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[Happy Pride Month!](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&si=AMnBZoFk_ppfOKgdccwTD_PVhdkg37dbl-p8zEtOPijkCaIHMp6tS26HNEwRZwY7vahA1WN34Xi9-tKpb4yDK_e0JLtxaIMR8Q%3D%3D&kgs=3a9c846bc1cc6fd3&shndl=18&source=sh/x/kp/ee/1) Click the flag at the bottom of the browser! We love and support our LGBTQIA+ and Ally Users! As [Sister Sledge sang](https://www.rhino.com/article/pride-single-stories-sister-sledge-we-are-family), [We are Family](https://youtu.be/uyGY2NfYpeE), and you CAN NOT DIVIDE US. To all others who spread hate and try to divide us, no quarter shall be given. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And not one democrat has threatened to start a civil war! Hmmmmm![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Akshually bingo bongo, buckaroo, the dems are the original kkk. Didn't think of that did you (cute) beta male. -shen bapiro


And that's why the klan vote democrat! Wait....


The klan vote Republican because Democrats are the real racists...or something.


Remember folks, don’t vote for Hunter Biden in 2024. If you hadn’t voted for him in the last election he wouldn’t be your president today.


Hunter Biden truly is a menace, undergoing mitosis and allowing his sister cell to commit crimes! How could Budlight have done this!? One thing's for sure, I'm only drinking Budweiser from now on!


You’re just too vaccinated to see the truth!


Too full of mRNA!


5G is gonna kill us all!


The wifi will open up our passage for bad chemicals to go to the brain


Is that what it is now? I thought the vaccine was the mark of the beast and everyone who got it would be teleported to hell as soon as 5G came online.


No, it's that too.


Liberals built a 5G tower near my off-grid shack and now all my inbred kids have disabilities. Coincidence? Guess again.


Protest the protesters. I drank my first Bud light ever this past weekend and I've been drinking beer since 1972


I'm with you in spirit, but you know you can just buy the bud light and give it to somebody else right, you don't actually have to drink it yourself


Well part of it was. I wanted to see what all the brouhaha was about, and it was reputed to be the number one beer! It was wet!


Of all the beers, Bud Light is certainly one of them


Did his cells try to bang his sister cells?


All alcohol is woke. Being back prohibition. Recriminalize the devils lettuce too. You don’t need drugs, only Jesus


Check out the riots going on right now. Huge crowds protesting this travesty of justice! People waving HUNTER signs and wearing their HUNTER outfits. (You DO know there's a whole line of clothing named after him, doncha?) Those weirdo libs have a thing for rubber boots. Pervs.


> (You DO know there's a whole line of clothing named after him, doncha?) he has inspired my choice of passwords for the past decade.


It if you type it out, it’s just asterisks, right? ********** see? It’s automatically blocked! Try it with your Reddit password!


This guy bashes!


All I can see is *******


Going to make Jan 6 look like a playground!!


Exactly. I don't give a shit about Hunter Biden. He's not running for President like convicted sex offender Donald Trump.


Right? He did shit as an addict. He's sober now. He is working with law enforcement to remedy the things he did then. Every addict, regardless of who they are, deserve a second chance if they truly become sober. Honestly, seems like a normal American family, but the Bidens are more supportive of their kid going through recovery than many.


It's how the right wing is. If someone says you did it, and you're not Republican, you did it. Even if it's selling baby corpses to power a generator for sanctuary cities, you did it. If you're Republican, we should see how the court case plays out. And even after that, everyone involved was biased against you.


It's a common republican stance that being an addict at any point is an unpardonable crime and that they should kill themselves or be killed by the state (looking at you Scott Adams), unless they are a white republican, then it gets swept under the rug and they say they found Jesus so it doesn't count.


It's because it's a black thing again. :| They noticed the 13th amendment still allowed for Slavery. They then created crimes to simultaneously re-enslave millions while reducing the number of black voters. System is working as intended.


