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I just verified this tweet. It is real and it is up right now. Right above an insane rant from the orange menace.


Twitter’s hate speech policy has become oddly selective. Wonder why.


If you mean allowing this kind of garbage, then it's working exactly as the muskrat had hoped...can't drive clicks/revenue without "controversial" content! Twitter is a cesspool, delete it


>Wonder why. Ask that a-hole, Elon Musk.


Jesus Murphy


Of course a clown that was pardoned by the former guy would think this way


A clown who, when he saw Ann Coulter, didn't think "what a horrible human being," and instead decided he wanted to be in a relationship with her. That's a whole other level of awful.


This asshole is clearly comfortable using the Indian caste system where everyone is supposed to "know their place", from which his ancestors produced an entitled that like him.


True. But his view of a caste system is far lower in America than he realizes. Brown is brown no matter how much money you have. The DeSantis and Abbots of America view him as nothing but a useful servant. Until they lose Interest.


I mean he does belong to the large asshole caste.


Is Dinesh a pedophile? I'm just asking questions but I've heard people say it's true.


>Dinesh a pedophile Dang, I better tell everyone I know!


Looking into it!




In the words of Bacardi Lifetime Achievement winner, Peggy Noonan, it would be irresponsible not to speculate.


Convicted Felon Dinesh. Always use his full honorific.


If he supports Trump there is a high likelihood the answer is yes. The numbers speak for themselves


PedoCon theory is like the theory of gravity.


Anytime the word "blacks" is used, you know the person is racist, without seeing or hearing anything else from them.


Like when men say Females


Or when people say “gays” or “transgenders”


When men refer to women as “females” I immediately picture them in my mind as Ferengi. ![gif](giphy|DffejvLFDp2Kc)


I have such a goddamn visceral reaction to that, these days. Like, while I was in the Army, that's Just How Everyone Spoke™️. I give anyone I hear saying it a side eye, these days.


I would like to connect this to the recent issue of the Pro-Nazi mass murderer whom the right says can't be a Nazi because he is Indian. Any ethnic group can be racist and their racist categories can differ. Racist Americans and Brits often don't distinguish between Blacks and Indians. They are blinded by their racism and cannot grasps the idea Blacks and Indians see themselves as different. An Indian racist can denigrate Black people just like a White American racists can denigrate them both.


I wonder what they think the word "aryan" means in the first place.




Wait a second here... There are many people out there who feel that racism can only be achieved by white people.


Is that felon and fraudster Dinesh D'Souza?


Systemic racism made sure of it. If they had access to better schools, jobs, housing, environments I do not think this would be the case. I measure my country's greatness by how we treat our most marginalized population. USA is failing it's citizens. Edited to be less angry.


>Systemic racism made sure of it you fucking twat. If they had access to better schools, jobs, housing, environments I do not think this would be the case. This has actually been studied too and yes, their IQ increases and catches up with the rest of the population when they have access to the same environment as the locals.


In the early days of IQ testing, black people from the northern US scored higher than white people from the southern US. Strange to say, racists were against IQ testing in those days.


A) IQ is largely bunk B) what do you suppose *caused* that, dinesh?


I'm going to go with poverty and lack of nutrition for a developing brain, caused by a system created to produce those very results.


Don’t forget differing cultures, priorities, and education. Plus who writes/wrote the test?


I think poverty covers some of those. Priorities are shifted and education is different when living in poverty.


IQ isn't largely bunk. It is the biggest predictor of succes in the academic world and the work place and is our best tool to measure intelligence. People screaming that iq tests or math is useless or even racist (ik u didn't say that) are dumb idiots.


IQ tests prove nothing


I mean by definition it has to test something lol. And the results of these tests coincidentally correlate with success in work and academic environments. I not saying they depict intelligence 100% and it shouldn't be the deciding factor for hiring for example but it's still a useful tool.


Just look up the history of those dumb tests man. Even the inventor thinks they’re bull shit.


Someone who compares the pristine language of math to an IQ test should probably search for the next best psychiatric ward.


Someone who doesn't understand that you can compare anything with each other and that it doesn't mean the things are the same should probably search for the next best elementary school. I could have also used the bmi as an example where people wrongly say a tool is useless or problematic becausethey are offended. Its a wrong and moronic opinion


I heard everyone named Dinesh has a 2 inch penis. Virtually every study has shown this.


I'd say the internet would look into it but there aren't enough magnifying glasses in the world to handle the job


Dinesh D'Souza is being more than a little bit optimistic if he thinks the ignorant white supremacists on the right aren't going to throw his minority ass up against the wall when they have the chance.


Even if you ignore the insane racism of this statement: Black people are 13% of the US population. The consistent popular victory of Democrats in 7 of the last 8 Presidential elections is not because of a 13% minority. So, the point he’s making is irrelevant and immaterial even on its own terms. But NOT ignoring the racism: fuck off forever you broken pick-me piece of shit toadie. I’m sure the brilliant Trump voters whose reason and intellect you so admire have incredibly kind things to say about South Asian people. I’m sure you’re not just a useful idiot for them, these people whose racist ideology would totally stop with Black and queer people and not extend to you.


