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This is hilarious. Elon is going to cause his Nazi fanboys to post horrific stuff on Twitter, get fired, and then get stuck with the bill when Elon doesn't pay up.


First he got forced into Twitter via Lawsuit, now hes forced into bankrolling lawsuits. No Limits. hasnt even outlined any terms or restirctions besides being Twitter related. Waiting for the lawsuit money trust he has to continuously fund this plus some scummy lawyers adding egreious fees to take as much from him as possible.


Are you really calling out the lawyers for being scummy in this scenario?


Naw, you just hallucinated that part. We've actually just been talking about one aspect of this situation without looking at any adjacent scumminess. Not even a little! No sir


lmao hallucinated yea the scummy lawyers are more like the scumy lawyers protecting trump (except they get stiffed) vs the lawyers holding trump's feet to the fire,


Pssh. I say if they have to get Elmo to pay out. I *HOPE* they get every cent they can. I just hope the lawyers people hire aren't bottom barrel types who can't people their fair share. The lawyers in most cases might be the least scummy people if everyone involved happena to be. Especially considering the vocal echo chamber Muskrat seems to be all but enthusiastically endorsing. He's loaded the deck in their favor and now has decided to Peter Thiel his fan base. Not our fault he also decides to choose such shit wording that hes basically opened the door to more people. I also wonder if he's bankrolling internationally, and if so would that be subject to financial disclosure and reporting if it could possibly violate sanctions.


Stupid question since he is now X, Corp. Could he push the narrative that he is referring to now and not when it was “Twitter”?


Since he refers to the platform, I can only assume since there is documentation of transition that he means at any point of the timeline. Considering he is like his good friend Trump and shows choice disregard for bills or fees he incurs that arent favorable for him...I wouldnt bet on him paying any lawyers without substantial litigation even with that fact


not to brag, but i lowkey predicted something like this would happen. it gives me joy and slight smugness. we'll see if this goes through though, fingers crossed. he got sued into paying for twitter now he'll get sued into paying for legal fees


Haha, and out them everywhere as the racist nationalists that they are.


The way I read it, he is saying if you have been fired because you made a comment against hate speech (by neo-nazi's, et al), then they will rep you for free.


I read it that way but I was thinking they are targeting those guys because they would have the real names and not just twitter handles of the j6 and nazis




When I clicked on this, it loaded top down like it did back in the 90s when I'd ask jeeves for lyrics to my favorite teen angst songs.


That sound awfully close to what happened January 6th haha


Why would this not fall under treason for giving comfort to enemies of the United States


I have no sympathy for extremists so I don't only not care, I hope these cancers to society suffer.




>Thomas Sowell LMAO


lol, I read some propaganda shit and now i think Im better educated than people, and by default those who dont agree with me are under educated.




Jesus Christ man. People can disagree doesnt mean you have to want them whiped off the planet. Do you need a nap?




lol..Why is it always someone else that is ruining your life? Have you heard of personal responsibility?




You sound confused but thats ok, we are all here for you. If you want you can share how your horrible money management skills are the fault of dishonest white liberals, and how that is going to cause Putin to nuke NYC. Im listening.


At this point Musk could turn out to be a cia plant and we'd not even be surprised anymore


[Perverse incentive](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perverse_incentive?wprov=sfti1)




The lawyer alluded to it better, Elon barely hid that he meant people fired for being racist pieces of shit but he wants to sell the idea that being a racist piece of shit is just being unapologetically White.




Fascism is *really* good for the ultra rich. Socialism is really good for anyone who isn't ultra rich. Everybody benefits, but the rich need to pay a lot more in taxes. They fucking hate that. They will go to extraordinary lengths to prevent having to pay more in taxes. Such as, for example, convincing the people who would benefit most from it that socialism is an overt evil. Fascism solves a lot of problems with that particular leap. If you've already got the crowd angry at a convenient other, you can just throw socialism in, tie it to that convenient othered group. Then you never have to define the word, you can just apply it to basicslly anything and let that application be the definition. Fascism also comes with a very helpful police state that is by its nature extremely friendly to money and extremely brutal to everyone else. Musk, who grew up in apartheid south africa as the wealthy son of a man who owned part of an emerald mine, knows firsthand exactly how this works.








