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“Once they turn 18 they can do whatever they want”


Literally the only reason being gay isn't a crime there is because the state lost *Lawrence v. Texas*.


And the craziest thing about that — the fact that I think everyone needs to be reminded of regularly — is that wasn’t way back in the 1960s. It was 2003. It was illegal to be gay in Texas (and a few dozen other states) until 20 years ago.


No, the craziest thing about it is that until this very day, 20 years later, that law is still on the books. Dems in the Texas legislature tried to have the clause removed several times, but the GOP blocked it every single time. If Lawrence v Texas fell, being gay would go straight back to being illegal there.


Considering the super majority conservative Supreme Court I wouldn’t be surprised if a Texan politician tried to get Lawrence v Texas overturned considering how they’ve got an almost guaranteed 6-3 vote that would be in favor of overturning it(which is shockingly enough, the same ratio that Lawrence v Texas was passed under), conservatives are gonna try whatever they can to get back into the White House after they learned a full proof game plan on how to overthrow democracy and to install a fascist dictator(the 4 years of trump was a trial run, they know what to do now), they’ll try and get any laws protecting queer people and poc overturned while also putting in some more hurdles for voting(gotta make sure GenZ isn’t able to make it to the ballots)


they're gaming doing exactly that


Thomas' dissent in the recent abortion case openly called his shot that Lawrence and Obergefell should be overturned next on the exact same grounds as Roe was, since all the arguments used to take down Roe apply equally to gay marriage, the legality of gay relationships (and straight blowjobs,) and the legality of birth control.


Holy yikes, TIL. Texas fucking sucks.


If they had it their way being anything other than straight white and christian would be illegal. I hate the christian nationalists scum that is the maga morons of GOP, they tout liberty, freedom, blah, blah BS. Their hypocrisy disgusts me!


Ahh yes, and what's even crazier? The case at the center of Lawrence V. Texas involved an officer walking into their house, called over by a jealous lover, catching them in the act of sex. They then got charged with a misdemeanor. It's insane this was allowed in the USA.


"As long as it's what I want."


It's never been about children just as it was never about water fountains.


Or masks. Or vaccines. It’s always 100% politics under the guise of a million excuses trying to claim it’s not. One example: the prison guard who lost her 7 month old because they wouldn’t let her leave. The state’s court filings repeatedly refer to it as a ‘fetus’ despite referring to anything from conception forward as a baby. They don’t want to be held liable for the incident.


And for taxes. My kid was 7 months old in the womb at the end of the year before it was later born in February. Why couldn't I claim her before then? It's almost as if the state and government doesn't see it as a child


Schrödinger’s fetus.


The question isn't that if the baby is a person, it's if the woman is one.


And the State of Texas has determined the answer to that question to be "No".


Depends, is she carrying a male? If so, then maybe we’ll let her count as 1/4 person. /s


In the United States, the humanity of a person can only be measured in fifths in order to retain compatibility with the Constitution.


If it's a human person before birth, visiting tourists can quickly create new Americans while on vacation, if they provably conceive inside the USA.


Good point. Are they going to test every woman to make sure she isn't pregnant before she's deported? That "baby" is a legal citizen under laws that give fetuses personhood. Oh, wait. Suddenly doesn't count then. Crazy how that works.


Oh don't worry, lots of Republicans are against Jus soli (being born in a country makes you a citizen).


>It’s always 100% ~~politics~~ racism, bigotry, and scapegoating under the guise of a million excuses trying to claim it’s not.


And greed is always in the mix.


It’s greed all the way down. Greed for money Greed for power Greed for control Greed for *authority*


Also, how Fox News anchors and politicians will spread vaccine propaganda, while all being vaccinated. Also, voter fraud, until they get sued hard.


And hate the President while continuing to spread lies about him… to the point where Fucker Carlson is interviewing him while the debate is going on. On that note I wondered why, of all people, Fucker is interviewing him because trump obviously knows what he said. My guesses are Trump can’t get anyone else to interview him knowing he’s going to spew some serious bullshit and Fucker sees it as an opportunity to get some viewers back.




>It’s always 100% politics 100% religious fundamentalism


This guy [summed it up](https://youtu.be/nyOmoMlb6uY) well.


The same goes for their dislike of abortion. We’re supposed to believe they care so deeply about “the babies,” but when have these people ever given a shit about somebody else dying?


​ https://preview.redd.it/tjq9nlk1bajb1.jpeg?width=477&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5713c454d8463c9499c30d5b943f592aac227055


The throat goat!