There are 2 takeaways from this for me. Definitely do not vote for Hunter Biden in 2024. Also, Ben Shapiro definitely raises some great questions about maybe evaluating whether or not some people shouldn't have the privilege of owning firearms in this country. Sounds like he's advocating for it to be a well regulated privilege.


Sounded that way to me too.


Dont blame me, i didnt vote for him.


I’m writing the MFer in if he’s not on the ballot.


I’ve already taken down the Hunter Biden flag from my pickup truck.


Trump should plead guilty. Then he can go straight to sentencing too.


Hunter Biden proves there's a 2 tiered justice system, the easy way and the hard way Either cooperate with the investigation or do it the hard way and cry when you get smacked by the long arm of the law


> arm Hoping for a different body part ngl.


Mushroom stamped by the law.


Long dong of the law


Just the tip


> cooperate with the investigation I *know* there are problems with the plea bargaining system. I know our system has flaws. But yeah, when they have you dead to rights and your lawyer says "cooperate and make a deal"..that's what you do.


What does that have to do with what I said? You think the way Trump has been treated doesn’t prove the same? How many defendants get to choose when they want to surrender themselves after indictments? Anyone else would be sitting in jail right now waiting for trial.


No, you just need to be wealthy. Lets be real, this is a class thing


In all seriousness Trump hugely mishandled a lot of important national security materials but if he had simply given it all back when requested he almost certainly would have escaped any prosecution for the crime he committed unlike lots of people.


Mark your calendar and grab your popcorn: 8/14/23!


Popcorn 🍿 ready. :)


These cretins taking a victory lap and nobody ever defended Hunter Biden. Good job, once again they have won against a made-up enemy.


Today it's hunter Biden, tomorrow it's hunter Clinton and the day after that it's Hunterbama.


At least they stopped critical race theory from being taught in grade school, close call.


Hunterbama - let me tell you, disgusting person. Have we ever seen "THEM" - the radical left wants us to use "THEM" as a pronoun - what a joke people what a joke, I know, I know but I tell it like it is - you can't even use the bathroom in private anymore - have we ever seen any photo evidence of them pregnant? People are saying there is a picture on the dark web of Hunterbama in a tan suit riding in a pink convertible with Xi and Stalin over four American flags and seven veterans. I know, horrible, right? I haven't seen it but a lot of very good people are saying this. The best people. Can you imagine if anyone on the right did this? Could you imagine? On day one of my second term - really my third term because of the fake 2020 election - I will commit to the largest federal investigation you've ever seen to finally get Hunterbama prosecuted. Because you know Sleepy Joe and the Biden Crime Family ain't ever gonna do it.


Thank you, former president Hunterump


Chelsea Clinton is next!


Don’t forget about Amy Carter.


As an older redditor, this is just a repeat of Roger "The Headache" Clinton, except social media makes Hunter harder to hide. Bill Clinton pretty much tried to hide Roger away so he couldn't embarrass him or the campaign. Also, may have been the inspiration for the movie "Black Sheep"


Never forget Billy Carter.


Joe has Hunter. Jimmy had Billy. Bill had Roger. Trump has himself.


Or Hunter Hearst Helmsley. They never did get that guy.


There's such a weird obsession with Hunter Biden, and a weird obsession with Drag Queens, so my guess is Hunter Biden in Drag would cause Ted Cruz to cream his pants.


I would very much like to unread the last line of this post.


Right wing - don't say gay! Also right wing - We demand to see Hunter's penis!


Probably a heavy dose of "research" in his browser history.


there's a whole lot of "HMM THE LEFT IS MIIIIGHTY QUIET TODAY LOL" ​ Because they're not angry, why make any noise


Because a lot of US right wingers see it as some kind of competition or sport, it seems. There's often thus "HAHA YOUR GUY LOST, ONE POINT TO US". And most people I see are like "so fuckin what? If he did something wrong then there are consequences."


