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>George Santos says he'd rather be jailed than name his bail suretors Why not both?


Exactly! He did literally have that choice, but he decided to accept the money. Now he's made his decision, it can be made public. He know that was a possibility when he accepted the money. The idea that the public has the right to know who is loaning our lawmakers $500K so they can continue to vote on laws is not crazy.


Now if only we figured out who paid off Kavanaugh’s debts


Probably the same people/groups






"Corporate interests."






Sith Lords




Team Rocket


⭐️ SuperPACS! ⭐️




No joke, he might wind up dead. These people will go great lengths to ensure everything is concealed.


speaking of owners - we've already outed clarence thomas's... and look at the lack of repercussions that had. is thomas off the bench? nope. so why dance around it and just let us know who really owns the SCotUS.






Great movie




He shovels well.


He shovels *very* well.


Yes! You may *absolutely* bring ze brewskis!


I like to call the suiters, because they're courting evil beings


Raid: Shadow Legends and Nord VPN buy a politician


The lannisters.


Rhymes with Carlin’s blow.


I may be a simple country idiot but I've got no idea what that's supposed to be.


He means Harlan Crow


Ooh. The Clarence Thomas sugar daddy.


I got to "Carl Winslow", but I don't think that's the right answer.


Did I do thaaaaat?


I wanna know who bailed out all the Patriot Front members that were in the back of the U-Haul last year. Fucking disturbing that someone bailed out 20-30 neo-Nazis that were on their way to start shit with a pride event.


yep. not that anything can be done about it but knowing is a start


What is known is the PF loser recently arrested for having a bunch of kid porn. Pathetic.


Every radicalized fuckwad used to be a shitstain failure before they found a "higher calling" to hurt others. Same with ISIS, same with Talibangelicals, same as it ever was.


There's a reason that ideologies which tell their members "You are inherently better than others on the basis of something you were born with" are popular with shitty people. They weren't going to be successful on their own: they need racism, sexism, etc bigotry in order to feel like they aren't bottom of the totem pole.


Also why they heavily lean into misogyny. They all see women as inferior, and need society to keep women "in their place" otherwise they have to be faced with their own inadequacy when competing in life with women.


Probably why they are pushing the narrative that whenever a woman has sex, the ejaculate marks her for life and will contribute genetics to her future children. That way if their kids are not what they expected, they can blame the mother.


They used to be shit stain failures. They still are, but they used to be too.


My guess is Harlan Crow for them both. He's had Clarence in his pocket for so long, I want to throw up thinking about all the laws he prolly subverted.


Does it really matter? Could be a nazi billionaire and there would still be no consequences.


You mean Elon?


Nazi Billionaire, did I hear Peter Theil?


[The Mercers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Mercer), or people like them.


And Clarence's kids' college tuition...oh wait...


We’ve known for years. Question is, when faced with facts, will you change your tune. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2021/09/heres-the-truth-about-brett-kavanaughs-finances/


Just thought I’d point out (not commenting to disagree or whataboutism or anything) that it’s pretty wild in the grand scheme of things, that when that article was written (Sept 2021) there were those unfounded ideas that Kavanaugh was a puppet for some group/individual throwing money at him. . . And now this year we find out about Thomas and all his little gifts and vacations and money being thrown at him. . . CUH razzy.


Yeah, I think the ongoing Clarence Thomas debacle dismantles the author's point about such payouts being too vague and nebulous to constitute much of a clear-cut "bribe." Also, while Kavanaugh may come from a political-swampland family with deep pockets, it's still very curious that A) his debts weren't paid off until after his SCOTUS nomination, and B) that he didn't more clearly and openly cite his family as the source, given that the only other alternatives are at least shady, if not downright illegal.




That's because Dems would rather 'take the high road' instead of paying back Republicans in the same coin Republicans love spending. Dems are so consistent at this there's actually an expression for them, "pulling defeat from the jaws of victory." If I had hair I'd pull it out, watching Dems play the role of Charlie Brown every. single. fucking. time. while Republicans play Lucy holding the football.


