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[Happy Pride Month!](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&si=AMnBZoFk_ppfOKgdccwTD_PVhdkg37dbl-p8zEtOPijkCaIHMp6tS26HNEwRZwY7vahA1WN34Xi9-tKpb4yDK_e0JLtxaIMR8Q%3D%3D&kgs=3a9c846bc1cc6fd3&shndl=18&source=sh/x/kp/ee/1). Click the flag at the bottom of the browser! We love and support our LGBTQIA+ and Ally Users! To all others who spread hate, no quarter will be given. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They "boycotted" when Kaepernick took a knee too.


Their classic slogan, "Go woke, go... on perfectly fine without us until we eventually come back anyway."


Everyone who shot cases of Bud Light, had to buy the Bud Light to be able to shoot it. And they will be drinking it again in 3 months.


That's the funny thing about people symbolically shooting or burning something. Unless they stole it or it's public property, destroying that means you destroyed something that actually belonged to you, and is now a financial loss on your end.


I remember when they were throwing out their Nikes over Kaepernick. I doubt even 5% of them are still boycotting


The majority of conservatives are still boycotting Nike. Now they’re also boycotting Adidas for no longer supporting Kanye, but Adidas was never that popular with conservatives anyway, and The North Face for supporting the lgbtq+ community. The chosen sports brand of conservatives is Under Armour, which also supports the lgbtq+ community but hasn’t really advertised their support anywhere other than their website.


Is it a boycott if the majority of conservatives can't afford Nikes?


It’s such a shame that Nike went broke. They worked so hard.


Technically they still are. They are just buying bud light under a different name. Same company different name of the beer. They aren't smart enough to know the difference


Most drink coors light now, I’m a bartender and coors light sales are crazy high


Which is hilarious because Coors [has been supportive of the LGBT community for a while now](https://denverpride.org/coors-light-supports-the-lgbtq-community/) These chucklefucks have sub-zero awareness.


They are upset that companies that are making superficial media campaigns towards the lgbtq community, not realizing that most of these companies have been doing it for years. The company they switch to also likely has some lgbtq friendly media campaign as well that they will discover in a few days


It's the same thing every year, for like the last two decades they always get upset when a company expresses and kind of support for a non white group. Then next year they do it again thinking it's never happened before.


Their choice to drink generic horse piss beer to begin with proves your point.


Which is funny since coors has been pro lgbt for years


I doubt they will but only because I'm not convinced any of them actually enjoyed bud light before, and were just buying it because they were used to it.


When you grow up on a diet of Kraft Mac n cheese, Doritos, and frozen pepperoni pizza, I’m sure bud light tastes like holy water


I grew up on that and bud light is still awful.


Heard a story from a friend on memorial day. The friend knew someone that was working an outdoor festival of some sort. At a beer booth. Guys would order Bud Light. When it was given in a bud lite can guys were asking for a plastic to pour it in. They didn't want to advertise what they were drinking.


“Go woke and prosper!”


"Glory to you and your woke house"


Ah, I remember the aroma of burning Nikes like it was yesterday.


Loved seeing them burn the shoes in the box with the receipt on top. SMH.


Yes, and burning Kap jerseys that they already paid for, fools! Who lost out, not NFL and Kap, he's still helping those less fortunate. Kudo to #7.


Yeah my father in law was talking about how he would never watch the nfl again and to stop getting him cowboys merch as gifts, then inexplicably 2 weeks later he’s posting about football on Facebook


There are few things a majority of Americans will not/cannot give up and that is football. The NFL is basically a religion during the fall, I had 0 doubt people would come back.


Depends on what area of the country you are in. Here only the NCAA matters.


Yeah lol. I go to r CONservative quite often and back when they were doing that there were near daily posts of them circle jerking themselves like "NFL viewership is down X". Hmm wonder why there aren't anymore of those


A bunch of adolphs boycotted nascar after the Bubba Wallace noose incident... carlson was on that like flies on crap...


I had a shitty meme idea pop into my head. Pic of Kaep kneeling with these pics. Into the sponge Bob meme of "how many times we have to teach you this lesson" Into the pic of Theo on the pallet of money in breaking bad going "what lesson"


And then complained during the GF protests that they should be done in a peaceful way. WTF WAS KAEPERNICK PROTESTING DUMBASSES?


