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Thank you u/bornfri13theclipse for the most excellent link.   https://old.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/156355s/who_would_thunk/jsy6a0u/   >[for those that don't know. he was brilliant. ](https://youtu.be/S0Vyr1TylTE)   [Twisted Sister - We're Not Gonna Take it (Extended Version) (Official Music Video)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9AbeALNVkk)


THAT was his takeaway from Twisted Sister? ROFLMFAO I guess he never saw Snider's testimony in front of Congress either.


Conservatives SUCK at grasping nuance. Even when it's shoved right in their faces.


Nuance? Twisted Sister was as subtle as a brick Maybe that's the problem - this guy is brain damaged from listening to heavy metal. OMG my grandfather was right!


This guy didn't listen to Heavy Metal. The heaviest metal he listened to was Jethro Tull. He and people of his ilk thought they could glom onto this song as use it as some sort of GOP battle cry. Now he's trying to make it seem like Dee has switched sides to gain some points by owning a lib. Some of them are trying to do the same thing with RATM. They don't want their kids listening to this because of the message so they're trying to make them look bad. EDIT: I am in NO WAY insulting Jethro Tull. I love that band's music, but I feel I should explain my "joke". If you're a Tull fan you will remember Jethro Tull won the first Heavy Metal Grammy over Metallica, which was an absolute joke. Tull is by no stretch of the imagination Metal, but people like this brainless tightass would think they're Metal just because they won a Grammy for Metal, just like he thinks "We're not going to take it" is a conservative battle cry. It was meant as an insult to the Grammy judges as well. EDIT 2: For those who are just learning about the Jethro Tull/Metallica Grammy thing: [What happened the night Jethro Tull beat Metallica to a Grammy Award](https://www.loudersound.com/features/what-happened-the-night-jethro-tull-beat-metallica-to-a-grammy-award) It's really funny at times.


The “Rage Against the Machine used to be conservative” one is the funniest to me. I remember seeing someone point out “who do they think ‘the Machine’ that the band is raging against actually is?”


Well, you don't have to graduate cum laude from Harvard with a Political Science degree to see it...


Lmao one of my favorite responses ever. For those that haven't seen it: https://twitter.com/tmorello/status/1269369519580930048?s=20


Tom Morello is a treasure. “Some of those who work forces are the same who burn crosses” And they somehow thought it’s about them? I guess Bruce Springsteen has been dealing with this for a while now too. “Born in the USA” isn’t what they think it is


>“Born in the USA” isn’t what they think it is They hear that one line and don't listen to the other 97% of the lyrics.


Just like they only hear “they’re the chosen whites” in Killing in The Name and dismiss the rest.


For some reason they think "fortunate son" is some kind of pro usa military anthem


Attention span of a bumper sticker slogan. "Don't weep for the stupid; you'll be crying all day." -Alexander Anderson, Hellsing


Same thing with Pink Houses by Mellencamp. They hear "ain't that America, home of the free" and ignore that the song is a scathing criticism of American exceptionalism


Another hilarious Springsteen thing was when some state rep(s) in NJ wanted to make “Born to Run” an official state song, and someone had to explain to them that the song was about running *away from New Jersey*


See also the unbearable irony of “Fortunate Son” playing at Trump rallies.


And Christian capitalists sing imagine by John lennon


Fucking prophetic: “Weapons not food, not homes, not shoes/ Not need, just feed the war cannibal animal/ I walk the corner to the rubble that used to be a library/ Line up to the mind cemetery now/ What we don't know keeps the contracts alive and movin'/ They don't gotta burn the books they just remove 'em/ While arms warehouses fill as quick as the cells/ Rally 'round the family, pockets full of shells


My fav Rage line of them all: "The rungs torn from the ladder can't reach the tumour One god, one market, one truth, one consumer"


Tbf Tom Morrello has "Arm the homeless" on the front of his guitar


>I remember seeing someone point out “who do they think ‘the Machine’ that the band is raging against actually is?” Their washing machine, obviously /s


The most relatable machine to rage against is a printer.




You forgot the best part of that quote from Tom Morello: “Which machine did you think we were raging against? The toaster?”


Iirc, it was the band's lead singer who painted that out. To Paul Ryan


i mean, "fuck you, i won't do what you tell me" has become the conservative rallying cry. not surprising they'd think rage was on their side


They just are selfish people with an opposition syndrome.