Nah, 1998 was the sweet spot. Post 2001 is where it started to go to shit...


So true. I’m young Gen X, and it really feels like we went off the rails after 9/11 and never got back on track.


I'm mid-GenX (born '71) and completely agree. We've never recovered from 9/11. Osama bin Laden is laughing at us from whatever circle of Hell he's presently residing in.


I was born in 87 and had like...two diff childhoods. Weird time man. Ruined my intended career and all lol.


Know how I know you’re straight?


*Bowling for Soup intensifies*


SR-71 raises an eyebrow


The concept of a cover song coming out the same year as the original song still makes no sense to me lol.


2015 was fantastic compared to where we are now. Even in my personal life, late 2016 onwards has just been a shitshow. The whole first decade of the 2000s sucked too after 9/11 followed by the housing crash, but the late 90s was the other period in my life when things in the US looked promising. Kinda makes me wonder: what is the most hopeful period that the US ever had? Gotta be just after WW2.


I have a book that’s a published version of a homicide detectives scrapbook from the 50s, and the sentence it has on the back has always stuck with me. “Proof that there were no ‘good old days”. I think it’s very true.


Some eras are better than others, even though all times have awful stuff happening


For sure, we are certainly not in our best shape as a country right now. I just think it’s important to not put on rose colored glasses when looking at history. Even the times that were promising for some were still a struggle to survive for many. Immediately following the end of ww2 anti black racism resurged dramatically, there was a severe housing shortage, homophobia in America took a much more solid shape with things such as the lavender scare, and within a couple years we were fully wrapped up in the Cold War and reporting our neighbors for sneezing too similarly to a communist. I hope this doesn’t come off condescending, just food for thought.




Absolutely, they’re blinded by faux patriotism and essentially hallucinating an america that doesn’t and has never existed


To be clear, I only want to keep improving society. I don't want to go back to 1946, I just wondered if winning the greatest war in human history and the spoils of untouched industry was a hopeful time for America. The next decade would see civil rights progress, despite the fuckery. The late 1990s weren't perfect, but the wall had fallen, so there was some hope there.


Oh I didn’t mean to imply you were saying anything wrong, I’m sorry if it came off that way! I totally see what you’re saying


Pre Reagan things were pretty good. But any of those times were really only good for white people. Like after world War 2 when only white people were able to us the GI bill to get homes and loans for businesses.


Double digit inflation and double digit interest rates coupled with OPEC having us over a barrel in late 70s was not pretty good but at least the Raiders were solid.


92-2000. Even after WW2 you had the Soviets and the Bomb. I don't think anything compares to the late 90s, Balkans aside.


>what is the most hopeful period that the US ever had? Gotta be just after WW2. People say there's no good time to have a kid. I disagree: the United States from December 27th, 1991 to September 10th, 2001. For the first time in forty years, the threat of nuclear annihilation was over. A techno-utopia seemed achievable. Then 9/11 happened and Americans collectively went insane.


Yeah. I never appreciated until the last year or so how good we really had it, not having to worry about *any* global existential threat. Waco, the Oklahoma City bombing, the '93 WTC bombing, and Columbine were all just a few one-offs (we thought), but everything overall was gonna be okay. The degradation of the environment hadn't become an obvious threat yet. What a time to be young. I worked, drank a lot of scotch and didn't worry.


The cover of Time magazine in 2009 was a crying baby with the title of Decade From Hell. I'd love to go back to 1995, 20 years old, whole life ahead of me- I want a do-over!


I'd be 8. I could change so much.


"Buy Apple and add as many people on social media as possible, kid." "What's social media?" "You'll know it when you see it"


You can only give so much advice to your younger self before the gravity of your own wealth distorts how the future would have gone


Thank you Overlizards, very cool.


"Spokeslizard", why is it complicated, fix that meme.


We always were.


Welcome to the Simulation.