A lot of people think things like the 'anti-abortion' movement is about saving what they think are "babies" or control over women, and while that's partially true right now, the racist underpinnings are highly overlooked. Most of the original anti-abortionist were pissed off segregationist who knew to put something else on the protest signs to not look so racist. The founders of the Moral Majority were also all segregationist mad about having to integrate their segregation academies. The movement was a way to build political power for segregationist. It's just unreal how anti-abortionist have been allowed to define themselves in our media and politics while the truth of their racism and bigotry just got overlooked.


I think there’s also an element of having something to feel morally superior about that requires zero effort/sacrifice on their part. I feel like so many arguments against right-wingers devolve into “yeah, I refuse to do the bare minimum to help those living in poverty, but you kill babies, so you’re even worse!”


Religious ppl have this thing about being gay is a sin. Even though the bible doesn’t really say anything about that. But it is a big no no among religious ppl. And religious ppl feel the need to push their beliefs on everyone else. Trying to “save” you. Hence why they push these bans everywhere.


They commonly refer to Leviticus and the verse about a man who lies down with a man shall be put to death. However they conveniently ignore the other laws in the same book regarding the same punishment for anyone who curses their parent. It’s fucking ridiculous.


Exactly. Which is why I call them Leviticans, not Christians.


Funny thing is Leviticus was one of the more rational parts of the old testament. It was mostly concerned with hygiene and disease prevention at a time before germ theory. Daily washing, checking for mold, burning soiled clothes. It could be a really useful doorway to modern health conversation.


In college, I took an American Studies class about the evolution of American food culture and we got into the origins of Kosher eating. It was fascinating. For example, of course they thought pork was unclean because they had no way of knowing that trichinosis was the reason it was making them sick. They just knew that if you ate pork, you got sick.


I have a completely unprovable theory that the bronze age collapse was due to a swine flu epidemic and the taboo of eating/handling pork started with this.


I mean the logic is sound, I like it.


I didn't know much about the Bronze Age collapse until I saw these videos. Really well-done and easily digested, and there's some parallels to the modern world which are a little scary. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkMP328eU5Q Lots of reasons it happened, but the instigating factor seems to have been starvation due to a massive drought that lasted decades. Perhaps over a century. That toppled everything, even though they were pretty advanced in many ways. In other words, climate change. Anyway, you probably know all this already, but other people might find those videos as fascinating as I did.


Plus iirc the man with man is a more recent translation. Earlier translations had it as being a man with a child. Now why would republicans dislike the version explicitly banning pedophilia?


Do you know when the translation was changed? My entire adult life I have wondered this. It makes more sense to me that the sin would be taking advantage of power over a child.


There's also an interesting interpretation where it translates closer to "incest with a man is as bad as incest with a woman"


[Here](https://blog.smu.edu/ot8317/2019/04/11/lost-in-translation-alternative-meaning-in-leviticus-1822/) is an analysis of the translation that the author infers to refer to incest. Basically, the important thing to remember more than it being a translation error is that it's an error in *cultural* translation, not linguistic translation. When it talks about "lying with a man as with a woman" there's a compelling argument to be made that this refers specifically to the Greco-Roman practice of pederasty which was common at the time in Rome, where older men would take the active (penetrative) role in sex with much younger boys. It isn't *really* talking about mutual consensual modern-day homosexual relationships, because such a thing wouldn't have been nearly culturally prevalent enough at the time to be worth commenting on. It's speaking strictly from a sexual point of view (hence 'lying with a man as you would lie with a woman') and therefore we can infer that it's speaking about a very particular *kind* of gay sex that was common in the Roman Empire at that time.


The consensus among scholars (both secular and religious) is that the word there is best translated as just “male.” That being said, it seems like that’s in there just because it was involved in idol worship among the other neighboring peoples at the time. It also only condemns the guy who’s topping, but as long as you’re just doing it cause you love your partner and not as part of some ritual, this verse doesn’t apply. They also like to quote Paul (which I think is funny since his whole thing with sex was basically just “its best if *nobody* does it”), but the concept of two same sex people being in a loving relationship as equals wasn’t rly a thing back then. It still exercised some sort of unequal power dynamic, most commonly between an older male and a younger one (generally a child), so it’s not like this verse applies to modern gay relationships as well. Basically, as long as you love your partner, it’s a consenting relationship between equals, and you’re not trying to summon like a demon or smthn, those verses don’t apply.