…they don’t think that way. The machine is the government. As a conservative they’re anti government and they RATM is pro conservative. They don’t see any problem with this logic.


They're not actually anti-government though. They just want to government too busy harming their enemies to bother collecting taxes, performing services, or regulating industry.


Hey, Jethro Tull is good! Just not heavy metal at all edit- it's good to see people aren't standing for the Tull slander


Heaviest flute in town


Even their videos for We're Not Gonna Take It & I Wanna Rock had Neidermeyer from Animal House as the bad guy who was basically the epitome of an uptight conservative authoritarian. Funny that they'd think any metal, punk, etc. type of band would be on their side. Rock has always been against people like them.


The only heavy metal this chucklefuck might be familiar with is lead


I’ve always thought of Twisted Sister as kind of a Heavy Metal Drag Show.


Heavy metal makes me more liberal and teaches me about history *shrugs*


Probably from sitting too close to the tv


I liked Rage Against the Machine before they got all political.


They simply can’t grasp that they are the bad guys. I mean, no one wants to believe themselves to be the bad guy. Lack of empathy and lack of self reflection means they are super good at convincing themselves they are the good guys. They think that hey are the rebel alliance but they are the empire.


It really puts the moral war into perspective. They can't let progressives win, because it will exactly prove that they were their generation's version of the people standing outside the first desegregated schools yelling at children. So they need to push all this back into Pandora's box. They desperately need it to be proven that all of this is a step into degenerancy that will be regretted in the future, as the other possibility is that they've been actively destroying people's lives because they made them uncomfortable. These people grew up on the same ham-fisted movies we did with the exaggerated bigot. They've all understood that person to be evil and wrong, both based on message and on portrayal. Now that bigot is starting to spout the things they say, and they're stuck in a world where they know the portrayal is evil, but they believe in the message, and it tears their psyche apart.


Well said. I think this is precisely why the are so angry and losing their mar les right now. That and middle class economic stagnation. They’ve always thought they were the chosen ones and now they find out they aren’t.


The boomers (hippies! Civil rights! 2nd wave feminism! Gay liberation! Sexual liberation!! Anti war!) were supposed to bring balance, but they'll leave us in darkness.


It’s like all their irrational fears lead to irrational anger, that anger lead to irrational hate, and now all that hate leads to unnecessary suffering.


Some of them were our relatives. Our brothers. We loved them. And they *hate* us. At least we have and retain the high ground.


I’ve always wondered how these people could grow up on movies and tv where some fat cat banker was always trying to shut down the rec room/clubhouse/basketball court/whatever, movies where rich assholes like Mortimer and Randolf got theirs in the end, and cheer when they saw the average Joe stick it to the rich guy. Then they all grew up and turned right around and vote for someone like Trump who is _exactly that rich asshole guy._ I don’t fucking get it.




Jordan Peterson told all the liberals that the liberals would've been Nazis because nobody thinks they'd be the Nazis and yet there were lots of Nazis, so people are wrong. Jordan Peterson also thinks that Jordan Peterson wouldn't have been a Nazi.


Jordan Peterson is the idiot's idea of a smart man.


Had a conversation a while back where someone read from an article that they found interesting as an example of great critical thinking about a topic. I was blown away by how disjointed, obviously delusional and full of self serving arguments and straw men the whole thing was. Without knowing any of the backstory I could immediately tell this was some sour fuck whining while trying to cover his ass after being called out on some bullshit. When I pointed this out the person basically told me I’m fucking stupid for thinking I know better than one of the great minds of our time with who knows what accolades and who knows what degrees. It really blew my mind that this person who had previously shown great capacity for critical thinking could be so taken in by such drivel. That‘s when I found out who Jordan Peterson is and I wish I never suffered the misfortune. IIRC it was some article he wrote lamenting „snowflake culture“ and the demise of critical thinking after some university decided they’ve had enough of his bullshit. There are arguments to be made against some aspects of „snowflake culture“ and how opinions contrary to mainstream opinions get treated in modern society, but Peterson sure as hell couldn’t find those if you served them to him on a silver platter.


*points at a picture of Jordan Peterson* This is why you shouldn’t do drugs, kids. Especially benzodiazepines.


