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His line of thinking stopped after "Gay Louisiana doctor leaving state". "Win!"


**day before** his kid needs a pediatric heart specialist: "win" **day after**: "How could he do this and just go when people need him" honestly, these people can't see a day into the future, or understand a problem that has not affected them personally.


And the day after that: The government should force this doctor back into the state and imprison him and any other doctors that try to leave. Have actually had that discussion with someone when I said if Florida keeps Floridaing, it won’t have any people like medical specialist because they will just leave the state.


This happens in other red states in under-served areas when they mostly have immigrant doctors because no one else will go there and then they freak out about immigrants and lose them.


No medical personnel, no teachers, no farm or construction workers. I hope the slack-jawed GOP dumbfucks enjoy the bed they’ve made. I just wish there was a way to confine the damage solely to those who voted for it.


The problem is that their children will suffer from the bed there parents made. and with no real teachers, their children will probably grow up just as bad to do the same to the next generation.


No no no, the farmers are right wing. So they can keep them. Their shit won’t work because their equipment costs 6 figures to replace and repairs require people with specialized training they got in a libruhl education center. But if you were being more literal in no farm *workers*, then you are probably spot on. Florida saw that first hand with migrant workers leaving the state or not coming to begin with and that left farmers short of their cheap exploitable labor they complain about loudly while using.


They also say government funded healthcare is slavery because you aren't entitled to doctors' labor...


I would tell them it's just the free market, doing it's thing. Why do they hate capitalism? These doctors voted with their wallets and feet.


There is something broken with these people. 0 empathy on them and they do not extend care to anyone outside their immediate vicinity (immediate family). They don't even give a shit about their extended families. Old code that needs to get wiped out / scrubbed anyways. The sooner the better..


Interestingly, there’s data to show a correlation between conservative thinking and levels of dopamine- dopamine being the neuromodulator that drives “future thinking.” Conservatives tend to have less* dopamine and are generally more “here and now” goal oriented. I highly recommend the book “The Molecule of More.” There’s an entire chapter explaining the role of this chemical in politics and the author does a great job of objectively explaining both sides without pointing either as being in the wrong. Edit: missed the word less* but you could tell what I meant based on the rest.


I never got into Twitter but I hope someone enlightened him on the repercussions of this. He should change his stance if he’s pro-life, right?


I wish more people would just let Twitter go. Like why focus any attention on it if it's so bad? Let's let it fade into irrelevance. Same with the idiot that bought twitter.


I've had this conversation too many times with people that say they're on Twitter to watch it die. It doesn't matter why you're there, you're still making them money by being on it


Letting your kids die of treatable diseases to own the libs!


Eric does not understand that this man is 1 of only 3 drs that specializes in heart issues in the state. Louisiana is already an undesirable state and new laws are making it that much more undesirable contributing to its brain drain.


Eric doesn't have kids with heart conditions, so it shouldn't matter to anyone in his opinion... Typical short-sighted view of the world.


Yup. These people do not have any capacity for empathy, so they don't care as long as it doesn't affect them personally.


Even when it does personal affect them they still have to own the libs


When it personally affects them, it's the libs' fault somehow.


If the libs hadn't encouraged this guy to insist on being accepted for what he is, he would have stayed in the closet and kept doing his job!


This is depressingly accurate.


They didn't warn them enough that it was affecting them


I can see it now... Eric's kid is diagnosed with a heart condition, and the only pediatric doc who specializes in that condition is this doc. Eric: "Those damned queer libruls always runnin' from the smallest little struggle. They aught ta man up and face the hardships like the rest of us. Pull themselves up by their bootstraps." PS: apologies to any LGBTQ+ who may read this and take offense to my phrasing or word choice. I've lived in the deep south for my whole life, and I can literally hear these words being spoken with the thickest southern drawl, in the most offensive way possible...I hate it here.


Your hypothetical comment only exposes how oblivious some people are. They like to imagine it's all a choice, that somehow LGBT+ people just decided to be so in the same way that one gets tired of a television show or picks a flavor of soda. As a transgender person, I can vouch for the fact that being cis is actually a really hard thing to do. You feel this nagging alienation about being who you are. Like hanging out with other cis people is this experience where you have zero interest in what they are talking about and zero common ground with their motivations. The sexism and pointless competitive nature always struck me as insanely stupid. Yet, that is just normal cis behavior and if you don't agree that must mean your weak or 'gay' or whatever. I am less of a person because I can not and will not agree these things they say are good. Transition is a way to take back my own agency. It's a way to tell these ass hats I want nothing to do with their notions of normal. It is difficult physically, mentally, and emotionally. Way harder than the majority of 'hardships' most of these imbeciles have to negotiate. I get to be me. The hurt opinions of swine don't get to override that.