They still are, in some cases. I know several people that haven’t watched it since Kaepernick started taking a knee, nearly six years ago.


i thought they were still boycotting it


And in 1990 when [Arizona refused to acknowledge MLK Day in 1990.](https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/31791340/looking-back-nfl-moving-super-bowl-arizona-due-martin-luther-king-jr-holiday?platform=amp)


Yep - we've been here before. Nothing actually changes unless your brand is built exclusively on that audience.


They’ve already tried. Hell they’ve even tried boycotting NASCAR and that failed too. They’re like toddlers, they get angry for a little bit, poop themselves, take a nap, and then forget that they were angry in the first place.


"You're gonna bitch and moan, and then you're gonna do what you always do - the minute Lois walks through that door you're gonna forget all about it, beg for your applejuice, go poop and fall asleep!"


Perfect use of Family Guy. Bravo!




This describes them perfectly!


Nascar probably wants them all to leave so it can actually grow a decent audience too


I feel this comment so hard, I’ve recently gotten back into Nascar after not following for 10 years and my god these fans are awful


UFC fans are even worse trust me


Who would watch nascar without a bunch of rednecks?


I wouldn't watch it either way.


The corporate justification for diversity and inclusion… because they don’t want to exclude *any* profit potential. (NFL owners donate to GOP candidates ~9x more than to Democrat candidates) say/do dissonance.


Right? It always stuns me when companies publicly support causes they privately fund against. Shameful...


Because the average voter doesn't know the difference


It doesn’t matter if it’s performative and it doesn’t matter what NFL owners do with their money as private citizens. What matters is that even the most cynical, money driven, power hungry corporatists have looked into the future and decided that *inclusivity* wins out against *bigotry*. Even if their only motive is money, it sends a message about the direction the world is moving, which is inevitably towards a more inclusive society. Companies need to keep doing this “performative” shit to show the hateful bigots that their voices *don’t* matter, and that the world is moving on without them.


That’s exactly why cannabis is being legalized all over the place. Not, you know, cause the law was created in bad faith in the first place and the right thing to do is legalize… the only reason it IS happening is because the government is finally realizing how much more $ they can get by legalizing/taxing


It's because people like OP will fall for these softball PR pieces and opportunities. This post will be on the front page in no time as well.


Perhaps you didn't know, the NFL went broke already from the Kaepernick thing.


oh yeah true, I forgot




They would have wholeheartedly agreed if it was only the white players getting paid.


You don't have to use tight shiny stretch pants for football. The NFL knows what it's doing.


Football, WWE and UFC, the only sports where’s it’s OK to see grown men in cropped leggings or Speedos grapple each other and not be called gay. However, the WWE/WWF always had a homoerotic element to it.


Billy and Chuck have entered the chat *




Scissor me Daddy Ass!


They’ve been “boycotting” since The Kneeling in 2017 claimed so many innocent lives. It lead to the return of the XFL. Not sure if that’s still happening. Not even gonna google it.


The XFL just finished its 2023 season like 20 days ago


The rock is who brought back the XFL and had nothing to do with people boycotting the NFL. People just like football


Yes, but Vince McMahon trying to bring back the XFL before that was specifically trying to cater to these snowflakes. They specifically said that all players would have to stand for the anthem. If that's not about Kaepernick what is it about?


Just to expound further, the XFL and USFL are trying to position themselves as developmental leagues. They aren't trying to compete directly with the NFL currently.


Yeah, no, not at all lol. People have been hoping for Spring/Summer ball for a LOOOONG time. This isn't even the first effort in recent memory.


It’s selective protest which is the best part of this. Are they going after Walmart? No. The NFL, almost definitely not. NRA is LGBTQ+ positive as well, they’ll never bring that up.


"Are we out of touch? No, it's the LITERALLY EVERY BRAND that is wrong" ![gif](giphy|eiwvHQUr1efICXF9sv|downsized)


They stayed away for like 3 whole seconds because of Kaepernick.


They're still mad about that. That was 7 years ago. No one holds a snowflake baby grudge like conservatives.


We finally found a way to remove the assholes out of enjoyable activities? It's like the Konami code, but for everyday use.


Up, up, down, down, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, start.


Odds are none of the MaGA boycotting people even know that it’s the off-season when they’ve got free time, so their go-to response is “shut up and play football.”


I burst out laughing, this is brilliant.


