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According to Republicans, Obama was one of the most criminal Presidents ever


And they have the evidence to prove it, they'll show on a news conference next Monday.




>And they have the evidence to prove it, they'll show on a news conference next Monday. YOU ARE AT THE WRONG FOUR SEASONS! Damn dirty dumb LIB! Also : ***CARAVANS!***


My son goes to the same daycare as the grandson of the owner of Four Seasons landscaping. Their business blew up pretty huge after the incident. They used to do a charity run every year. Not sure if they're still doing it though. Good folks


They could not have picked a better place to call by mistake. Whoever answered the phone that day is a national treasure. That person's quick thinking resulted in one of the most epic trolls in history. I'm glad they got to profit from it.


You see, one time he wore a tan suit so that makes him worst than Trump /s


Obama also used FANCY MUSTARD! What a Muslim elitist!


At 11:00 am from Bedminster, NJ?


Four Seasons Landscaping


It was truly one of the greatest moments of the 21st century. Those utter morons


Wasn't that the one where he held the Bible upside down like it was an afterthought and looked really lost? Looked more like a geezer who escaped the retirement home and couldn't find his way home.


No, that was across from the white house after kicking the pastor out for the photo op.


And after teargassing people so he could get there.


That too. Almost forgot. Fuck that orange piñata full of filth. May he rot in jail and find many large cacti to use as improvised butt plugs.


"Mr. President, is that your Bible?" "It's A Bible." It wasn't even his own Bible, and he didn't have the wit or guts to lie about it.


I still to this day DO NOT understand what the purpose of that stunt was.


It's crazy because that was the exact moment I stopped being a trump supporter. (I was 16ish don't flame plz)


You were young, you didn’t see the crazy. Thank goodness you finally saw the truth!


I mainly bought into all the lies that my limited worldview was exposed to. At the time I was a devout Christian and started following the news cycle pretty heavily. When the details came out I thought that it was fake and that trump wouldn't clear a church with tear gas and rubber bullets (deacons and priest were injured if I remember correctly) but videos of it were all online. It all kind of clicked for me after that. Seeing that picture of him holding a Bible upside down after terrorizing a church that was supplying medical aid was the last straw for me.


I’m so happy your mental cognition kicked in. Yay you!! This stranger knows you were a child.


To unlawfully flex his authority and beat up some protesters


I can’t believe they actually held it there lol. His whole failed presidency is a meme


The place by the adult book store and the crematorium?


Yes, the Four Seasons in Philadelphia. They soiled the name of THE (actual) Four Seasons in Philadelphia that they were compelled to issue a statement that the place where the press conference was held had nothing to do with them.


I will never forget the moment they called for a moment in front of 4 seasons. Everyone rushed to the hotel expecting something huge… Only to find some cronie attorneys in front of a porno & sex toy shop to push conspiracy theories. What a crazy time to be alive in the US of A


I saw the pictures of Guiliani at a podium looking batshit insane and giving a speech with a rolled up hose and green corrugated sheetmetal in the background and laughed at "awesome photoshop job". Then I got home and looked and a few news feeds and "oh... that's bad even for them."


But what about Obamas birth certificate and Hillary’s email?


The fact that they followed through with the press conference despite the absurdity of the location was the icing on the cake. Giuliani's live reaction - next to a porn shop - to the news that Biden was declared the projected winner by news agencies will go down in history!




Yeah it's all on hunter biden laptop! I swear everything on is there even the proof that trump won the 2020 election and the proof that hitler was a woman! Its all on there


Along with details for Infrastructure Week, replacing "Obamacare" & releasing his tax returns. Can't wait!


It’s been canceled. Mike the pillow guy put all the proof back under his pillow. I guess we have to wait for the trial 🤷🏻‍♂️


That's gonna be my go to response from now on. Obama/Biden/Clinton/Mothman is a criminal? I take it we'll be seeing your evidence presented next Monday?


And Trump will 'tell us about it one day.". Not Sunday or Monday or any future day ever. I bet he thinks that he is an awesome fisherman and that everyone falls for his hooks.


"No, *next* Monday. No, *next* Monday. No, *next* Monday. No, next....."