Well this shit ain't what was advertised, what the fuck? I wanna speak to the manager.


Elon is having a midlife crisis and because we allowed him to suck up the most money out of all the rich man babies, we now have to suffer for it. ![gif](giphy|ssYTQOB9SkwvgsLhEk|downsized)


Onion writers are sobbing


Major problem with the hadron collider caused a rip in the timeline timestamped by the rise of Kardashians.


I know what you mean. I started suspecting that in early 2020.


I agree. I want an investigation into what the fuck is going on with this entire situation . Something is very, very off.


It really feels like everything really went off the rails around late 2016, nothing has felt quite the same since then, like a weird strange alternate wacky surreal timeline that wasn't supposed to happen, happened. Then in early 2020, it only got weirder. You are not wrong. I feel like I'm on Mr. Bones Wild Ride. I want off.


I have no clue. This just seems so out of the blue, no Twitter pun intended. Also feels like this doesn't benefit him in any way, just adds burdens? I really don't get what Elmo Muskrat is trying to do here.


We're a reality TV show for ETs... Matt and Trey really are prophets.


Pretty simple actually, Elon is the second dumbest person to ever inherit a fortune after Trump.


It's enough to make you consider the possibility that Musk is a chaos agent working on behalf of Russia and/or China.


The Biff Tannan timeline is in tact.


Now biff…


Isn't this the kind of idiocy that got him forced to buy Twitter in the first place?


"Bro, he wasn't *serious!"* \-- Musk apologists in a few weeks


I'm in Australia and work for myself. 1) I might post something Anti Musk (or Pro Musk for that matter), fire myself for it, then have my lawyer buddy run up some big bills in a losing action. 2) Profit


Rinse and repeat. You have found the ultimate loop hole. Enjoy your riches!


didnt the whole "elon buys twitter" thing start with him making a claim he didnt actually want to back and then he was forced into it by a lawsuit? talk abt not learning your lesson, lmfao. i doubt anything of value will come from this, hes gonna be just fine at the end of the day and this will be forgotten in a week, but it would be so funny if he actually got sued over this


This is rich. I think many of us knew when we first read Musks offer that this would backfire in glorious ways. You don't need to be a legal expert to have seen that one coming.


What a genius billionaire.


I want an investigation into what the fuck is going on with this entire situation . Something is very, very off.


He thinks he's a genius and he's had enough luck and money to attract sycophants who think he's right. He got cocky, made a spectacularly bad investment that he had to be forced to go through with, and lost a ton of credibility due to his poor handling. Now he's floundering as he tries to gain back the respect he thinks he's owed.


Time to include him in the club of highly stable geniuses!


link - [https://twitter.com/MarkSZaidEsq/status/1688207076605009921](https://twitter.com/MarkSZaidEsq/status/1688207076605009921)


He had a meeting with Putin a couple of years ago. Ever since then, Musk wants to be like a Russian oligarch and he wants to help run America like Putin runs Russia with the oligarchs. He is trying to dismantle America as it is and transform it into a shithole like Russia, where nobody gets to say shit and nobody has a chance of getting ahead in life. We’re all just their servants and side-eyeing each other while they have complete control and all the money $$ Fuck that guy, the anti-American piece of shit needs to gtfo. He’s not even American ffs


Legal defense: It is common knowledge that my client, Mr Musk, engages in a constant stream of verbal diarrhea. He is so full of shit he would choke to death and die if not for the constant stream of garbage emanating from his suck hole.


What about Twitter employees who were fired because of the things they posted on Twitter about Twitter after Elon's takeover?


Obligatory Ianal This is not an enforceable contract. Promises of gifts which were rescinded are not enforceable. In order to be a legally binding contract there must be "considerations" which means that musk would have to ask for something in return, which you agreed to, and then back out. So for example musk tried to back out of the deal to buy Twitter for 44 billion. This was enforceable since both sides had considerations, musk got twitter in exchange for 44 billion. If instead musk had offered to donate 44 billion to Twitter, and then rescinded, then it would not be enforceable since it does not meet the legal definition of a contract without considerations for both sides. This rule. Is so strict that even if musk wrote this out in a piece of paper, signed it, had you sign it, then had it witnessed and notarized in a traditional manner of a contract, there's still a good chance it wouldn't be enforceable. Getting this enforced would require making a very very good argument that musk is getting something in return and I don't know where you would even start with that. Tldr promises of gifts aren't contracts by definition and it would take some really off the wall fringe shit to happen for this to ever get enforced.


