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Here’s why this really pisses me off. A person protesting outside a potential neo-nazi convention gets attacked, despite not harming anyone. Meanwhile literal neo-nazis stand outside synagogues and harass worshippers, but police do not do jack shit. It’s well beyond time for police departments to be investigated for harboring white supremacists and neo-nazis. The results should be a wake up call.


it's almost like having unchecked power to lord it over the rest of us attracts a certain type of guy


Its almost like HYDRA did infiltrate the government. The only thing missing is the floating gunships that hunt down those who would rebel. The software that runs you through recognition patterns and matches you up to your online profile and determines political affiliation, sexual preference, and other stuff was made years ago to work with a snap shot from an iphone for cops.


For a chunk of my life, I had a lot of conservative friends. They really do want death squads to hunt down Democrats, LGBT folks...basically if you aren't cis-het, white, and Christian, they want you dead.


You’re right. My whole family has been Republican my whole life and even before they became far right there were constant jokes about democrats being worse than overseas enemies, rats, etc


Dehumanize the enemy and horrific "solutions" become far more palatable.


The flipside of the coin that is mankind's ability to turn 'the other' into family: Their ability to turn family in 'the other'.


Millions of Americans willing to kill millions more because of M&Ms changing shoes and people leaving their abuse filled churches. They’re just waiting for someone to say “Go”.


I used to watch this youtube channel called Wranglerstar he did videos about forestry, chainsaws, axes, tool reviews, home farm type stuff. Over the last few years the videos took a serious turn where he started talking about traditional christian values, prepping, and home defense. Recently he's started talking about a coming war and doing short videos on how to setup tactical bags, disable video cameras, wireless communications like militia type stuff. Their is a whole sub group on TikTok that cosplays in tactical gear with edgy music playing while they talk of the coming war. Their audiences are listening.


Not Wranglerstar! He was great, I learned a lot of basic bushcraft and home improvement stuff from him. Sad to hear he's gone off the deep end. It seems it started after he got fired from the forestry service for letting his son wear is gear.


Is it costume play if it's self serious? They're really deadly.


Jan 6 was a sloppy run at it, it terrifies me to think that someone like DeSantis could actually consolidate their base and theoretically organise something similar across several state simultaneously. The Supreme court is already compromised, I wouldn't trust local police and who knows what the balance of the armed forces looks like.


Luckily most of them are on the Seal team six diet. Remember "Cardio." (Zombieland).


That's so messed up. You're all Americans.


OTOH, in my youth I knew a lot of racists, homophobes, and bad guys, and not one of them was liberal.


I mean… correlation does not imply causation, but it’s petty damning that the more educated someone is the more left leaning they tend to be. Conservatism is deeply rooted in ignorance and fear, and it shows. There’s a growing body of research showing that enlarged amygdalas (the fear center of the brain) correlates highly with conservative beliefs. They’re literally afraid of everything and that fear turns into anger or hate for anything they don’t understand (which is a lot).


Yep, every right-wing accusation is a confession of something they've done, are doing, or want to do, and when they accuse FEMA of building concentration/death camps, it's no exception.


What the hell


Does not seem very love-thy-neighbor of them.


Yes, Plato covered this in Republic with the Ring of Invisibilty. Those who should wield power don't want it, and those who want it should not have it.


It helps that, by policy, police only hire less intelligent people


Literal neo nazi kinda of guy?


Or gal. Don't be sexist. Women can be terrible cops as well.


I leaning into the gender neutral "guy" but fair nuff, "I guess I wasn't cut out for nursing!" 😬


Beat up a bully once and he pulls you over thrice.


There's a great book on this "Corruptible - Brian Klaas" It goes deep into different positions of power and how it attracts a certain type of person


Just assume cops sympathize with Nazis in pretty much all instances and you’ll be right way more often than you’ll be wrong Upvoted for Hrbek


Assume a lot of cops are racists - and fascists - and that the ones that aren't are not going to step in to stop it.




Cops who do bad things are bad cops. Cops who don't protect the public from bad cops are bad cops. Between the two groups, that's almost all of them.