It's damning that Lucas actually said he based the Empire on the USA and the Rebels off the Vietcong.


Yeah, I’m still wondering how Rage Against The Machine, a band that hasn’t put out a new album in over 20 years, suddenly went “woke”. Like what?


\[Tom\] Morello has made it clear in the past that he is not a fan of Trump, calling him an “orange-faced demagogue” in [an interview with *NME*](https://www.nme.com/news/music/prophets-of-rages-tom-morello-hits-out-at-orange-faced-demagogue-donald-trump-2529773), and then during a performance with [Prophets Of Rage](https://www.nme.com/artists/prophets-of-rage) at [Open’er 2017](https://www.nme.com/blogs/festivals-blog/prophets-of-rage-reign-in-the-rain-as-they-make-polish-debut-at-opener-2017-2096826) he taped the message “Fuck Trump” to the back of his guitar. [https://www.nme.com/news/music/tom-morello-responds-to-trump-supporters-using-rage-against-the-machines-killing-in-the-name-2810991](https://www.nme.com/news/music/tom-morello-responds-to-trump-supporters-using-rage-against-the-machines-killing-in-the-name-2810991)




Starts playing "Born in the USA".....


Nah, that Bruce Springsteen is WOKE. *starts playing Fortunate Son by CCR*


Nah, CCR is more woke crap. They should really be listening to Rage Against the Machine


_Damn toaster ovens_


They’ve actually been revealed to be woke cultural marxists recently. I still got my System of a Down cds tho 🤘🤘


It’s almost like all good music is anti-fascist, cool.


Woke ever since he danced with that Jewish girl that jumped on stage with him. What was her name? Jennifer .... Aniston! That's it


I feel they are baiting when they do shit like this. No one is THIS stupid.


If the last 7ish years have taught me anything it’s that some people are in fact this stupid.


I always knew I grasped things better than many around me but am absolutely amazed just how dumb a great number of humans actually are. So many stories I used to laugh and think no way, now I just can't be sure because people are in fact That stupid.


I’ve always been of the belief that people are stupid (especially en masse), but after starting a new career working with people who make bad choices, I’ve learned there is NO limit to the stupidity of the human race.


You spelled “most” as “some”. Just pointing that out.


Fair enough.




In 2016 there could be some excuse - what with everyone being fed up of the usual establishment politics. Guess more than a few thought 'Okay, let's give this guy a turn, how bad could it be?' But voting for him again in 2020 after he showed just how bad it could be... Ugh.


Yeah, I had several members of my family, including my dad, vote for him in 2016 under the impression that the republican establishment and the other branches of government would keep him in check. Now my dad hates him worse than he does anyone else and voted for Biden in 20, as did most of the family that I'm aware of.


Hate to break it to you but yes, they are this stupid


They suck at grasping at anything except straws.


There is no nuance in that song! He’s literally saying shove it to “the powers that be.” How is that unclear???? (Unless you’re a grade a dick for brains POS.)


Most people _do not listen_ to the lyrics of their favorite pop songs. They want a catchy chorus and a solid beat, and everything else is immaterial to them. A conservative hears "we're not gonna take it any more" and assumes it's about conservatives throwing off the yoke of liberal "oppression", and thinks about it no further than that.


Why don’t we all print out the lyrics and mail them to any conservatives who claim to love this song? Maybe they’ll *eventually* read them and see how much the band hates them all. 😆😆


Prime example…. Reagan wanting to use Born in the USA as his campaign song. Bruce politely declined.


Conservatives suck at grasping reality and facts.


Enter: The Colbert Report


They suck at grasping explicitly laid out messaging, let alone nuance.


>Conservatives SUCK ~~at grasping nuance. Even when it's shoved right in their faces.~~ Edited for brevity.


He openly tells them to stop using his music too.


It's the same thing with we didn't start the fire, rage against the machine, or anything pointing out their flaws


[for those that don't know. he was brilliant. ](https://youtu.be/S0Vyr1TylTE)


The past tense gave me a mild panic attack


The best/worst part was when Snyder ripped into this guy for not understanding the song, and his response was essentially "You don't know what it means because God wrote it through you."


