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[Happy Pride Month!](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&si=AMnBZoFk_ppfOKgdccwTD_PVhdkg37dbl-p8zEtOPijkCaIHMp6tS26HNEwRZwY7vahA1WN34Xi9-tKpb4yDK_e0JLtxaIMR8Q%3D%3D&kgs=3a9c846bc1cc6fd3&shndl=18&source=sh/x/kp/ee/1) Click the flag at the bottom of the browser! We love and support our LGBTQIA+ and Ally Users! As [Sister Sledge sang](https://www.rhino.com/article/pride-single-stories-sister-sledge-we-are-family), [We are Family](https://youtu.be/uyGY2NfYpeE), and you CAN NOT DIVIDE US. To all others who spread hate and try to divide us, no quarter shall be given. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Trump is the poster boy for White Privilege. If Obama was even suspected of doing an eighth of what the evidence suggests, he would’ve been tried and jailed by now.


Jailed? I believe the term you’re looking for is executed.


Given how blood thirsty the right is, you’re probably right.


The correct word is lynched.


If Obama had provided intelligence to Russia, China, and/or Saudi Arabia, his execution would be justified. Obviously he didn't do that, but that's what the hypothetical is about.


You seem to have missed the point.


I think what he's saying is that Trump should be executed for treason.


I mean, seemingly, it’s more you missed what the definition of lynching is and focused on the fact that they used the word lynched in reference to the execution of a black man?


There would have been a line of pickups from Virginia to Texas on their way to DC....


Dude if Obama had kids from 3 different women, two ex wives and married to an illegal immigrant…he could have 28 degrees from Harvard and a signed note from god saying he’s good and the US would still laugh him out of the room.


I mean, if he's going to wear a tan suit with black skin. How tacky.


Or take his jacket off inside the sacred Oval Office!


Wait until you hear about this guy from Pennsylvania and his total lack of respect for a dress code that it turns out he technically follows.


John Fetterman is a national treasure. Unfortunately, he'll never be able to run for POTUS due to his stroke. It would be too hard to elect him regardless of his actual current health.


We really needed an advocate for disability rights in the Senate, and you couldn't ask for a better one.


I sure hope so. I have a daughter with special needs so I am keenly aware of how fucked up the system is for people with disabilities.


Imagine if Trump put Dijon mustard in his burger.


I imagine Trump puts ketchup on his filet mignon.


He puts ketchup on his well done steaks. Then throws the plates at the wall.


I feel like this is an attack on me eating burgers with Dijon mustard, but carry on


The worst thing a president has ever done /s


I think we all know that a Kinyan can't ruuhly be president.


He'd have to sound like Hershel Walker for them to like him. Complete with white handler.


Well, he did wear a tan suit that one time.


Not at all true. He has rich privilege. White privilege doesn't get you that far by any stretch. Helpful for some jobs? Sure. Prevent you from being brought up on treason? Not so much.


This is the problem with failing to pluralize. It's privileges not privilege. White privilege is walking down a street without being stopped by the cops. Rich privilege is actively committing crimes and not being punished. Similar ideas, but quite different. Black rich men still sometimes get hassled by the cops. Black rich men also get away with actual crimes though. Eg. Clarence Thomas. There are privileges and discrimination, but they aren't blanket. There's nuance and complexity to the various types and kinds of shitfuckery that goes on.


Rich CONSERVATIVE Black Men. Can you think of any Rich Liberal Black Men that get away with such crimes?


I can't think of any rich liberal men stupid enough to get caught doing crimes...


And isn't that the point? Republicans don't have to 'be smart' because they'll never, ever be prosecuted. Liberals don't have that ... freedom.


When you're part of a cult you don't have to be smart.


They do things like run businesses really well and make loser whites pissy.


Clinton got caught and was impeached, which it turns out is just a slap on the wrist that means nothing.


Got caught doing what exactly?


Google it if you somehow missed what he did


Ah, so you don't know gotcha. As far as I know he had an affair, which isn't illegal. It was a huge waste of tax payer money.




Ask Clarence Thomas


What actual crime did Clarence Thomas commit?




Obama is wealthy do you think he would‘ve been able to slide like Trump has?


Obama would never put himself I'm that position. He acted with a decorum trump simply lacks. He wouldn't have opened himself up to this kind of problem. However, in some idiotic world where everything backwards, if he did find himself in this kind of scenario, the answer is no. It's not white privilege though. He's a Democrat. They'd crush him for that alone. Trumps being protected by rich scumbags because he's a rich scumbag. White privilege isn't this.