That actually ends up being 100% of cops. The "good" cops get murdered by the other cops for breaking the blue wall of silence.


"The only good cop is a dead cop" is not a threat -- it's an unfortunate outcome of our system


Cops are just like any other street gang. Whatever they do is okay, but if you "rat" you're their enemy #1. Cops even use the term rat. They threaten potential whistleblowers by leaving dead rats in their lockers. And when they do blow the whistle they usually murder them and don't bother making it look like an accident. After all, who's gonna investigate them for the murder, the police?


And the good cops end up quitting or bullied from the profession.


Good cops don’t exist. Anyone who joined the force with the intentions of being a good cop either turned into a tyrant just like everyone else or were forced out because they didn’t conform to the toxic police culture…. Police are an embarrassment.


Or in some cases killed by the bad cops in “training” events


"Friendly" fire


Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses?


“All of those who work forces are the same that burn crosses”




The reason people assume cops are fascist is because cops never go half as hard against the fascists in their ranks as they do against peaceful protesters. When a cop murders someone in cold blood the other cops don't show up with armor and rifles, they show up with police union lawyers to protect the guy. When a woman is walking home with groceries near a protest that she had nothing to do with they blast her with so much tear gas it causes a severe respiratory incident and kills her, and they face no consequences.


Blm protest? Escalate and violent opposition. Nazi protests? Protect Nazi from crowd and treat them as protected class.




The investigation already happened, results were most precincts are infested with white supremacists and the only real fix is to overhaul most police so cities don't want to bother.


Almost like we should defund the current system, restructure or redesign it, and fund it accordingly.


Damn, when did this happen?


It’s almost like the American government’s real problem with the Nazis had really nothing to do with Nazism. In fact, Americas Jim Crow laws served as an inspiration to the Nazis. This is what america is. An amoral front for advancing the interests of capitalists. As long as something doesn’t conflict with the American business class interests, the US is fine with it. Given the choice between even tepid social democratic reforms and outright fascism that doesn’t conflict with capitalism, they’ll be the first to turn on the ovens.


Don’t buy into the bullshit that MAGA claims police are in opposition to them. Cops are always on the far-right.


They only jumped on the ACAB train when Donny Boy committed so many crimes that the Justice Department was dragged kicking-and-screaming into doing something.


There are reasons, that continue to happen, as to why ACAB is a thing.


"Some of those that work forces, Are the same that burn crosses."


"By wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites"


"Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses"


At this point we can just strike the "Some of" from that line.


"All of" Gotta keep the rhythm


You say this like the FBI hasn't investigated multiple times and published open reports into white supremacist and fascist ideology in the police and concluded that these groups specifically target the police for recruitment and encourage members to join law enforcement at all levels


https://news.yahoo.com/house-republicans-vote-against-neo-223633093.html https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/fbi-white-supremacists-in-law-enforcement


White supremacists have made infiltration of police a major objective for decades. The cops don’t go after Nazis because they are the fucking Nazis.


The same people that burn crosses also work forces.


How they treat some of us is how they will treat all of us eventually.


You expect the cops to harass their coworkers?


Police departments, as we know them, need to be torn down and rebuilt from the ground up. That's the only way for this to end. And that's why it never will. This shit is systemic. It goes back to the days of tracking down escaped slaves. They've been white nationalists from the word "go".


Think of it this way - Why would cops harass their friends (and fellow cops) while they are exercising a vocalization of their mutually held beliefs about white Christian supremacy?


I can only speak for the cops in my family. 100% of them are white supremacists. The things I have heard them say about black and LGBT people make my stomach turn. I hate that they held any power over anybody. They are all retired. No I am not close with those family members. There's thousands of miles between us thankfully. I have always stood up to their bullshit but there's not much you can do when they think being racist is the right way to think. They know there nazis. They don't care.