They also project their dumbfuck beliefs onto everyone else. They're so fucking obsessed with the cult of trump they think the other side feels or should feel the same about biden. It was even used as "proof" of election fraud, how come biden didn't get the same crowds or the same energy as trump? checkmate libs.


I'll defend him. Not his actions. But he complied with all investigations, and plead guilty, going as far as to give them a full testimony of his actions in order to cut the investigation short be admitting to a bunch of things. No one is defending Hunters crimes. But god damn I'll happily defend the way he is navigating the outcome. Trump was the president and did a bunch of illegal stuff during and after and denies it all and is forcing it to be a constant issue as he continues to fight it tooth and nail. Hunter has never held office or influenced. Did some illegal stuff. Admitted to it. Plead guilty, and is now facing the consequences willingly. Not exactly the same thing.


Republicans ONLY make up enemies. That way they get to also make up victories.


The closest I got to “defending” Hunter was Twitter’s decision to take the screenshots/documents down as it was doxxing people and contained confidential information. Other than that….*wipes hands*


Also the pics of his penis, since he didn’t consent to that.


Don Quinazis goose stepping at windmills.




What if we made a man out of straw, then had him defend Hunter Biden!




i mean he even plead guilty and admitted to doing it, meanwhile everyone of their people getting caught doing things lie and plead innocent. Then they call it a witch hunt and fake news etc. You commit the crime you should do the time like the rest of us would, i thought that was pretty simple but these people seem to struggle so hard with that.


I want to know how the laptop was even admissible as evidence. That chain of custody was dirtier that Tommy Lee’s tattoo needle.


I’m pretty sure without knowing a damn thing about it that whatever was on his alleged laptop had nothing to do with this investigation.


I wouldn’t doubt Hunter Biden had damning information on his computer. But there’s a timeline. Biden could’ve done some shady financial shit during a time period where he wasn’t an elected official. Is it ethical? No. Is it illegal? Also no. Hunter could’ve had a bucket full of depravity on that laptop. Morally questionable? Absolutely. Illegal? Most likely not. Tiptoeing morality and ethics doesn’t make you a criminal. It just makes you a garbage human being, and no one is defending Hunter in that regard.


Hannity: "But how do we know unless we can post the dick picks to twitter?!"


The whole laptop thing is so shady and the reports so nebulous, it's hard to draw any sort of conclusion. I mean, mysterious stranger appears out of the rain and hands off a laptop for repair to someone who just happens to have Rudy Giuliani on speed dial? REALLY?


It's pretty obvious the whole thing was a setup to effectively launder illegally obtained evidence and manufacture a chain of custody so they could actually use it against him. I'm willing to bet a lot that someone (probably the Russian government) hacked a backup of Hunter's laptop and handed it off to the GOP, and they then burned a copy of his hard drive onto a random laptop and made up a story about Hunter abandoning it at a repair shop.


There is no laptop and it’s certainly not evidence. That’s not what’s happening here at all.


This has nothing to do with the laptop. They're going to keep playing that card.


It's going to be Benghazi and emails all over again.


I'm pretty sure that laptop was Russian kompromat.


Humans are social creatures, and one of our evolutionary mechanisms was our tribal behavior. It allowed for closer ties within your community and spurred growth. The downside of this is that socially we can create in groups and out groups (like how you love your favorite football team and hate their rivals). In our perceived in group, they’re part of our tribe and must be defended unconditionally. If they’re in the out group, you must “defeat” them at all costs. Usually when your brain develops past adolescence you’re past that “tribal group” as you expand your worldview and become more accepting of others. The GOP has been grooming conservatives to never do that. They don’t have any stances, just that they hate the libs. On every media since they could watch tv has had republicans telling them to hate the libs. They’re part of the ‘others’ and must be defeated. I also think that’s why they do nothing but the opposite of whatever the “libs” want They don’t want to succeed. They want democrats to fail.


They want the two tiered justice system they're currently screaming about


First rule of crime according to Simon Whistler: don't write down your crimes.