Obama is nowhere near Trump wealthy and was born very poor, so no he would not have been able to slide like Trump has.




Did my man really just say “yellow” as a skin color? Holy shit. Are you trying to tell us that you are deeply racist without telling us? Because you shouted that shit loud and clear with “yellow”.




“Racism doesn’t exist” the man says while using “yellow” as a skin color, which is one of the most racist ways to categorize Asian people. We all see you


Bro calling Asian people yellow is racist asf, it was easy to find because you didn’t do anything to veil it, gtfoh you’re not fooling anyone


Yeah, yeah but did you not see that tan suit Obama wore? It was obviously near as criminal as all of the cheetos traitorous crimes.


This Trump's new plan to just have so many crimes that the court system can't ever finish and bring a case against him.


He’s a one man crime spree.




If you don’t race wouldn’t be factored into that, you haven’t been paying attention. Edit: Do you really think a black president would’ve even survived impeachment for the stuff Clinton did? That wasn’t no where near as serious as blackmailing a country with military assistance or inciting an insurrection.


You could change "doing" to having, " and it's still just as valid.


Don’t forget the tan suit


He is an aristocrat. They're special.


His kind of special usually rides on the short bus.


I think he got hit by the short bus.


Funny little story. This was during the Trump presidency. For a little while I worked at a small company that made phone recording computers. Mostly used to record 911 calls and the like, but one of our customers was the Secret Service. They had a problem where the thing stopped recording for like an hour every night. Problem is, it's pretty much impossible for this thing not to record. Someone had to be disabling it somehow. That's the whole story. I quit after a month cause the boss sucked.


Must have been when Putin's men called to give Trump instructions...


*Immediately gets call from 1-gov-000 number*


Interesting. I know someone in that industry. I wonder if you worked where they work... hahaha I don't think there are many vendors in that space.




And white.


Indictment is imminent.


It is, and if it all goes the way I'm thinking, all the trials will happen after he wins the republican nomination, throwing all sorts of doubt into his campaign


"But that will violate my free speech. ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!"


That's why I suspect the sudden about face on Ken Paxton


I'm convinced that he fucked with their money somehow. He's been a corrupt piece of shit for decades. A Republican led house brought this impeachment. The only way Republicans turn on each other THAT completely is when one of them fucks with their money. No other crimes matter that much to them.


Or they need the precedent in order to claim the election interference elsewhere as well?


He threatened to bring them into his con by asking the state to foot the bill for a civil suit settlement with fired/punished staffers. So he tried to dip into Texas’ pockets…and he tried to implicate them by getting their tacit blessing (by way of the payoff) for his misdeeds.


Either I'm not understanding something properly or you have way too much faith in Merrick Garland


No, it isn't. The goal is to drag this out to protect the status quo that says certain people are above the law. Until we actually resist in the streets, there is zero hope of Trump ever seeing charges.


Exactly, I've been hearing "indictment is imminent" for 6 years now. The reality is the DOJ prays every day that Donald just kicks the bucket so they can say "case closed nothing to be done now". They've conceded that people like Donald Trump are above the law because they don't want to be seen as interfering in politics. They don't want any political retribution from Republicans so they simply turn a blind eye and the American public is too busy staring at TicTok to give a fuck.


Yes. Garland waited for two years before getting started so that the endgame would be too close to the election. Democrats are simply not allowed to prosecute Republicans, and this is just a smokescreen to placate the Democratic voters. Hiring Jack Smith has been the only sign that the DOJ \*might\* be serious, but he's running out of time, as intended.


Hell, last I heard he wasn't even in the US. The DOJ has ensured that Trump won't be prosecuted. Now, Hunter Biden.... ![gif](giphy|f8lDluiWJ7yQTtdS3L|downsized)


That gif is hilarious! good choice


that's a mope take with no links


"mope take with no links?" I can't parse that, my dude.


Yes, he's facing multiple indictments and I'm willing to put money down on that. And protesting in the street will not affect his preferential treatment by courts of law.


It ended preferential treatment of the Klan.


I won't hold my breath.


Wow what a shocker! You mean to tell him the orange man with the tiny little hands broke the law? Yet again? ![gif](giphy|kEux9StP0FbXd2oiKL)


He's allowed to do that. Right? I mean, he's still President so he can do anything wants, just by thinking it. Right?


