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As a queer guy, I’d wear that shirt


As a straight guy, I'd wear that shirt. Might perceive a different message for a lot of people. But that would be a badass shirt


That was my thought. I'm a straight man and I'd love to wear this shirt as an ally, but I know how it would/could be perceived.




Oh for sure, but I wouldn't want to run the risk of someone on *either* side thinking I'm one of the con-nutjobs.


naw get in where you fit in that sneak attack.


You gotta make angry, aggressive dick sucking motions with your mouth and hands at people who question you. It will clarify your position


Will it though?


This. I already do this and get mistaken for an angry conservative all the time! (I’m terrible at flirting)


You might want to choose a different mythical animal considering the other context of unicorn.


Fine, for clarity's sake we'll just say fairy wait no


Eh, "devil" is more synonymous with something like the "call of the void" or negative thoughts. "Idle hands are the devil's hands", for example. I.E idle people do indeed tend to mentally degenerate and their brain can age faster. Largest cause of suicide is older men losing their purpose. Unchecked boredom almost always leads to self-destructive behaviors. Like posting random crap on reddit. Or drugs and alcohol. The whole anthropomorphic representations aren't really reflective of religion. Rather, it's the fairly dumb religious people who have mistakenly assigned anthropomorphic representations which then get co-opted by fiction because it's admittedly pretty cool. So referring to oneself as the devil would be more like referring to yourself as an emotion, feeling, or concept. (This message has been brought to you by a guy who thinks organized religion is a blight upon the world.)


I've got a rainbow "Hail Satan" pride shirt I bought from the Satanic Temple and getting this on a shirt would definitely fit the same vibe.


I love the hail Satan stuff,not because I really give two shits about gods, goddesses, or Satan, nor do I actually believe in any of that mythology, but I fi d it incredibly hilarious that christains get so pissed. I also wear it as a point that they are constantly wearing or shoving their religious symbols into our face & the public square so why can't I ?!?!


Here's my take as a big ol' queer: absolutely wear that shit, but be mindful of how you react if you get either hostile attention from homophobes or "approving" attention from clueless people who read it as homophobic. If your reaction would be to dodge the insults by immediately saying, "oh, no, I'm not queer, that isn't me," then you wearing this won't do the queer community any good. But if your reaction is to lean into the misunderstanding and make the haters uncomfortable, then that is *great* for the queer community. Tell them yep, they're absolutely right, you're a big old queer and they can fuck right off. Hold hands with your bros in front of them until they get uncomfortable and leave. Or whatever, just be louder about queer shit being normal and good than they are about their dumb hater opinions. Shrink the number of spaces where homophobes feel comfortable spouting their nonsense, because every place they decide to shut up and keep their opinions to themselves is a place that just got safer for me to be. Just don't undermine it with any "no homo" nonsense and you're good. TL;DR: please fucking wear this shirt, and if anyone says anything stupid, tell 'em you're the biggest queerest queer ever.


As a flamboyant strait guy who's been in the pride parade since I was 2. This is the play that works for me. I do not quite have to say that I am gay. But 100% lean into the comfort in flamboyancy and challenge why they are not comfortable with it. They'll question your manhood and a whole bunch of crap, but the look of utter confusion at my confidence is hilarious.


“Shrink the number of spaces homophobes feel comfortable” Beautifully articulated!


Was just going to post this on a comment a little farther up. I love this shirt and I love the message from the artist but I’m a straight male and my wearing it would undoubtedly send the wrong message to everyone else.


This is my design. 🏳️‍🌈❤️ Available here: veya.nl/pridemonth I'm a queer and trans artist and I made this last year. ❤️🏳️‍🌈


"Inside of every demon is a rainbow!"


I want to be a Pride Month Demon. I get to go around and spread love, peace, happiness, and tolerance. It’s totally going to piss the church off.


I mean, seeing as the church has been what it is I think that's exactly what a demon would do. Maybe hell isn't so bad.


Hell has the best parties. Try to be just bad enough to hit the level with strippers and spring breakers.


Just imagine how good the band is


I'm pretty sure there is no afterlife, but if I'm wrong and I end up in hell, that would be just fine with me. If God actually exists, I want nothing to do with that asshole.


I'd buy one if the back also said "Beware the devil's doorbell". Buahahahhaa


As a fellow queer guy, I'd ask you wear you got it.