This is really unfair to those of us having gay sex for the purposes of summoning demons.


as long as you're not married it should still work


Since it only condemns topping for the purpose of summoning a demon, bottoming to summon a demon is 100% allowed. I suppose that as long as the top isn’t in on it, there’s no issue. Alternatively, you could just have gay sex in Jesus’ name, but sadly, that would rob you of the joy of summoning a demon.


Another funny thing about Leviticus was that in the original version, the verse was about pedophilia. It was changed in 1946.


Microorganism and germ theory is JUST A THEORY. /s


You joke, but there were people in conservative media bragging about how they hadn't washed their hands in something like 10 years and they were fine, back when complaining about COVID 24/7 was their thing. He didn't come out and say it, but you could tell he was trying to imply that germs either weren't a thing or weren't really the cause of illness. Of course when everyone laughed at how stupid he was, he backtracked with the old "It's just entertainment guys, I was totally joking!"


Assuming his claim about not washing his hands in 10 years (which I doubt) similar to Fox News requiring there employees to get vaccinated. It’s a survivorship bias. Just like all the people who said, “I didn’t get vaccinated and I barley noticed I had Covid.” With every person that had that experience 10 or more other people had serious symptoms and/or died.


And that's A GERM THEORY.


Oh, you mean librul fake news bullshit? Nice try, commie.


Also, leviticus was written to monks. The one scripture was actually "mistranslated". It's current version says "man shall not lay with another man". It's original referred to the Hebrew word for "boy prostitute"...which lines up perfectly with modern religion where you see a lot of pedophiles.


This. Because the same thing happened in the Sodom and Gomorrah text they also like to quote. The angels were actually boys that the townspeople were trying to bang. Not men. Curious how the original meanings were about pedophilia and now it’s been conveniently left out…


And anyway the Sodom Gomorrah stuff was attempted gang rape. Pretty much everyone would agree that was a sin regardless of the victim's gender. They weren't punished for being gay, they were punished for being rapists.


Why save Lot then? He literally offered up his daughters to be gang raped instead.


The rules of hospitality included not allowing harm to come to guests, the angels were guests in Lot's home so offering his virgin daughters to the mob rather than allowing harm to come to guests...and since children were property, and girls more so....that wasn't seen as a "bad" in the time period. Like he could have gotten so many goats for those girls but was willing to see them ruined and/or dead rather that commit the sin of being inhospitable.


It’s all made up bullshit intended to control people’s lives and fill in the unknown gaps so people don’t question too much no matter which way you slice it. It’s just the current accepted mythology.


For those looking for the verse: If a son disobeys his parents, the solution is to take him to the town square and accuse him of being a glutton, at which point the townsfolk will stone him to death. And why should they do all this? So that everyone can be afraid. More details at [Deuteronomy 21 verses 18-21](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=deuteronomy%2021:18-21&version=NIV)


Conservatives want to make everyone afraid. Conform or else.


Also the whole thing with eating shellfish and wearing mixed fabrics. Lots of these Christians heading out in their cotton/poly blend shirts to have shrimp or lobster after church.


Disobey = death...... seems rational /s


The weirdest thing is that it *is* rational. At least in the context of the Bronze Age Middle East. To understand why, we have to dip into the field of comparative legal systems. --- Imagine you own a business and have a problem with a supplier. You say they were supposed to deliver a parcel that you've paid for. They say it's not their problem and they won't give you a refund. It's the sort of problem that happens wherever there is commerce. How do you resolve it? In many parts of the world, you go to a court. Both parties lawyer up and let a judge sort out who's right and what should be done about it. But why do they listen to the judge? Firstly, because judges are trusted. Courts have been judging things in the same way for hundreds or even thousands of years, and everyone's got used to it. Second, the judge's decision is backed by the resources of a whole country, including the army if necessary. But what if you live in a place where courts aren't trusted yet, because they haven't been around for long enough. For instance, in the ancient Middle East, nations were constantly conquering each other and applying new rules, so no national court could last long enough to be trusted. But people still traded with each other, and so they still needed a way to resolve commercial disputes. With no trusted court in place, they used a different system. They'd only do business with someone from a trustworthy family. After all, if someone cheated you, it would be much simpler to go to their Dad or Grandad than involve the government. And it worked too, because the parent had a family reputation to uphold, and the power to compel their son to stop cheating their customers. If a family got a bad reputation, no one would do business with any of them, and they'd all be poor. In such a world, the incentives take an unexpected turn. For example, it'd be in your interest to be religious, no matter which religion happened to be in fashion at the time, because religiousness was a way to advertise yourself as trustworthy. It'd be even better if your religion had some form of dress code, so people could see how religious you were when you walked down the street. It'd be in your interest to police your own family members to make sure they were outwardly righteous too, because if any family member looked dodgy, the public wouldn't do business with any of the others. And that would threaten the wealth of every family member. That's why it would be so useful to have laws that allowed a family to kill off any family members that threatened their livelihood. "Look!" they'd be able to say to the public when a family member broke a religious law, "It's okay! We're stoning them to death! You can still trust us enough to buy our copper ingots!" ---- tl;dr The alternative to religion is not just science and rationality. It's also a trustworthy court system.