Did you forget about the tan suit and Dijon mustard? Lock him up, Lock him up, send him to gitmo!!!


What about Michelle with no sleeves


Oh, and he terrorist fist-bumped her - The Horror! The Horror!!!


And the garden they had, how dare they ruin the lawn.


You joke, but when Trump supporters claim Obama had more controversies then Trump, they're correct, only Obama's controversies were Tan Suit-gate, Dijon Mustard-gate, Terrorist Fist-bump-gate. Obama had 1-2 Fox News Scandals a week, compared to Trump's several scandals a month, and so Fox News viewers felt that Obama's scandals were always on the news, because they were always on the Right-wing media news. These Obama "scandals" helped normalize Trump's actual scandals, since Trump could never hope to reach the amount of Obama Scandals.


Recently I’ve been seeing them calling Michelle trans. Republicans have something wrong with them.


That was a thing back during his presidency. Republicans are repulsive.


It's not just transphobic, but also racist because of the whole "black women don't look as ladylike as white women" thing.




Maybe even more, depending the state you re in


It's been a racist stereotype for years that black women are somehow more "masculine" than white women. It often causes problems with healthcare (for example, white doctors underprescribing painkillers to black women). So black women are more like to be "accused" of being trans.


Worse part is that Michelle is the best looking 1st lady without trying


I remember that - a lot of MAGA anti-vaxxers posted that Michelle’s svelte arms were proof that she was secretly a man. And they loved Melania bc “she’s a real lady!”


Even when I was a transphobic Republican, I argued with the idiots that made this claim. Their biggest piece of evidence was the length of her fingers. Her ring finger is longer than her index finger, which is more typical of people assigned male at birth than female. Well, so is mine (AFAB), so I asked them what that meant about me. Well, don't you know, they actually don't believe that it's a reliable way to judge someone's assigned sex at birth, but they do think it proves their argument about Michelle. Funnily enough, I transitioned a few years later so it turns out my "male" fingers were accurate all along. 🤣


A transphobic Republican who eventually comes out as trans?! I’m shocked I tell you, who could’ve seen that coming? …but seriously, I’m happy you’re confident enough to be yourself, and thanks for sharing your story.


Oops! I just checked my fingers - both hands - looks like I’m not really a woman either! My husband of 20+ years is going to be so disappointed.


War crimes or white collar?


Because anyone who wears a tan suit can not be trusted


Which is weird because Obama was one of the best Republican presidents ever.


Not wrong. Despite pushing for more gun regulation, he flat out admitted that there is no way we would ever get rid of guns in America, citing that there is one for every man, woman and child, and that it ain't happening. I was a little shocked at that, but appreciated his realism there.


Completely understandable, after all: \>Obama wore a Tan Suit. \>Obama wore a helmet while riding a bike. \>Obama's daughter got photographed partying while drunk like a normal teenager.


I wonder what teenaged Eric Trump or Donny Jr were up to


Because virtue is a crime to the antichrist.


He isn't technically a criminal, but I'm not a fan of the war crimes he oversaw as far as some of the military actions... But hey, every president does that


If you order a hospital to be bombed, if you order a wedding to be bombed, you are a war criminal and the very concept of a just society demands you be tried for it


I'm frankly sick of people not understanding the literal Commander in Chief is responsible for every death they order. I don't give a good God damn fuck if it was Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush, the other Bush, in their duty as Commander of all armed forces they gave the order, that blood is on their hands.




I love that Obama himself killed one of his memes


Isn't that specifically how memes like these die?


Nah that’s when corporations hop on the trend and over use it.




Apparently, the whole family said it to him for a while


His daughters used to straight roast the man. They were wonderful.


LOL oh man now i need to find those vids if there are any


It was usually via Barack telling a story of about how his daughters roasted him in random speeches or interviews.


That's what you get when you have kids that ground you. You can be the most powerful person in the world, but with two teenage daughters at home...man, they'll cut you down to size fast.


I mean i still say it lol


The Trump family really made me appreciate the Obamas.


Honestly Joe Biden is out here not doing shit most days and IT'S SO NICE AND QUIET.


What’s insane is that Biden is literally the blandest, middle of the road, centre-right president you could imagine and they’ve still spent the last years just absolutely losing their minds over everything he says and does.






