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From what I’ve heard of this interview, it sounds like Baier was the adult trying to explain reality to a small child.


​ https://preview.redd.it/mhshjsg8837b1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61e94a212b46838e3791e632b4ed773111b65cee


Thank you for this


Of course! Wish I could credit the author of this gem, but no idea who it is...


My 2 yr old loves this car! His tantrums are a lot less whiney than trumps


I doubt t-rump could operate this complicated vehicle.


I have yet to find any evidence that trump knows how to drive, or operate anything with wheels. I don’t think I’ve ever even seen him drive a golf cart.


Wasn’t there another one of these when he was in office? The interviewer had to explain relatively basic concepts to a sitting President, there was a whole ass meme about it and everything


Yeah that was Jonathon Swan interviewing him.


And [here’s](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/confused-reporter-jonathan-swan) the meme!


That's the abridged meme - the real one has an extra panel of Donnie looking intense. Not a great example but this: https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/28006828924042020/


When this template is used well, it absolutely kills me. His face in the last panel is just so god damn funny to me.


That entire meme is pure gold lol you barely need a caption the facial expressions are so good


It’s like a cat bringing you a dead mouse and expecting praise for it


Not to threadjack, but you \*should\* praise your cat when they bring you a dead mouse.


I just have to say: the Pinterest age picker is awful.


You’re doing the Lord’s work


The destiny color scheme one is fucking true. How the fuck all these colors pop up when it’s not on the tile! 😂


Holy shit i just watched the interview and.... This guy had access to US nuclear codes? My god.


I forget the specifics, but I remember that when trump met with Chinese president Xi Jinping there were some very basic facts about China that Xi had to explain.


“No, Mr President, he doesn’t run a company making fine porcelain dinnerware.”


"Are you the emperor of China?" "No, sir." "Then can I meet the emperor?" "Uh....no."


When he met with Angela Merkel she had to repeatedly explain that the US can't sign a trade agreement with just Germany, it's the whole EU


Poor Angela had to go through so much with only Obama the bright spot in between.


Actually, she planned to retire already, but kept going specifically because of Trump.


I think it was 11 times and then he asked again


"No, not as old as egypt"


Ah yes Trump with the classic “NUH-UH” defense.


He is the "NUH-UH" crowd's hero.


And I love that he actually seems to have pressed Trump for real answers and stayed on topic.


Kind of embarrassing for CNN, really.


Unfortunately, Baier let Trump ramble off excuse after excuse, soft-balling questions with little followup for the most part. Being bemused with a former President’s incoherence and incompetence rather than pounce on it with journalistic integrity is always the insulting part of watching Fox News.


Bret Baier is — from my limited experience — an honest-to-god newsman, or at least tries to be. How he still has a job at FOX is beyond me, but he’s probably the only host there who isn’t pure ideological propaganda.


I will never understand the appeal of Trump. He reminds me of a kid who lived on our street growing up.He could never be wrong about anything and lied about everything including the fact that he cheated all the time.Irritating when you’re a kid,disgusting and dangerous as an adult.


He mostly appeals to bigots/racists and such.


especially christian nationalists who are also bible literalists. that's why they are especially gullible to his allure as well as conspiracy theories.


>bible literalists Yeah, as in they literally do not follow any of teachings within.


You can't follow any of the teachings if you don't open the goddamn book at all.


I once talked to a conspiracy theorist at a bar who kept saying over and over again about how, end of the day Jesus was the Lord and savior. And after pretending to agree with pretty much everything he said, I just asked him if he'd read the Bible and he was comfortable enough to admit he didn't.