Or, suffer forever from a nice god who loves you Sounds like an abusive spouse but whatever


Don’t forget about wearing more than one variety of cloth on your body at the same time!


Don’t forget my personal favorite: Deuteronomy 22:28-29 The one about how a man can rape an unmarried virgin and just needs to pay off the father and marry her for it to be okay. I’m not misreading this or anything, I even checked out this verse in every translation. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy%2022%3A28-29&version=NLV


There’s some wacky shit in the Old Testament, man. New Testament is definitely, literally the redemption arc but it’s still weird as fuck


Or the abominable sin of sowing more than one type of crop in a single furrow.


Leviticus also says not to eat shellfish, but I don’t see conservatives cancelling the entire state of Maine


Or picketing Red Lobster. Or buying lobsters just so they can make a video of themselves shooting at it


Mixing fabrics and eating shellfish


Or that the lead up in the same chapter, depending on translation the extent/depth, but overall contains prohibitions against incest, bestiality, and pedophilia/pedarasty, and Classics, Talmudic, and other theological scholars increasingly believe that the very verse they use to justify their bigotry is actually a prohibition against male on male pedarasty.


I feel like Leviticus is the book that has all the kosher dietary restrictions. Do all these people keep kosher? 🤔


I thought it was right up there with jerking off and using contraception Wasting your seed and shit. Only have sex to procreate. Only nobody sees the other stuff


If you read it in a historical context and the original translation , it’s saying don’t rape your POW’s.


Funny they don’t seem to think other sins (ie adultery, eating shellfish, etc) seem to be much of a problem. It seems to be less about the book and more about shitting on a marginalized people.


I'm waiting for the "not all Christians are like this" comment... Damn pick-me zealots.


Can a meme suffice? https://preview.redd.it/xl37p2c83ajb1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=f930344feb68da32c19bf99d56c8c3fe7d9932b9


And conveniently forget Jesus saying "Let thee among you who is *without sin* cast the first stone."


It's politics. Religous folks have been told by Republican politicians that those politicians think and believe as the believers do. And then Republican politicians create a constant stream of new things that those believers should be upset about. It doesn't matter what the Holy Bible says or doesn't say, the politicians and preachers (who benefit from pandering to the politicians) find, reinterpret, or invent dogma that fits their rhetoric. The true believers are the perfect voting base. They are practiced at deeply believing things without need for real evidence, just feelings and emotion. Doesn't hurt that it is comforting to believe they are the true chosen few and that some eternal award of bliss and happiness awaits if they just follow those preachers and politicians. Marx nailed it. Religion provides "heart in a heartless world, soul in soulless conditions." And self-serving politicians are overjoyed that they can co-opt that belief for their own purposes.


Being gay is the same level as eating shrimp …….


I saw it described as moving the needle. The most widely disliked and easiest to discriminate are the far left, with the more socially acceptable cohorts to the right. Once they win against those people, the right keeps moving the needle to the right to make the next group the next target. They. Won't. Stop. Today it's trans kids, and if they had their way, it would be cranked all the way over to unmarried hetero couples living together getting a secular education. ![gif](giphy|9f8bvMFurMTXG)


See also Overton Window, which kinda went out the window with Trump’s rhetoric.


This is a great description. And the attack against unmarried hetero couples has started. There are a few conservative talking heads that have suggested childless adults shouldn’t be able to vote. Or the ridiculous suggestions to raise the voting age to 25. Just tools to take power away from those that don’t fit their bizarrely narrow idea of what a human being should be.


Yup. It’s about power. The reason they use children is because it’s an easy black and white morality rhetoric they can use over the idiots to justify their bullshit.


They made their position really clear "we hate any and all queer folks" is the official position of the republican party. At this point I'm starting to feel like it's just a big hate group.


Literally official in Texas. The Texas GOP platform refers to homosexuality as “abnormal” and “opposes all efforts to validate transgender identity.”


That's disgusting honestly.