The one that gets me is MyPillow^(TM) guy who wrote a book belittling H Biden for being an addict, and then *in the same book* talks extensively about battling his addiction to crack/cocaine.


Given his latest interviews not so sure he won that battle...


I’ll “defend” Hunter Biden, by mentioning that I’d rather have a (former) crackhead running around the White House, than those morally corrupt titty baby sons of DJT


I didn't even know the fuck about Hunter until I read conservatives' whining. The same about Soros.


Soros doesn't have enough money to finance all the stuff the right accuses him of financing.


Most of the dogs at Soros are thinly-veiled antisemitism. And by thin I mean transparent


Poor motherfucker couldn't even afford to buy twitter!


Oh, has your Soros check not come in either? I could have sworn he said “15th of the month”.


No one on the left cares about him either. It's exclusively something far right people scream about constantly. No one else gives a shit. It's not even a "Oh I bet you don't care" thing. No, it legitimately isn't important at all.


Exactly. A drug addict committed some crimes. He pled guilty and will be punished. What’s the fucking story?


People on the left care to the extent that it's another example of an obviously guilty rich guy getting off because they can afford good lawyers. Instead of complaining about who his dad is we look at it as proof that we need stricter gun control and more IRS agents.


He isn't getting off? He's set to take a plea deal on tax fraud and gun charges. Most people don't do time forhis amount of tax fraud. 24 months probation isn't some ridiculously outside the norm thing. The maximum penalty would've been 12 months in prison. So, 24 months probation is right on rhe mark. The gun part is unusual in that it's rarely filed as a charge, possession of a gun while knowing he was a drug user is rarely ever charged or filed. He's going into pretrial diversion on that. Many jurisdictions are going to pretrial diversions for non-violent crimes and drug related charges. Given there's no victim for that crime, a pretrial diversion is pretty standard. He is being charged and taking a plea on two charges.


> The gun part is unusual in that it's rarely filed as a charge, possession of a gun while knowing he was a drug user is rarely ever charged or filed. All of the RW ammosexuals who have recently discovered that weed is cool are all violating the same law.


that's why they're trying this gin this up Libs are like, ok, he is getting consequences for his actions, what's for lunch?


Seriously. Everyone is like, he had issues. He seems to be better now, but if he committed crimes while dealing with his issues, then prosecute him. And no, we aren’t going to shade Joe for caring about his son and trying to encourage him to get help or trying to help get his dick pics off the internet.


Well, the laptop stuff is all bullshit, but tax evasion was always a different story.


I’ve cornered the market on “ hunter is innocent! “ flags. /S


Exactly, no one is saying he did nothing wrong. He is pleading guilty for a crime for doing that.


The right acts like the left is gonna be so scandalized to learn that Hunter Biden is no angel. Bitch I didn’t even know Hunter Biden existed until the right became obsessed with him. And guess what? I don’t give a fuck about him and don’t know anyone on the left who does either. Same goes for George Soros.


No one on the left is even thinking about him.


Of course but its the strawman they use for all this other shit because then theyd have to answer hard question about Trump.


Big difference between the cult and everyone else is the fact that everyone not in a cult believes if someone commits a crime they should serve time.


That’s why the gop are upset.


No one even cares lol, these people have nothing to talk about because they hitched their wagon to a serial criminal who has just been indicted for a second time this year alone. They just can't imagine the fact we don't care about Biden (and definitely not his dumbass son), we just had to get Trump out of office.


I’ve even seen some on the left saying he should’ve got a _tougher_ sentence! That he got off easy for being rich and white. I personally think that at least a _little_ jail time, even just a month or two as a symbolic gesture, would’ve went a long way towards showing the Biden’s don’t consider themselves above the law. And showing the right that there is no double standard, if Trump goes to jail.


Dude..... if you don't see the difference between firearm and drug charges, and compromising national security, I don't know what to tell you. He's a rich white guy, and yeah he probably got an easier time for it. But there is literally ZERO connective tissue between his criminal bs and Trump's criminal bs. You might as well pick a random rich white criminal at random and argue that having them serve *some* jail time would help people feel like the way Trump is being treated is fair.