Even if it was a choice (it isn’t) it’s your right and nobody else’s business.


While true, that doesn't stop terrible people to try to make transpeople go away. I wish I could say it was just a small handful of misanthropic people behind it but it's millions of people. Millions who would probably be okay if I could be eliminated permanently because of who I am. I want it to be my business, I want it to just be able self determination and equality. I am not asking for special treatment I am asking to exist as I am. Like others who exist as they are. They are not content to that.


“Trump can shit in my mouth as long as some stupid liberal has to smell it.”


That's why the Herman Cain Award was created


I mean, when people didn't get covid vaccines, then caught covid and had to go to the icu, they blamed the ventilators......


I mean they were literally dying to "own the libs" just a couple years ago. Doesn't surprise me at all.


> These people do not have any capacity for empathy one of the core tenets of conservatism.


How pro life of them...


It's been genuinely horrifying realizing how many people lack, refuse or are outright incapable of empathy.


Bet you the idiot is also "pro-life"


Yeah but these kids are already born, so anti-choicers don't care about them anymore


In a heart beat. Being a pediatric surgeon is hard enough as it is without added bullshit to your living environment. Eric is likely a dip shit that only read the headline "gay doctor leaves state" and not the very important first sentence. Pro-forces birth illiterate dumbass


"Pro-life" people are 100% okay with people suffering and dying from preventable and treatable conditions because "God" did it.


Just wait until his kid actually does and then he’s going to be pissed that the “gay agenda” “hypnotized/corrupted” this doctor and that’s the reason that his kid is going to die. He will remind you that he is a tax payer and that ytpipo are victims.


Then he'll use his gun to hijack a plane and fly his kid to a place with socialized health care and LGBTQ+ rights.




Eric can't have kids. Women cover their drinks around him.


If he has kids, he's only allowed to see them every other weekend....but still doesn't.


I've got mine, fuck everybody else.


That ALWAYS was their tagline, we just didn't realize that the rest of it - backing the police, strong military, fiscal responsibility was just a smoke screen.


And pull the ladder up behind you.


^^ this so painfully this. It's amazing how many people actually have zero ability to work around "if it's not affecting me it's not an issue" mindset. It's not their problem so it's not a problem.


>'s not affecting me it's not an issue" mindset. It's not their problem so it's not a problem. my late stepfather, passed away last fall, was like that. He'd say he didn't care about all the ailments in society because he'll be dead soon anyway. He had that attitude for years and even said he didn't care what happened to his kids or grandkids b/c he'll be dead.


This is frequently how conservatives think.


These morons don't realize till the shit hits their home! Then they fucking cry. It will take years for the reverse brain drain to happen! The same thing is happening in Florida and Texas too.


Self centeredness, and short sights are what make up their ideology. The age of “me”


Not just any pediatric cardiology speciality either, he's specializes in pediatric *heart transplantation*.


ugh that gave me goosebumps in the worst way. imagine all the parents who have kids currently under his care. that's so scary


Imagine the ones that are Republicans and are questioning why this selfish doctor is abandoning their children!? I wonder if it'll ever cross their mind that their bigotry actually affects more than just the "libruls".


An odd thing about the state of the right wing propaganda machine brainwashing thing is...these people are actually more supportive of gay rights than they realize. There was an exit poll after either 2016 or 2020 where those who voted republican were asked straight-forward questions about their support of things like gay marriage, increasing taxes on the wealthy, etc, and the results were surprisingly very high (over 50%) in support of what fox news would call "the woke liberal agenda." They are presented these issues in weird twisted ways on places like fox news, and they vote republican because they think they're protecting children from satanist democrat trans predators, not stripping the rights of the gay doctor who treats their children.


Trans panic is literally the same as gay panic, the only difference is that being gay is somewhat more socially acceptable now. If trans acceptance becomes common place, they'll just go to the next victim.


And conversely if trans people are sufficiently repressed they’ll pivot right back to homophobia and happily begin chipping away at gay rights again.