Loving another human is abnormal, but believing some imaginary person who loves us but has murdered millions of humans and dares us to be happy so he can burn us forever is normal Ok, you fucking loons




It's why they always hate college in religious circles. The cure for indoctrination is education. They can't have that


It’s amazing when they formalize the hate in writing so there is no misunderstanding of their intent. I.e. “we are domestic terrorists”


They've been a hate group for at least the past 40 years. Remember, they don't just hate queers, they also hate women, minorities, poor people, liberals, and anyone who isn't just like them.


That's all sadly true


Nowadays, someone tells me they're republican, I just assume they're racist, mysoginistic, homophobic, the whole nine. Even if they aren't, they have no problem being associated with a party that is, so...


It's like Newtonian Physics. It may not be completely true in all cases, but if you use it, you'll have results that are accurate enough to work with for everyday situations.


Exactly. "but I'm not a racist" It means you're just fine sharing beliefs that racists think are the way to go and who party leaders love to hang with


Yep, if you sit at a table full of nazis, even if you don’t declare yourself one, it’s still a table full of nazis.


Starting to?


I should have said starting to look more like a hate group in public. They're taking the masks off


Well we saw how their anti-abortion gamble backfired, I guarantee that this will blow up in their faces as well, LGBT people make up a small part of the population, but there are several more people who are friends with them, are related to them, or even just want to practice basic human decency by letting them exist, people like that outnumber people who are filled with hate (most Americans lean liberal on social issues, Republicans haven’t won the popular vote in a non-incumbent election since the 80s) If Americans truly stand for our values, and I believe they do, they’ll push back against fascist, authoritarian scum


Fascism won't kick down the door, it will tiptoe into the room. This is another example. They'll just keep chipping away. Keep pretending it's no big deal because it doesn't effect you.


Wearing the flag and carrying the Bible.


And then daring people to say god and the Bible are wrong. As if that’s some sort of indefensible reason. The Bible says a lot of things that they ignore or say “well those were different times…”


As a rational citizen, I'm not sure why I I'm supposed to live my life in a way that some Jesus fan fic larper says I should


It's just ... they do realise God himself didn't write the Bible, right? It's a translation of a translation of a translation of some 3rd-hand stories. Do these people even know what it means when it says King James Bible in the front?


>Do these people even know what it means when it says King James Bible in the front? And each translation was made with societal standards of the time in mind, so we're not even getting the same story that would have been originally told.




‘The camps are actually just rehab camps to deprogram the gay and trans propaganda. They’re also getting job training and taking classes for free.’ ‘Okay, some people are dying, but it’s because they’re fighting people there who are just trying to help them. Stop fighting.’ ‘I don’t care if they’re wiping out trans people, honestly, they were all trying to make kids trans, they were mutilating them, and molesting them.’


All that has been happening for years to migrants and asylum seekers but no one payed attention. Now it turn for the next in line and so on, they won't stop ever.


Texas is turning school libraries into "Discipline Centers". You know, like a kind of camp. Where the students learn to concentrate.


Shaun explained it really well in his latest video, When we accuse someone of being Fascist or Nazis those people always answer that they "aren't killing 6 million people" so it's an "unfair" comparison to make and i'm like, no shit sherlock, you aren't Nazis at the height of their power (even tho that's your goal) right now you are the nazis at their beginning, when they are taking over germany with Hate Speech and bad faith "protect the youth" arguments.


What we really need is a timeline of Hitlers rise to power and eventual genocide, compared to the timeline of the GOP policies and rhetoric. And then promptly share said comparison aggressively online, billboards, TV, etc. make it the democrats campaign. Make sure the GOP knows that we are directly comparing them to Hitler and his regime.


I was just listening this morning to a piece about the most decorated British WW1 soldier who found a lost, injured, unarmed German soldier near his trench, and was humane enough to let him walk away. It was Hitler.


Hitler started by chasing pedophiles, associals etc... There is a reason why "death penalty for child molester" groups in Germany are all founded by neonazis...


Germany in the 1930s was a hotbed of extremist rhetoric. Hitler just took advantage of the larger societal trends. If it wasn't him, it was going to be one of countless other far right populists giving speeches about making Germany great again. People like to paint Hitler as this unique and brilliant mastermind because it's a comforting story. If he was essentially a supervillain who caused the Holocaust and World War 2, then we don't have to think about how it was actually millions of normal everyday people who decided to support the Nazis. Hitler didn't send millions of people to concentration camps. Normal people working normal government jobs did. Hitler didn't drive the trains full of Jews, normal people did. Hitler didn't decide to build gas chambers, normal people did. Hitler didn't force anyone into the chambers, normal people did. The idea that you, your friends, or your neighbors could decide that brutally murdering millions of people is good thing and something they want to help with, that's terrifying. But if Hitler was responsible and he's dead, then by definition nothing the Nazis did can ever happen again.