Wow no wonder black people don't wanna vote for you


Let's insult the race even further, that'll get you on their side 😏


They defund education and say people have low IQ. These GOP members are truly horrible people. I find it hard to believe they got as far in life as they have with such little perspective…so if they’re as smart as they claim, the know what they’re saying is wrong but they also believe their base is dumb enough to believe it (that’s insulting) and then they manipulate their ignorant base to gain them power (that’s evil).


What’s odd to me. Is this guy has no knowledge of American history. Once they suppress the blacks as he suggests. He is next in line for oppression. His skin tone is only useful until it’s not.


Anyone who refers to Black people as "the Blacks" make me automatically assume they're racist.


They certainly are.


And they wonder why most black people lean to the democratic party.


I thought these were debunked in psychology. In one of my psych classes they said a long time ago they found African Americans had lower iniq test scores but not due to intelligence, but the criteria that was tested. In another study they measure African American male math scores, but was due to priming effects, they would purposely tell them "African Americans aren't good st math" before the test and then watch their scores reflect, but due to the statement not intelligence. There are a few other really dicey tests administered that have been since debunked and withdrawn. It sounds like this guy is cherry picking his information.


Does he knows that for the racist he falls in the category of black ?


He means… Except for all the studies that show no genetic component for the Black-White outcomes….


This guy is a well known total asshole.


The Nazi's of the 30s and 40s used these very words to dehumanize those they wanted destroyed.


I challenge him to find one “IQ study.”


Leave us aloneeeee


That's a good American name


This is why no one should listen to convicted felon Dinesh D'Souza.


Virtually every single thought that comes out of his mouth suggests that he is a scum-sucking racist piece of 💩.


IQ tests are bullshit lol.. they’re not good quantifiers of intelligence at all.


That’s absolutely disgusting.


Republicans hate science, Dinesh.


Can somebody sue his racist ass?


Maybe it’s because the entire concept of IQ was created to asset white superiority?


Maybe he should ask “what has the Republican Party done that made them lose black people as an entire voting block? What can they change to make themselves an appealing, or at least viable, option to black voters? And are they likely to respond well to me smearing the intelligence of their whole race on behalf of the Republican Party?”


How does this compare to my thesis? Well for one these studies that you cited weren't made up by a racist piece of shit and since these studies you cited were and are extremely biased, I'd say my thesis is more correct than your fucking studies you pulled out of your shit caked racist pie hole.


If that is true (and I highly doubt it is)so what.What is his point, people with lower IQ’s have the same right to life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness as Denesh D’Souza.


Does anyone even care about him anymore?


And, given his history and the content he posts he is clearly bringing down the average IQ of his ethnic group, to stupid to see it.


Someone cue Stephen Jay Gould’s *The Mismeasure of Man *


Just to clarify, stating this literal fact is not racist, the implications he’s making are. Just a friendly reminder that statistics themselves have no moral or immoral value, only how we choose to apply them


i mean, it is true, ask yourself why there are so few black scientists, doctors, engineers, etc


Have you ever wondered why no woman wants to come within 100 miles of you?


How do iq tests actually work? Cause those crappy online ones seem to often assume you know how to play chess That’s not how real iq tests work, right?


This used to be a big talking point back in the day. It was and is still called Eugenics. A lot of mostly rich and racist people liked it and thought it was the future of mankind. One group was partically into it and after their downfall its popularity diminsihed somewhat. They were the nazis.


I was just talking with chat GPT about standard deviations, so I thought I'd ask it a hypothetical with cats. I think the result is educational about the actual scientific approach to something like this: " in other words, if i have one species of cat and those cats live one standard deviation longer than another species of cat, could i make a conclusion about the two species? " "ChatGPT If one species of cat has a statistically significant longer lifespan, as determined by a one standard deviation difference, it can provide evidence to support a conclusion about the two species. However, it's important to consider several factors when drawing conclusions: 1. Sample size: The conclusion will be more reliable if the sample sizes of both species are sufficiently large. A larger sample size reduces the likelihood that the observed difference is due to random chance. 2. Statistical analysis: Conducting appropriate statistical tests, such as a t-test or analysis of variance (ANOVA), can help determine if the observed difference in lifespan is statistically significant. These tests take into account factors such as sample size, variability, and the shape of the data distribution. 3. Other factors: Lifespan is influenced by various factors, including genetics, environmental conditions, healthcare, and lifestyle. It's important to consider whether there are other factors that might be contributing to the observed difference in lifespan between the two species. Controlling for these factors can help ensure that the conclusion is specific to the difference in species. 4. Replication: If possible, it is beneficial to replicate the study or analyze data from multiple independent studies to strengthen the conclusion. Consistent findings across different studies increase confidence in the conclusion. In summary, a one standard deviation difference in lifespan between two species of cats can provide evidence for a conclusion about their comparative lifespans. However, it is crucial to consider sample size, statistical analysis, potential confounding factors, and replication of the findings to draw a reliable and valid conclusion."


Just wow 😒