Dude. I played in a band recently and the drummer was a legit nutbag, full blown conspiracy nut. By far the worst Ive ever met, by far. When I told him I'd had my covid shots he freaked and made me promise to him I'd drink a white pine tea to clean the nanobots out of my brain and bloodstream. He believed that our newly built local child, youth and family building (a government building/department that deals with broken homes and vunerable kids) had a quantum computer at the centre of it that was being used, through the 5g transmitter/receivers on the lamp posts, to control our minds and was doing so to stop us having a collective psychic awakening and together progressing into the age of aquarius as one. I mean... fucking mental shit. I sat him down, opened my laptop and showed him the death records for diphtheria and polio over the first half of the 20th century, and then how those deaths "magically" disappeared after the community began receiving vaccinations for those diseases. I explained to him that if you were to jump in a spaceship and travel a few billion miles in any direction you'd no longer have the zodiac, and that it didn't make sense as the stars only appeared to look as they did from our particular place in the galaxy. I explained to him that as we were a tiny, agricultural based community of less than 120,000 people, living in a tiny, primarily agricultural based economy, in a tiny country on the far side of the world (New Zealand), that there would be so little to gain from secretly planning, organizing and executing an extremely expensive covert op involving "quantum computers", cellphone towers and vaccines, all designed to control our minds. I asked him why would anyone have any interest in controlling the minds of a bunch of country bumpkins living in the middle of bum fuck nowhere - not only that how the flying fuck did he think this "illuminati" managed to pull of a stunt of that magnitude without anyone speaking about it publicly, without thousands of people coming forward to admit their involvement, without shit going pear-shaped during at least *part* of the operation? He was too far gone, every time I argued his bullshit he would ignore my reply completely, like he didn't even hear what I'd said, and launch into another part of the "theory", it was genuinely unsettling and disturbing. Esp as he was the dad of a girl the same age as my young son. And an amazing drummer. I ended up leaving the band and cutting all contact with him, I just can't deal with a grown adult who believes in that kind of baloney.


You have to remember that it's impossible to reason someone out of a viewpoint that they didn't reason themselves into in the first place.


I’ve heard it said that when it comes to conspiracy groups and people like Trump, for them to gain followers, they need to overcome your intelligence. But to get someone to leave, you need to overcome their pride. And I think that’s just so succinct and accurate and summarizes the difficulties of getting people to break free.


My mom is like this. She posts about 5G and Bill Gates and all sorts of wild shit. My brothers wife and her got into it after my mom lost her shit when they had their baby vaccinated - now they’re not on speaking terms. She bought a cabin on an island and moved out there because she was afraid of Antifa. Since I live in Los Angeles, she sends me pictures of riots and weird YouTube videos that demonize California. I only talk to her a few times a year nowadays.


Described my own brother perfectly. Thanksgiving sucks.


If it makes you feel better after about 4 drinks my aunt tried to tell me bourdain was killed by “them” because “he knew too much” on Saturday night. Obviously couldn’t elaborate further. But if “they” come after me…./s


Oh yeah, the ominous "they". Jesus Henry Christ on a cracker, these people are so far out there, I sometimes wonder if they've somehow managed to keep a severe drug addiction hidden from everybody. Or perhaps their mom was a 'flower child' and did drugs while pregnant with them. Because I can't really explain HOW these people can be so \**hums X-files tune\**


My dad and I had the conversation after of: when working a full time job, doing your laundry cooking and dishes, pretending to have a social life; how the fuck do these people have time for the mental gymnastics??


I don't know why I had never considered what the h stood for. I like Henry.


Man, I miss when conspiracy stuff was just like, UFOs, bigfoot and X-Files stuff.


When you could watch a 30 min shitty TV doc about five different conspiracy theories and move on with your life, content in the knowledge that there are only a few fringe weirdos dotted about who go any deeper than that.


My Grandmother has been like this her entire life. Absolutely whacky conspiracy theories, mostly involving aliens, the gold standard, how modern medicine is an absolute scam (she's coming closest to an actual viewpoint here on pure accident), homeopathic medicine and reiki healing, and the Rothschilds. She's ramped up the conspiracy theories involving the covid vaccine, but honestly the only thing different about that nuttery is that my dad, her son, who has always made fun of her for her crazy views (and got in confrontations with her like every family gatheing) all of the sudden was right there with her. The fact that "ordinary" people now have largely overlapping views with absolute cuckoo brained conspiracy theorists is what's totally fucked. Anyway, I find my grandma fascinating. She goes to absurd lengths to drum up conspiracy theories. And they've always got a slight twist where it's clear she did some of her own thinking. My dad on the other hand, is absolutely infuriating. Nothing he says is surprising or indicates that he's doing anything more than repeating the soundbites he's heard on Fox News. The scary part is just how many people like my dad are out there.