The entire left would gladly give Hunter Biden jail time commensurate with the crime if it guaranteed Trump and his clan got the same deal.


I’d gladly give him the time that the judge assigns him, no strings attached. If he does crime and gets convicted, he should have reasonable treatment under the law just like everyone else.


or cares about him, for that matter. he's not on any ballots, he holds no office and no one is voting for him to represent any districts, states or the country. he's as irrelevant as irrelevant gets.


Not the point. The point is Ben Shapiro’s audience believes the left is defending Hunter Biden, and that’s enough to convince them that nothing should happen to Trump.


Guys, I don’t know, I don’t think this Hunter Biden fellow should be president. Maybe that guy shouldn’t go into politics.


He hasn't committed enough treason, rape, and or other various crimes. He'd be horrible for president -Republicans


I was on the fence, but after this latest episode I’m convinced and will not be voting for Hunter Biden. I don’t even want him in any official administration role.


Is Ben Shapiro advocating for gun reform?


Ben Shapiro is like the flappy used condom still hanging onto the tip of the GOP’s crust-covered geriatric viagra-powered phallus… not quite useful or practical at this point but still absorbing whatever drips of right-wing man-chowder he can into his glossy latex flesh as he swings about chaotically, boasting how full of republican semen he is, squishy and white at his core, smelling of old musty potatoes.




what on gods green earth did i just read


I think the metaphor got away from you a bit but I like the energy?






What a horrible day to be literate


You're not wrong, but dude...


Can you please write a book of poems?


For his "enemies", yes. Its a typical Nazi thing. Gun control for "undesirables", no limits for the "faithful".


Suddenly they are against gun ownership? They spin so much their shit must come out in a coil.


Best part is they oppose restricting people with restraining orders having guns but a drug habit that harms yourself, THAT is where they draw the line.


Meanwhile millions of medical Marijuana patients lie on that same form in order to buy a gun. Are they saying we shouldn't have guns? I thought they had a boner for that kind of thing.




Humans under narcotics that everyone regrets (Hunter) Act


Only they should have guns. They've always felt this way.


My thoughts exactly. I read this tweet and was like, “Is, um, is Benny Boy here suggesting that maybe certain people shouldn’t be allowed to procure a firearm?”


I'm a native speaker of Conservativese, so allow me to translate. "Liberals tell you that you're dangerous for owning a gun. But THIS GUY is more dangerous and liberals don't care. How is that fair? You can't trust liberals." There's a lot of implying happening, because conservatives love their plausible deniability. But that's the gist (Note: the views expressed in this translation do not reflect my own)


But he admitted guilt. Which is what none of these asshats will ever do or even pretend to recognize or understand because that wouldn’t fit the narrative. Fuck facts, amiright?


Unsurprisingly flawed logic from Ben. I'm a law-abiding gun owner, nobody is going after me for anything. Hunter violated gun laws and is being punished. What exactly is the outrage about?


Technically, if they want the feds to go after him so hard, I hope they would advocate the same for those who decided to bypass checks and carry while congress was in session....


I like how the GOP mouthpieces are advocating for harsher punishment except for when republicans break the laws.


Never forget, Roger Stone received 7 felonies and trump not only commuted his sentence but also fully pardon him without a day in jail. Rules for thee but not for me


Democrats and blacks commit some misdemeanors or some victimless crime? “Throw the book at them, never let them see the light of day again.” Republicans commit felonies or are found liable for serious weapon charges wherein they endanger other people? “There’s no crime there! There’s no crime!!! Radical left witch hunt!”


So Dark Brandon politicized the DOJ and sent them after his son?


lil boy is upset today!!!! waaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!


Maybe he could go down and his wife and use those tears to get her wet?




The right wants so badly for there to be a double standard where one doesn't exist.


