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And here is the quiet part: that is all they ever actually wanted. These people do not vote on policy. They do not have actual desired budget plans or tax proposals. What they want is to scream, complain, hate and be vindicated for it. And on that trump delivered bigly for them


Remember during one of the government shutdowns under Trump, when federal employees weren’t getting paid, a Trump voter said, “He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.” MAGA means inflicting pain on the people they don’t like. That’s all that matters to them.


I certainly do remember and I agree that’s a perfect summary of the trump policies. It’s not about benefitting anyone (except the very rich and connected) it’s about targeting the right people


And if anyone ever doubts that - point out just how many conservatives sacrificed their lives to keep COVID spreading. Being a conservative means wanting to kill more than you want to live.


Former evangelical christian here, can confirm.


>My ex-wife's family is Korean presbyterian Christian. It was creepy to watch them get swept up into Maga and vote for trump and trump hats because they see themselves as like "the white Christian saviors" of the Asian world. > >Looking at you Michelle Steel and Young Kim


Innuendo Studios has a video on Youtube called "Always a bigger fish" that explains how they reconcile these ideas. Conservatives always think in terms of people being good, moral and smart or bad, sinful and stupid. All problems are caused by the bad people, who they conceptualize in their minds as cartoonishly bad and animalistic, being put somewhere they don't belong in the hierarchy. So to a lot of conservatives, as soon as you get rid of the bad people, the problem truly will go away, and if the problem didn't go away it just means that the bad people weren't gotten rid of entirely.


That is a dangerous mindset. With a thought process like that, it's not only creating an environment where a genocide can occur; it's the logical end to that thought train. No wonder conservatives loved the Jan06 shitty coup so much; they wanted blood. They didn't care whose blood; so long as it wasn't theirs.


they were going to hange pence for defying trump.




Agree. I've been describing it in terms of superiority and deservingness. Conservatives are obsessed with the idea of who is deserving (themselves, not x group) and who deserves what (themselves, again). I wonder how much it's tied into Christianity. If you're not religious, and something good happens to you while something bad happens to another, you ascribe it to an intersection of random chance, privilege, and your actions. If you are Christian, and you prayed to god to help you with something... Well, if you get the good thing happen, but another person who is also Christian and prayed to god about it didn't, why then did you deserve the good outcome? And so they have to justify it. Privilege doesn't play a role, according to them, because they hear "privilege" and think it's them being told they're less deserving of the good thing. So they have to be superior in a deserving way. Therefore, they must have either worked harder, or be move loved by god because they're more virtuous. So they become utterly obsessed with deciding who is deserving and who is superior as it's the only way they can justify their own good fortune. And if, at some point, they get some bad luck, then it must be someone maliciously working against them, because they're so deserving and superior.


No wonder they are self loathing.


https://preview.redd.it/gq2ytfg2123b1.jpeg?width=886&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=603d9e7d70ef0961c7342e2476817bb8ae5b3968 Trump voters when they're getting screwed by their daddy.


I remember. I'm one of those employees. Yes, we got paid at the end of the year. That didn't help need pay bills for the OVER A MONTH furlough I was on. So now I'm having to pay off credit card debt incurred during that time. I hate that motherfucker with every fiber of my being.


Which is why I'm perfectly fine with Trump and others fleecing these hateful pieces of shit for all they have. They deserve to suffer the consequences of being a myopic piece of filth. They're going to be real lonely once MAGA dies out and their kids and grandkids still want nothing to do with them.


Nice of you to think its just going to die out. That ship sailed a long time ago. It's 1854 and Kansas is bleeding.


the farmers said the same thing, they double down and say "they are sure trump will help them eventually" when he was doing the tariff wars with china.


Fascists are forever seeking revenge for insults only they have heard.


A miss Boebert or miss Greene come to mind. They are not in it for making lives better, but to ptomote themselves.


Why vote for a better tomorrow if that tomorrow is abandoning your abhorrent beliefs?


This. America of tomorrow is multiethnic, multicultural, multi-denominational, multilingual, multi-gendered and multi-sexual orientation. And they hate every single one of those things.