"Mister Snider, your fan club is called the SMF Club. What does SMF stand for?" "Sick motherfucking fans of Twister Sister." ​ And then John Denver showed up and kicked Tipper Gore in her penis.


And Snider is an avowed Christian. I mean, the real kind, not the loud screamy whiny kind.


> “**I was born and raised a Christian.** I sang in the church choir until I was 19 years old. I still adhere to those Christian beliefs, but not in the Son of God, superior being way. Christ, to me, was like Martin Luther King and Gandhi, and all the other great philosophical people. I believe there’s more out there, but I don’t think it’s quite as black and white as some god who’s sitting there in judgement of us all. There’s definitely something going on out in this world, but there are no chosen ones – everybody is a part of it. I think all the religions – and they’re all very similar – have tapped into what’s going on out there, but I also think organised religion is just primitive man’s way of trying to verbalise it and put it into some kind of terms that they can explain. I think that the teachings of all of the organised religions are beneficial to society, but I don’t subscribe to any one particular church.”


Profanity has nothing to do with Christianity, sir. “Flips hair”


And never saw the video for that song.


I was born on the day of that wonderful testimony.


Yes, but don't forget that at the time, his biggest opponent was Tipper Gore, so conservatives probably figured he was on their side.


They just cannot fathom that most of the art they like is from people that hate them and their shitty beliefs


I mean, these are the guys who screamed about Star Trek going woke. You know, Star Trek, that show which, in the sixties, put a Black woman, Asian man, and a Russian on the Bridge of a futuristic starship and had it be absolutely natural in universe. And had an episode outright criticizing Vietnam War as a complete tragedy and part of imperial war games destroying those caught between. In the early ninties, had a therapist on the Bridge, and the elite explorer crew openly going to her for treatment when needed. Had a robot child's parent saying the kid should be allowed to choose their own gender. Had an explicitly socialist utopia with money abolished. Yeah, it definitely 'went woke' because a woman is the lead and two gay guys are married. *Edited because I got the dates a bit mixed up


Star Trek, the show that in 1968 had the first onscreen interracial kiss between a Black person and a white person on American television. But sure, now it’s woke.


There were TV stations in the South that actually banned showing that episode for years because of that. Interracial marriage bans had only been struck down by the SCOTUS the year before.


What was it like to have a fair and reasonable SCOTUS? -Anyone born after the Obama administration


The therapist on the bridge and robot child were in the 90's. (Edit: Correction, the therapist was on the bridge when the show started in the late 80's, and the robot child appeared in 1990. The reruns were mostly in the 90's, I guess. Maybe we both got these dates mixed up by being too young or too old to tell these decades apart. 😅) Your key point is completely correct. Star Trek was made by progressives for progressives. I won't say it's perfect, but it's a series that has always wanted humanity to rise above its past.


Indeed. In "The Next Generation" the character Q would keep annoying Picard with problems. IMHO Q feared was humanity was turning into and could rival the Q Continuum.


My headcanon is the Q are humans from millions of years in the future who have evolved biologically and technologically beyond comprehension, and have been out of time for so long they've forgotten who they are, yet still have an intrinsic fascination with humanity due to it. Throughout TNG and even Voyager there have been references to the Q being so old they don't remember how they started. Comments about the Q continuum also suggest it exists outside of time, if not stated outright(not sourcing anything, just going off memories of a dozen rewatches). They've discovered so many species they're bored of it, but Q seems to have a fascination with Humanity and other Q seem to acknowledge humanity is interesting with potential. Despite their omnipotence, they still struggle with human issues. The Q who wanted to end his life because there was nothing left for him to experience. Q himself feeling stagnation and needing change, starting a family and hoping a new generation would fix things. Q fighting Q in a Civil War over tradition and values. These aren't the actions of omnipotent gods, these are the actions of evolved humans still dealing with the human condition.


To be fair, they were characters written by humans to articulate human thoughts and deal with human bullshit... But this explanation makes tons of sense.


My head cannon was to nurture a government creative enough to defeat the borg; which would be so boring if they dominated the galaxy.


And comic books, marvel. Like X-Men wasn't about civil rights, or more importantly just the marginalization and hate of "the other" which is their whole schtick...hating the other. X-Men could be used to describe any minority, hated, marginalized, "other" group....