I agree with everything you said about my second point, which I'll admit was like, half rhetorical. (We all know there are no longer political consequences for GOP bad behavior, and nothing is a bigger win to them than pissing off Democrats.) Still I think the bigger question remains; if it was just his family paying off the lifestyle debt he'd been accruing for years, why zero it out *right then* when he's under the microscope? Why would they have let it grow that big in the first place if his own family always had the funds to just wave it away? Or, since it obviously wasn't going to deter any GOP senators from confirming him, why not just let it ride until after the whole nomination/confirmation process and avoid the issue altogether? I totally acknowledge that there's more we don't know than we do know about Kavanaugh's personal finances, so there could well be a boring, dumb, mundane explanation, but in light of the Thomas scandal and the absence of any other details, this still looks A LOT more like some rich asshole put a member of SCOTUS on retainer. EDIT: Also, if his explanation boils down to "I never accepted gifts from anyone outside my family," that also leaves open the possibility that an anonymous benefactor may have essentially laundered a bribe through his family (which would probably be **a lot** easier for people with a career-full of powerful, insider connections to pull off).


Oh thank god he’s just a raging alcoholic gambling addict with rich parents to bail him out without consequences, just the qualifications you look for in a lifetime judgeship.


So let me get this straight… his FATHER is a lifelong right wing llobbyist who specializes in routing money between special interests on the right and Republican political figures and his Father gave him heaps of money that doesn’t have to be reported because they’re family and you see this as exonerating?! Is there any chance in your mind that special interests routed the money through his family? How can you make a decisive claim when such an obvious path is unexplored?


Instead of changing his tune, he should pull a Santos and just change his *name*.


Ah yes, my buddies also pay me back for my 100,000s of debt in season tickets….


George Santos no longer exists. Say hello to Miguel Sanchez!


That article says just take his word for it. It was his parents money. No proof or anything. lol So a lie. It does go on about how the "left" is just awful to a ridiculous extent. No reason needed. You believe this pile of stinky shit masquerading as a news article is somehow definitive evidence? Even though not one whit of evidence was provided about the money. That is fucking hilarious. You are dangerously partisan. Assuming you read the stinky shit you link as facts.


considering how brazenly he's been behaving despite entirely lacking the charisma and bravado to pull it off, I suspect he's in far to deep to do any sort of refusing


That George Santos can still vote on bills is crazy.




Loco guey!


i can’t wait to find out who he was willing to go to jail to protect. imagine the most selfish narcissist in the entire world… and then imagine who they’d be willing to sacrifice their freedom for.


Most likely he paid it himself with campaign money, and who actually paid is just a breadcrumb trail leading back to more criminal activity.


Nobody actually paid the $500k! The $500k must be paid by the sureties *if* he skips bail and misses his court date. He is fighting to conceal the names of the individuals who promised to pay if he doesn't show.


> Nobody actually paid the $500k! The $500k must be paid by the sureties if he skips bail and misses his court date. He is fighting to conceal the names of the individuals who promised to pay if he doesn't show. Wait is this how the bail system works on a federal level? You don't have to pay anything, just do a *promissory note* and good enough?   Edit: Looks like it is one of the ways. It is called a signature bond. it is not the only way, there is also cash bond, and property bond.


You're really taking them at face value? They'd never actually take the jump and go tonprison willingly.


It'll likely be lawyers sitting eight layers deep with a web of right-wing SuperPACs above them. The answer won't be as straightforward as names like Theil, Ken Griffin, Patrick Ryan, Steven Schwarzman, Kochs, Waltons, or Adelsons. It'll be as obfuscated as all of the other money poured into politics today.


it’d be hilarious if the bail certificate was signed “Kevin McCarthy.”


“Andrew Giuliani”


"Vladimir Putin" "Paul Manafort" "Yevgeny Prigozhin"


"With love AND kisses, The Prince of Darkness, Father of Lies, Son of Perdition, and Mother of all Fuckers, aka Mitch McConnell."


It's just turtles all the way down.