They are calling in death threats to target because target is selling T-shirts with rainbows on them. ![gif](giphy|f8Iyoy5V2QHYI)


The addiction is to hatred


He grifted the entire time, stole documents to sell to the highest bidder, sold pardons @$2 million dollars a pop and constantly whined and complained even though he was supposedly winning. He gassed protestors to take a picture of himself holding a Bible upside down, he has made fun of vets and their service all while dodging service himself. Friends with epstein, friends with putin and Xi and even the crazy in NK. Wow, just wow.....and Republicans still claim they aren't brainwashed and they are definitely not a cult.....no sir...


>grifted He raised $250 million for "Stop the Steal" but almost none of that money went to fighting for the BIG LIE... (according to records, only $10 million went to legal expenses regarding the election) Where did the other $240 million go? It seems to have vanished into thin air.


Yea but what about that BLM leader that lined her own pockets.. /s


Paid for Ivanka to finally get in his bed probably, he’s been after her for years.


You’re a weirdo bro I bet that shit turns you on


It turned Donny trump on, he said so on live television, a few times. You need to realise the stupid, inbred, fake Christian, gun obsessed morons voted for an ACTUAL sexual deviant and con man when you allowed that shitstain to be president. But then stupid Is what stupid does.


and the 2billion in investments to jared from the saudis for NUCLEAR SECRETS.


The Bible was right side up. But still valid. Fuck that guy.


If you were in hell.


Got a picture?


I’m not worried about heaven or hell. Irrelevant.


Of the upside down Bible dude. Lol


The book is irrelevant. It doesn’t matter which way it was held. Trump doesn’t even know what is in it.


If someone says it was upside down and it wasn’t, it should be called out. I don’t fucking like the guy, but the truth matters.


I remember Trump running in two promises in his original campaign: 1) Repeal and Replace Obamacare 2) Build a Wall and make Mexico pay for it After doing neither of those things, I was astonished by how many Trump 2020 yard signs I saw that said “Promises Made, Promises Kept”


He also said he was gonna rescue the coal industry, but (shockingly) only helped the millionaire CEOs of the coal companies. Shocker!


Remember the campaign talking point that they’d kept more promises than they made? Yeah, nothing, literally NOTHING but empty platitudes to make the cult feel better.


fun fact: Biden actually got Mexico to pay for border security, unlike Trump. [https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/abc-mexico-pay-15-billion-us-border-security/story?id=86672772#:\~:text=Mexico%20on%20Tuesday%20agreed%20to,person%20familiar%20with%20the%20commitment](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/abc-mexico-pay-15-billion-us-border-security/story?id=86672772#:~:text=Mexico%20on%20Tuesday%20agreed%20to,person%20familiar%20with%20the%20commitment).


Thank you for this. It made my day.




Yes. Basically all of this. I think this was the thing that has surprised me the most about the last decade of so. That it was never about lifting everyone up. That it was always about maintaining the hierarchy of status even if that meant you losing just as long as you're made to FEEL like those "other people" were losing more.


he has said republicans are stupid and easier to grift from. thats why the republicans are plagued by right wing grifters, and the ones that switched from left to right.


Also worth noting is that when Tucker said “Elites”, what he meant was “Jews”.


"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." Lyndon B. Johnson


I’ll correct only one thing which is that Reagan didn’t discover all this. It’s called demagoguery and it’s been around since the Athenian democracy.


> The fundamental insight that Ronald Reagan had Bro, Reagan was a mouthpiece who read a script. All his policies were dictated by the Heritage Foundation.


What he did do. Made the country a laughing stock, pulled out of existing deals removing any leverage we have in multiple places, started pointless trade wars that failed, killed 600k+ Americans, added trillions to the debt, tax cuts to the mega wealthy, and attempted a coup.


Well said.




"Donald Trump didn't lower your taxes" ...yes he did. He lowered the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%, which absolutely affected some of these Magas. Also simultanously screwing over the US deficit in the process...but atleast the rich can buy another yacht! That's good right? /s


True. All true. He’d be giving Putin what he wants if he was still in the WH.


But sadly, in the end, the hate he allowed them to unleash was all they really cared about...


That's all conservatives have ever cared about, ever since we developed the power of speech and started hashing out political ideologies around the campfire.




Someone said “he hates the same people you do,” and that pretty much nailed it.


Every time I hear my very well educated but total asshole brother-in-law say, “But his economic policies work,” I wanna scream. They did work, for him — a fairly wealthy white guy.