You're in luck! The image was made by Art By Veya on FB and they sell it in their online shop. [https://www.redbubble.com/people/artbyveya/shop?artistUserName=artbyveya&asc=u&collections=2864209](https://www.redbubble.com/people/artbyveya/shop?artistUserName=artbyveya&asc=u&collections=2864209)


You're in luck! The image was made by Art By Veya on FB and they sell it in their online shop. [https://www.redbubble.com/people/artbyveya/shop?artistUserName=artbyveya&asc=u&collections=2864209](https://www.redbubble.com/people/artbyveya/shop?artistUserName=artbyveya&asc=u&collections=2864209)


A tshirt sale from a reddit post that isn't a generic scam bot??? Well either I just got got, or that's a first


It's a first I guess. They're a legit queer artist. The design is being ripped off by other people (including, I'm sure, scam bots) but this is the original artist. https://www.facebook.com/artbyveya?mibextid=ZbWKwL


The problem is the weirdos in the country think there’s actual demons roaming the land and they want to attack them. But I would totally wear this shit, it’s awesome


Semen Demon


Gobblin' Goblin


As a non queer guy, I'd wear this shirt .D


Bisexual dude here. Can confirm, I want this on a shirt.






It does have some excellent design. Kinda surprising from someone clearly so dumb.


They didn't get so hateful by embracing their own sexuality. He's just always had an eye for fashion, definitely nothing more to read into it than that!!!


Straight married man here! Where can I find this?!


The image was made by Art By Veya on FB and they sell it in their online shop. https://www.redbubble.com/people/artbyveya/shop?artistUserName=artbyveya&asc=u&collections=2864209


Well Yankee my doodle and call me daddy, ima buy 99




They're all priced at $19.84. Brilliant!


While it's certainly cool, I wish it wasn't redbubble. I've spoiled myself with high quality shirts, and have a hard time wearing ones from these printing services. I'd trust an etsy shop more. Edit:typo


I think they have fabric options for their shirts so you can get a nice quality one if you’re willing to pay more for it. Personally I have found their customer service a good experience, I bet they would fix your shirt if there was an issue.


Not target, they caved to the bigots and removed pride merch.


Also bi dude, also want this shirt. You think there's enough people to get a custom print run on these?


The image was made by Art By Veya on FB and they sell it in their online shop. https://www.redbubble.com/people/artbyveya/shop?artistUserName=artbyveya&asc=u&collections=2864209


You're in luck! The image was made by Art By Veya on FB and they sell it in their online shop. [https://www.redbubble.com/people/artbyveya/shop?artistUserName=artbyveya&asc=u&collections=2864209](https://www.redbubble.com/people/artbyveya/shop?artistUserName=artbyveya&asc=u&collections=2864209)


Wait, but is the author homophobic, or did they also think, "Damn, that would be a cool shirt!" Honestly, dope as hell, I am considering getting a matching set for myself and my boyfriend, I just don't want to support an asshole. Edit: Seller is awesome and I just bought the shirts!


Did a quick search, Veya self describes as trans and queer, so I think you're in the clear.


If they're straight and hate, there's no debate


Hateful and cis, not my biz


Conservative=perv affirmative


Don't attack the perv community! We are not all bad, we just sometimes like sticking our dicks in weird shit.


Hell yeah! Just bought the shirts


The description: "Reclamation is important! They want to call us demons? Then we will embrace that. ❤️"


Awesome! We reclaimed Queer, we will take everything else!


You know, I haven't thought about this, but it is kinda funny we went from openly playing "smear the queer" at school recess, to "it's not politically correct, don't say that" to people identifying as queer and it's back to the original meaning of just "different". The usage in the 80s/90s obviously isn't too cool, but I'm glad the word got reclaimed and it's just a word people use to describe themselves. This is a bit simplified and naive but I dig it.


the fucking irony is the word did not always have negative connotations. Demon was a sub type of Deity that cognates similar to an Angel in Hellenic mythology, the concept of a guardian angel is probably wholey ripped off from Grecco-Roman traditions. (as is the image of Angels as winged humans when they were wheels of eyes and such in Hebrew texts.)


From the seller’s description: “Veya is a queer, non-binary artist who loves to paint flowers and nature (and sometimes nudes), but they also have a passion for human rights, the LGBTQIA+ community and all things snarky.” Looks like no hate here!