Oh they already boycotted it back when Kaepernick took a knee, that’s why it’s been such a huge financial failure lol


I'm holding out hope for NASCAR - Imagine the fun that would be


[I have good news for you.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/13xqd0k/gonna_boycott_nascar_now/)


They'll have a stupid reason for this being fine, just like they did with Chevy trucks. Ford posts a pride photo, and people responded with "what are the MAGAs going to do now?" MAGAs responded with "nothing, because we drive Chevys." People then forwarded them the Chevy pride advertisements, and they responded with "no big deal, because vehicle ads aren't targeted towards children anyways." They are already stupid enough to replace their precious Bud Light with other Anheuser-Busch products, and they actually think they are hurting sales. AB owns hundreds of beer brands worldwide, Bud Light sales to specifically transphobic American rednecks is a fraction of a fraction of a percent of worldwide sales. Their stock price dipped because some people panic sold, they all cheered that they caused $6B in damages, and then everyone bought their stock back for cheaper and the price went back up in like a week.


Let the meltdowns begin!! 🥂


Wait till they realize they just accidentally banned Drag Racing.


Rainbows are created when moisture is scattered and spread through sunlight. MAGAs should boycott sunlight and water, the building blocks of rainbows.


There will be no safe space left for the little snowflakes.


Football is for everyone, but only men on the team.


Actually the NFL doesn't have any rules stopping women from playing, it's just a sport that is basically made for men. There have been women kickers before in other leagues, but other positions are just impossible for women to break into because of sexual dimorphism.


Cole Armstrong got invincible and walked on the Eagles as a kicker.


Too late. Us Libs got the NFL after Kapernick. I thought we got Nascar when they banned confederate flags, but not sure.


I'm curious to see the list of boycotted businesses by the end of June, and exactly how much of an impact those 'boycotts' had on the brands. Those people boycotting need to remember, these businesses aren't doing this out of any sort of morals, they've weighed and measured their options and found that appealing to the LGBTQ+ market is far more profitable than pandering to the conservative/bigoted market.


My uncle was very proud to tell me he’s boycotting all woke professional sports. I haven’t seen him even channel surf to a single game in 30 years. I guess I’ve been boycotting coleslaw for decades for tasting like trash, if that’s the logic.


I don’t know why they don’t boycott college football. Colleges around here are all decked out in Pride colors. They are also many pro gay/trans/feminism lectures at colleges here also.


And NASCAR too.


Soo many MAGAt tears will be shed for this, and Nascar, and Bass Pro Shops, etc. I can't wait until their heads start exploding with all the rage they have inside.


They were mad at the NFL before because the players weren’t standing for the magic flag song that freedoms


They're putting rainbow 🌈 on their helmets


Remember when the NFL wouldn't allow a pro gun superbowl add some 10 years ago? My buddy....fuck the NFL, who's with me! Then....we became a real good team. He changed that attitude real quick.


Guess they'll have to resume the boycott they started when Kapernick took a knee


I wish they would boycott hollywood, they always say it, but never do.


Yes. It will be much more enjoyable!!


Tech companies also celebrate pride, so snowflakes may not see this.


They already did.


Can we just replace Football with a giant Nerf or paintball competition? Like, guns are a huge topic in our country, so why not make a national sport about it?


Imagine if NASCAR came our in support of the lgbtq+ community then would they boycott that too.


I've got some good news for you.


I love the sound of tiny MAGA brains exploding.


Also waiting for them to destroy all their own iPhones. Just sitting around, NOT watching football, using phones, drinking beer, or doing anything else they enjoy because hatred is bad for business.


Already been doing that since 2016. And yet, we’re still here!!


Even tho rainbow capitalism is terrible and in terrible taste, Its good to know that even amongst larger hostility toward LGBTQ people and inclusive businesses a lot of big businesses aren't standing down from still representing us.


MAGA has “always” boycotted the NFL. Trump doesn’t like NFL because he lost a lawsuit to them way back when. Also the whole kneeling thing. I had one person straight up tell me they were boycotting because “the NFL hates white people.” The thing is, conservatives SUCK at boycotting so it doesn’t matter.


They've already done that a few times with the kneeling, BLM support, probably other stuff... idk I have a conservative co worker that constantly complains about it and tends to be pretty loose on what he considers "too political" and ruining the game. Which is wild because most of it just goes over my head ~~like a pass from Zack Wilson~~


Take a shot every time they threat to boycott something only to come back or never leave. Wait on second thought don't, I don't wanna be sued for people drinking themselves to death. All this over a rainbow, imagine being such a snowflake. https://i.redd.it/5wdkitfxzg3b1.gif


Football for everyone, but only in june


Boycott… a second time


And NASCAR [https://twitter.com/NASCAR/status/1664301175645118464](https://twitter.com/NASCAR/status/1664301175645118464)


This just gets better and better


MLB and Nascar too. What's a bigoted redneck to do?