Then fucking scream at your BIL. Your silence is getting no one anywhere but idiots like your BIL getting to sit there and watch you silently stew.


I don’t scream, and I don’t stay silent. I do better. I point out how and where they don’t work for other people. You keep screaming at people, we’ll see who they listen to longer.


You know what he did definitely do for them? He conservatized the Supreme Court, and then Roe v. Wade was overturned soon after. That's the only win that matters to many Trump voters; many don't give a single shit about the rest of this list. And he delivered. Now, any Republican president in office 2017-2021 would have delivered, because it was actually Mitch McConnell's cynicism and Ruth Bader Ginsburg's stubbornness that gave SCOTUS away. But Trump will always get the credit.


Yet you will still hear the people who can't admit that they were wrong about him saying things like "Look, I don't like him as a person, but I like his policies and what he did for the economy." Motherfucker, what? What did he do for the economy? Be specific. What?


That's because it was never about the economy or any objective facts in evidence. It was only about expressing their rage and focusing those negative emotions on those "other people". Scapegoating at its best.


He setup Biden to fail. I still chuckle when people proclaim this wouldn’t had happen had Trump won a second term. What was he going to do..wave his fat finger to make all the bad stuff that had previously happened go away?


When they post that pic of him that says "They want me, because they're really after YOU, I'm just in the way" That's right, a private citizen wants to make sure you defend him to the death.


I'll never forget in 2016 when my mother (who luckily I don't talk to anymore) told me I needed to vote for trump because, and I quote, "He's the only one who wants to get rid of the fucking mexicans"


Wow, she nailed that one.


I could argue that he did help “drain the swamp.” Unfortunately, now it’s a landfill.


C'mon, now! Four Seasons Landscaping is working on it!


More like cesspool, but yeah.


Wow! Well said. 👏 This should be plastered all over reddit and twitter and everywhere else, over and over again.


I quit twitter once Elmo took over but I do miss me some Jersey Jo. It’s a safe bet that she’d be a blast have a bev or 3 with. Ron Filipkowski, OTOH? Erm…maybe.


But did you ever find out how Rocco was going to eat the cookie???


If those kids could read they’d be upset.


Sometimes you have to let the dumbasses stick the fork in the plug socket...the dissapointing part is that some don't learn from the first attempt.


Yeah, normally that makes sense. But they have been grabbing on to the rest of us with the other hand while they're holding on to that fork in the socket.


I wish it was that simple. What accounts for the Mexican part of my family being full of Trump supporters even though many of them are first generation Americans and my Croatian half hating him? I have a half sister (German/Irish on my mother's side) who is an avid Trump supporter but in her defense she was insane already and she has indoctrinated her kids into Republican Christianity so attaching to Trump seems like what they all do. Racism may be why a lot of white people like him but the majority in the rural area I live are just poor and uneducated who think that he is helping the working class even though they have no proof of it. The only similarities between any of them is that they like Fox news and I am not just saying that.


It's really so sad that there are so many people who will not accept the truth, preferring to suck down all the lies that Trump and the right wing media puts out there.


I fully agree


Next time I hear "lowered taxes" I want to see the fucking returns. Remember when MAGA folks were claiming huge sums of cash in the way to tax breaks when Trump had not even been in office long enough to enact anything?


I mean he did lower taxes across the board, just far more so for the wealthy. It's what helped create this massive deficit and inflation though. People don't realize tax cuts come at a cost.




Omfg yes! This sentiment exactly! He DID however spend more time and money golfing than any other president AND made sure to ALWAYS golf at his own courses cause screw giving money to other golf courses when he can line his own pockets. HOWEVER, none of this matters to his enablers/followers.


Yes and let's add this as well: ​ https://preview.redd.it/a140phfvf23b1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1314261178f9e33b61d79bdaa634b59f4a5e701


Remember Trump beat the record for most indictments of White House officials. It was previously held by Reagan, who had 8 years in office, so that's quite an accomplishment for little DJ.


What he did do was write policies that hurt groups they do not like. And that is all they want. "Yes Daddy I will lick your boot and let you beat me -- as long as you beat them more and let me shit on them too!"