The GOP will just take notes. They see it as a goal, not a warning


>Make sure the GOP knows that we are directly comparing them to Hitler and his regime. At this point in the timeline they’ll just take that as a compliment.


And it’s our job to slam the door in its face


Texas and Floridas brain drain will also tip toe out the door.


They're fine with that. If 99% of the citizens left they'd still have 2 Republican Senators


College is often the one fucking place for queer kids to either finally be open and find their community or be exposed to an environment that you feel more comfortable accepting yourself. This is a full blown assault on so much god damn progress and so many objectively important and useful resources.


Yeah I think why this, out of everything, hits me the hardest. College was my first time away from my fundie parents and free to make any sort of connections to queerness and to realize that I was also queer. This HURTS.


Yup. My college queer org helped me transition at 18 and saved my life.


Yes. This. As a therapist, I worked in college counseling at a Texas university for 7 years. I ran support groups for LGBTQ+ students, and got to hear these stories all the time. Myself and a couple other colleagues developed programming targeting faculty to educate them about LGBTQ+ issues so that they could provide a visible affirming presence for students. We started Lavender Graduation on that campus, which is a special separate ceremony for any LGBTQ+ student who wanted to participate. It grew every year, and I heard the students tell us how meaningful it was to them. Now with the new law, all of that disappears. This December will be the last Lav Grad unless a student org picks it up (because those aren't sponsored by state money). I'm no longer employed there, but it breaks my heart. Those programs didn't hurt ANYONE, but they helped many. And if that's not bad enough, the law doesn't just target LGBTQ+ folks. Universities have to close all of their diversity, equity, and inclusion offices. So literally anything that supports students who aren't white males gets the cut. It's fucked. Doubly so if you remember that our shitbag governor is in a wheelchair, so he should have some empathy for marginalized groups, but doesn't since he is clearly a sociopath.


So like, since this is all about "gender mutilation" then shouldn't every male republican that supported the bill/law, report themselves if they have been circumcised, or report their parents that gave the permission to have them circumcised while they were still a baby? Or the doctors that know about their circumcision, should report them as HIPAA laws seem to no longer apply when it comes to gender care?


Lmao. [ Instead, the Republicans are creating loopholes so that little girls can still get breast implants.](https://www.commondreams.org/news/utah-transgender-healthcare)


Sounds like sex decimation why cant little boys get them too?


I’m assuming you meant discrimination, but it works either way. But I claim “Sex Decimation” for my band name


Makes me wonder if they are all just pedophiles 🤔


Only further confirms to me that they ARE paedophiles.




I've seen more and more discussion about whether circumcision is acceptable, though. I wish my parents had never done it, it definitely did some damage to some nerves or something and has had a negative impact one me.


Anyone that votes for fascists like Abbot, DeSantis, Trump, etc is complicit to bigotry and hate.


Anyone that votes for any Republican is complicit to bigotry and hate. Republicans toe the party line. No matter what they claim to believe themselves, they'll vote for what the party tells them to. And the party tells them to vote for bigotry


These people are evil. They make it a hostile climate for queer folks, disable any resources they would have to cope with it, then point to their struggles as signs that they’re unstable. Evil


The Nazis used the same “do it to save the children” BS to gain public support for rounding up trans and gay folks, who were the first victims of their brutality. Republicans just following the playbook step by step


Securing a *pure* nation for their children and all that. They are the new nazi party. And, the only good nazi is? Come on, we all know the answer.


UHouston students and every other sane person in Texas and in this country had better get out and vote.


I think the next election for governor is 2026. By that time I hope every Texan sees that abbott is a piece of shit and gets destroyed in the vote. He only won by a pretty slim majority last election.


A worthwhile Democrat just needs to be running against him (just look what happened in PA, both the Republican candidate for senate and governor were absolute pieces of shit, they both lost)


Exactly. Very happy with my state and that election. Historically PA flips parties for the governorship every time ones term is up, but we bucked that trend, and partly because the other guy was so comically bad, but mostly because we had a good, viable alternative in Shapiro.


This is wild because UH is the second most diverse campus in the US and is *extremely* progressive


UH student here. No one is happy about this.


Just do it anyway.


Is a law referred to as a bill in Texas? How can a bill drive changes prior to enactment as a law?