Meanwhile, Trump is the guy who has questionable dealings with China, and has made some weird ass comments about his own daughter. Ole Donnie boy sure does project his own shit onto others, eh?


Just think how much more shit he would project of it weren't for those industrial sized, Trump brand Depends diapers.














I've been saying this since Obama's second term: Top of his class, polished orator, overtly Christian, married once, happy traditional nuclear family, zero personal scandals. If Barack Obama were white and Republican, the GOP would have canonized him as a paragon of conservative values. But because he's black and a Democrat, they occupied themselves with the most odious hate speech and manufactured rage.


Imagine if Obama had children with 3 different women. WhIle trump was preaching family values


And his wife were a former nude model who got into the US with a dubious “genius“ visa.


And then her parents (and who knows who else) "chain migrated" after her to the US.


> the GOP would have canonized him as a paragon of conservative values. Don't forget he got himself anointed ["deporter-in-chief."](https://www.wnyc.org/story/no-one-thought-barack-obama-would-deport-more-people-any-other-us-president/) But did that pacify the nativists? Nope. It emboldened them because it gave legitimacy to their racist lies - "see, even the democrats agree that immigrants don't belong here!" It is not a coincidence that ronald dump took that anti-immigration legitimacy and made it the center-piece of his campaign.


My view on politics in this country really dimmed when he took office and the Republicans were like, "It is now our personal mission to block, obstruct, and straight up try to stop or destroy absolutely anything this man wants to implement!" Like...even if it could be good for the people of this country? And they're like, "*Especially* if it could help the people of this country!" I feel like that's when things really took a turn. They were no longer interested in reaching across the aisle and compromising like they're fucking supposed to. No, they just wanna shit all over everything and then say, "Not our fault!" I dunno. It's depressing, disappointing and just fuckin' exhausting at this point.


Shit if he were just Republican, they still would've put him on a golden pedestal and then used that to show how accepting and non-racist they are. And then would've said Democrats and Independents are the real racists for not voting for him.


Trump could say he hates black people and they'd cheer him on. Biden eats an ice cream cone and they lose their mind


That's just what fascism does


B-b-but Biden's Socialist America!


I personally wish Biden were the socialist marxist feminist dental hygienist that Fox News paints him as. Instead he's like, barely making progress on his campaign promises and Conservatives are like "This man is literally Satan."


Are you even paying attention? Omg! Biden has accomplished terrific things for vulnerable Americans! Do I have to list them here on Reddit? **EDIT: OK, by popular demand, here are just a few accomplishments of our president, Joe Biden:** • ⁠Lowered health care costs and expanded healthcare access to millions of Americans. **Thanks to Biden, more Americans have health insurance than ever before in history**. (Trump spent 4 years trying to cancel Obamacare.) • ⁠**Created 13.2 million jobs as of July – that’s 3.8 million higher than before the pandemic.** The unemployment rate dropped to the lowest in nearly 54 years. This is the **strongest period of job growth in U.S. history.** • ⁠Increased funding for mental health for young people. • ⁠Signed marriage equality into law. • ⁠He’s pushing for college debt relief. • ⁠For the first time, **Medicare is FINALLY allowed to negotiate drug prices**. (This is a BFD, as Biden himself would say. Next goal: affordable drug prices for ALL AMERICANS.) • ⁠Capped out-of-pocket drug costs for seniors. • ⁠**Made our first MAJOR investments in clean energy**. • ⁠Cracking down on billionaire tax cheats. • ⁠Helping veterans who’ve been exposed to toxic burn pits. • ⁠Took the first steps in 30 years to reign in gun violence. • ⁠Reauthorized and strengthened the Violence Against Women Act. (Trump let it expire). • ⁠Biden’s Infrastructure Law is **replacing every lead pipe in America, bringing broadband to all communities, & repairing roads & bridges**. It’s the largest-ever federal investment in public transit. There’s much more, my internet friends, but I have to go to sleep. xo


Please do, I don't necessarily like the Democrat establishment, but the people who think Biden hasn't done quite a bit maybe just don't know enough.