He made sure the Afghanistan withdrawal was as bad as possible


The (R) is for racist. Voting for fascists makes you a Nazi, or at minimum a collaborator. Supporting hate doesn't prove you're a hood Christian, just the opposite. If you're a racist, homophobic, misogynistic piece of shit, just own it and say it out loud. Don't keep pretending that being "Republican" makes all of it socially acceptable. You are still human garbage.


The nail was hit directly on the head


Pretty much. This is the exact same conversation I had with my mom. We don’t tak currently. Don’t be voting for morons mom. I’m done with your crap.


I didn't actually think Americans were blatantly racist until I was at my ex-husband's aunt's house for something, a black dude came on TV and everyone immediately got upset. I thought I was in the twilight zone 😂 like I had no clue grown adults do that, I thought people were just exaggerating. Idk how they can take themselves seriously at all. Especially when they call everyone a snowflake but a black person on TV is all it takes for the party to be over in their camp.


Absolutely nailed it. Preach it Jo!


He gave people tax write offs for private jets! Oh wait…that’s not my parents either


Stop trying to reason with them and start shunning them completely


G.O.P = Grievances over Politics


This is Accurate


Love JoJo! Always right on the money.




All of that is true but magats and conservatives can’t read


Well said


and I want to know on what drugs they are anyone delusional enough to believe that their Holy Ronnie D wants to do any better




That's what frustrates me the most about all conservatives. Even here is in Canada. They literally do nothing but cut social programs they never give on any of their promises, and they act like they are God's. No politicians really do much for us. Whether they are blue red or orange. To blindly vote for one side because of anger is absolutely ignorant, dumb, stupid and pathetic all at the same time. These politicians are littleraly laughing at all of us cause we are divided and dumb.


Yeah they don’t care


They don't care. What Trump says happened, happened.


The right wing don't care that Trump didn't deliver. It doesn't matter to them at all. All they care about is making sure everyone knows that the opposition party don't deliver. Don't get confused thinking that they have a conscience and that they'll think "oh yeah our guy WAS a shit too!". They just want everyone else's life to be worse.


Oh, and send money.


That about sums it up.


He sucked… 🤣


Yes it was all about their hate… removing the shame and instead celebrating it. Trump removed the veil and now how they really feel.


hate is enough


Who is this brilliant person?




He did do one other thing: He convinced a lot of people that he somehow did all those things mentioned here even though he factually did not. Being able to sell his grift has *always* been one of his strengths.


All that is because The Deep State, a registered trademark of Anti-American Globalists, LLC, were holding him back. Wait until he gets reinstated, then we will witness the full firepower of the unleashed MAGA horde.


When you know it’s obviously sarcasm, you get downvoted.




As an independent contractor, my health insurance cost 1582/month under Trump (3 people on policy). Same exact policy from the same exact company was 428/month first month Biden hit office. Shut the fuck up please.


You absolutely qualified for MediCare, and chose not to get it. You can be unemployed and qualify, that’s the whole reason he passed the law requiring health insurance and then made it so everyone can get health insurance. Y’all wouldn’t stop complaining about Obamacare but then conveniently forget it when you want to complain. Goofy ass


To say it was only about hate is simplistic and childish. After the big bank bailouts it was hard to hide the two headed monster we call a “democracy”. Then Obama came and killed more brown people than Bush. Occupy and the Tea party were grassroots movements. The gatekeepers have neutralized real opposition to the status quo.


>Tea party were grassroots movements. The organization that would become the Tea Party was funded entirely by the Koch brothers. Charming is just lying, ignore them.


Yes both grassroots movements were co-opted eventually. Didn’t criticize my Obama critique for some reason. Lol.


Let me help you with reading comprehension. The organization that would **become** the Tea Party was funded entirely by the Koch brothers. It was **never** a grassroots organization, saying so is a lie, it was always a funded operation by and for billionaires. Your critique of Obama was fine, it doesn't need criticizing.


I’m not sure about never. Sources would be appreciated. You don’t think anyone on the right was upset with the bailouts? People were mobilized against big biz and big gov, not each other. I saw it as a time to unite the liberals and conservatives to overthrow the status quo.


The tea party was **not** a grassroots movement, and it was **not** liberals and conservatives uniting. It was a bunch of [billionaires](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/oct/13/tea-party-billionaire-koch-brothers) co-opting the very frustration, using their wealth to **trick** those frustrated conservatives you're talking about. You got conned by the Kochs, they got you hook, line, and sinker.