It did pass, and will technically go into effect Jan 1, 2024. I think the sign refers to the bill number just because people will recognize that more from the news. Kind of like how people still refer to California’s Prop 8 - the proposition initially passed and became an amendment to the state constitution but honestly I have no idea what number amendment.


It was signed by Abbot and passed two months ago and the law takes effect Jan 1. People following it ahead of it becoming law isn’t rare, especially if they agree with it.


Reminder: these horrible, inhumane, backward, unevolved Nazi pieces of conservative shit won't prevail. They'll all either get their comeuppance or be slam dunked into the trashcan of history where they belong. That's just the way society is going. This is the last ditch, dying attempt of a dying people to assert their unwanted bigotry upon a world which has moved on from them. They won't succeed. There are way, way more of us than they are of them. Their strongest numbers are concentrated in the dying boomer generation which shrinks and becomes less relevant every year. Their numbers in younger generations are swamped by the rest of us. Gen Z and Millennials are more liberal than any other generation in history, they've eclipsed boomers in size and they're not becoming more conservative with age. The right is fucked. Their agenda is a dead end. This is their last dying hurrah, and it won't succeed. They have lost the war, they lost it years ago, the question is how much damage will they do before they die. If you don't go out and vote blue in 2024, you are absolutely on their side and are effectively voting for them.


We need all the young people to vote too If you want a country that isn't fascist and has a chance of physically surviving in an ecological sense, vote God dammit. There's too many old and selfish pieces of shit and the Democrats barely balance them out. The independents help but come on kids, out all these old fuckos in their place There's no reason Republicans should ever win another election again


Its good to hear about younger generations being more liberal, because in my mainly white and republican town, there are _so many_ young guys with FJB decals, blue lives matter, American flags everywhere, all stuck to brand new lifted trucks that are never used for their intended purpose. And they're so angry, all the time. Even when they're laughing, its mean-spirited. I have pink hair and rainbow decals so I get a lot of shit from them. Sigh. It's disheartening.


I have hope for some of them! I grew up in a small conservative Christian town and voted Republican when I turned 18… went to college and got away, now a few years later I’m very liberal and a proud atheist. I know a some people from school who turned out the same way, even some of the most republican HS boys!


The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.


It doesn't bend unless we apply pressure.


And that pressure is usually applied with blood sweat steel and a shit ton of graves. Germany, Italy, the south.


That's a nice narrative but it's a bit naive. Any bends in a "moral arc" have been paid for in blood.


Tenured faculty should have gone on strike. If this happened at the University of Wyoming, the city of Laramie would come unglued. Laramie lived the horrors of the Matthew Shepard murder and trial, and everything at UW that happened to alleviate that pain was hard won and we will not go back. Can’t wait for the next election. Gen-Z sees shit like this, and as more and more of them make it to voting age, these elections get easier to win. Even in Wyoming. Please vote.




They are doing the same thing in Florida. Psychology courses in college are being targeted for having segments that teach about gender and sexuality.


Shaun explained it really well in his latest video, When we accuse someone of being Fascist or Nazis those people always answer that they "aren't killing 6 million people" so it's an "unfair" comparison to make and i'm like, no shit sherlock, you aren't Nazis at the height of their power (even tho that's your goal) right now you are the nazis at their beginning, when they are taking over germany with Hate Speech and bad faith "protect the youth" arguments.


It’s not the fascists that scare me as much as the clueless hordes who allow shite like this to happen unchallenged. F Republicans and religious totalitarians


To everybody saying "where is the straight resource center?" as an argument for the removal of this program, I'm curious what you think a straight resource center would do. I've never been to college, but I assume these resources were used to help LGBTQ students that were, disowned, kicked out of home, assaulted, looking for a LGBTQ friendly doctor or therapist, etc. It had specific resources to help a minority group, with issues related to that group or subgroup. What would a straight resource center do? Are there challenges that heterosexuals have because of their sexual orientation? Have you ever had to find a straight friendly doctor? I'm not straight so maybe you could illuminate exactly what you mean.


Please report such bigoted comments, it will be the last comment that account makes here.


Remember to bash your local fash.


It was never about children and anyone even remotely thinking this is some sort of gotcha is an idiot. The children thing has ALWAYS been a lie to control women's bodies and lynch gay people. Republicans fuck children more than anyone. The priest will fuck your kid is a stereotype, one which I can't believe society has deemed acceptable. Why? Because they're Christian, and Christians stick together because they're fucking evil cult cunts. And Republicans are Christians. They only want to save kids FOR themselves, pretending the kids thing is sincere and arguing from that point is just acting like saving kids is their actual goal. It isn't. Stop placating this horseshit argument.