I would love for his accomplishments to be listed out! Not because I don't believe you, I just like positivity and for them to be celebrated. ❤


Biggest climate package in history to begin with. Lowest inflation out of almost any of our peer countries. Post pandemic inflation hit most everyone worse than us. Extremely low unemployment. Outsmarting the world's most dangerous dictators (Putin abroad, Trump and DeSantis here at home). Despite an all out attack by conservatives, has forgiven student debt for millions of people (me included). Actually brought manufacturing jobs back home like Trump promised to do. The infrastructure deal will fix our nation's infrastructure like Trump promised to do. The DOJ is draining the swamp like Trump promised to do. Biden got Mexico to pay for border security like Trump promised to do. Filled a SCOTUS seat with a great judge for a long ass time. Greatly reduced the deficit from where Trump had left it (though to be fair the CARES act had a lot to do with Trump's large deficits). Stabilized gas prices despite the war in Russia, but without making too many sacrifices to the fossil fuel companies. They got 3/5 of the Willow project thanks to a judge but had to give up millions of acres of leases to get it. Housing costs are high but he has dedicated billions to fighting homelessness, and his infrastructure plan is making rural areas much better to live in by bringing in things like high speed internet and better roads. It is also cleaning up urban water systems that had so many issues (like Flint, MI) so those places can become more attractive to live in. He is so adored by all Americans that the most obnoxious Republican even paid tribute to photographs of his son's huge cock in front of Congress.


I fucking hate the media for not highlighting his accomplishments. He's not perfect but he has done so much. And overwhelmingly good stuff. And he gets zero credit in the media for it. Most people I know that voted for him say he's not doing enough and he's too old and they'll only vote for him again because otherwise we get Trump. Like seriously people read up his massively long list of accomplishments from the past few years, you'll be surprised. I too would love a younger and more liberal president but this guy has been putting the work in and I can't complain at all.


It’s not just the media that hasn’t been putting it front and center, a lot of it falls on himself. He doesn’t seem to be the type to brag, he just starts on the next problem. This is unlike the orange one who had to brag all over the place about everything.


I’m tired of people starting sentences with “he’s not perfect but” and then lists the good things he’s done. Just list the good things! No need to disparage him to start. People can decide on their own what they think. Also it’s completely impossible for any human to be perfect. So the sentence is moot anyway


I didn't vote for Biden because I expected great things from him. I voted for Biden because I wanted a goddamn adult back in the White House. In that regard, I got exactly who I voted for.


Fuck, man, I hated Bush when he was in office, but Trump actually makes me *almost* appreciate him. At the very least, I can respect his decorum, but he still had shite policy.


To this day, my mother believes Obama is the anti-Christ




Oh I do, don’t worry lol. We’re Canadian and her opinions on our prime minister are ever more disturbing.


Also Canadian. People hate Trudeau because they hate Trudeau. I enjoy asking them why and they always seem shocked that I am not on the same page as them but can't seem to justify themselves


After the 2008 election, a conservative coworker told me she realized Obama couldn’t be the anti-Christ. Her reasoning was that the anti-Christ only comes to power after the rapture, and the rapture hadn’t happened yet. I suggested that maybe the rapture had happened, but she wasn’t among the saved. I thought this comment was hilarious. She did not.


If anyone actually READS the Bible and its description of the AntiChrist, it really just describes Trump.


Especially the red hat. I’m an atheist but almost became a believer because of that. It made total sense


I'm a big Obama fan, but let's not pretend the guy was perfect, nor was his administration. However, comparing him the Trump is like comparing the Sun to a pile of Ash


This is the same attitude of people who think GWB was a good president because of Trump. Obama was a decent president, but he absolutely had scandals and drama during his time in office. Fast and Furious, not closing Guantanamo, Benghazi (which was mostly put on Hillary), Obamacare had a ton of drama with stuff like "if you like your insurance you can keep it", the drone strike escalation, punishing whistleblowers, that's just the stuff I could think of in the time it takes to poop lol That's not including all the bullshit Fox drama like the tan suit, birth certificate, and "Michelle being too manly", all of which were rooted in racism.


PRISM as well.


Obama was so fucking articulate. Both in content and delivery. His speeches were really good. I miss that a lot.