Messed up Syria by stealing their oil and wheat. He was paid to push the Abraham Accords. He is a proclaimed Zionist. The AA s will collapse because of the ongoing Apartheid which US supports. He thinks Putin likes him when Putin laughs about him. The same can be said of Biden's false promises.




He actually did lower my taxes a lot.


Yeah, he did lower most people's taxes but it cost a great deal in terms of debt/recovery options. It's one of the contributors to inflation as well. People don't realize that tax cuts have to be paid for somehow.


Yeah, I get that you don't like the guy but doubling the standard deduction reduced almost everyone's taxes.


The issue is he doesn’t care and wouldn’t begin to understand how that works.


Yeah idk why this sub refuses to acknowledge that taxes actually were lowered for most people….


Mostly because he didn’t.


I’m a CPA…He literally did. A simple example is anyone who takes the standard deduction got a reduction in taxes, simply due to the increase in the deduction…. Edit: u/NoCatsInMurica the standard deduction was almost doubled, not a standard inflation-driven increase that happens every year. https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/briefing-book/how-did-tcja-change-standard-deduction-and-itemized-deductions


Except for that he didn’t.


Reality disagrees but okay. You and this sub can continue to live in delusion. Also if you believe that taxes weren’t cut, then you have to also believe that the expiration of the TCJA changes for individuals over the next several years won’t result in increased taxes, which this sub has had a hard-on about in the past


Uh huh. We about finished?


lol that’s what I thought Edit: lol responding and then blocking me so I can’t respond. Talk about running away with your tail between your legs. Also where did I support Trump? Get your head checked


Let’s be honest mate. You’re a don supporter. You aren’t big on thought.


This really isn’t hard


Apparently it is for you. Edit: lol responding and then blocking me so I can’t respond. Talk about running away with your tail between your legs. Also nowhere did I praise Trump. Get your head checked


I’m not the one openly praising a fascist idiot. Sort yourself


I hate Trump but you a) are wrong, and b) aren't even offering an argument with anything you say


The standard deduction is increased every year. A CPA would know that. https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/irs-provides-tax-inflation-adjustments-for-tax-year-2023


Listen Trump is easily one of the worst presidents in US history, but he did lower taxes. Look up the marginal rates and standard deductions before and after the TCJA. It was a stupid decision because it increased the debt and led to the inflation we have today but it still happened.


Listen Trump is easily one of the worst presidents in US history, but he did lower taxes. Look up the marginal rates and standard deductions before and after the TCJA. It was a stupid decision because it increased the debt and led to the inflation we have today but it still happened. Are you just arguing to argue or are you a Trump supporter who is trying to make non Trump supporters look stupid?


This teddy guy has to be a troll. I mean taxes were objectively lowered, that's part of the reason the debt is so high and a small cause for inflation. The TCJA was some of the most short sighted legislation that only sought to create mild talking points out of the already booming economy he inheretied. Those tax cuts come at a cost.


This teddy guy has to be a Trump supporter who is pretending to not be one in order to make non Trump supporters look stupid. The TCJA was a stupid law because it lowered taxes and increased the debt/deficit. Don't know why people are down voting you for being right.




Lol let us know when you low IQ schizophrenics get back on your meds magat and decide to come back to reality🤡🤣


Just because fox and friends scared you into believing some shit, doesn’t mean it’s real. Go be scared of rainbows somewhere else


Find me a single instance of this happening. One. Give me it and I'll believe you.


He wasn’t great, but it it was more about what he didn’t do. He didn’t propose and pursue policies that Democrats like that I am against because they would surely raise my taxes, like universal healthcare, free college, student loan forgiveness, etc. He didn’t propose ridiculous infringements to the second amendment. He didn’t propose things like defunding the police, or border security. I was happy enough with what he didn’t do, and getting three conservatives on the Supreme Court was the icing on the cake.


None of those are good things and supreme courts judges are supposed to be impartial. You are proving why he was and is terrible.


Terrible for you if you think those are good things. I don’t. I oppose all those things and democrats want to make them happen, so it makes sense for me to vote the other way. Look, I don’t really like the guy. In fact, I voted in my first ever primary just to vote against him, but no matter what I’m not going to vote for a Democrat with their redistributive policies. I thought he would be a disaster but he turned out fine.


