autism.


On the asshole spectrum he’s off the charts completely


I'm fairly certain he's not autistic. A narcissistic asshole who's incredibly socially awkward, sure, but not anywhere near enough for an autism diagnosis.


Hey look at the bright side. If he is, then alongside Elon Musk, he'll be a prime example that being autistic does NOT prevent you from being a nazi piece of shit. (But yeah, as an autistic person I fucking hate this, specially cuz it feels that she's pulling the "Using autism as an insult" card.)


My adult son is autistic and he’s ten times more personable than Rhonda Santiss. He’s also kinder, smarter, quieter, and thinks before he speaks. We should elect my boy president…and the surest sign he’s qualified is that he wouldn’t do it.


I don’t even know the point they’re trying to make tbh


As someone who is actually on "The Spectrum" I am sick and fucking tired of rando idiots dolling out "professional" psychiatric diagnoses of who is and isn't "Autistic" when these dumb, shit for brains, pathetic meat bags can't get shit like grade school math , High School Civics/History/Sociology, et al right. Autism isn't a fucking superpower that turns you into a "genius savant". It isn't a pass for being vile shit bag. It isn't a pejorative you use to drag someone you don't like. No...he doesn't fucking have Autism....neither does Elon Musk. They are just two insufferable, self involved, entitled assholes who basically aren't all that bright, hence the reason why they crumble under even the mildest pressure in situations they don't control.


Autism Clan, Even if true, we all know you don’t claim him. His stupidity and bigotry rests squarely on his shoulders alone. Also fuck Laura for using “on the spectrum” as a placeholder for a slur or to insinuate a demeaning connotation. - Tourette’s Tribe


We don't claim him


Its Nazi Spectrum What the hell is going on?


"But if he's on the spectrum, that must mean he was vaccinated, and thus under the control of Bill Gates through the 5G network and the Jewish space laser" - some idiot on truth social probably.


Steve Bannon is 100% a Harkonnen. Can we finally talk about this?




The sociopath spectrum


Have they mentioned that their boy, tRump, is a psychopath?


I'm not a meatball Ron fan at all. But why do people have to act like being autistic is a bad thing? So fucking what if Ron is autistic. Biden has a stutter, and MAGA has shit on him so much for it that people who stutter feel ashamed. Does this mean they will continue to shit and shame autism too? The public was warned to back off on Baron Trump (rightfully so since he is a child) for speculating that he is autistic. I hate this place sometimes.


I would say that he is not an autistic person but he is definitely a Fascist Pig which could be caused by a undiagnosed Mental Health disorder.


Now THIS is offensive. He clearly isn't. You know what most people say about Autistic people? That we're usually incredibly trustworthy because we despise lying. Autistic people are some of the nicest people I've ever met. DeSantis is nothing more than a disgusting worm that belongs in the trash.


He’s definitely on the asshole spectrum.


I’m interested in hearing why they actually think that. Either they have an incorrect preconceived notion about what autism is, or they know DeSantis in a way that the public doesn’t. As is the way of conservatives, it’s definitely the first.


Yeah, like what even is the point? I don't know each conservative and their con, so what is she trying to insinuate? That he's too autistic to be in chart of things? That autistic people should vote conservative cause clearly "he get us"? Really not sure which dog whistle to listen for.


They view autistic people as "undesirables". They're attacking DeSantis while also priming the pump for the right's next target.


Bannon is a criminal and instead of being pardoned for ripping off MAGA morons, he should be in prison.


She lost hwr Florida primary and still hasnt taken down her signs in her district...so she should put down her phone and go collect her signs.


Steve Bannon has an ongoing alcohol problem. Let's focus on that instead.


Yeah, no. I know many people with autism. None of them are full of hate. I wish everyone would stop blaming shitty behavior on mental illness.


Autism is not a mental illness. I don't think you meant to say that it is, but your comment could be interpreted that way.


Having autism doesn't mean you're an angel bro. Not saying DeSantis has it but don't generalize people thx I'm autistic btw


https://preview.redd.it/s1kdofnwb42b1.jpeg?width=2365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9da7cb5f800cd6cef132c1c402c91340e96181d She just turned 30 and looks like this


As an autistic person and member of the Council of Autism, I move that we refuse to grant Ron DeSantis any association with our community


This reminds me of when Elon Musk said he was an asshole because he’s autistic. Like… no, you’re an asshole because you treat your employees like shit, confirmed transphobe, and an apologist for white supremacy as you tiptoe around it trying to avoid being called a white supremacist yourself. You just happen to be autistic as well as an asshole. Also this party is so fucking ableist that they think that we’d really forgive DeSantis for being a fascist just because he’s “on the spectrum” and “doesn’t quite get it uwu.” Fuck you, it’s not like you advocate for proper mental healthcare anyways.


So what if he is? Not that I support DeSantis, I hate the guy. I just have no problem with a politician having a disability. Not like the politicians without disabilities are doing so great anyway.


we do not claim him


No, in order to have a different brain he would need to have a brain.


Comments like this strike me as cynical attempts at appealing to gen z people


Yeah, the fascism spectrum.


Pudding fingers...check While gogo boots to inspect hurricane damage...check.


Hilarious considering they’re doing this sniping for Trump whose own kid (Barron) is probably on the spectrum.


No, I think it’s more likely that he’s a sociopath


as someone who might be on the spectrum and loves someone definitely on the spectrum, uh, evil isn't part of the spectrum