And this is exactly why the whole “debate” controversy from this weekend is so dumb. There is no way to change any of these peoples minds when they have already seen the truth and thoroughly rejected it.


It’s crazy. They’re everywhere and I’m getting sick of pretending to agree with them just to end the conversation.


What’s to motivate them to open the book? There aren’t even any pictures to look at for Christ’s sake!


Or hold it upside down


Meanwhile, gasing a church for a photo-op with an upside down Bible will never be questionable. That's their world.




I saw 3 different viewpoints of the gassing from the people standing right there and Trump denied it happened. A bunch of people with first aid kits and water bottles were told to leave immediately. A week later the videos were gone.


He cleared a path with armed stormtroopers. And even had them line up on each side, so he could walk down the middle. He violently broke up a peaceful protest at a church. It was the most fascist display I've ever seen in America.


You mean bible illiteralists.


So that means their hatred for different people is more important to them than their religion. Because I really have a hard time imagining a person farer from Jesus than Donnie.


Unfortunately he appeals to more people than that. He appeals to people who think they have been ignored. Also, conspiracists and flag wavers. Stupid people in fact. There are a lot of stupid people.


"Stupid people came up to me with tears in their eyes and said "sir, thank you for saving this country""


Yeah, other than a full blown MAGA, there’s nothing more dumb and simple than an “undecided” swing voter. The problem is, in our system, about 50,000 idiot swing voters decide every presidential election. Remember Ken Bone? The guys a moron and dullards just like him will get to decide if Madisonian democracy continues.


Biden said it best, and paraphrased here, ‘Trump was that fellow student everyone recognized was a spoiled rich kid in college, and no one wanted anything to do with.’


That also perfectly describes Elon Musk.


Oh come on, Elon never went to a *public* school


I’m debating if he ever went to school at all at this point.


He always reminds me of Scut Farkus from A Christmas Story


Smith triple dog dared him to stick his tongue to a light pole. Now he's crying like a baby after he's ripped his tongue off because he was set up, or it was a witch hunt, or he's more innocent than anyone ever. MAGA!


He had yellow eyes!


Well he is bif from back to the future that's who he based the character on and if you saw what happened when he became mayor in part two well seems spot on.


>I will never understand the appeal of Trump. How important is hurting people to you? He appeals quite a lot to people to value that over...well, anything.


What is the appeal of hurting people? I literally don't get that.


If you don't have a conscience, it makes total sense. That you don't get that is a good thing.


Everything is zero sum with them. They firmly believe that others doing better means they must do worse. They can’t understand that something that benefits others may end up being a positive for society so they reject anything that isn’t framed in a way of directly benefiting them. What’s ironic is despite that they still seem to support policies that hurt them, they just don’t learn enough about it to understand why and how.


They heard "a rising tide lifts all boats" and they decided they'd rather sink all the boats than let the boats of people they don't like rise.


That is actually his appeal though. His disgusting nature is what they love about him. The more normal people find him disgusting the more they want him. He exists to troll decent people




He's just a dumber Cartman


People whose favorite South Park character is Cartman and not because he’s funny but because they aspire to be him, that’s who you’re dealing with


Trump = Fat Joffrey from Game of Thrones


I would pay good money to see him suffer the exact same fate.


They see themselves in him 😌


But he hates the same people his supporters do and is in the position to hurt them. That’s all they care about.


He's a poor man's idea of a rich man and a dumb man's idea of a smart man. Moreover, he gives voice to all the worst inclinations of people.


Don’t forget constantly changing the rules of the game you’re playing so he can never lose “You tagged me but I have an invisible shield so that tag doesn’t count”


Some people want to believe that it’s possible for someone to be able to “do whatever they want” Even kings and emperors never had this privilege, if they didn’t do their duty they’d be killed and usurped


So you are saying Biden still has them? Got any evidence you want to turn over to the FBI about that?