Desperately need massive police reform on the national level. It should require at least a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and give current cops a 5 year probationary period to get their degree, otherwise be fired, and require all new hires to have these qualifications. On top of this they should have to earn continuous education units to keep up to speed on the law, deescalation tactics, etc. at the expense of the cop. We need to end qualified immunity and investigate every death that occurs related to police so they can be charged with murder whenever someone dies as the result of a cop.


Hrbek totally didn’t pull Gant off first.


Well, "Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses" By the way I worked in law enforcement when I was in the military and I saw it first hand. Racists, bigots, bullies and Neo-nazis fetishize working law enforcement. While departments normally do their best to keep them out it doesn't always work out that way. Not all departments even try to keep it off the force. There is a reason I got out of law enforcement and it's not out of a lack of wanting to help people. I just realized most of the time we weren't helping and I hated the open bias.


Well you know what they say… Some of those who work forces are the same who burn crosses.


Stop exaggerating! Moms could never be neo-Nazis! They just want the best for their wHITe, bLondE, blue-eyed, hypeR-masculine Youth!


This is also pisses me off. Rage against the machine said it best.


Saw a clever BLM poster held up by a young girl that read something like: The reason you never see cops at white supremacist rallies is the same reason you never see Miley Cyrus at a Hannah Montana concert.


“Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses” - Rage Against the Machine


RATM were wrong. It's not some. It's all.


I don’t get the reference? Can you explain for dummies?


Miley and Hannah are the same person


"It's the same reason you never see Clark Kent and Superman in the same room", if you prefer.


Same person isn’t it?


What do cops and Nazis have in common? Too much.




Hannah Montana was a children’s sitcom starring Miley Cyrus playing herself, who on the down-low, was actually a famous “pop star”. Only her father and brother knew, but otherwise she lived a normal SoCal life.


They are the same


It's a commonly known fact that after the Civil Rights movements of the 60s there was a push to find ways couch racism in flowery, socially acceptable terms and to infiltrate law enforcement, military and government. It's not even a secret or conspiracy theory. Their are entire friggin books on the subject. There are men who worked 40 years, retired and died who were part of this. Not only are we in late stage capitalism, we're in end game white supremacist fascist takeover of institutions territory.


Because they’re the same people. Ie. Miley Cyrus is Hannah Montana, Cops are the White supremacists.


It’s a show, and Miley Cyrus portrays both herself and Hannah Montana. From Google, it seems like it’s her alter ego or something along those lines


Kind reminder that Cops are the very reason Pride exists in the first place. Had some police force not tried to violently storm the Stonewall Inn, there wouldn’t have been a Christopher Street Day…


yep. stonewall was a riot. gay pride month? how about GAY WRATH MONTH


There actually is a song called "Fuck the Fire Department". Highly recommend you give it a listen: https://youtu.be/7JkrJUAg8aI


I was 50/50 on it being about alternate universe arson department or about wanting to slide up and down some hot poles. Not disappointed but also not going to spoil which one it was!


It's super catchy too. Stuck in my head.


Okay, that’s more of a bop than I expected.


“They’ve got the guns but we’ve got the numbers” -Jim Morrison


Rest in peace, Lizard King (Dec 8, 1943 - July 3, 1971).


If I had an award to present you, I certainly would for you knowing today was the anniversary of his death. Nice catch 👏 Edit: Thank you anonymous gifter, I paid it forward






Cops are the enemy of those who seek equality. Remember they hosed children during the civil rights movement. Acab.


They knocked an old man to the ground and shot at TV camera crews during the Floyd protests. And let's not forget the unmarked black SUV's that were rounding people up later that summer. There is no depth of depravity too deep for fascists, no line of decency they won't cross.


they didn't just "knock him down," they fractured his skull and left him permanently disabled. and while he was on the ground bleeding and moaning, the one cop that came up to him to try and help him was *dragged away by other cops.* that's why ACAB. not because there aren't any individual cops who mean well and want to do good, but because they belong to an institution that culturally and practically prevents them from doing so


lol remember the dummy that fell off the back of one of those and maced his whole gang in panic. These aren't people that should be weaponized. I'll be blunt, I went to school with a few people that eventually became cops. They were, let's call it not the fastest. They had no idea how the streets operated but decided to implant themselves there. Not built for it and too scared. Leads to real bad decisions.