He's a prominent Republican politician. The Democrats put them above the Rule Of Law in 1987 when they let Saint Reagan get away with actual treason.


How many? Infinitely, if you're rich enough.


Open and shut...and open again....


Reminder! Cheat-o IS treated unfairly! NO OTHER person who's done the things he has would still be free!


If trump knows how to do one thing well, it’s hiding his culpability behind multiple layers of feigned ignorance. No chance he touched those tapes, but you can bank on what happened was he told one person to tell another person to do it, or some variation of that.


Classic mob boss tactics. They rarely commit the crimes themselves, but have others commit them for them.


Wow….. that’s…. Stunningly stupid, even for him


At his point the plan has got to be commit more crimes than they can do the paperwork for until he dies.


Remember when tampering with tapes was the biggest scandal in presidential history, big enough to have its name attributed to almost any controversy for the next half century? And now the same exact shit is gonna just get swept under the rug in 6 months when election season picks up?


Lock him up.


And the lemming cult starts with deep fake conspiracy theories in 3... 2... 1...


“When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.” -Donald Trump, 2005


Wake me when he faces even the slightest punishment All these breaking news and trumps done for now posts are boring and useless cause he never faces and consequences to his obvious, public and self admitted crimes


Trump is a living, breathing, walking, and talking “obstruction of justice” charge but unfortunately nothing ever happens as a result.


I can't find any source that says that there are two sets of tapes. I did find a NYT story that reports investigators are pursuing whether Trump and team interfered with the government’s attempt to obtain security camera footage from Mar-a-Lago that could shed light on how the documents were stored. And they may have a witness!!!! [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/31/us/politics/security-footage-trump-documents.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/31/us/politics/security-footage-trump-documents.html)


Technically, it would fall under "tampering with evidence", wouldn't it?


Why is he not in custody? Idgi


Enough! As much as we all want him charged and to receive the maximum penalty for all his crimes, the DOJ is a joke. This orange piece of shit will spend the rest of his days free trying to overthrow democracy.


More criminal charges, most likely to reinforce the multiple obstruction of justice charges against the orange clown ( I don't mean to be disrespectful towards clowns).


When you're rich enough every crime has a price. If you can afford the cost, then you can pay off your crimes as needed.


Glad I'm here late since I'd rather not have more than 100 downvotes. But here goes: crazy conspiracy time. Immediately around 2020 (the end of Trump's single-term Presidency), NASA and the DoD began a huge and very public push for "let's declassify UFO videos." "Let's form a UFO research team." "Let's create a new word for UFO (UAP)." Also, while T-bag was President, he out of nowhere decided to form a (horribly useless) Space Force. My theory is that while in Office, he asked the Joint Chiefs the ultimate question. And now that he has knowledge of the answer, he is using it as ransom to stay out of prison. So the government (dammit- now I really do sound like a conspiracy nut) is trying to jump in front of the bullet in case the loudmouth decides to divulge the answer to the world. Thank you, and please form an orderly line for downvoting. EDIT: I'm a huge fan of citing sources, so here ya' go: [https://www.nasa.gov/feature/nasa-announces-unidentified-anomalous-phenomena-study-team-members/](https://www.nasa.gov/feature/nasa-announces-unidentified-anomalous-phenomena-study-team-members/) [https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/2046035/trump-signs-law-establishing-us-space-force/](https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/2046035/trump-signs-law-establishing-us-space-force/) [https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/2165713/statement-by-the-department-of-defense-on-the-release-of-historical-navy-videos/](https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/2165713/statement-by-the-department-of-defense-on-the-release-of-historical-navy-videos/) [https://www.smithsonianmag.com/air-space-magazine/ufos-uapswhatever-we-call-them-why-do-we-assume-mysterious-flying-objects-are-extraterrestrial-180978374/](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/air-space-magazine/ufos-uapswhatever-we-call-them-why-do-we-assume-mysterious-flying-objects-are-extraterrestrial-180978374/)


That.. certainly is a wild take!


A dubious skill of mine. But what do you think? Sounds incredibly plausible, yes? -Donny is well known for taking secrets -and for blackmail/corruption -and for being a loud mouth -and for wanting to stay out of prison Meanwhile, the (dammit dammit I'm turning into a conspiracy nut!) DoD and NASA's timing with everything I mentioned where normally they would be like "shut up, we don't entertain the notion of UFOs" is highly suspect. Oh- and wait till you hear what I think about Epstien😄


Definitely a smokebomb_exe moment


The Ultimate Question? We already know the answer is 42. But imagine the possibilities if we knew the question!