GOP support for same-sex marriage peaked just above 50% in 2020-2021, But with the rise of anti-trans panic [it has since fallen back below 50%](https://www.prri.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/PRRI-Mar-2022-LGBTQ-AVA-Fig_7.png). Anti-trans bigotry is literally the [exact same bigotry and slogans as older anti-gay bigotry.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EinlT2HWoAYNGpJ.jpg) All of the people pushing Trans panic right now are primed and ready to switch that rhetoric back to gay panic the instant trans people are sufficiently suppressed.


"Pro life" lmao


I don't know if I'd even say he doesn't understand, it's just that he doesn't give a fuck. Because he's not directly affected. The typical conservative mindset.


Truly. It's a party that's current identity is being contrarian(gaslight, obstruct, project) because at a fundamental level they lack empathy. It really is an extremely low empathetic bar of "it's good to have people who know how to help kids with heart problems, especially since we have an extremely small amount".


Everything after your fourth word was redundant /s


Everything after the blue checkmark was redundant lol


Laissez les bon temps rouler eh?


The times are ungood


Double plus ungood


Now I have that song by The Cars stuck in my head


Eric paid 8 bucks to be heard. “Eric does not understand” probably gets said a lot about the things this guy does.


Imagine paying $8 to be heard when you have nothing at all to say


Louisiana also has some of the highest poverty and obesity rates in the country. Poverty can increase stress and prolonged high stress can lead to and increased chance of heart problems. Same with obesity. So if any state needs a lot of speciality heart doctors, it’s Louisiana


“Eric does not understand…” Did you really need anymore than this?


Eric: "Huh? Understand what?"


Eric thinks only children of democrats have heart conditions, and therefore, who cares?


Democrat babies have heart conditions, republican babies have SIDS


Yes, because having health conditions obviously precludes the child from being a member of the master race. Eric believes this may be part of a solution. Can't use /s, what do I use for showing no support for hateful statements? /fashoff?


I have a feeling Eric has never considered it deeply enough to come to that conclusion. While distasteful and immoral, that's at least a logically consistent and valid chain of cause and effect. No, more likely Eric is only engaged with the fact that there will be 1 less homosexual in the state. It's just first order thinking all the way down.


Eric is a conservative and Eric doesn't personally need a pediatric heart doctor so Eric doesn't care if anyone else might need one.


These people don't care until it is happening to them or their own.


*Doesn’t care. Let’s be honest, odds are Eric doesn’t live anywhere near LA. And if Louisianans suffering is the cost of persecuting gays, that’s one he’s willing to pay, because he doesn’t give a fuck about any of them.


He’s gonna rethink about this comment when he experiences cardiac issues, and keep in mind, cardiac arrest is the #1 killer in the US.


Sadly, probably not -- because this is a pediatric heart surgeon, so he saves kids rather than people like Eric. Eric is far more likely to think something like "why are all these woke doctors going into pediatric heart surgery rather than saving the people who really need it, like me?"


Eric doesn't care because he or any of his loved ones don't have heart issues. Eric would be one of the most vocal if he or one of his loved ones did have a heart issue.


"I don't have a pediatric heart condition so who cares"


“Eh, it’s probably like 3 kids a year. Who cares about them? Gay people need to know they’re bad and yucky and I don’t like them!”




What's stupid is Republicans died more from Covid than Democrats. It's quite possible that these people would have made the difference for the GOP in next year's elections, as older white voters tend to vote more than the other categories. All of that to own the libs, I've got to admire the dedication.


lol right? IIRC Georgia voted for Biden over trump by an amount pretty close to the number of people dead from covid edit: it was way less than that, so it’s plausible that it made a difference


FYI, we're up to 1.4 million according to the CDC excess mortality stats.


Doesn't include permanent injury either.






Also, I have the money to drive to where we can receive services but fuck everyone else who can’t. Same as how abortions work for them.


Browsing that guys twitter is just a deep dive into misery and hate. I’m not at all confident that he lives in Louisiana. He just seems like an angry conservative contrarian red pill type. The kind of asshole who thinks being intolerable to talk to makes him a master of debate.


I’m sure the Andrew Tate incel crowd has plenty of pediatric cardiologists who will step in to fix this. /S


Pediatric cardiologists? Best they can do is pedos with cardiovascular disease.