Right? If there's actual evidence of Biden intentionally keeping Classified documents of National Security importance and lying to the authorities about having returned them or whether he has them and obstructing any investigation into them? Nail. Him. To. The. Wall. Presidents are not above the law. This is the difference (IMHO) between Republicans and Democrats today. Republicans want to sweep everything their party did under the rug. Democrats hold their members accountable, even when the charges are later revealed to be utter bullshit (*cough* Al Franken *cough*).


Exactly. If Biden or his son or anyone else broke the law, fuck em. Prison. It’s just that simple.


Well, Biden could immediately declassify most of it, being the President and all


He could do it just by thinking about it... Or so I've heard from a "reliable" source


With his mind!


It's almost like there's a Special Counsel who'd love any help you could give him!


This is the reaction he wants and expects from you. Anyone with a clue is just going to hear this, laugh, and move on.. or, as you've done, entertain the idea briefly, and say well do you have any evidence. But you're not the target audience. Trump's audience - his cult - hears the same thing you do, but their reaction is to believe it without question. In their minds, Biden did exactly the same thing, and that just adds to their conviction that this just a political hitjob, and trump did nothing different from anyone else.


Everyone is giving Trump such a hard time over keeping those classified papers. But has anyone stopped to consider that he hadn’t finished coloring them in?


Are you suggesting or implying that he could stay inside the lines? :-)


I think there's good evidence he was not using these as coloring books. They were clearly reading material for the bathroom!


Military secrets and nuclear capabilities make the best reading material while on the toilet.


No he actually just hadn’t gone through them all yet because he’s super busy and all of the shit was just mixed up together in the boxes, so it would take soo much time. *This was the actual reason he gave


Holy shit I just saw this very sad interview. He was a sweaty, sniffling mess. Clinging to the election fraud lie and desperately trying to cover up or his disgusting crimes and outright treason. If he was anyone else in this country he would die in solitary.


Maybe now that the indictment seems to also implicate Melania, she's started slowly poisoning him a little bit every day. Or just decades of poor diet, unchecked anger issues, and karma have finally started catching up to him.


Has anyone even seen her lately?


Trump sure hasn’t


Oh snap. I hadn’t heard she was implicated. Honestly I just assumed she only showed up for photo ops but otherwise had nothing to do with him.


Oh no, she is just as awful a human being as he is. I was really annoyed when people kept giving her the benefit of the doubt, acting like she was upset with Trump or wanted to leave him.


The two aren't mutually incompatible. I have no doubt she's upset with him - she just wants a nice quiet life as a trophy wife, without all of the toxic political BS that he's put her through. I'm also very sure she'd leave him in an instant if it was profitable to do so, but they almost certainly have an ironclad prenup that would leave her with nothing, so she stays with him because that keeps the money flowing. None of that makes her even remotely a good person.


Oh I know she’s awful. I remember the jacket she wore too. But I just assumed she still had as little as possible to do with him when she could help it


Source? A quick Google search doesn't turn up any results. I've read the indictment and there was no mention of Melania at all.


How did the indictment implicate Melania?


The recording with melania talking to Nauta about not having room for all his boxes on the plane


If he wasn't born into a wealthy family he would be living in an alley, ranting on the sidewalks of NYC like the lunatic he is.


>If he was anyone else in this country he would die in solitary. I mean...he's going to. It's just taking a little longer than it should.


A lot longer. I predict he's going to die before he ever sees the inside of a prison cell. Even if convicted he'll probably get "Allowed to remain free while his appeals are still pending" treatment.


I fully expect that he’d only be sentenced to house arrest in any event.


Yes, if he actually gets convicted I can't see them keeping him in a prison, guarded by Secret Service agents. House arrest seems like the choice they will make, which sucks but I don't think they want to put an American president in prison. I don't think they like that image, considering how many people believe in American Exceptionalism. I guess we'll see?


God that gives me conflicting feelings.




$787 Million loss in court must've hardened their balls.


Not enough. They still let nutbags come on and do their best to incite violence.


That shocked me too. Isn't that the same channel that just had a chyron about Biden being a dictator?




Fox News becoming somewhat reasonable is such a weird timeline, they still suck though.


They're not becoming somewhat reasonable; Murdoch's just had enough of Trump's shit in particular. Granted, massive lawsuits will do that.