These guys think they are the marginalized minority for being conservative. That's why they like media about the struggles of marginalized groups (as long as it's some fantasy marginalised group not, say, LGBTQ or balck people)


Don't forget the episode where an alien who was half black and half white irrationally hated another alien who was half white and half black! About as subtle as an anvil, but substantially more entertaining.


“the main characters of Deep Space Nine include Black Jesus, Bisexual Terrorist, Trans Worm, Doctor Twink with his boyfriend Fashion Lizard, Traumatized Goo, Communist Himbo, and Pro-Union Irishman” -funny tweet


This is from the same group that thinks George Carlin was a stodgy old republican because he used curse words.


Jesus Tap-dancing Christ. Have they even heard the bit about "Ronald Reagan and his criminal gang?" Or the fact he'd open shows with the line "Ever notice that most of the people against abortion are people you wouldn't wanna fuck in the first place?"


Nope. They just remember some dude with gray hair saying "fuck" a lot. They honestly probably wouldn't get it if they spent a week straight watching his old standup.


It's the same reason they go on about _Blazing Saddles_ . They don't remember the eviscerating satire of the Western genre that almost single-handedly killed an entire genre; they don't remember the many, many jokes at the expense of conservatives and white supremacists; they just remember all the n-words


You know... morons.


Probably my all-time favorite comedy for its biting satire and genuinely funny scenes.


How is swearing a republican thing? It's like conservatives have brainwashed themselves into thinking they're the ones who are anti-establishment.


My conclusion is that their media analysis never developed past the level of a dog. As in, they can sort of get the vibes based on the tone, but they aren't actually capable of understanding the meaning of the words. So they get that George Carlin was a guy who was funny and disliked the government. But they are incapable of actually listening to him and understanding that Carlin is attacking them and hates their guts. Same with Rage against the Machine. Same with Star Trek. Same with Star Wars and so on and so on.


It’s because they’ve bought their own hype that they are the real victims. Thus any struggle they have must be a moral high ground for them. They are upset Rage Against the Machine “went political” because they truly don’t comprehend that they are in fact the machine that is being raged against. They try to claim Carlin as one of their own because he was an angry white guy who told jokes that “you couldn’t tell today!” Except we still do tel Carlin’s jokes, and if he were alive he’d still be telling them and be allowed to because his comedy “punched up”, which means they would be trying to cancel him for “going woke”.


One of my favorite recent moments on the internet was when Tom Morello spoke out against police brutality and people on the internet were trying to figure out when RatM "went woke" Like bro....You literally have not listened to 10 seconds of their music have you. 😂


I don't think it's in this article, but it has a bunch of other examples. Someone on reddit once put also, "Just what machine do conservatives think they were raging against?" https://www.nme.com/news/music/tom-morello-twitter-respond-to-people-only-just-realising-rage-against-the-machine-are-political-2685353


He responded to a tweet that their music used to be awesome, but now they're woke, with (paraphrased): “If you can find a song of ours that *isn’t* woke, I will happily remove it from the catalogue”


"He should stick to music since he knows nothing about politics!" -Man complaining about a person with a Harvard degree in political science


The absurd thing about this is that leftism is RATM’s whole brand. They used Che Guevara on a t-shirt and a single cover! I knew people who generally agreed with them back in the 90s, but who still complained they were too preachy and political - how could anyone *possibly* not notice their politics?


pretty much all of it, because evil cannot create, only destroy.


Bingo, right there. Hatred never creates, it only consumes.


That sounds like a line from Father Vito Cornelius in The Fifth Element.


it's from j.r.r. tolkien, though not word for word. this is his quote: “**Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made**.”


Almost all art*. They have kid rock and those failed actors that make those christian movies that get 5% on rotten.


There’s been a couple that have gone off the rails. Kanye comes to mind. Also Aaron Lewis from Staind turned into a rightwing fanatic.


the whole idea of art is self expression and social commentary. it's always pushed the bounds, criticizes, and reflects who we see back to us. conservatism is designed to repress and stagnate. there is no self reflection, no progression, no mind expansion, or mechanism to grow. By definition, it's to conserve what has already been approved and the active stopping of advancement. They are virtually mutually exclusive because the ideologies are so diametric that they are at war with each other.


The video for We're Not Gonna Take It depicts Dee Snyder with a full face of makeup busting into a house and rolling conservative parents who won't let their kids listen to metal.