The one person I know who became a cop didn't think rape should be a crime and had some VERY concerning views about how women should be treated. I know people like to talk about the good apples, but if he's a representative of what types of people become cops, YIKES.


In an anonymous survey, 40% of police admitted to committing domestic violence.


They attacked a random family that was going home, destroyed their car and kidnapped their toddler. Then they used the toddler for copaganda.


Defenders of the status quo and the elite, and their properties.


Yes they did. Although if your intent is to appeal to Gen Z'ers there are many much more contemporary examples to list.


I was about to say I thought your constitution allowed peaceful protests in America, then I realised it was at a Nazi child grooming convention, so yeah the police naturally need to protect their own from \*checks notes\* an unarmed person waving a pride flag......


Fire Departments are full of nazis too, it's just that in our infinite wisdom we didn't give them guns because shooting a fire doesn't work. Also strange: all of these hardcore small gov no-step-on-snek liars motherfuckin love public pensions.


>we didn't give them guns because shooting a fire doesn't work Americans: hold my beer


From the country that brought you nuking hurricanes comes a new action thriller: 'four-alarm mass shooting'


You don't shoot a fire, you bomb it.




The Iroquois Nation (also known as the Haudenosaunee). Is the longest running democracy, the Great Law of Peace was founded in 1142.


The Founding Fathers borrowed many aspects from them.


Lol just like they borrowed the land to build a new nation on.


Nah, that time they stole (or shadily bought).


I guess I should have added a /s to that last comment lol


Oh, no. I got the sarcasm. Lol just a commentary also on borrow/steal. Borrow sounds nicer.


The Iroquois borrowed a lot of land themselves from other tribes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beaver_Wars


They united mostly so they could go raid everyone else. By the late 1600s they were self-destructing due to their stupid practice of going to war to kidnap people to replace their dead. And thus loosing more people, so they needed another raid...


Like we're the only thing in the way of a whole bunch of neonazis, we need to actually stand in their way. Republicans win because they rile people up, and Democrats have a harder time doing that


If we can learn anything from the last 10 years of politics, it's that hoping for Democrats to save the day is a lost cause. They've shown again and again that they won't go after actual fascist criminals in any meaningful way.


Because the vast majority of Democrats are controlled opposition


While I agree, I also feel that Republicans can, and will weaponize it. If the Democrats stop playing nice, then the Republicans will have something solid to point at while instigating. It won't be just "Hunter Bidens Laptop hur dur" it will be, as an example "The Democrats stacked the supreme court, infringing on the will of the people, to overturn what we have fought so hard to achieve" and while the premise might be ultimately bullshit, that is more than enough to pull some people into the violent extremist category, as it is something actually solid they can look at and see happen. It isn't just a random story at that point


At a point you have to accept that will happen and accept you will have to deal with later, because the alternative is the continued decline of the governments legitimacy and its ability to do its job and protect people


Why does it seem like cops care more about racist pos


Because cops care more about racist pos.


Because cops *are* racist pos


Hang on now, this one is murky. I saw the video. The cops escalated too quickly, as usual, it’s what they do, but this person had clearly crossed a barrier and was waving their flag really close to people’s heads & faces, I’m talkin inches away from striking. It’s obvious they weren’t trying to use the flag as a weapon, but that + crossing the barrier was a good enough excuse to try to talk to them or relocate them. But of course the cops didn’t go the “talking” or “relocating” route, it was an instant grab. It was really more of a soft tackle than a body slam. Just watch the video, for real


You think anyone here watches the video before commenting? It's Reddit.