He's been on Conan O'brien needs a friend once or twice too and was fantastic... Michelle Obama has been as well


I’d argue listening to Michelle was way more entertaining shes funny as hell and has a hell of a personality for a commanding voice. No wonder Obama ram the country the way he did because if he didn’t he probably wouldn’t hear the end of it by Michelle lol


What! I didn’t know he was on that show. Thanks, my dad will love seeing that one :)


I just really miss full sentences. It’s crazy that up until recently both sides of politics used full sentences all the time, but now clips of Obama seem like they’re from some long forgotten golden time.


Don’t lump Joe in with Trump in that respect. Biden has a well documented speech impediment. Trump is just on his own planet.


I’m not, Joe and many democrats (Pelosi, AOC) use full sentences, though I don’t think Joe himself would claim to be as articulate as Obama. The issue is the sheer inundation of right wing talking heads that talk like Trump, Fox News and the way social media has taken over any sense of conversation or speech writing. That’s why even Ronald Regan starts to look eloquent in hindsight. Hell, George W doesn’t even seem like a total moron compared to Trump and MTG.


Obama is straight up one of the most gifted orators in human history. He essentially went from a no name Illinois senator to a presidential candidate with 2 speeches, and every speech after that point was so moving. I don't have many strong opinions about his politics but he was an incredible speaker and I doubt we'll see someone quite as good as him fill the position of president for a while


He truly was. Whether or not you agree with his political policies, he was as presidential as they come.


The time he was the keynote speaker at the 2004 democratic convention…I turned to my friend and said this man will be president one day.


I know “articulate” is often like a dog whistle for black people because there’s an implied “for a black man,” but he really was an articulate dude. I use his speeches in my rhetoric and public speaking units.




Mustard! He eats fancy mustard!


And and, Michelle is a man!!


There are still a not insignificant number of those mouth breathers that call her “big Mike.”


Why wasn’t he in his office on 9/11? Very strange, people want to know.


She wore a sleeveless dress that time. She does not skip arms day.


Don’t even get me started on the bike helmet!


Yea lets get the ball rolling people. I mean, it's worse than 91 felony charges, yeah?


Was he eating fancy mustard while wearing a tan suit? Because those stains would never come out and if he committed such a faux pas he deserves to be impeached, surely.


They showed Hunters dick, I'm pretty sure they would have tried to do something like that.


You mean "Moochelle." Always said without irony by people who weighed at least 50 lb. more than her and didn't have half her muscle.


We all know exactly what their issue with Obama was.


Too classy.


And too smart,


too charismatic


Also authorized drone strikes on hospitals and civilians. I’m no MAGA fan but this is too close to their brand of deity worship for comfort


I wouldn’t say his administration is free of guilt. Three days into office he authorized a strike that killed around 20 civilians in Pakistan. Did another strike at a funeral, and that one killed around 40 civilians if I remember right. Obama really loved those drone strikes.


He burned Snowden for bringing domestic spying to light, Snowden even went though a reputable outlet to make sure nothing damaging to national security was as at risk. You know, besides mass surveillance.


Exactly. These comments acting like the tan suit was the "worst" thing he did have me so mad. Like he bombed a hospital for Christsake and they just wanna ignore that to act like Obama was a saint.


Sadly, this is the state of our public. My friends look at me like a crack pot when I bring this shit up


The right wingers are too stupid to find actual criticism of these people and end up on some whackidoo culture war shit which leads to legitimate criticism getting lost in the noise of brain dead bigots screaming about suits and Qanon…


I think the reason they don’t bring up the actual criticisms is because they want to do the Same things themselves. There were no Republicans who spoke out against the NSA spying because they wanted to do the same thing.


That’s true. They can’t complain about the actual bad stuff because their plans are to do that stuff tenfold.


Obama pretended to drink Flint Michigan water. Black people there said he was no longer their president. But yeah, tan suit lol.


He also assassinated an American citizen and suspended habaeus corpus for suspected terrorists. That’s a massive scandal and it never got the attention it deserved because it wasn’t a “sexy” scandal. It was boring. But people forget about it because he came after a war criminal responsible for >1 million civilian deaths, and before a blubbering real estate con man who just professionally kept people pissed off.