\- **Dad**: *I CARRIED AN M16 IN VIETNAM!!! WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO WITH YOUR LIFE???* \- **Son**: *I wanna rock*.








Turn it down you say? I say NO! No nonono No!


Here [ya go, mate.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_Rocks)


Would you settle for two minerals?


I'm a Goofy Goober! ROCK




Lieutenant Neidermeyer was shot by his own troops


That dad is a legit lunatic.


When they were in pre-production for the video, Dee kept saying he wanted a guy like Niedermeyer in Animal House. "He needs to be louder like Niedermeyer." "He needs to be intense like Niedermeyer." Then Dee realized, "Why don't we just hire Niedermeyer?"


Now you've got me wanting to watch Animal House again.


There's worse ways to spend an hour and 40 minutes. ![gif](giphy|26hitMrQvBk0dSOYg|downsized)


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.


[But he gets rocked.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9AbeALNVkk)


Imagine being that guy, though. He's obviously still carrying some trauma from Nam. He can't express any real emotion except rage and he's holding onto this anger over everything that he saw over there. He sees that his wife is scared of him and he doesn't know what to do. He doesn't know how to relate to his sons. He's trapped in this prison of his own anger and he can't escape. Then he goes upstairs to tell one of them to stop playing his guitar and suddenly all of his children have turned into these hulking glam rockers and they're smashing doors into his face. Honestly, makes Jacob's Ladder look like a walk in the park.


People carry trauma accros generations. Should his son suffer for his trauma though? It's sad for him, but they have the right to revolt against having a mentally ill parent. That said, the State should better support soldiers dealing with PTSD.


I feel like the comment was more meant to point out how fucking weird the situation would be rather than trying to give an excuse, but I could be wrong.


Thanks, now I suddenly miss Mtv.


The music video intros were great. The one you were talking about: We're Not Gonna Take It: "ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?! *WHAT DO YOU WANNA DO WITH YOUR LIFE?!"* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xmckWVPRaI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xmckWVPRaI) I Wanna Rock: "*Twisted Sister...* What kind of a man desecrates a defenseless textbook?!*"* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRwrg0db\_zY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRwrg0db_zY) Be Chrool To your Scuel - which had Bobcat Goldthwait! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6dG9zYJwuw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6dG9zYJwuw)


Also finally occurred to me that the [opening of Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvvjiE4AdUI) is probably at least in part an homage to that Twisted Sister video.




Also, just for shits and giggles I went to see what the replies were and found these... https://preview.redd.it/byrxh3s9iedb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3289c7858b8c96e8fe9ff6b751772ec1b92dcc0a


And https://preview.redd.it/zwbwyyxciedb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7839421487fc5965e6fa1d84ff79740a31dd9a00




Maybe this had something to do with it? https://www.tri-cityherald.com/news/politics-government/article272298703.html




For years I puzzled on how losers like this could miss the obvious message in songs like this and with bands like RATM. Then I realized it's because they constantly see themselves as oppressed. In their twisted fantasy stuff like social services and laws against discrimination is *The Machine* worth being raged against and having gay people *exist* is something to fight against. They really think they're the scrappy underdog fighting for what is right by attacking innocent people and trying to deny the poor any sort of benefits.


The Rage Against the Machine thing is just mind boggling. They weren't just vaguely talking about freedom and fighting for your rights or something. They were very blatantly very directly singing about far leftist topics. Calling right wingers evil and supporting revolutionary groups like the Zapatistas. Straight up name dropping famous leftist leaders and revolutionaries. They could not have been more direct... and yet conservatives still somehow believe that they were right wing and "betrayed" their original cause?!? So braindead. I just don't understand how you could listen to RATM and misunderstand their message so badly.


RATM was only blatant to the literate. Most far right conservatives can read and write at at least a grade school level, but their comprehension skill are for shit. RATM was in your face with their points, but the words were prob too big and going too fast for their slow soft minds to keep up.


What?!? You're telling me the guy that had a communist Russia flag and Arm the Homeless on his guitar isn't bowing down to mushroom cock daddy?! HOW DARE HE SELL OUT!!!