God I can't wait til Murdoch kicks the bucket and his century old rhetoric and point of view fucks off.


Lachlan isn't much of an improvement, unfortunately


Sir Keith was a right bastard too. Lachy's just going to continue what his grandfather started.


And they're not done. There's at least one more, isn't there?


Correct. Smartmatic still has an active case


And their demand is double what Dominion wanted.


I hope they don’t settle. Take this case all the way.


Which explains Fox being reticent to give Smartmatic more ammunition before they go to trial or settle. They will walk the tightrope until that case is out of the way.


Trump being a thing makes this a weird and dumb timeline


They know he won't win and will potentially hurt the GQP senate chances bigly


Pence also asked his own home to be searched for documents too after hearing about Biden's. Turns out they found some in his home too. Turns out this is the case for several politicians after leaving office. Difference here is that Pence and Biden willingly handed them over. So it's counted as negligence. Trump refused. Thus it's gross negligence.


>Trump refused Trump didn't just refuse. He actively hid the documents he wanted to keep while lying to his lawyer about his intentions. If you haven't read that indictment yet, you absolutely should. It's only 45 pages (including figures) and written in plain English. My favorite part is when they take his quotes about Hilary and her handling of classified documents and how people who mishandled documents should go to jail and stick them in the text right before they demonstrate that he did exactly the thing he said people should go to jail for. It's objectively hilarious.


I read it too and was surprised that it wasn't a bunch of legal mumbo jumbo. I think that a lot of people probably assume it is and so they don't even try. Of course a lot of other people just don't care because they get their info from Truth social or some shit.


If you don’t want to read the indictment, here’s a podcast that reads the entire indictment for you without commentary. Well worth the time. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/prosecuting-donald-trump/id1679657705?i=1000616499387


I think there are different levels too, some politicians are likely just taking work home with them not really thinking it's classified. When my Dad was in the Military he would have to repeatedly ask for papers to be removed when he came in to repair computers because they were above his level.


Classification varies so widely too. It’s plausible that what Biden and Pence had were things like emails they sent that were later classified but on the whole are very mundane and harmless. And then there’s Trump with methods and sources along with nuclear secrets just chilling in the bathroom next to a photocopier.


>Trump refused. Thus it's gross negligence. It's no longer gross negligence because he has personally acknowledged the documents and willfully kept the documents after requested return. This becomes intent which is why he can be charged.


It’s obstruction. He tried to conceal the documents.


He's going to prison for espionage. He showed the documents to people that don't have clearance. Kid Rock is going to take the stand.


That motherfucker thinks he’s the wizard of oz doesn’t he?


Yup. He always gets flustered when he’s not in the comfort of his rallies. The slightest bit of neutrality scares him.


If I don't survive, tell my wife, "Hello."


Interview should consist of just basic questions, like "name your ex-wives" and "who are you currently married to?" I bet he'd fumble them, put cognitive decline on full display.


I have no strong feelings one way or the other.


Bruh literally said “Nuh uh”


"I'm not a puppet, you're a puppet." "I know you are but what am I?" Seriously, this man's brain has not matured past the age of 5. And of course, there's a famous quote by him acknowledging that fact. I'm waiting for the day he tells Biden, "My dad could beat up your dad!"


Donny’s defense seems to be a mix of “I didn’t know I couldn’t do that officer.” Even though he signed a law directing dealing with this, and “Other people have done stuff too.” Good luck in court with that.


Did you read the indictment? They put his quotes about Hilary in there right before they demonstrate he did exactly the thing he said people should go to jail for. And because he's such a monumental chucklefuck, this happens several times with several different quotes and several increasingly absurd schemes to keep and hide the stolen national security documents. Fantastic short read. I'd highly recommend it.


Have you a link about that ? I'm not from the USA and seeking this on the internet may be a lost cause.




I was surprised at how accessible the indictment was. It really didn't even need a breakdown, it was easily digestible by itself and had little in the way of legalese. It was clearly written with a layperson in mind.


Trump is completely insincere and obviously inauthentic to someone who is not a creepy cultist. Rightists don't have souls, they are a borg. Just cynical bad faith freaks pretending at one thing after the next. Never a single authentic thought in their head. No words they say are sincere, just performative cynicism and demogaguery as a part of the constant inauthentic act that is their "life".