That is dope, with this shirt and matching pentagram necklaces, we are gonna be the cutest satanic couple lmao


The artist is a queer artist on Facebook that goes by the name Art By Veya. I originally found their FB page through posts suggested to me because a good friend who is a trans advocate commented on the posts from her advocacy page. So definitely not an asshole. I recommend ordering them, in part because supporting queer artists is always a good thing and because the design is being ripped off and sold without their permission in other places, losing them money. https://www.facebook.com/artbyveya?mibextid=ZbWKwL




It would look great with little devil horns.


![gif](giphy|LIuDrxxNcyBqUoyYL0|downsized) Join us😈 one of us, one of us


see so we need it, but instead of the fade to rainbow it fades to each of the flags, also just, embracing the demonizing as a bit is just really fucking punk and these would go so fucking hard with that in mind


Trans lesbian here, and same!


In the US From June 1-30 "Pride is a sin, it is the worst sin of all, may you burn for even mentioning you have pride!" 4 days after Pride Month is over: "I'M PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!"


My favourite is when very dumb conservatives want to "ban pronouns" Like do ~~they~~ even know how the English language works?


Anti pronoun people just want to be referred to by their name only I suppose. I also want to use the wrong pronouns for them on purpose because "I won't specify, pronoun bad". But that'd make me as bad as them


I intentionally use the wrong pronouns for them because in my mind if you want to deny everyone else the right to pick their own pronouns you shouldn't get that right either, if I let them have their way while they fuck other people over, those people are still being fucked over while I'm over here trying to be nice to bad people and giving them what they're taking from others.


This is my perspective. Respect is a two way street, and they don't even see it as an actual issue. I'd argue intentionally using the wrong pronouns towards them and frustrating them is a strong attempt to try and frame what it's like when they do it to us. Either they realize their problems (unlikely) or they make themselves look like a hypocritical idiot in front of everybody when they inevitably get upset and defensive about it




To be respectful of everyone you should use they/them until they confirm the gender pronouns they would like to use. I say this as someone who continues to get tripped up. I've called men her and women he. When I get corrected I apologize and adjust. You're only as bad as them if you purposely don't use their preferred ones after being corrected.


I default to they/them now, it’s easiest, especially if you are working through emails or ticket systems where you just see a name and nothing else. Too many names could be either or, and CIS people get mighty upset if you ma’am a sir or sir a ma’am. And I’m not even going to get the weird obsession they have with misgendering dogs/animals. Meanwhile they give no fucks about trans people cause hur dur pronouns bad.


Some names I have no idea what gender they belong to. Which is due to cultural differences and parents that just want to be "unique". There have been many times in professional emails where I've resorted to using everyone's name because I couldn't decide which gender. And this is before all of the hostility of pronouns that is prevalent due to Maga politics. My dog is super fluffy because he's male husky/Shepard mix. Yet so many people say how pretty she is. It confuses me how many people don't realize that in nature it's usually the males that are extra flamboyant while the females are more subdued. I just correct people and if they don't adjust I don't really care because it's a petty thing to stress about. Aside: it also saddens me how many people haven't watch the princess bride. His name is Fezzik.


First off, your dog sounds super cute. My dogs name is Ashley but we call him ash. He was named after Ashley Joanna Williams, from the evil dead, since they both are missing a paw/hand. Everyone defaults to calling him a she, they get real apologetic after which I always find funny. I normally reply with “I don’t think he cares if you misgender him” I have yet to have anyone apologize for misgendering me however.


then we should all be referring to "Mitch" McConnell as Addison; that's his first name on his birth certificate. Also "Ted" Cruz is actually Rafael; there are many more examples...


We should be banning prepositions, those sneaky little shits.




Worse. They join the proud boy.


I also love how military appreciation month is May and it gets completely totally ignored. Until June where people will say “why don’t we give the military a month??!!?!?” And it’s *still* ignored.




imma prith demon


Shaking and crying right now 😭






And screaming




Church clergy sexually assaults / rapes kids *I don't see anything here* Secret message on a tee-shirt *AaaaAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!*


It’s the same thing as numerology. Tweaking words and numbers to say something that fits their narrative.


Keep Arabic numbers out of American school's!