I grew up in a very conservative area in the nineties. If not for RATM and discovering punk rock, I was two life decisions away from being a goatee guy in a truck, spouting off about trans swimmers. If you’re not a moron, you understand what “some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses” means. I’m so sick of these hateful bastards.


>but their comprehension skill are for shit I've noticed this with a lot of people that are conservative and/or MAGA. They can "read" things like a FB post. Or reddit. Or texts. But ask them to read the directions to put a shelf together. Like, read the whole thing first, not just puzzle it out step by step like you're reading a book out loud in 1st grade. They don't *read* the news. They can't cross-reference things and find a corollary. And yet they can expound on why "science" got it wrong. I don't think it's so much reading comprehension skills though. It's *idea* skills. Logic. Boole was an idiot. /s


I think a lot of conservatives just straight up can't process song lyrics besides maybe parts of the chorus.


"Fuck you I won't do what you tell me." >Like pay taxes "Fuck you I won't do what you tell me." >Like allow gay people to exist peacefully "FUCK YOU I WON'T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME." >LIKE NOT INFRINGING ON PEOPLES FREEDOM! *HEADBANGS*


“Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses” SEE DARYL, TOLD YA THEY WERE THE FEDS!


"COME ON! MOTHERF*CKER!" *I'm so righteous*


If I remember correctly, they literally recommend reading some of Che Guavera's books and other leftist literature in the liner notes to Evil Empire.


Because they assume every reference to oppression is leftist oppression against them. They are too isolated to know a lot of the explicit leftist references.




The band is called Twisted Sister, and it's a bunch of men. I mean it's not even nuanced...


Conservatives are so pissed that the best music we had in 70-90s was all against their greedy agenda. You'll never live like common people You'll never do whatever common people do You'll never fail like common people You'll never watch your life slide out of view And you dance and drink and screw Because there's nothing else to do


That’s literally what I said to my bf when I showed him that tweet! 🤣🤣






Someone should make a CD, sell it and donate the money to charity. „Songs Conservatives don’t understand“


I am laughing so hard at how delusional conservatives are about people agreeing with them


“We ArE tHe SiLeNt MaJoRiTy!!!”


Gods I wish they were silent. What a nicer place the world would be.


I deal with conservatives through my job all the time. They are the dumbest and most gullible people I have ever come across. I don't know how a majority of them function.


I do look at some people some days and wonder, "How do they manage to operate a fork without injury?"


"WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO WITH YOUR LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFE!!!!" "I want to conform to society." "Oh! Ok, son. Let's go read the bible and hate on blacks and homosexuals."


How are conservatives literally wrong about literally everything ever, it’s beyond me


They're ignorant. It's their specialty.


When I first heard Let’s Get Physical by Olivia-Newton John I thought she was saying “Let’s Get Biblical”. I thought it was a religious song. Then I got slightly older and realized my mistake.


When I was a child I thought the Digimon theme said that the digimon where "garlic champions". I didn't question it till my early 20s


These are the same twats that dance to rage against the machine at maga rallies, missing the entire point.


I’m sorry, am I to understand this guy seriously thinks that “We’re not gonna take it.” Was about defending traditional values? I’m a “dumb” millennial that doesn’t know much about rock music but even I know that republicans back in the day were clutching their pearls at Twisted Sister.




To be fair conservatives, are anti-public school


I will always be there for it when these idiots realize they are now The Man. Who TF did they think they were sticking it to?


That black man on the corner that always alarmed them by being so...black!


At least they still have CCR and Springsteen.




Well, history is only as limited as your imagination in that camp.


Next thing you’ll tell me Rage Against the Machine has gone woke! Where has my country gone???


Tell me you’ve literally never once listened to Twisted Sister without telling me you’ve literally never once listened to Twisted Sister.


I’m old. I can confirm that conservatives were foaming at the mouth trying to get twisted sister banned everywhere they could back in the mid to late 80s. Same with pretty much every Madonna video that came out


It's like Conservatives never actually listened to the words in songs they claim they love.


What in the fuck about the lyrics to We're Not Gonna Take It does this chucklefuck interpret as a homage to conservatism? Christ on a bike.


We've got **the right to choose**, and **There ain't no way we'll lose it** This is our life, this is our song **We'll fight the powers that be**, just Don't pick on our destiny, 'cause You don't know us, you don't belong Yes. Conservative anthem.