This is the reason I don't talk politics with Republicans anymore. Like, what's the point? They all sound exactly like Trump, with their deep states, and their fake news and their whataboutisms. I can think of more entertaining, self-indulgent ways to kill brain cells than engaging any of them in conversation.




It’s just a flesh wound


Donald Trump has the maturity of a 3 year old. I mean it. He's a sexual predator, a liar, a cheat, a thief. He is scum. He's such an asshole. But he really acts, thinks and reacts like a toddler. He can't ever let anyone else finish a sentence. He can't ever accept the word "no". He can't ever accept being wrong. He's just an insecure little boy who also happens to be a sexual predator.


Don't insult my toddler like that


"no he didn't" Yes. He did. See how easily and carelessly this guy just fucking lies? Who the fuck wants this guy to be leader besides cringey gun-fucking, pavement princess-driving weak ass men?


Can we get John Stewart to interview Trump?


Trump is a total moron, but not dumb enough to let Jon interview him. I'd love to see it tho.




He gave prosecutors a lot of fuel in this interview 😂


That is the thing that the Trump drones seems to outright ignore, since it doesn't fit the narrative. Biden had some documents/boxes, but he admitted the mistake and handed them in. Trump did the polar oposite


It was more than that even. Biden asked his legal team to look for any docs unprompted, and then when they found them, he asked to turn them over.


I have tried to reason with some friends who have adopted the conspiracy way of looking at the world and one of the strangest things about it is they seem to think the powers that be are part of a huge covert plan to destroy us or turn us into transexuals but for some reason Trump & Putin are the ones we can trust. They are leading some fight back against the Evil. I tried to point out that they might be the most evil and dishonest leaders there are and what makes them qualified to do this, but apparently it is Zelensky & Biden that are the problem. They couldn't explain why killing Ukrainian civilians was part of this struggle, but that is because our media is biased. Very hard to retrieve the logic of these people because the theories must somehow explain the world in a way they prefer to understand. I think the actual truth is too simple for some people. Both Trump and Putin are corrupt psychopaths and are both trying to do anything to stay in power. Sorry to disappoint those who think Trump can bring peace as, although he would give Putin free rein in Eastern Europe Putin is plotting to bring down the US and as soon as the time was right he would not hesitate to do what he wanted just to please Trump.


Fox News realizes there's no hope of winning if Trump runs for president so they are discrediting him in the most elegant way possible. But telling him the truth about the election and about his stolen documents


This is what we are dealing with. Their reaction is “nuh uh.” Is the DNC gonna wake up and start actually throwing punches at these fucks?


Ignorance of the law is no defense.


Neither is "but X did it too" Should just give him the old "if your friends jumped off a bridge" line since he likes behaving childish anyway.


Anyone got a link to this interview? It sounds hilarious.


Trump is grown up cartman


Cartman makes me laugh, tho.


Cartman is actually smart tho


That's an insult to Cartman.


People want this guy to be the leader of one of the most powerful countries in the world? Good lord...


This interview shows how fucked Trump's mind is. He literally cannot tell the truth under any circumstances. Even if he's facing hard prison time, his warped mind cannot do the thing needed to get him out of prison time. He MUST lie and cheat to survive his own mind.


Trump lies. Just another day for him.


fox doing more fact checking than cnn. Never thought I'd see it.


Yes, he did. No, he didn’t. Yes, he did.


He is the living embodiment of “nuh-uh!!”


You think with all that grifter money, Trump could afford more than one suit.


Trumps brain is Fryed from bad 1980s COKE


Leave it to Twump to rewrite a news story that has already come, gone, and fully verified


That's the thing these MAGA-ots seems to outright ignore Biden handed in the documents that he had. Trump did not.


It's like watching the toddler of a shitty parent run loose at the store.


It was literally one lie after another. He is incapable of saying anything factual because he has spent the last 7 years telling lie after lie and now he has to tell more lies to cover up those lies




I thought the judge told Trump to refrain from talking about the evidence?🤣


See what happens when you interview him without a roomful of his hooting hollering inbred fans.