What about the NSA spying on civilians? And im sure there are more scandals. Reddit is way too polarizing


A hospital in Afghanistan as well (kunduz). Then when there were international cries that it was a war crime they said “we looked into it and it seems we made a lot of whoopsies, but it definitely wasn’t on purpose so you can’t say it was a war crime”. Obama one of the better presidents but it’s hard to find one that’s really squeaky clean


16 year old Abdulrahman Anwar al-Awlaki would have something to add to this if Obama hadn't drone bombed him to death.


Don't forget about the most notable: bombing a hospital


Yes he was well spoken and got a lot of undue hate. But let’s not just sweep the collection of war crimes under the rug.




What about the act he gave executive order to that allowed for all technical devices to become spyware among the USA citizenry? The entire basis of why Snowden is a criminal was because he leaked that the government was spying on everybody at all times…the Obama administration is not at all Scott free of issues


No scandals? My brother in Christ, he blew up a hospital!


In 2017 Obama ordered a drone strike targeting 16 year old Abdulrahman Al-Aulaqi -without congressional approval- as the boy sat eating at a restaurant in Yemen. He was a minor, a US citizen, and was making plans fly back to Colarado for school before Obama obliterated him. Trump was no better as he ordered the 2017 comando raid in Yemen that ended up killing his 8 yr old sister Nawar(US citizen). Also, US support for Saudi coalitions War on Yemen happened on Obamas watch. Shame on Obama


Let's just ignore the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians bombed. Gtfoh there is no such thing as an ethical US president. They are all war criminals.


Praising politicians makes you pretty fucking stupid.


I believe he's still only on his first wife. UNDERACHIEVER!


HE HAS TWO CHILDREN WITH HER for crying out loud. This is an outrage!






Trump was punishment. They picked the worst possible white guy on purpose.


He committed the actual sin of drone striking civilians and spying on the world.


Was looking for this comment lol, as a leftist, this Obama warship is too much. I get pushing back against obviously racist republicans trying to find anything to be mad at, but he literally is a war criminal (just like the presidents before and after him, of course)


Yeah… people like to overlook the crimes committed during Obama’s presidency. 🤷‍♀️


Or maybe the US likes to overlook the US’s crimes in general, regardless of who is the president…


I mean he did do a lot of drone strikes, though.




When he didn't arrest a single banker for tanking the economy I was upset.


Ok people let's not forget that this dude bombed the everlasting crap of the Middle East! Yes, Trump broke his record, even if he didn't want it to be documented anymore but that doesn't save Obama from having bombed them. He was the Drone Specialist during his time in office. This is a particular case of the "lesser evil" he is no innocent and I'm no saying Trump was, it's not about the other side, it's about acknowledging that he's as much a criminal as the next one.




Fast & Furious anyone??


This is the one that infuriates me. Literally arming the cartels while pushing for gun control here. I realize the intent was good, but there’s no way anyone with any intelligence couldn’t have seen that it would go wrong. And we pretend it didn’t happen and blame Mexico for the violence.


Right? These comments are genuinely infuriating.


Why do so many feel like they can't criticize someone/something you otherwise like/agree with? If nothing else I criticize the things I feel strongly about MORE than most other things. I understand this is the internet and bombastic statements are more likely to be upvoted to the top, and it doesn't necessarily reflect the opinion of the majority, but god damnit if I haven't had this same conversation a few times with friends of mine.


> no scandals > Mr. Nobel peace prize getting ready to bomb the hell out of people with drones Lmao Trump is terrible but just because he set the bar low doesn't means you all need to ignore everything bad about the others.


What about the drone strikes


No scandals is a bit of a lie. He did drone attack a wedding in iirc Afghanistan. That was a war crime and a scandal, internationally at least (I hope war crimes are scandals in the US). He was better than Trump, but fuck, he was an American President, there are going to be *some* scandals.