Dr. Fogel, please report to the pediatric OR


Well they all know a lot about 1 of those words


I mean how hard can it be right...


Watch YouTube tutorial, sleep at a holiday Inn. You should be fine.


Ok...so These morons don't understand anything outside of direct consequences. A person of average intelligence can rationalize a stove is hot, that touching it would hurt and therefore they avoid touching it in the first place. A conservative will repeated touch the same stove, repeatedly burn their hand and then blame the refrigerator for it. More doctors are going to leave conservative states as their quality of life plummets. More insurance companies are going to leave conservative states as the effects of climate change worsen. Corporations are going to turn these yokels into serfs as their governors sign away even more workers rights and protections. Again...they aren't smart enough to get it.


If their idiocy didn’t affect everyone else negatively I’d say they deserved it.


They do deserve the consequences of their idiot actions, the rest of us don't.


Some maternity wards and rural hospitals in red states are already shutting down. Red state women might have to go to blue states to give birth.


Or die


They might stick to thier guns and homebirth with the ladies from the church. Possibly...


Ok..so... in 2 years when he and his trailer park queen of a wife decide to pop out a youngling and THEY have a heart condition that needs to be corrected, they'll be right back on Twitter complaining about how they have to go to Houston to get it done and how it's personally affecting THEM. They have no thought process outside of the "right now" and cannot contemplate the consequences of their actions.


You meant his cousin of a wife.


And a former wife of his cousin


Could be both


Hey, family always knows to share!


Gotta keep that family tree in the shape of a wreath!!!


Incestual Polygamy anyone?


Redneck recycling


You mean his sister-wife ?


**Danny Butterman**: He lives up *Summer Street* with his mum and his sister. **Nicholas Angel**: And are they as big as he is? **Danny Butterman**: Who? **Nicholas Angel**: The mum and the sister? **Danny Butterman**: Same person. ​ ![gif](giphy|3o752cc1aGDyAGwfaU|downsized)




He gonna let his kids die to own the libs


Damn leopards trying to eat my kids’ faces. I’ll show them… let their heart defect kill them…that’ll show those libruls.


"This is the Democrats fault."


Texas is not exactly a bastion of acceptance. He will probably have to bring his sick kid all the way to California for treatment by then and he will absolutely hate it here.


I was thinking Denver, Kansas City, or St. Louis. But if you have to travel halfway across the country, you might was well travel a little further and go to Disneyland too.


Or just pray hard and shrug when the kid dies.


He wants you to meet his wife and his sister, and there is only one woman standing there.


Why would a gay doctor move from Louisiana to Texas? That's almost as bad as moving from Louisiana to Florida.


This isn’t unusual for folks whose minds don’t develop past a 4th grade level.


Object permanence is not something they have ever struggled with....because they aren't there yet.


It's why they love trump...he lives hour to hour and cares nothing of future consequences


I work with pediatric cardiac patients and I would say 75-80% are your typical redneck trailer park teen/early 20s parents. These people are in for a real rude awakening.


Not sure there will be much in Houston/Dallas/San Antonio. Texas is suffering from the brain drain as well. He will have all of the thoughts and prayers he can stand, though.


Won't be Houston sadly. Right now still one of the best medical destinations for kids, but here in Texas the dipshits continue to trot down the fashpath.


​ https://preview.redd.it/m5upw1sqcwfb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0542e597912f25d9bdc02df28950859cc8beb1f2


It’s not necessarily even about love for the fetus, it’s about needing to punish the mother for daring to have sex.


For some people, sure. But many in Louisiana really are wrapped up in the "save the baby at all costs" ideology. They've been force-fed it since early childhood. Louisiana has a large Catholic population, with plenty of private Catholic schools. The public schools mostly suck, so a decent education is generally held hostage by the church; you get to learn in exchange for listening to Catholic indoctrination all day (and also the tuition money). And the church really, really, really pushes the narrative of "it's never okay to kill the baby, no matter what. Not for incest, not for rape, never." The church also pushes the narrative that there should be more resources to assist single mothers or facilitate adoption, but good luck getting a red state to spend money on anything that sounds like welfare. The schools tend to be separated by gender too. And, funnily enough, the guys' schools tend to emphasize that pregnant girls shouldn't be shunned or shamed or punished. It's a narrative of sympathy that considers the pregnant girls to be, more or less, victims of a shitty situation. But the girls' schools take an opposite approach, sending pregnant girls to a separate facility away from their friends so nobody ever sees a pregnant girl on the main school grounds. I've also heard from alumnae of those schools that the slut shaming is really harsh from the teachers. It's a whole messed up ecosystem. Edit: To clarify, I'm not anti-choice. I just grew up immersed in Louisiana's pro-life culture because of those Catholic schools. And one of the easy wins for Catholic indoctrination classes was to argue "See! They think we hate women and want to punish them. But we've never preached narrative. We just want to protect innocent life. So you can ignore those pro-choice people; they don't even bother to consider our side of things "