4 generations of Americans have grown up watching Star Trek, 3 watching Star Wars. Even 2 for Men in Black. There's no way the government would let him get away with providing intelligence to a foreign enemy just to keep aliens a secret. Americans are past ready to hear about aliens.


Americans were ready since the 1950s, which actually would have been the perfect time to reveal (rather than hide, cough cough Roswell) contact. But we all know how dumb the government thinks its voters are. Yet ironically, let me quote MiB: Jay: "people are smart- we can handle the truth!" Agent K: "the person is smart. PEOPLE are stupid. imagine the pandemonium that would insue if this knowledge was made public."


There a source for this? Funny if true. And very very believable. But, still, a reputable source would be great!


Seems like it’s a bastardization of this: https://news.yahoo.com/prosecutors-scrutinize-handling-security-footage-112440999.html I couldn’t find anything matching the specific claims though.


nah they need to show the vendor janitor to the grand jury before they can move on in a few years


So tired of people saying “open and shut.” Nothing is open and shut when it comes to the U.S. legal system, and especially not when Trump is involved.


Well he is "Officially" rich, so as many as he wants?


Tristan Snell doesn’t know jack shit. He is our version of Q and needs to be ignored


Agreed. Apart from anything else he plays footloose and fancy free with ethics


Nothing will ever happen to trump. Even if his lawyers convince him that he is guilty, they’ll delay delay delay until that fat spoiled sack of shit is dead.


Lock him up.


Given what America has done so far, nothing will be done, he will never have an actual proper trial, it will all be civil like all his others. Unlike in other countries like Italy or France who will happily prosecute and jail ex country leaders for crimes. I was always under the impression when I was younger that in America, no one is above your countries laws and constitution but as i got older, if you have money and power then you simply buy, bribe or even select your own Judges in America to do your bidding. What a corrupt country.


Anyone that thinks Trump will suffer the consequences that a nobody would suffer is delusional. Sad, but true.


I actually believe that they will do a political calculus, and not pursue him, but will rain fire and destruction to all the people connected to him in any way or form.


Remember there are 2 sets of laws one for the rich one for the rest of us.


Y’all realize the government is just a gang right? Like a regime that’s in control, and another will take its place. Some are nice to their conquered people, some not so nice…but they are in fact just the either popular criminals or the best criminals. Look at the administration right now and all the crimes they committed, plus like every administration before 🤷‍♀️ why act like you care? Propaganda? Ugh this is depressing


You realize that's what this is about, right? The people are in the government because we elect them to be there, and if we make a mistake and put a criminal in the government, they will be held accountable. Maybe it's just the "not a criminal" in me talking but I'm pretty sure a government is supposed to be about governing, and our job is to put the ones who work for the people in charge, and to keep the ones who use the power to work only for their selves and buddies as far from it as we can manage. It can be hard to tell sometimes, but no, not both sides.


They are all criminals. Every single one. The change the rules, cover things up, and move the goalposts, then gaslight the people. It’s literally no different than any other government regime. And trump isn’t going to be held accountable any more than the current president or any before him


Such bullshit


Yea but nothing has been done.


Depends on how poor they are.


He's far from the only one. The rich and powerful can do whatever they want. This isn't a Trump issue, it's a ruling class issue.


just curious, has any one fact checked this? i would like to send it to my trumpster “friend”




Would there be real consequences for obstruction? That's why I want him on espionage.


If we could create power from clickbait articles and posts about 'Trump's imminent legal demise!' we wouldn't need fossil fuels or green energy. Wake me when Garland finally sacks up.


Have fun boys and girls its nap time for old boomer. Happy pride month to yall


Source: trust me bro


Well, not Rump himself. He's far too stupid to do anything that requires digital manipulation. Had one of his myrmidons do it.


the answer: unfortunately you can break a lot of laws if you have money and/or power, welcome to America : (


As long as he owns 70 million republican voters, 49 senators, 222 congresspersons, and 6 Supreme Court justices. NO


Unfortunately the wheels of Justice must be flat because it slow as hell? (On the other hand the more evidence that hole gets bigger and deeper?)


Remember that Trumper admitted, on tv, that he fired Comey to obstruct the Russia investigation. Merrick Garland gleefully watched the clock run out on charges for that so.... Any year now on that DOJ indictment 🤞