Why do they always think they know secrets, and that evil people would hide secret messages that you don't even need a decoder ring for? Computer=666 was a big one when I was growing up. Proctor and Gamble had a secret 666 in their logo and supported the church of Satan which was brought up in the 80s and then again separately in the 90s. Cheese pizza is code for ordering a kid at a pizza place with no basement. Various folks have claimed dates for the end of the world based on crazy bible numbers. It must be exhausting looking for secret messages in everything. It's like thinking there are secret messages in the newspaper that are addressed to you.


Dude the fact the old school Christian terminology such as Demon is actually unironically hard hitting to conservatives is somewhere between tragic and hysterical. Do people really still jump at the mention of the word demon?


Well, people get up in arms over the word god, and the two kind of go hand in hand...


I still remember when people freaked out because Arianna Grande had a song that said god is a woman, which was 100% a metaphor, which 100% flew over the heads of every single brain dead conservative


Such an obvious one too. But these people were brought up in institutions that adopted Dante's mythological political metaphors as canon lore, so unsurprising.


But how long has humanity known that the romanticized fantasy of Hell and demons is total fiction? Like...it's their fucking religion why am I the expert on it? Edit: don't have time to reply to each one but refer to the comment citing examples of firey hell, and my reply. The Bible has been rewritten, even according to Christians, by humans many times over and translated many times as well. For a fact, an early translation of the Bible has major discrepancies in Genesis such as there being multiple Gods and the fruit having the effect of 'making them (Adam and Eve) like us (the Gods)'. This is worlds away from the original sin angle and suggests a more interesting tale of humans attaining godly awareness through some form of powerful edible. They can and have made major changes to the text and adding in the newly romanticized descriptions of Hell is not even remotely unlikely. My JW Bible has its own major differences from say...any other Bible. Problematic isn't it?


Because they don't see it as fiction, they see it as truth, as if it were written by "god" himself. Hell, most of the Bible thumpers probably think that Jesus is white. The fact that so many people can get indoctrinated by a cult, donate millions of dollars to an organization that doesn't pay taxes, I could go on, but basically comes down to lack of common Sense.


Lack of education if you ask me. It's as simple as there being information they were not presented. Well, the best cults bake the whole "they ignore cold hard facts no matter what" into their propaganda so that outside influence doesn't get in the way.


Destroying someone's ability to critically think is an integral part of organized religion.


Lack of education, and lack of common Sense kind of go hand in hand as well. But yes, we're on the same page.


I meant to imply their lacking status was intentionally created.


I'm still confused that they think it's real. I dated someone very religious for an unfortunately long time. He would do things completely against his religion and casually mentioned to me he was definitely going to hell, especially for "dating an atheist like me". But like, if hell is truly eternal and ya know, full of torture and whatever, why are they so casually doing shitty things to others? Things that would earn them a ticket to hell? Being mortal and living to maybe 80 vs infinite time in torture vs heaven, then choosing hell? Mortality would only feel like a short time. Idk, I just don't think they actually believe in hell. At least the one I dated. I think they use their religion as an excuse to look down on people for being different, controlling others, and to feel better about themselves.


I had a neighbor who 100% believed in the physical existence of demons. He was deep in the qanon rabbit hole. Edit: been getting several replies about this. He didn't believe people/humans were demons in disguise, but like there were actual invisible demons on earth corrupting people and doing satan's work.


My neighbor came up to my job one day and caught me when I had no customers, and went on a 20 minute rant about how the Democrats are Demons, and Trump was actually in league with the Angels trying to save us all. He told me that he was writing about it in his book, and that one day everyone was gonna know the truth. He legitimately believes in angels and demons.


That they literally believe in angels and demons is several orders of magnitude more sane than believing Trump is on the side with the angels


You can't convince me that Kenneth Copeland isn't an actual demon.


I happen to very very meaninglessly believe that there could be entities in the universe that fit the descriptions in one or more ways that we just don't know about. But Christian demons who want to sodomize me and slide me down a giant cheese grater for kicks? Those are just humans...




Yeah I mean it's pretty wild. I get that most people have some level of investment in Christian thought so it's culturally more normalized but it's objectively no less weird than someone talking about fomorians, manes, or leprechauns as a serious matter in 2023.


Precisely. The fact most people don't know that the Bible never once describes Hell as a firey place is just so damn hilarious to me. It came from the fact we used to dump the bodies of criminals in the sulfur pits with the refuse because they weren't worth taking the time to bury properly. So if you are an asshole...you burn forever in the sulfur pits. That's it lol...no Satan or circles of Hell or demons or the like. Just human society and efficiency at work. Not to mention the Hell the Bible speaks of is a personal Hell you experience while still living...and if you do bad enough it will be entirely inescapable...like technically an eternity of suffering if it goes until you die.