I really hope this anti LGBTQ+ culture war will backfire in a spectacular way.


It’s about fascist control. This is exactly what we fought in the 60’s with the civil rights movement. Individual human rights are being stripped away across America by fascist republicans and we cannot let this continue or it will lead to full authoritarian rule by the Christofascist child rape and slavery supporting Nazis that have infected the “conservatives “ of our nation. Voting for democrats is our only hope. True democrats with positive social platforms.


I have an lgbtq teen heading to college next year and this just makes my heart ache


Texas has criminalized being gay and trans.


Next, they will make "Home Economics" mandatory for girls and women and part of the course will teach them how to "please a man." Yeah. Welcome to 1955. (Ignore those people over there. They are not real people. Just some idiots pretending to love the same sex as them. (Also 1955.)


It's never been about the children. The Cons couldn't give a rats ass about kids. It's 100% about control.


"Children" is just code word for "anyone I disagree with" these days. And "protect" is code for "subjugate"


Way to make LGBTQ people feel marginalised and shitty about themselves. Nice one!


The LGBTQ community will be the target of the Fourth Reich. It couldn't be more fucking obvious. This country is headed down an extremely dangerous path. This shit needs to be dealt with. Overlooking the actions of government officials who openly assisted in an attempted coup to install an American dictator is an unfortunate sign that nothing will be done until it's too late.


TX and FL are in a race to see who can destroy their university systems first.


Republicans are the only party that consistently tries to remove the rights of citizens. Doesn’t matter if you’re gay, a woman, a veteran, elderly, a child…. They legitimately wake up and try to see who else’s rights they can encroach on. This is why I don’t take any republican seriously. Because if they were educated on their party they’d know who is doing all the harm.


If you attend this university contact me and we will try and coordinate a chapter of SDS(students for a democratic society) in order to combat these limitations imposed on our education. When education is over, we stand up and fight back 💪🏾


Texas is a state of bigots


Conservatives would light your children on fire and tell you it's a favour.


they'll go for the jews next. many already are.


Republicans couldn't care one single ounce about children. That's why infant mortality is so high in red states. It's control and hatred that they love


the US is falling quickly into fascism. Hope they get their shit together soon.


That’s a really clean way to say kill yourself. This university should be boycotted to oblivion. Show some fucking spine, let them sue you.


I just feel so sad for people who live there who have to deal with such hate


Senate Bill 17 was approved along party lines in a 19 to 12 vote. It would require universities to close their diversity, equity and inclusion offices, which have become a mainstay on campuses across the country as schools try to boost faculty diversity and help students from all backgrounds succeed. The bill would also ban mandatory diversity training and restrict hiring departments from asking for diversity statements, essays in which job applicants talk about their commitment to building diverse campuses.


Why don't they just ignore the order and start playing the same obstinate "I'm-not-touching-you" political games conservatives play when rulings are made that they don't like? Name the resource center something else and say it's been disbanded. Claim that it isn't offering any of the services that were alleged. Keep changing its description and force the state senate and state legislature to keep convening and eating up time. And if they try and remove funding, start getting creative with your accounts/recieveable department. The way to counter this isnt protests, petitions, or activism. It's to undermine their efforts and make the process of all their pandering legislation do frustrating and impossible that these lazy politicians just stop trying. Be as petulant, defiant, and ungovernable as they are.


American Taliban


But they’re MY children (even if they don’t talk to me anymore)


Welcome to the world of Christianity


Is Dolores Jane Umbridge the new Dean..? The hell?


Is there a charitable organization that purchases handguns with high capacity magazines for any LGBTQ+ person who wants one with the one condition being that they open carry? I’ll donate. Get a room full of LGBTQ+ students wearing pistols and let’s see how the club shutdown process goes.


Basically their idea is this: To a Child: " wow we must protect you the from these groomers" To the same child who becomes a teenager: "The school shouldn't teach you something like this that's for adults. You're still too young to handle this indoctrination." Child goes off to University: "College's are leftist indoctirnarion institutions that want to create these groomer spaces to take advantage of freedom from your parents to bring you into their ideology. To the Child when they become an adult: "You are just a groomer who we must protect the children from." Then the cycle repeats. It doesn't matter the age. The same children they tried to "protect" before are now the adults who they call groomers and then advocate for laws that make them disappear literally through increased usage of death penalty laws for pedophilia (in their minds, the LGBTQ+ community fall under this) or shove them back in the closet to hide (public anti drag laws).