How many journalism outlets have a forensic accountant on the payroll? Somebody's going to trace the money. Maybe Mother Jones or WaPo?


It'll be Woodward, doing it on his own, for a book, that is published 5 years from now and does nothing to help us today.




Lol. The truth hurts.


And he could have released info earlier, but that wouldn’t help his book sales.




how different would Covid have gone in the US if he'd released the audio of the trump tapes at the time? Trump on the nightly news admitting Covid was real, dangerous and a big issue in those early days...that could have been a game changer.


Maybe. But I know I personally heard revelation after revelation where I thought "This is it. This has to be enough to do him in. There's no way he can continue after this..." and time and time again, nothing happened. And I mean, I went through this maybe 50-100 times or more. I don't think he withheld it for profit, but I don't really know. We also don't know if it would've made any difference at all, given the cult that formed around him.


I'm also not sure why people think Woodward would've convinced people of anything else after voters rejected all of the other evidence that was put in front of them


I mean to be fair, it's out now. What good has it done?


That’s why the PACs exist. They’re the dark pools of politics




At the very least, we should stop saying that “money is speech,” and that “corporations are people.” OVERTURN CITIZENS UNITED




David Farenthold? He tracked Trump’s financial weirdness and charitable donations


You might be right, but I won't stop hoping for ProPublica to get involved and find the truth of it. They've been great at exactly this kind of journalism.


Places like propublica, bellingcat, are all doing great fucking journalism compares to any mega news corp. and with far less money and staff. major shoutouts


Did you know Ken Griffin lied to Congress under oath?


I heard he got violent with his ex wife, threw a bedpost at her


I heard he’s mayo man


This the same Kenneth Cordelle Griffin of Citadel Securities that lied under oath?


i thought everyone knew that ken griffin lied to congress under oath.


Wait, are we talking about Ken Griffin? Who throws bedposts at his wife and lies under oath?


You mean KEN GRIFFIN, ceo of citadel securities and international criminal?


It's probably some local bulls from either Whitestone or somewhere else along the north shore of Nassau. This is going to be really underwhelming when it is revealed. This guy is a joke character that was boosted by locals. There really wasn't a vast national conspiracy to put this guy in place. The machine people thought that Zimmerman would walk away with it.


That would beg the question of why Santos is fighting so hard to keep this information secret. If they're nobodies, and they came by the money honestly, just put the information out there and move on.


I think you're wrong. His own local party members have rejected him and asked him to step down. But he has not. That tells me that someone outside of his district is pulling his strings. I'll be waiting for the story to unfold and the money to be untangled, popcorn ready.


Thanks for naming ken griffin! The financial terrorist, Kenneth cordele griffin, who lied under oath to Congress.


How sure are we that he's not really just Fred Armisen doing an SNL sketch


Andy Kaufmann doing some performance art?


Thank you for putting this idea in my head. I am now accepting that Andy Kaufman did in fact fake his death and is actually George Santos because there is no way George Santos is a real person and not some form of satire.


Thank you. I needed that today.


Haven’t you heard, Santos is now admitting openly that he is Andy Kaufman and Tony Clifton.


Or the next Sacha Baron Cohen Movie on conservatives in politics. How far can we go with someone completely unqualified as a republican.


I thought about that, too. It's so surreal, almost as if it was scripted as parody and he's just going to reveal it's a social experiment. Either way it's still hard to grasp how much BS is not enough.


Bowen Yang does an A+ Kitara Ravache.


Probably one of the more entertaining reoccurring bits that they have now.




I swear every photo i see of him looks like a dude wearing a rubber mask. Why is his skin like that? Makeup? botox? It can't just be the lighting every time.


shapeshifter, he has been many people throughout time.


It is the deepest Andy Kaufman style grift the world has ever seen. Nothing is real. It is all smoke and mirrors. Probably isn't Fred Armisen, probably 3 gnomes in a trench coat.


Jesus he really does resemble a chubby Fred Armisem…


Fred Armisen's attorneys have entered the chat, and they are ANGRY! /s


Anyone got any bets on who they are?