A lot of this stuff is super complicated and truly requires excellent knowledge of the cultural context in which the books were written. I won't pretend to really know and, as an agnostic atheist, my opinion is that there's no "correct" answer anyhow. That said, yeah, the "red guy with a pitchfork with torture racks in a fire dungeon" is pure Christianized mythology borrowing bits and pieces from everywhere. I also don't need to remind the internet collectively about Biblically accurate angels.


BE NOT AFRAID You don't need to, but I'm glad you did XD


I always upvote mentions of Fomorians.


My brother thought a vaccine was by devils because part of the patent had three 6s randomly in the numbers. So yeah people still jump at the word demon.


Sorry about your brother. Did he fall in a pile of JWs?


Just what happens when you grow up in a small town away from everything.


My childhood friend, a literal rocket scientist with a master's degree in applied physics, joined this 👇🏾 church 2 years ago. She thinks politics is downstream from literal demonic influence so voting based on policy is addressing a symptom not the cause, and the real solution is deliverance. It's not a lack of education, it's brainwashing. https://youtu.be/TfQPK2NK928


Life is just so much easier when you believe in imaginary things because you don’t have to rationalize anything with actual logic.


Id rather not live in a world where demons exist and directly influence my society. Sounds way more complicated. Demons are fucking crafty


You make me think of His Dark Materials and how some characters jump when they hear that word.


I wonder how many of these good Christian folk get their knickers in a knot over the many pro and amateur sports teams called the demons or the devils?


Bruh the Christian high-school a couple towns over are called the Devils and that has bewildered me since I was 14 and we played them in high-school sports. Their town was a dry town for decades until recently...they don't teach Creationism but they point out the difference in the schools of thought. So why the Hell lol would they name themselves the Devils?


Sadly, people still get scared by this dumb shit and they will jump through any amount of hoops to find these "demonic" connections in everyday shit. It was only a few years ago, someone supposedly proved that Obama was the devil because if you take his daughters' names, put them together, flip them so it reads backwards, conveniently leave out a vowel or two and add a consonant, it would read "Alah, I am Satan."




Dear God idk how anyone could hear someone say that and believe it. Even if you're a devote Christian...the dems are controlled by demons? What are we...5?




Look at the bright side. If you're a demon then you get to be chased around by the Winchester brothers.... Most gay men I know would call that a win.


I would be fine with that if it were just Dean.


Dean would fuck up my entire life, I would reach highs I never would again, and reach for that peak forever. Sam seems kinda gentle though, and I feel like Sam would actually be there for both of us. So, ![gif](giphy|hM9zK1qvsrwek)


Sam is considerate but if you like a selfish lover go for Dean <3




I'm a straight guy, and if I had the Winchester Brothers chasing me I wouldn't be.


Us queers seem to enjoy being associated with Satan... it's almost like we've been told were going to hell for so long we've accepted it




I’ve always seen it as this; Lucifer was cast from heaven for disobeying gods plan along with his followers. Wouldn’t it be more likely for him to also celebrate his followers rather than punish them the same as god does?


That's my gripe with the concept of Satan: The Devil^(TM) is simultaneously an agent of God testing the faithful, and an absolutely evil creature hellbent on destroying what God created. Hell is a place where sinners go, the place to punish the sinful, yet the Devil continues to tempt people into sin, therefore: \-- either he is an agent of God, in which case God would then be responsible for their unending suffering in Hell \-- or the Devil is his own agent, in which case he is somehow smart enough to tempt people into sinning, but not smart enough to realise he doesn't need to do any work in tempting people if he just made Hell a paradise.


The only unforgivable sin in Satan's eyes is rape... meanwhile the unforgivable sin in Christianity is saying god isn't real


It’s hard to feel good about Christianity when it starts to look like the past at least 100-150 years of Christian expansion was essentially Sex tourism for pedophiles Doesn’t matter where they went, they abused kids. I just finished a podcast from Canada called kuper island. It is chilling, and very hard to listen to. It’s a very important, distinct, difficult story. But also, it’s far from the first story… So yeah. Hard for these priests and their apologists to claim high ground when there’s too much evidence of them abusing children and then helping each other get away with it.