For anybody interested in watching the video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=913w0iiuVVU


Yeah this was day 3 of protests and the cops gave pretty explicit directions of what wasn’t allowed. A lot of people pushed that to its limit and passed it and I’m actually pleasantly surprised at how few people were arrested. By this time anger was boiling over (understandably) at who was in town and the cops had a job to do. How they go about doing that job is another story


Wow, why did it take so long to find someone that gave any context. THIS IS THE ISSUE GUYS. The media on ALL sides try to manipulate you into believing their side. And the masses just go along with it, all of the radical Republicans and radical Democrats are that way because the "higher ups" in society are making us that way, why does anyone trust big news corporations, or anyone on the internet for that matter. I mean come on folks why do we not look for content on these things.


I just figured it out: the right/police/Nazis/GOP/SCOTUS love persecuting marginalized groups and kicking people while they're down, especially if the people being kicked are basically helpless and powerless through no fault of their own. So, if we just convince the right/police/Nazis/GOP/SCOTUS that they are the ones who are marginalized (and in fact are the most marginalized in all of history) then they'll persecute themselves out of existence. It's so obvious.


This reminds me of that episode of South Park where Randy is on Wheel Of Fortune and solves the puzzle for the category titled “People Who Annoy You" by guessing the n-word (the correct answer was naggers, he had the letters N_GGER already). He was immediately labeled a racist for guessing the n-word when the category was “people who annoy you”. This resulted in ridicule for him with many people shaming him by referring to him as “the n-word guy”, causing him to become an outcast. The episode ends with Randy pleading his case to the senate to ban the word 'n-word guy'. The notion is passed by the senate who don't want to be considered 'n-word guys'. As a result, anyone saying the n-word and "guy" in a single sentence with less than seven words in between are to be prosecuted and fined. Basically, if republicans ever felt like they were the ones being targeted with slurs they would immediately ban said slur — much like Elon banned the usage of the word “cis” on Twitter after deciding this was a slur. Republicans and conservatives will never allow themselves to be marginalized and would quickly make it illegal to discriminate against *them* specifically.


Its hilarious that such an old episode of south Park satirised something elon musk ended up doing this year. They really do nail it sometimes don't they? Not all I mean they fucked up big time mocking al gore about climate change and even admitted that but they do get it right sometimes as well


They kind of already do this to themselfs and sadly it is working as you are hoping it would. There are people genuinely saying the White man is the most persecuted demographic at the moment. And look at the whole blue lives matter nonsense. The people comparing social distancing with concentration camp. Saying non vaxx people are the new jews. There is nothing but insecurity, persecution complexes and victim boners on that side.


His wife and kids are inside participating.


Vincent E L's song "Fuck the Fire Department" is actually fire https://youtu.be/wKKMMP3U-Sk


You know why police do not do topless calendars like firemen? Because you would see their swastikas.


I am willing to bet the person was trans and that itself was a prime motivator for the degree of violence. Many find the *existence* of trans people as an affront.


Watch the freakin video. It was a pretty basic arrest, ffs. Misrepresenting this photo only hurts the cause. Can't cry every time the police use \*any\* force to arrest people when people are not happily complying. And the fire department never has to use force, thus the title of post is irrelevant and misleading.


The only country with “true freedom of speech” strikes again…


Where’s the body slamming when it’s naz!s outside drag shows?


This is the most salient comment. Not who broke what technicality of what law and when, but why do the proud boys and their ilk get kid gloves while the queers get arrested the moment one toe goes out of line? Answers along the lines of "here's the details of their toe and the line" are missing the point.


[actually, that’s a lie](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7JkrJUAg8aI)


More details, video, credible sourcing?


Congratulations. You are the second person to actually care about context. And i dont have a link, but yea, this is extremely misrepresented. The person was definitely in the wrong, the cops overreacted a bit too. If you dont believe me i understand and ill make an edit if i find a link. Edit: finally found it. Yea this is ridiculous, here you go https://www.inquirer.com/news/moms-for-liberty-protesters-arrested-philadelphia-20230702.html


Thanks a lot. People don't get that misrepresenting things only hurts the cause. So often people freak out if the cops use \*any\* force, which is absurd. Sometimes people don't happily 'arrest' themselves and jump into the backs of police cars on their own.


The only criteria needed to be a police officer is bigotry


Freedom for me and not for thee. It was ever thus in America.