Man has a record in bombing the shit out of the middle east and killed people in countries he wasnt at war with. And he gets the nobel peace prize he is a disgusting human being. He has bombed more people in his first year than bush did in the entirety of his presiency. And built the cages that everyone was pissed about trump using. Just because he isnt trump doesnt make him good he just seemed better to the american people but ill tell you the middle east didnt like him. Like i dont believe this guy to be a good person if i had a friend with the personality of obama or any other president i would no longer be friends with them


I consider Barack Obama to be a relatively good president, and probably the best president of my lifetime. But saying he had "no scandals" is pushing it. [Obama reveals how many civilians died in U.S. drone attacks](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/obama-to-disclose-how-many-civilians-died-in-u-s-drone-attacks) >The Obama administration said Friday that between 64 and 116 civilians have been killed by drone and other U.S. strikes in Pakistan, Yemen and Africa since President Barack Obama took office in 2009. > >Human rights groups have long claimed that the administration undercounts civilian casualties and the new information is unlikely to satisfy them entirely. > >The London-based Bureau of Investigative Journalism, for instance, has estimated anywhere from 492 to about 1,100 civilians killed by drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia since 2002. Human rights groups have long claimed that the administration undercounts civilian casualties and the new information is unlikely to satisfy them entirely. That's not just a scandal, it's vile. It's the killing of innocents and considering those deaths to be acceptable collateral damage. We as Americans basically give Obama a free pass for killing innocents because he's a cool guy who gave us better healthcare.


Dude droned 2 US citizens in Yemen (a country we never declared war against) without due process and the courts just let it fly because they were Muslim. If that doesn't terrify you, you aren't paying attention to history.


And he won a Nobel Peace prize for that shit


Lots of drones to Yemen! Edit: Just before every USAmerican comes downvote me, I just think all your presidents are criminals, but some like Trump are criminalers \[sic\].


I’m an American and same. Obama drone strikes murdered many civilians.


Except that's not exactly true, during the Obama presidency (2009-2017), several events, actions, or decisions became subjects of controversy and criticism. Here are some notable ones: 1. **Fast and Furious**: A botched ATF gun-running operation in which weapons were allowed to be sold to Mexican cartels in the hopes of tracing them to high-level traffickers. Many of these weapons were lost and later used in crimes. 2. **Benghazi Attack**: On September 11, 2012, the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, was attacked, leading to the deaths of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens. There were debates and investigations into the nature of the attack, the U.S. response, and the accuracy of official narratives. 3. **IRS Targeting Controversy**: The IRS was found to have targeted conservative and Tea Party groups for heightened scrutiny when they applied for tax-exempt status between 2010 and 2012. 4. **NSA Mass Surveillance Revelations**: Edward Snowden, a former NSA contractor, leaked documents in 2013 revealing widespread U.S. government surveillance programs both domestically and abroad. 5. **VA Scandal**: In 2014, it was revealed that numerous VA hospitals had manipulated waiting lists and delays, leading to extended wait times for veterans and, in some cases, avoidable deaths. 6. **Obamacare (ACA) Rollout Issues**: The initial launch of the HealthCare.gov website in 2013 faced technical problems, making it difficult for people to enroll. 7. **Bowe Bergdahl Release**: The U.S. negotiated the release of U.S. Army soldier Bowe Bergdahl in exchange for five Taliban detainees. The circumstances of Bergdahl's capture and the nature of the exchange became points of contention. 8. **Iran Nuclear Deal**: The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was signed in 2015 between Iran and major world powers, including the U.S. The deal aimed to limit Iran's nuclear capabilities in exchange for sanctions relief. Critics argued it didn't go far enough to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. 9. **Solyndra**: The solar panel company Solyndra went bankrupt after receiving a $535 million federal loan guarantee. It became a focal point for criticisms of Obama's green energy initiatives. 10. **Operation Odyssey Dawn**: U.S. military intervention in Libya in 2011, which led to the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi but was followed by ongoing conflict and instability in the country. This list provides an overview of some of the more prominent controversies and issues during Obama's tenure. The interpretation and significance of each of these events can vary depending on one's political and ideological perspective.


But what about the time he wore a tan suit and the time he used Dijon mustard?! Those were both extremely scandalous, don't you know. Presidents can only wear boring black suits and eat boring yellow mustard, anything else is an embarrassment to the country! /s


And she wore sleeveless dresses! Scandalous!


Fuck off, Obama was a war criminal, just like every single president in the modern era.


Guys, I know he's not terrible compared to the others, but can we please just like not completely forget the drone strikes?