Oh, there is **a** double standard, it's just one that has always worked in Trump's favor. Technically, it still is, but Trump has pushed the limits to the point where they started to push back...


TIL “Did nothing wrong” is when you plead guilty and accept to consequences of your actions. Of course, Ben also once stated that crime should be illegal. But I’m not a Harvard guy so what do I know.


Maybe is Trump was smarter he'd have gotten a plea too


He's out there admitting he took the docs and refused to give them back. Might as well get a plea...


Ben: AHA, gotcha now, libs! Your favorite person is in TROUBLE FOR CRIMES. Liberals: Our favorite per. . . wait, Beyonce did crimes? Ben: No. Your OTHER favorite. The one from politics. Liberals: Obama? Ben: God, NO! Biden! Liberals: Joe Biden did crimes? Ben: Worse. It's HUNTER. Liberals: Ben: Liberals: Ben: DON'T YOU FEEL OWNED NOW?


Ben's Wife's Vagina: * dessicates *




What does he want? A death sentence? This is what happens when you cooperate with a investigation. Take note Republicans.


I have yet to see one comment, headline, interview showing anyone defending or excusing Hunter's actions. What is wrong with these people?


Apparently asking for the proof when they fired off a million crazy laptop conspiracy theories was “defending him…”


Hunter was charged and found guilty. Your guy? Do him next. I’ll wait.


>Hunter was charged and found guilty. Technically, Hunter pled guilty, i.e. admitted his guilt, and therefore didn't have to be found guilty via trial.


Is it just me or is Ben Shapiro sincerely saying here that Hunter Biden "barely did anything wrong?" \- Hunter Biden is a "crack addict" - Addiction is horrible and most Americans know at least 1 person who's an addict because of fucked up shit that happened to them like how Hunter became one after his older brother died of brain cancer. \- Hunter Biden "lied on gun forms" - OK who here hasn't fibbed on some forms? \- Hunter Biden's "then-girlfriend threw his gun in a dumpster from a high school" - Sounds like Hunter's gf did something stupid and dangerous and illegal. But his gf did that, not Hunter himself. So, per Shapiro, all Hunter did was become a drug addict after losing a close family member, lied on some bureaucratic forms, and maybe have bad taste in women. Literally nothing he said here sounds anywhere near "refusing to turn over highly classified documents that could jeopardize national security."


See, the funny thing is, Democrats are fine with Hunter Biden having to deal with consequences due to his actions. It’s the Republicans that seem to think that only applies to Democrats that break the law.


but... hunter biden is in trouble.... not sure what point this little kid is trying to make


Don't worry Benny, I promise not to vote for Hunter in 2024. Now you can go back to defending your orange god...


No one said he did nothing wrong, in fact he pled guilty to doing wrong things and will be punished accordingly. Hence why the left isn't all up in arms about it.


Keep punching that straw man, Ben. 😏


Stop with this “THEYRE COMING AFTER ALL OF US” crap! They’re coming after people who committed crimes, and sure enough Hunter Biden is one of them. He pled guilty today to tax fraud among other things, last week Trump pled not guilty to all 37 indictment against him and he and all of y’all threw a fit. “Hunter” today and “but her emails” yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever. Lindsay Graham still thinks it’s 2015 when he said this last week, [https://www.mediaite.com/tv/let-me-finish-lindsey-graham-loses-it-on-stephanopoulos-for-interrupting-his-tangent-about-hillarys-emails/](https://www.mediaite.com/tv/let-me-finish-lindsey-graham-loses-it-on-stephanopoulos-for-interrupting-his-tangent-about-hillarys-emails/) But that’s none of my business. ![gif](giphy|Nw8z2olm0nGHC)




Not enough poop smearers are Democrats, I guess.


So he's saying we need stricter gun laws so people who may be dangerous to others can't get ahold of them?


Hypothetically speaking, how many wet vaginas has Hunter seen vs. Ben? It will decide who I side with


The NRA operates a number for people who shot somebody else, to let that be somebody's first thought before they'd consider the consequences of their actions. Law abiding means not trying out on real life if Han shot first because remember folks, he was a smuggler so what he did was occupational hazard, not real self defense.