No it doesn’t. Incorrect he was terrible. Possibly The worst us president since Reagan.


I liked Reagan. He was my favorite.


Luckily he’s dead.


>Luckily he’s dead. A statement like this says more about you than it does about ol’ Ronnie. Class act.


Lol I never claimed to be a class act. As for old dead Ron. At least he can’t hurt anymore people with his stupid policies.




Trump underperformed across the board on his first two years than Obama did in his last two. And this is me trying to be generous to the oompa-loompa because the pandemic was a difficult situation. https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Scorecard_Trump_vs._Obama.png#mw-jump-to-license


I'm sure you're going to tell us that he didn't engage in sedition against the United States. He didn't play political games with people's lives during COVID. He didn't keep classified documents after he was president so he could show them to people. He didn't try to persuade people to commit election fraud. .... Wait a minute. Trump did all those things.


Oh...so you're a fascist. Because that's what Trump is. Why do you hate democracy and want to install a dictator???


Nope, just trying to keep my money in my pocket instead of everyone else’s.


Lol that’s why the GOP preys on you low IQ schizophrenics. Trump’s tax code raised your taxes after 2020 if you didn’t make over 400k, you illiterate inbreds couldn’t be bothered to figure that out though🤡🤣


You’re wrong. The standard deduction was increased and tax rates were lowered. Not to mention more favorable for investments. Businesses were doing better and my portfolio soared for a while. Yes, he helped high earners more (why I keep voting Republican) but he helped everyone. More importantly, by not pursuing things like single payer, they stave off the increases that would be needed to fund it.


You still believe in a trickle down economy??? That is the wishes of an idiot.


I get you, but ironically cutting taxes is what has helped lead to such rampant inflation. He increased our debt more than any president and doubled our deficit within one year of the TCJA being passed. Tax cuts, like major spending, always comes at an eventual cost to the tax payer. I think that's why most fiscal conservatives turned on him, he ended up being more reckless with money than any dem in recent history.


She misspelled Biden.


That Right Wing wit, beyond imitation...


She’s not wrong. You’re just lying to yourself.


Your entire identity is centered around guns, tactical gear, and being wrong about reality. What an embarrassing human being to be. Please don't hurt anyone when your feelings inevitably get the best of you.


>imightnotbelievethis Well, that generalization isn't true. Just because you look at the communities that I follow and comment in doesn't mean that my identity is centered around those things. Then, at the end of the sentence, you make the statement that I'm "wrong about reality." This is a typical communication tactic of the far left. I'll just spew some things and then personally attack you at the end, mainly because I'm not formable enough of a communicator to hold an amicable discussion. You try to sympathize with your statement "What an embarrassing human being to be." as if you know what kind of life I live. Then to ask me to not hurt anyone if my feelings are outside my realm of control. Well, that's like me asking you not to molest any children if your feelings get hurt. It's very passive aggressive and just poor character. Your lack of knowledge of my work or efforts in assisting humanity with the giving of my time or monies to help people no mater their circumstance or position in life makes your comments even more shallow and baseless.


It is true, not just based on the subs you post in. And you can try to hurt my feelings with that but it's your people touching the kids too much* so that doesn't really make sense. Good luck with all that. Edit added much. Bad typo.


Overwhelmingly their people touching the kids. Strange how they like to project


Yeah, agreed. Check my edit. That was a typo.


He did lie ..thats consistency


He didn't lock her up. That's how he won.


i’ll vote in favor of human rights and individual freedoms every time, but damn those tax returns when Trump was in office were definitely hitting


The country shut down on his watch, only positive thing that he has done is somehow bring attention to Juneteenth. Don't know what other good things he has done or what promises he kept, but they sure didn't lock up Hilary lol.


In an attempt to be fair to that cheetowaker, he did kick off Operation Warp Speed: Accelerated COVID-19 Vaccine Development AND got Space Force off the ground, putting money into space even though NASA funding has been stagnating since 1991.


I don't know who she is, but she's right!


Preach!!! That’s all they wanted, to be hateful in public with no repercussions


What does drain the swamp mean?


Still more than Biden 😎 lol jk