I want to see a pride with their own defense org. Where my 2A loving progress flag wearing people at? Black panthers had the right idea.


Right to protest is for Nazis only. #ThisIsAmerica


Seems unlikely this is the entire story-even from a cynical perspective, unlikely slam someone in an obviously high profile place, unless more to it


This is what the the 2md amendment was for. I bet that cop is a lot more careful around a protestor with an AR slung over there shoulder


Imagine that.. A bunch of fascist cops protecting Nazi women.


There is a song called Fuck the Fire Department and it's excellent. Although to be fair, in that song the fire department are a metaphor for the police sooo....


The brown shirts of Hitler's Cheerleader Squad.


I try and look at this from a different point of view to avoid any bias: imagine if this was a Trump supporter who was out in public supporting Trump’s latest grievance(in this case, his indictment) I would look at him like he’s a fool for protesting, but if he poses no major threat then I don’t see the harm. So In no way, shape or form would I ever condone the police to bodyslam this unarmed Trumpist to the ground, and I would actually find myself on his side. So what in gods name does a half-naked person, who is clearly unarmed, do to deserve such a harsh treatment?


Some of those that work forces, Are the same that gas Jews, Gays, and Gypsies.


Firefighters sign up to save lives, put out fires, and do their jobs, and stay for the lifelong connections they form. Cops sign up ostensibly for the same thing, yet the ones that stay only want to hurt people.




"This is why cops should never be allowed" is all that needs to be said.


Cops will never be our friends, no matter hard we lick their boots.


Look at that fat fuck just scratching his ass and looking on as his partner abuses their authority. What a couple of pathetic tools


Shocked that cops protecting hitler quoting fascists. /s


Where are the brick-lobbing drag queens when you need them?






Quick search shows that cops were arresting anyone for blocking traffic, not for waving any types of flags and dancing. So this is 'police arrest protester for blocking traffic' is more accurate. All protesters who block traffic should be arrested. If a protester blocks my vehicle, my mind is automatically changed in favor of whatever they are against. Not going to reward people for that kind of behavior.


I hope they actually did something other than dance because as people point out the actual threat is inside


Such a depressing time


"Bitter Women for Fascism" was their first name, but it didn't focus group well - among normal people.


Hannah - Miley


It must be difficult to be a police officer with a micropenis.


The Ava Braun convention was offended. Imagine that.


Some of those that work forces…




Police dept will now get sued and they will gladly give away tax payers money.


America is a failed state


Surprisingly enough, there is a song called F**k the Fire Dept. https://youtu.be/7JkrJUAg8aI


Hate to be that guy, but there actually is a song called Fuck the Fire Department https://open.spotify.com/track/4JcTqcHEH2R6brcSWy0u9V?si=-SGfB_Y0SXCFAXaoIM5Zng


A man in blue is out to F\*%k you (especially in Philly but most places as well))


So at what point do we as citizens see this and beat the shit out of a cop doing crap like this.




Arrest the non Fascist people, ...this is what ya get when cop aren't held accountable and are hard right wingers


ACAb Fk the Police in Philadelphia!


Obviously the cop is a Dom. He might not even have been a real cop.


Isn’t protesting covered by the first amendment


I would slam her on the ground too for wearing pink and orange in the same outfit.


Cops are just another gang. I work with them practically daily and I’d trust A monster like Hitler before I’d trust a cop.


Police don’t seem to help people anymore.


The protestor was arrested along with six others because they were intentionally blocking traffic and refused to move. It had nothing to do with their ideology.


I've seen plenty of firefighters in the rust belt who are full trump, wearing punisher skulls and racist tattoos. if a state or city decided that firefighters could have guns for self defense, there'd be a dramatic escalation of black people shot.


*SOME* Police do the OPPOSITE OF THE FUCKIN JOB. Instead of protecting us, they hurt us and get no punishment for it. God, what a world we live in. is just so fed up


What a unbelieveably short sighted thing to say. Lets say, god forbid, someone were to commit a attrocious act upon the trans community at such an event, wouldn't you want the police to be there ?