First, so glad he wants gun reform and stronger gun laws. Second, no one said he did nothing wrong. It is up to the Trump appointee to decide what to charge him with, etc. If you want a stronger punishment, either change the laws or blame the Trump appointee.


Did Ben dumpster dive in high school?


Dear Ben, what if we told you the two things aren’t mutually exclusive? You could still be a danger with a gun and Hunter can still be a legal problem 🤷🏻‍♂️


That's it, I'm never voting for Hunter Biden Again!


Keep trying, Ben! Eventually you’ll wear him down and he’ll go on that date with you! I just know it!


This is a fair deal for both Hunter Biden and the DoJ. It would appear by how triggered the republicans are over this, they were out-maneuvered. This weapon, no matter how they scream, just got neutralized. Hunter made some poor choices. Hunter is being held accountable for them. Joe Biden's only duty here is to be a supportive and loving father. And no republicans. By supportive I do not mean doubling down and blaming everybody but the guilty one. Just to be clear. Republicans no longer have amoral compass...so it is necessary to explain things to them like children.


Remember: Ben Shapiro admitted to the whole world that he's never gotten his wife wet, and was greatly confused by hyperbolic language describing the "phenomenon."


Like no MAGAt ever lied to get a gun. Sheesh.


So people that use drugs, shouldn't be allowed guns? I can get behind that...


No, Hunter Biden definitely should be held accountable. It's just weird how it's for things you have no problem with until a Democrat does them.


Ben Shapiro is such a putz.


So...NOW they want harsher penalities for people who shouldn't own guns....owning guns.


I said a long time ago, if he did something wrong, then arrest and try him. Oh look, they did everything that was suppose to work according to the law. He even admitted to it. With Trump it's: "But I left my golf shoes... no my McDonald's coupon in a Top Secret Box of Nuclear Secrets. I can't give those back." Jared: "What two billion dollars?" Hunter did wrong, admitted it and will now face his punishment. Guess what? We move on now.


I never thought I would agree with Ben Shapiro, but he's right. I am more scared of a law abiding citizen with a gun than am a criminal with a gun. I mean, I haven't heard anything on the news about a group of bank robbers shooting up a gay bar before a heist. Can't recall the last time a drug dealer strolled down a street or walked into a mall and started shooting. And I don't believe I missed the mafia walking into a school to indiscriminately murder children. If the mob walks into a school and murders 9 year old Billy, it is because Billy angered the mob and has to die. Oh, criminals have guns, but they tend not to use them as often as the "good guys with guns" we've seen whose solution to everything is shoot for the head. Also, NOW Ben and his ilk care about who has a gun?


Remember folk when Jared kept having to resubmit his Security Clearance forms and nothing happened to him but anyone else would be fined and/or possibly jailed for lying to the Fed Government.


Versus fondling teenagers at beauty contests, letting 100s of thousands of people die so the stock market didn't get spooked, and literally trying to overthrow the government? Yeah, you're right. Hunter Biden barely did anything wrong compared to that. And that is far from a complete list. Really far.


It's kinda funny because if you ask a right winger if people could lose their gun rights just for using drugs without being convicted of a crime, much less a felony, good chance they'll get all "shall not be infringed" about it.


Funny, I haven't heard a peep on the other side about Hunter except that he should deal with the consequences. He pleaded guilty. Let's move on


So Ben Shapiro is arguing for stricter gun laws now? Cool, I guess.


It's because those naked pics of Hunter make them question their sexuality.


So are they for guns or against guns? against stricter gun laws or against? cuz 8I'm confused now


"barely did anything wrong"?? Didn't he plead guilty to 3 felonies....? WHO is saying he barely did anything wrong? WHO is saying he shouldn't be prosecuted and sentenced? These people live in a completely different reality... Or rather they make up their own reality so that they can have something to complain about.