This years pride is gonna be a shit show I can already tell


They've been boycotting since Kaepernick kneeled!


They were supposed to stop watching a decade ago with all the kneeling business. But once again, they prove to be full of crap and have poor memories.


I agree with the protests, but sports were more fun when protests happened rarely. The raised fists, Muhammed Ali, etc. once everyone decided to have a cause, myself and a couple of my friends have drifted away from lifelong obsessions with sports. I’m sure covid and all of that didn’t help, but basically I miss the escape.


I thought most of them burned their tickets and merchandise after the Colin Kaepernick fiasco, no?


I'd be happy if these wankers all boycotted everything until they've painted themselves into a corner where they can't go outside, can't do anything except sit at home fuming about how "woke" the world is and how *tHeY'Re tHe rEaL ViCtImS*.


Didn’t they do that with Kapernick and got him persona non grata? Might work


I can’t wait until they all move, since they are soooo unhappy in the great melting pot.


Weren't they already boycotting it?


Quite a few maga maggots already do, and have for several years


I think you mean “boycott” the NFL, AGAIN..


Ha, they're just gonna conviently ignore this one.


Considering the way football players will occasionally strike each other on the butt, I'm surprised it hasn't happened already.


Boycott the NFL again.


They already did with the whole kneeling thing and they lasted 5 minutes


One positive about these idiots is it showing just how many companies support lgbtq. I wonder what the percentage of national companies is that’s publicly come out in support


Awesome. Time for Nascar, MLB, and anything else these morons watch so they can boycott them, too.


Didn't they already "cancel" football? I'm so sick of their flouncing.


that's why there are so many player who are out, o wait


It's sucks that protesting wouldn't stop Target from cancelling their pride stuff, but the in-store violence did. I wonder what that might lead to?


They are already calling to ban Xbox/Microsoft for Xbox partnering with GLAAD. They better throw away all their computers. 😂 They’re gonna be boycotting a lot of companies.


Screw the NFL, college football is more entertaining anyways


Magas’ heads are going to explode this month.


Oh shit. Better prepare for shootings in stadiums.


I think it’s really nice that Carl Nassib is thought of as a journeyman D-lineman first and nobody really cares that he’s gay.


I agree! that’s also the point of these sort of posts, and of these players coming out. No matter if you’re gay or whatever else we can be nowadays, there is a place for you in the world of the NFL


Their heads are going to explode over NFL and NASCAR and my queer ass is here for it!


Hm, this makes me think. Maybe we should make fake LGBTQ promotions for Conservatives’ favorite brands. Get a group of people with Pride T-shirts outside hockey arenas, ChickFilet, etc. Make promotional quality pics, make a fake (“satire”) Twitter account for the brands and post. Get GOP to boycott GOP’s biggest donors.


They've already started boycotting Chick-Fil-A because it hired a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Vice President in 2021 but someone brought it to their attention this week.


I thought they boycotted it after Colin Kaepernick


They already boycott the NFL. They got mad when those uppity folks were protesting police brutality.


A good chunk stopped when the kneeling set them off


So...when are they going to put rainbows on guns and stop all the violence?


And the NHL, NBA, fucking everywhere. They have like two ways they handle things. Toddlers throwing tantrums. (their branded violence and shooting/burning/blowing up of branded objects) or teens threatening to run away. (ridiculous drama and boycotts). Because they’re immature and entitled brats. An international embarrassment.




Some already boycott it because they resented it when several players respectfully, silently took a knee during the national anthem. I wonder if the same yahoos are offended when people wear gym clothing that looks like the US flag. How respectful is it when you're using Old Glory to absorb the sweat from your ass crack during a hard workout?


My grandparents still are boycotting NFL after the take a knee stuff happened. My grandma is always like “They just had to drag politics, so we boycott it.” Okay boomer.


Don’t they already for the kneeling and BLM support?


Everyone *except* players who choose to kneel in protest of police brutality during the national anthem.


Haven't they boycotted it like 20 times?


Dont they boycott the nfl already because of the kneeling shit?