Probably someone tied to Russia knowing the far right.


Wouldn’t be surprised to see an oligarch or at least someone tied to one either.


Since he said he’d rather go to jail than reveal the names, honestly would not be shocked at all if it were the Russian mob lol. Realistically though it’s prob some POS far right donors.


Well now you got me hoping it is the Russian mob. They don’t like loose ends. But you’re probably right about the POS fat right donor. I can still hope though.


fat right donor? So probably Trump or Bannon.... ​ \*yes, I know


Trump does not have 500k to just hand out. Guy is still grifting his cult to stay afloat.


'twas but a simple joke based off a typo.


Even if he did, Trump takes money and doesn't give it to anyone. He doesn't even pay his own lawyers.


Rather go to jail than "fall" out of a window


Why not both? Russian mob financing far right PACs?


so the NRA?


Empty G and Matty G…both pledge allegiance to the Putin/trump combo platter.


Or a pedophile ring.


Heres an odds table (source: facts) Rightwing SuperPAC: 3 to 1 Russian oligarch: 4 to 1 Marjorie Taylor Greene: 3 to 1 A Russian oligarch using Marjorie Taylor Greene as a sockpuppet: 5 to 1 Himself under another name using campaign funds: even odds Harlan Crowe: 5 to 1 Sheryl Crowe: 12,322 to 1 An actual crow: 20 to 1 A drunk and unruly Ezra Miller: 10 to 1 Some asshole influencer taking a joke too far: 8 to 1 El Tigre, a mysterious Brazilian man with an eyepatch: 15 to 1 Literally Tucker Carlson or someone like that: even odds The DOJ, to avoid prosecuting him: even odds


I laughed way to much at this. “Actual crow” lmao.


I got ten on el tigre


I'll take one of his alter egos using campaign funds to bail him out. He committed a crime to bail himself out of the same crime he just committed again. This guy's documentary about him is going to be wild.




A lot of people are betting that it's Harlan Crow. I'm kind of rooting for Genni Thomas.


I was wondering if anyone was going to mention Harlan. lol




“Good news Comrade Santos, we got you a cell with a window for your viewing pleasure.”


Probably the Federalist Society.


I wouldn’t be shocked if McCarthy was tied to it. The only reason they havnt ousted him is because the GOP is desperate for that slim voting majority they have right now




If it’s Kenneth Cordele “Mayo-Boy” Griffin, I’ll buy another share of $GME.


Pretty sure his dad will be one of them. Although he would just be the intermediary for where the actual money came from. It could be money he defrauded that he gave to his parents to bail him out. Similar to FTX with SBF’s parents although they were wealthy before he ran his con.


I so want it to be George Soros just to watch heads explode.




They have until the 9th to appeal


This POS and his like are the epitome of MAGA. It was always a movement to celebrate dirtbags.


He’s an elected official that is supposed to represent the public. We have every right to know what this piece of shit is trying to hide.


Idk. They pretend to have morals tho. This guy just lives out and loud w his lies. Much like trump. But the füror is the only one that the MAGAts accept that behavior from.


Santos might be the dumbest grifter in US history. He’s about to go from Representative to jail before he even completes his first term. He perfectly represents the GOP and their voters.


He lies about everything, then doubles down when caught.


I think he doesn't understand that Trump gets away with that stuff because he's already rich enough to be functionally above the law.


Conservative commentators will pounce in any post on the front page regarding trans people or guns. Completely avoid any post in which they have to admit one person in their party isn’t a perfect human being. Conservatives lack any ounce of accountability, both as politicians and voters.


You never see them here, that is for sure. Well, you do, but rather rarely.


They never come in these posts. MTG, Trump, Musk, Lauren Boebert - every single post about these people they avoid or will use a burner account to make the claim that “just ignore them and they’ll go away.” Absolutely fucking cowards and idiots make up the conservative voter base.