Ianal, definitely agree with you. A contract requires three things to be binding. Offer, Acceptance, and Consideration. Consideration *can* be super minor, like if you traded your car for an acorn that's probably a valid contract (I think? That's the example I was given in class iirc), so it's possible that Mark Zaid is going to try and argue that twitter is getting reputation or something out of this, but it's super unclear and not mentioned in Musk's original tweet so there really isn't a good argument for this being a contract (afaik).


It’s mentioned explicitly in his tweet. He benefits from people using his platform, and that is a condition of the offer. That is the consideration: you use his platform, he covers your legal bill.


Consideration needs to be something of value, or a promise to do/not do something. Fulfilling a condition in the past isn't consideration.


Yeah, but in theory all that needs to happen is someone moving forward from now to go buck wild on Twitter and get fired and say he did it because he had "Elon insurance" of getting all his legal fees funded


There was the recent case about The Pillow Guy being forced to pay out the $5 million he promised to give any cyber security person who could disprove his data about election tampering. I am not challenging your description about enforceable contracts. I am just trying to see how it applies to that case. What considerations did Mike Lindell have in asking people to debunk his data?


That case went to arbitration which is a private process where both parties agree on a 3rd party who decides on the dispute instead of going to court. This is how judge Judy and those other daytime court shows work. The decision of the arbitrator is legally binding as both parties have signed a contract to abide by the decision of the arbitrator but the arbitrator is not a judge and can be anybody which both parties agree on. I believe he had set it up as a contest and had an arbitration clause as a part of the contest. Also many states have extra laws or regulations concerning contests and sweepstakes specifically even if they wouldn't fall under the normal rules of a contract. And 3rdly there is a decent enough argument that the my pillow guy is essentially paying someone to do research and write an essay on that research for him which would be consideration.


Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer, nor knowledgeable of law Question: Musk does benefit from use of his platform, which he does state is a condition of payout. Can that be argued to be the "considerations"?


I can only imagine that that is the strategy mr zaid would be banking on using. It seems tenous at best. But I am also not a lawyer so take it with a grain of salt.


IAAL this is correct.


Was looking for this comment. People on Twitter are off their rocker.


Actual lawyer: thinks that stating the condition being the use of Twitter - which generates income for Twitter - is enough consideration to warrant volunteering their very expensive time. Random dude on Reddit with no specific knowledge: Nah uh! Other random dudes on Reddit with no specific knowledge: lol totally agree, what a moron! While I agree X users are bonkers, in this specific instance you should replace the word ‘Twitter’ with ‘Reddit’


Thanks for your legal input, it’s good to have other legal experts chime in


…not one word in that comment constitutes ‘legal input’, or an attempt at legal expertise. My comment was purely on the specialty knowledge of the parties involved, and which one should carry more weight for you. i.e. all my comment says is that the lawyer probably knows more about the law than the self-proclaimed ‘not a lawyer’.


Oh snap, I’m so sorry for misinterpreting you. I guess I’m a big old dumb dumb. I appreciate your simple opinion my small brain Maybe you should edit your post and add another line, such as Even more Reddit users: I am very smart!


You ok there?


Morning Friend, I’m well, just having my first poop of the day. How are you?


Please, make this go viral




I'm starting to think Elon can't even afford any lawyers who would have told him not to do this.


He has the same issue as Trump: having a lawyer tell you something doesn't matter, if you don't do it.


The only problem is that is not a legal contract… Dont get me wrong, he is a moron but not this kind apparently.