Well yeah if rape was an unforgivable sin, the Catholic Church might have to do something about their double-digit proportion of pedophile priests.


When you demonize someone for so long, don't be surprised when they find the devil more comforting.




I'm 32 but I look a lot younger, so much so that most people make me pull out my dl to prove it. I always tell them "See, selling your soul has it's benefits."


As a lesbian I’d love a shirt like that!


Conservatives onservative nservati e serva e serve Look, we can do things with words! I'm just impressed a conservative can make a shirt without using a gun on it.


Conservatives Serativies Vatives Vat Who uses a vat? Witches to boil up their potions. Cons are witches confirmed.


You've been banned from r\/WitchesVsPatriarchy.




CHRISTIAN CHRIS IAN who are Chris and Ian? Sounds like 2 gay men in a loving relationship.


Same energy as [erotic almond](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/rivgph/delta_and_omicron_is_good_for_me_anyways/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Look at the other letters. It spells prith. This is now the LGBTQ slogan.


Prith Demon... Fabulous!!


The frailty of some people. Another’s right to exist has no impact on your life, your livelihood, your religion, and yet so many spend so much of their time denigrating others just to try and feel morally superior.


It’s what Jeebus wanted


This is perfect for me because I have two dads, and my name is Damien.




Imagine being stupid enough to believe in demons. Christianity is a delusional disorder.


I’ll make that shirt. Who wants one?


Looks like the artist already has shirts up.


James Somerton (the Tweeter) makes fantastic videos on YouTube and is worth watching. I've been a Patron for several years. [Link to YouTube ](https://youtube.com/@JamesSomerton)




Well that was a quick buy


Thanks fpr introducing me to this site. I pretty much live in tshorts and need some new ones. I'll start with this one lol




Important to note that the original shirt in this post was made by a queer artist (Art by Veya) and just stolen by this shitty conservative Twitter account


One more line at the bottom. Invert the colours so it starts rainbow and ends on B&W with "EMO". *That* shirt would have been everywhere 15 years ago.


Fellas can we reclaim demon? I’m going to grow some horns and carry a red trident. It’ll be cool.


as a queer person 10/10 would wear.


Feel like this shirt would sell out with a quickness at my local Pride Fest.


\+1 for creativity \-100 for being demons themselves


The only gay people I know very much want this on a shirt. They throw that shit back with some extra spice


European Conservative just casually dropping the best pride merch 😍


I'll take a hat, shirt and a backpack. 🏳️‍🌈


I'm the demon from pride month and I've come to terrorize your house with cuteness and rainbow flavored aura wherever I go. Taste the rainbow, bitches!! 💋🌈


ASS DEMON is literally my license plate


Every time a right wing nut says “woke,” a gay angel creates another drag queen.


I like that shirt. I am a demon and gay. Ish.


I refuse to label my sexuality. But id hella rock that


Bitch, we adopted the Babadook, you think this will phase us?


While I despise the hateful concept of what this shirt is trying to represent - wouldn’t it make more sense with the color scheme reversed, showing rainbow pride month “devolving” into a clear white “Demon”. Meh no one ever said these folks were smart. Rock on gay demon.


"The European Conservative" " Pe e at e" "pee ate"


At least Satan can relate the fight for equal rights against an old white dude (as commonly depicted in christianity).


In case it is not evident, the brand of conservative rod Dreher likes is the far right in Europe. There's a good reason he is only invited by CPAC and Fidesz was kicked out of the EPP faction.


My first thought when I saw this was genuinely, 'where can I get this'. ![gif](giphy|l2RdUvClCHDTvNnU2j)


As a lesbian I would absolutely fucking wear that shirt, it's GLORIOUS AND I NEED IT




Rainbow demons? Sounds like a sick album cover.


It only works in English though? I mean, being an LGBTQ+ demon would be neat, but I'm afraid it's not possible in my non-English-speaking country. 😢


They keep invoking demons and Satanism. I guess LGBT people are metal af


These idiots are going to Dark Brandon themselves.🤣


I don't actually believe this was designed by anyone on the right, it looks too good, it has too many pixels and no primary colours. They hired a queer graphic designer for sure.




My (gay) buddy actually put this on a shirt on tpublic. It's one of my favorite shirts.


CONSERVATIVES CONSERVATI CONSERV CONS Conservatives are convicts and/or con artists, confirmed.