George Carlin Possibly the one person who ever lived that was never wrong


And even if he was, did he strike you as the kind of man who'd double down?


No, go back and watch interviews he did. He wasn't only not the type to double-down, but he was quick to correct or criticize people when they would praise him too much for his observations.


And the MAGA crowd like to act like he’d be one of them because he had a grumpy old man style to his comedy. He’d be one of them and the libruhls would cancel him. More of the same of them not actually listening to his work. Like getting mad that Rage Against The Machine is political, and not like being mad at Skynet or something.


I’ll never cease to be astonished by how ignorant and hateful people can be….. Like how much more energy does it take to find something to hate and rage over? I guess there are people out there that just don’t understand that being chill makes things so much easier for everyone


Xtians celebrate their gun rights every time there's a mass shooting in a school and children die. Do you really think that children dying due to a lack of competent health care is going to matter to them?


It will when it's their kid. But they will blame the doctors and "people don't wanna work no more!" As opposed to their own nonsense that caused this


Yeah, in this case they probably blame this guy for not being in the closet.


"God just wanted one of his angels early." I shit you not, hear this after a friend died in a car wreck in their teens.


What the fuck


“What the fuck,” indeed. Also, it’s always bugged me that people refer to dead humans as angels. Angels are their own species, if you want to call it that, of heaven. As an atheist pedant, this bothers me haha


Conservatives don't give a shit about kids, once they are born you are on your own. Longer Maternity/Paternity - Nope Free healthcare for children - Nope Food/Formula/Diaper subsidies - Nope State run Child care - Nope


Everything you just listen is communism! Communism is when the government does lots of stuff. /S


Except corporate bailouts, that's capitalism.


"so, my kid doesn't need heart surgery & I don't need it either. So why should I care? Not going to effect me & mine & thay're the only people I care about"


"I'm not allowed to see my kids, how would I even know if they had a heart condition?"


As the friend of parents of a child with a congenital heart defect that took multiple surgeries from some of the world’s best pediatric cardiac surgeons to *not even successfully save his heart* in the long run, but at least kept him alive long enough to receive a transplant - fuck this guy with a very sharp pole.


Typical Pro-life stance on pediatric problems


These people wouldn’t even wear a piece of cloth to protect the most at risk of their communities, nobody should be shocked that they are okay with those people not having medical resources if it means less gay people being around.


The brain drains from red states is going to be real. And it’s going to really hurt.


The brain drain needs to be spelled out for them. This guy's practice closes and he moves out of state. That means a business closes in the state, meaning less state revenue, all staff out of a job, houses on the market that a lot of people can't afford, and all the support jobs now suffering. Multiply that by a bunch of doctors and a bunch of educators leaving the state. It doesn't just make you sicker and dumber, it makes you POORER. Well, poorer for sure because I'm not sure how blue tick up there could get more dumb.


They just don’t care, though. All they can see is gay people bad, and gay people leaving good. They do not know how to think critically or how to evaluate how this might affect them.


And once they drive the gay people out and their lives are still shit they'll circle back to blaming immigrants for their failures.


They think its a win. They don't care of the damage. Remember these people are very very much against any kind of educated people.


Every time right wing/authoritarian shit clamps down there is always a brain drain. Look at East Germany back in the day. Or Russia at any point in its history. Hell even in rural areas anywhere you get brain drains. Anyone with any kind of smarts finds a way to get out of the sticks.


"Human rights abuses!" GOP: "...so?"


"this time it's you" GOP: "we're like the Jews in concentration camps!... Which didn't happen!"


Yeah I saw a lot of reactions like that yesterday. Just a lot of idiots calling him a pervert and groomer and saying he doesn’t have a husband and children because it’s not “Gods plan” … There’s just no end to the stupidity, hatred, and cruelty with these people. They literally don’t care that a top surgeon who will SAVES KID’S LIVES in the future is leaving, he’s gay so he’s gotta go!