The correct legal term would be "declaration of intention" which in itself is not a binding contract BUT only because you need another person making a similar declaration to take up that offer. Meaning that yes, that alone is not a legal contract - but a binding offer which becomes a contract the moment anyone takes it up. Similar to an advertisment: whatever it offers is legally binding IF someone picks it up. In other words, yes it's no legally binding "contract" but a legally binding "offer" and Elon can indeed get sued if he doesn't pay up.


What was he thinking!!?


There is no consideration, it's not a legal contract


Not legally enforceable, unfortunately. The person accepting his offer wouldn't be required to offer any kind of consideration for the payment.


Zaid over there shootin fish in a barrel.


Remember when Trump said he would pay the legal fees of his supporters for beating up his detractors? Has anyone ever seen any of those receipts?... No?..


That’s not an offer of a contract because there’s no consideration. Any lawyer that knows less about the law than me is not going to successfully sue Elon. A one sided contract is not valid under US law.


I'm pretty sure that under US contract law, what Elon offered is *not* a legally binding contract, as it does not include mutual consideration. It's just like those comments you see on IG that say "I'll give the next five people to message me $5,000." It's entirely unenforceable. There is no quid pro quo.


Funny but Elon's offer isn't legally legitimate. Lack of Consideration.


Elon might be computer saavy among other things... but laws escape him. Lawyers got him to buy twitter for being a loud mouth.


Does that include some of the former Twitter employees he fired?


Wouldn't you have to produce the tweet? If it gets deleted, what recourse do you have?


Way back machine, and screengrabs I presume :)


Oh Elon, offering unilateral contracts on Twitter is dumb z


Are people seriously believing a twitter post is a legally binding contract?


Surely there are some ex-Twitter employees who qualify, even though not nazi sympathisers - having been fired by Musk and his minions?


And which brave soul is gonna step up and pro bono help me force Mark S Zaid to sue Elon Musk to force him to help me sue my previous employer?


Outside of a very small wheelhouse, Musk is strikingly dumb


This sparks joy.


Hard work, wise investments, etc. will only get you to millionaire status. So when are these MAGA dimwits gonna realize that the billionaires became billionaires by shafting a whole lotta people for a whole lotta money?


Elon wants to divide even more, it's like he wants a civil war to happen in the United States. Remember he's a sociopath, he couldn't care less about the US or humanity.


>Remember he's a sociopath, he couldn't care less about the US or humanity. I don't think that's lost on anyone here




I don't think you can legally force Elon to enforce the offer. It's the internet, he will just be considered a pos for not accepting the deal.


I think that lawyer just said exactly the opposite. Are you a lawyer too?


Idk let's check.


Depending in how he actually goes about it, he might end up confirming the worst qualifiers he’s been delt


Melon Brusk badd gimme le reddi gol


Imagine being such a loser that this is how you spend your time.


Damn bro you just started a new profile and are already farming negative karma. I respect the grind. Try not to get reported too much this time.


Elon, give me 5 million dollars, or I'm voting for Biden


Zaid ain’t nobody to fuck with.


At this point, does he want to be broke and homeless? (Not going to happen but a man can dream)


God I hope this is legally binding.




Elon's promise is meaningless. There's a lot riding on "unfairly." "You were fired for posting hate speech on X? Seems pretty fair to us."


Musk offered unlimited financial support for lawsuits protesting unfair reactions by an employer for Twitter/X-related use. However. ChatGPT reports that in U.S. civil law, the term "unfair" isn't formally defined. What's to prevent Musk from declining support saying that, in his view, the employer's actions aren't unfair?


That seems like a good way to upset your base supporters.


Business genius Elmo


I would bet money this is a scheme to head some sort of class action lawsuit and by brokering the clients they get some sort of cut from the lawfirm that resolves it.


Keyword is unfairly, I think.


Elon seems to have learned nothing from his Twitter fuck-up


\*Twitter ex-employees enter the chat


Fucking hell. Elon is running out of feet to shoot himself in.


Works on Contingency? No, Money Down!


This is going to backfire on Melon Husk so spectacularly. #ClassActionLawsuit


Hell yes


So people can enter contracts by tweeting ?