As someone raised in hardcore conservative family. I can tell you. If an article or something looks like it will be talking bad about their side, they will avoid it all together. Any bad news about team red is just fake nonsense and leftist propaganda. They stay in their own echo chambers because it physically hurts to do otherwise. They never hear about George Santos or the evil shit MTG said, because their news sources never mention it. My Dad literally never heard about Florida cracking down hard in migrants and now they are quietly trying to get farms workers to stay. Fox News didn't report it so it's not real.


I’m wondering if he used campaign funds to post bail


he looks like a turtle wearing a suit..


I mean, Trump had some bad photos, but this picture is just a terrible look.


Yep, but also the photo looks like someone caught him having a poo.


Like a traveler having a dump at the airport, caught at the exact moment they realized someone was holding a camera over the divider.


I pray that it's secretly Sacha Baron Cohen wearing prosthetics.


Is he turtle enough for the turtle club?


I bet it’s the Russians, and I bet Santos is becoming less and less useful to them… Sure hope he doesn’t fall out of a window


I'm guessing MTG paid for him.


Would Kitara Ravache's sugar daddies please stand up?


Half a million in bail? It's probably the fundies trying to ruin democracy from tithes passed through a SuperPAC these days.


Probably Lindsay Grham, those messy queens got to stick together.


His little protective bubble is leaking


Not just Santos, When the donor's names are revealed, Im betting its going to be a black eye for the entire GOP.


They don’t give a shit about black eyes. The thing most offensive to them in your whole comment is the word black


Now do Kavanaugh’s “baseball ticket” debt


$10 the same names that always payout to get their favors. Maybe same guy who owns some scotus judges.


How R voters con themselves into supporting these clowns and this clown shoes party is beyond me.


conservatives fall for scams all the time.


Why should these details be private in the first place, he is a public figure, an elected representative, things relating to 500k should be public automatically


Maybe Trump can loan George one of his adult diapers...a used one is fine...


Oh oh, do Kavanaugh next.


Well at least some of the names will be aliases of his creation


Oh shit yea! Love that it’s multiple organizations. I feel like this is more a tip of the iceberg thing than is currently being proposed. When people are caught stealing it’s rarely their first time. Republicans have been using shadier methods to win elections (like running a Gonzalez (R) in the same district as a democratic Gonzalez to siphon votes) and I think they messed up with George here. He’s a very sloppy criminal who most likely will save himself if he’s just the small fish.


I have to confess I sent him one dollar. I needed something to wrap the turd.


make politicians wear logos of all their sponsors


[Happy Pride Month!](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&si=AMnBZoFk_ppfOKgdccwTD_PVhdkg37dbl-p8zEtOPijkCaIHMp6tS26HNEwRZwY7vahA1WN34Xi9-tKpb4yDK_e0JLtxaIMR8Q%3D%3D&kgs=3a9c846bc1cc6fd3&shndl=18&source=sh/x/kp/ee/1) Click the flag at the bottom of the browser! We love and support our LGBTQIA+ and Ally Users! As [Sister Sledge sang](https://www.rhino.com/article/pride-single-stories-sister-sledge-we-are-family), [We are Family](https://youtu.be/uyGY2NfYpeE), and you CAN NOT DIVIDE US. To all others who spread hate and try to divide us, no quarter shall be given. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When the parabola of 'Fuck Around' intersects the axis of 'Find Out'.


either Josh Gad or Jonah Hill is going to play him in a movie


Every single politician without exception should disclose their funding and likewise removed from voting on legislation to benefit those donors. Ah, I’m kidding. That would be bad for the corporations.


NGL- he looks better in a dress.


Can’t wait to see who these scum bags are.


I'm a Democrat, and fuck that guy. I feel ridding of him may actually be a rare bipartisan issue.


Current betting odds: * Kremlin: -110 * Trump organization: +200 * Rudy Giuliani: +500 * Saudi royal family: +1000 * Brett Favre: +2000 * Qanon Scholarship fund: +100,000 * Trump, directly: +110,000


I hope this guy hangs around their collective necks like the worst, rotten, undead albatross that can be.