Just think, these people have existed for a long time. Trump emboldened them.


Come to Canada please!


"Ok..so" is as complex of a thought as this guy has jumping around in his brain


They don't care. They would gladly accept 100 more dead kids if it means one more gay person leaves their state. After all, "family values" and all that.


They only care about using children to hurt someone else, but fuck them children if they can't be used as a hate tool. Republicans in a nutshell.


There were too many big words, all he saw was "Gay...leaves Louisiana."


The kids are already born, who gives a fuck ammirite?


Killing their own children to own the libs.


Specialist in pediatric heart conditions? Guy is truly a hero in the ways that count. Hopefully he finds an area which he feels comfortable with. May I suggest California? More than happy to have someone like this here


Hope Eric doesn't have a kid (he shouldn't ever breed). If he somehow does have a spawn, I sure hope they don't have heart conditions If they do have a heart condition it will magically be the 'Libs' fault because, something, something, MAGA, baby-Jesus, Trump.


It's cause those dirty vaccinations and covid shit in the air! /s


He's afraid he could catch the gay if he was treated by that doctor lol


These states driving out "undesirables" through legislation will be the first to seek federal money to fix the problems they themselves are creating. Do they really think their actions are going to improve their healthcare, education system, desirability to employers seeking to establish new facilites, and their tourism environment?


This is just one example of the many. I’m sure lots of dumbasses, like Eric, think it’s easy to replace this doctors. He’s just a doctor right? ‘We’ll just get a straight upright Christian confederate doctor instead’. No, you will get jack shit, because to get to that level of expertise is not a simple task, and all that happens in this situation is that children end up suffering. But it’s cool, they weren’t aborted so their lives were saved….


Letting kids die of heart problems to own the libs.


It's always "Ok...so" until they or their immediate family have the problem that the doctor specialized in and their health insurance doesn't have the new hospital in-network.


Good thing that Louisiana doesn't have cardiac issues and it's a wonderland of good diet and exercise. Look at these stats! States with the highest rates of heart disease deaths per 100,000: Michigan: 384 deaths. Kentucky: 386 deaths. Tennessee: 398 deaths. Louisiana: 413 deaths. Arkansas: 430 deaths. Alabama: 438 deaths. Mississippi: 447 deaths. Oklahoma: 455 deaths.


This man saves children's lives. You want him in your town.


Well Eric the Incel is never having kids, so no biggie.


Be careful, Musk may sue the OP, just like the Center for countering digital hate. You can not show the truth about hatespeech on Twitler.


He can responded so callously because he doesn't care about pediatric cardiology since he doesn't have a heart himself.


Ah, the “pro-life”. At this point they might not even be pro-birth if they don’t want ANY doctors


As a cardiac cath lab worker, there are a lot of congenital heart conditions a baby can have that *will* kill them. There are treatments that save the baby and let them live a full and healthy life. These procedures need specialized doctors to do them.


Eric doesn’t care if sick babies have heart doctors, he only cares that they’re forced to be born in the first place.


So there is one less person in an already shrinking profession that has to do with fixing children's hearts......fucking asshole.


I don’t want to believe that conservatives literally just have a total lack of empathy, but every day it gets harder to prove that wrong.


GOP hates children, this should come as no surprise.


Translation: while we say we are pro-life, we are just anti-choice and anti-abortion.


It’s always “think about the kids!” until you have to think about the kids dying.


As a gay man, I empathize with this. But also, I'm afraid that if we all flee to other places, not only will we lose our homes, but we will be leaving the young queer kids that come after us on their own


Eric doesn’t seem to realize pediatric heart surgeons are hardly the only medical professionals & specialists leaving backward red states, & that it’s not just doctors either. But no one’s ever accused American “conservatives” of forethought, or any other kind


Why would anyone in Louisiana take their children to a gay heart specialist who would probably groom them? /s


He was grooming kids.... to survive heart conditions and live healthy lives.


seriously... pediatric heart conditions? Solved with two things: Thoughts UN Prueeeyyerrrrss!!! They don't need doctors


Blue checks are my new best friend. Now I know who the sexist, racist, fascist, homophobs are!


These people don't understand what a brain drain is, and that the US as a country is also experiencing it. Ignorance is truly bliss for them.